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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:31 am

*The show begins with a recap of what went down on last week's show as Marshall Murdoch returned to seek retribution on Clarke James. We also get clips of Karl Kramer being informed he will have to defend the 6WF World Championship in an "Open Gauntlet" in order for the 6CW Council to ratify his title. We then go live inside the arena as Jeff Thadeus, Jack Reynolds and Henry Lloyd welcome us to the show and they hype up an "historic" night on which the 6CW and 6WF World Championships will be defended for the first time ever on a weekly episodic television show. They analyse both bouts and debate on who will leave tonight as world champions. There is also plenty of discussion on could potentially show up during the "Open Gauntlet" considering that the door has been opened to any superstar from any promotion.

*We get shots of Clarke James and Marshall Murdoch arriving at the arena during the day and then get shots of both men being visited by Renier Grohl and tonight's referee. Both superstars are reminded of what is expected of them in tonight's main event and that the only way either man can be crowned Undisputed 6CW Champion is via pinfall or submission. Clarke James looks incredibly bored by the lecture whereas Marshall Murdoch paces his locker-room, already bristling for the fight ahead. The commentary team differ in their opinions on who will be victorious tonight but they all expect a war.

*We head to the rooftop as GazzyD suddenly walks out into the Glasgow night to join Uryu Ishida. Uryu thanks Gazzy for coming but Gazzy wants to know why he shouldn't just launch Ishida off the roof. Uryu agrees that Gazzy has every right to dislike him but reiterates that he is not trying to steal his wife away from him. Ishida tries to ask about Angel's condition following last week's attack but Gazzy cuts him off, saying "he's fine", and wants to know about Uryu's intentions with Christy. Uryu admits they are "good friends" but Gazzy isn't buying it and accuses Uryu of putting Christy in serious danger with the Ethan Shaw saga. Ishida apologies for that and says he would never let Shaw harm Christy but Gazzy gets angry and says it is his job to protect his own wife, not Uryu's. Ishida can see that Gazzy will never accept his friendship with Christy but he cannot end it. He says he doesn't want to be Gazzy's enemy and he respects their marriage but Gazzy needs to accept that Christy can make her own decisions on who she is friends with. Gazzy looks as though he wants to fight but Uryu has no quarrel and would rather they concentrated their efforts on Shaw. He gives Gazzy the option of a truce or throwing him off the building, claiming he won't fight back. Gazzy just glares at him for nearly a minute and then shakes his head and walks away. The commentary team debate on whether Gazzy has accepted the truce or not.

*We see The Empire arriving at the building. Charles Kramer answers Tim Allen's questions and brands the Open Gauntlet match a "disgrace" and an "abuse of power" but vows that King Karl Kramer will be victorious no matter what and that the world will be forced to acknowledge him as the 6WF World Champion. Renier Grohl arrives with a security detail and there is plenty of animosity as Grohl demands the 6WF Championship be handed over until Kramer has "earned it back". CK launches into another tirade and demands to speak to the 6CW Council but Grohl dismisses him and says he is just "following orders". KK looks furious but reluctantly hands over the title. The commentators wonder if that will be the last time Kramer sees the championship.

*We get a split-screen as we see plenty of 6CW superstars getting ready for the upcoming "Open Gauntlet" match as the commentators deliberate on who will make up the "twenty" participants. Daniel Reilly is taping up his hands as Perfect Jack enters the room. PJ has his kitbag and Reilly welcomes him back. They joke on perhaps revisiting their age old rivalry if it comes down to it tonight. Reilly also wants to discuss the possibility of "Revolution" reforming. PJ seems taken with the idea but first he has a world title to win. Reilly grins and jokes about PJ's vision, saying he hopes he can still see an RKO coming. They touch knuckles and Reilly leaves PJ to get ready. We see Jimmy Phillips (Henry Lloyd's outsider) getting prepared whilst Liam Wood is sat with Emmy, Emmy taping up her boyfriend's hands whilst he stares at the UK Championship belt.

Mike Hill and Ricky Nelson are both stretching in opposite corners of their locker-room whilst Jenny McManus is telling her husband that tonight is his time to ascend to the throne as The Fanatic stares at them both. Robin Reborn is rewatching his Night of Glory victory over Joshua before we see Jackson Jackson standing up to head for the door when suddenly Max Adamson appears. Jackson seems surprised to see Adamson and there is an awkward silence. Jackson wants to know why Max is there, suspicious. Max assures Jackson he is there for moral support and not to enter the "Gauntlet". Max says he knows Jackson has been on a slump but he's convinced he can turn it around. Adamson's tone is a little condescending and Jackson just look overly enamoured by his presence as the scene fades out.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:32 am

JT: I believe this is a first time ever…..the boys in the truck are just checking for us but I’m pretty sure this is the first time the 6WF Championship has been defended on 6CW Television….

JR: History in the making…..starting this monumental show with a world championship is big enough but for a first time ever as well…

HE: I’ve been here since day one…..and I’ve seen the 6WF Championship defended on 6CW Pay Per View during the merger days but I cannot ever remember this…..this truly is a game-changer…

JT: Tonight King Karl Kramer will attempt to persuade the 6CW Council the ratify his championship victory….but in order to do he must be the last man standing in this “Open Gauntlet” match….

JR: And I believe Michael Bird is about to give us a rundown on what to expect…

ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is an OPEN GAUNTLET MATCH….FOR THE 6WF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

*The televised audience pops

Michael Bird: The rules for this bout are as follows; two superstars will begin the contest…..elimination will occur via pinfall, submission, disqualification or count-out…..each time a superstar is eliminated they will be replaced in the gauntlet….this process will continue until there is only one superstar remaining and that man will be crowned the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship!

JT: Gauntlet rules are fairly simple to follow but this is still the first time we have seen such a match on 6CW television…..the 6WF World Championship is steeped in rich history and we are proud to play host to the title within our company but the 6CW Council want a fair and decisive way to crown the champion….

HE: What happened at World’s End was fair….Rasta was the last ever 6WF Champion, he’s held the title for six years and he was invited to defend against Karl Kramer….Kramer beat him, Kramer is the champion and 6CW should honour that….

JR: King Karl Kramer is a 6CW employee and there was no dispensation granted or an official sign off from management to ratify that contest between Kramer and Rasta…...this bout, however, has been confirmed and here tonight we will crown a true 6WF Champion…

JT: I think the most intriguing and exciting aspect of this bout is the “open” stipulation…..The 6CW Council have literally opened the doors to any professional wrestler from any company to turn up here tonight and stake their claim….will any outsiders answer the call?

HE: Well quit yapping and let’s find out….

“Sad but true” echoes out and there are boos from the banks of monitors around ringside as James & Jenny McManus enter the arena. McManus twirls his wife around and kisses her hand before motioning for a belt around his waist…

JT: James McManus kicking us off here….not the dream number to draw in a contest like this, he literally must survive the entire playing field…

HE: I believe this could be McManus’ time….

JR: James McManus is a former 6WF man….he held Tag Team & European gold during his tenure but he never quite rose to the heights of the main event….could he turn it back tonight and get his hands on the title that alluded him?

JT: Having his wife at ringside with him could be a factor…

JR: Jenny McManus is demanding big things from her husband, she wants to be the First Lady of 6WF….

HE: She’s breathed life into her husband’s career since returning to his side….The Parasite Killers are two wins away from winning the 6CW Tag Team Championships and tonight James could rise to superstardom by becoming a world champion for the first time….

JT: As you have said, McManus has been experiencing some success in the Tag division, just as he did in 6WF, but he will want to make good on that thought that he should have won a world title by now in his career….tonight he has a chance…

JR: A slim one, entering at one, but still a chance…

McManus and his wife have a brief discussion at ringside before he climbs up inside of the ring. McManus bounces against the ropes and then stares toward the stage, beckoning for an opponent to come out and face him…

JT: Again we’re checking on it but we also believe this may be James McManus’ maiden shot at the 6WF World Championship….it really could be an historic night if he was to win….

JR: So who is he facing?….OH MY!

HE: Really?

JT: Plenty of recent history here….

“” echoes out and there are huge cheers from the audience as Mike Hill swaggers out onto the stage, a huge smile on his face…

JR: Three time 6WF World Heavyweight Champion… it the magic four tonight for Mike Hill?

JT: Hill has defied the odds aplenty in his career and, as you say, he is no stranger to this championship….

JR: Mike Hill is, quite rightly, regarded as one of the cornerstones of 6WF wrestling…..inside and outside the ring he helped put that company on the map….it would almost be fitting to see him walk away tonight with that title…

HE: This isn’t 2010, though….Mike Hill isn’t the same calibre he used to be….

JT: He’s still top notch and you know it…..let’s not forget that Hill & Ricky Nelson beat the Parasite Killers at World’s End… if Hill is past it then, by your definition, so is McManus?

HE: No way….McManus is still growing into his potential….

JR: It could be that Hill, in his growing years, is now more suited to tag team wrestling but we’ll soon find out….he’s a veteran of the game and I believe he could still be a real problem at the top tier…

JT: Mike Hill has answered the challenge so he must still believe he belongs…..he and Ricky Nelson’s pursuit of the Tag Team Titles will continue, just like the Parasite Killers, but tonight he is gunning for the title that made him a household name…

JR: The 6WF Championship was always one of the most sought after belts in the business….it is amazing to see it back in the limelight, where it belongs….who leaves tonight with the famous title?

The referee has the 6WF Championship belt and he shows it to both competitors as Mike Hill hops over the ropes to join James McManus in the ring. Hill and McManus exchange trash talk…

JT: These two men were involved in one of the greatest tag bouts I have ever seen in a 6CW ring just a few weeks ago….but tonight is a different setup with a whole different prize on the line….this is a chance to etch your name in annals of time….

JR: It doesn’t come much bigger than fighting for a world title….this is the pinnacle of the game….

The bell sounds and the electronic crowd give a cheer as McManus and Hill bounce away from their corners and begin to circle one another. The two men lockup in the centre of the ring before McManus quickly swivels to the back and pulls Hill’s legs out from under him him….

JT: Quick start from McManus….just missed with that knee….

McManus runs off the ropes and returns for a knee trembler but Hill avoids it and then he swipes McManus’ legs….

JR: Liontamer!

Hill looks to lock in the submission but McManus thrashes from side to side and then uses his hip and leg power to throw Hill across the canvass. Both men scramble up and Hill nails a “hill-can-rana” that sends McManus crashing into the turnbuckle. He pulls his opponent around…


McManus puts the brakes on and pushes Hill to the ropes before clotheslining him over the top and onto the apron. McManus takes a few moments to compose himself before dragging Hill up and attempts to suplex him back into the ring….

JR: Hill floated over…

…………...McManus just kicks out!

HE: It’s ok, Jenny, he kicked out…

Jenny McManus breathes a sigh of relief as her husband kicks out from a rollup. The two men get back up and Hill looks for a leaping heel kick but McManus ducks and kicks Hill in the gut…


Hill spins free and he drives his heel into McManus’ gut, winding him, before running off the ropes and returns with a slingblade takedown. McManus is back up and Hill hits a spinning heel kick before springing off the ropes…

JT: Lionsault….night just do it for Mike Hill…

Hill covers……………...1…………………..2…………..Jenny McManus places her husband’s foot on the ropes!

JR: A joke...Jenny McManus shouldn’t be out here having an influence….

HE: She’s here to watch her husband become a world champion….

JT: She’s doing more than that….

Hill complains to the referee about Jenny McManus but she bounces away from the apron with mock innocence on her face. Hill drags McManus back up but takes a fierce punch to the gut and then McManus scoops him onto his shoulders…..


Hill smashes his elbow into the jaw of McManus until he is able to shake himself loose before connecting with a back suplex. Hill scrambles for the corner…

JT: Mike Hill has started like a house on fire….

JR: He wants that fourth world title…..MIKE TIME?!?

Hill is preparing for a 450 splash when Jenny McManus climbs up onto the apron to provide a distraction. Hill is complaining to the referee as the official argues with Mrs McManus…

JT: This match is barely minutes old and already Jenny McManus is becoming a huge pain in the a55…

Hill shakes his head as the argument ensues and then attempts the 450 splash, only to land right across the knees of McManus as he raises them. McManus recovers and drags Hill up…


JT: McManus is being cost by his own wife…

McManus has to shriek at his wife to get down off the apron and then when she does the referee spins to make the cover……………………..1…………………..2………………….kickout!

HE: That should have been a three…

JT: It would have been had Mrs Mc not been distracting the referee….

McManus has his hands on hips and looks annoyed. Hill uses the ropes to get up and McManus runs at him…


The crowd cheer as Hill drops and pulls down the ropes to send McManus to the outside. Hill then sprints across the ring and returns with a front flip senton takedown in the aisleway…

JT: Tremendous opening battle here but how much energy are these two men exerting here?

JR: That’s what makes a late number in a “Gauntlet” so sought after….for one of these two men to leave as 6WF Champion they need to produce the performance of a lifetime….

Hill drags McManus back up and he launches him under the ropes into the ring. Jenny McManus moves around to confront Hill as her husband distracts the referee…

HE: Don’t you dare lay a finger on her, Hill…

Jenny draws her hand back for a slap but Hill catches her wrist and shakes his head. Jenny suddenly looks fearful until The Fanatic attacks Hill from behind….Mrs McManus backs away with a cackle….

JT: This is not a handicap match….or a tag team bout….that should be a DQ for McManus…

JR: The issues between The Next Big Things and The Parasite Killers spilling over here….

The Fanatic drags Hill up and then launches him with so much power that Hill flips upside down and collides with the ring apron. He drags Hill back up and is preparing to throw him back in the ring as James McManus backs away from the referee…

*Crowd pop


Ricky Nelson is in the ring and he runs over and dives over James McManus to the outside, crashing onto The Fanatic and sends him crashing across the hard flooring. Hill has managed to get on the apron as McManus shakes off the shock of Nelson’s appearance and grabs Hill by the hair…

JR: Hill caught him…

Hill grabs McManus’ head and guillotines him, sending him back toward centre ring. Hill prepares for a springboard attack but Jenny McManus grabs his heel…

JT: I don’t even know what to say…

HE: That is assault….

Mike Hill kicks his leg back and shakes Mrs McManus off, sending her down on her backside. Hill then looks for the springboard but McManus rushes in and catches him off the ropes onto his shoulders…


HE: Chalk one up…


JT: Dammit….James McManus knocks off Mike Hill…

HE: No fourth world title for Hill tonight….

JR: But James McManus, with assists from his entourage, is one step closer to a maiden world title…

McManus is on his knees, smirking, as Jenny McManus cheers and fist pumps the air. Ricky Nelson has got back up and looks disappointed at what has happened to his partner…

JT: The numbers game was just too much there….Ricky Nelson did what he could for his mentor…

Nelson looks angry and he sprints to the apron and leaps up as McManus rushes toward him….

JR: Is Ricky Nelson number three?

McManus crashes against Nelson and knocks him down to the floor. Mike Hill then stumbles back up and he dropkicks McManus in the back, knocking him down, before The Fanatic drags Hill under the bottom rope…

JT: Folks we are still none the wiser as to who the third entrant into his match is….The Next Big Things and The Parasite Killers are too busy beating the holy hell out of each other….

Ricky Nelson is back up and he joins Mike Hill in the brawl with The Fanatic. McManus gets back to his feet and is about to come to the aid of his tag partner on the outside…

*Crowd pop


Daniel Reilly comes through the crowd and slithers into the ring with a smirk. He stalks McManus before spinning him around and drills him with an RKO…

HE: No….that’s not fair….that’s cheating….

JT: What goes around, comes around….


JR: McManus is out of there….Jenny McManus can forget about that world title tonight….

Jenny McManus looks as though she is going to cry as the referee completes his three count. The Fanatic headbutts Ricky Nelson to the floor and then uppercuts Mike Hill to the ground before marching for the ring…

JT: The Fanatic in at four?

JR: It sure looks like it…

HE: There’s still a chance for the Parasite Killers to celebrate tonight….

The Fanatic pulls himself up on the apron and steps over the top rope, snarling from under his mask, as Daniel Reilly rushes toward him. Fanatic just grabs Reilly as he comes in and headbutts him down...Reilly gets back up and The Fanatic detonates an uppercut under his chin that staggers him before whipping him off the ropes….

JT: Back….no, Reilly avoided that...RK-OH!

Reilly leaps over the attempted backdrop and then looks for an RKO as The Fanatic turns but the big man catches him in midair and then launches him across the ring. Reilly gets back up and The Fanatic scoops him into a huge side slam…………………….1…………………….2………………..kickout!

JR: The Fanatic is an absolute powerhouse….can you imagine this guy as 6WF Champion?

HE: Yes I can…..what a wonderful moment it would be…

The Fanatic drags Reilly back up and headbutts him again, sending him into the corner. Jenny McManus is calling for blood from the outside as her husband rolls to join her…

JT: I’m sure Mr and Mrs McManus would rather The Fanatic won the title than anyone else on the roster….it’s still a collective victory for the group….

JR: But Reilly would love a third world title reign….the first with the 6WF….

The Fanatic charges in but Reilly avoids and sends his man against the turnbuckle. Reilly drags the big man toward centre ring and nails an inverted headlock backbreaker….

JT: Reilly has battled some of the biggest and baddest in pro wrestling history…..he will not be intimidated here…

HE: He should be…

JR: Reilly is in charge of proceedings right now...FEELING FROGGY!

Reilly climbs out onto the apron and scales the turnbuckle. He prepares for a frogsplash as James McManus gets up on the apron…

JT: The McManus’ shouldn’t even be out here….

Reilly lands a big right hand to McManus’ jaw that sends him off the apron but that allows Fanatic to get back up. He grabs Reilly by the throat and then just launches him off the canvass to the mat below. Reilly writhes in pain and holds his back…

JR: Absolute chaos has ensued here in the early goings of the “Gauntlet” for the 6WF Championship….


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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:34 am

JT: We could be moments away from a fifth participant….


The Fanatic is getting ready to take Reilly out with the running “jack-knife” powerbomb but then Mike Hill leaps onto the apron. The Fanatic wipes him out with a big uppercut before Ricky Nelson springboards in….

HE: Are you going to say anything about this interference?

JT: I don’t condone it but The Parasite Killers brought it on themselves…

The Fanatic spins and catches Nelson by the throat. He then bench presses him over his head and walks to the ropes before throwing him down to the outside on top of Mike Hill…

HE: Get those two idiots out of here….they’re no match for The Fanatic….


The crowd roar as The Fanatic turns around and is nailed by the leaping cutter from Reilly. Jenny McManus is trying to drag her husband up to stop the pin…


JT: Too late….Fanatic is out of there….

JR: Two straight eliminations for Daniel Reilly… the “King of the Streets” destined to become King of 6WF?

Reilly slithers back toward the corner with a smirk as The Fanatic rolls from the ring, shaking his head. Out of nowhere a brawl erupts between the members of The Next Big Things and The Parasite Killers…

JT: Well this has been brewing since the start of this match….

JR: All of these men have played a part in the eliminations of the others….I’d say this has been coming all night….

HE: I hope The Parasite Killers teach those two interfering idiots a lesson…

JT: There was plenty of interference on both sides…..the battle for the 6CW Tag Team Championships has spilled over tonight into this “Gauntlet”….

Referees and security appear as the brawl heads toward the side of the ramp and into the backstage area. Jenny McManus’ shrieks can be heard as we catch glimpses of all four men throwing punches at one another….

JR: This began before World’s End and the matter is far from done between these two teams….

JT: Security will have a job on their hands stopping that…..

JR: Meanwhile, Daniel Reilly awaits entrant number five….

HE: Daniel Reilly is about to pay….YES HE IS!


“Remedy” screams through the airwaves and there is a mixed reaction from the audience as Marty Helms comes marching out onto the stage, anger all over his face…

JR: Business has picked up….one of the most violent, blood-thirsty superstars in history….former 6CW Champion….Marty Helms is coming in here with the purpose of leaving with the second world title of his career….

JT: We saw last week a glimpse that Marty Helms may be returning to his most vicious best when he brutally assaulted Dante Phoenix…..

HE: Marty Helms ended the career of Dicey Reilly…..he destroyed the myth of Cerberus….the “Monster Hunter” is my new pick….

JR: Helms is still hunting for that showdown with Dante Phoenix’ alter ego, Hellion….he has demanded it from the 6CW Council….but I’m sure he’ll be appeased tonight by a detour toward a world title….

JT: Marty Helms never lost the 6CW Championship inside the ring…..he has always claimed to be an uncrowned world champion and tonight he could ascend to greatness once more….

JR: Marty Helms versus Daniel Reilly is a dream match...and we are about to see it live here at Proving Grounds…

Reilly has got back to his feet and has full focus as he watches Marty Helms storming to the ring. Helms climbs up inside and Reilly nods his head at him before they both make a move…


Helms storms in and looks for a huge clothesline but Reilly manages to duck it and then unleashes with three hard chops to the chest. Reilly grabs Helms’ head and hits a European uppercut but then Helms shoves him away to centre ring…


Helms looks for the bicycle kick but Reilly ducks again before nailing a chopblock to the back of Helms’ knee. Reilly quickly grabs Helms’ leg…


Helms swivels onto his back and then kicks out with his free leg to send Reilly into the corner. Helms gets back to his feet and runs in but Reilly drives out with an elbow to the jaw. Helms stumbles back toward centre ring and Reilly runs at him…


The whole ring shakes as Marty Helms uses the momentum of Reilly to spin him around and drills him with the huge AA spinebuster….

JT: That just altered the whole complexion of this match in a heartbeat….

Helms has an ugly grimace on his face as he grabs Reilly by the head and hauls him up, flipping him onto his shoulders….


Helms prepares for the “lungblower” but Reilly drops out front…


Helms puts the brakes on and he shoves Reilly, front first, into the ropes before slamming a huge right hand into his spine as he comes back. Helms then lands with a pumphandle slam…………….1………………..2…………..Reilly gets his shoulder up!

JR: Marty Helms’ career may have blown hot and cold over the last 12-18 months but just think what a win here would do….walking away as a world champion….you can literally turn your career from 0 to 100 in a single night…

JT: There is no doubting that this is the biggest kind of opportunity you can be afforded….

HE: Marty Helms is about to kick Reilly into a new stratosphere….BLOODTHIRSTER!

Helms backs up the corner and then runs out for the attempted punt kick but Reilly avoids at the final second and nails a rollup…………….1………………..2…………….kickout. They both scramble back up and Helms sidesteps Reilly before shoving him to the corner. He chases in but Reilly gets his feet up into the face of his opponent….Helms staggers back as Reilly lifts himself onto the second rope and then nails a double axe handle to the head. Reilly quickly flips Helms onto his shoulders and nails a fallout, inverted, neckbreaker from on high….


JR: But the same applies for Daniel Reilly here…..he’s been world champion twice before but has been wrote off as “past it” since returning…..becoming a three time world champion would certainly change people’s opinions on that….

Helms rolls away and under the ropes as Reilly goes after him. Reilly reaches through the ropes and pulls Helms up and through, resting his feet on the ropes…


Helms steps off the ropes at the final second to prevent the DDT and then he lifts Reilly up and flapjacks him across the top rope. Reilly is momentarily and Helms plants him with a full nelson slam…………..1…………………..2…………...kickout!

JR: This is a real top quality clash here…..these are two men, representing different eras, coming together with the same goal….they want to be world champion….this is what you get into the business for…

Helms has some harsh words for the official before dragging Reilly back up. He nails Reilly with a big right hand but then the “King of the Streets” responds with a back hand chop to the chest. They trade shots and land with five each before Helms jabs Reilly in the throat….he headbutts his opponent back into the ropes and then kicks him in the stomach as he comes back…


Reilly jumps off the back of Helms and then drops him with a beautiful dropkick as he turns around. They both scramble back to their feet and Reilly makes his move…


Helms turns around and counters into a backslide……………...1………………….2………..kickout. They rush for their feet again and Reilly reacts quickest with a stiff European uppercut, sending spit and blood from Helms’ mouth, before leaping into the air for a hurricanrana….



Helms catches Reilly on his shoulders and obliterates him with the “lungblower”. Reilly is writhing in pain as Helms bounces back off the ropes and returns with a low shining wizard to the back of the head…



JT: Marty Helms just showed some real class there and the kind of form that made him world title material in the first place…

JR: Daniel Reilly will be disappointed there but credit where it belongs to Marty Helms…

Reilly rolls from the ring, holding the back of his neck, as Helms turns his attention toward the stage. He beckons for the next opponent to come out…

JT: Marty Helms made it clear last week that he had no desire to win the UK Championship, instead choosing to pursue Dante Phoenix….but you can see the desire to be 6WF Champion tonight….

JR: This is a whole different level and Marty Helms believes he belongs at the top….he can prove that tonight…

HE: Oh but he still wants Phoenix….


The crowd roar as “Into the fire” blasts out but then the lights go down completely. The hysterical and eerie laughter fills the air as a red and golden glow takes over the arena…

JR: I think Marty Helms is about to get exactly what he wanted….

JT: Marty Helms doesn’t want Phoenix, he wants Hellion and I think he’s about to get what he demanded….

HE: And Hellion, just like Cerberus will be slayed….there is nobody invincible in this world….Marty Helms eats these so-called “monsters” alive…



HE: NO….

JT: It was a rouse…..Helms got set up…..

Through the haze and confusion, Ricky Nelson returns to the ring and he grabs Helms by the trunks and rolls him up for the surprise three count….

HE: But I thought Phoenix was next….

JT: Phoenix isn’t even out here….

JR: Helms got played and Ricky Nelson has fully capitalised on the situation…..OH CMON!


HE: He got screwed….what do you expect…

The lights have returned to normal and Ricky Nelson is celebrating until he takes a vicious “Bullhammer” elbow to the mouth from Marty Helms, who is beside himself in anger. Helms quickly drags Nelson back up and destroys him with the “Infinity Edge” before rolling from the ring…

JR: Marty Helms was eliminated from this “Gauntlet” fair and square but once again he has shown that violent and deranged side…

HE: And when he tracks down Hellion or Dante Phoenix you’re going to see it at maximum capacity….Phoenix is clearly an idiot if he didn’t learn from last week…

JT: Marty Helms and Hellion are seemingly on a collision course of destruction…..we just don’t know when….

Helms is on the outside, looking thunderous, as the lights dim again. The big screen shows a door with “Marty Helms” on the nameplate. The camera pushes inside and there are candles all around, illuminating the darkness, and Hellion is sat in the middle of the floor with a pentagram around him. Hellion’s eyes snap open and he grins as he stares up into the camera…


HE: Oh he’s going to pay now….mark my words….biggest mistake of his life…

Helms’ eyes bulge and a vein throbs in his neck as he watches the scene unfold on the big screen. He then rushes toward the backstage area…

JT: Hellion is here after all and it seems as though he is waiting for Marty Helms….folks we’ll keep you updated as we get more of the action backstage….

JR: But right now we’re waiting for entrant number seven….OH MY GOD…..IT CAN’T BE!



Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:41 am



HE: It really is an “Open Gauntlet”….

JT: Just as advertised…

“I am perfection” is blasting out and pyros erupt high into the rafters as Mike Masters comes twirling out onto the stage with his usual air of bravado. He soaks up the atmosphere of the crowd as he shakes off his waistcoat and beckons a belt around his waist….

JR: I had a feeling there may be a surprise or two tonight but I would never have called this…

JT: Mike Masters was involved in some incredible feuds with the likes of Scott Harris, Keith Leone and Liam Wood over the years….such a natural athlete….and now he is back, what a way to return it would be by winning the 6WF Championship….

JR: He couldn’t have asked for a better introduction either…..Ricky Nelson is barely awake…

Masters slicks his hair back and then leaps up into the ring. He has a smug smile on his face as he watches Ricky Nelson trying to get back onto his feet and then he runs to the ropes and springs off them….


The disaster kick lands flush to the jaw, spinning Nelson in a circle, and then Masters grabs hold of his opponent….


There are cheers as the “Gringo Killer” lands and then Masters makes a nonchalant one-handed cover……………..1…………………...2…………………...3!

JT: The cockiness has not dissipated over the years I see….

HE: It’s what made him one of the best….

JR: And he is still in great shape….he’s the current GWF Champion so it’ll be interesting to see if there is a working relationship going forward…

HE: There will have to be if he wins the title here tonight….

JT: Masters won’t get many more gimmes here…..Ricky Nelson, unfortunately, never stood a chance after Marty Helms assaulted him and he is out of there….

JR: So how about we get number eight out here to the party…..OH YES!

JT: A potential classic in the making….

JR: This is a man with a lot on his mind right now but he is still one of the best in the business…..former two time 6CW Champion….

“Limelight” echoes out and the crowd go wild as GazzyD leaps through his pyrotechnic display and makes his way to the ring. Mike Masters is grinning as he circles the ring…

JT: Five years ago this could have easily been a Night of Glory Main Event… still could be….but tonight it’s on free to air television with the 6WF Championship on the line….potential dream match material here, folks….

HE: But GazzyD is a preoccupied man….he’s got Ethan Shaw stalking his every move, he’s got Uryu trying to steal his wife and his best friend is currently in hospital…..Mike Masters must be licking his lips…

JR: No doubting that Gazzy has a lot to think on right now but you don’t sleep on the “History Maker”… of the greatest in our company’s history and a man that 6WF tried to sign on multiple occasions…..GazzyD would love to get himself back on a positive track tonight by winning the 6WF Championship….

JT: We saw Gazzy and Uryu up on the rooftop earlier tonight….those two men are never going to be friends but perhaps we saw a truce called…..they recognise the threat Shaw poses…..

HE: They’ll never be on the same page whilst Uryu has his eyes on Christy….

JR: Uryu insists they are no more than friends….

HE: Pull the other one…

JT: Gazzy isn’t convinced and I can understand that but he may need to put that aside for the time being….tonight he has a chance to become 6WF Champion but he also needs to rid himself of the presence of Ethan Shaw…..the domestic issues with himself and Christy and whatever role Uryu plays in that can be dealt with after…

Gazzy pulls himself up onto the apron and he exchanges glares with Mike Masters before hopping over the top rope. The crowd are applauding as Masters and Gazzy circle one another….

JR: Two men with pretty similar styles….quick, athletic and technically gifted….this may be my favourite style matchup thus far tonight….

The circling continues as they feel one another out and look for openings until they burst forward into a lockup. Masters is quick to apply a side headlock but then Gazzy rushes back into the ropes and shoves his opponent across the ring the momentum….

JT: Look at that….that is precision and perfection….

Masters comes back and Gazzy looks for a hiptoss but it is countered into an armdrag takedown. They get up again and Masters ducks Gazzy’s attack and handsprings into the ropes for a back elbow attack on the rebound but Gazzy anticipates it and leaps up for a dropkick to the back of the head. They get up again and Gazzy drags Masters forward….

JR: Gazzy looking to close the show….DEEP IMPACT!

Masters battles and then swipes Gazzy’s legs. He catapults him to the corner but Gazzy lands out on the second rope. Gazzy then leaps up top and flips back with an incredible moonsault takedown……………….1…………………….2………….kickout!

JT: This is precisely the kind of action I was anticipating from these two men….

Masters gets up but runs straight into a back elbow from Gazzy. Gazzy looks for an Irish whip but Masters springs onto the ropes….


Gazzy ducks the flying kick and then scores with a kick to the stomach…


Masters blocks the “twist of fate” by spinning through and scores with a zigzag neckbreaker from nowhere. He rushes for the corner and climbs up high…

JT: 450….

Gazzy moves to avoid the attack from on high but Masters shows amazing athleticism to transition into a forward roll as he lands, instead of crashing into the mat. They both get back up and Masters ducks a running clothesline from Gazzy and heads up the turnbuckle again….


Gazzy moves again and this time Masters can’t prevent himself from splattering into the canvass upon landing. Gazzy quickly drills him with the “History Maker”….

JT: Might do it….Masters grand return about to be spoilt…..

………....kickout from Masters!

HE: Wishful thinking on your part…..Mike Masters could just go all the way….

JR: I wonder how Karl Kramer is feeling right now…..and when will he make an appearance in this match…

We get a shot of a very tense looking Karl Kramer sat in the “Empire” locker-room, glued to the TV screen. Charles Kramer, Johnny Oko and Vortex remain tight lipped as KK’s gaze does not wander from the action….

JT: Karl Kramer looks as focused as I have seen him in a long time…

HE: Eye of the Tiger….he knows it’s a travesty and injustice what he is being forced through tonight but he will prevail and he will prove himself the rightful champion…

JR: I thought you just said Masters could go all the way?

HE: He could….but he won’t….nobody is beating Karl Kramer tonight….

Gazzy drags Masters up and then nails a snap suplex before walking to the corner. He grips the top turnbuckle and leaps up….


Masters anticipates the moonsault and drives his knees up into the gut of Gazzy, sending him rolling away to catch his breath. Masters slowly gets himself together and then he runs forward, leaping onto the ropes…


JR: Could be the beginning of the end for GazzyD….

The whip and impact can be heard all around the arena as Masters’ foot connects with Gazzy’s jaw and drops him…………………...1……………………...2………………..3!

JT: Gazzy just and I mean just kicked out there….

JR: Mike Masters giving a great account of himself here….he looks as close to the man who stood atop the mountain in 6CW as you could imagine….

HE: Six years has passed since Masters was EWF Champion….but he looks even better now than he did then…

Gazzy is clearly dazed from the kick and can’t get his focus back as Masters pulls him up to a vertical base and signals to the crowd…


Gazzy swings free and then drops to the mat, pulling Masters’ face onto the sole of his boot. Masters staggers toward the corner and Gazzy crashes into his back with double knees before lifting him up onto the turnbuckle, facing out to the audience. Gazzy climbs up behind his opponent…

JR: Even when GazzyD’s back is against the wall he finds a way….it has been synonymous with his career…..the “Ultimate Underdog” thriving against the odds…...INCREDIBLE!

There are cheers in the building as Gazzy connects with a sensational inverted hurricanrana (poisonrana) that drives his opponent down into the canvass. Masters rolls out on his knees, eyes glazed over, as Gazzy stumbles up and makes toward him….

JT: Masters is barely running on fumes after that…..he’s a sitting duck….

JR: Gazzy is a “Deep Impact” away….

Gazzy is about to hit “Deep Impact” when “” plays out of the speakers…

JR: But that’s….that’s Uryu’s music…

HE: Uryu once again trying to ruin Gazzy’s life…

JT: It just isn’t Uryu’s MO….

Gazzy drops Masters in surprise and turns toward the stage with raised eyebrows and anger on his face….

JR: We saw Uryu and Gazzy looking to bury the hatchet earlier tonight but this is not going to help relations between the two of them….

HE: Uryu wants the 6WF Championship…..he’s resorting to dirty tactics…

Gazzy has his hands on his hips, continuing to stare at the stage, but nobody appears. He turns back around and grabs Masters by the hair, pulling him up….




Gazzy prepares for “Deep Impact” when Masters swipes his legs and bridges over the top for the quick, surprising three count. Masters rolls away, smirking, as Gazzy sits in astonishment….

HE: Uryu got his wish….

JR: We still don’t know Uryu was even responsible…..nobody turned up when the music played….

HE: The music doesn’t just play by accident…..SEE!

JT: I have a feeling this could be about to go very South….

“Hold on tight” plays out again as a very confused looking Uryu Ishida walks out onto the stage. Uryu is looking all around him, as though he doesn’t understand what has just happened….

JR: Uryu is coming out here as number nine in the “Gauntlet”….either he’s an incredible actor or he’s just as confused as the rest of us…

HE: He knows exactly what he just did….

JT: Uryu doesn’t control the music…..that’s the boys in the truck…..

Gazzy looks thunderous as he rolls out of the ring into the aisleway to confront Uryu. Uryu has his hands up and is trying to explain to Gazzy that he doesn’t know what happened…

JR: I don’t think Uryu is convincing Gazzy….

HE: Gazzy is right to not believe him…..Uryu is trying to steal his wife and he just stole his chance of becoming 6WF Champion….

Gazzy is pointing to the stage and then he shoves Uryu in the chest. Uryu takes a deep breath and a step back…

JT: Uryu isn’t trying to get into a fight with Gazzy here…

HE: It’s a bit late for that….


The big screen suddenly kicks into life as a high pitched scream fills the air. We see Christy James locking the door of her and Gazzy’s locker-room as Ethan Shaw begins using his baseball bat to drive against the wood, shaking it on its hinges. Christy has backed up against the far wall and is crouched down, shaking in fear, as Shaw continues his attempts to break through….

JT: That maniac is going after Christy….someone needs to stop him…

JR: Gazzy and Uryu are too busy with their handbags…..but it’s Christy in serious danger here…

JT: Shaw is a lunatic and he needs to be stopped…

Gazzy’s eyes widen in shock at what is taking place backstage and he suddenly he bursts past Uryu and sprints backstage. Uryu is temporarily stunned, not having seen what happened on the big screen….

HE: Uryu doesn’t even know what’s happened….he was gearing up for a fight with Gazzy….

Uryu turns on his heel to see Gazzy disappearing backstage. He then sees Ethan Shaw trying to get to Christy and is about to join the rescue but Mike Masters attacks him from behind…

JR: I think Uryu forgot he’s in a match for the 6WF World Championship here….

JT: Uryu is a man of honour…..he wants to be back there protecting Christy…..

HE: Then he’s a fool…..that is not his woman…..and he has a chance here to become a megastar….that is why he never will be…

Masters quickly twirls Uryu around and slings him under the bottom rope into ring. Masters leaps up onto the apron and waits for Uryu to get to his feet before springboarding inside….


Masters is looking for the flying forearm but jumps straight into a huge dropkick from Ishida instead. Uryu quickly rolls up and springs off the ropes before planting his opponent with a tornado DDT…

JT: Masters got overconfident but Uryu was expecting him...

*Another high pitch scream fills the air as Ethan Shaw’s bat breaks through the door, splintering it, and he shoves his arm through to unlock it. He is just about to open it when GazzyD storms into view and attacks him…

JR: Thank the Lord that Gazzy got back there in time….

HE: But now he’s put himself in danger instead….

*Gazzy is throwing furious punches until Shaw drives a vicious knee into his gut and then launches him straight through the door, smashing it off its hinges. Christy James is beside herself with fear as her husband writhes on the floor and Shaw walks inside…

JT: Ethan Shaw has got some evil intentions in mind here…

Uryu has stopped still in the ring and is watching proceedings on the big screen. Mike Masters suddenly grabs him from behind and rolls him up…

JR: Just like what happened to Gazzy…

……..Uryu kicks out!

JT: Not quite….

They both scramble back up and Uryu leapfrogs over Masters before wiping him out with a pele kick. He stumbles over to the corner…

JR: Despite everything Uryu may be able to knock off Masters here…

*Ethan Shaw is using his baseball bat to choke Gazzy unconscious on the floor. Christy seems to break from her fearful trance and she runs over, jumping onto Shaw’s back…

JT: I don’t think the wisest decision she has ever made…

JR: But she wasn’t just going to watch her husband take a beating…

HE: They’re all going to get their turn…

*Shaw suddenly swings around and he launches Christy off of his back so that she collides against the wall and slumps down, dazed from the impact. Gazzy tries to get up but Shaw kicks him in the head and then rounds on Christy…

JT: I have a feeling this is about to get a whole lot worse….we need security back there…

JR: Stay away from her you creep…

Uryu has just climbed onto the top rope when he sees the imminent danger that Christy is in. He looks extremely conflicted but then Masters is up and springs off the ropes, leaping up and catching him with the “Master Kick” on the top turnbuckle…

JT: Uryu wanted to get back there and save the day…

JR: But he also wants to be 6WF Champion….and he promised that he’d give Christy space whilst her and Gazzy sorted their marriage out….

Uryu is just sat on the top rope as Masters climbs up with him. Masters gets Uryu onto his shoulders, whilst stood on the second rope, and then jumps off spin out slam………….1…………………..2………………...3!

JT: Mike Masters just picked up yet another elimination….the former EWF World Champion is on a roll…

JR: GWF will be lucky to get him back at this rate….he may end tonight as 6WF Champion…

HE: And now Uryu can’t get backstage to save Gazzy and Christy…

JT: Why do you sound happy about that? They are at the mercy of an absolute psychopath….

*Christy James is shown pressed up against the wall, her eyes brimming with tears and fear, as Ethan Shaw smiles at her. Shaw then grabs the camera and shoves it out of the room so that it goes static…

JR: We need another camera back there and someone to save Christy…..Ethan Shaw must be stopped…

Uryu has rolled from the ring, holding the back of his head, whilst Mike Masters sits on the canvass with a triumphant smirk. Masters pushes his hair from his face…

JT: Tremendous performance thus far by the returning Mike Masters….but we are only halfway through….who is leaving with the gold?


Cheers ring out as “Take me to the hospital” blasts out and Jackson Jackson comes walking out onto the stage. Jackson looks down the ramp as Mike Masters begins to get back to his feet….

JT: The former 6CW Champion and one half of one of the greatest tag teams in history…..Jackson Jackson’s career has been in somewhat of a freefall since losing the world title but what a way to turn his fortunes around this would be…

JR: Jackson’s well documented slump would end in spectacular fashion if he could get his hands on the 6WF Championship here this evening…..emulating his mentor, Max Adamson…

JT: And how fitting that Max is here tonight…..I’m not sure if he was trying to be supportive of Jackson earlier or not but his comments seemed to light a fire underneath his former protege….

HE: Max is one of the greatest ever… of the very few men to hold world titles in 6CW and 6WF so when he talks, Jackson should listen and not be so thin skinned….I’d love Max to enter tonight and show Jackson how it’s done….

JR: As far as I’m aware Max is still not cleared to compete but stranger things have happened….what I do know is that Jackson Jackson is entering here at #10 and he wants the 6WF Championship….

JT: And the first man standing in his way is a man who knows Max Adamson very well….

Masters beckons for Jackson to bring it on as JJ sprints the rest of the way and dives in. Masters moves forward but Jackson ducks under him and runs off the opposite side, returning with a flying back elbow takedown. They get back up and Jackson hits an inverted atomic drop into a standing “Spanish Fly”….

JR: Incredible offence from Jackson….the kind of thing that took him to the mountain top in the first place…

Masters stumbles back up and Jackson smashes him with a discus elbow to the mouth. Masters falls into the ropes and comes back as Jackson kicks him in the gut…


Masters elbows his way out of Jackson’s grip and then ducks a clothesline before running the ropes and returns with a leaping high knee (ala Triple H). They get back up and Masters springs off the ropes….


Jackson avoids the kick and then quickly runs Masters to the corner, up the turnbuckle and out for a picture perfect Shiranui…

…………….Masters kicks out!

JR: Close but not close enough for Jackson Jackson…

Jackson looks at the referee with exasperation but then turns his focus back to Masters. He pulls him up into a vertical suplex and then twists his hips, dragging him up again, and connects with another two straight….

JT: Hat-trick scored…..Jackson Jackson showing his credentials….

JR: We knew he didn’t become anything less than world class over night…..but slumps are hard to pull yourself out of….

JT: He’s doing his level best to do that right here….

Jackson sucks a deep breath in before making his way to the corner. He climbs up the turnbuckle and points to the banks of monitors, drawing cheers from the fans….

JR: Jackson going big here…..JACKSAULT!

HE: Mistake after mistake….

*We see Max Adamson watching backstage and he shakes his head as Mike Masters moves and Jackson thunders into the canvass. Adamson then sidesteps as we see The Parasite Killers and The Next Big Things brawling in the backstage area.


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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:46 am

JT: I guess the fighting is taking place all over the arena tonight….tensions spilling over in all quarters….

JR: The Next Big Things and The Parasite Killers’ issues only increased early in this match…I’m not surprised to see that they have continued their feud into the backstage area….

HE: They’re lucky they didn’t hit the living legend Max Adamson there….otherwise there would have been problems…as if he doesn’t have enough to be annoyed about watching Jackson fail again….

JR: Jackson is still in this match, I wouldn’t call that a failure…

HE: He won’t be for much longer….

Jackson is holding his ribs as he stumbles back up but then Masters leaps in behind him with a zigzag neckbreaker…

………..thr-shoulder up!

JT: Jackson is a man with a point to prove and that is hard to beat out of someone….

HE: But beat he will be….Mike Masters is a man in the form of his life here….

JR: There is a reason this man is a champion in another company right now…..MASTERPIECE!

Masters has some trash talk for Jackson Jackson as he drags him back up and then he whips him around for the “Gringo Killer” but Jackson somehow falls off the back and staggers to the corner. Masters chases in but Jackson drives his feet up into MM’s face and knocks him back. Jackson then chases out but Masters uses his momentum to tilt-a-whirl him…..

JT: Jackson landed out on his feet…..JACKED OFF!


There are cheers as Jackson lands on his feet and then quickly spins the surprised Masters into the air and drills him with the pumphandle flatliner….


JT: Max Adamson better start showing some respect to his protege because he just pulled off a “masterstroke”….

JR: Tremendous return to 6CW for Mike Masters tonight but he will not be leaving tonight as 6WF Champion….

JT: But Jackson Jackson is one step closer….

HE: I hope we see Masters again…

JR: I’m sure the 6CW Council will be making some calls after that showing….but it is Jackson Jackson who continues to run the “Gauntlet”….

JT: But who will be next to stake their claim?

JR: Oh my…..World’s End Re-Match incoming….

The lights in the arena dim and then a spotlight hits the stage as “Sandwitches” echoes out to a crescendo of boos from the 6CW audience. Robin Reborn’s silhouette then appears…

JT: Reborn and Jackson settled their issues at World’s End a few weeks ago but I’d say we are about to open old wounds here…

HE: Reborn proved at World’s End that he is too good for Jackson Jackson so we all know how this is going to go….

JR: It was an astonishing contest between two former 6CW Champions and I am more than happy to see them go at it again….

JT: Reborn proved himself at World’s End as he went at it alone with the backup of his Wolf Gang brotherhood…..


Reborn walks out onto the stage and holds his arms wide as pyros explode behind him. He smirks down at Jackson, who is beckoning him to come and fight, before boos fill the arena…

HE: Genius….absolutely genius…

JR: Like a pack of goddamn hyenas….what chance did Jackson have here…

JT: He could have done with some backup….

HE: Jackson told Max to stay out of his business because he could handle it all himself….bet he regrets that now…

Drake leaps up onto one apron as Jackson rushes across to knock him back down. JJ then turns around as Ojore rolls in the opposite side and runs straight through him with a battering ram headbutt to the chest…..

JR: Ojore still had that “war” helmet on….he could have crushed Jackson’s chest with that…

JT: Reborn already proved he could beat Jackson alone at World’s End so why does he need his cronies doing his dirty work for him?

HE: Because it’s quicker…..this is why Reborn is heading back to the top because he’s smarter….why waste energy when you can take out the playing field without breaking sweat…..this is a marathon, not a sprint….

The referee is trying to get Ojore from the ring but he shoves the official away and then hauls Jackson back up. Drake then slides in and he almost breaks JJ in half with a devastating spear…

JR: Jackson Jackson came into this “Gauntlet” with a purpose but that purpose has been crushed at the hands of the “Wolf Gang”…

Reborn unzips his jacket and smirks as he clambers up onto the ring apron. Drake and Ojore climb to the outside, leaving Jackson on the canvass in a heap…

JT: Robin Reborn suddenly looking incredibly man sausage-sure of himself…

HE: And with good reason…..JUST LOOK AT THAT!

Jackson is clearly suffering from some internal damage but he makes it back up to a vertical base as Reborn springboards in and takes him out with the flying forearm. Reborn quickly drags Jackson back up and nails the “God’s Last Gift”….


JR: Reborn has his first elimination in mere seconds….

JT: With all the help in the world….

HE: It pays to have connections…...Reborn is doing this for the “Wolf Gang” collective and winning the 6WF Championship will put their agenda on the map….

Reborn stands over Jackson Jackson with a smirk. He drops down to one knee and raises an arm as we get a shot of Max Adamson watching backstage. Adamson just shakes his head at the screen and walks away…

HE: Jackson Jackson has disappointed Max Adamson for the final time…

JR: Maybe if Max had backed him up out here it wouldn’t have gone down like that….

HE: Max respected Jackson’s wishes and look where it got him…..if he’d accepted Adamson’s help in the first place and showed some gratitude then maybe he’d still be in this match….

JT: Ridiculous notion….if Max gave a damn about Jackson he’d of been out here….

JR: I’m sure a debate that will rage on and perhaps we’ll get an update on that later on but for now we’ve got Robin Reborn out here waiting on entrant number twelve….


“Buffalo soldier” booms through the airwaves and there is a huge reaction from the audience as Rasta comes bouncing out onto the stage…

JR: Rasta was 6WF Champion for 6 years…..he was, we all believed, the final champion in the history of that great company…..

JT: But Charles Kramer tracked him down on the independent scene and offered him the biggest purse of his career to defend against Karl Kramer at World’s End….

HE: And he lost, fair and square….no controversy…

JR: The only controversy was whether the 6CW Council would ratify that victory on their show….but nobody disputes that Kramer beat Rasta…...that being said it is only right that the former champion has the chance to regain what he lost here tonight….

JT: Rasta is a 6WF legend, no two ways about that, and it is only right that he is here tonight to attempt to reclaim his former crown….the 6CW Universe are certainly amped up to see him…

Rasta bounds down the ramp and throws his arms up in appreciation of the reaction he is receiving from the digital audience. Robin Reborn is watching from the ring with bemusement…

JR: I don’t think Reborn is overly impressed by his new opponent….OH CMON!

Drake suddenly sprints around the ring and he destroys Rasta in the aisleway with a hellacious spear, snapping the former champion’s head off the concrete floor. Reborn smirks from the outside as Ojore helps Drake to pull Rasta up and they whip him toward the steel steps….BOOM!

JT: That is horrifying to watch….Rasta’s whole body may have just been broken into pieces….

HE: I bet he wishes he’d just taken Charles Kramer’s money and ran….

The steel steps fly through the air as Rasta is launched against them. He is barely even moving as Ojore hauls him up and throws him into the ring….

JT: And now Reborn can just feed on the damn scraps….he hasn’t even spilt a drop of sweat yet…..

HE: Which is why it’s so hard to look past him in this contest now….

JR: I’ll concur on that… order to beat Reborn it looks like you’ll have to go through the whole Wolf Gang….

Reborn quickly moves forward and he drags the limp form of Rasta to his feet before drilling him with a “Wing Clipper”. RR kneels on Rasta’s chest as the referee makes a reluctant count…


HE: At least Rasta can live with the history that he once was 6WF Champion because it is never going to happen again...he’s out of here….

JT: Nobody can ever take Rasta’s achievement away from him…

JR: But his hopes of reclaiming the 6WF Championship are over…..Reborn has two quick-fire eliminations here and he has to be the new favourite….

JT: There’s still plenty of time to go in this contest but I’ll admit it is looking ominous….The Wolf Gang are a scary proposition for anyone still to enter this “Gauntlet”….

JR: Speaking of which….who is unlucky 13?

*Crowd ultra pop

HE: NO….




Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:48 am




JR: Look at Reborn rallying the troops…..the leader of the Wolf Gang looks rattled….

HE: Nothing fazes Robin Reborn….don’t let him down here Drake, stop him, Ojore…

JT: Sounds like you’re rattled too….

Pyros erupt into the air and the noise from the digital crowd is raucous as Geoff Steel comes striding out onto the stage, a huge grin on his face at the reception he is being afforded. Steel rips off his vest to reveal that he is in tremendous shape…

JR: The former 6CW Champion is back…..after years in the wilderness….and in his first night back could he be about to become the 6WF Champion?

HE: Not a chance….he still has to get through….AHHHHH!

Ojore and Drake have moved into the aisleway to block Steel’s path to ringside but Steel breaks into a run and leaps through the air with a flying shoulder tackle that sends Ojore into Drake and both men scramble across the hard flooring. Ojore is the first to his feet and he rushes into a sprint but Steel sidesteps….BOOM!

JR: Ojore just went straight through the barricade…

The ringside barrier breaks as Ojore thunders through it and lands in a heap in the fan area. Steel then waits for Drake to run at him and he drop toe holds him onto the steel steps, slamming Drake’s face down into the solid metal…

JT: Geoff Steel just cleaned house on the Wolf Gang…

JR: And now it is just he and Robin Reborn….Reborn suddenly doesn’t look so confident…

Reborn has his hands up in mock surrender as Steel glares at him and then climbs up into the ring. A huge “Welcome back” and “Let’s go Steel” chant rings out around the arena as Reborn drops all pretence and charges forward for an attack….

HE: Get him, Robin… don’t need anyone….you’re too good for this old has-been….

Steel ducks Reborn’s attack and then rattles off with a three punch combo that staggers his opponent into the ropes. He whips Reborn across the ring and then sends him flying through the air with a huge backdrop….

JT: Geoff Steel looks in as good a shape as I have ever seen him….and he hasn’t missed a step….

JR: Steel is one of the most powerful bada55 brawlers in 6CW history….it is amazing to see him back inside the squared circle….

JT: Not if you’re Robin Reborn it isnt…

HE: Reborn’s just a little thrown off guard but he’ll rally in a minute, just wait…..Steel’s honeymoon period will not last….

Reborn holds his spine as he gets back up and Steel scoops him onto his shoulders. He prepares for a running powerslam but Reborn drops off the back….


Steel grabs the top rope to block the zigzag neckbreaker and sends Reborn crashing to the canvass. Steel quickly grabs Reborn by the head and pulls him up to his feet…


Reborn struggles against the attempted piledriver and he swipes Steel’s feet. He drops back and catapults his opponent to the corner, where his head nails the turnbuckle. Steel staggers back around as Reborn gets up…


Steel elbows free of Reborn’s grip and then he swipes his legs as the crowd roar. Reborn tries to thrash from side to side and get free but Steel is too powerful for him and manages to twist him over….

JT: Big, big trouble here now for Robin Reborn…..Geoff Steel has beaten the very best with this hold….

HE: He’s never beaten Reborn with it and he won’t tonight…..he’ll be getting free any second now…

JR: I’m not so sure…

Steel rams his knee into the spine of Reborn for extra pressure and the leader of the Wolf Gang howls in agony. Reborn reaches for the ropes but he is too far away….

JT: Robin Reborn’s designs on the 6WF Championship could be about to go up in flames….


Drake is back in the ring, his nose busted, and he has Ojore’s helmet in his hand. Steel tries to release the submission in time as Drake swings the helmet at him…


Steel ducks the blow just in time and then he kicks Drake in the stomach and drills him with his patented piledriver. The referee rolls Drake from the ring as Reborn staggers back to his feet, holding his back…



Steel picks up Ojore’s helmet and he grins before smashing Reborn in the face with it. Steel throws it out of the ring and covers as the referee turns back around…


HE: This is a travesty…..this is precisely the injustice that the Wolf Gang is fighting against….

JT: Tell it to someone who gives a damn…..Reborn and the Wolf Gang brought it on themselves….Geoff Steel is one step closer to a fairytale return here….

HE: Oh ho….the fairytale ends now…..the “Haunting” has arrived...another so-called “legend” is about to fall….

JR: Jimmy Phillips entering in here at #14 and this has all the makings of a classic encounter….

JT: Two powerhouses about to collide…..Steel already proved he hasn’t missed a beat but he’s facing a serious challenge here….

HE: The most in-form star in 6CW right now……


Steel is waiting as Jimmy Phillips saunters out on the stage. Phillips unzips his hoody and walks down the ramp as Robin Reborn suddenly low blows Steel from behind and rolls from the ring…

JT: What a sore loser….someone get that piece of (beep) out of here….

HE: Robin Reborn was robbed of his chance to be world champion….

JR: He lost fair and square….the only man being robbed here is Geoff Steel….

HE: Hitting someone in the head with a steel helmet is not fair and square…

JT: He had to overcome three men

Phillips suddenly breaks into a run and he dives into the ring. Steel is down, winded, as Phillips pours it on with brutal stomps….

JT: Jimmy Phillips is a tough another proposition right now for anyone in the world….he doesn’t need any help….

The referee tries to get some control as Phillips lands vicious kicks to the body and head of Steel. Eventually the official backs JP away and warns him about his conduct….

JR: The last thing Jimmy Phillips wants is to throw away his opportunity on a DQ…..he has Geoff Steel at his mercy here…

Phillips seems crazed as ignores the referee’s remonstrations and shoves him aside. He has his sights firmly set on Steel as he wills him to his feet…

HE: The Homecoming is about to become very bittersweet for Geoff Steel….TOUCHDOWN!

Steel is in the last throws of desperation as he hammers his elbow into the side of Phillips’ head until he releases. Phillips is momentarily stunned as Steel plants a boot into his stomach…


Phillips counters quickly with a backdrop and then he runs off the ropes as Steel gets back up….


The clothesline thuds into Steel and takes him down. Phillips arrogantly nods his head and covers…………………….1…………………...2……………….3!


Phillips roars in dismay and hounds the referee but the official assures him it was a two count. Robin Reborn and The Wolf Gang are still arguing with referees and security at ringside…

JR: Phillips cannot believe it but Geoff Steel’s resilience is legendary….

HE: This is all a setup….

JT: I’m not sure how you work that out…..Steel was the one who was disadvantaged following Reborn’s attack….

Phillips turns away from the referee in disgust and yells at Steel to get back up to his feet. Steel is clearly in some discomfort as he stumbles up to a vertical base….

JR: Steel is wounded here…..Phillips just needs to concentrate his energy and its GAME OVER!

Phillips grabs Steel and attempts to pull him down into a coquina clutch but Steel drives himself backward so that he squashes all his bodyweight into JP in the corner. Steel stumbles away, trying to compose himself…

JT: Steel managed to buy himself a minute there….but Phillips is not going to leave him for long….GAME CHANGER!

Phillips sucks in a deep breath and charges from the corner for another clothesline but this time Steel is ready and he ducks it. He then kicks Phillips in the stomach…


Phillips battles against Steel’s grip and then succeeds in swiping his legs. He drops back and catapults Steel to the corner, causing his head to hit the top turnbuckle. Steel is staggered…


JT: And I fear it will be for Geoff Steel now…

This time, Phillips gets the submission locked in and he drags Steel to the floor before wrapping his legs around his opponent’s waist for extra leverage. Steel’s fight is quickly reduced as Phillips’ arms tighten around his windpipe…

JR: Steel’s going to sleep here….there is nothing he can do but succumb…

It is clear within moments that Steel has faded into unconsciousness. The referee quickly checks his pulse and then raises his arm to make absolutely sure before signalling for the bell…

JT: Geoff Steel’s triumphant return has been curtailed here….Robin Reborn can claim an assist for that…

HE: But it is Jimmy Phillips who got the job done….another “legend” has been dispatched….

JR: Whatever the circumstances we are now getting to the business end of proceedings and Jimmy Phillips is suddenly looking like a hell of a proposition for the 6WF Championship...OH THIS IS GOING TO BE INTERESTING!

Geoff Steel rolls from the ring and is assessed by a ringside doctor when “Revival Mode” then booms through the airwaves to cheers from the electronic crowd. Liam Wood walks out onto the stage, the UK Championship strapped around his waist….

JT: The United Kingdom Champion is in the house…

JR: And he’s about to showdown with the man who is next in line to challenge him for that title...what a story this would be if one of these two men could take a world title into that upcoming battle as well….

HE: Another for what is soon to be Jimmy Phillips’ growing collection…..he’s going to give Liam Wood a preview tonight of what will happen when they meet with the UK Championship on the line….I’m sure the “Haunting” will be more than happy to put his world title up for grabs when the time comes….

JT: If the time comes….Liam Wood has the pedigree here….a former three time world champion in his own right….he’d love nothing more to walk out a double champion…

JR: And he has the talent to do it….WAIT JUST A DAMN MINUTE….

Wood stares down at the ramp at Phillips, the gaze returned, but then suddenly Varyag and El Castile of the Death Squad attack Wood from behind. Phillips is grinning from ear to ear as Varyag drags Wood back up and slams him, face-first, into the steel entrance structure…

JT: What is the damn meaning of this?

HE: This is fantastic….no way was Varyag going to let Wood get away with what he did to him all those months ago…

JR: Wood turned his back on Varyag and the Death Squad, he cut them from his life as he looked to get back on track….but like a bad nightmare they have returned here to haunt him…

JT: I smelt a rat when Marinov turned up last week with Varyag and El Castile in tow…..

We get a shot of Emmy, tearful, watching on from backstage as Wood is brutalised by both members of The Death Squad. Wood is bleeding heavily from the head as Castile whips him forward into the sickening “Voyna Gospodin” club from the giant Varyag.

JR: This is nothing more than a mugging here….this whole “Gauntlet” has been littered with interference and blindsided attacks…

HE: You open it up to anyone and this is what happens, what did you expect? Every single issue and feud is spilling over here….the 6CW Council knew what they were doing when they ordered this match…

JT: And look at Jimmy Phillips, like the cat who got the goddamn cream…

Phillips is smirking as he backs up in the corner and rests. Liam Wood is a bloody mess on the ramp and the Death Squad seem to be contemplating further assaults when their manager appears, a smile on his face…

JT: Why am I not surprised to see this smug (beep) face….

JR: Marinov felt just as slighted as the rest of the Death Squad and I guess this is their payback….Liam Wood has been decimated here and his chances of becoming a four time world champion seem to have evaporated…

HE: Seemed to? He’s done…

JT: Wood shouldn’t be cleared to compete here….he’s had a history of concussions in recent months and I feel a decision should be made….

Wood is trying to stand, his legs betraying him, and make his way to ringside but his path is barred by concerned officials. The Death Squad back away and through the curtain as Wood is kept upright by the hoard of referees…

JR: Liam Wood is trying to get down to ringside….he wants to compete….

JT: It would be extremely negligent of the referee’s and officials to allow that to happen….Wood is a warrior, we know that…...OH ENOUGH NOW!

Jimmy Phillips has left the ring, seizing his moment, and he picks up the UK Championship belt off the ramp before smashing Liam Wood in the face with it, leaving him motionless on the solid steel stage. Phillips throws the belt down on Wood’s chest before he is pushed back toward ringside…

JT: I’d expect nothing more from that low life piece of trash….

HE: He’s just sending a message….once Wood is recovered and Phillips has won this match, he’s coming for that UK Championship…..Wood’s days are numbered….

JR: Wood needs medical attention here….

Emmy has appeared, still crying, and he crouches down by Wood’s side as he receives more medical attention. Jimmy Phillips is talking into the camera as he climbs back up into the ring…

Phillips: Nobody is ready….nobody can stop this….this is my time….finally the recognition….AND THE NEW…..AND THE NEW…

JR: Phillips’ confidence is growing here….he knows he’s getting closer and closer now…

HE: Who’s next?


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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:49 am

There is a growing anticipation as Jimmy Phillips paces the ring, waiting for his next opponent to come out. We then head backstage as Uryu Ishida bursts through the door into Gazzy’s locker-room to find Gazzy stood there, looking bewildered…

Gazzy: He’s taken her….

*Uryu stops dead as the words resonate with him. Gazzy rounds on Uryu, fury growing

Gazzy: This is…..THIS IS ALL YOUR FA…

Uryu: NO!

*The tone of Uryu’s voice seems to take Gazzy by surprised

Uryu: You wanna rip my head off then be my guest….lay blame at my door for everything that has gone wrong here, whatever leaves your conscious clear….but now, right now, is not the time and you know it… have issues with me and you want to resolve them then that’s exactly what we’ll do….but right now our only aim….

Gazzy: My…

Uryu: No ours….our only aim to is get Christy back and get rid of Shaw for good….you may not like it, may not respect it….but Christy is my friend and I will do whatever I have to in order to return her safely to you… hate me all you like….blame me for everything….but right now you need my help….

*Gazzy seems to be mulling over Uryu’s words

Gazzy: Where would he….I mean…

Uryu: We need to get some security footage…..there is cameras all over this building….we find out where they’ve gone….we track them….we get Christy back…..and we finish Shaw once and for all…

*Gazzy seems to be struggling for words but he nods his head

JR: I never believed I’d see the day where Gazzy and Uryu were on the same page…

JT: They are united in the face of the most serious of threats….Ethan Shaw, who we believe is supposed to be our next entrant, has kidnapped Christy James….this has just become an extremely disturbing situation…

JR: It’s been disturbing ever since Shaw arrived in 6CW but this is beyond even that….folks we will keep you updated as and when we have more information….we just hope Christy is found safely and Shaw is brought to justice for his actions…

JT: Whatever the end result in this whole saga I don’t anticipate anything but pain and suffering for all involved…

HE: I obviously hope no harm comes to Christy….but this whole affair has been building toward something like this…..

JR: It certainly is worryingly sinister….and with Gazzy and Uryu constantly at loggerheads, that will not help…

JT: They need to separate egos and personal feelings here….they just need to find Christy….

HE: And also….if Ethan Shaw was indeed #16 then that means he’s out of the running….

JR: Which means we are really running down the numbers now...Jimmy Phillips is rightfully looking smug here…..


A huge cheer rings out as “Perfection” screams through the airwaves and Perfect Jack appears through a jet of purple and silver pyros.

JR: I didn’t think PJ was cleared yet…..this is a huge surprise….and such a late number too…..a new favourite?

JT: He’s got the big match experience….former world champion in both 6CW and 6WF…..this would be some way for Perfect Jack to bounce back from what happened at World’s End…

HE: Not going to happen...he can still barely see properly out of that eye…


PJ runs down the ramp and dives into the ring. Phillips rushes toward him but Jack ducks his attack and then launches him across the ring with an overhead belly to belly suplex…

JT: Perfect Jack is a wrestling machine….one of the best technical and submission based wrestlers in the history of this business… he carrying an injury? Well we know all about it but write him off at your peril….this is a “Gauntlet” and we have seen already, literally anything can happen….

JR: Jack even with one good eye is a serious threat….he knows what it takes to be the best….even at World’s End, against the odds, he gave Clarke James a serious run for his money….LOOK AT THAT!

Phillips is back up but he misses wildly with a right hand and is launched again with a release German suplex. PJ is all fired up as he beckons JP to his feet and grabs his arm…



The cheers are all around as Phillips driven into the canvass by the “Olympic slam”, taken all the wind from him, and PJ covers……


HE: You cannot fight destiny….

PJ is stunned as the referee holds up two fingers but he does not deter. He blinks slightly, his bloodshot eye in full focus, and then gets back to his feet….

JR: They still aren’t completely sure what Clarke James did to PJ’s eye but his vision has yet to return to normal….

JT: Yet another indication of the malice that oozes from Clarke James...something Marshall Murdoch will be wary of ahead of tonight’s main event….

JR: Arguably the most historic edition of Proving Grounds we have ever had….as if the 6CW Championship is still to come…

PJ seems to be psyching himself up as he waits for Phillips to stand. He grabs him around the waist for another German but JP elbows his way free and spins out before running off the ropes…


PJ ducks the attempted clothesline “from hell” and then he snaps off a hat-trick of German suplexes, much to the delight of the audience. Jack then points to the top rope…

JT: PJ is on fire here….this is as good as we have seen him….he believes that tonight he could return to the summit of pro wrestling…

JR: And wouldn’t that be a story to tell….the 6WF Champion after what Clarke James did to him…

HE: Fairytales aren’t real, losers….


PJ is a little unsteady as he makes his way up the ropes but he composes himself in time before coming off with a perfect elbow drop to the heart of Jimmy Phillips, causing him to convulse and writhe. Jack gets back up to his feet and he waits for Phillips to rise before pulling him in close…

JR: And now to finish it….PERFECT PLEX!

Phillips uses his strength to block the suplex and he shoves PJ away to the ropes. He turns for a respite but PJ suddenly slams into him from behind with a chopblock to the knee….

JT: You do not turn your back on Perfect Jack, not even for a second….Phillips just provided the perfect target and we know what comes next…

JR: Maybe the deadliest submission in the game….FIGURE FOUR!


JT: It doesn’t make it right….

PJ seems certain to lock in the figure four when JP reaches up and grabs his hair with one hand and then drives his thumb into Jack’s injured eye with the other…

JR: I don’t condone it but it is a world title bout and you do what you have to….PJ was cleared and I guess he knew the risks….it isn’t sportsmanlike….

Jack is yelling in pain, holding his face, as Phillips crawls back up to his feet and beckons him around….


HE: When are we going to start having the conversation….?


JR: I guess the time must he close…..I mean Jimmy Phillips is on a roll here….he entered in #14 and since then he has outlasted Geoff Steel, Liam Wood and Perfect Jack…..forget about anything other circumstances because this isn’t like a usual match….that is a who’s who of talent that Phillips has taken out…

JT: We were led to believe that there was going to be twenty participants in this contest….by my reckoning that leaves three…

HE: Which means it’s time to start weighing up possibilities….



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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:50 am

“O Fortuna” suddenly booms out as King Karl Kramer enters the arena, flanked by his Uncle Charles and the members of The Empire…

HE: The rightful 6WF Champion….it’s a joke that the 6CW Council refused to ratify his victory and that he has to go through this tonight in order to prove his credentials….

JT: Go through what? He’s entering at #18 when the playing field has been dramatically thinned….he’s got his entire entourage to back him and he’s fresh…..from where I am sitting I’d say King Karl Kramer is in a great position, unfortunately….

JR: And you didn’t answer the question, Henry….Phillips or Kramer?

HE: Both would be worthy world champions….I’m Team Kramer, I believe he should be recognised as the champion because he won it fair and square...but Jimmy Phillips would carry the 6WF Championship with honour….this is tough to watch, two of the best…

JT: They are two of the best, two extremely talented individuals with questionable morals….both seeking to establish themselves as the number one attraction in pro wrestling….they both believe this is where they belong….

JR: For Kramer he believes he is the 6WF Champion and he shouldn’t even have to compete here….but even as a champion he would have to defend so this is no different….

HE: Yes it is….because most world champions don’t ever have to defend in a “Gauntlet”….you know this is a travesty of justice….a vendetta against Kramer and The Empire….but nothing can stop them, they are the future of 6CW….the dominant force…

JT: Jimmy Phillips may have something to say about that….Karl Kramer is fresher but Phillips has momentum on his side….both these men know how close they are now….

Charles Kramer is whispering some final instructions to his nephew as they pause at the base of the ring. Johnny Oko and Vortex begin to walk around opposite sides of the ring as Jimmy Phillips watches their movement….

JR: Phillips suddenly very wary of the task ahead of him here….he knows Kramer has the numbers at his disposal…

JT: As if Karl Kramer wasn’t a daunting enough prospect on his own….


There are roars of delight from the audience as a blood-stained Liam Wood appears from behind the ring and rolls inside. He spins Jimmy Phillips around and pops him up for the brutal knee to the face before staggering into the ropes and collapsing back through to the outside…

JT: Ain’t payback a (beep)?

HE: That’s not right…..there’s been far too much interference in this match…

JR: And Jimmy Phillips benefited from plenty of it….but it’s come back to haunt the “Haunting”….

JT: Liam Wood striking back….despite the blood loss and potential concussion…

Karl Kramer’s eyes have widened with opportunity as he watches the action unfolding before him. Uncle Charles yells at him to get in there and finish the job…

JR: Karl Kramer thought he was about to experience the fight of his life but Liam Wood has done him an enormous favour…

HE: The Empire will take their rightful place…...and everyone will bend the knee and KISS THE RING!

Karl Kramer leaps up into the ring and he motions for Phillips to get to his feet before detonating the huge leaping Superman punch to the jaw….


JT: Jimmy Phillips’ impressive run is over….King Karl Kramer can now reach out and touch the 6WF Championship with his fingertips….it’s close….

HE: It already belongs to him…

JR: Not until he wins this match…..OH HELL YES…..HERE WE GO!

HE: NO…..NO…..NO….

JT: YES…..YES….YES…...Kramer and the Empire look like their worst nightmare has just come true…

Karl Kramer is busy shepherding Phillips from the ring when “Riot” screams through the sound system to an almighty ovation. Kramer’s face whitens as Johnny Oko and Vortex run around to the base of the ramp alongside Charles Kramer…

HE: He’s not supposed to be here….

JT: Well guess again…..Tyler Roth is entrant number nineteen and the Kramer Klan better start saying some prayers because The Reaper is nigh….

JR: Tyler Roth was left battered and broken by The Empire at World’s End, suffering a fractured cheekbone in the process…..but here he comes….what a moment this is…

We see Tyler Roth marching through the backstage area and suddenly he bursts out onto the stage as the noise levels go up again. Charles Kramer is barking orders at Oko and Vortex…

HE: The Empire destroyed him once….they’ll do it again…..AHHHH!

Johnny Oko is the first to sprint up the ramp toward Roth but he is anticipated and Roth spins around to nail a huge discus lariat that spins him inside out. Vortex then clatters into Roth from behind….

JT: One of the few men who may be bigger than Roth on this whole roster…

HE: And now Roth will pay for coming back and trying to ruin this mom-OH NO!

Roth drives a huge knee into Vortex’ gut and then a massive European uppercut under the chin before lifting him off his feet and snaps him down with a spinebuster on the solid steel ramp. Karl Kramer looks concerned now…

JR: Oko is down….Vortex is down…..only Uncle Charles to help you now, Karl….

Charles Kramer tries to act braver than he feels as he stands his ground in front of the ring. Tyler Roth is swelling with rage and he smirks as he begins to walk down toward his enemies…

JT: We still don’t know the backstory….because I don’t buy Kramer’s story at all….but Roth and Kramer hate one another, that much is obvious….

JR: And Tyler Roth would love nothing more than some modicum of retribution here tonight….


CK steps forward, ready to block Roth’s path, but Roth just grabs him by the throat and begins to choke the life out of him. The Consultant is no match for Roth’s strength, his face reddening by the second, until Karl Kramer smashes his royal sceptre across Roth’s back…

HE: Can’t be disqualified because this match hasn’t begun yet….

JR: Technically true…..Karl Kramer doing anything he can to get the upper hand on Roth….

Charles Kramer staggers away, gasping in deep breaths, as his nephew slams Tyler Roth’s head into the ringpost. KK then launches Roth into the ring at the behest of the referee….

JT: Roth’s damaged cheekbone took another huge hit there off the ringpost…..and Kramer is going to look to kill this off quickly…

JR: He doesn’t not want another full blown war with Roth like we saw at World’s End….not without his backup…

HE: Kramer doesn’t need backup…..he is the 6WF Champion….

JT: He needed all the help he could get last time he was in the ring with Tyler Roth….

HE: You’ll be eating your words soon enough….CANNONBALL RUN!

Kramer rolls into the ring and he stalks Roth, who is struggling to his feet, before he bursts out at him for the leaping clothesline….


Roth uses Kramer’s speed and momentum to lift him up and spin him around with a ring-shaking “Sky High” powerbomb. He gets back to his feet as Charles Kramer climbs onto the apron….

JT: Big mistake, Charles…

Roth grabs CK and launches him over the top rope into the ring. CK tries to put his hands up in surrender but Roth drags him up and scoops him onto his shoulders….

JR: I think Charles Kramer is about to pay a very heavy price…….LOOK AT THAT!

Roth suddenly benches CK over his head and walks him to the ropes before launching him out of the ring at the oncoming Johnny Oko and Vortex, leaving them all in a heap in the aisleway. Roth dusts off his hands and turns around….


Karl Kramer is waiting and he takes full advantage with the huge spinebuster……………..1……………………..2…………………..3!



Karl Kramer looks mutinous as he scrambles to his feet to confront the referee. The official refuses to be intimidated as he tells KK it was a clear kickout….

JR: Kramer should already know how difficult it is to dispatch Roth….it took the whole Empire to finish the job at World’s End…

JT: The only time Roth has suffered a pinfall defeat in 6CW since returning….

HE: He’s about to suffer another…..KISS THE RING!

Kramer shoves the referee aside as he waits for Roth to get back up. He then sprints toward him and leaps through the air for the Superman punch but Roth ducks at the final moment and runs off the ropes….


The crowd go wild as Roth slams right through Kramer with a rib-crushing spear that leaves the champion writhing in pain on the canvass. Roth gets back to his feet and he draws a finger across his throat…

JT: Tyler Roth senses that he has Kramer on the ropes here….one big move away…..


Kramer stumbles back up and Roth looks for the back suplex/powerbomb combo but KK somehow flips over the back and staggers to the corner. Roth chases him in but eats two big feet to the mouth, sending him back toward the centre….Kramer composes himself….


Kramer leaps into the Superman punch again but Roth reacts quick with a straight right hand that sends him sprawling across the floor. Roth bounces back into the ropes and beckons KK up as he moves forward…


Roth leaps into a huge knee but KK moves and the referee takes the full brunt, knocking him down. Roth then turns and Kramer picks him up…


Roth battles free with furious elbows to the temple, staggering Kramer, and then he scoops him into his arms….


Cheers ring out once again as Roth spins KK into the release STO (ala Crimson), dumping him on the back of his head. Roth gives the signal to the audience as he drags Kramer back up….


Another referee is already sprinting to the ring as Roth drills Kramer into the canvass with his finisher….



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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 8:51 am



Roth is making the cover but the new referee completely ignores the pin and signals for the bell. There is mass confusion as the official is in discussion with Michael Bird…

JR: What the hell is going on here?

JT: Tyler Roth has Karl Kramer beaten here…..that’s what matters…

JR: I’m not so sure…

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the referee informs me that Tyler Roth has been disqualified due to an unprovoked attack on a 6CW official…


JR: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT….Kramer moved and the referee caught Roth’s knee….there was no intention there…..THIS IS A ROBBERY!

HE: This is beautiful justice… is about time Tyler Roth was held accountable for his disgraceful actions….that poor referee….

JT: You have got to be kidding me? Tyler Roth has been shafted here….he had Karl Kramer beaten….

Tyler Roth’s eyes are in danger of bursting from his skull as he rises to confront the new referee. The official looks worried but is trying to explain his decision making….

JR: I really don’t think Tyler Roth is ready for this conversation…..OH MY!

Roth suddenly ploughs his head into the referee’s face, sending him through the ropes to the outside in an unconscious heap. A “Tyler Roth” chant is ringing all around as he turns his attention back on Karl Kramer…

HE: Security need to get out here and remove Roth….

JT: Why don’t you go down there and do it then, big man?

HE: I’m ok up here….

JT: Thought so….

Karl Kramer is on unsteady legs as Tyler Roth leaves the ring and returns with a steel chair. He slams the weapon into Kramer’s stomach and then…..CRACK!


The sound of the chair smashing off Kramer’s skull echoes all around and leaves him in a mess on the floor. Tyler Roth throws the weapon aside as the fans cheer him on and then he leaves the ring….

JT: Tyler Roth has been screwed here tonight….he should be one more victory away from being 6WF Champion….

JR: But instead he’s left whoever is #20 in a tremendous position…..Karl Kramer is out of it…..he’s there for the taking…

HE: This is a travesty….just because Tyler Roth wasn’t good enough to beat Karl Kramer doesn’t mean he can cost the King the 6WF Championship…..

JT: But who will be number twenty? Who is our final participant…..OH MY LORD!



Money begins to fall from the rafters and the noise from the electronic audience is wild as “Here comes the money” blasts through the airwaves…




EZ Money has aged but still looks in great condition as he moves out onto the stage to soak up the atmosphere. He raises an arm in appreciation of the ovation he is being afforded….

JT: What a moment this is…..and how fitting…..the 6WF Championship has been in the wilderness for so long but here tonight, the first man to ever hold it may be about to make it famous once again….

HE: Karl Kramer made the title famous again….he made it relevant….it is his title…

JR: Maybe not for much longer….Kramer is out here and EZ Money has one thing on his mind….

EZ is at ringside now and he senses his chance. He leaps up on the apron and quickly scales the turnbuckle. The noise from the fans is deafening now as they bristle with anticipation, Karl Kramer still prone on the canvass…

JT: When EZ Money hit this move on Diablo in 2007 he etched his name in the history books…..tonight, 14 years on, he may be about to do it all again…..MONEY SHOT!


EZ flies from the top rope and lands his patented splash on top of Karl Kramer. He makes the cover as the first official comes to…

HE: This can’t be happening…..what a miscarriage of justice…

JT: History in the making….



*Crowd boo furiously

The referee’s hand is just coming down for the three when Charles Kramer, still groggy from Tyler Roth’s attack, places his nephew’s foot on the bottom rope. Charles Kramer smirks into the camera…

JT: What a surprise….EZ Money was on the cusp of history there but Uncle Charles stuck his nose in….and now the whole Empire is rising once again…

HE: You can’t fight it….they are inevitable…

EZ Money looks exasperated as the referee points to the foot on the ropes and then he notices Johnny Oko and Vortex flanking either side of the ring. EZ rises and prepares himself…

*Crowd pop


Tyler Roth suddenly re-emerges and rushes down to the ring as Johnny Oko and Vortex drop down to accost him. A brawl ensues between all three men that spills out into the crowd area….

JT: Roth and The Empire are battling into the upper tiers here….suddenly the numbers are level once more…

JR: The way it should be…

We see Roth preparing to powerbomb Oko on concrete when Vortex clatters into him from behind and they stomp him down on the floor. Back at ringside and EZ Money drills Karl Kramer with a double armed DDT…

JT: Kramer can’t get going again here…..and he’s all alone…

JR: EZ going high once again…..MONEY…

Boos ring out as Charles Kramer gets up on the apron to provide a distraction. EZ Money drops down off the top rope and punches him in the mouth…

*Crowd pop

JT: About damn time….

JR: But it’s opened the door….KARNAGE!

HE: Like I said...inevitable!

Karl Kramer is back on his feet and he smashes EZ Money into the canvass with the spinebuster before making the cover………………….1……………………..2…………………...3!

*Ultra pop



Kramer sits on the canvass and screams at the referee to do his job. We get a shot of Charles Kramer in a heap outside the ring as KK gets back to his feet….he stomps his feet in the corner and motions for EZ to get up again…

HE: Just focus Karl….you’re the King….you are the rightful 6WF Champion and you are moments away from proving it…

JT: Are you a commentator or a cheerleader?

HE: I appreciate greatness….the likes of which we are seeing right before us…..KISS THE RING!

Kramer leaps through the air for the “Superman” punch but EZ avoids it and nails a Russian legsweep which delights the audience. The veteran quickly scrambles for the corner again…

JR: I don’t believe what we are witnessing here….he’s turning back the clock…..MONEY SHOT!

This time the knees of Karl Kramer are driven upward just in time and they find their home in the midsection of EZ, taking all the wind out of him and leaving him writhing in pain. Karl Kramer quickly scrambles for his feet….

JT: EZ Money is in a lot of pain here….those knees of Kramer may have damaged his ribs….

HE: If you can’t hang then you don’t belong….this is it now…KISS THE RING!

We see Tyler Roth launch Johnny Oko into Vortex, knocking them both down, and he makes a run back toward the ring as Karl Kramer detonates a huge “Superman” punch on the jaw of EZ Money….

……………...Roth just comes out into the ringside area…………...3!

HE: Too late….

Ding ding ding

JT: Dammit….

HE: Respect….time to start showing it…..because that man, that man right there is the most rightful and deserving world champion I have ever seen….

JR: Please…


HE: He did it….despite the odds, despite the injustice…..Karl Kramer is now universally recognised as the 6WF Champion…

JR: He had plenty of help along the way but he finally has the ratification of the 6CW Council….Karl Kramer is the 6WF Champion….He has won the Open Gauntlet…

JT: I didn’t think he would…..but here we are…..Uncle Charles will be proud…

Tyler Roth has burst into the ring but KK has already climbed out to join his uncle. Charles Kramer is holding his jaw, a bruise developing, but is smiling as the referee presents his nephew with the 6WF Championship. Tyler Roth is glaring after them as KK raises the title in the air…

JR: I don’t think the issues between Roth & The Empire are over, by a long shot, but Karl Kramer is the 6WF Champion and that cannot be disputed…

HE: Roth had his chance but it’s gone…

JT: Whether Roth ever becomes 6WF Champion or not is a moot point….there is still so much more of this story to explore and it isn’t going away….Karl Kramer & The Empire better enjoy tonight’s celebrations because there are plenty of wars to come…

JR: Especially now he is a fully recognised world champion….the King is now a permanent target for anyone and everyone in this business….

Johnny Oko and Vortex join Karl & Charles Kramer on the stage. Tyler Roth continues to stare after them as Kramer’s Royal Throne is carried out and he sits in with a triumphant smirk on his face. All members of The Empire are in a celebratory mood…

HE: The Empire has risen….and this is just the beginning of their dominance…

JR: What a way to start tonight’s show….I mean arguably the most historic start to any weekly episode we’ve ever had in 6CW…

JT: I don’t doubt it….non stop action for way over an hour there….incredible…..and we are not done…..because coming up in just a few minutes we will crown an Undisputed 6CW Champion… for the ages… does not come any more personal than this….Clarke James & Marshall Murdoch…..who leaves tonight as the number one in this business?

JR: This one goes way beyond just championship gold…..this is hatred personified….this is as deep rooted and personal as it gets….I cannot wait…

HE: Karl Kramer and Clarke James as world champions….I can’t wait either…


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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 9:09 am

*Backstage and the chaos of the "Open Gauntlet" still lingers on. We get camera footage of Marty Helms bursting into his locker-room in pursuit of Hellion but finds the room empty. Suddenly the door is locked and flames begin to engulf the room as Helms yells in anguish and tries to rip the door open. Hellion's laughter fills the air as the smoke rises and Helms panics, coughing and spluttering. The door is booted open by security and they pile in, dousing the flames with extinguishers as Helms staggers out into the corridor. Renier Grohl is standing there. Helms is still struggling to catch his breath as Grohl informs him that the 6CW Council have signed off on Helms-Hellion at the Genesis PPV. Grohl leaves before Helms can recover.

*Geoff Steel is interviewed following his return. Steel says it is great to be back full time and although he's disappointed not to have won the 6WF Championship he is confident he will be back amongst the titles soon. Jimmy Phillips swaggers into shot and just glares at Steel before walking away. Steel shakes his head and then notices Robin Reborn and The Wolf Gang watching him. Steel jokes that he's "in demand" before walking away.

*Jackson Jackson is heading to his locker-room when he is informed that Max Adamson has already left the building. He shakes his head at Max's attitude and then enters to find a message on his mirror "Poor show, kid". Jackson rips the message off and launches it in the bin before slumping on the sofa in the corner.

*We see Charles Kramer handing over an envelope to the "referee" who DQ'd Tyler Roth in the "Open Gauntlet". We can hear the members of The Empire celebrating from inside the locker-room as Renier Grohl approaches. CK says the 6CW Council has to recognise his nephew as world champion now and Grohl agrees. Grohl says that the Council, however, will not look favourably upon the bribing of officials. CK says there is no proof of that. Grohl smiles as he listens to the celebrations and says CK is "missing the party". Charles makes to leave but Grohl stops him and says that 6CW bought 6WF which means they own rights to all possessions and materials, meaning they own the 6WF Championship. He says Karl Kramer is the 6WF Champion but he will defend the title at Genesis inside the Elimination Chamber. He says Tyler Roth will also be in that match after what happened tonight whilst the other four participants will be confirmed next week. Grohl says he'll let CK break the news. Charles Kramer enters the locker-room and then we hear an almighty commotion and the sounds of breaking furniture as KK evidently hears the news. Grohl smiles and walks away.

*We get confirmation that Daniel Reilly & Perfect Jack are entering the tournament for the 6CW Tag Team Championships and they will face "Ojore/Drake next week on Proving Grounds whilst The Empire will go head to head with EZ Money & Rasta.

*There is a final split-screen of Marshall Murdoch/Clarke James with words from both men on the upcoming main event. We get a VT on their history stemming back to the CoH days all the way to Born in Fire when CJ smashed the glass bottle in Marshall's face and then MM's return last week. The commentary team are split on who will leave as 6CW Champion.


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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 9:09 am

Main Event
Undisputed 6CW Championship
Clarke James (c) vs Marshall Murdoch (c)

ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is the MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING!

*Crowd pop


JT: Main events don’t come any bigger….don’t come any more personal….this bout would headline any pay per view in any company around the world and yet here tonight it’s live and exclusive on Sky Sports Main Event...this has already been a historic tonight, never to be forgotten, and, if possible, we are about to go to a whole new level….

JR: 6WF & 6CW Championships defended for the first time ever on broadcast television….Karl Kramer survived the “Gauntlet” to walk out as 6WF Champion but now we find out who will be crowned the Undisputed 6CW Champion….two men have a claim to the title but only one can leave tonight as the leading man in this company…

JT: And the road to tonight began with the most heinous of chapters at Born in Fire back in November….Marshall Murdoch was fresh off of a successful title defence over Perfect Jack when Clarke James, his best friend of ten years, shattered a glass bottle in his face and left him fighting to keep his sight….Murdoch required multiple surgeries and rehabilitation, his career hanging in the balance…

JR: The 6CW Council made the call to crown an Interim Champion in Murdoch’s absence, preparing for the possibility he wouldn’t be able to return, and in an almost twisted irony it was Clarke James who benefited and won the resulting tournament…

JT: En route to to winning the Interim Championship Clarke James displayed his new found wickedness at several junctures as he attempted to hospitalise anyone and everyone who has ever considered him a friend….James has completely turned his back on his former life…

HE: And he has done right because finally he is enjoying the kind of success he has deserved his entire career….

JR: And you think trying to blind his opponents, trying to end the careers of men who considered him a friend was his only option?

HE: Marshall Murdoch, Perfect Jack, Hero, JJ Johnson….they are all men who associated with Clarke James….all men who won world titles whilst CJ was looked upon as a sidekick to all of them….they used him whilst he received no opportunities, forced into the shadows….do you know the kind of resentment that would build? Clarke James has always been extremely talented and he was overlooked time and time again….so yes I do believe it was his only option….nobody is overlooking him now, are they?

JR: No they aren’t…..Clarke James is the current Interim 6CW Champion…

HE: He’s the 6CW Champion…

JT: No he isn’t….despite what you or Clarke James claim….Marshall Murdoch was never stripped, he was moved to Champion Emeritus until a date arrived when it could be determined whether he would return or not…

JR: And that date arrived just a few weeks ago when Marshall Murdoch returned to 6CW to confront his former friend, the man who attempted to end his career….

JT: Clarke James looked as though he had seen a ghost that night and he ran like a scolded dog…

HE: He was taken aback, sure, but don’t pretend he was frightened….Clarke James is scared of nobody…

JR: He did a great impression….but tonight he can’t run, tonight he has to stand and fight….prove that he belongs at this level….prove that everything he has done has been worth it…

JT: Prove that he deserved to be called 6CW Champion….because unless he fights and beats Marshall Murdoch tonight then he won’t be….

JR: And as fired up as Marshall Murdoch is, as angry and revenge-driven, we don’t actually know if he’s 100%….we don’t know if that eye has healed properly….he hasn’t fought since November…

HE: Another reason why Clarke James will walk away tonight as the rightful 6CW Champion…..he’s on the run of his career, he’s in the form of his life and Murdoch is coming off a long lay-off….we all know how this one is going down…

JR: It is one of the most intriguing world title bouts in 6CW history….without a doubt one of the most personal and hate-fuelled we have ever seen….the referee in charge is going to have a hell of a time keeping order in this one….

JT: But both men have been spoken to in the backstage area….they know what is expected of them and what is at stake….this may be personal but both men also want to be 6CW Champion and the only way that can happen is via pinfall or submission….

“Blind Faith” echoes through the airwaves as deafening boos fill the air, sounding like a swarm of angry bees. Clarke James slowly walks out onto the stage with the bloodstained 6CW Championship over his shoulder, his hood over his head….

JR: Clarke James threw the “Interim” 6CW Championship away a few weeks when he proclaimed himself the Undisputed 6CW Championship….he then revealed that he has had that title belt, Marshall Murdoch’s title, since Born in Fire and he wears it like a badge of honour knowing it is stained with Murdoch’s blood….

JT: It still has Marshall’s name on the plate….

HE: But the belt will always be a reminder of the beginning of Clarke James’ rise to prominence….so when he wins tonight and proves once and for all that he is the true champion he can replace the nameplate...but he will not accept a new belt…..

JR: The belt suits James’ new persona, what he calls his “True Self”….he has become a bloodthirsty savage who will do whatever he has to in order to win….

JT: Marshall Murdoch has also stated that if he wins tonight he has no desire to accept a new title….he says that belt belongs to him and the fact it is stained in his blood is all the fuel he needs to drive him forward to victory tonight….he says it will always remind him of what Clarke James tried to take away from him and he will never let anyone do that to him again…

CJ reaches the ring and he removes his hooded jacket before tossing it across the steel steps. He then climbs up into the ring and unstraps the 6CW Championship from around his waist as the boos continue to rain down upon him from the audience. CJ doesn’t seem fussed in the slightest….

JR: Clarke James is a shadow of the man we have come to know….

HE: He’s a winner now….that’s the difference…

JT: He’s a wild animal…

HE: He stopped pandering for attention and started doing whatever he had to in order to win… don’t have to like it but he won’t give a damn…..tonight he will prove, finally, that he is the best in the business….nobody will question him or his actions again when he is the Undisputed Champion and his era can begin….

JR: 6CW is already half covered by the shadow of a potential Clarke James era…..

JT: Lord have mercy on us all if the darkness envelopes 6CW after tonight….

JR: Only one man can stop that from happening….

“Papercut” then screams through the airwaves and the electronic audience goes wild as Marshall Murdoch makes his entrance Murdoch has black joggers on, no vest, and his hands are wrapped with MMA gloves on. The cameras pan in on the very distinctive scar over his eye…

JT: That scar will remain with Marshall Murdoch for the rest of his life…..

JR: Those events at Born in Fire will play over and over, I’m sure, but tonight he can gain redemption and vengeance….tonight he can put that all behind him and reclaim the championship he never lost….that scar may never heal but Marshall Murdoch destroying Clarke James here en route to becoming Undisputed Champion will be the best remedy ever available…

HE: It won’t happen….Marshall can be angry, I understand, but we haven’t even scratched the surface of his injury or potential PTSD…..he may be back to prove he’s still the rightful 6CW Champion but this company has moved on since then, the landscape has changed and there is a new leader in this coliseum….once Clarke James puts the pressure on it is all going to get too much for Marshall….he should have stayed home and lived off of his past glory….because tonight don’t be surprised to see CJ finish the job he started at Born in Fire….

JT: One thing is for sure…..this will be WAR!

Clarke James moves to centre ring, the 6CW Championship over his shoulder, as Marshall Murdoch pauses at the top of the ramp. Both men lock eyes, bristling with hatred, before Murdoch breaks into a sprint. CJ takes a step back and draws the 6CW Championship into his hands….

JR: Murdoch is running right into the line of fire here….

Marshall dives into the ring as CJ rushes forward and swings the title belt at his head…

JT: I think CJ forgot he was dealing with one of the most deadly MMA fighters in the world….

Murdoch ducks into a huge double legged takedown, slamming CJ down into the canvass. James tries to cover up as Marshall batters down at his head with vicious punches, elbows and forearms…

JR: This is months and months of pent up frustration and anger...Marshall Murdoch who was so closed to losing sight in his right eye, losing his career….all because of that man right there, his former best friend….

JT: Murdoch wants his pound of flesh and then some….he wants Clarke James to feel exactly what he felt at Born in Fire….he wants to destroy his opponent….and my word he’s setting about that task with the wrath of God….

Murdoch continues to pummel any part of the body he can reach until CJ, in pure desperation, manages to get his feet up and he kicks out with full force, catching Marshall on the borderline….

JR: That looked low…

JT: I don’t think the match has officially begun…..and CJ is getting the hell out of there anyway…

James quickly scrambles for the ropes and pulls himself to the outside as the boos increase. A lump is already visible on the side of his head and there is a mark on his cheekbone….

JT: You can’t be Undisputed Champion out there, Clarke…time to show you really are the Big Tough…

JR: I don’t think James was prepared for this kind of start from Marshall Murdoch…...AND AGAIN!

Murdoch has already rolled out of the ring, ignoring the throb from CJ’s kick, and he runs around before walloping James with a huge clothesline that takes him off his feet again. Marshall quickly drags his foe up…...BOOM!

HE: This is just an assault…

JT: Can you blame him? Marshall Murdoch spent weeks in hospital after what Clarke James did to him….his career in tatters…..this is payback….

JR: Marshall Murdoch is beating the holy hell out of Clarke James here tonight…..LOOK AT THAT!

James is launched against the steel steps and the impact sends them flying away from the ring, tipping over in the aisleway. Marshall, however, is not remotely appeased as he drags CJ up again and he pulls him around the ring before launching him against the second set of steps….

JR: Marshall Murdoch promised tonight he would let all the anger and all of the darkness out….he said he’s been containing the beast inside, just like James, for years but no longer would he shackle it….

JT: And that is exactly what we are seeing thus far….

James is in a battered slump on the floor as Marshall just stares down at him for a few moments, ignoring the referee’s pleas to bring the action inside the ring. Marshall grabs a cord from one of the nearby cameras and he wraps it around CJ’s neck, choking him….

HE: Marshall Murdoch should be thrown out…..he was spoken to before the match…..

JT: They both were but I think every official knew there would have to be some leeway granted here… way would the personal nature of this contest be able to exist within the confines of a straight up singles bout….

James’ face reddens as he tries to tug the cord from around his throat, desperately trying to get some air in his lungs, but Murdoch continues to tighten his grip, planting his foot in CJ’s back for more leverage. The referee has climbed from the ring and is now ordering Murdoch to desist…

JR: Murdoch straying dangerously close here….but on the flip side you can understand why….Clarke James was supposed to be his best friend and yet he tried to rob him of his life….

JT: Every emotion that Murdoch has felt in the last few months is pouring out here….but he must not lose sight, forgive the unintentional pun, of what is at stake here….because if he does not win the 6CW Championship outright here this evening then, in some ways, he has allowed Clarke James victory….

Marshall finally releases and leaves CJ in a pile on the floor, struggling to get his breath back, whilst the referee reminds Murdoch of his expectations. Marshall takes some deep breaths…

JR: Murdoch just needs to compose himself a little here…..



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Age : 33

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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 9:10 am

CJ’s head is hidden beneath the ring apron as Marshall grabs him and pulls him up. Suddenly, Marshall takes a step back as a liquid is spat in his face and CJ pulls free with a glass bottle in his hands…

HE: I told he was going to finish the job…...AHHH!

CJ swings the bottle but Marshall moves at the final second and it shatters against the ringpost, cutting James’ hand in the process. Marshall’s face is a picture of cold fury as he realises what James just tried to do….

JR: He actually tried it…..I can’t believe it….James was going to shatter another bottle in Murdoch’s face…...he really is the devil incarnate…..

JT: He’s a sadistic animal….

HE: James needs some medical attention for his hand…

JT: (Beep) him…..let him bleed, he brought it on himself….

Murdoch looks down at the beer on the floor and the shards of glass. He bends down and picks up the biggest piece….

JR: Think now, Marshall…..I understand what you are feeling here but don’t do it…..don’t stoop to that level because once you do, you cannot come back from it….

HE: Somebody get that glass off him…

Murdoch has the jagged shard in his hand and seems to be contemplating his next move as CJ raises his head, draining of colour as he realises what Marshall has. Blood is dripping onto the floor from James’ wound…

JT: All of a sudden Clarke James is the potential victim….all of a sudden Clarke James is the one facing a broken bottle….

JR: And he’s running….

CJ twists on his heel and dives into the ring as Marshall follows him, still carrying the glass shard in his hand. Marshall is just getting to his feet as CJ thinks about running toward him…

JT: He thought better of trying to rush Murdoch because it didn’t work earlier…

HE: And he’s got a deadly weapon….

JR: Murdoch just threw it away….he’s telling CJ that he doesn’t need a weapon to inflict pain and suffering….

Murdoch and CJ just stare at one another before Marshall throws the glass shard under the ropes, where it is quickly retrieved and removed by a ringside worker. CJ, gaining in confidence, steps forward as he and Marshall go nose to nose…

JT: At one time they were seemingly “brothers”….inseparable…..they came up together, they trailblazed….both of them destined for greatness….

JR: And now sworn enemies…..that’s twice now that Clarke James has attempted to end Marshall’s career….everything they have done together in the past, every achievement and accolade has been swallowed up and consumed by the hatred now coursing through their veins….

They continue to stare at one another until Murdoch shoves CJ in the chest and sends him staggering back to his own corner. He points at CJ and they trade words as the referee calls for the bell…

JT: Finally this match is going to begin…..Undisputed 6CW Championship on the line…..

JR: This is how 6CW does main events….

They continue to trade words as they circle the ring, the crowd noise growing in anticipation, before CJ actually slides across the mat in an attempt at a takedown…

JR: That would have been one heck of a surprise of Clarke James had taken down Marshall Murdoch, former UFC Champion….

JT: But he left himself open...oh cmon!

Marshall easily avoids the takedown and he moves forward to launch bombs at CJ’s exposed head but his opponent suddenly backs up in the corner and seizes the ropes, screaming at the referee to keep Murdoch away from him….

HE: CJ is merely observing the rules….Marshall can’t touch him whilst he’s holding the ropes….

JT: All of a sudden Clarke James is an advocate of the rules? Please….

Marshall looks annoyed but he backs away on the referee’s orders. CJ slowly walks from the corner, glaring at Murdoch, and they resume their circling of the ring. They both stop and stare down again before moving forward into a traditional lockup…

JR: I wasn’t expecting to see much of this here tonight….or that!

HE: I told you, CJ is in the form of his life….he’s built for this….

They struggle for dominance in the lockup until CJ grunts with effort and manages to throw Marshall back into the ropes. Marshall looks a little taken aback but then engages in a second lockup, only to be tossed back into the corner…

JT: Clarke James, surprisingly, looking stronger here tonight…

JR: And that is boosting his confidence….

HE: Murdoch’s been out the game, he’s lost a step….

CJ grins now, making him look even more sadistic, as Murdoch has a private word with himself. He seems deep in thought as he backs away from the ropes…

JT: Marshall cannot allow James to get comfortable in there…

HE: Too late…..Clarke James is making Marshall question himself, I told you he would…

They circle for a third time, CJ doing the bulk of trash talking now, before locking up for a third time. There is a solid thirty seconds of jockeying for position as both men plant their feet and then…

*Crowd pop


Marshall Murdoch suddenly lets out his own grunt of effort and he throws CJ backwards with such force that James is launched through the middle ropes, crashing down onto the hard flooring outside….

JT: Incredible…..that’s the Marshall Murdoch we know….

JR: And now CJ feels humiliated….you can see that rage….

HE: And that is when bad things happen to people….

CJ is up, face reddened, and his chest heaves in and out as he glares up at Marshall Murdoch. The virtual crowd are going wild as CJ quickly rushes around the ring and slides under the bottom rope….

JT: Marshall Murdoch is a great striker but also a tremendous grappler…..Clarke James knows that, he knows exactly what Marshall can do so it should come as no surprise….

JR: I think he believed if he made Marshall doubt himself then he’d just wilt….but it it isn’t going to happen…

HE: We’ll see about that… throw means nothing…..

CJ rushes to his feet and quickly runs into Murdoch for another tie-up. CJ quickly drags Marshall’s head down this time and places him in a side headlock, twisting and tearing at head and neck as he pulls his foe close to his chest…..

JR: James is feeling the anger now…..that feeling of inadequacy is what led him onto the heinous path he now walks…..

HE: Exactly….so Marshall Murdoch better start worrying….

Marshall tries to free himself from CJ’s grip but cannot quite manage it so he staggers into the ropes instead before grabbing another momentum to throw James across the ring. CJ returns and takes Marshall off his feet with a shoulder tackle…..Marshall sits up, stunned, as CJ runs off the adjacent ropes….

JT: I don’t think anyone was expecting thos….

Murdoch rolls onto his front so that James has to leap over him and run to the opposite side. Marshall is then back up to his feet as CJ returns and he sends him flying with a huge hiptoss….

JR: That’s more like it from Marshall Murdoch….showcasing that wrestling ability….

James slams down on his spine, hard, before staggering back up to his feet. He clutches the bottom of his back as Marshall runs into him with a huge clothesline that takes him over the top rope to the outside again….

JT: That is not where the referee wants the action…

Clarke James is already back up on his feet, livid, and he boots the ringside barrier as the referee gestures for him to get back into the ring. The crowd are chanting for Marshall Murdoch as CJ strides around the ring and then climbs back up inside. The referee has a word with both men before they engage once more…

JR: Clarke James has evil intentions now…

JT: He always has evil intentions….let’s not forget he’s already tried to glass Marshall out here tonight….

HE: After he was provoked by a vicious assault…

JT: And why did that vicious assault happen? As payback for what Clarke James did at Born in Fire…

CJ quickly breaks the grip of Marshall and drives his knee into the gut of his opponent, doubling him over. He then begins to land brutal, closed, right hands to the head…

JR: Each one of those punches is laced with the intention of breaking Murdoch’s skull….

The referee warns CJ about his punches but James ignores the official as he grabs Murdoch’s arm and twists it behind him, wrenching it up his back.

JR: James is now looking to cause damage to Marshall’s arm….he isn’t satisfied with what he did to Murdoch’s eye….

JT: Hasn’t worked out….

Marshall suddenly drops to one knee and uses his own strength to whip CJ over his shoulder and down onto the canvass. They scramble back up and Marshall nails a right hand of his own before grabbing CJ’s wrist and he pulls him in close, slamming his shoulder into James’ face…

JR: A touch of the Conor McGregor’s there….those shoulder strikes can be lethal….

Marshall lands three more solid shots with his shoulder, busting CJ’s lip, but then James fires back with another knee to the stomach. James lands a right hand that staggers Marshall to the corner and then follows in with a big kick to the gut….

JT: These two men are just trading off with solid shots… love lost here at all…

CJ smashes his elbow into Marshall’s jaw and then drops down to deliver shoulder thrusts to the midsection, trapping his foe in the corner. CJ delivers three straight and then grabs Murdoch’s arm and whips him to the opposite side. He follows in but Marshall slams his boot into James’ face, staggering him back. Marshall then runs off the ropes, ducking a stray right hand from his opponent, and returns with a flying lariat takedown….

JR: Both of these men are capable of technical greatness but somehow I don’t see that happening here tonight….

JT: This is not going to be a pure wrestling masterpiece, I’m happy to guarantee that…

They get back up and Marshall quickly looks to grab at CJ but receives a sharp rake of the eyes that causes Murdoch to yell in anguish….

JR: Straight to the eyes….CJ knows how protective Marshall will be of that area…

HE: Then he’s smart to target it, exploit the weakness….

JT: Being smashed in the face by a glass bottle is not a weakness….

Marshall stumbles back and CJ drives into him with a flying shoulder thrust, cracking him back into the turnbuckle. CJ delivers a second thrust, winding Marshall, and then drags him out into a big vertical suplex…..

…………….Marshall kicks out!

JR: First attempt at a fall that we’ve seen….remember, folks, that this is for the 6CW Undisputed Championship…..I know it’s easy to forget because of how hate-filled this contest is but this is for the richest prize in our game….

Marshall gets onto one knee and CJ stomps on his back before delivering hard punches to the spine. CJ continues to pummel at the back and then he traps Marshall back in the corner and goes to town with more stomps to the gut….

JT: CJ is trying to wear Marshall down in any way he can….he is targetting the back, the ribs, the head….this is a cold, calculating assassing….

JR: This new style of his, like it or not, is paying dividends….

CJ lands ten vicious kicks to the body, each one finding its target with crunching effect, and then he grabs Marshall by the face and begins to claw at his eyes…

JT: That is disgusting….he should be thrown out….

JR: Right to the eyes….Clarke James showing not an ounce of remorse or compassion for what he has done…

HE: Why should he? He is the 6CW Champion…

JT: Interim…

HE: For now…

The referee moves in and forces CJ to break, warning him about his conduct, but James merely goes back to stomping at Marshall’s gut until MM collapses into a seated position. CJ stares down at his foe before climbing from the ring. He grabs Marshall’s leg and twist him around, positioning him so that he can pull him forward and crash his body against the ringpost….

JR: Clarke James’ vile nature on display for all to see tonight… is now becoming apparent that he is targetting Marshall’s ribs and body….and a boot to the eye for good measure…

Marshall is wrapped around the ringpost, contorted in pain, as CJ drives the toe of his boot into Murdoch’s eyeline. CJ then climbs back into the ring and he drags Marshall up in the corner before stomping at the midsection some more and then following up with shoulder thrusts.

JT: This is now just becoming a systematic demolition of Marshall Murdoch’s body….

JR: Murdoch came out here like a man possessed, naturally, and looks hell-bent on exacting revenge on Clarke James….but the tide has truly turned before our eyes…

HE: Because class will always out….Clarke James will not relinquish his rightful place at the top table….no longer will he be forced back into the shadows….


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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 9:11 am

CJ backs away and he smirks at the pain that Murdoch is differing. James is mocking his former friend but then Marshall responds with a huge right hand, sending spit and spray through the air…

JT: CJ got too cocky, running his mouth….forgetting he’s in there with a natural striker….

James’ legs wobble slightly as Marshall follows up with several more right hands to the face. CJ staggers into the ropes and Marshall plants a hard boot into his stomach before grabbing his arm for an Irish whip…

JR: Marshall Murdoch trying to get some momentum going here, finally….


CJ reverses the whip and then he drills Marshall in the comeback with a huge Samoan drop, driving all the wind out of Murdoch’s sails again………………..1………………….2………………..Marshall kicks out!

JT: I hate to admit it but Clarke James is now fully in control of this match…..

HE: Just as I predicted….when this is all over and done with there will be no more doubters….

Murdoch is wincing at the pain coursing through his body as he tries to sit up. CJ is already back on his feet, ugly determination on his face, and he grabs Marshall by the wrist to drag him up….

JR: CJ feels this is as good a time as any to end proceedings…..FAITHLESS!

Marshall explodes with the point of his elbow into CJ’s temple and lands three more for good measure. He breaks free of CJ’s grip and lands a huge right hand before James responds with another solid boot to the stomach….

JT: Just one shot is all it takes to rob Marshall of his breath….WAIT A MINUTE!

CJ suddenly rushes at his opponent but Marshall drops down, whether deliberate or not, and sends James flying through the middle ropes and crashing down onto the concrete floor near the announce area…

JR: I’m not sure if Marshall meant that but it is a welcome reprieve….

Marshall stumbles to his feet but he is still struggling with the pain from his body. Clarke James is back on his feet and once again he is burning with humiliation as he launches himself back inside….

JR: Clarke James is not deterred for long….

HE: Of course not….he has a point to prove tonight and nothing will stop that…

JT: I don’t know…

CJ quickly emerges upon Marshall again and tries to grab him but this time Marshall evades the attack and then lands a huge right hand to the floating rib, causing CJ to scream in pain. Marshall then tees off with rights and lefts to the body….

JR: Now Marshall is going to the body….and he’s trained in this kind of combat….Clarke James does not want to take these punches…

CJ tries to cover up but Marshall pushes his arms away and lands to the ribs again. He then rips off his MMA gloves, exposing his knuckles, so that he can get even more purchase on his punches….the pain and torment is written all over CJ’s face as Murdoch’s punches find a home before a torpedo like right hand to the jaw sends James through the ropes to the outside once more…

JT: That is the punch power that Marshall Murdoch possesses…..that is what made him so feared in the world of MMA…..he said he was going to his roots tonight and now we are seeing it….no weapons required when you punch like that….

JR: You can see Murdoch is still in a lot of pain, he may have a broken rib or two...but for the first time since the beginning of this bout he has a foothold…

The cameras show CJ down on the outside and he is blinking with disorientation as he struggles to shake the effects of the last punch. The referee tries to keep Marshall inside the ring but fails in his efforts…

JT: All of a sudden we have both men on the outside and the referee isn’t going to like that one bit….

JR: The official felt he’d contained that by allowing them substantial leeway before the opening bell but here we are again….

CJ tries to get up and block Marshall’s path but eats a right hand for his troubles. Marshall then grabs James and launches him against one of the plexiglass barriers around ringside….

HE: That isn’t allowed….


JR: I don’t think the referee saw it…

James staggers toward the timekeeper’s table and, in desperation, he seizes the 6CW Championship belt before slamming it into Marshall’s face as he approaches. The referee’s view is blocked by Marshall’s back and he seems confused as Murdoch collapses on the floor…

JT: That should be a damn DQ…

JR: We knew this was going to be chaotic….we knew this was going to be….oh my, Marshall is bleeding and all of a sudden I’m having flashbacks of Born in Fire….

JT: Marshall Murdoch is busted wide open here….how does the referee think he sustained that kind of cut?

We see Marshall staggering to his feet and there is blood running down his face from a gash on his forehead. Clarke James seems to have his swagger back as he pretends he’s caused the wound with his hands, kissing his fist….

JT: We all saw what you did, Clarke….you piece of trash….

Marshall turns around and eats three right hands that land right on the cut, spraying blood onto the cameras, and then CJ tosses him back into the ring. James looks at his blood-stained hands…

JR: I think CJ is being transported back to Born in Fire too….once again he has Marshall Murdoch’s blood on his hands….

JT: And he gets off on it….he enjoys this suffering….

CJ dives into the ring and he is quickly on top of Marshall, driving down with brutal punches, forearms and elbows that quickly turn the canvass crimson. Marshall tries to get his hands up to block some of the blows…

JR: If this was inside the octagon I think this would have been stopped….Marshall can barely cover up and block these blows…

JT: Difference being that he wouldn’t have been struck in the skull by a title belt inside the octagon….

HE: Who cares….Marshall Murdoch is being brutalised here….the referee should stop this and show some mercy….

The referee is back in the ring and he has to physically interject himself in between the two participants as CJ continues his assault. The referee backs James up against the ropes and delivers a final warning….

JR: Clarke James in danger of throwing away his claim of the 6CW Championship….

Marshall has somehow made it to his feet but he merely collapses into the ropes, using them to hold himself up. Blood covers his face as he stares across at Clarke James…

JT: Marshall Murdoch is once again at the mercy of his former best friend…

HE: I don’t think mercy is a word that CJ knows the meaning of….

JR: My word this is heinous to watch…

Punch after punch lands to Marshall’s head before CJ grabs his face and digs his fingers into the open wound, causing more and more blood to pour out. The referee steps CJ back again….


The referee looks on the verge of calling for a DQ when Murdoch suddenly pushes off the ropes and lands with a huge uppercut that detonates under the chin of James, CJ seems frozen in place momentarily and then he falls forward and through the ropes to the outside….Marshall tries to wipe blood from his eyes….

JR: I think Marshall just knocked Clarke James out with that punch….

JT: But I’m not sure he’s in any position to capitalise….he’s lost so much blood….

The referee is talking with Marshall and trying to get him to consider his options but Murdoch shakes his head and falls through the ropes to the outside. He stumbles over and grabs CJ, who is on his knees, and slams his head off the top of the steel steps in the aisleway….

JT: The referee is doing his upmost to get both men in the ring….he spoke to them both beforehand…..he is trying to explain that the only way either man can be world champion is by being inside the ring….

JR: It’s top officiating…..6CW needs a world champion and this feud needs a conclusive finish….
Marshall is swaying, unsteady on his feet, as the referee tries to convince him to bring the action back inside. CJ has crawled away, back toward, the ring, as Marshall heads in his direction….



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A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition) Empty Re: A very delayed Proving Grounds (Jan 31st edition)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Feb 2021, 9:11 am

CJ suddenly whips around and he tries to drive something into Murdoch’s face but Marshall catches his arms in time…

JR: It’s a screwdriver….I don’t believe it…..

JT: How can this man be allowed to keep his place in this company? He’s psychotic….

Cj continues to try and push the screwdriver forward into Marshall’s eye but Marshall manages to force his hands down and then headbutts him across the bridge of the nose…

JT: Defend that, Henry….go on…

HE: I mean….I…

JR: This is for the 6CW Undisputed Championship…..we know Clarke James wants that title, he wants it bad….but that is beyond a disgrace….that is abhorrent….



CJ is stunned by the headbutt, his nose potentially broken, and then Marshall grabs his head and slams it backward into the solid steel ringpost. CJ’s eyes roll in the back of his head but Marshall repeats the attack twice more…

JR: That ringpost is so unforgiving…..CJ’s skull may be broken…

JT: I think the red mist may have descended here….

CJ slumps down on the floor and the referee tries to talk to Marshall Murdoch but MM seizes the official by the shirt and throws him down. Marshall then walks around to the announce area and grabs a steel chair….

HE: Marshall Murdoch needs to be disqualified…

JT: I think he knows that……..

HE: But what about the world title?

JR: Sometimes you have to pick your battles…..I think the fact that Clarke James has tried to blind him again tonight has taken Marshall down a different route…..with a new endgame…...YES!

Cheers go up as CJ staggers up in the aisleway and then a sound like a gunshot goes off as Marshall smashes the steel chair off of his head. CJ is on his back at the base of the ramp, blood all over his head, as Murdoch stands over him…

JT: We have descended…

JR: I’m not sure we ever ascended….this match has been bubbling throughout…..Marshall Murdoch has been pushed to this….Clarke James, a man he considered his brother, has tried to end his career not once but twice...has tried to take his vision….some things go beyond titles….or pro wrestling….

Marshall stands over CJ and he raises the chair up over his head, considering driving it down onto James’ skull, as the referee runs in to try and intervene once again. Marshall seems to consider his options momentarily….

HE: Thank…..GOD!

More referees arrive to try and talk Murdoch around but then he slams the chair down ontop of CJ’s head as a stunned silence fills the air. Marshall is wobbling, blood all over his head and chest, as he seems to suddenly realise he is surrounded by referees….

HE: Get out of there….he’s a madman….

Murdoch draws the chair up as the referees all back away in alarm. He makes it clear that he will swing if anyone comes any closer….

JT: Marshall Murdoch has snapped here….you can hardly blame him after what he has been through but this was the fear that the 6CW Council had…..that the issues between he and Clarke James were far too volatile….

JR: And here are the results….Murdoch doesn’t seem done here either….cmon now Marshall, don’t drop to his level…..DEAR LORD ALMIGHTY WE NEED HELP….WE NEED MEDICS!

Marshall suddenly bends down and he wraps the chair around CJ’s neck. He drags his rival up, almost a bloody deadweight, and pulls him up the rampway before running him forward and launches him through the electronic LED board to the side of the stage….there is an explosion and sparks fly….



CJ’s whole body disappears through the board and seemingly into the backstage area as a deathly silence fills the air. We heard crew members shouting for EMT’s and scrambling of the 6CW medical team as Marshall Murdoch just stands on the stage, glaring at the hole through which he has just launched his opponent….

JR: Folks….I mean….what do you even say…..


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Age : 33

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