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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:00 am

*The following is a 6CW Broadcast*

(We open up with Miss Jessica sat at her desk, the camera panned in close, as she wears a sombre expression. She is dressed in a formal black business suit and her hands remain crossed in front of herself as she stares down the lens of the camera)

Miss Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we begin the show in reflection of the tragic and abhorrent events that took place last week. The majority shareholder of 6CW, Cillian Frost, was brutally assaulted on these premises by a 6CW employee. An assault that has left Mr Frost with some very serious injuries; of which he is now at home recovering from with his family attending to his aid.

Mr Frost will make a full and healthy return from what happened to him however the mental scars may never heal. No member of management and no employee of 6CW, who is not signed to active duty, should be subjected to the horrors that befell Cillian in this very room.

I have spoken with Mr Frost and with several members of the 6CW Board over the last few days on how best to move forward from this point and they assure me that I have their full confidence and backing to do what I deem necessary.

I cannot and I will not allow the events of our last show to go unpunished and I give my word that those responsible will be reprimanded. I know there have been calls for the expulsion of Engel Harlequin from the Iron Man Tournament, but his actions did not directly conflict with his participation in the competition so therefore that is not the line of punishment I will be seeking.

The idea of the Iron Man Tournament is to crown the very best that 6CW has to offer; the culmination of a journey from one superstar to the ultimate glory and, in my opinion, it would be a disregard of Mr Frost’s vision to expel a superstar based upon an event that occurred outside of in-ring competition. That being said; Engel Harlequin has been informed, through his mediator Johnny Lawless, that he is here-by fined £100,000 and that any more indiscretions will result in an immediate suspension from active participation.

I would also like to take a moment to address the astounding, and quite frankly hurtful, rumours that I had some involvement in what happened to Mr Frost. Last week was supposed to be a night of celebration. I wanted to show Mr Frost my appreciation for taking a chance on me and allowing me the opportunity to lead 6CW into a new era. I must admit that the attack from Engel not only took me by surprise but it also left me fearing for my own safety.

(Jessica takes a moment to dab at her eye with a tissue, she holds her chest and closes her eyes as though reliving a particularly difficult moment)

Jessica: It may have been the scariest moment of my life and not one I wish to repeat. I do wish I could have done more to prevent what happened to Mr Frost but I’m not sure, even on reflection, what I could have done differently to prevent the situation.

I would never do anything to jeopardise my position or the trust that has been placed in me. I have been fortunate enough to learn first-hand the vision that Mr Frost has for 6CW and I believe I am the one who can make that happen. I believe, under my supervision, 6CW will grow to headier heights than it has ever seen before.

It is true that I enjoy the wilder side of life, a little chaos every now and again hurt nobody. But I also like organisation to my chaos. In the professional wrestling industry you need to learn that violence is second nature and people are going to get hurt. You must be aware that blood will be split and issues between superstars are only getting settled one way.

But I won’t allow anyone to believe they have more authority than I do and I will not stand by and let the inmates run the asylum.

Whilst Mr Frost is recuperating, I want to make thing very clear; I’m in charge now and what I say goes. This is my house, my asylum, my rules…

(An evil grin now crosses Jessica’s face)

Jessica: So let’s have some fun!


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:01 am

(The scene changes and Vincent Costello is shown standing by with Christy James. The crowd can be heard cheering and chanting Costello’s name as he slicks back his hair, an angry expression on his face)

CJ: Vincent…

(Crowd cheer)

CJ: In just a few moments time you will face Marty Helms in a quarter final bout of the Iron Man Tournament……you win this and you advance to next week’s finale….you win this and you are just a couple of steps away from becoming 6CW Champion…

(More cheers from the crowd)

CJ: But there are obviously going to be questions about your mindset. There are questions about your concentration on this match given your recent issues with Hero and with Jimmy Phillips. I have to ask you, Vincent, are you mentally and physically prepared for this match?

(Costello stares at Christy for a moment, seemingly searching for the right words, and then he pulls the mic close to himself)

VC: I’ve heard the questions, Christy, heck I’ve probably asked myself the same thing a few times over the last ten days….but let me ask you, do I look ready?

(Christy stares at Costello’s chiselled frame and nods)

VC: I know that I’m about to have the fight of my life out there with Marty Helms. He may be just as physical, just as mentally unhinged as I am….he loves a damn good fight and that gets me salivating, that turns me on….because this is going to be violent…

I know I’m about to get my a55 kicked and I know in return I’m gonna whoop him all over this arena…two guys tearing strips out of one another until nothing remains…..this is an old school dogfight and believe me I bite a damn sight worse than I bark…

That being said, I can’t lie, I’ve got another situation hanging over my head….I’ve got Hero on the brain and the thought of tearing him limb from limb consumes my every waking moment….it’s been a long time since I wanted to hurt someone as badly as I want to hurt him…

(Costello’s eyes seem to darken as he drifts off. Suddenly he snaps back to attention)

Costello: But I know I have to separate that from my mind….Cillian Frost promised me that I could have my revenge on Hero and I’ll make sure that red-haired b1tch honours that agreement….the time will come when he no longer has anywhere to run, anywhere to hide….and that is when he will answer to Costello’s Law!

CJ: And Jimmy Phillips? Last week he left you in a heap after an assault with a baseball bat…

Costello: I remember…..believe me, Vincent Costello does not forget these things and I have no doubts that mine and Phillips’ paths will cross again soon enough….when that time comes, he’ll regret ever even considering being in my business…

For the time being, however, he’s another name I have to eliminate from my line of enquiries…..Phillips, Hero, even Liam Wood, oh I haven’t forgotten, they need to go on the back burner….they need to wait in line…

Tonight is about me and Marty Helms….tonight is about the Iron Man Tournament and getting back the World Heavyweight Title….

CJ: And are you at all concerned about Helms’ alliance with James McManus? Do you think that could factor?

Costello: McManus doesn’t want this….nobody wants this…but if he’s stupid enough to follow Helms blindly into the fire then I’ve got no problems setting them both ablaze…

Tonight I am the judge, jury and executioner…..tonight Marty Helms will be sentenced!

(Costello nods at Christy James, who gives him a brief smile, and then he walks out of shot)

Last edited by JJJohnson on Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:01 am

(We change once more and Marty Helms is watching Vincent Costello’s interview on the monitor. He smiles at what he is hearing and then he turns to James and Jenny McManus, who are sat on a bench behind)

Helms: I’ll give Costello one thing, he’s a fighting man and I like that….

But even if he wasn’t preoccupied with Hero and everyone else on the school bus he’d still be getting flattened here tonight…..A little ATTENTION PLEASE!

(The McManus’ stop speaking amongst themselves and turn to Helms)

Helms: We don’t have time for canoodling, keep your private (beep) for your inbred dungeon or wherever you live…

(James McManus’ eyes narrow with dislike but Helms doesn’t seem to care)

Helms: We have plans to go through…

James McManus: I thought you just said you can deal with Costello….you don’t need me then surely…

Helms: Oh and you think I’m just going to grant you a shot at my world title without you putting any graft in? I’m doing you a goddamn favour here McManus, don’t you forget that, so you’ll jump as high as I tell you to….because of me you’re actually being talked about….but by all means walk out that door and go back to the pre-shows….

(Jenny places her hand on her husband’s shoulder)

Helms: Yeah that’s right, put your balls back in Jenny’s purse where they belong… know the plans I’m talking about so don’t act dumb… know what’s at stake tonight, you know what I expect….so don’t screw this up…

Oh and Jenny, you’re coming with me….

(James McManus stands up)

James: Like hell she is…

(Helms grins)

Helms: I wasn’t under the impression I’d asked a question….

(Jenny slowly stands up and once again she places her hand on her husband’s shoulder)

Jenny: It’s ok, James….

(McManus and Helms continue to stare at one another)

Helms: Yeah….it’s ok, James…now sit yourself back down and wait for me to give you more instructions…..I just want your wife to be ringside to see a real man perform just once in her career, surely you won’t begrudge her that….

(McManus’ jaw tightens but he remains silent)

Helms: Relax, Jimmy….this isn’t an episode of Please Bang My Wife…..although, if she’s asking…

Jenny: She’s definitely not…

(Helms looks her up and down)

Helms: Not yet….I’m just covering all bases, remember what is on the line here for both of you….

Jenny: We remember….

Helms: Good….because I don’t want any mistakes here…anything and I mean anything stops me from winning the 6CW Championship and the two of you better relocate somewhere very far away….

Now let’s go!

(Helms grabs Jenny’s wrist and pulls her toward the door. McManus makes to stand again but Jenny holds up her free hand to stop him and allows herself to be guided from the room. The door closes and McManus stands, launching the monitor at the wall)


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:13 am

Bout 1
Marty Helms vs Vincent Costello

JT: Up first here on Proving Grounds, it is the first quarter final of the Iron Man tournament to crown the next 6CW World Champion.

JR: And this match pits Vincent Costello against Marty Helms in what promises to be a hard-hitting contest.

HL: Both men former world champions, they are looking to get back to the summit of our business.

JT: It should be a fantastic match-up, two of the toughest SOB's 6CW has to offer, fighting for the right to get one step closer to the world title.

The crowd erupt into loud cheers as "killing in the name of" blares out around the arena and Vincent Costello storms out onto the stage, looking fired up. He paces down the ramp, tagging a few hands as he goes, before rolling under the bottom rope. He leaps to his feet, and then turns towards the ramp awaiting his opponent.

JT: Last time out on Proving Grounds, Vincent Costello was on the war path, be it Jimmy Phillips or Hero, Costello wanted blood.

JR: He certainly seems just as fired up this week, he's definitely not over what happened to him.

HL: And a pissed off Costello is something that no-one would want to cross.

A prison cell is shown on the titantron with a guards baton rolling across the bars and then a Voice is heard shouting Lights Out this brings the copper box into total darkness, when the lights come back on Marty Helms is seen at the top of the ramp as "Remedy" plays out through the speakers. Helms stand for a moment and is then joined on the stage by James and Jenny McManus. James McManus slaps him on the back as Helms smirks, he then marches down to the ring.

JT: Helms bringing some backup here with him tonight!

HL: I can't say I blame him, like I said, a pissed off Costello is not a prospect to be taken lightly.

JR: We knew he was bringing Jenny out but I guess James McManus decided to be on hand to watch over his wife...

JT: Can't say I blame him...

JR: This is very much confirmation of the alliance that seemed to form last time out on Proving Grounds, an alliance that ultimately assured Helms of his place at this stage of the tournament.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Vincent Costello and Marty Helms immediately lock-up, Helms applies a front facelock but Costello fights out of it with a series of big European Uppercuts to the chin, followed by some stiff headbutts. Helms is forced to let go and Costello locks him down with a stiff short-arm clothesline. Helms rolls up to his feet, Costello then nails him with a discus clothesline. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...............2........Kick out!

Helms forces the shoulder up, Costello gets up to his feet and drives a series of big elbows down into the face of Marty Helms. Costello allows Helms up to his feet, before kicking him in the stomach. Helms lurches forward and Costello crashes a brutal knee up into the face. He jolts back, Costello whips him into the ropes and connects with a snap powerslam on the rebound, planting Helms into the mat. He covers.

JT: Costello with a strong start to this quarter final match-up.

JR: As expected, it's turning into a real power battle between two of the more physical competitors that 6CW has to offer.

Costello locks in an armbar hold on Helms, driving some stomps down into the face. He then lifts him to his feet, going for an Irish whip. Helms reverses the momentum, sending Costello hurtling into the ropes. He rebounds to the middle of the ring, but shows some of his athleticism by sunset flipping over the ducking Helms into a pin attempt.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Helms powers the shoulder up off the canvas, and the duo rise simultaneously. Costello gets a boot up into the stomach, he then sets up for a hesitation suplex. Helms blocks, he then lifts Costello into the air himself and hits a suplex of his own. Costello rolls to his feet, he throws a wild clothesline that Helms easily ducks underneath.

He synchs in a full nelson hold on the former EWF Champion, before lifting him into the air and planting him into the canvas with a Full Nelson slam. Helms makes the cover.

Ref: 1...................2...........Kick out!

Helms immediately starts to work him over with a cluster of knees down into the face of Costello. He brings the veteran to his feet, and then throws him firmly into the ropes. On the rebound, Helms scoops Costello onto his shoulders and plants him with a Samoan Drop. He then runs the ropes, hitting an elbow to the face. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

Helms locks in an armbar hold on Costello. He uses this as a base to then stomp away continually on the head of Costello. Helms eventually brings him to his feet, only to hit a big clothesline. He keeps the armbar applied, bringing Costello back to a vertical base and hitting a 2nd big clothesline.

Helms again re-applies the armbar and once more drags up Costello. He throws him into the ropes...

JT: A third huge clothesline in succession! Helms really taking it to Costello here.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Costello gets the shoulder up off the canvas. Helms brings him to his feet and then hits a couple of hard knees into the gut, forcing Costello to lurch forward. Helms then hauls Costello onto his shoulders, the former world champion manages to drop down the back. He runs the ropes...

JR: Damn it! McManus takes Costello's legs from underneath him.

HL: It's looking a wiser decision by the minute by Helms, and McManus will only benefit from it to.

Helms turns around smiling as McManus takes a step back from the ropes, holding his hands up in mock innocence. Helms pummels some elbows down into the back of the head, he then picks up Costello and delivers a turnbuckle powerbomb. Costello staggers out of the corner straight into a big DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

There's another kick out from Costello. Helms allows Costello to rise before cracking him with a couple of hard right hands, and then a few forearms for good measure. This only seems to fire Costello up, and he comes back at Helms with a couple of stiff European Uppercuts.

JT: Costello taking the fight to Helms!

JR: I'm not sure a fist-fight with Costello is the best way to go, he's a former boxing champion.

JT: He looks to be getting an advantage here though.

Costello backs Helms into the ropes but this time it's Jenny who gets involved, she leaps onto the apron and Costello manages to stop himself from sending Helms into her with another punch. He pulls Helms forward as Jenny leaps down from the apron, only for Helms to pull in Costello and stun him with a jawbreaker.

HL: This time it's Jenny proving invaluable to the course.

Helms cracks a forearm to the back of the head for good measure before grabbing Costello by the waist and throwing him to the mat with a German suplex. He drags Costello out from by the ropes and goes for the pin.

Ref: 1....................2....................Kick out!

Helms steps back to the corner...

JT: Lining up the beheading...

JR: Counter from Costello!

JT: Drop toe hold!

Costello kips up to his feet, he bounces off the ropes crashes a big knee into the side of Helms' head. He covers.

Ref: 1........................2...........Kick out!

Costello clambers onto Helms, firing in huge punches to the head from short-range as Helms desperately tries to shield himself. Costello is eventually forced away by the referee. He allows Helms to his feet, before lifting him into the air. This time he manages to connect with a hesitation suplex, and then dropping down into the cover.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Costello gets up to his feet, he looks up at the ramp for a few moments before then hauling Helms to his feet, he lifts him onto his shoulders and then walks to the corner, hitting a snake eyes. He follows that up with a short-arm clothesline, before beginning to stomp a mudhole down into Helms. He breaks just before the 5 count of the referee. Costello allows Marty Helms to stagger out of the corner, before dropping him with a DDT! He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.....................2...................Kick out!

JT: Costello taking charge once more.

HL: Did you see that little glance up the rampway though? Costello clearly expecting something, or perhaps more accurately, someone, to turn up.

JR: If you're talking about Hero, it might be that he's hoping he turns up!

Ref: 1...........................2...............Kick out!

Helms forces the shoulder up. Vincent Costello hauls him up to his feet, hitting a knee to the gut. Costello fires in a number of punches across the back, and then lifting Helms up onto his shoulders, nailing a powerbomb. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2....................Kick out!

Costello gets to his feet, he takes a few steps back, measuring up Helms. He takes another look back at the ramp, this gives James McManus the chance to grab hold of Costello's foot from the outside. Costello boots away to free himself, he then runs in at Helms...



HL: McManus providing invaluable assistance once again.

JT: It was an incredible Samoan Drop from Helms. he almost used his back and neck muscles to press Costello up into the air before catching him.

Ref: 1.......................2........................Kick out!

Helms gets up to his feet, he steps back into the corner and waits for Costello to rise before sprinting in and levelling him with a big boot. Costello stumbles up to his feet, Helms drives him head-first into the canvas with a lifting DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1........................2................Kick out!

Costello forces the shoulder up. Helms starts beating way on him with stomps before allowing him to rise, he scoops him up and then slams him into the mat. Helms leaps into the air, dropping a big leg down across the throat. He then heads up to the top rope...

JT: Diving headbutt!

Ref: 1...........................2.................Kick out!

Marty Helms drags up Costello, he throws him into the ropes and on the rebound, takes Costello down with a huge Double A Spinebuster. Helms steps back to the corner...


HL: That could be it.

Ref: 1............................2........................Kick out!

Helms beats the canvas in frustration. He then lifts up Costello, he goes for the Back To Earth but Costello pummels away on the head of Helms with big punches, he falls back into the corner. Costello takes a few steps back, Helms comes out of the corner and Costello flattens him with a huge spear!

Costello stands over Helms, he lifts his head up with his foot...

JT: Setting up for the Curb Stomp...

JR: What the hell?

Suddenly, the arena is plunged into darkness. When the lights come back on, Jenny finds herself in the ring. Costello turns around blind and levels Jenny with a huge right hand.

JT: Costello didn't even look! He clearly was expecting that to be Hero or Phillips!

HL: That was a disgrace, he should be fined and suspended!

Costello looks down in shock at what he's done, he spins around...



Ref: 1.............................2..................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

JT: This one is over!

JR: Marty Helms gets the win, with a huge assist from Jenny, who was taken out by Vincent Costello.

HL: That little light show didn't have anything to do with Helms or McManus, why the hell would he want Jenny in that position?

JR: I don't think Helms would be at all bothered about either of them getting hurt as long as he wins.

McManus rolls into the ring, looking after Jenny while Helms only momentarily glances over before climbing the ropes to taunt the fans and celebrate his victory. James McManus scoops Jenny up from the canvas and carries her up the ramps as Helms continues his celebrations.

He steps down from the turnbuckles, and then makes his way up the ramp, belatedly making an attempt to help James McManus. The camera pans back to the ring, where VIncent Costello is coming to, clutching at his head following the huge elbow. The crowd cheer Costello...

JT: A fantastic effort from Costello this evening, the fans recognise he puts absolutely everything into this match...

JR: That glitch in the lighting obviously played a huge part in deciding the outcome of this match.

The crowd's cheers soon turn into boos as the camera pans to show Hero hopping the railings at ringside. He climbs up to the top rope and takes Costello out with a leaping knee to the back of the head.

JR: Costello was expecting this all the match, and Hero didn't show, but now he chose his moment and struck!

Costello stumbles up, Hero kicks him in the gut...


Hero lays out Costello with the stunner before making a hurried exit through the crowd as Proving Grounds goes to a break.


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:14 am

(We go backstage and Miss Jessica is sat at her desk. Johnny Lawless is standing on the other side with a curious expression on his face)

Jessica: You know why you’re here, Lawless…

Lawless: We’ve already been through Engel’s, ahh, punishment….I see no need for us to speak on the matter again…

Jessica: I don’t care what you “see” or don’t see….your opinion counts for very little here, capiche?

(Lawless looks around the room as though searching for something)

Lawless: Oh are we on camera? I see, I absolutely understand…

(He gives Jessica a very obvious wink and she rolls her eyes)

Jessica: This isn’t like a game, Johnny….Engel attacked Mr Frost, the freakazoid attacks everyone….it can’t continue…

Lawless: Jessica, you’re talking to me as though you believe I have control over “him”…

Jessica: You bought him didn’t you? You took him out of that God forsaken place and you brought him here…..don’t act like he doesn’t listen to you, I know he does….you know that I know….

(A dark smile crosses Lawless’ face)

Lawless: Those were the days, hey? Whether Engel listens to me or not….that is beside the point…

Jessica: No, that is the point… need to start reining him in….

Lawless: Or else?

(Jessica sits forward, a nasty expression on her face)

Jessica: Or else…don’t act like you don’t know me either….I can make things very difficult here, you wouldn’t want that would you? You wouldn’t want me to make your “investment” turn very sour, would you?

Lawless: Threats? Really? I thought you were better than that, Jessica…

Jessica: Delivering on those threats are what I do best, remember….now as I’ve said, I love a bit of chaos, but you get my approval beforehand….you and him can’t keep taking these matters into your own hands, I won’t allow it…

Lawless: Except for when it benefits you, of course…

(Lawless holds his arms wide and gestures to the office)

Jessica: I didn’t ask for any of what happened….

Lawless: I didn’t hear a complaint….plus you know what they say about a deal with the Devil….you can’t sit there and act like this isn’t a long time coming…

(Jessica’s eyes narrow)

Jessica: Rein him in, Lawless….I don’t want to repeat myself on this anymore….

(Lawless sighs deeply)

Lawless: Very well, I shall pass on your message…..he’ll be so disappointed you didn’t deliver it personally, however…

Jessica: I’m busy…

Lawless: As you always were….

(Jessica begins typing on her laptop and waves her hand dismissively. Lawless leaves the room and Jessica immediately stops what she is doing. She looks around the office with a contemplative look on her face)


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:15 am

(Uryu Ishida comes into focus on the big screen and there are huge cheers inside the Emirates Arena at the sight of the veteran)

JT: Not a man I was expecting to see tonight…

HE: I was hoping we wouldn’t….I thought we’d seen the last of him…

Uryu: Good evening, 6CW…

(The crowd cheer once more)

Uryu: I’d just like to take a moment to thank you all for your kind words and messages of support over the last ten days…

I did indeed suffer quite a serious concussion following the attack from James McManus….doctors were concerned about a bleed on the brain, too, but the scans have shown that to be negative….I’m just a little banged up…

JR: I’d say that was an understatement…

Uryu: I’m not getting any younger, that’s for sure, and the injuries I have suffered over the last twelve months have certainly taken their toll on me….I’m working through a fair few issues right now and it seems every bit of medical advice I get is informing me that I should be taking an extended, if not permanent, hiatus from professional wrestling…

(The crowd boo this news)

JT: This isn’t a retirement speech?

HE: God, I hope so…

Uryu: But you’re not getting rid of me that easily…

(Crowd pop)

HE: Dammit…

Uryu: I love this industry and I believe that I am better today than I was ten, fifteen years ago… long as I have breath in my body I am going to be there, week in and week out, competing for all of you….as long as I have the support of the 6CW Universe I will continue to fight…..because I believe I still have what it takes to one day be called 6CW Champion…

HE: He’s definitely still concussed…

Uryu: I’ve had ten days rest….and I’ve been told it is two weeks until the finale of the Iron Man Tournament so that means I’ve got that time to heal up… then I’ll be medically cleared to compete….

(An “Uryu” chant is now ringing around)

Uryu: So, James McManus….I wanted you hear it from me, I’m coming for you…

(More cheers)

Uryu: I don’t know what happened to you, James…..I don’t know what made you turn your back on who you are but I also don’t really care…..last week you tried to end my career, you could have ended my life when you tombstoned me on that steel….

I’m sick of trying to save souls….of trying to show people the light….you’ve gone beyond that point, James, and there is no bringing you back…

You made your bed and in two weeks’ time I am going to make you lie in it…

Me and you….we’re going to settle this in that ring…..and you can either accept my challenge or I’ll come find you and make you accept…

See you in two weeks!

JT: Uryu Ishida throwing down the gauntlet…..he’s fired up and he’s coming back for James McManus…

JR: McManus may believe he and Marty Helms are heading for the summit but he better start looking over his shoulder…Uryu Ishida is coming back for revenge…

HE: He’s coming back to get retired, permanently….he can talk a big game but McManus will end him once and for all in two weeks…..nothing is going to get in the way of Marty Helms’ plan…


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:15 am

(Jimmy Phillips is shown pulling up in the car park. He gets out, kitbag in hand, as Travis Sharp rushes over to him in order to conduct an interview)

Travis: Jimmy….cutting it a little fine…

(Phillips glares at the interviewer, who recoils a little)

Phillips: I’m sorry, are you questioning me? You….you’re questioning The Talent?

Travis: I just meant…

(Phillips puts on a mocking tone)

Phillips: I, I, I just meant… shut your mouth!

(Sharp looks terrified now)

Phillips: You don’t question The Talent? You don’t question what I do or don’t do….I turn up whenever the hell I want….I don’t need hours upon hours to prepare….when you’re this damn good you arrive and you take care of your damn business, no matter what…

Sharp: Tonight you are in six man tag team action alongside James McManus and Angelo Trust against Scott Harris, Dante Phoenix and Karl Kramer….what are your thoughts ahead of that one…

Phillips: Thoughts? I don’t even know who half of those guys are and I don’t care….all anyone needs to be concerned about is me….my opposition should be quaking in their boots and my teammates should be thankful they’ve got me on their side…

Tonight I’m taking care of business….I’m righting all the wrongs that have been done to me….I’m settling the injustices and I’m putting W after W on the board until management recognises that there is nobody else fit to lead this company but me…..

Sharp: And how about Vincent Costello? Now he has been eliminated from the Iron Man Tournament, will you be pursuing a fight with him? Or Hero?

Phillips: The Talent pursues no man…..they got beef then they can come see me, I don’t hide….you all saw last week what I do and what I’m about… I surprised about Costello? Hell no, that boy mixing far too much business and personal (beep) and I knew it’d come back to bite him in the a55….as for Hero, heck if he wants a quick, short and brutal comeback with a retirement that leaves him in a box in the ground then here I am….just say the magic words……Costello, Hero, anyone….they can get it….anyone can get it…

Anybody who stands now between me and that mountain top is going to pay a very heavy price…

Sharp: Thanks for your time, Jimmy, I’ll let you get on with your preparation for your bout…

(Phillips sneers at Sharp)

Phillips: Boy, I could have a nap before my match tonight and I’m still gonna win…know why? Because I’m better….better than you….better than all my opponents….better than all those slobs sitting ringside…

Sharp: But not better than the eight men in the quarter finals of the Iron Man….

(Sharp seems to realise what he is saying but can’t stop himself. His eyes widen in terror as Phillips grabs him by the throat. Phillips suddenly opens up the boot of his car and hauls Sharp inside. Sharp tries to protest but Phillips slams the lid down)

Phillips: That’s enough of your monkey a55…nobody is going to disrespect The Talent again!

(Phillips marches inside the building, leaving Sharp trapped inside the car)


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:16 am

(The scene changes and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as O’Callaghan is pictured alongside Fleur Michaels. O’Callaghan looks pumped for his upcoming fight)

Fleur: O’Callaghan….in just a few minutes you will face Liam Wood in your quarter final bout….the winner advances to next week’s finale….the 6CW Championship is now within touching distance….how are you feeling?

OC: I’m feeling like a champion….I was born for this, look at me Fleur….you are looking at the next 6CW Champion!

(Some of the crowd cheer these words)

OC: Double champ, champ….Dublin’s own….Fight for the Right winner….Superstar of the year 2017….should I go on or should I go on? In that ring I am untouchable, I am unparalleled….I end these bouts when I want to end them….I end them how I want to end them….

I’ll end Liam Wood as and when I see fit!

(The crowd’s dislike of Wood seems to feed their cheers of O’Callaghan)

Fleur: Wood is a three time world champion….you really think it is going to be that easy?

OC: Wood’s got a decent resume on him, he loves to tell the world about it….but he was winning titles in an era where they were ten a penny, giving them out for participation….I’m talking about leading a generation of the best, where only the best get the gold….where only the best can call themselves that because they earned it…

Plus he’s had his day….he scraped through his group by the skin of his manky little teeth whilst yours truly was putting on a goddamn show every single night…..I’m on a roll, I’m in the form of my life, I’m back to the kind of run that had me on the cusp of greatness not so long ago…

Now I’m going one step further….they’re going to be popping bottles on the Emerald Isle tonight….none of that McGregor whiskey (beep)….and they’ll be toasting my name….O’Callaghan….6CW Champion in the making…..The Iron Man…the man who made Liam Wood his personal b1tch!

(Crowd pop)

OC: Fleur….you love to see….

(O’Callaghan pauses for dramatic effect)

OC: It!

(OC smirks and basks in the chants of the crowd before walking off, leaving Fleur with a wry grin)


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:24 am

Bout 2
Liam Wood vs O'Callaghan

JT: Welcome back to 6CW Proving Grounds!

JR: And what a match-up we have next here for you as the Ironman tournament continues!

JT: This is a huge contest, pitting two of 6CW's most talented, yet most loathed, individuals against one another.

HL: The fans might struggle to find someone to cheer for but rest assured this will be a match of the highest quality.

The lights go out as Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts from the speakers, suddenly a single spotlight appears on the stage revealing Liam Wood stood there wearing his World Eater biker style cut. Wood remains under the atmospheric blue light continuing to stand on the stage soaking in the reaction from the fans, good and bad. Wood then swaggers to the ring as the spotlight follows his every footstep, Wood ignores the fans but clearly enjoys their need to get his attention. Wood reaches the ring and rolls in under the bottom rope before standing in the middle of the ring.

JT: Liam Wood advanced from a very tricky group and at the same time, managed to cost Scott Harris his chance too.

HL: I think Liam Wood would consider that a very successful start to this tournament.

JR: And now is the next step on his attempted path back to another world title, against this man...

"Run This Town" plays as the camera cuts to O'Callaghan walking through the backstage area, with a great swagger to the music making his way out through the curtain. Then O'Callaghan appears, stands at the top of the stage, inhales the air and walks down to the ring, avoiding members of the crowd while holding his arms out, walking with a swagger to the music. Once he reaches the ring apron, he walks to the camera side and surveys the front row, picking out the poorest looking member of the audience, goes to hand them a fifty pond note before tearing it up and laughing.

HL: And what a group stage this man had too!

JR: It was certainly very impressive, with the extra reward for victory by submission playing into the hands of O'Callaghan perfectly.

JR: Many would argue this is a step up in competition now, but we know O'Callaghan can hang with guys like Wood.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell rings to kick the contest off. O'Callaghan and Liam Wood immediately lock-up, Wood pushes O'Callaghan back towards the corner but he manages to free himself from the grasp of Wood. He goes for a roll up but Wood powers out before the 1.

The two leap to their feet, Wood throws a superkick to the knee but O'Callaghan swats it away and then sends Wood down to the mat with a snapmare. O'Callaghan goes for a roundhouse kick to the head but Wood swipes the legs of OC and he falls face-first into the canvas.

JT: Some impressive chain wrestling from both men here early on.

Wood turns O'Callaghan over and beats down on him with some UFC style ground and pound, but O'Callaghan manages to free his legs and wrap in a body scissors on Wood. He tries to pull him down into a choke hold, but Wood pushes downwards to force a pinning predicament.

Ref: 1.....................Kick out!

O'Callaghan kicks out, Wood goes in for a punch on the grounded OC but O'Callaghan gets a couple of boots up into the head. Wood stumbles back, O'Callaghan gets up to his feet and as Wood runs in at him, he takes him down with a hip toss. Liam Wood rolls to his feet, O'Callaghan hits a low dropkick to the knee before running the ropes and hitting a swinging neckbreaker. He covers.

Ref: 1......................2........Kick out!

Wood forces the shoulder up. O'Callaghan slips in a sleeper hold on Liam Wood, he gets up to his feet and drives O'Callaghan back into the turnbuckles. Wood fires in back elbows to force the release. Liam Wood sprints in at O'Callaghan but he flapjacks Wood face-first into the top turnbuckle. Wood stumbles out of the corner, O'Callaghan climbs to the middle rope and then takes down Wood with a leaping back elbow smash. He covers.

Ref: 1.......................2.........Kick out!

JR: Very strong start from O'Callaghan.

HL: He looked absolutely imperious in qualifying from the group stages and has carried that on up until this point.

O'Callaghan applies a front facelock on Wood, he then uses this as a base from which he elevates himself to drive continuous knees into the top of the head. Wood is slowly brought up to a vertical base by O'Callaghan who continues to crack knees into the head. He eventually releases the front facelock hold, before throwing Liam Wood into the ropes.

On the rebound, O'Callaghan levels Wood with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He keeps hold of Wood, lifting him into the air and hitting a second backbreaker before hooking the leg.

Ref: 1.......................2.............Kick out!

O'Callaghan immediately goes back on the offensive, rolling Wood onto his front before stomping away on the back. He lifts Wood up from the canvas by the waist, he attempts a German suplex but Wood blocks. He then manages to spin his way out of the hold and then throw O'Callaghan down into the canvas with a German Suplex of his own.

O'Callaghan rolls to his feet, he swings wildly at Wood who ducks under that easily and delivers a 2nd German suplex. He covers.

Ref: 1......................2.........Kick out!

JR: Liam Wood looks like he's managed to turn the tide of this contest.

JT: He now needs to take advantage of this situation.

Liam Wood allows O'Callaghan to get up to a vertical base before hitting him with a series of leaping knees into the face. He then throws O'Callaghan into the ropes and on the rebound, meets him with a big boot into the head. O'Callaghan stumbles up, and Wood grabs him by the waist before slinging him down into the mat with a gutwrench suplex.

Wood doesn't cover, he instead goes up to the top rope before diving off and connecting with a big elbow drop. He covers.

Ref: 1......................2...............Kick out!

Liam Wood immediately goes on the attack with more ground and pound offence on O'Callaghan. He then lifts him to his feet and then connects with a boot to the gut. O'Callaghan lurches forward, Wood lifts him onto his shoulders before marching to the corner and powerbombing him into the turnbuckles.

Wood then sprints in at O'Callaghan, hitting him with a Yakuza kick. O'Callaghan stumbles out of the corner and Wood drops him with a snap DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

O'Callaghan is allowed up to his feet by Liam Wood, who then locks in a Full Nelson hold. Liam Wood goes for a Full Nelson slam but O'Callaghan blocks, he then manages to break free of the hold and then roll up Wood.

Ref: 1....................2..........Kick out!

As soon as Wood kicks out, O'Callaghan locks in a FulL Nelson hold of his own. Liam Wood slowly gets to his feet, 'Callaghan hits a couple of kicks to the right knee of Wood before lifting him into the air and hitting a Full Nelson backbreaker. He keeps the Full Nelson hold applied, bringing Wood up to his feet before planting him face-first into the canvas. He hooks the leg.

HL: Wood went for the submission hold on O'Callaghan and that's not normally a wise move considering what a phenomenal grappler O'Callaghan is.

JT: And here's that grappling you talked about, O'Callaghan setting up and locking the brutal surfboard submission hold.

O'Callaghan eventually releases the surfboard hold, he drags Wood over towards the corner before going to the top rope. He dives down and nails a frog splash into the back of Liam Wood before making the cover.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Wood forces the shoulder up. O'Callaghan hauls him to his feet, he goes for an Irish whip but Wood reverses the momentum. He goes for a tilt-a-whirl slam of his own but O'Callaghan counters with a head-scissors and Wood ends up in the ropes. O'Callaghan runs the ropes and dials up the 619. He goes up top again and this time nails a 360 splash.

JR: O'Callaghan showing all kinds of offence here.

Ref: 1.....................2...................Kick out!

Wood just about kicks out in time. O'Callaghan allows him to his feet, he throws him into the ropes and goes for a double-leg takedown but Wood blocks. He hits a couple of big forearms and O'Callaghan stumbles back. He bounces off the ropes, going for a clothesline but Wood ducks under it.

He quickly grabs O'Callaghan and throws him down to the canvas with an Inverted Suplex, bridging over into the pin attempt.

Ref: 1.............................2.................Kick out!

Liam Wood drives some knees down into the back of OC's head, before locking in a underhook hold. He hauls up O'Callaghan before throwing him out across the ring with a suplex. OC gets to his feet and Wood plants him face-first into the mat with a reverse swinging STO. Wood hooks the leg.

JT: Two of the very best 6CW has to offer putting on a real show here this evening, fantastic match-up between these two!

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Liam Wood grabs him by the waist, dragging O'Callaghan towards the corner and then connects with a German suplex, throwing O'Callaghan into the turnbuckles. Wood then sprints in, hitting a shining wizard. Wood grinds his forearm into the face of O'Callaghan, releasing just before the 5 count. O'Callaghan stumbles out of the corner and Wood flattens him with a discus lariat. Cover.

Ref: 1.........................2.................Kick out!

Liam Wood drags up O'Callaghan, he whips him into the ropes and then connects with a belly to belly suplex. OC sits up, and Wood levels him with a superkick. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1........................2..................Kick out!

Wood smirks to himself following the kick out. O'Callaghan is lifted to his feet, Wood pops OC onto his shoulders and sets up for the Lungblower but O'Callaghan manages to flip over the top of Wood into a sunset flip pin. He covers.

Ref: 1............................2......................Kick out!

Liam Wood just about kicks out. He rises up angrily but O'Callaghan manages to drop him with a double leg takedown. O'Callaghan quickly steps through the legs and applies the sharpshooter.

JR: This could be it!

JT: Sharpshooter locked in! O'Callaghan has finished many an opponent with this move.

HL: Not Wood though, he boots O'Callaghan away into the corner!

O'Callaghan stumbles out of the corner, Wood boots him in the gut...


Ref: 1...............................2..........................Kick out!

JR: O'Callaghan kicks out just in time.

Wood beats the canvas in frustration, He walks back to the corner, waiting for O'Callaghan to rise. All of a sudden, "Figure It Out" blares out through the speakers and the crowd erupt.

JT: We know who's music this is...


JT: And he's making his way to the ring!

HL: What the hell is he doing here? He's got no business being out here!

JR: Wood cost him his place in this tournament!

Harris marches down the ramp, he is quickly at the ring as Liam Wood turns around and beckons for Harris to bring it on. Harris climbs up the steel steps, Wood advances towards the corner but Harris then takes a step backwards.

HL: Coward.



Ref: 1.........................................2..................................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!


JT: O'Callaghan beats Liam Wood!

HL: He's been robbed. Liam Wood has been robbed!

O'Callaghan quickly rolls out of the ring after the 3 count, smirking as Wood leaps up to his feet in anger. He is absolutely fuming, getting right in the face of the referee and then kicking the ropes in frustration as Scott Harris retreats up the ramp laughing to himself and waving at Wood.

JT: Scott Harris has just taken his rivalry with Liam Wood to another level here, costing him his chance at the world title at the Quarter Final stage.

JR: All's fair in love and war Jeff, Wood did the exact same thing to Harris in the group stages, Harris just upped the ante.

HL: O'Callaghan snuck in to take advantage and he will be an absolutely massive threat in this tournament, with his incredible submission wrestling and winning instinct.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:26 am

(We go backstage in Miss Jessica’s office. She is filing her nails when the door opens and security lead Hero in. Hero looks as ragged and as dishevelled as ever, although there does appear to be a new found gleam in his eye)

Jessica: Sit…

Hero: I’d rather stand…

(Jessica fixes her gaze on him)

Jessica: You always were boring….”it’ll be over quick, Jess”…

Hero: I’d rather not hear about your nights with Lex…..or the rest of the locker-room for that matter…

(Jessica scowls at him)

Jessica: I’m glad to see you’ve re-found a little of your former arseholeness…

Hero: Is there a point to this, Jess? Because quite frankly I’m getting bored of being tailed by this entourage…

(He motions to the security detail)

Jessica: These men are here for your own safety…..once again you have signed your own death warrant by going after Costello…..I’m preventing a death on our premises….after the attacks last week, 6CW doesn’t need that kind of publicity…

(Hero bows his head)

Hero: Frost told me…

(Jessica holds up her hand)

Jessica: Newsflash, hun…Cillian Frost ain’t here right now…..yours truly is running the show…

Hero: That’s what I was worried about…

Jessica: Don’t be so rude…you’re lucky I haven’t had you turfed out on the streets after your little stunt earlier….you don’t even work here remember…

(Hero suddenly looks downbeat again)

Hero: Look, Jess please….I need this….really I do….think of Austin…

Jessica: Don’t you dare use him in this…

Hero: You’re right, I’m sorry….

(Jessica lets out a long winded sigh)

Jessica: Please cut this broken man act….show me something for crying out loud… me some passion…..make me believe…

Hero: Sign my contract and you will…

Jessica: Ooo, is that a promise?

Hero: I just want to get back to the only thing I know….

Jessica: I know it’s in you….you wouldn’t be so stupid as to go after a maniac like Costello if there wasn’t some of the old you still in there…..only a manipulative mastermind would even think of something that daft…..I know you have a plan, I know you…

(Hero gives nothing away, remaining poker faced)

Hero: That’s not me anymore….I just want to wrestle….I just want the chance…

(Jessica smirks and goes back to filing her nails)

Jessica: I’ll tell you what…..because I’m like such a beautiful person, inside and out, I’ll sign your goddamn contract….

(Hero looks up, the trace of a smile on his face)

Jessica: Not so fast though, buster…..because you owe me now, I’m doing you a big favour here….

Hero: I don’t know how to thank you….

Jessica: Oh don’t thank me….I really don’t want you getting carried away….next show I want you here at the start and I’ll put my ink on the dotted line, just the way you like…

(She gives him a seductive wink)

Jessica: And when I do, you’re fair game….you live in my house, under my rules, my jurisdiction…..that means I paint a big bull’s eye on your back and I get to watch and enjoy as anyone and everyone who ever had a problem with you tears you apart….I get to watch the last remnants of the Alpha Male get cuckolded before my very eyes…

You say you’re not the old Hero….you say you’re just a beat up old man looking to get by in life….I say you’re a liar….I think that the moment you get backed into a corner, we’re going to see you for what you really are….I know there’s more to this than meets the eye, I know you and I know you wouldn’t be here unless you believed you had something to gain….and I’m going to prove it…

So I’ll see you here in two weeks….and then the fun starts…

(The security lead Hero from the room and close the door)

Hero: Oh Jess, you have no idea…


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:30 am


KK: Yo, Christy, wait up girl!

The massive shadow of Karl Kramer comes into view. He stands next to her with his hands on his hips and breathing heavily.

KK: Man, I need to work on my cardio. No doubt, no doubt. You got places to go?! You pitter pattering with those heels faster than Bolt on crack.

He smiles at her, but she meets his eyes with a frown.

CJ: I don’t see your lawyer Karl, so I don’t know why you would want to talk to me?

Karl sighs and shakes his head.

KK: I misspoke ya’ know? Hell, I came damn close to some major league hysteria out there tonight. My name up in lights but good ol’ Cannonball ended up starin’ at them. I came out the ring and my head ain’t right. I see you and hear jabbering ‘bout history. It grates. Cannonball shouldn’t take it out on those out of scope though. Jus’ my business is my business. But he sorry…..

Christy’s face doesn’t change.

CJ: You can’t keep running from it, Karl. So you have dodgy family? Who doesn’t?!

Karl nods his head.

KK: Yeah you right, no doubt. Jus’ Cannonball is makin’ hay being his own man. He ain’t nobodies surname, he carves it himself. People think 1 and 1 makes 2, but sometimes that sum don’t add up. Cannonball and his family are totally out of sync. We don’t breathe the same air or talk the same talk. I can’t change how I was made but I can change the path I make ya know?

Christy looks at him and sighs.

CJ: Ok, apology accepted. But please just think more about how you approach this. People will understand. You just need to get out there first before things escalate.

Karl smiles.

KK: No doubt, you talk wise ol’ sense. Much wisdom in that frame Yoda. Man, I will do just that. Cannonball will meditate and then will come back to you with answers. He just needs some time out and a few painkillers!

He laughs and mockingly feels his head.

KK: Man, what a hit. Small guy packed a punch, no doubt.

Kramer is interrupted by a mobile phone tune being played. He takes the phone out of his pocket and mouths “sorry” to Christy. She smiles and waves, before walking out of shot. Kramer checks that she is gone before answering the phone. His face contorts into anger as he speaks.

KK: What the hell do you want?

Kramer listens to the reply and grits his teeth.

KK: Dropping the act? Yeah you are a great one for that!

Kramer listens while walking around the car park.

KK: Listen you piece of sh*t, I’m doing what I have to do. Only way I could convince people that I had a role here was being different from all the rest. You think being a cookie cutter was going to get me anywhere?!

Kramer stares at the sky in annoyance.

KK: Yeah yeah, so you say. Well, being lost in the shuffle still means I am looking out for myself. Should be used to that by now. How is the prick anyway?

He smiles sarcastically when he hears the answer.

KK: Oh, what a shame……well him crying off reminds me of the time he couldn’t bench press 500lbs. Stomach got in the way didn’t it.

Kramer’s smile drops as he listens to the lengthy reply.

KK: Listen, you just stay f*cking away. You think you can walk in here and start with your power plays again? No one cares about you and they barely f*cking care about me. I do the show, I take the money and leave the drama to other people. That’s the only good thing you ever taught me.

Kramer looks confused.

KK: Frost? Why the hell would I want to speak to him. He signed the contract blindly and that’s all I care about. This guy Hero’s sob story and the sl*t we got as a manager I don’t give a f*ck about alright? If you know better, you will stay out of everyone’s way.

Kramer looks more and more irate.

KK: Yeah, I threaten family. Show’s over now so I don’t have to be anyone’s happy r*tard. If you come back here, you will be a dead man. Either by my hand or someone else’s.

He aggressively hangs up the phone and stuffs it in his pocket. A member of 6CW staff comes into shot and Kramer stares right at him.

KK: Who the f*ck you looking at?!

The staff member looks shocked and immediately walks in a different direction. Kramer realises his mistake and calls out.

KK: Yo, buddy wait up! Cannonball don’t mean it!

The guy doesn’t turn around and disappears in the distance. Kramer puts a frustrated hand through his mohawk and scrunches up his eyes.

KK: F*ck sake…


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:32 am

(Scott Harris is shown walking through the backstage area before the six man tag team match. He pushes open a door at the end of the corridor but finds his way barred by a giant of a man)

Harris: You coming through?

(The man merely stands there so Harris makes to push past him but he won’t budge)

Harris: I haven’t got time for this buddy, places to be…

???: I see you’ve met Varyag…

(Harris turns back to the corridor to see Liam Wood walking toward him. Harris sighs as he knows what is coming)

Wood: You probably don’t remember him from his Death Squad days but me and him struck up quite a friendship…..and he has always said he’d have my back in times of crisis…

Harris: Look Wood, you want to settle this then let’s go out to the ring and settle it…

(Wood doesn’t seem to hear what Harris is saying)

Wood: And now we are in a crisis….you see the 6CW Championship has been stolen from me….my participation in the Iron Man Tournament taken from me through no fault of my own….you stole from me, Harris, and it’s all your fault….and now you’re going to pay, now you are going to find out what happens when you cross me…

Harris: Then leave your boyfriend here and let’s settle it…

(Wood suddenly nods his head and Harris believes he is accepting the offer but then Varyag drives a brutal forearm into the back of his neck, dropping him to his knees. Harris tries to stand and fight back but Wood runs in and boots him in the ribs, knocking all the wind from him. Wood grabs Harris’ head and pulls him off the floor)

Wood: You’re a nothing Harris…..and I’m going to make you regret ever coming back here to latch onto my coattails….

(Wood stands and backs off. He then nods at Varyag, who begins to slam the open door on the head of Harris until he is rendered unconscious. Blood seeps from a wound in Harris’ head. Wood glares down at his rival)

Wood: Needs more Harris? Looks like someone needs more medical assistance, b1tch….

(EMT’s can be heard shouting down the corridor and then appearing on camera as Wood smirks and follows Varyag out of the picture)

Medic: Scott, can you hear me? Scott….

(The medics exchange glances)

Medic: Make the call….he needs immediate hospital attention….Scott, if you can hear me, my name is Doctor Abraham….now I need you to lay as still as possible, ok? Everything is going to be alright but for the time being I just need you to be still….you’ve had a nasty bang to the head and I need to do everything I can to put you at ease….

(Another medic is shown making a distress call to the nearby hospital as the scene fades out)


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:33 am

Bout 3
Angelo Trust/James McManus/Jimmy Phillips vs Dante Phoenix/Karl Kramer/Scott Harris

We return to ringside as “Into the fire” blazes out to a good reception from the 6CW crowd and Dante Phoenix makes his entrance. Phoenix stands amidst the golden haze of his pyro and then runs along the walkway…

JT: Six man tag action up next here tonight…..six men involved who did not advance to the latter stages of the Iron Man Tournament but are now looking to boost their 6CW careers…

JR: Pressure of the tournament is off but the pressure to stand out from the crowd remains….because the Iron Man will end in ten nights but wins/losses could propel you forward for more opportunities down the line…

HE: Some of these men in this match were unfortunate not to progress to the quarter finals so all they need to do is keep that form going….

JT: Dante Phoenix, here, is still chasing his first win here in 6CW…..he hasn’t had the most luck thus far but his performances have showed us that he has real talent….

JR: Phoenix still smarting over that defeat to Angelo Trust last time out….

JT: And rightfully so, Trust benefitted from a highly contentious low blow…

HE: Don’t be so prejudice…

Phoenix climbs onto the turnbuckle, basking in the cheers from the crowd, and then “O Fortuna” echoes out to more positivity from the sell-out crowd. The vast form of Karl Kramer bounds out onto the stage…

JT: This physical force went 1-2 in the group stages but he does hold a victory over Scott Harris…..he also pushed both Cerberus & Liam Wood to their limits….for a debutant that is highly impressive…

HE: Did he make the quarter finals? No he didn’t so highly impressive is reaching…..and what is with this whole preacher rubbish….we all know Kramer is hiding something dark and sinister, his act is not washing with me…

JR: Kramer will reveal his past when he is good and ready, I’m sure, but that does not take away from the fact that he has shown some real quality since joining 6CW…..physically he is a match for anyone on the roster…

Kramer climbs through the ropes and accepts a high five from Dante Phoenix before “Figure it out” booms through to the speakers to a standing ovation…

JT: We just saw Harris get viciously assaulted in the backstage area by Liam Wood…..I’m not sure he’s in any position to compete here…

JR: Last we saw he was being attended to by medics….if they don’t clear him then he won’t be out here…

HE: It is the least he deserves after what he did….he’s the reason Liam Wood is no longer in the race for the world championship…

JT: What goes around, comes around…

The wait continues and then the cheers turn to boos as it seems apparent that Harris won’t be on his way to ringside. Phoenix and Kramer share a brief conversation and then “Car Show” echoes out to a very mixed reaction….

JT: If you’d asked me about Angelo Trust ten nights’ ago I’d of talked to you about a hyperactive, naïve young rookie trying to make a name for himself….but the events that have transpired since then lead me to believe that he is a whole lot more manipulative than we first believed….

HE: Because he challenges society’s prejudices?

JR: Please…..Trust got a lucky win over Dante Phoenix and instead of addressing the situation he went on the offensive….he was downright rude when talking to Christy James…

HE: Christy had no right to talk to him like that…..she ruined his celebration…..

JT: She was doing her job….Trust needs to get with reality….

Trust looks at some of the fans, the ones who are booing, with serious offense and shakes his head in their direction. He gets to the ring and steps through the ropes, holding up a hand to block out Dante Phoenix from his view…

JT: It is like Trust actually blames Phoenix for this….Phoenix is the one who got nailed below the belt, and I haven’t even heard him complain once…

HE: He should have come out in public support of Trust…

JR: For getting kicked in the balls? Have you heard yourself….

Trust stands on the ropes and stares out at the crowd before “Sad but true” echoes out to yet more boos from the audience. James McManus, a dark expression on his face, enters the arena….

JT: I didn’t know if McManus would be out here after what happened to Jenny earlier…

HE: He’s still a competitor…and he needs to stay in fighting shape in order to keep helping Marty Helms advance through the Iron Man…

JR: I still can’t believe the sinister side we have seen from James McManus recently….what he did to Uryu Ishida last week was nothing short of disgusting…..

JT: Power corrupts….McManus has been promised a shot at the world title in return for leading Helms to the promised land….we’re seeing just what the British Bruiser will do to make that happen…

JR: Uryu was lucky he didn’t suffer serious damage….he’ll be here in ten days and he wants McManus one on one…

HE: Uryu isn’t calling the shots and if McManus does accept then it is not going to end well….Marty Helms has lit a fire under McManus, he is a dangerous man…

McManus climbs through the ropes and he has to be held back by the referee as he attempts to go nose to nose with Karl Kramer. Kramer looks mildly amused but ready to fight…

HE: So is this going to be a handicap match?

JT: Looks that way unless Harris can get cleared…

“No less violent” then screams out and Jimmy Phillips comes walking through the crowd, his hood over his head. He unzips his jacket and climbs over the railing…

JR: Jimmy Phillips looks ready for a fight….

JT: Phillips has been ready for a fight since losing his spot in the Iron Man last week….

HE: Thanks to Hero and Costello….Phillips was robbed…..he had Costello beat and he had Jackson beat….he should have been a first seed qualifier for the quarter finals….I understand his anger and that baseball bat shot to Costello last week was the least he deserved….

JR: We have seen a serious change in Phillips’ persona since rejoining 6CW…..he is a dangerous man, he seems to really enjoy inflicting pain…

HE: He has seen the light and that will lead him to real success….no longer does he pander to these idiots in the crowd….Costello, Hero and whoever else crosses him is going to pay badly…

Phillips leaps up onto the apron, off to the side of both teams, and he stares at his opponents before climbing through the ropes. The referee tries to keep both teams apart and then Phillips drives forward and knees Phoenix in the gut, dropping him to his knees…

JT: Phillips wasting no time here with the blindside attack…

JR: You can feel the rage radiating from Phillips…

Phillips lands vicious clubbing blows to the back of Phoenix and then he rags him up and whips him off the ropes. Phoenix comes back and JP easily pushes him into the air and then just lets him fall, hard, on his chest….

HE: Jimmy Phillips is the out to prove that he still should be in the hunt for the world title…..this is just a formality for him…

Phillips drags Phoenix back up and tries to flip him for a powerbomb but Dante drops out on his feet and nails a big European uppercut. Phillips staggers back and Phoenix follows up with a dropkick that sends him to the corner. Phoenix sprints in and looks for a splash but Phillips catches him….

JT: Tremendous show of strength from Phillips there….beautiful!

Phillips nails a rib-breaker and then spins around and launches Phoenix with a fall away slam. Angelo Trust is jumping up and down, looking for the tag….

JR: What a surprise….Trust wants in now that Phoenix is down…

HE: Trust has nothing to prove to you or anyone else…he’s already beaten Phoenix…

Phillips shrugs his shoulders and slaps Trust’s hand, prompting him to scurry into the ring. Phoenix is struggling back to his feet and Trust runs into him with diving knees to the back, sending him crashing across the ropes…

JT: Can’t be denied that Trust seems to have a new found confidence following his win last time out…..619!

The tiger feint kick lands and sends Phoenix rolling across the canvass. Trust then runs along the apron and he climbs up to the top rope before leaping into a high angled crossbody………….1………………2……………Phoenix kicks out!

HE: Trust just needs to learn to block out the haters…do his own thing….don’t let them dull his sparkle…

JT: Don’t let them do what? What Instagram page did you get that off?

HE: Don’t attack the ‘gram….

JR: I think you’ve had a gram…

Trust shrieks at the referee, who looks taken aback, and then he gets to his feet and rakes his boot on Dante’s face. He wraps Phoenix’ hair around his hand and tugs him up before connecting with a face-first suplex. Trust rushes over to the corner again…

JT: Angelo Trust looking high risk, high reward…


Trust looks for a somersault foot stomp but Phoenix drives his feet up and nails his foe in the face as he lands, sending him flying across the ring. Phoenix manages to get back up and he runs the ropes before returning with a flying knee to the face of his knelt opponent…

JT: Phoenix trying to build some momentum here…..trying to fire himself up…

JR: We’ve yet to see the best of him here in 6CW but we know the talent is there…

Phoenix beckons for Trust to get up and then he runs to the ropes and springboards into a disaster kick. Trust takes the impact full on the jaw and it spins him around but doesn’t drop him…


JT: Wow….that’ll end things…

Phoenix nails the inverted hurricanrana that crushes Trust’s head into the canvass……………….1……………………..2…………….James McManus breaks the cover and quickly assaults Phoenix with a furious knee attack…

JT: What the hell is that….

Karl Kramer crashes the ring and tackles McManus toward the corner but Phillips manages to drag his teammate away before any damage can be done. The referee quickly gets involved to escort Kramer back to his corner, allowing Phillips to take over from Trust without the tag…

JR: The man advantage really suiting Phillips and co here…

JT: And they are using it as such….

HE: Plus they’re just better anyway…

JT: Then why break the rules?

Phillips nails huge right hands on Phoenix, staggering him to the ropes, and then whips him across the ring before nailing him with a huge pop up powerbomb. Phoenix is flat out as Phillips tags in McManus…

HE: Phoenix is done….McManus can end this…

McManus sneers at the anger from Karl Kramer and then he drags Dante up, running him into the powerslam…………………1………………………2……………….kickout.

JT: Dante Phoenix starting to sustain some real damage here….he needs that tag…

JR: Kramer itching for it too….he wants some of McManus…

McManus drags Dante’s head off the mat and connects with stiff right hands before backing away and then returns with a hard kick to the face. McManus turns and squares up to Karl Kramer…

JT: Seems hanging out with Marty Helms has really changed James McManus’ mindset…..he seems to be revelling in causing trouble…

The referee has to pull McManus away and warn him. McManus shoves past the official and pulls Phoenix up…


Phoenix kicks his legs, fighting McManus’ grip, and then counters with a backdrop. Phoenix staggers to the corner and he waits for McManus to get up before cartwheeling out and connects with a leaping kick to the temple…

JT: McManus’ need for a fight cost him here….now Phoenix needs the tag…

The crowd are willing Dante on as he tries to drag himself across the ring toward the outstretched hand of Karl Kramer. Kramer’s huge palm is inches away from Phoenix when Jimmy Phillips rips Kramer from the apron and drives him back into the steel steps with a huge impact…

JR: A damn mugging…

The crowd boo as Angelo Trust springboards in and takes Phoenix down with a seated senton at the same time. Trust stands over Phoenix and laughs before running back to his corner…

JT: It’s bad enough that they’re fighting the numbers without fighting this blatant rule breaking as well…

HE: One team is well oiled, one can’t function properly…..whose fault is that?

JR: Liam Wood? Because he is the reason that Scott Harris isn’t out here to help his team…


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:34 am

James McManus looks annoyed as he gets back up and he runs the ropes before coming back with a shattering knee to the temple of Dante Phoenix. He considers the pinfall but can’t ignore the leaping up and down and shouting from Angelo Trust….

JT: Trust desperate here…

JR: For someone so confident in his own ability he sure looks like he needs the validation of beating Phoenix again….

HE: To shut people like you up…

Trust almost trips up as he rushes in and covers………………1……………….2………..kickout. He slaps his hand against the mat and shouts at the referee…

JT: Nothing but a spoilt brat….

Trust gets up to his feet and he looks slightly crazed as he waits for Phoenix to get up…


Phoenix puts the brakes on the cutter and pushes his man to the corner. Trust shows great speed and agility to jump onto the ropes…

*Crowd pop

JT: What a counter!

Phoenix runs to the ropes and springboards, catching Trust in the corner and dragging him off he turnbuckle into a cutter…

JR: Both men down following that great piece of improvisation from Dante Phoenix…

The crowd are applauding and trying to will Phoenix on as both men fight the effects of the match in an attempt to reach their respective corners….

JT: Both looking for a tag….both teams need the momentum….

Trust reaches McManus and makes the tag. Phillips climbs in and attempts to sprint over to stop Phoenix from getting to Kramer…


Cheers ring out as Kramer gets the tag in time and he shows real litheness to enter proceedings and floors both McManus and Phillips with a double running clothesline. McManus gets back up and Kramer launches him at Phillips…

JT: What a collision….

They crack heads and the impact sends Phillips through the ropes to the outside. McManus sways and then walks into Kramer, who nails him with a ring-shaking “world’s strongest” slam…

……Angelo Trust breaks it up!

JR: Not sure that is wise on the part of Trust…

Trust connects with punches to the back of Kramer as he tries to stand and then tees off with kicks as the big reaches his full height. The shots don’t seem to have much impact on Kramer so Trust runs to the ropes and springboards….

*Crowd cheer

JT: Like a damn car crash!

Kramer shows agility unbefitting of his size as he leaps up and drives his head into the chest of Trust in midair, knocking all the wind from him. Kramer drags Trust up and runs him to the ropes before launching him over the top rope with real force….


Trust lands on the steel with real force and sends him rolling in agony. Kramer then beckons McManus up and he drills him with three straight scooped slams before running the ropes…

JT: Big splask….Kramer may just pull it off…

…..Phillips puts McManus’ foot on the ropes!

HE: Jimmy Phillips showing why he’s a star in the making….he’s leading this team…

Phillips leaps back onto the apron and shouts at McManus to pull himself together. Kramer stares at him and then he beckons McManus up, pulling him into a bearhug…

JT: Kramer is unnaturally strong….he might just squeeze the life out of McManus here…

JR: This would go down as a huge victory for Karl Kramer…

McManus’s face is reddening quickly and he looks to be struggling for his breath as Kramer tightens his grip. The referee is asking McManus if he wants to quit but he seems unable to give an answer…

JT: The referee is going to have to call an audible here…..McManus is ready to pass out….


The boos ring around as Phillips runs the ropes on the blindside and then almost decapitates Kramer with a clothesline “from hell”. The referee is straight in Phillips’ face, threatening to disqualify him…

JR: The blatant disregard for the rules has gone too far here…..that should be enough for the referee….

HE: Phillips is protecting his team like any good captain….

Phillips argues with the referee and looks completely unrepentant for what he has done. He climbs back out onto the apron and orders McManus to crawl over to tag him in….

JT: Phillips wants to end this now….he knows Kramer is wounded…

McManus is dazed but he manages to get over and slaps the hand of Phillips, who immediately goes on the attack. Kramer is still hurting from the huge clothesline as Phillips seizes him…


Phillips tries to get the coquina clutch in but is having trouble wrapping his arms around the huge neck of Kramer. The man mountain is on unsteady legs but manages to drive himself back…

JT: That may have busted one or two of Phillips’ ribs…

Kramer stumbles away to the centre and tries to regain himself as Phillips recovers in the corner. Phillips spits in annoyance and then sprints out..


The crowd cheer as Kramer uses Phillips’ momentum to lift and drill him with a devastating spinebuster. Kramer gets back up and then kneels in the corner…

JT: Despite the disadvantage that Kramer and Phoenix have faced in this match they are now on the cusp of a great victory……CANNONBALL RUN!

Kramer is preparing for the huge running clothesline when Angelo Trust jumps up on the apron to distract him. Kramer aims a swing at him but drops down just in time to avoid the impact….Kramer then sprints at Phillips once more….

JR: Nobody home….

Phillips manages to roll out of the impact zone, sending Kramer crashing into the turnbuckle. Dante Phoenix slaps Kramer’s back for the blind tag and goes up top….


Phoenix dives through the air and crashes against Phillips with double knees to the chest…Phoenix rolls out onto the apron and then springboards back in as JP rises…

JR: Golden plumage….Phillips on jelly legs here…..

James McManus tries to rush back in the ring and the referee is forced to intervene and force him back. Dante Phoenix then pulls Phillips up….


The boos ring all around as Angelo Trust rolls into the ring on the blindside and low blows Dante Phoenix. He then runs to the ropes and dives into a front flip dive that knocks Karl Kramer down on the outside….Jimmy Phillips drags Phoenix down into the coquina clutch….

JR: Phoenix is out…..this one is over….

The crowd are booing as “No less violent” echoes out and Jimmy Phillips’ arm is raised in victory. He looks down at Dante Phoenix with no trace of emotion and then heads for the exit, where James McManus is already waiting….

HE: I knew these guys would get it done….they’re winners….

JT: Not to mention that they had the numbers advantage and broke every rule in the book?

HE: They did what they had to….

JR: Phillips, McManus and Trust putting the disappointment of the Iron Man behind them…..Kramer and Phoenix fought one hell of a fight, but they ended up on the wrong side of the result here tonight…..Dante still yet to get that elusive first victory in 6CW….

HE: If this was UFC he’d have been cut by now…

JT: Now what is this little snake up to?

HE: That is offensive….

The crowd’s boos continue as Angelo Trust now rolls back into the ring, gloating as he circles the barely conscious Dante Phoenix. Trust mockingly wipes tears from his eyes and then beckons for Phoenix to stand…

JR: You can’t defend the low blow here tonight….no discrepancy over that one, Henry….

HE: It’s a matter of opinion…

JT: It’s a matter of damn fact….kid is a cheat, plain and simple…..and now he’s looking to rub salt into the wounds like the coward he is….

HE: I hope you’re facing a lawsuit in the coming weeks for this defamation of character…

Trust seems on the verge of his attack when Karl Kramer comes back to the ring and pushes him away, sending him staggering. Trust just manages to catch himself by the ropes but looks stunned by Kramer’s interruption. Trust shrieks at Kramer but the big man wags his finger and shakes his head…

JR: Kramer doing the right thing…

HE: He’s sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong….

JT: He’s letting Trust know that he won’t be allowing that kind of thing on his watch, no sir….

Trust seems to be thinking about his next move but after sizing Kramer up he decides to retreat to the walkway. Kramer continues to stare after him and then he helps Dante Phoenix to his feet….Phoenix is a little unsteady, rubbing the back of his neck, but he nods in respect to Kramer, who explains what just happened…

JT: I don’t think these issues between Angelo Trust and Dante Phoenix are done….

HE: They should be, Trust is 2-0 over Phoenix….and he’d have solidified his dominance if it wasn’t for Karl Kramer…

Trust looks back, an arrogant smirk starting to grow on his face, before waving at Phoenix and Kramer and heading for the exit.


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:36 am

(James McManus is shown walking out of the trainers’ room when Christy James accosts him)

CJ: James, how is Jenny doing?

McManus: Like you care…

(Christy looks angry)

CJ: Look, James, I don’t know what is going on with you but don’t you dare insinuate I don’t care….I know Jenny, we’ve met several times over the years and I consider her a friend….

(McManus seems taken aback and a little apologetic)

McManus: She’s ok….it was a bad bump but they say a little rest and she’ll be back on her feet…

Christy: I’m glad to hear it….James, I have to ask you what is going on here? This whole pact you have with Marty Helms…is it really worth it?

(McManus is about to answer when Marty Helms interrupts)

Helms: Is it worth it? Christy have you just asked the man if a shot at the world championship is worth it?

Christy: That isn’t a guarantee….you aren’t the champion…

(Helms’ nostrils flare)

Helms: Not yet….but in two weeks I will be….and then James here will benefit from the biggest match in his life…..

Christy: And all the while he should just accept what happened to his wife?

Helms: That wasn’t my fault, regrettable but necessary…

(McManus looks annoyed by this)

Helms: Every war has its casualties but I’m sure even Jenny won’t mind a dig or two if it means her man gets a shot at the big time….small mercies….

(Christy raises her eyebrows and looks at McManus in annoyance)

Christy: I know my husband would never allow…

Helms: Your husband isn’t here though, is he Christy? Because your husband doesn’t measure up anymore….he’s old and he’s soft….he’s an afterthought whilst me and James are the future….if your husband was still here, Christy, I’d be doing him a favour by euthanising him in the middle of that ring….

Christy: You make me sick….

Helms: The feeling is mutual….look why don’t you run along, me and James have things to discuss….

Christy: Actually I was here to ask James what he made of Uryu’s challenge?

Helms: James doesn’t have time for Uryu or any of that nonsense…

McManus: Actually…

(Helms looks surprised by the interruption)

McManus: I heard what Uryu had to say and if he wants a fight in two weeks then he can have one….I’ll finish what I started….I won’t fail to crush his skull a second time…

(Christy looks repulsed whilst Helms has a look of mixed delight and anger)

Helms: I admire your spirit, James, and I’m glad to see you’re honing what I am teaching you…but Uryu is inconsequential to our plans….he better not get in the way, he better not distract you….because I don’t want to remind you…

McManus: You don’t have to remind me of anything…..I know what’s at stake….but Uryu called me out and I’m not going to let him think that’s acceptable….he’ll be put in his place and then I’ll do whatever I have to ensure you leave with my title…

Helms: Your title?

McManus: You heard me….the moment this tournament is over, so is our agreement and I’m hunting you down….

You’re the reason my wife is in there (he nods at the trainer’s room) and I won’t forget that…..neither should you…

(McManus storms off leaving Christy with a smirk on her face. Helms glares at her with fury but then looks after McManus as though slightly impressed by his outburst)


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 1:41 am

The lights in the arena dim and "Hate Me Now" blares out through the speakers, it plays for 30 seconds before the line "You can hate me now" booms out, at this point Ricky Nelson bursts out through the curtain, slapping his chest and goading the fans. He saunters down the ramp, climbs up the ring steps and then springs over the top rope into the ring, forward rolling onto his feet.

JT: Last time out on Proving Grounds, Ricky Nelson suffered a defeat at the hands of Vincent Costello.

JR: That was his 3rd defeat out of 3 in the tournament, not the start the confident Nelson would have been expecting in his 6CW career.

HL: Following that latest loss, we saw Nelson on his phone backstage talking to someone about a "New Chapter" that would begin this week.

JR: The thing is, Nelson was actually very impressive in the tournament, he just couldn't quite get the job done.

Nelson is passed a microphone by the time-keeper, he stands in the middle of the ring.

RN: name is Ricky Nelson and I am out here to...apologise.

JR: What?

RN: I walked into this company like I'd been here for years. I was a horrible person backstage, I had no respect for the more senior guys who have paid their dues and made this place what it is. I walked in as if I owed no-one anything, and everyone owed me something.
And boy, have I learned my lesson. Those three losses that I took in the Proving Grounds tournament, well, I just couldn't get my head around it. I was wrestling as well as I have ever done, but I just couldn't get the job done.

JT: Ricky Nelson is humbling himself in front of these fans, and it's quite touching to see.

JR: Whoever this mystery person on the phone is has clearly given this young man some perspective.

RN: It was after my loss last week that I took a phone call, a phone call that prompted me to come out here and say all this. So 6CW, without further ado, let me introduce you to the man on the other end of that phone. Without further ado...

*Nelson points up the ramp...

JT: No way!



"The Next Big Thing" blares out through the speakers and the crowd can't help but pop as Mike Hill slowly, confidently walks out onto the stage. Nelson smiles and applauds as his mentor makes his way down the ramp, Nelson props the ropes open as Hill.

JT: It's Mike Hill!

JR: Nelson's mentor, and the 6WF and 6CW legend, is back!

Hill and Nelson smile at each other before embracing in the middle of the ring.

RN: So I'm guessing you guys might want to hear from this man...

*Nelson passes the microphone to Hill, he waits a few moments...

Mike Hill: So 6CW...are you excited to see Mike Hill?

*There's a pop from the crowd.

Mike Hill: Well the thing is folks, Mike Hill has to admit...he's not happy to see you at all!

*There's a sudden, loud change in tone from the crowd who boo loudly. Hill smirks and nods at Nelson.

Mike Hill: You see, Mike Hill has been sat at home in his 13 room mansion, getting his staff to switch the cinema screen to smart TV mode so he could put on youtube and watch this man right here (pointing to Ricky Nelson) in action.

And Mike Hill sat back in his recliner seat that first week, he watched Ricky Nelson make his way down this ramp to the ring and do you know what Mike Hill heard? Mike Hill heard Ricky Nelson getting booed. A 21 year old kid, making his debut in the big leagues, getting booed?

But you know, against Mike Hill's better judgement, you were given the benefit of the doubt. After all, everyone knew about Ricky's association with me, and Mike Hill and the 6CW crowd have never been the best of friends so you were just tarring him with the same brush. But Mike Hill was sure, that as soon as you saw this kid in action, that reaction would change.

This kid is the best young wrestler Mike Hill has ever seen. Ever since Mike Hill first set eyes on Ricky Nelson in his local promotion, he knew that this kid was destined for the very top. He was doing things that the old, washed-up, frustrated body-builders he was facing could only dream of doing. You might remember a little thing known as "Standard Mike Hill."

Mike Hill thought he would be the only guy who would ever reach that standard of professional wrestling, something that the kids today would probably refer to as "God Tier." Mike Hill thought that...until he saw Ricky Nelson. Mike Hill realised that Ricky here was just as brilliant, if not even more so, than Mike Hill. And that, is pretty god damn good!

So after you saw that, surely you would show this kid the respect he deserves? The respect he deserves for doing things you disgusting, deep-fried mars bars eating heathens could only ever dream of doing. But no, the jealousy took over. The realisation you're barely the same species as guys like Mike Hill and Ricky made you dislike him even more.

And Mike Hill thinks that in his young, naive mind, Ricky wanted your approval. He wanted your recognition. So that's why Mike Hill came back, to talk some sense into Ricky. To show him the error of his ways. To show him you don't mean a damn thing and never will. Throw Mike Hill another microphone now.

*Hill is thrown a mic and passes it to Nelson.

Mike Hill: So Ricky Nelson does indeed want to say sorry. What's the first thing you're sorry for Ricky?

RN: The first thing I'd like to apologise for is EVER letting these fans think that I care about their opinion.

Mike Hill: What's the 2nd thing you'd like to apologise for?

RN: I'd like to say sorry to all of those senior heads backstage for showing them too much respect and making them think that they were worth something, when in fact they should be thanking me for making them look good.

Mike Hill: And the third?

RN: The third thing I'd like to say sorry for is not being true to myself. I haven't been anywhere near as nasty and as horrible and as cunning as I can be, but not anymore.

Mike Hill: And the last thing Ricky?

RN: The last thing that I'd like to say for, and Ricky Nelson genuinely means this, I'd like to say sorry to each and every person who faces me in the ring from this point onwards! Because now, with Mike Hill alongside me, I'm going to be unstoppable. I am going to send guys into the retirement, after they face Ricky Nelson and realise that they are simply not on the level of the NEW NEXT BIG THING!

(A huge a55hole chant rings around the Emirates Arena as Nelson and Hill exchange smirks)

RN: Boo it up all you like, losers....but Ricky Nelson is here to stay.....I'm the future of this business....I am 100% perfection....


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:03 am


*Crowd ultra pop


JR: I'm not so sure about Ricky Nelson being perfection....but this man sure as hell is....listen to this noise inside the Emirates Arena...

HE: Oh no....why is he here?

(Ricky Nelson is throwing a fit in the ring as Perfect Jack comes striding out onto the stage. A huge "Welcome Back" chant rings all around the arena as PJ raises his arm in appreciation and then begins to make his way to the ring)

HE: How dare he interrupt this amazing moment between Mike Hill and Ricky Nelson?

JT: I think Perfect Jack has earned the right....former 6CW Champion, International Champion, UK Champ, Multi-time Tag Team Champion....he's done it all....a surefire Hall of Famer...

JR: And he's back...

(Jack climbs through the ropes and he stares Mike Hill and Ricky Nelson down before taking a mic of his own)

PJ: Did somebody say 100%% Perfection?

(The crowd pop and Jack smiles)

PJ: Now I know you guys weren't referring to yourselves....seriously?

(Hill and Nelson offer up some choice words to PJ off mic)

PJ: Mike, I'd like to think your teaching your boy some manners but I see not....want me to teach him a lesson in humility?

(More cheers ring around as Hill holds Nelson back)

PJ: Easy now, boy scout...I'm just having some fun....incase you didn't know, but of course you do, you're now standing in the presence of greatness....not you, Mike.....I'm really not talking about you...

(Hill feigns laughter and gives PJ the finger)

PJ: That's hurtful, Mike, cuts deep....listen Rick....

RH: Ricky...

PJ: Dick...

RH: Ricky...

PJ Look I'm gonna go ahead and call you Dicky McDickerson because you asked so nicely....

(A mocking "Dicky McDickerson" chant starts up as PJ laughs)

PJ: You're new around here....and I would have hoped for a kid like you with a mentor like Mike that he may have taught you a thing or two....but I guess not....he's left you out here to swim against the I'm here to offer you a paddle, Dicky....I'm offering to bring you in....teach you a thing or two...

(Nelson shakes his head in disgust)

PJ: No? That's a real shame....I mean I don't have many friends since Clarke went missing on the book signing tour...I was hoping to get some kind of band together...

MH: Like Ricky would involve himself with a has-been like you...

PJ: And yet here he is, standing alongside you...

(Nelson now has to hold Hill back)

PJ; It was a one time shot, when the women's volleyball team is out doing shots and they invite you back to their hotel room and you think they're joking so you say no and then you realise they actually meant it and...

(Jack stops short and grins)

PJ: But that's a whole different story for a different the book, people....

(More cheers)

PJ: Look I came out here, Dicky, with the idea of being nice....I was in a good mood....I'm back here in 6CW...

(Crowd pop)

PJ: Amazingly the wicked witch of Nymphomania actually signed my contract so I was doing a little jig back there, getting my mojo back...and now BAM! You have insulted and Mike, you've hurt my feelings...

(Jack puts on a mocking sad face)

PJ: Which means I'm going to have to punch your face in...

(The crowd cheer and Nelson squares up to PJ, only for Hill to drag him back)

MH: Not on my watch....

PJ: No, with my normal people, Mike...

MH: Ricky Nelson is the future of this business, I'm not going to let him fight here....for nothing....he's a star....he deserves a stage to showcase himself...

PJ: I'm not fighting him on Broadway...I've been there, it's (beep)….honestly way overrated, and they don't even get naked...

MH: You want to fight Ricky Nelson then you do it in two weeks at the finale of the Iron Man.....a proper stage, a proper event....I mean, after all, don't you want your last ever match to be seen around the world?

(Ricky Nelson smirks as the crowd boo)

PJ: Very good, Mike, very good.....I guess I can wait a little longer, what's two weeks between friends right? You sure that's long enough to get him ready....all joking aside you know what I am, you know what I am capable of...

MH: I do....I know all too well....but you, on the other hand, don't have a clue what he's capable of....your own arrogance blinds you from seeing what is right in front of your face.....he'll be ready, more ready than you could ever imagine....

PJ: Glad to hear it....I'll see you in two weeks, Dicky.....6CW, it's been a pleasure as always!

(PJ blows kisses to the crowd as they chant his name and he climbs from the ring with a smirk on his face. Ricky Nelson looks annoyed but slowly a smile returns as Mike Hill whispers in his ear)

JT: What a moment....Mike Hill is back, Perfect Jack is back....

JR: And in two weeks time, at the finale of the Iron Man Tournament...Perfect Jack will face Ricky Nelson one on one...

HE: Ricky Nelson is going to put Jack out of his misery once and for all.....this is his coming out party.....Jack's jokes won't save him....he's done....


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:12 am

(We go backstage where Jackson Jackson is pacing. Christy James is standing by trying to get an interview)

CJ: Jackson...

(Jackson stops as though just noticing Christy is there)

CJ: Are we doing this interview?

(Jackson opens his mouth and then closes it again. He repeats the process three times and then nods his head. He goes to speak but then runs off camera and he can be heard throwing up. Finally he comes back, wiping his mouth, and starts to speak as Christy takes a backward step)

Jackson: Right, are we doing this bloody interview or not Christy, I haven't got all night...

(Christy rolls her eyes)

CJ: It's the quarter finals of the Iron Man,'re facing Engel Harlequin....are you not concerned about his record? He's adding body after body, week in, week out...

Jackson: Jesus, Christy, he's not Fred West...

CJ: He attacked Cillian Frost....he's attacked everyone he has faced...

Jackson: You're not doing a good job of comforting me here, Christy...

CJ: That's not my job...

Jackson: So why are you here?

CJ: For the interview...

Jackson: Screw the interview, Christy.....I've got a match.....quick soundbite though, just for sh1ts and gigs.....Engel Harlequin is getting Jacked Off tonight.....

CJ: Do you really believe that Jackson?

(Jackson suddenly stops, all bravado ebbing away)

Jackson: I have to Christy....what other choice do I have...

(Jackson bows his head and walks off, leaving Christy looking concerned)


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:13 am

Bout 4
Iron Man Quarter Final
Engel Harlequin vs Jackson Jackson

JT: Ladies and gentlemen it is time for our third quarter final of the night….

JR: So far Marty Helms and O’Callaghan have advanced to next weeks’ finals…..who will be the next to join them?

HE: I love Jackson Jackson but I fear for him right now….he’s entering the playground of a madman…

JT: I still can’t believe Engel Harlequin is being allowed to compete after what he did to Cillian Frost last week… much for Miss Jessica punishing those responsible for what happened…

JR: I have a feeling there is a whole lot more to this situation….and how do you punish a guy like Harlequin without putting a bulls’ eye on yourself?

“Take me to the hospital” crashes out to a deafening ovation from the 3,000 plus inside the Emirates Arena. There are a small section of boos but mostly the 6CW faithful are cheering the arrival of Jackson Jackson….

JT: It would certainly seem as though Jackson Jackson is making believers out of the 6CW Universe…

HE: Jumping on the damn bandwagon…..I’ve been a fan of Jackson since he was ripping it up with The TA and destroying the tag division….now he’s translating that to singles action and all of a sudden these people want to cheer him….they make me sick…

JR: It doesn’t seem to have changed Jackson’s outlook, one way or the other….he is still as cocky and confident as ever…

JT: Those are the traits that brought him to the dance….and his performances throughout this tournament have got better and better…..are we witnessing the birth of a new star?

HE: Depends on whether he can survive the impending nightmare….no man goes one on one with Engel Harlequin and leaves the same….

Jackson climbs through the ropes and although he exudes his usual swagger there is a distinct air of trepidation around him. He keeps looking in all directions and then turns to face the entranceway as the arena lights go out completely…

JT: Welcome to hell, ladies and gentlemen….

JR: Dante Phoenix, Angelo Trust, O’Callaghan & Cillian Frost make up the list of victims of Engel Harlequin….it seems everyone who crosses this man’s path ends up in dire straits…..can Jackson Jackson come through this unscathed? How do you topple this demon?

HE: So many have tried over the years but very few have ever succeeded…..but this new incarnation of Harlequin is unlike anything I have seen before? It is though there is some kind of structure behind his madness….

JT: I believe Johnny Lawless has a lot to do with that….I don’t know what, and I’m not sure I want to know but there is something very sinister behind this whole thing….

JR: Can you imagine if they got their hands on the 6CW Championship?

JT: The Era of Engel, I shudder to think……My God that is frightening!

The bone-chilling carnival music ends abruptly and then the lights come back on and Engel Harlequin is inches from Jackson Jackson’s face. There are screams from the crowd and Jackson takes a step back in shock…

HE: How do you even prepare for that?

JT: I’m not sure you can…it truly is a real life horror story…

Engel lets out a shrill laugh at the look on Jackson’s face and then he licks his lips with terrifying malice. The referee makes sure both men are ready to fight, keeping his distance from Harlequin as he does, and then he calls for the bell…

JR: I don’t even know what Jackson’s tactic should be….how do you fight the Boogeyman?

Jackson looks up at the ceiling and seems to whisper something to himself and then he storms forward and begins to tee off with forearms, punches and chops to the static Harlequin. He then grabs Engel’s arm and looks to whip him….

JT: He won’t budge…

HE: Those shots didn’t even bother him…he seems to enjoy it…

Engel smiles, evilly, at the look on Jackson’s face and then he tugs him back in and looks for a huge clothesline but Jackson ducks it and runs the opposite ropes…

JR: Jackson has to keep moving….keep fighting and striking from all angles…

JT: Remember all of these quarter finals have a twenty minute time limit…..that is twenty minutes for either man to find a way to win….

Jackson runs straight back into a brutal jumping yakuza kick to the face from Harlequin, who seems amused by his handiwork. Jackson is dazed as he staggers up and Engel scoops him onto his shoulders before spinning him out into a neckbreaker…


HE: Engel isn’t the kind of guy you want to get a foothold in a match….it is extremely difficult to overthrow his momentum…

Jackson stumbles over to the corner and Engel charges into him with a brutal knee to the ribs and then follows up with a ferocious flurry of knees and punches until the referee is forced to intervene….

JT: Engel attacking like a damn madman….the referee needs to control that…

JR: The official is bound to be hesitant though….given Engel’s attack on a referee just last time out, not to mention his list of victims since 6CW re-opened…

HE: He can’t be controlled…

JT: But he can be disqualified….

Jackson is struggling to breathe from the attack as Engel sizes up the referee, forcing the official to take a backward step. Harlequin then makes his way back toward the corner, only for Jackson to drive out with a kick to the stomach…

JR: One thing you can guarantee is that Jackson Jackson will fight……….he’s tough….

JT: Max Adamson vouches for this young man, he hand-picked him….

Jackson follows up with right hands and chops to the chest, taking the action to centre ring, and then looks for an Irish whip but Engel reverses it…Jackson comes back and he ducks under an attack before hitting the opposite side…

JT: What a shot…

Jackson twists into a discus elbow that crashes into Engel’s face and knocks him down. They get back up and Jackson dropkicks Harlequin to the corner before following up with a secondary running dropkick. Jackson lashes into Engel’s midsection with kicks and then he backs off and beckons his opponent out…

JR: Jackson looking to build momentum…

HE: Momentum over!

Jackson aims a roundhouse kick toward the head of Engel but it is caught and then Harlequin drags him in close before twisting him into a powerslam against the turnbuckle…

JT: Jackson Jackson just got folded up bad…

Jackson is clutching the back of his head from the impact and Engel drags him up before nailing a devastating tiger driver…

JR: Jackson landed right on the back of his neck….you can forget it…

……shoulder up!

JT: I’m not sure how Jackson found the wherewithal to kick out there but he did….he’s hanging on….

HE: Just barely….

Engel gets up, a sick grin on his face, and he applies a nerve lock to the back of Jackson’s neck, keeping him grounded. He really digs in and applies pressure as Jackson tries to squirm free and get back up…

JR: That will disorientate all your senses….Jackson is feeling this here…

Jackson manages to get to one knee but he is still having real difficulty shifting Engel off of him. He pushes up to a standing position and is able to swing the point of his elbow toward Harlequin’s midriff…

JT: Those elbows are having an effect….it’s not much but it is enough…

Jackson manages to force Engel to release him from the hold and then scores with a desperation whipped pele kick to the top of the head. Engel staggers back into the ropes and Jackson tears after him….

JR: Not what Jackson was looking for….

Engel sidesteps and uses Jackson’s momentum to sling him over the top rope. Jackson lands out on the walkway, much to his delight, and he cracks Harlequin with a stiff forearm to the face as he turns around….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x5

JR: Incredible…

Jackson springboards onto the ropes and he twirls in midair before nailing Engel with a flying variation of the “sliced bread #2”……Jackson makes the cover with a smile…


JT: Jackson really thought he had it there….

JR: After a great move like that, I’m not surprised…

HE: But we all know Harlequin….we know he isn’t natural, he can survive so much….

Jackson lets out a curse as he stumbles up and then motions for Engel to stand. Slowly he does and Jackson gives him the double finger before leaping forward….

JT: Superkick lands…

The kick lands to the knee of Engel, taking him down to one, and then Jackson grabs his hand and silences the crowd…


JR: He isn’t right…

Jackson performs his trademark finger snap but Engel merely laughs at the pain and smiles, sending Jackson staggering back in dismay. Engel then grabs his own fingers and snaps a few more with a malicious grin…

JT: That is what you are up against with this man….if you can call him that….

Engel slowly rises back to a standing base and Jackson runs in toward him but is seized by the throat and thrown against the ropes before he is tilt-a-whirled into a sit-out powerbomb on the comeback…

1…………2………Jackson gets his shoulder up!

JR: Jackson has hit this man with so much already and he just seems to welcome more….he basks in the pain….

JT: Engel Harlequin has always been unpredictable but in this guise I truly believe we are seeing the most dangerous version of him….

Jackson staggers over to the ropes but Engel just charges into him with a brutal knee to the head that sends him through the ropes to the outside of the ring. The referee looks ready to begin counting but Engel glares at him and then rolls out after his opponent….

JR: This is not where you want to be with Engel Harlequin…..this is a dangerous world….

Engel drags Jackson up and he suplexes him into the air before slamming him down, ribs first, across one of the security railings. He drives sickening punches into the back and kidneys of his opponent and then backs off and climbs onto the apron…

JT: What now….GOD!

HE: Damn….

Engel leaps off and lands with a sickening knee to the back of Jackson’s neck, crushing him against the railing even more. Engel kneels over his prey and lets out a mirthless laugh…

JR: Jackson is being dissected here…

JT: He’s being brutalised….

Engel rolls back into the ring, breaking the referee’s count, but then rolls straight back out again in order to continue his assault. Jackson is in a lot of pain as he crawls toward the apron…

HE: Jackson needs a safe haven….he needs somewhere to regroup….


BOOM! Engel runs forward and dives into a body block but Jackson rolls away in time as he sends his foe crashing into the steel steps. Engel is momentarily dazed and hurt as he staggers up….

JR: This could be Jackson’s chance…..he has to seize it…

Jackson quickly grabs Engel and throws him under the bottom rope. He clambers up onto the apron, wincing in pain, and then springboards onto the top rope before landing a big splash across his prone opponent….


JT: Not enough….

The crowd are willing Jackson on and although he is in pain he draws encouragement from their support. He waits for Engel to stand and then nails him with an inverted atomic drop before wowing the crowd with an incredible hat-trick of vertical suplexes….

JR: Where is he finding the strength? Each suplex must be torturing his ribs and back….

JT: But he’s fighting….he has a dream that he wants to recognise….

Jackson stumbles up, looking down on Harlequin, and heads for the corner. The cheers ring out and the flashbulbs go off as he climbs to the top rope….

HE: All or nothing here….such a risk…..


The crowd are bouncing as Jackson double rotates into an incredible 630 moonsault that lands flush across the body of Engel Harlequin. The impact drives all the wind out of Jackson, sending pain all through his body…

JR: Jackson may have busted a rib…..


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:14 am

JT: But he needs to dig deep and make the cover….

The pain is obvious in Jackson’s face but he manages to turn his body and drop an arm across the chest of Harlequin…



HE: It’s over….

JR: It’s like a damn horror film….the killer just won’t die…

There are fans with heads in their hands as Engel’s shoulder comes up off the canvass before the completion of the three count. Jackson rolls over, wincing at the pain from his ribs, and punches the canvass in frustration….

JT: I thought that was it….I truly believed Jackson was going to find a way….

Jackson makes his way to the ropes and uses them to get to his feet. He sucks in the air and gives himself a talking to before ushering Engel back up…

JR: Jackson just needs to keep composed, keep working….keep chipping away…..JACKED OFF!


Jackson looks to lift Engel for the pumphandle but the pain in his ribs is too much and it allows Engel to land out and then take full advantage with the brutal implant DDT. Jackson is motionless on the mat as Engel looks into the rafters and begins to laugh, uncontrollably….

JT: From nowhere….Engel Harlequin sucked it up and then turned the whole match on its head….

JR: He makes the cover and he takes his spot in the semi-finals…

Engel slowly pushes Jackson over onto his back and makes the lateral cover…………………1…………………….2……………….3!

*Crowd pop


Engel Harlequin’s evil gaze turns up the referee as Jackson Jackson somehow manages to kick out. The official backs away but makes sure to signify that the match is still ongoing…

JR: Harlequin showing his first signs of frustration there….

HE: He believed Jackson was finished….he underestimated his heart….

Engel crawls to the ropes, his face in the camera, and then gets back up. He grabs the scruff of Jackson’s neck and drags him up…

JT: Jackson is spent here though….I think he used the last of his energy to kick out….

JR: He has performed so valiantly….

HE: Only the result matters…..SELF FULLFILLING….


Engel looks for the “sister Abigail” but Jackson slams vicious elbows into the side of his head and then somehow summons the strength to backflip into an incredible “Spanish fly” counter. Both men are feeling the effects of the physicality, but Jackson somehow pushes himself up….

JT: Sometimes, every so often, you find something deep within yourself….a performance for the ages….are we witnessing that from Jackson Jackson tonight?


The entire Emirates Arena is on their feet as Jackson lets out a cry of effort and then succeeds in drilling Engel Harlequin with the “Pumphandle Flatliner”. Jackson is coughing and spluttering, the pain in his ribs like fire, but eventually he gets to his knees and crawls for the cover…

HE: He’s made a believer out of us all…..AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Jackson looks ready to collapse into the cover when Engel suddenly kicks his legs forward and seizes Jackson, dragging him into a vicious triangle choke. Jackson’s legs are flailing in desperation, his whole body convulsing as he tries to fight against what is happening….

JT: Out of nowhere…..Engel was done….

JR: Is he ever? My God what does it take….

Engel’s laughter can be heard as he really tugs back on the head of Jackson, crushing his windpipe against his knee. The referee is on call and asking Jackson if he wants to quit but all he can do is struggle…

HE: Jackson is going to pass out from the pain, he has no choice….

JT: He has come so close….

The tap seems inevitable, but Jackson will not cease, and he kicks his legs in desperation until he manages to force both men back into the ropes. He still can’t reach out and grab them, but the referee is trying to tug Engel’s grip loose….

JR: They’re in the ropes….Engel has to relinquish….

JT: I don’t think he is listening to reason…

HE: You can’t reason with a man like this….

In the midst of the struggle both men tumble through the ropes and end up crashing to the floor outside. Jackson is in a lot of pain and taking in huge gulps of air whilst Engel, with wild eyes, crawls toward the security railings….

JT: Engel saved himself a disqualification there……

JR: And he still has Jackson wounded….he can finish this…

HE: I don’t know… talk about Engel being monster like but I’m not sure he can break Jackson’s will either….

Jackson uses the apron to tug himself up, his legs barely under him, and then he attempts to stumble after Harlequin…..CRACK!


The referee immediately calls for the bell as Engel launches a steel chair through the air and it shatters off the top of Jackson’s head, immediately rendering him unconscious. Engel just stands there with a blank expression as the crowd boo…

JR: I don’t get it….Harlequin just gave up his pursuit of the 6CW Championship….

JT: I’m done trying to second guess this guy….

HE: He knew he couldn’t bend Jackson to his will….he knew that in the twenty minute time limit he couldn’t break him….there was barely minutes left….

Engel listens to the boos and then a sick smile crosses his face. He picks the steel chair up and slides it into the ring before he drags Jackson Jackson up and launches him back inside…

JT: What now….you’ve done enough….

JR: I don’t think “enough” is a threshold that Engel recognises….

HE: I’m not sure we’ll ever know what he recognises….God, look at him….

The cameras pan in and show blood streaming down the face of Jackson Jackson. The crowd look horrified and concerned as Engel begins to wrap the chair around Jackson’s head…

JT: Cmon now…somebody needs to step in here….this needs to stop….

JR: Jackson Jackson may be advancing to the semi-finals of the Iron Man but what the hell is going to be left of him?

HE: I’m not sure I can watch this…..MY GOD!


JR: Jackson’s throat may be crushed……the demon strikes again…is anyone safe from his wrath!

Boos and screams fill the air as Engel delivers the sickening DDT, crushing the chair around the throat and neck of Jackson. Jackson’s body convulses and blood spurts from his mouth as Engel just sits there and laughs hysterically at what he has done…

JT: Please can we get some help out here….this is ghastly….Jackson Jackson is seriously hurt….

JR: The fun loving superstar did not deserve this…..but try telling that to Engel Harlequin, he is literally a law unto himself….

EMT’s rush the ring, alongside backstage agents and security. Engel eyes them all with malice and amusement as they set up a blockade between him and Jackson….

JT: We need to get Jackson to the hospital as soon as possible….what should be a celebration for him has turned into a living nightmare….

Engel gets to his feet and he seems to be mulling over a further attack, the security readying themselves, but then Johnny Lawless appears on the walkway. Harlequin spots his advisor and smiles before backing away….

JR: I’m not sure Lawless is going to be happy….Engel just cost himself the 6CW Championship, that is not a good return on Lawless’ investment….

JT: I think there’s more at play here….Lawless is a shrewd and dangerous man….he has the devil incarnate at his disposal……6CW is facing an uncertain future regardless of whether Harlequin has the world title or not….

HE: The Era of Engel?

JT: Quite possibly so….

JR: I just don’t know how you stop this man…..what motivates his thirst for destruction and misery?

HE: Some men really do just want to watch the world burn….

Engel joins Lawless on the stage and then they leave without passing a word to one another. The medics continue to work on Jackson, slowly loading him onto a gurney….

JT: Ladies and gentlemen, Jackson Jackson is the third man to qualify for the semi-finals of the Iron Man Tournament….but right now he doesn’t look like a winner, he will keep you updated on his condition as and when we hear anything….you have to believe his position in this competition is looking precarious right now….

JR: Could that possibly mean what I think?

HE: I shudder to think….

JT: As do we all….I guess we’ll just have to wait and see….but we still do have our main event to come….there is one spot left….who else is going to take one step closer to being the 6CW Champion….Cerberus or Damion Onyx? Don’t get anywhere because we are moments away from finding out….


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:15 am

*The show returns from a commercial break and the worldwide 6CW fans are greeted to the jam packed Emirates arena, filled to the brim with wild 6CW super fans, however the fans are booing very loudly and ferociously. The camera zooms in as the arena goes black with a single beam of light shining down from the rafters, revealing a morose and mardy looking Damion Onyx sat on a chair entirely made out of hemp. Onyx is wearing an Eco-friendly earth coloured vest with leafy green shorts and recycled black sliders with a pair of long white cotton free socks. Onyx scans the arena, his eyes remain fixated on the crowd who are loudly chanting "I'm Vegan by the way" and "We love meat". Onyx scowls with venom before Mike Bird announces Onyx's presence in the ring.*

MB: Ladies and Gentleman, the Eco-warrior and the planets champion, Mr Damion Onyx!

*The crowd boo and groan with bordem and frustration as a bemused Onyx shakes his head. For a few moments, Onyx relaxes in his chair twirling the microphone in his hands before grinding to a slow halt. Onyx then raises the microphone to his lips.*

DO: You know... everyone seems to have underestimated me in this business. My intelligence and craft is unmatched by all. And if I had listened to you people and catered to your views and opinions on me from the start, I wouldn't be where I am now and that is on the edge of greatness.

DO: Back in California, we are told to go for our dreams and ignore the negativity that spews from the mouths of people. If I had subverted who I am and what I stand for, for you people when I arrived in this cold, dark country I wouldn't be three matches away from greatness. And you people can boo me and taunt me but I have let my dreams take control of me, not let you take control of Damion Onyx.

The crowd boo's with contempt and bordem as a "You suck" chant begins to reverberate around the Emirates Arena. Onyx reclines further in his chair, clearly enjoying the vitriol from the audience in attendance.*

DO: In a way I'm glad you people are recycling in a way, I mean sure, you're recycling a wrestling chant that is as old as time itself but sure! but this just reinforces the fact you're all mindless sheep...Your sheep because you follow a narrative you set in your heads and you all fall in line. Sure, its dangerous... a mass opinion leads to a mass narrative being created but what is more dangerous than that? the wisdom and brutality of the planet's champion, Damion Onyx.

DO: Let's be clear... last week, I ended the opportunity of a life time for a experienced, talented veteran in Uryu Ishida. On one night and one match, I took away a chance for one of your heroes to be champion and you mock me? you boo me? you tweet me at 2 in the morning saying "Damion Onyx" you're a bad wrestler! I can go on and on...But you people damage the earth every day of the damn year.

*The crowd boo as Onyx sits back up, almost frothing at the mouth before beginning a rant.*

DO: All you people are doing is destroying the planet every day with your needless greedy consumption, every single day you drink water from PLASTIC water bottles and every single day you eat meat from poor, defenseless animals, slaughtered for YOUR consumption. Each and everyone of you are responsible for the death and destruction of this planet and are responsible for the climate emergency.

DO: If you people want to boo me and say go back to California, you suck, because I ended the chance of a lifetime for one of your heroes, then go ahead. Thats a sin I can live with. But the sins you people commit day in and day out, the atrocities you commit makes my sin look like a blessing. HOW DARE YOU!

DO: Tonight, I face a monster. Tonight I go against Cerberus...

*The crowd provide a mixed reaction to Onyx as he looks slightly sheepish at the prospect.*

DO: Cerberus is a monster... Cerberus has proven that he is one of the finest wrestlers in this business. However, he is a monster but monsters can be stopped in their tracks. Just like the climate change disaster... See, Cerberus is a monster like global warming, But like global warming, it can be prevented from causing more damage and that's where the planet's champion comes into play.

DO: This planet needs a man to stand up for it... it needs a man that is willing to stand up to monsters like Cerberus and Shut him down. As I said last week, you don't have to be the strongest, the quickest or the most dominant. But what you do have to be is the smartest... This planet needs a representative and like global warming, Cerberus can and will be stopped tonight. The planet is relying on me... and I will not fail.

*The crowd boo as Onyx reclines back in his chair, his eyes lit up with confidence as he feels the heat from the crowd. The final shot before a commercial break is Onyx shaking his head at the sight of a fan who is using a plastic container with food in it. The commercial break out of interest was promoting Quorn.*


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:36 am

(The scene changes to Miss Jessica's office one last time. Johnny Lawless is slamming his fist down on the desk as the scene opens up, looking apoplectic)

Lawless: A disqualification? Are you (beeping) serious, Jessica?

(Jessica's eyes are full of fire)

Jessica: Don't you dare come in here and question me....I told you, I warned you....look what he's done again....I've got a goddamn hotline to the hospital to find out whether Jackson Jackson can compete in the semi-finals....

Lawless: He clearly can't....he's been destroyed by Engel Harlequin, the same way everyone gets destroyed by Engel the right thing here, the honourable thing.....

Jessica: Which is what?

Lawless: Remove Jackson from the tournament, let him heal up....reinstate Engel and allow him to advance to the semi-finals..

(Jessica lets out a shrill laugh)

Jessica: Pull the other one, Lawless...

Lawless: I'm hardly joking...

(Jessica's scorning smile disappears and she looks furious)

Jessica: Are you actually kidding me? You're lucky I'm not firing him on the spot for what he's just done....this cannot continue, I won't let it continue...

Lawless: Then you can speak to him yourself, explain your reasoning to him in person...

(Jessica's eyes widen)

Jessica: Oh you'd love that wouldn't you, all of us in a room together once's not happening, deal with it....Engel is out....and it's on your killed your own investment....I told you to reign him in...

Lawless: You know he won't accept the decision....

Jessica: Make him accept it....

(Suddenly the door is booted off its hinges and Vincent Costello storms in with thunder on his face)

Jessica: You're paying for that....

Costello: Like hell I am....where is he?

Jessica: Who?

(Costello sneers)

Costello: Don't play dumb....he hiding up your skirt? I've heard there is plenty of room...

(Jessica scowls whilst Costello glares at Lawless)

Costello: The hell are you doing here?

Lawless: I actually had a meeting.....

Costello: Meetings over...

Lawless: Now wait just a minute...

(Costello suddenly seizes Lawless by the throat and pins him against the wall)

Jessica: ENOUGH!

(Costello releases Lawless, who subsequently rubs his neck, and then turns to Jessica)

Jessica: Like let's all focus on me.....any other psychos want to join the meeting? Nutjobs anonymous in session right here...

Lawless: You'd know all about it...

(Jessica's eyes flash for a moment)

Jessica: I don't want to hear another peep...

(Costello goes to open his mouth but Jessica shakes her head)

Jessica: Not from anybody....if it's not you two giving me grief, it's Wood trying to kill Harris....I've got Jimmy Phillips locking my interviewers in cars.....I've got several employees in the hospital.....McManus and Helms running amok.....and all the while I just want a nice pedicure and to watch the Iron Man Tournament reach a definitive conclusion....

Costello: Not go...

(Jessica motions zipping her mouth and Costello stops at the sternness on her face)

Jessica: Now, Johnny, I don't care if Engel wants to slaughter a thousand newborns….he's out....

Costello, baby, you're out too....

(Costello spits on the floor)

Jessica: Now I know you want Hero....and believe me I want to give him to you....I want it bad, oh so bad...

(She unbuttons her jacket to reveal her cleavage and winks at Costello, he merely glares)

Jessica: And you'll get him.....hand delivered just as soon as I get his name on a contract....

But.....there is a condition...

Costello: (beep) this...

(Costello aims to walk out the door)

Jessica: You walk out that door now and I promise you I'll make you regret it...

(Costello stops and stares back at her)

Jessica: Now listen up....both of're out the Iron Man, that is not going to change....but here's a lifeline...

(Lawless raises an eyebrow)

Jessica: Costello....Harlequin......Wood.....Phillips......Harris.....and whoever doesn't win tonight's main event.....two weeks from now.....six men, one briefcase.....ladder match!

(The crowd can be heard roaring)

Jessica: The winner is the number one contender to the winner of the Iron Man Tournament....iron clad guaranteed shot at the 6CW Championship....

(Costello slicks back his hair and nods whilst Lawless folds his arms and smiles)

Lawless: I can probably just about sway that with Engel....

(Jessica rolls her eyes)

Jessica: You should both be totally on your knees between my legs right now for what I've just done for you.....neither of you like deserve this at all but your records put you in the top six superstars outside the makes business sense....

Costello: And Hero?

Jessica: You'll get him...any which way you like....after the ladder match...

Costello: Don't play me...

Jessica: Would I?

(Costello takes one last look at her and then storms from the room)

Lawless: I don't like him....

Jessica: And I don't like you, Johnny.....close my hinges on the way out...

(Lawless stares at her for a moment, pausing in the doorway, and then he leaves. Jessica sighs)

Jessica: I need a drink....


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:39 am

Main Event
Iron Man Quarter Final
Cerberus vs Damion Onyx

JT: It is main event time, folks….one spot remains in the Final Four of the Iron Man Tournament to crown the 6CW Champion….but who will join O’Callaghan, Marty Helms and Jackson Jackson in next week’s semi-finals?

JR: Form and experience would point to Cerberus, one of the most dominant world champions we have ever had in this company…

HE: But Damion Onyx has begun his 6CW career with aplomb, he’s finding ways to win…..

JT: It is an extremely intriguing bout…..Cerberus, obviously, the better favourite but Damion Onyx is a live underdog…..and don’t forget Onyx is fresh, it is almost three weeks since he had to wrestle a match…

“True Friends” echoes out of the speakers and there is a crescendo of boos from the crowd in attendance as Damion Onyx swaggers out onto the stage. Onyx, adorned in his multi-coloured blazer, holds his arms out wide and speaks into the camera…

Onyx: Ain’t I great!

JR: You can’t deny the confidence of this man…

HE: It’s the Vegan life, Jack….it means he is better than you…

JT: Onyx sees himself as some kind of eco-warrior….he believes he is here to lead 6CW into a new era…

JR: His attitude may not be everyone’s cup of tea but as of right now you can’t argue with his results…..victories over Uryu Ishida and James McManus, time limit draw with Marty Helms….for a rookie he is making a sure fire name for himself…

HE: Damion Onyx is a name you are going to be hearing for a very long time…

Onyx removes his blazer, displaying his chiselled abdomen, and then climbs through the ropes into the ring. He smirks at the negativity from the crowd and then turns back toward the stage as the lights go down and flames erupt from every angle…

JT: But as confident as Onyx may be, all that goes out the window when you find yourself across the ring from this man…..the beast himself….

JR: In my mind, the most physically dominating and intimidating superstar in 6CW history….a two time world champion…..a man who never lost either title inside the ring…..never pinned or submitted in a world championship match….

HE: And I agree that Cerberus is freak, he’s as scary as they come and he also topped one of the hardest groups in the whole tournament, but this is a new era….and it’s time for a new face…

JT: It may be a new era but some things do not change….whether it is 2016 or 2019, Cerberus is as terrifying as ever…..Damion Onyx is about to find that out, first hand…

Cerberus stands on the walkway, his eyes fully focused on Onyx, and then he climbs over the top rope and into the ring. Onyx sizes his man up, looking slightly concerned at his size…

JR: Amazingly Onyx actually has a weight advantage due to his incredible muscularity….

JT: But he’s giving up eight inches in height…..Cerberus is a monster of a man….

The referee speaks with both men and then he gives the signal to begin the contest. Onyx is immediately on his tip toes and looking to move around the target…

JT: Onyx has to keep things moving here….

JR: He needs to find a way to chop Cerberus down to size, if he can…

Onyx dives in and wraps himself around Cerberus’ left leg, trying to pull him down, but Cerberus punches down with venom and Onyx is forced to relinquish, rolling away to safety once more. Onyx gets back up, resuming his circling tactic, as Cerberus beckons him in…

JT: Onyx is being too obvious….

Onyx dives in again but Cerberus scouts it and backs away before aiming a big boot at Onyx’s head, only for him to duck under the impact. Onyx turns quickly and dives forward, throwing all his bodyweight into a chopblock behind Cerberus’ knee…

HE: That is what he was looking for….

Cerberus grunts as he falls down on one leg and Onyx immediately sprints in and begins stomping down on the back of the fallen knee. Onyx grabs Cerberus’ leg and he lifts it up before slamming it down against the canvass over and over again…

JT: Onyx has a target earlier here, this is smart….

HE: He’s a highly intelligent man….that is what sets him apart….

The referee warns Onyx about his conduct but he shrugs it off and drags Cerberus to the ropes. Cerberus tries to fight and kick out but Onyx jumps into his face with a brutal knee before placing the injured leg on the bottom rope…

JR: This is a vicious side of Onyx that we have yet to see before…

JT: This is exactly what he needs against a monster like Cerberus…

HE: He doesn’t much look like a monster right now….

Onyx uses the ropes to leap up and then stomp down on the injured knee of Cerberus, drawing boos from the crowd. Onyx repeats the process five times until the referee intervenes with threats of disqualification….

JR: This is clever from Onyx but he doesn’t want to get himself thrown out…

Onyx is smiling as he watches Cerberus struggle in the corner. The giant is trying to drag himself up by using the ropes and Onyx runs in behind him with a stiff kick to the back of the knee, taking him down again. Onyx then grabs Cerberus’ leg and begins to drop hard elbows into the knee joint….

JT: Onyx is doing so much damage here…..I really wasn’t expecting this from him…

HE: I always had faith….

Onyx gets back up and he tries to twist Cerberus over onto his stomach into a single legged Boston Crab but Cerberus struggles and then manages to use the strength in his hips and uninjured leg to launch Onyx across the ring. Cerberus reaches for the ropes and pulls himself up as Onyx runs back in…


JT: Just like that….but Cerberus can’t take advantage…

Cerberus lands the destructive chokeslam but the impact sends Onyx rolling away. Cerberus tries to hobble after him for the cover but his knee gives out on him….

JT: Onyx is probably done for but Cerberus can’t get over to make the cover…

HE: Get on the outside, Damion….regroup…

Onyx’s eyes are glazed over as the cameras focus in on his face whilst he stares out into the distance. Cerberus is desperately trying to get the feeling back in his knee and manages to push himself back up to a vertical base as Onyx starts to rise too…

JR: Cerberus is looking like a one legged man right now….

JT: But we know the power he possesses and you have to believe he only needs one more big move….

HE: Don’t get up, Damion….


Cerberus tries to grip Onyx in the chicken-wing but Onyx stomps down on his foot and twists out before lifting Cerberus up into a back suplex position and drops his injured knee across his own outstretched knee…

JT: Right back to the knee….I don’t remember the last time I saw Cerberus dominated in this way…

Onyx makes his way over to the corner and he then begins to climb up top. He poses and mocks the crowd as he waits for Cerberus to get back up….

JR: Beautiful missile dropkick….Onyx taking chances now as his confidence grows…

The dropkick lands right to the chest of Cerberus and takes him off of his feet. The monster tries to pick himself back up as Onyx scurries to his feet…

JT: Cerberus, just like we saw with Engel Harlequin earlier, does not know when to quit…..won’t quit….

HE: He has no choice!

Onyx sprints off the ropes and returns with a devastating big boot straight to the face of Cerberus…………………..1……………………..2………………..Cerberus kicks out!

JT: That was the first pinfall attempt of the match….

JR: Onyx has been more preoccupied with cutting Cerberus down….

Onyx clambers over Cerberus and he explodes with thunderous punches to the face before getting back up. Cerberus has rolled out onto the apron but Onyx reaches through and begins to drag him back through the middle….

JT: Onyx looking for it here….we all know what comes next….


Onyx looks set for the hangman’s DDT but Cerberus steps off the ropes at the final moment and counters with a big backdrop that sends Onyx over onto the walkway. Onyx gets up and he waits for Cerberus to turn before nailing a shoulder thrust through the middle rope….Onyx climbs up the ropes and jumps off for a double axe handle….

JR: What an uppercut!

Cerberus detonates with the uppercut as Onyx comes out the air, the impact spinning Onyx in a circle, and then scoops him up…

JT: Death Valley Driver!

Cerberus crushes Onyx into the canvass…………………1……………………..2………shoulder up. Cerberus hobbles back up, his knee quivering, and he drags Onyx to his feet before scooping him up….

JR: Cerberus struggling on that leg….but he’s looking for the crucifix….

Onyx kicks his legs in desperation and somehow manages to drop down off the back. He quickly runs the ropes to build momentum but Cerberus turns and lifts him into a ring-shaking sidewalk slam. They get back up and Cerberus scores with a big time brainbuster….


HE: He kicked out…..

JT: Damion Onyx is in the gutcheck now…..Cerberus may be hurting but he is punishing the newcomer here…

JR: This is when you find out if you have what it takes to be a world champion…

Cerberus gets to his feet and he looks around as the fans cheer him on and chant his name. He stalks Onyx now, waiting for his opportunity, and then he grabs his arms as he rises….


The crowd are stunned as Onyx ducks back under the armpit of Cerberus and then shows amazing strength to lift him up on his shoulders and run him into a powerslam…..both men are left in a heap on the floor…

JR: How the hell did he do that….

JT: The powerlifting coming in handy there…Onyx is, pound for pound, one of the strongest men on the roster…

Onyx is sat in the corner, his chest heaving in and out, as he watches Cerberus trying to stand up. Onyx looks disbelieving that Cerberus is still moving….

JT: Damion Onyx is finding out here exactly why so many have fallen at Cerberus’ feet…..he is just so damn difficult to put away…

HE: He has to believe…..he’s come this far…

Onyx seems to be psyching himself up and talking to himself before crawling up. He drives in behind Cerberus once more with a chopblock to the injured knee and then drags him to the ropes and lifts him into an elevation….


JT: I don’t believe it…..


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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:39 am

JR: He did get him…

Cerberus’ head is crushed into the canvass off of the rope-assisted DDT and Onyx rolls him over…


HE: Semi-finals here we….


JR: He isn’t human….

The crowd are bouncing and Damion Onyx’ eyes are filled with fury and confusion as the referee signals that it was only a two count. Cerberus is unmoving on the canvass as Onyx takes in some deep breaths…

JT: I guess the Vegan life doesn’t win you everything….

HE: Veganism has brought him this far….you ever seen anyone do this to Cerberus?

JR: Whilst it is impressive from Damion Onyx, it won’t matter a jot if he doesn’t have his hand raised at the end of it all….

Onyx gets back to his feet once again and he beckons for Cerberus to stand. He looks desperate and deranged as he seizes the wrist of the big man and pulls him the rest of the way, scooping him onto his shoulders…

JT: Onyx digging down into the deepest depths of his locker here….he needs something big…..


HE: Huh?

Cerberus struggles off the back of Onyx and shoves him away, sending him colliding into the referee. Onyx looks stunned and Cerberus then seizes him and drills him with the chicken-wing facebuster….

JT: This one should be over….

JR: No referee to make it a reality….

Cerberus is on his knees, the unconscious form of Onyx in front of him, but then realises there is no referee. He snarls in disgust and then points to the back, signalling for a new official…

JR: Cerberus, despite all the adversity, has this man won…we need another referee…

HE: You don’t know he has it won….Damion Onyx is as resilient as they come….

JT: The hell is he doing here?

The crowd suddenly boo as a figure jumps up on the apron. Cerberus rounds on him and aims a brutal right hand to the face that sends him tumbling down to the outside….



Cerberus turns away from the apron, where he has just dropped James McManus, and he eats a devastating “Bull hammer” elbow to the face from Marty Helms. Helms just stands there with a sick smile, basking in the boos of the audience…

JR: What is going on here…..Helms already booked his spot in the semi-finals…

JT: I’ll tell you what is happening….Marty Helms knows the danger of Cerberus, he knows all too well, and he is trying to eliminate him from this competition…

James McManus is back up on the outside and Helms begins barking orders at him. McManus looks annoyed but nods his head and starts to dismantle the steel steps….

JT: I can’t believe James McManus is playing along with this…

HE: He knows the world championship could be in his future if he does….

McManus shoves the base of the steel steps under the bottom rope and then follows in. They start dragging Cerberus up to his feet but then Cerberus shoves McManus away and scores with a big uppercut on Helms, sparking cheers from the crowd. Cerberus grabs Helms by the throat….

JR: He won’t be put away….CHOKESLAM!

James McManus reaches into his trunks and produces a night-stick from the waistband. He then drives in behind and attacks the injured leg of Cerberus, forcing him to relinquish his grip on Helms…

JT: This is a damn ambush…

Helms rubs his throat and then he grabs Cerberus by the head and flips him up before splattering him across the steel steps with a sickening powerbomb. The boos grow louder but Helms doesn’t seem to care as he grabs the nightstick from McManus’ hands and starts to slam it down into any part of Cerberus’ body he can reach….

JR: This is tough to watch….Helms is a madman….he is so consumed and corrupted by the desire to have the 6CW Championship…

Helms throws the nightstick away and he then lifts the steel steps up onto his shoulders. Cerberus, despite the beating, is somehow trying to crawl back to a standing position…

JT: I can’t believe Cerberus is still trying to stand here….

HE: There is something inside of him….something dark…..

BOOM! The fans ringside look uncomfortable and concerned as the steel collides with the skull of Cerberus and drops him in a heap. Helms carries the steel to the ropes and dumps it to the outside….

JT: Enough is enough here, this has to stop….

JR: Try telling that to Helms….OH GOD!

Helms then turns back and he runs forward with a crunching and completely unnecessary punt kick to the already unconscious head of Cerberus. James McManus is standing by with a very conflicted look upon his face…

JT: Is this what you have become, James? A sidekick to a madman….

Helms pushes McManus in the chest and orders him to the back. McManus looks, momentarily, as though he wants to strike out but then he turns on his heel and does as he is told. Helms takes one last look at Cerberus, a satisfied smile on his face, and then he follows McManus…

JR: And now look at Onyx….he doesn’t even have a clue what is going on….

Damion Onyx, still feeling the effects of the match, has managed to crawl over to drape his arm across the chest of Cerberus. The referee is also coming back to reality and slides over to make the cover…

JT: Not like this….not this way…..kick out Cerberus….

HE: The referee could count to a hundred….


JR: Even the inhuman Cerberus could not survive that….Damion Onyx just pinned the former world champion…

JT: Thanks to Marty goddamn Helms and James McManus…..I sure as hell hope the wrath of hell is imminent for those two sons of b1tches….they just screwed Cerberus….

HE: Don’t let that take away from what Damion Onyx has just done… his fourth match in 6CW he has knocked off Cerberus…

JR: Nobody is disputing the achievement….Onyx was terrific and he is now two wins away from being 6CW Champion….but Cerberus had this match won and the only reason he isn’t in the semi-finals is because of Marty Helms and James McManus…

JT: Those two are becoming a real problem and I sure as hell hope they get what is coming to them….

HE: Helms and Cerberus’ issues go way back and I think it is clear to see they are far from done….

JR: Oh I think you can bank on it….when Cerberus comes to he is going to have nothing but vengeance on his mind…..and that is the last man you want pursuing you….

JT: Helms will get his, I have no doubts, and McManus too…..but folks our Iron Man Semi-Finalists are set…..Marty Helms…..O’Callaghan……Jackson Jackson….Damion Onyx… of those four men will be crowned the first 6CW Champion of the new era in just two weeks’ time….

JR: Two weeks until this amazing tournament comes to an end…..but who will be the Iron Man? Who will be the 6CW Champion?

The show ends with a very groggy and disorientated Damion Onyx holding his arm in victory as the crowd boo. Cerberus’ head is leaking blood as he crawls to the corner, unsure of exactly what just happened whilst Marty Helms and James McManus are nowhere to be seen.


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results November 25th (Week 4)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Nov 2019, 2:55 am

*Missing segment*

(Angelo Trust is shown in the backstage area, tapping away on his mobile, following his victory in the six man tag. Fleur Michaels approaches)

Fleur: Angelo...

(Trust looks up from his phone)

Trust: I'm just tweeting my Trusties....

Fleur: Your...?

Trust: Trusties, Fleur...cmon now, don't be a hater....that's not cool...

Fleur: I'm sorry, I just didn't get it but now I see....Angelo Trust....Trusties...

(Trust smiles)

Trust: You can sign up to the fan club if you like...

Fleur: Erm, I'm ok for now...

Trust: Like did you totally just assume I was talking to you as a singular? Not everything is about you, Fleur....God, the 90s called, they want their diva back...

(Fleur looks extremely confused)

Trust: Are you here to congratulate me on another awesome victory? Because I need to Facebook Live, Instagram Live and Twitch everyone in the world right now so make it quick...

Fleur: I mean, I guess congratulations...

Trust: You guess? Did you like just totally assume Diane Abbott can't count because she got one maths question wrong, one time Fleur...

Fleur: I just meant, I mean the manner in which your team won...

(Angelo audibly gasps)

Trust: Don't do this to me, Fleur....not you too....I don't think I can deal with another hate crime...

Fleur: You did low-blow Dante Phoenix though....I mean last time may have been an accident but cmon, Angelo, we can watch the replay together?

Trust: MORE FAKE NEWS! It's fake, it's propaganda....I'll have no part of this discrimination....I'm rising above it....witness me rising, Fleur...

(Trust shakes his head at Fleur in disgust and aims to walk away. She calls after him)

Fleur: I just came to tell you Miss Jessica has assigned you a match for the Iron Man Finale....Dante Phoenix and Karl Kramer....triple threat...

(Slowly Angelo Trust slinks back into view, still tapping on his phone, with his mouth agape)

Angelo: Please tell me you're joking...

(Fleur shakes her head. She reaches over and taps on Angelo's phone until the announcements section on the 6CW website comes up, confirming what she has said. Angelo clutches his chest over heart)

Angelo: I'm being shamed for my success, this cannot be tolerated...I'll march, Fleur, I'll protest....join me...

Fleur: I think I'll pass....I have things I need to do...

(Angelo puffs his chest and looks disgusted)

Angelo: Rosa Parkes would be ashamed of you...

(Fleur actually laughs, although a little in shock, as Trust tuts at her and storms out of view)


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