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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Uryu Ishida
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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023 Empty 6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Post by JJJohnson Sun 30 Apr 2023, 12:25 pm

Live from Copper Box, London
Start time: 9pm live on Amazon Prime
Official theme song: ‘All of the Lights’ by Kanye West/Rihanna

*JJ Johnson will be live to kick off the show and address the state of play in 6CWF including announcements on the world championship situation and the road to ‘From the Ashes’

Confirmed names thus far:
Tyler Roth
Uryu Ishida
Daniel Reilly
Scott Harris

*Plus many many more


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Post by Uryu Ishida Sun 30 Apr 2023, 5:23 pm

We cut to a camera looking at the parking lot as a car pulls up and out steps a slim black haired man in a white suit with a smile. He grabs a bag out the boot and pushes his glasses up, standing and looking around, drinking in the atmosphere for several seconds.

Uryu: It has been too long.

He notices the cameraman and nods, walking towards him.

U: Am I the first one here? Heh, typical. Why am I back? I have a lot of unfinished business here and no doubt it won't be easy.

The cameraman hands him a key as Uryu looks at before pocketing it.

U: Hey, He remembered.

Uryu enters the building and instead of heading to the ring the camera picks him walking up some stairs as he hums his theme song. He stops at the top and looks back at the camera.

U: Two years away, Training as best I can. Watch and learn boys. The sun hasn't set yet.

Uryu steps through the door as it closes, A sign on it reading "Roof"

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Post by Bentyf1 Mon 01 May 2023, 5:27 pm

[A packed Copperbox arena is shown at fever pitch as the rebirth of 6CW takes centre stage on Parmaount plus. The lights dim in the arena as a hush falls over the crowd. Suddenly, the sound of 'Succession' blares through the speakers, as a well known figure slowly trundles out onto the stage to a chorus of amazement and confusion from the audience. It's 6CW veteran Mr Kenty. With an air of arrogance, Kenty slowly makes his way down the ramp wearing expensive looking gym wear and blue air jordans. The years are showing on him somewhat as Kenty is now looking grizzlier with a well trimmed bear and has embraced baldness. Those steely blue eyes remain however as he makes his way into the ring and is handed a microphone. Kenty stands in the ring, a small glint of emotion in his eye as the crowd begin chanting]



[Kenty cricks his neck from side to side and takes in the acclaim from the fans. Kenty looks towards the rafters and exhales slowly. He then raises the microphone to his lips as the crowd simmer down in expectation]

Kenty: 6CW fans.. 6CW Fans watching on Paramount...Listen up, because I will only tell you this once and once only. Mr Kenty is dead. That Joke is long dead. That joke that put people like you first is dead. That joke who was happy to accept mediocrity is dead. That joke who put this microphone to his lips and screamed week in and week out all over the world is dead. I haved transcended to levels you ordinary people can only dream of. My name is Eddy Kent and you will witness greatness.

[The crowd look on confused and begin voicing their disapproval as Eddy stands in the ring stoically. His blue eyes piercing the camera as he directly looks into with a snarl across his face]

Kent: I'm back, 6CW universe. And let me tell you something – I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to play nice. That side of me is done, it's over. It's dead. I'm here to dominate. I'm here to be recognised as the greatest living wrestler of all time. I've proved it in 6WF and I will once again prove it in 6CW.

Kent: I've been away for too long, and I've been watching from the sidelines as pretenders and posers have tried to claim the throne throughout wrestling companies around the world. But they're all just playing at being champions. They don't have the fire, the drive, the pure unadulterated hatred for their opponents that I have.

Kent: You see, I'm not just a wrestler. I'm a force of nature. I'm a hurricane of destruction, and I'm about to lay waste to anyone who stands in my way. I'm not just here to win matches – I'm here to make a statement. I'm here to crush skulls and break bones. I'm here to show the world what a true champion looks like.

Kent: So to all the wannabes out there, all the so-called legends and all the up-and-comers who think they can take me down – I've got one message for you: You better bring your A-game. Because when you step into the ring with me, you're not just fighting a man. You're fighting the biggest legend in professional wrestling in the making. You're fighting the greatest of all time. And you will witness greatness.

{Kent slowly lowers the microphone down as the crowd begin booing, Kent wryly smirks at the ovation and paces towards the ropes as Succesion roars out. Kent exits the ring and marches up the ramp. He then stops on the ramp and turns around back to the camera. He slowly points at his chest and mouths "Witness greatness" before heading up the ramp and back to gorilla.]


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Post by x12x Tue 02 May 2023, 11:11 am

Our scene begins in the empty Copper Box Arena in London, we see posters on the wall advertising the return of 6CW, as the camera moves along the wall we see a figure walk in to the large, empty venue.

The figure, wearing a black hoodie, slowly walks the floor, looking up to the rafter before removing the hoodie to reveal none other than former 6CW and EWF superstar, Liam Wood.

Liam drops his hoodie to reveal his familiar tattoos but some have changes, his one arm now blacked out with a heavy blast over tattoo covering his old tattoos, he also has a tattoo on his throat and is sporting light stubble and a blonde moustache.

The camera moves closer and Wood faces it directly, a pensive look on his face as he begins to speak

“They say that a decade is a long time...”

Wood pauses for a second, the pensive look giving away to a feint smile as he continues

“...but honestly? It feels like yesterday that I walked through the doors of this very building and made my debut in this business.

And although the location changed, the names changed, the rivalries changed and the champonships were won and lost, I found where I was meant to be...and after every high and every low it kind of just faded away to nothing, I let it get away from me but if I'm being honest, there was always this voice in the back of my head.”

Wood continues to speak but his gaze moves from the camera, looking around the Copper Box area as he speaks

“A voice that asked if I was ready to give it all up and retire, to stop putting myself in a position where my body was on the line time and time again and for a second, I said yes...I found things that took it's place, I found distractions, I found purpose away from a wrestling ring and I found things that made me happy...really happy,

but that voice still remained, it still kept asking me if I was still reminded me of EWF and 6CW, it reminded me of times where my career was all that I had, it reminded me of times where my career was the reason for me being down and out and hating every second of it but still wanting nothing but that...but I shut the voice out.”

Wood's stare returns to the camera, his tone becoming more serious.

“I shut it out the best I could and I enjoyed my life.

I enjoyed my life a little too much at times, I gave in to excess, I gave in to temptation and I turned my back on parts of me that I felt I never would...”

The camera shows a spot on Liam's left arm where a straight edge tattoo used to be but is now covered, the three X's covered with the dark black blast over, removing the tattoo that once signified his commitment.

“...and for a while it worked.”

Wood continues to speak, his tone remaining serious as he takes a deep breath.

“But then, as you all know...things changed, we were trapped in our homes, unable to leave and nothing makes a voice in your head louder than silence. I lost loved ones, I lost friend and I watched as the world lost it's mind, people lost their livlihoods and it felt like the end of the world.

It gave me time to really think for the first time in a long time about who I was and who I wanted to be and if the man in the mirror was still the Liam Wood I remembered, the Liam Wood who walked in to the Copper Box Arena in 2013 and started his career and when I did the voice came back came back and it asked if I was happy being away from Wrestling and 6CW...”

Wood pauses, takes another look around the arena

“so, here's my answer to that voice...

...I have unfinished business”

A smile begins to cover Wood's face as he turns his back to the camera, the scene fading to black.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Post by Marky Wed 03 May 2023, 4:30 pm

We are live at a Press Conference, the 6CWF logo present in the background amongst other sponsors logos, there are plenty of wrestling media present and there is a round of applause as former 6CW and 6WF World Champion Max Adamson walks out alongside some 6CWF management representatives. Max is looking sharp in a blue pinstripe suit with a white shirt unbuttoned to the chest, and smirks at being recognised before he takes a seat and pours himself a water. Max leans forward to speak into the desk mic

Max: Before we begin, I would just like to clarify that while I am still in shape, I am not here to announce my comeback to wrestling in any way, shape or form... I'm here on a consultation basis only. Because, ladies and gentlemen, this Press Conference is to confirm 6CWF's newest acquisition, the hottest young prospect in all of Professional Wrestling. And Amateur Wrestling too, for that matter. And he just so happens to be my sister's eldest son. So here I am, ready to make sure the usual vultures don't get their claws into him like they tried to do to me. But I digress. Please welcome, the man they call "El Australiano", 6CWF's newest talent, Rex Adamson!

"Renegades of Funk" by Rage Against The Machine plays and the gathered media applaud once again, as 18 year old Rex Adamson walks out to the stage. He is wearing a dark green tracksuit trousers and open zip up hoodie combo, with a plain white t-shirt on show. Rex takes the only empty seat next to his uncle and grins as the music fades out

Rex: Thank you for the warm welcome. It is official, with some outside interference from my Uncle Max, I have decided to sign with 6CWF. It is true that I had offers all over the world, in both Amateur and Professional Wrestling, but I find myself in the place where I have some family history. And soon enough, you'll all realise, and this includes the 6CWF roster, that while I share blood and a surname with a former World Champion, make no mistake, I am here because I am good enough to be here, and I am going to emulate my Uncle's past glories, because I am a better natural athlete than he ever was, and I have all of the talent and work rate required and more.

Max looks a bit taken aback at Rex claiming to be a better athlete

Max: I mean, I'm a five time World Champion kid, don't dismiss what I could do...

Max winks at Rex as Rex seems nonplussed

Rex: The point is, I was born into this business. And I am going to emulate what my Uncle did. The interesting part is seeing who on this roster of misfits and has-beens, is going to stop me.

There is muttering from the gathered media as Max and Rex briefly speak off mic

Max: We will now open up to the floor for questions. You.

Journalist 1: Firstly Rex, welcome to 6CWF. My question is, from the names confirmed for the return of 6CWF, who are you most excited to wrestle?

Rex leans forward and is smirking as he speaks

Rex: That's an easy one for me. I'm not going to use buzzwords like hero or idol or anything, but one wrestler was confirmed last week who I used to adore watching. We have very similar styles, and it would be an absolute pleasure for me to wrestle, and hopefully even beat, Scott Harris. And I'd imagine it would be a definite Match of the Year candidate. An absolute clinic. Next question.

Journalist 2: Hi Rex, welcome to 6CWF.

Rex: Thank you.

Journalist 2: What do you have to say to those who might have history with your Uncle Max, who will constantly see you as a way to get at him?

Rex looks confused

Rex: I'm literally half Max's age, I'm bigger, faster and stronger, my question to you is who the f*ck is going to try and use me to get to him? If you're asking if I'm worried about people that might harbour dislike for Max Adamson, the likes of Uryu Ishida or Liam Wood, or Clarke James, or Eddy Kent, absolutely not. F*ck it, if I was afraid of people who don't like my Uncle, I'd be afraid of pretty much everyone here.

Rex laughs and flexes his biceps

Max: We would just like to apologise for the bad language used...

Rex: No we wouldn't.

Rex smirks at Max who shrugs and leans back

Rex: Final question.

Journalist 3: Hi Rex, I just wanted to ask, if you're a fan of 6CWF and the old 6CW and 6WF days, who your favourites growing up were? Excluding your own Uncle, of course...

Rex smirks

Rex: Yeah, so obviously Max Adamson was great, it was surreal as f*ck seeing my Uncle be World Champion, but as I mentioned earlier, Scott Harris was one of my favourites when I was growing up. When I was a bit younger I was a 6WF fan in the old wars between the two, and I was always a fan of Enforcer, Nemesis, and JJ Johnson, but even now as an 18 year old, I'm still a fan. I cant wait to stand across the ring from guys I used to love watching, and prove that Rex Adamson is the next cab off the rank, the next big name to stand atop the mountain of Professional Wrestling, and be the name that the next top talent used in 5 years time when he's asked to name his favourite wrestler growing up. I am this generation's Megastar. Proving Grounds will be exactly that, I will make Proving Grounds my Playground, and the entire roster will know who I am, and what I am.

Rex leans back in his seat confidently as the press applaud once again

Max: That'll be all. Photo ops next.

Rex and Max stand up and pose with a fist clenched side by side, as the flashbulbs go off. Rex then stands on his own for more photos


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Post by JJJohnson Thu 04 May 2023, 2:38 pm

*The action is backstage at the Copper Box and Jack Reynolds is standing outside of the gym area.

JR: Ladies and gentlemen as the excitement builds toward the season premiere of the 6CWF revival I have been charged with the tasked of trying to get a word with some of the talent that have, thus far, been announced. I am currently awaiting…

*Suddenly the door of the gym area opens and the giant form of Tyler Roth pokes his head through

Roth: Jeez, Jack, they’ve relegated you back to backstage roving?

*Reynolds’ head drops and he mutters something about “equality”

Roth: Never mind, I always thought you were a decent mic man…..I assume that’s why you’re hanging around watching me working out….

*Roth raises an eyebrow and Reynolds looks nervous

JR: Yeah, yeah of course….why else would I….

Roth: You tell me…

JR: Honestly I swear….

*The corners of Roth’s mouth twitch

Roth: Got to be careful what I can joke about nowadays, they’ll cancel you for anything… impressed with what you saw in there?

JR: It was breathtaking….

*Roth raises an eyebrow again and Reynolds seems to shrink into the wall

JR: I just meant you seem stronger than ever….and I have absolutely no idea how you move the way you do with your size…..I thought that punchbag chain was going to snap, each shot was pounding through the walls….

*Reynolds goes red again

Roth: Clarissa not around?

JR: Oh she is, but I got you in the picks….

Roth: Tremendous….so go on Jack, shoot your shot?

Reynolds: Seriously?

Roth: Yeah….ask your questions…

JR: Oh…

Roth: What did you think I meant?

JR: Erm….ask my questions…

*Roth looks suspicious as Reynolds looks at his feet

JR: So it’s been two years since the last time we saw you in any affiliation of 6CW or 6WF….but unlike some of the other talent, it has been fairly well documented where you have been…

Roth: Indeed….I don’t do well sitting around, waiting for opportunities……I love to fight and I’ll seek a fight wherever there is one….so when 6CW closed its doors I went in search of my next conquest….

JR: And those conquests came in the former of the AAA World Heavyweight Championship followed by the One Heavyweight Championship and I believe you also won PFL Season Two?

Roth: I did…

JR: $1 million prize fund…..can’t be bad…

Roth: I’d be lying if I said the money wasn’t nice but that’s not my incentive…..I am a combat sport warrior, I was built for this….I was designed for war….

JR: I agree…I mean, you look great….I mean I watched every minute….Erm…

*Roth holds up his hand

Roth: Let’s just slow it down, Jack…take a breath….and ask what you need to…

JR: You’re now a former IWGP Champ, NOAH Champ….G1 Climax….Bellator, ONE and PFL Heavyweight Champ…..has there been a more decorated star?

Roth: I think there’s been one or two…..and sure you list my achievements and it sounds great but there are one or two accolades missing off of that list that I will not be content with until I have them won….

JR: And one of them would be the 6CW or 6WF Championships?

Roth: Or both……without a shadow of a doubt… were there last time out, Jack….you saw my path of destruction along the way and you saw all the obstacles the Kramer Klan put in place to prevent me from getting my hands on what rightfully belonged to me….

JR: I certainly did… seemed only a matter of time before you won world championship gold…

Roth: There was nowhere left for Kramer to run and he knew just like his uncle did that a one on one match with Tyler Roth was ending one way…

JR: So that’s why you’re back?

Roth: Amidst other reasons….look I’ve always had an affinity to this company, they gave me my first big break and it feels like this chapter of my career remains open…it needs a definitive ending and that ending doesn’t come until I am crowned world champion…

JR: So what are the other reasons?

Roth: Opportunity… I said, I love to fight but getting competition for someone like me isn’t easy….look you can ask Francis NGannou what happened last time we fought, they keep that under wraps…..ask Dana White and the UFC why they won’t let me fight Jon Jones…..I literally caved in the skull of Fedor Emilianenko….Ryan Bader lasted twenty seven seconds against me in Bellator and you can find the clips online of how I handled Arjan Bhular…

I’ve conquered Japan and I’ve conquered Mexico when it comes to professional wrestling…..I’ve fought the absolute best in the world….but when JJ Johnson rang me up and offered me this chance, I didn’t need time to think…it was instantaneous….

Because I know that when word gets out that JJ Johnson, the bloody Franchise, is bankrolling the rebirth of 6CWF it is going to attract the biggest and the best names this industry has ever seen….and I’m all in on that (beep)……because that means I’m going to get a real fight….that means the next level of competition….

I’ve never said I’m unbeatable, you can look back at my record and there are defeats on my ledger….but I only lose to the best and I only lose to those who are willing to go beyond the pale to keep me down…I don’t (beep) around and I pull no punches when I say I am one bad mother(beeper)…

JR: So is this a moment for putting the roster on notice?

Roth: I don’t think I need to….they know I’m coming and if they’re foolish enough to ignore that then it’s already too late….

The Reaper is back and on Monday the Harvest begins…

JR: No matches have been announced yet but do you have a preferred competitor?

Roth: Like I said, I know the level of competition here in 6CWF is going to be elite, that’s why I came back… face the best….the face the baddest… hear a name and it sends shivers down your spine, that’s the man I want standing across the ring from me….

Udo Berg…..Nemesis……The Saint…

Hell no…..someone get on the phone to Tibet and they tell Cassius Zhi he can have a first class ticket to the fight of his life….

JR: That would be insane….

Roth: That’s unless he’s too fond of his soul…..

Or maybe Karl Kramer can come back and take the two years’ worth of a55 kickings I have been saving up for him….

Bottom line….anyone and everyone can get it….all they have to do is step up…

JR: It’s been a pleasure, Tyler and I wish you luck on Monday night…..

Roth: Appreciate it kid… don’t be staring at me as I walk away….

JR: I…..I wasn’t…..I wouldn’t….

*Roth punches Jack in the shoulder and smirks as he shoulders his towel and walks off.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Post by DP Thu 04 May 2023, 9:49 pm

As Rex Adamson's press conference draws to a close, the scene changes to the closing stages being shown on a monitor. The camera zooms out and reveals 'The Sharpshooter' Scott Harris leaning against a wall watching it. He is smirking as he watches the young Aussie stake his claim.

Harris looks to the camera...

SH: See, this is what this is all about.

An 18 year old kid getting to live his dream. The excitement, the adrenaline, the roar of the crowd. A crowd that have waited long enough to see some of the best people to ever lace up a pair of boots get between those ropes and do it all over again.

I remember being Rex Adamson once. I remember the anticipation, I remember wanting to make a name for myself. The sheer arrogance of youth coursing through me like a drug, making me feel like I could take on the world. Thinking that I would step between those ropes and suplex every man and his dog who dared to even think that I wouldn't cut it.

I remember being like Rex. People like him are the future of this business.

Harris steps away from the wall and looks deep into the camera.

SH: He may well be the future... But he's not the now.

Harris smiles.

SH: Maybe we do get to square off against one another one day. I hope we do, I sincerely mean that.

But whether it's Rex Adamson, Tyler Roth, Liam Wood, Eddy Kent, it's all irrelevant. This time round, I climb the mountain, I get to live my dream.

6CW has always been the itch I can't quite scratch. It's been a series of false starts and unfulfilled promise for me. But no more. This time round, I stay the course. This time I outlast everyone. There are very few in this company... No, this business who can match me. There are very few in the world who can go technically with me. I've done this all over the world, be that Japan, Mexico, America. I live for this.

Wrestling is my passion, my art and that ring is my canvas. I can't wait to show you all what I can do all over again. No drama, no sob stories, no soap opera style revelations. Just one man blazing a trail to the top of mountain.

I'm the best pound for pound wrestler on these books and whoever I face first will quickly be on the rough side of the mantra that carries me these days:

"Step up, or get stepped on..."

This time, I get to live my dream... I'll see you on Monday.

With that, Harris nods at the camera and walks away out of shot.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Season Premiere - Monday May 8th 2023

Post by Mat Mon 08 May 2023, 2:03 am

*A VT begins playing, it starts with a zoomed out shot of a wrestling ring where two figures can just about be seen, as the camera zooms in some fans come into picture but it soon becomes clear there is more empty seats than attendees. The camera then pans to the ringside era;

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentleman, the winner of this match by way of pinfall, “The Brute” Bob Lane..

*As the victor is shown in the ring, the camera shows the other competitor rolling out under the bottom rope and walking forlornly up the ramp and through the curtain. The camera follows the competitor into the backstage area where the competitor walks towards a table that is sat at by one man in a suit…

Man In Suit: Great match! You made the kid look a million bucks out there. It’s the best match he’s ever had. I don’t think he’s going to be here too much longer, a lot of the big companies are circling him.

*There’s an inaudible grunt from the competitor who is still shown from behind by the camera.

Man In Suit: But anyway, you know, thanks for appearing tonight and putting on a show. Let me just grab your cheque, you earned this…

*The man hands over a letter from under the table to the competitor who opens the envelope and quickly flicks through the notes.

Man In Suit: Don’t worry, it’s all there. It was worth every penny, you made a star out of him today. Honestly, I can’t believe your appearance fee was that low but I guess it is a few years since you’ve been on TV now. Still, it beats one of those fan conventions where you’re signing shirts from 10 years ago.

*Again the competitor merely nods his head, he goes to walk off when the man in the suit shouts across;

Man In Suit: You know what, you could be a little more appreciative of the opportunity. You just got to wrestle The Next Big Thing in the business…

*Suddenly the man jolts around, storms towards the table, he grabs the Man In The Suit by the scruff of the neck and pins him to the wall;

Competitor: Appreciative of the opportunity? You call this an opportunity? Maybe to you, or the rest of the mere mortals that you employ around here. But not to someone who’s headlined the biggest pay per views in the industry, won world titles on the biggest stages, been the centre piece of some of the most storied factions in the history of this sport.

You think that was a great match tonight? Maybe for “The Brute” but for someone like me, that’s just standard. You’re right he looked a million bucks out there tonight, that’s because he was wrestling the best god damn performer on this planet, even after all these years. So no, I don’t need to be appreciative. The Brute should be appreciative. These fans should be appreciative. And you should be appreciative. Thanks for the payday.

*The competitor loosens his grip, the man in the suit dusts himself down as the competitor walks off, the man in the suit again shouts back:

Man In Suit: What the hell should I be appreciative of after that little display?

*The competitor turns back around, the man in the suit stumbles back.

Competitor: Appreciative that I didn’t kick your a** completely for what you just said.

*The competitor goes to walk off but then turns around again.

Competitor: One more thing, that guy in the ring tonight is not the Next Big Thing. There has only ever been one Next Big Thing. Past, Present, Future…and you’re looking at him.

*The competitor strides off, finally facing the camera for the first time. It zooms in and the face becomes clearer, as Mike Hill is shown on the screen. He walks towards his car, stepping in and putting his phone into the handsfree when it begins to ring, the camera zooms in on the screen to show the name JJ Johnson.

Mike Hill: What the hell does he want?

*The screen fades to black just as Hill answers the phone.

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