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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 1:01 am

(The show opens inside the office of Miss Jessica. She is sat at her desk looking flustered and harassed when a knock sounds at the door)

MJ: Like, come in…

(A young intern of around 30ish bustles in looking equally on edge. He is sweating profusely)

MJ: What the hell are you doing here, Geoffrey? I gave you a list of jobs….absolutely no way and I mean no way that you have finished….

Geoffrey: I’m sorry, Miss Jessica…but he’s here…

(Jessica suddenly sits up straight in her seat and fixes her blouse whilst smoothing out the crinkles in her skirt. She undoes the topmost button on her shirt)

MJ: Are you serious? He’s early….he isn’t due yet….typical man, coming early…

(Geoffrey looks alarmed and then another voice sounds from the doorway. Cillian Frost then appears, a smile on his good-natured face)

Frost: No need to stand, Jessica….

Jessica: (inaudibly) like wasn’t gonna….

Frost: Geoffrey here, it is Geoffrey?

(Geoffrey blushes and bows)

Frost: Kindly showed me in….I touched lucky at the airport and was able to get an earlier flight….you don’t mind?

(Jessica finds her widest smile)

MJ: Not at all, Mr Frost….we are always delighted to have you here….this is, after all, your house…

Frost: Very kind…

(Frost takes the empty seat on the opposite side of the desk. Jessica then clicks her fingers in Geoffrey’s direction)

MJ: Why am I thirsty, Geoffrey?

(Geoffrey looks confused for a second but then clocks what is being asked of him. He fumbles again)

Geoffrey: Beverage, Mr Frost?

Frost: Cillian, please…..and some water will do just fine, thank you Geoffrey…

MJ: Bring the champagne, Geoffrey…

(Frost raises an eyebrow)

Frost: Drinking on the job, is that wise?

(Jessica leans forward on the desk, all attention turning to her sizeable cleavage. But Frost maintains eye contact)

MJ: We’re celebrating…..tonight marks the final group stage bouts of the Iron Man…and what a tournament it has been so far…

Frost: I agree, wholeheartedly, but that isn’t the only reason I am here tonight….

(Jessica feigns surprise)

MJ: No?

Frost: We need to talk about Hero, Jessica…

MJ: We do?

Frost: We do….I totally understand that this isn’t a problem created by yourself, I did invite Hero into the fold in order to assess what he can bring to this brand….but what he did last week, I’m afraid that cannot be tolerated…

MJ: Oh I agree, Mr Frost….Hero and I have a storied past…

Frost: I’m familiar with the details…

MJ: But despite it all I was willing to give him an opportunity to turn over a new leaf, if only to show our son that he does have a positive male role model in his life…

(Frost nods his head in an understanding manner)

MJ: But he isn’t even employed here and he is assaulting our talent….for me that is grounds for an instant ban from all of our future shows….I can inform security, right away?

(Frost holds up a hand)

Frost: I have toyed with the idea, believe me I agree with what you are saying….but from a business point of view, and I have to consider business as well, last week’s culmination drew the biggest number of viewers on our Youtube feed….

MJ: So we just let him away with everything? Mr Frost, I know Hero and if you bow down to him once I assure you he will just take and take and take like the parasite that he is…

Frost: I take your concerns on board, Jessica, but I also have to consider the personal nature of your comments…..I am not, for a moment, suggesting Hero get away without punishment….but I also wish to provide him the platform to explain his actions…

MJ: You think that is wise? I heard Costello is baying for blood….Jimmy Phillips isn’t exactly happy either….I mean hello, testosterone overload….

Frost: And I have doubled our security for the evening, this is such a big night for this company, after all. But I have extended the invitation to Hero to be here….hopefully we can get to Costello and Phillips before he arrives and talk through the situation….

MJ: Talk? Costello ain’t exactly the talking type….and I don’t think Phillips knows the complete alphabet….

Frost: I appointed you for a reason, Jessica, you assured me you could deal with this kind of issues…

MJ: And I can….I’d just rather not pour fuel on the fire….I mean I like totally love a good bonfire but I just decorated the office and I’d rather this whole place didn’t get burnt down…

Frost: It won’t come to that….I have a few proposals….

(Jessica raises an eyebrow)

Frost: I have security tracking down Costello and Phillips as we speak…I have another detail waiting on Hero’s arrival….but until then let’s talk about the Iron Man Tournament….because tonight we find out which eight men are going to take one step closer to being crowed the 6CW Champion…

MJ: Like, tell me about it….see this face, that is more excitement than the time I managed Cassius for a world title bout with my love eggs in…

(Frost looks taken aback by the comment)

Frost: I think we have amassed quite an impressive roster thus far and that is showing with the level of the product….but we will always strive to do better….I trust you looked over the contracts I forwarded?

(Jessica taps an open file on the desk, a slight grimace on her face)

MJ: I was meaning to talk to you about that…

(Frost waves her off before she can begin)

Frost: You’ve been in this business a long time, Jessica, and I understand there will be a lot of history with a lot of people….but this is a fresh start for all and I need you to look past all of that….can you do that? I’m counting on you to do that…

(Jessica looks at the piece of paper and sighs before scribbling her signature on the bottom)

MJ: I can do that…

(Frost smiles)

Frost: Tremendous… where is Geoffrey, I think I will have a little bit of the bubbly after all….

(Jessica’s wicked smile returns as the scene closes out and we head ringside)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 1:09 am

(We go ringside for the first time in the night and the packed out crowd are making a raucous noise as the cameras pan around ringside, revealing the usual setup. We then switch to Jeff Thadeus, Jack Reynolds and Henry Lloyd at ringside)

JT: Ladies and gentlemen good evening once again and welcome to week three of the 6CW Proving Grounds....tonight marks the final group bouts in the Iron Man Tournament....when all is said and one we will be left with eight men who are competing to become the first 6CW Champion of the new era....I'm Jeff Thadeus, joined as ever by my broadcast colleagues Jack Reynolds and 6CW Hall of Famer, Henry Lloyd......gentlemen, are you excited?

JR: How can you not be? Last week's showed ended with Hero laying out both Vincent Costello and Jimmy Phillips, actions that blew this tournament wide open.....Cillian Frost is here to address that situation and he looks like he means business....but as if that wasn't enough, it is the Iron Man, baby....

HE: All four groups are currently balanced on a knife edge....there are sixteen men back there who all still have a legitimate chance to qualify for the latter stages of this tournament....there are lot of nerves back there and I'm sure that is going to lead to some mouth-watering action....

JT: Oh absolutely.....every bout on this card tonight has real meaning behind it...and as much as we could talk about it all night, I'd say we should wrap it up and let the action do the talking....we are live on YouTube and 3,000 fans here inside the Emirates Arena are desperate to get this party started...

JR: Then what are we waiting for....let's do this...


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 1:17 am

(The scene moves backstage for the second time in the night and Dante Phoenix is shown standing by with Christy James. Phoenix receives a good ovation from the 6CW crowd but it does not seem to change his stern expression)

CJ: Good evening everyone....Christy James here with all your backstage news on another huge night of 6CW action....I am joined at this time by one of our combatants in tonight's opening bout, Dante Phoenix!

(Phoenix nods at Christy but seems to be struggling with lockjaw)

CJ: Dante.....somewhat of an indifferent start to life here in 6CW for you....but like everyone else you do found yourself one victory away from a quarter final spot in the Iron Man Tournament. Would it be fair to say that the 6CW fans have yet to see the best of you?

(Phoenix takes his time, considering the question, and then takes a deep breath)

Dante: I think that is beyond fair, Christy....I'd go as far as to say that my start to life here in 6CW has been very disappointing...

CJ: You feel that strongly?

Dante: I do....I've wrestled all around the globe, I have achieved quite a lot in my career but this is the biggest chance I have ever had and I'm blowing it...

I'm not going to talk about circumstances, I'm not making excuses, but obviously first night on the job and I get attacked by Engel Harlequin....I'll admit that has thrown me off kilter and although my performance last time out was an improvement, it is still way below the level I strive for...

CJ: Well tonight you can remedy meet Angelo Trust in just a few moments....Trust has yet to win a match here in 6CW, he is 0-2....does that give you confidence?

Dante: Well, Christy, the truth is I have yet to win a match here in 6CW either.....Trust is a young kid and I think he's being overlooked for that reason, you have to remember that he is incredibly new to this game....when I was his age I wasn't representing a brand like 6CW, that is a lot of pressure on his shoulders...

But that being said....he is here and he is standing in my whilst I respect him, as I do all my opponents, he is an obstacle that must be removed if I wish to prove myself and take one step closer to becoming a world champion for the first time....and that is exactly what I am going to go out there and do....

CJ: I wish you luck, Dante.....

(Phoenix manages to find a brief smile but it soon disappears as he walks out of shot)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 1:33 am

Bout 1
Angelo Trust vs Dante Phoenix

JT: It's now time for our first bout of the evening, and it comes from Group A in this tournament.

JR: And it pits two of 6CW's newest and most exciting new faces against each other, Angelo Trust and Dante Phoenix.

HL: They may well be exciting but neither man has recorded a victory in 6CW yet, so I wouldn't be getting too excited about them just yet.

JT: It's certainly true that they could have had a smoother start to life in 6CW...

"Car Show" is blaring out through the speakers as the Emirates Arena give a polite reception to Angelo Trust. He makes the short walk down the rampway, high-fiving with the fans. He climbs up the steel steps and then springboards over the top rope into the ring.

JR: Trust found himself having to deal with the ever-unpredictable Engel Harlequin last time out, and let's just say it didn't end too well.

HL: Engel beat the living hell out of him Jack, don't play it down.

JT: But let's not forget the start of the match, where Angelo Trust came close on several occasions to picking up the win.

"Into The Fire" is reverberating around the arena as red flames rise from the stage before dramatically stopping as the stage becomes covered with golden pyro and Dante Phoenix walks out from behind the curtain to a good cheer. He paces down the ramp, staring down Trust.

JT: Another man who suffered at the hands of the monstrous Engel...

JR: But he recuperated and put in a very impressive performance last time out, taking O'Callaghan to a time limit draw.

HL: Well you say that, but again, he was on the verge of tapping out when the bell rang.

JR: Others would call that great fighting spirit and determination.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Dante Phoenix and Angelo Trust immediately lock up. Phoenix pushes Trust back into the corner, but he manages to free himself from the grip of Phoenix and then rolls him up into a pin.

Ref: 1..................Kick out!

Phoenix powers the shoulder up, both men get to their feet and simultaneously go for superkicks, their two feet hit to cause a block and they smile at each other. Phoenix then crashes a huge forearm into Trust, catching him off guard. He hits a couple more forearms before launching Trust into the ropes. Phoenix bounces off the ropes and takes him out with a crossbody block in the middle. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2.....Kick out!

Trust kicks out. Dante Phoenix drops a couple of knees down into the face of Trust, he then applies a side headlock. Trust gets to his feet and throws Phoenix into the corner, Trust follows but Phoenix climbs up the ropes and moonsaults over Trust. He turns around, Dante Phoenix clenches him by the waist and launches Trust out across the ring with a belly to belly suplex.

Angelo Trust rolls unsteadily up to his feet and Phoenix sprints in, taking him out with a spinning backfist. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2..........Kick out!

Phoenix gets up to a vertical base, he allows Angelo Trust up to his feet before throwing him into the ropes. On the rebound, Phoenix bench-presses Trust up into the air...

JT: Wow, fantastic counter!

JR: Big DDT on the way down from Angelo Trust.

Ref: 1....................2..........Kick out!

Dante Phoenix manages to get the shoulder up. Angelo Trust allows Dante Phoenix to rise before hitting a big forearm smash. Trust sprints in, hitting a couple more big leaping forearms to the face. He throws Phoenix into the ropes and then connects with a dropkick on the rebound. Trust then hits a running back senton. Cover.

Ref: 1................Kick out!

Angelo Trust allows Phoenix to his feet, he then goes for an Irish Whip. Phoenix reverses the momentum and sends Trust into the ropes. Trust has Phoenix's counter off the ropes scouted and takes him down with a head-scissors takedown. Phoenix falls and lands on the 2nd rope...

JR: 619!

JT: And now a springboard leg drop. A very high-paced opening contest here!

Ref: 1.......................2............Kick out!

Phoenix gets the shoulder up. Angelo Trust allows him to his feet, before taking Dante Phoenix down to the canvas with a hip toss. Phoenix rolls up and Trust connects with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Phoenix rolls up to his feet, Angelo Trust then bounces off the ropes and takes him down with a sling-blade. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

Angelo Trust gets to his feet, he goes up to the top rope but Phoenix kips up to his feet and uses the ropes to springboard up and crack Trust with a big kick to the head. He slumps on the top rope, Phoenix climbs up there and then plants Phoenix into the mat with a big superplex. He covers.

JT: A very back and forth contest here.

HL: Just means neither man is good enough to be able to dominate.

Ref: 1.......................2.............Kick out!

Phoenix allows Angelo Trust to his feet. He whips him out across the ring, and on the rebound he bench presses Trust up into the air and then plants him down into the canvas with a powerbomb on the way down. Phoenix folds Trust's legs over into the pinning predicament.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Trust gets the shoulder up. Dante Phoenix lifts him to his feet and quickly throws him Trust into the corner. Phoenix sprints in, hitting a big stinger splash. Trust slumps down, Phoenix runs in and connects with a huge leaping double knee to the face. Phoenix then steps onto the ring apron, he waits for Trust to rise...

JT: Buckshot Lariat!

JR: Now Phoenix is starting to assert himself on this contest.

Ref: 1.......................2............Kick out!

Dante Phoenix stands over Angelo Trust, allowing him to his feet before running the ropes and hitting him with a V-Trigger knee. Trust stumbles away and Phoenix runs the ropes, hitting a disaster kick. Trust falls down to the canvas, Dante Phoenix then runs the ropes and hits a 2nd V-Trigger knee. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2..............Kick out!

Angelo Trust forces the shoulder up. Dante Phoenix goes to the outside once again, he waits for Trust to rise...

JR: Golden Plumage!

HL: Even I'll admit, this is impressive.

Phoenix covers.

Ref: 1...........................2.................Kick out!

Phoenix drags Trust to his feet, he goes to lift him onto his shoulders for the Re-Generation but Trust manages to free himself. He grabs the waist of Phoenix and then hits a bridging German suplex.

Ref: 1........................2..............Kick out!

Angelo Trust gets to his feet, he hits a couple of leaping knees down into the face. He then applies an armbar hold on Engel, who gets to his feet, Trust takes him down with an arm drag takedown. Phoenix gets to his feet, Angelo Trust leaps into the air and takes Dante Phoenix down with a hurracanrana.

Trust steps into the corner, he sprints in as Dante Phoenix rises and connects with a shining wizard. Trust then runs to the corner, leaping to the 2nd rope and then diving back to hit an imploding splash. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Phoenix forces the shoulder up. Angelo Trust waits for him to rise...


JR: Blocked!

Phoenix pushes Trust away, he then sprints in and leaps up behind Trust, planting him into the canvas with a reverse hurracanrana. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1........................2...............Kick out!

Trust gets the shoulder up. Dante Phoenix drags him to his feet, he throws Trust into the ropes....

HL: Pop-up European Uppercut!

Ref: 1.............................2......................Kick out!

Trust just about kicks out. Phoenix waits for him to rise...


JT:, was that low?

Trust ducks the black mass kick, he then hits a boot to the gut on the rebound but Phoenix crumples forward in agony.

HL: That kick looked a little low from Trust!

JR: The ref signalling it was ok, I'm not too sure...

Trust looks confused for a second but he pulls Phoenix in...


Ref: 1........................................2.......................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

JR: This one is over!

JT: Angelo Trust picks up his first win in 6CW, albeit in controversial circumstances here.

JR: He ducked under the attempted finisher from Phoenix and then aimed a kick for the stomach but it seemed to slip a little low and hit Phoenix in the nether regions.

HL: Trust seemed a little hesitant at first to take advantage but then he hit his finisher. Perhaps, it was an enlightenment for the young man.

JT: I don't think that's the case at all, he just didn't know what had happened, he seemed genuinely confused.

JR: Morale boosting victory for Angelo Trust, he can certainly build on that, but that result actually ends both men's participation in the Iron Man Tournament....they will need to regroup from here on out...


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 1:43 am

(The scene changes and there are some boos as James McManus is shown standing in the backstage area, clearly lost in thought. Travis Sharp is on hand to speak to him)

Travis: James....thank you for taking time out to speak to us ahead of your final group bout with Marty Helms. Obviously, following some bad results, you cannot qualify for the latter stages of the tournament...but last week we saw an incident between yourself and Helms where he implored you to throw your match tonight in order to hand him safe passage to the quarter finals....I guess the question is, are you going to go through with it?

(McManus thinks for a moment but then stares at Sharp with a manic grin)

McManus: It's real easy for you isn't....standing there asking the questions without ever having to get your hands dirty, casting judgement on others....

Travis: James I am merely...

McManus: Shut tournament chances may have gone up in a puff of smoke but my chances of becoming a world champion are still intact. You can stand and judge, ask whether I'm going to turn up for my match with Helms but do the goddamn math....if I don't compete tonight that means Helms gets a week off, means he is fresher than the rest of the playing field....the guy is an animal as it is and I'd be handing him a first class ticket to the top of the mountain...

Now I'm nobody's b1tch and I never will be but use your smarts and you'll see where this is heading....Helms wins the tournament and I get Helms one on one with the title on the line...

Travis: You really believe he would honour that pact? You are willing to give up your credibility so that...

(Another voice sounds from off camera)

??: I think that is enough client isn't prepared to answer anything else...

(There are surprised whoops as Jenny McManus strolls into the camera's view, placing her hand on James' shoulder)

Travis: Jenny, I had no idea...

Jenny: There's a lot you don't have an idea and the rest of the 6CW Universe....but now we're looking out for number one and making decisions that benefit us, damn your judgement....we are not only going to put ourselves and this company on the map but we are also going to bring British wrestling back to the forefront with a star we can all be proud of...

As for Marty Helms....everything is in hand!

(Jenny smiles coyly and McManus glares at Sharp before they both exit the vicinity)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 1:52 am

(The scene changes and a jubilant Angelo Trust is shown bounding into the backstage area. He whoops and fist pumps the air before keeling over amid a coughing fit and laughter. Fleur Michaels then walks into shot)

Fleur: Angelo....time for a quick word?

(Trust takes his time to catch his breath but then he lifts his head and the huge smile continues to beam)

Trust: You know're talking to a born winner now, sis...

Fleur: So I just saw....we all did.....congratulations....

Trust: I know everyone has been writing me off but look what I just did to a guy who has accomplished a lot around the world....write me off at your peril, this winning feeling is something else...

Fleur: Care to talk about the ending of that match? There where a few disgruntled fans ringside and there have been plenty of comments on social media about the nature of your win...

(Trust's face suddenly sours and he looks defensive)

Trust: What does that mean? This place is win and already the haters have begun....I'm being victimised for being a winner?

(Fleur raises her eyebrows at Trust's outburst)

Fleur: The instant replays seem to suggest you caught Dante a little low with the kick that led to the win...

Trust: Did the referee call it?

Fleur: Well, no...we aren't sure he saw...

Trust: I think you need to be very sure of what everyone saw because throwing around false accusations and slander like that is not the way of the modern world.....I have rights...

Fleur: Yes you do....I'm just here to ask the questions....I mean we have the clip if you want to watch it back?

(A sneer crosses Trust's face now)

Trust: The boys in the truck already edited it have they? I see what this is.....Fake is everywhere now....the moment someone different comes along, someone trying to stand on their own two feet and buck the trends....not conform to society's disgusting prejudices...and this is how you are treated?

I feel have spoiled my moment of bliss....I hope you are happy...

Fleur: Angelo....I....

(Trust shakes his head and walks out of shot, leaving the interviewer in a state of shock)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 1:56 am

Bout 2
James McManus vs Marty Helms

JT: Welcome back to 6CW Proving Grounds!

JR: It's the 2nd bout of the night up next here.

JT: And the first one to come from Group B.

HL: And this group sees a two way tie for the top spot, between Damion Onyx and Marty Helms.

JR: And it's Helms in action first here tonight.

JT: He finds himself up against James McManus, who sits bottom of the group.

"Remedy" blares out through the speakers, A prison cell is shown on the titantron with a guards baton rolling across the bars and then a Voice is heard shouting Lights Out this brings the arena into darkness. when the lights come back on Marty Helms is seen at the top of the ramp in black combat pants and a t-shirt with Outlaw on the back with the O a closed handcuff and the W being spelt with an open handcuff and the rest of Outlaw spelt by the chain between the O & W. when Helms turns round the front of the shirt has Lights out on the front. As Helms makes his way to the ring the lights flicker on and off.

JR: Helms is an incredibly impressive physical specimen, and has continued from where he left off from the previous iteration of 6CW.
JT: He was one of the pre-tournament favourites and has certainly lived up to that billing.

HL: You can't help but admire Helms' attitude, he takes no prisoners and wins at all costs.

Helms stands waiting in the ring as "Sad but True" kicks in, the crowd wait in anticipation for the arrival of James McManus. The music continues to play out but there is still no sign of James McManus.

JR: Where is McManus?

JT: He's an incredibly experienced competitor, there's no way he'd take this long to come out for a match. I'm thinking he's made his decision on Helms' proposal...

HE: A wise choice...

JR: I'm sure his wife and advisor played a role in that...

The song continues to play but there is still no sign of McManus, Helms stands in the ring grinning. The song finishes and McManus is nowhere to be seen. Helms shrugs his shoulders at the ref, he looks confused for a moment before beckoning to the ring announcer.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of this match by way of FOREFEIT....MARTY HELMS!

The arena descends into loud boos, Helms simply stands in the middle of the ring, wearing a knowing smirk as proving grounds goes to an ad break.

JT: Marty Helms advances to the Quarter Finals of the Iron Man Tournament but I don't think this is the last we have seen of this....

JR: I think you can take that to the bank....McManus and Helms made a deal, I'm intrigued to see how that plays out...


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:04 am

(We return backstage and there is a huge ovation from the arena as Hero is shown walking into the building, dressed in an old tracksuit. He looks as haggard as ever but there is a lighter spring in his step. Suddenly, he finds his way barred by several security guards. One steps forward)

Security: Hero...

Hero: Who's asking?

Security: Mr Frost ordered us to wait here for your arrival. We are here to escort you to him...

(Hero raises his eyebrows)

Hero: The top treatment? Look last week I did what I had to in order to make people...

(The security guard shakes his head)

Security: Save the speech for those who want to hear it, sir. Our job is merely to take you to Mr Frost before the situation gets out of hand...

Hero: Out of hand, how?

Security: That isn't for me to discuss....however, Mr Frost has asked that you be delivered in one piece and the longer we stand here....well I believe you're increasing your chances of that not happening...

Hero: You're threatening me?

Security: I'm not the one making threats....but I think you already know if you'll follow me....

(The security guard takes a step to the side and motions for Hero to walk in line with him. He then pulls a walkie talkie from his belt)

Security: Target acquired....on the way to drop off point...

(Hero looks slightly amused but also agitated as he follows the security detail. The scene then changes and a figure is shown flying through the air and clattering over the canteen table. There are screams and shouts as Vincent Costello walks into view, a vicious expression on his face)

Costello: Anyone seen, Hero? Next person who gives me the wrong answer is going to seriously regret it...

(Costello picks up a steel chair and snaps it shut before following a corridor in the direction of Miss Jessica's office)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:16 am

(Miss Jessica then comes into shot and her shrill, false, laughter rings in the air as she takes in one of Cillian Frost's comments)

MJ: You are so funny, anyone ever tell you that?

Frost: Once or twice....

(Jessica clicks her fingers)

MJ: Geoffrey....more champagne...

Frost: I really shouldn't....

MJ: Nonsense....relax, enjoy the's one to remember...

Frost: I really want to keep a clear head for when Hero arrives....he is on his way...

(Jessica turns away and rolls her eyes but then the door flies open. All eyes turn to the doorway but surprise registers as Marty Helms is the one standing there)

Frost: Marty.....ever heard of knocking? This is a private meeting...

(Helms surveys the scene)

Helms: Already got you on the bubbly, you're just as weak as the rest of us, boss man...

Frost: Excuse me? You can't talk to me...

Helms: Look I didn't come here to exchange saw what I just did, I have cakewalked my way into the quarter finals of the Iron Man Tournament....let's just cut the (beep) now because we all know I'm going to win....I'm better and now I'm fresher than everyone is a foregone hand it over...

(Jessica now raises her eyebrow)

MJ: This totally feels like deja feeling that, Mr Frost?

Frost: Vaguely...

MJ: Marty, baby, listen up and listen good....if you're as bad as you say you are and this tournament is so easy then you won't mind finishing the formalities and actually winning it, will you?

(Helms snarls and Jessica giggles)

Helms: This is a joke....

MJ: But ain't nobody laughing, honey....I see potential in you and I've seen a lot of stars over the years but this is getting're starting to irritate me and I get irrational when I'm irritated....ever seen a woman thrown a BF, Marty?

Helms: BF?

MJ: B1tch fit, hello.....I can feel one coming on and I really don't want to spoil this night....

Helms: You're unhinged....

MJ: Well duh...

Helms: Whatever happens in the rest of this tournament is on both your hands...anyone gets hurt then blame yourself...

MJ: Will do, do me a favour and close my door, nicely, on your way out....

(Helms stares at Frost, who seems amused, and then shakes his head and closes the door behind him)

MJ: How rude...

Frost: I think you handled that exceptionally.....although I do think the McManus situation should be addressed?

(Jessica smiles as Geoffrey returns and pours more champagne)

MJ: All in good time....these things have a habit of ironing themselves out if you let them play....

Frost: I hope you know what you're doing?

MJ: Believe me, I always do!

(She smiles darkly as she takes a sip of champagne and the scene changes again)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:17 am

We go backstage where Christy James is shown facing the camera.

CJ: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, 'The Sharpshooter' Scott Harris!

The crowd roar as the camera zooms out to reveal Scott Harris stood next to Christy. He is looking into the distance. His usual warm demeanour is replaced by a look of irritation.

CJ: Scott, thanks for your time.

Harris doesn't look at Christy.

SH: Anytime...

Christy stands waiting for Harris to say more but the words don't come. She awkwardly searches for another way to get the interview going.

CJ: Last week, Scott, saw you defeated by Karl Kramer after a distraction by Liam Wood..

At that, Harris turns his head to face Christy. She stops dead.

SH: Go on... Finish.

Christy looks at Harris and tentatively continues.

CJ: OK... What are your thoughts on what happened last week?

SH: My thoughts? You want to know my thoughts? Sure... OK... I'll tell you.

Harris deeply exhales before carrying on, trying to maintain his composure.

SH: My overriding thought at the moment is that I want to tear Liam Wood limb from limb. I want to grab hold of his throat and choke the life out of him. I want to suplex him in the centre of that ring over and over and over and over again. I want to lock him in The Sharpshooter and crank up the pressure until that pathetic, arrogant, self serving cretin can do no more than cry tears of pain.

See, last week reeked of Liam Wood. It absolutely hoofed of his hypocrisy and double standards. He stood there and cried and whined about Vince Costello costing him, distracting him and then goes and does the exact thing himself.

And I shouldn't be surprised, I shouldn't be as naive as to think that he wouldn't want to get revenge for what he perceived to be an injustice. The fact is, I beat that mouthy, emo at his own game when we faced off. I saw the opportunity and took it, irrespective of whether I was up against it or on top. Liam Wood took his eye off the ball and I beat him and he can't stomach that the first show wasn't all about him.

You see Christy, I'm angry, I'm fuming. I was getting into my stride against Karl Kramer. Building a head of steam that Cannonball didn't have an answer to. I was ready to all but rubber stamp my way through to the next round and that attention deprived virgin had to come and get even. Believe me when I say this Woody, this isnt over!

CJ: What about this week, Scott? You're going up against Cerberus, who's looked to destroy everything and anyone since he returned...

Harris nods.

SH: You can say that again...

CJ: Do you consider yourself to be the underdog for this one?

SH: I think that's a given Christy. But I've got to back myself on this one, I've got to think that I can get past him. It's all to play for in that group and any form of a result might just see me get through.

See, Cerberus is a big guy, a powerful guy. But the old adage goes 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall' and I showed against Kramer that I can go against a big guy and handle myself well. Cerberus is going to come out there, do his slow walk to the ring, climb between those ropes and try to blow me away. But I'm up to the task, I'm ready for him. This tournament is about staying the course, finding a way to win. And it might not be by making the monster tap but I've got enough in my armoury to beat Cerberus!

I believe it and I need the fans to. And if they do, that Shot in the Dark might just come through!

Harris looks to Christy, pulls his hood up and walks away out of shot.


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:25 am

Bout 3
Cerberus vs Scott Harris

JT: Welcome back to 6CW Proving Grounds!

JR: And up next here, our first contest of the evening from Group C.

HL: This is undoubtedly the highest-calibre, toughest group in this ironman tournament.

JT: You're certainly right there, just two points separating first from last here.

JR: And some personal rivalries already beginning to show.

"Figure It Out" hits and Scott Harris walks out onto the stage, wearing a hooded top with the hood up. He stands at the top of the ramp, breathes deeply and then removes the hood two fireworks going off either side of him. He then purposefully walks towards the ring, slapping hands with fans on the front row.

JT: Scott Harris comes into this contest on the back of a loss to Karl Kramer, all thanks to a big assist from Liam Wood.

JR: Wood and Harris have clashed ever since the reformation of 6CW, which isn't a surprise considering the ego's involved.

HL: Wood is living rent-free in Harris' head guys, he didn't even do anything to Harris last week and he ended up losing.

"Haunted" blares out as the lights dim around the arena, red lights then start flashing around as Cerberus stalks slowly out onto the stage, staring down at Scott Harris in the ring. Harris smirks, beckoning him on.

JR: Cerberus is not a man you want to be offering a fight to.

JT: Currently sitting top of the group, he'll be looking to secure his place there tonight and once again, become 6CW World Champion.

HL: And you'd be a brave man to bet against him!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Cerberus goes for a lock up but Harris ducks it. He hits a couple of kicks, before moving away as Cerberus throws a wild punch. The big man stalks towards Harris in the corner, he goes to grab him but Harris ducks under it. He then hits a dropkick into the back, knocking Cerberus into the turnbuckle. Harris rolls up Cerberus into the pin attempt.

Ref: 1..................2.......Kick out!

Cerberus kicks out, he gets to his feet and again goes for a wild punch which Harris ducks underneath it. He locks in a sleeper hold, leaping onto the back of Cerberus. The former world champion tries to throw Harris off his back but he lands on his feet behind Cerberus and then grabs him by the waist, slinging him into the mat with a German suplex and then bridging into the pin.

Ref: 1...................2..........Kick out!

JT: Impressive start here from Scott Harris.

JR: Showing he's more than capable of matching Cerberus in the power stakes too.

Harris immediately hits a series of knees into the face of Cerberus, before allowing Cerberus to rise up to his feet. Harris runs in, hitting a clothesline on Cerberus. It doesn't knock the big man down, so Harris runs the ropes and hits a 2nd clothesline but it still doesn't take the monster off his feet.

He switches tactic, still running off the ropes but this time connecting with a shining wizard to the face and this does knock Cerberus down to the mat. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...............2...........Kick out!

Scott Harris gets up to his feet and allows Cerberus to do the same. Harris starts firing in big right hands at Cerberus...

HL: Harris is punching himself off his feet here.

JR: These blows having very little effect on the monster Cerberus.

HL: And there's the proof!

Cerberus blocks one of the right hands, and then swats Harris down to the canvas with a left-handed back-fist to the side of the head. Harris stumbles up in shock, and Cerberus scoops him up into the air, before delivering a Michinoku Driver. He covers.

Ref: 1..............2..........Kick out!

Cerberus lifts up Scott Harris by the head, throwing him across the ring brutally. Harris rolls up and runs towards Cerberus, who flattens him with a big boot to the skull. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1..................2.............Kick out!

Cerberus drags up Scott Harris, he holds him by the waist as he fires in knees to the back. He then flings Harris down into the mat with a German suplex. He keeps the hold applied, nailing a 2nd German suplex. Cerberus drags up Harris, and then throws him into the turnbuckles with a release German suplex. Cerberus drags Scott Harris away from the corner, hitting a Death Valley Driver. He covers
Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

JT: You don't want to give Cerberus any opportunity to get a foothold in a match, it may well be the last thing you do.

Cerberus gets to his feet, he stands waiting for the former world champion to rise before throwing him across the ring with an Irish whip. Harris rebounds off the ropes, and straight into a sidewalk slam. He covers.

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

Cerberus stands waiting for Scott Harris to rise, when he does get to his feet, Cerberus hits a kick to the stomach. He lifts Harris up into a crucifx position, but Harris manages to free himself of the grip of Cerberus.

Harris hits a couple of big elbows into the back of the head, he follows that up with a running knee. Cerberus falls into the corner, Harris sprints in and connects with a stinger splash. Cerberus stumbles forward and Harris throws him down with a T-Bone suplex. Harris covers.

Ref: 1....................2.............Kick out!

Scott Harris hauls up Cerberus, he launches him into the ropes and connects with an overhead belly to belly suplex on the rebound. Cerberus gets up almost shocked by the power and Harris follows that with a dropkick. Cerberus gets up and Harris hits a pendulum backbreaker. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

Cerberus kicks out. Scott Harris allows him to a vertical base where Cerberus throws a wild punch, Harris easily ducks underneath it. He grabs Cerberus by the waist and throws him down into the mat with a German suplex.

JT: Surely he can't do this...

Harris keeps the grip applied, he lifts up Cerberus from the canvas and then slings him down with a 2nd German suplex…

JR: He's lining up the third....

HL: And it connects! Incredible from Scott Harris!

Harris quickly covers.

Ref: 1............................2......................Kick out!

Harris stands waiting for Cerberus to rise, he then goes for an overhead belly to belly suplex but Cerberus blocks. He hits a series of headbutts from close range before launching Harris out across the ring with a huge belly to belly suplex of his own.
Scott Harris stumbles to his feet and Cerberus flattens him with a brogue kick. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2............Kick out!

JT: Harris matched Cerberus for power for a little while but it's the big man with the advantage once more now.

Cerberus drags up Scott Harris, and then plants him down into the canvas with a scoop slam. Harris rolls up, Cerberus hits a 2nd scoop slam. Harris gets to his feet for a third time and on this occassion, Cerberus delivers a powerslam. The former world Champion then run off the ropes, hitting a big splash down onto Harris. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

Harris forces the shoulder up. Cerberus allows Harris to his feet, before almost lifting him off them with a series of body blows. He then lifts Scott Harris into the air, before hitting a kneedrop brainbuster. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2.............Kick out!

Cerberus leans over Harris, dragging him to his feet. He then Irish whips Scott Harris out across the ring, he goes for a crossbody on the rebound but Cerberus catches him and hits a fallaway slam. Harris stumbles to his feet, running into the path of Cerberus who hits a discus clothesline. He covers.

Ref: 1................2...............Kick out!

Harris again forces the shoulder up. Cerberus hauls him to his feet, setting up for the crucifix powerbomb. This time, he connects, driving Harris down into the mat. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2................Kick out!

Cerberus stands over Harris, he goes to lock in The Grim Sleeper but Harris manages to counter, hitting a big jawbreaker. He has to hit a 2nd to fully be free, he then bounces off the ropes...

HL: Scott Harris needed that, Cerberus setting up for the finish there.

JT: And now a huge spear!

Ref: 1........................2...................Kick out!

Harris stands over Cerberus, waiting for him to rise...


JT: And now Harris is going to the top rope...


Harris makes the cover...

JT: There's no count.

JR: Why the hell isn't the ref counting?

HL: Liam Wood is here! Liam Wood making his way down the ramp!

The crowd descend into boos as Harris saunters down the ramp, he climbs up onto the ring and goes to step in, but the ref is over, preventing him from entering.

JT: What the hell is Wood doing out here?

HL: Just a bit of scouting Jeff.

JR: He's fought these two already!

HL: You can never be too prepared Jack, just look at your commentary compared to mine.

Harris gets to his feet frustrated, and he is even more angry when he realises what caused the disruption. He shoots some trash talk at Wood who is stood outside the ring, smiling. Harris turns around, he lifts up Cerberus and sets up for the Shot In The Dark...

JT: Cerberus blocks...

JR: And no frees himself.

Cerberus escapes the hold, he hits a vicious double axe-handle to the back of the head. Harris slumps down, Cerberus applies a chicken-wing hold...

HL: Incredible strength!

JR: Bringing Harris from the mat into the air...


Ref: 1............................2..............................3!

Ding, Ding Ding!

JT: And this one is over!

JR: Cerberus picks up the win in a hard-hitting match-up.

HL: And in doing so, puts himself in a very favourable position with just one match left in this group.

JT: But once again, defeat for Scott Harris comes as a direct result of involvement from his group rival, Liam Wood.

JR: You have to think Harris won't take that sitting down, he's essentially been cost a shot at a world championship because of Wood.

JT: Harris out....Cerberus is through, that is the long and short of it....this issue between Liam Wood and Scott Harris is becoming extremely personal...


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:43 am

(We go backstage again and Cillian Frost is on the phone, looking less than impressed)

Frost: Well where is he? I'm not being funny but it isn't a big is a five minute walk from where they picked him up and this're telling me he disappeared in that time?

(Miss Jessica is sipping champagne and looking mildly amused by what is playing out)

Frost: I need him found and I need him found now, this is extremely serious....this situation is in desperate danger of erupting in all our faces...

(Jessica mumbles)

Jessica: Just how I like it....

(Frost shoots her a look and she merely shrugs her shoulders. Frost continues to listen to what is being said)

Frost: And how have you not found Costello yet either? I know Phillips is in his locker-room.....I'm a little more concerned with the people who's whereabouts we do not know...thank you!

(Frost hangs up the phone when another knock comes at the door and Johnny Lawless enters)

Lawless: I did make an appointment....but I can come back?

(Jessica waves her hand dismissively)

MJ: Don't be silly, is a busy night but an appointment is an can we help?

Lawless: I would like to discuss my client, Engel Harlequin, and his route to the finals of the Iron Man Tournament...

(Frost raises his eyebrows)

Frost: He hasn't even made it through the groups yet....getting ahead of yourself?

(Lawless bows in a less than gracious manner)

Lawless: Forgive me....although I do believe my client will win this competition....I have full faith in him...

MJ: That's great, Johnny....I have faith that my a55 is still better than 95% of these Love Island bimbos but you can't lie to yourself forever...

(Lawless looks confused)

Lawless: Quite....the reason I am here to discuss Engel's match with Dante Phoenix a few weeks ago. That match was ruled a no contest after Phoenix was declared unable to compete.....however Engel was ready to go, that should have been declared a "forfeit" and not a "no contest"....Engel just rightfully already have a spot booked in the quarter finals...

Frost: Now hold on just a minute...

MJ: It's ok, Mr Frost....allow me?

(Frost thinks for a moment but then nods)

MJ: Johnny, Johnny, Johnny....look babe, I'm feeling ya....Engel is a destructive force, he brutalises everyone in his path. Yadda, yadda, yadda....but fact is he attacked his opponent outside of the match and in reality he should be facing sanctions for that, not rewards...

Lawless: But...

MJ: But nothing.....even last week, what he did to that little boy was horrible to watch...I've given birth and believe me, Engel is worse than afterbirth, ok?

He draws the viewers, people tune in because, quite frankly, he's nuts and nobody knows what will happen next....I can dig that, I like a little chaos....but I will not bend rules to accommodate his flagrant flouting, or yours for that matter.....I think we'll keep the decision as a "no contest" and...

(Jessica stares at some information on her laptop as though it is only just dawning on her)

MJ: In fact, he's already qualified....what on earth are you bleating on about?

Lawless: The principle....there is a chance that Engel may not top the group because of what happened in that match with Phoenix....he will be denied a seeded spot...

MJ: Tough....if you're that confident in him then you have nothing to worry about....he'll make O'Callaghan another victim and move on to the next round....he is after all going to win this tournament...

Lawless: Yes he is...although I warn you, he won't be happy when I return with the news...

MJ: Then I suggest you dress it up for him and make him happy about it...I didn't take this job to babysit a delusional clown, my dating history shows I've done enough of that...

(Frost is smiling once more at Jessica's approach. Lawless smiles as he bows out of the room)

Lawless: Oh I'll certainly do my best...

MJ: Good decision...because I don't want to have to send him back to the funny farm, just you make sure he understands that...

(Lawless leaves and Frost claps his hands together)

Frost: I have to say, Jessica, I'm growing more and more impressed as this night goes on...

(Jessica smiles)

Jessica: And plenty of it still to see....I'm sure I can blow your mind when all is said and done!


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:48 am

(The scene changes and an unconscious crew member is being dragged through the corridors by Vincent Costello. Costello dumps the man down and then swivels to swing the chair in his hand until a shriek awakens him from his stupor. Christy James has her hands up to block her face)

CJ: Vincent....

VC: see him?

CJ: Vincent, you have a match up next....don't you think you should be concentrating on that?

(Costello glares at Christy for a moment but then throws the chair down and slicks his hair back)

VC: Fine....but you see Hero then you tell him that the second I'm done with Ricky Nelson I'm hunting his a55 down....I am going to show these people violence beyond anything they have ever witnessed...

CJ: Don't you think you are spreading yourself a little thin here? Pursuing this issue with Hero may distract you from the Iron Man Tournament....I thought you wanted to be 6CW Champion....

VC: I do, and I will be.....but sometimes you have to deal with personal issues as well as business.....sometimes you have to separate the two....

And when I find Hero I'm going to separate his head from his shoulders!

(Costello looks angrier than ever as he barges past Christy on his way to ringside)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:51 am

Bout 4
Vincent Costello vs Ricky Nelson

Back at ringside as "Killing in the name of" screams through the speakers. A small pyro display then accompanies the arrival of Vincent Costello into the Emirates. Costello smirks at the reception and nods his head before slicking his hair back and striding across the walkway...

JT: Final group match here in Group D....Vincent Costello is currently sat in third spot but finds himself within touching distance of a quarter final spot....victory here will guarantee his qualification...

JR: You'd fancy, on form at least, that Costello will get the job done....but then again we're looking at the most competitive roster we have seen in 6CW so who knows...

HE: I think Costello's mindset is going to play a big part here.....we know he's volatile, highly strung and you have to wonder how much that attack from Hero last week will be playing on his mind...

JT: Oh, I think we know that Costello won't be forgetting that situation in a hurry but if he wants to be 6CW Champion then he needs to separate business and personal issues right now...

HE: I think it's quite poetic really.....Costello was strutting around here, sticking his nose in Liam Wood's business and then ended up having his own business disrupted by outside interference....what goes around, comes around...

Costello climbs through the ropes and paces the ring before "Hate me now" echoes out to a chorus of boos from the fans in attendance. Ricky Nelson swaggers out onto the stage and engages in trash talk with the fans before making his way to the ring....

JR: Despite suffering two losses in a row you can see that the confidence of Ricky Nelson has not been dented.....

JT: This youngster believes in himself and that is unsurprising given his background and training under the tutelage of former world champion, Mike Hill......Nelson has suffered two setbacks thus far in his 6CW career but his performances alone have shown his only 21 years old I'd say he has a bright future...

HE: And although his chances of qualifying for the quarter finals are slim to none, he could deal a huge blow to the hopes of a distracted Vincent Costello here tonight....

JT: Yes he could....if Nelson wins here then Costello can kiss goodbye to the world title....

Nelson bounces on the ropes and smirks at Costello, who merely glares back, and then vaults inside the ring. The referee stands between both competitors and then Nelson slaps Costello in the face...

*Crowd groan

JR: Not so sure that was the wisest move of this kid's career....

Costello holds his cheek from the slap and slowly a smile crosses his face. His head snaps back up and Nelson's grin falters as Costello headbutts him right across the bridge of the nose...

JT: If Ricky Nelson wants to turn this onto a dogfight then he's going to get more than he bargained for with Vincent Costello...

Nelson holds his face and blinks back the pain as Costello lands a succession of blows that sends him back into the ropes. VC then grabs his opponent’s arm and whips him across the ring…

JR: Nelson needs to use that speed; he needs all that agility here….

Costello ducks his head for an attempted backdrop but Nelson hurdles him on the comeback and runs the opposite side before returning with a diving headscissors takedown. They get back up and Nelson ducks a big right hand before springboarding onto the ropes….

HE: Costello felt that…

Nelson twists back and lands a hard discus elbow right to the jaw of Costello, knocking him off balance. Nelson quickly follows up with a running dropkick to the back that sends VC toppling through the ropes and out onto the apron…

JT: Ricky Nelson, despite his two losses, has shown glimpses of real talent….in years to come I think we’ll be talking about a highly successful career….

JR: He could kickstart it here tonight….LOOK AT THAT!

The crowd applaud as Nelson uses the top rope to vault out and catches Costello with a hurricanrana that sends his man flying off the apron and crashing into the security railing around ringside. Nelson, too, is hurt from the landing but he is the first to rise…

JT: A risk taker is Ricky Nelson and that was a big-time risk right there…

JR: We’ve seen how competitive all of these matches have been in the Group stages, I think you have to be willing to go that extra mile and that is exactly what we are seeing from the youngster…

The referee’s count has reached five as Nelson rolls back into the ring. He clambers to his feet and urges the official to reach ten as quickly as possible…

HE: Nelson is going to end his campaign with a big W….

The count is at eight when Costello hoists himself up onto the apron. Nelson spits in anguish and then makes his way over and attempts to suplex his opponent back inside…

JT: Nelson has Costello hurt here and he needs to take advantage of that whilst he can…

Nelson lets out a groan of effort as he lifts Costello over the ropes, but VC manages to float over the shoulder and counters with a snap Russian legsweep. Both men reach their feet once more and Costello kicks his foe in the gut before rushing the ropes….


Nelson pulls out of the way of the stomp and then runs the ropes himself before returning with a slingblade takedown. They rise once more, and Nelson hits an armdrag before lashing an enzeguiri into the temple of Costello as he tries to get back up…


JT: Close call but we know Costello is a tough son of a gun and he’s going to keep coming….

JR: Like a machine….

Nelson grabs Costello’s head and tries to pull him forward for a piledriver but VC rushes his man back into the corner and explodes with a sickening shoulder thrust to the midsection. Costello keeps in tight to his opponent’s chest and then erupts upward with a crunching uppercut that lands under the point of the chin…

HE: Dirty boxing from Costello there….Nelson seeing stars….

Costello then lifts Nelson up onto the top rope and clambers up after him. He drags him forward into a front facelock…

JT: Nelson going for a ride here….this is not going to be a pretty landing…

Costello sets up for the big superplex from on high, but Nelson shows tenacity to battle back and land a flurry of shots to the body, winding Costello. Nelson then slams Costello’s head down into the padding of the turnbuckle before standing tall…

JR: Not sure on Nelson’s next move here….INCREDIBLE!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

JT: I tip my hat to this kid….

Nelson wows the audience with a sunset flip into a crushing powerbomb that snaps the back of Costello’s head into the mat. The impact brings Costello’s legs up and he is motionless on the deck as Nelson crawls over and presses him down….


HE: Had to be three…

JR: You underestimate just how tough and durable Vincent Costello is….but that was indeed close…

Ricky Nelson audibly swears at the rafters as he clambers back to his feet. He takes a deep breath and then fixes his gaze back upon Vincent Costello, who is struggling to regain a vertical base…

JT: Question marks in the build up as to whether Costello’s mind was on the job at hand….well if it isn’t then he better change that quick because he is in real danger of a loss here…

JR: His world title aspirations hanging in the balance….RAPID FIRE!

Nelson pulls Costello in for the “CrossRhodes” but Costello twists out at the final moment and then drags Nelson forward into a lariat that spins him 360 degrees. Costello quickly drags Nelson up and lifts him into an impaled DDT….

…..thr-Nelson just gets his shoulder up!

JT: I thought that was a three…

JR: This packed out crowd did too but Nelson kicked out….kid has guts…

Costello rubs his neck as he stands and then he pulls Nelson up and flips him onto his shoulders. He points toward the turnbuckle and the crowd cheer…

JT: Costello thinking ‘buckle bomb….


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:52 am

Costello runs Nelson forward but the powerbomb attempt is countered into a headscissors that sends Costello into the turnbuckle instead. VC staggers back around and Nelson hits him with a legsweep DDT….

JR: Lionsault!

HE: Ricky Nelson for the win…


JT: Any other opponent there and I think you have a three count on your hands….

JR: I’m inclined to agree but Costello is determined, he is a man possessed….

Nelson holds up three fingers to the referee but is dismissed in his claims, prompting him to drag himself back up. He watches Costello, who is slowly stirring, and then climbs out onto the apron…

JT: Nelson weighing up his next move….looking for that big shot that may just catapult his career…..PHENOMENAL….

Nelson leaps onto the ropes for the flying forearm but Costello rushes forward and blocks his flight before twisting him off the top rope into a corkscrew neckbreaker…………….1……………………2………….kickout!

JR: Brilliant counter from Vincent Costello there…..he shut Ricky Nelson down…

JT: And just like that he puts himself back in the driving seat….OMERTA!

Costello pulls Nelson up by the wrist and tries to drag him into the “black hole” slam but Nelson spins out the back and shoves his opponent to the corner. He rushes in after him but Costello drives out with an elbow to the jaw, dropping Nelson to one knee….

JT: Costello going second rope….KERB….OH WOW!

Costello rises onto the ropes for the elevated foot stomp but Nelson reacts so fast by springboarding onto the ropes and then catches VC with a frankensteiner takedown. They get back up and Nelson lands a backheel kick to the stomach before running the ropes again and diving into a springboard…


Nelson flies back but Costello catches him and blocks the DDT. Costello then lets out a roar as he shoves Nelson up further onto his shoulders and launches him at the turnbuckle with a release powerbomb. Nelson lands hard and then staggers out….


HE: Thanks for coming, Ricky Nelson…


JT: Vincent Costello just booked his place in the quarter finals of the Iron Man Tournament….there is no viable outcome from the Jimmy Phillips/Jackson Jackson bout that can deny that from happening….

JR: And he lays to rest the ghost of what happened last week… doesn’t change what Hero did to him but it has to feel good….Costello is moving on and now finds himself one step closer to the 6CW World Championship….

HE: Nelson fought well again….the kid is a real competitor but when it gets to the business end, it just isn’t clicking for him…

JT: Age and inexperience two big factors I’d wager but he’s going to have learnt a lot from this competition…..6CW has a real prospect on their hands….

JR: Looks like Costello has something to say…

Costello, despite the win, doesn’t look happy as he tugs his hand from the referee’s grip and demands a microphone be handed to him. Ricky Nelson has rolled out onto the walkway, looking depleted, but Costello pays him no mind as he speech begins.

Costello: I’m gonna keep this real short and sweet….HERO, YOU SON OF A B!TCH, YOU BEST BELIEVE I’M COMING FOR YOUR ASS!

*Crowd pop

Costello: Anyone tries to stop me, anyone gets in my way, then best believe that you’re gonna get it too…..nothing and nobody will stand between me and the 6CW Championship but that is business and right now I’m ready to take care of something personal….so listen up and listen good….I’m hunting you down and I’m going to exact the sickest, most violent retribution that you can imagine…

You can run, Hero, but you can’t hide… will be held accountable for your actions….you will answer to COSTELLO’S LAW!

Costello throws the microphone down and the crowd in the Emirates cheer him on as he slicks his hair back and heads for the backstage area with a sinister look on his face.

JT: Vincent Costello has advanced to the next round and now he has only one thing on his mind and that’s getting even with Hero…

JR: I’d usually say Costello shouldn’t be preoccupying himself but I don’t think he’s going to listen to anyone….I really wouldn’t want to be Hero when Costello catches up with him…

HE: Costello brought it on himself with his own gunslinging attitude… I guess we’re heading for the big shootout…..I can’t wait for this one to come to a head…


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:54 am

*O'Callaghan is sat at his locker, earphones plugged in, listening to the latest Katy Perry banger. He's got his iPad up, and appears to be watching film from Night of Glory VIII. Christy James approaches him, and he reluctantly removes his earphones before the chorus of "Firework"*

James: "Do you have a moment?"

O'Callaghan: "Always for you, you dark horse."

*James blushes*

James: "Well this week sees the end of the group phase, and clearly you are doing some scouting on your opponent Engel Harlequin...what are your thoughts ahead of your matchup this week?"

*O'Callaghan places his iPad down*

O'Callaghan: "My thoughts on Engel Harlequin? Do you want the explosive version, or the boring one?"

James: "I want the explosion"

*O'Callaghan sniggers, and winks at James*

O'Callaghan: "You usually do...."

*10 seconds of silence*

O'Callaghan: " thoughts on Engel are simple. He's a pretender. A fraud. A complete and utter loser."

*James mouths...."why?"*

O'Callaghan: "Why? He's proven it over and over again in this company. What I was watching earlier was a prime example...he spent the whole time leading up to Night of Glory VIII laughing, proclaiming because it was an Elimination Chamber match, he'd outlast us all because he doesn't feel pain like we do. And what happened? He tapped like the loser he is."

James: "But did you not see what he did to Angelo Trust last week?"

O'Callaghan: "What you mean those two matches where he attacked his opponent pre match? Yes what a stallion of a man! What a warrior! My god how can anybody deal with this monster!"

*O'Callaghan rolls his eyes, sighs, gets up and begins to pack his gym bag*

O'Callaghan: "It's simple Christy. Engel Harlequin cannot defeat me one on one, in that ring, man on man. I'm ready for him, I'm ready for this tournament, and I am ready to become to most dominant superstar this company has ever seen. That is all."

*O'Callaghan plugs his earphones back in, and walks out of the locker room whilst the scene fades to black*


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 2:58 am

(The scene changes and a disgruntled Ricky Nelson is seen hobbling into the backstage area, clearly feeling the effects of his match with Vincent Costello. Nelson looks dejected after another loss and then pulls out a mobile phone and taps away. He then raises the phone to his ear)

Nelson:'s me...yeah I know, another one.....look I'm going to be honest, I'm really struggling to find top gear....

(Nelson listens for a moment, nodding in places)

Nelson: I know and I know what I'm capable of but the pieces aren't fitting'd do that? Really?.....Wow that is awesome, I don't know how to thank you......Oh I won't let you down, you have my word on that....

(A smile has now crossed Nelson's face)

Nelson: I'll see you next week then....yeah absolutely a new chapter...thanks again....bye!

(Nelson hangs up the phone and smirks as he regains his swagger and heads toward the locker-room)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:06 am

(James McManus is shown sitting in his locker-room with Jenny when the door barges open and Marty Helms enters the fray. McManus looks weary)

McManus: I did what you asked...

(Helms laughs and pats McManus on the shoulder but Jenny doesn't look impressed)

Jenny: You better hold up your end of the deal...

(Helms surveys her for a moment)

Helms: Clear to see who wears the trousers in this relationship, huh, Jimmy?

(Jenny frowns and folds her arms)

Helms: I like her.....look I'm not here to cause a scene, you held your end of the bargain and I'm a man of my word....I'll do exactly the same once the 6CW Championship is back where it belongs...

But until I get that belt, there's no now it is time for phase two...

McManus: There was no phase two in the agreement...

(Helms swells with rage)

Helms: There is a phase two if I tell you there's a phase two....and a phase three after that...all the (beeping) phases until that belt is back with me....understand? Then you get your shot.....

Not that it'll be much of a workout....I reckon your wife could push me more...

(Helms tips a wink to a disgusted Jenny. McManus stands from the bench. Helms stops for a moment and then steps forward)

Helms: You really want to go down that road with me?

McManus: Don't insult my wife.....I'm doing as you asked but don't take the (beep)… want my help? Fine but showing a little gratitude...

(Helms laughs and mockingly slaps McManus' cheek)

Helms: Look at you in your big boy pants.....look, chief, when I call, you come do as I say, I get the strap and you get thirty seconds of fame in the biggest match of your life....

(McManus glares at Helms with dislike)

McManus: So what's next?

(Helms laughs and nods his head)

Helms: listen up, because I won't repeat myself...

(Jenny watches from the corner of the room with mistrust in her eyes as Helms starts to talk through his plan)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:08 am

Bout 5
Engel Harlequin vs O'Callaghan

JT: This next bout is somewhat of a dead rubber I'd guess in Group A.....both Engel Harlequin and O'Callaghan have qualified for the quarter finals following Angelo Trust's victory over Dante Phoenix earlier tonight....

JR: But the battle for top spot is still going to drive these men in this fight.....this is about being the Alpha Male now....and what a clash of styles this is...

JT: You've got the technical prowess of O'Callaghan up against the unorthodox, maniacal psychosis of Engel Harlequin.....I really have no idea what to expect...

HE: Nobody knows what to expect every time Engel Harlequin enters the arena....the most dangerous, unpredictable superstar, arguably, in the history of 6CW...

JT: And since he teamed up with Johnny Lawless I believe he's even more dangerous than ever....there actually seems to be a thought process to his actions.....ordered chaos if you will...

"Run this town" booms through the speakers and there is a mixed reaction as O'Callaghan enters the arena. His hood is over his head and golden pyros explode around him before he removes his robe and motions a belt around his waist. OC holds up one finger to the camera, signifying where he sees himself in the rankings, as he strides across the walkway...

JT: At one time the fastest rising star in 6CW.....he held the International and UK Titles simultaneously, Fight for the Right Winner, Superstar of the Year, this is the man who made JJ Johnson tap out along with a plethora of victories over the best this company has ever had to offer....

JR: But he has failed at the highest level....he did not follow through on all that potential and that eats him up inside....he is desperate to prove he has what it takes to be the man....

HE: You'll be hard pushed to find a better mat wrestler....his submission game is second to none....if he puts it all together then he'll take some stopping in this tournament....but tonight is a huge test for him because as good a wrestler as he is, he is facing something very different...

O'Callaghan paces the ring and then uses the ropes to perform some last minute stretches when the lights in the arena go down. A maniacal laughter fills the air and then sound of the "Big Top" circus takes over....

JT: I get goosebumps every time...

JR: Because you never know what is about to happen...

Screams and cheers fill the air as the lights come back on and Engel Harlequin is standing directly across from O'Callaghan. The Irishman doesn't flinch but he does take one step backward, as though anticipating an attack...

HE: That's enough to throw anyone off their game...

Engel just stares at O'Callaghan, tilting his head from side to side, and then licks his lips before smiling broadly. OC looks a little unsure of his next move but then the bell sounds and springs him to life...

JT: Both of these men may be heading for the quarter finals but who will top Group A?

O'Callaghan circles Engel, trying to size up an attack point, as Harlequin merely stands still and watches his opponent with unblinking eyes. O'Callaghan then rushes in and seizes the back of Engel in a waistlock...

JR: Engel isn't going to budge voluntarily....

Engel merely chuckles at being in OC’s grip and then he thrusts his head back, catching the Irishman in the face, and then twists out. Engel delivers a sharp toed kick to O’Callaghan’s stomach…


Harlequin prepares for the DDT but OC counters into a northern lights suplex…………….1…………..2……….kickout. They get back up and Engel looks for a swiping right hand but O’Callaghan ducks under and nails a big time back suplex………….1…………….2………..Engel powers out!

JR: We know Engel Harlequin possesses an inhumane pain threshold…..we know how difficult it is to put this man away…

JT: There are very few cases in his career where I can remember Harlequin suffering definitive defeats….

HE: And when he does lose it usually entails his opponent beating him within an inch of his life….

OC drags Engel up and attempts a vertical suplex but Harlequin hooks his leg around his foe’s ankle, refusing to be budged, and then suddenly O’Callaghan pulls away with a cry of pain…

JT: I think Engel bit him whilst in the clinch…

JR: You wouldn’t bet against it…

Harlequin smirks and then charges forward with a big clothesline that knocks his man down He beckons OC up once more and scoops him onto his shoulders….

HE: Tremendous neckbreaker…

Engel drops O’Callaghan out into the modified neckbreaker and hooks the legs……………1………………2…………..kickout. Engel rolls back to his feet, his eyes darting from one corner of the arena to the other, and then beckons O’Callaghan into a standing position…


O’Callaghan drives the point of his elbow into Harlequin’s temple seven times until the clown is forced to release his grip. OC then waits for his opponent to throw a wild punch before ducking inside and locking his hands….

JR: GERMAN! Now O’Callaghan is ready for some fun…

O’Callaghan keeps his hands clasped, clinging on like a predator to its prey, and rags Engel up to a standing position again before connecting with a second straight suplex. The cheers and applause ring out around the Emirates as they reach their feet for a third time…

JT: Hat trick? Oh yes!

O’Callaghan summons all his strength and lets out a grunt as he releases Engel on the third suplex, sending him crashing on the back of his neck. Harlequin is flat on the deck as OC points up high…

JR: He should be going for the cover….

JT: I don’t think he believes it is enough…..THAT MIGHT BE THOUGH!

The flashbulbs go off as the Dubliner climbs to the top turnbuckle and then launches himself into a picturesque frogsplash on top of the prone Harlequin…


HE: Harlequin is tougher to kill than Pennywise…

JT: You could see Engel in his very own horror franchise….every opponent that faces him will attest to what they have to go through…

O’Callaghan looks disappointed at the lack of a three count but he sucks it up and drags Engel to his feet again before connecting with a fisherman’s suplex………1………………………2………….shoulder up once more!

JR: O’Callaghan is pouring it on here, he wants top spot badly….but Engel refuses to stay down….

JT: So many times we have seen this from Engel Harlequin…

OC looks annoyed now as he watches Engel stagger over to the ropes and slump across the middle. The Irishman takes a deep breath and then sprints off the opposite side…


O’Callaghan looks for the tiger feint kick through the ropes but Engel catches his legs before ripping him through into a sit-down powerbomb….


JR: O’Callaghan played right into that there…..and he almost paid the ultimate price….

JT: This match has already gone longer than Engel’s two previous……O’Callaghan proving a worthy adversary….

Engel now stands over O’Callaghan and he stomps down on him with venom before dropping inside the guard and pummels away with brutal punches, elbows and forearms. O’Callaghan tries, desperately, to cover up and the official is also on hand to intervene but Harlequin merely cradles his opponent’s head and laughs at the damage he has caused…

HE: Harlequin enjoying this now….he gets a real kick out of inflicting pain…

JT: And we know Johnny Lawless is back there applauding….I can’t believe anyone could be happy with orchestrating these attacks…

JR: We know Lawless’ motivation is money and if he can guide Engel to the World Championship then his investment has paid off….

Engel gets back to his feet and he runs off the ropes before returning with a stunning knee straight to the head of O’Callaghan, who was trying to push himself up. Engel then hooks both of O’Callaghan’s arms and drags him up….

JT: What does he have planned now….OH GOD!

JR: Tiger Driver…O’Callaghan landed right on his neck….

HE: That is that…


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:09 am

O’Callaghan is left with his legs up in the air following the devastating impact and Engel merely presses him down into the mat as the referee counts………………….1…………………2………………..3!

JT: O’Callaghan now showing his mettle….I thought that was it…

JR: I think everyone did….but Engel will need to do more if he wants this victory…

Engel holds his head for a moment and seems to be suffering some inner turmoil but then he slaps himself on the temple and seems to regain his step. He watches O’Callaghan struggling and then he drags him to his feet….


O’Callaghan runs Engel back into the corner and he explodes with three straight shoulder thrusts to the stomach. He then drives up with three very stiff European uppercuts before delivering a crushing headbutt straight to Harlequin’s face. O’Callaghan has a fire in his eyes now as he lifts Engel up onto the top rope….

JR: That was a brutal flurry from O’Callaghan there…..

JT: Showing a grittier side to his game, I like it…

O’Callaghan climbs onto the ropes and he rips into the chest of Engel with knife edge chops before pulling him into a front facelock…

JT: On the cusp of some real impact here……SUPERPLEX!

Engel clings onto the turnbuckle and refuses to budge for a second before he reaches up and begins clawing at the face of O’Callaghan. O’Callaghan’s cries fill the air and then Engel drives his elbow forward into the throat of OC, sending him down to the canvass below…

JR: That was a sickening shot from Engel there, he could have busted the windpipe of O’Callaghan…..

JT: And now what is Engel going to do? OH MY LORD….

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HE: Insanity….

Engel turns to face the crowd and appears to be preparing an aerial assault when O’Callaghan sprints back up the turnbuckle from nowhere and scores with an incredible snap dragon suplex from on high….the ring shakes from the impact and the crowd are bouncing….

JT: I don’t think I have ever seen that before, in all my years….

JR: As tough as Engel Harlequin might be, that will take it out of you…

Both men are certainly feeling the effects of the fall but it is Engel in the dangerzone as he staggers back to his feet and walks into a drop toe hold from his foe, placing him across the middle rope….


OC scores with the tiger feint kick, sending Engel back onto the canvass, and then he scurries across the apron and climbs up top……


O’Callaghan soars through the air and lands the elbow drop……………..1………………….2……………….3!

JT: NO! Still not enough….Engel Harlequin will not go away….

JR: O’Callaghan not the first and certainly won’t be the last to experience this…

O’Callaghan takes a deep breath as he clambers back up to his feet. He motions for Engel to stand and he stalks his prey before diving on his back….


OC attempts to synch in the submission but Engel’s grin returns as he rushes forward and then launches all his bodyweight at the ropes….


JR: Like a damn carcrash right there….

The two competitors make it through the ropes, of sorts, but connect with them at the same time and get tangled in between and out on the apron. O’Callaghan is clutching the back of his neck as he rolls back inside the ring whilst Engel hobbles to the outside….

JT: Engel escaped there….and now what is he thinking?

JR: Cmon now….that’s a straight DQ, Engel….you know that…

HE: He does know and I don’t think he cares…

Engel snatches a steal chair from ringside and he holds it in the air as the crowd give a cheer of anticipation. The referee is already warning Harlequin, but he merely laughs and rolls back under the bottom rope…

JT: It’s at times like this you wonder if Engel Harlequin cares about anything….I’m not sure the outcomes of his actions bear any effect on his decision making….

O’Callaghan is still struggling to reach his feet as Engel sets the chair up in a seated position in the middle of the ring. He then drags OC up….

JR: Engel is thinking “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy” on the chair here….

JT: He hits it and he loses the match….


O’Callaghan battles out in complete and utter desperation, sending Engel away with a series of elbows, and then catches Harlequin as he rushes back in….


JR: A certain sense of irony there…

O’Callaghan lifts Engel up into a belly to belly slam and drives him, albeit inadvertently, through the seat of the chair in the middle of the ring…

HE: Surely a disqualification?

JT: O’Callaghan didn’t bring the chair in…..there was nothing pre-meditated about that….referee is allowing it….

O’Callaghan kicks the chair away, sending it under the bottom rope, and then he beckons Engel up once more and then tilt-a-whirls him into a backbreaker. He seizes the legs of Engel and quickly turns him over…


JR: O’Callaghan has won so many matches, so many titles and accolades with this move…

HE: He made JJ Johnson tap out just like this…

JT: But can he do the same to Engel Harlequin?

Engel tries to claw at the canvass and drag his body toward the ropes, but he gets within touching distance when O’Callaghan drags him back to the centre and sits right back into the hold, extending the wrench and increasing the pain tenfold…

JR: Engel has nowhere to go….surely he has to tap….O’Callaghan is a submission expert….he’s torturing his opponent…..

JT: But what exactly is Engel feeling here?

HE: I think he’s fading you know…

Engel’s painted face shows very little in the way of emotion but the fight in his arms seems to be lessening and slowly his head starts to slump toward the canvass…

JR: I think you’re right, Henry….Engel may not show pain but he must be experiencing it because he’s passing out under the strain…

JT: This might just go down as the most impressive victory of O’Callaghan’s career….can he tame the seemingly untameable?

Engel’s hand twitches a few times now but then stops abruptly as his head rests against the mat. The referee is kneeling in close proximity, his face full of concern…

JT: I think the referee is going to wave this off….we’ve seen this new directive from officials….

JR: If there is no response from Engel then forget it…

The referee turns his head toward the timekeeper and is preparing to give the signal to end the contest when Engel Harlequin’s head suddenly snaps back up again, irrepressible laughter spilling from him….

JT: I don’t believe it…

HE: The guy is a maniac….he’s actually enjoying it…

JR: I thought he was done….but I don’t know, was he struggling to contain his enjoyment?

JT: This is a legitimately scary individual…

O’Callaghan’s face is a picture as he begins to feel the tug from behind and the laughter as Harlequin drags himself across the ring and seizes the bottom rope. O’Callaghan relinquishes the hold on the count of four but cannot believe it as he backs away and watches Engel clinging to the ropes…

JT: O’Callaghan has achieved so much with that move…but even that cannot finish off Engel Harlequin…

JR: What is it going to take? Does O’Callaghan have what it takes?

HE: He’ll keep trying, I know that about him….COBRA CLUTCH!

O’Callaghan seems to shake sense into himself and he bursts forward and tries to drag Engel away from the ropes whilst pulling him into the choke. Engel releases from the ropes and throws his body backward so that both men end up rolling across the canvass. They get back up and O’Callaghan stumbles forward into a kick to the gut….


The sickening DDT lands this time, O’Callaghan’s head crunching into the canvass, and Engel pushes his body over before making the pin…


JR: The bell went…

HE: Engel got him….

JT: I think the bell went; you know….

Engel is on his knees, expecting to be declared the winner, but the referee rushes over to consult with the timekeeper and Michael Bird. There is a deliberation between all three and the referee looks incredibly uneasy as Michael Bird makes the announcement.

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the timekeeper has informed the referee that the fifteen-minute time limit did indeed elapse just moments before the completion of the pinfall. Therefore, this bout has been declared a DRAW!

JR: Now I know why the referee looks on edge…

JT: Nobody wants to be on hand to deliver that news to Engel Harlequin…

Harlequin is still on his knees and he seems to be processing the information that is now running through his head. He licks his lips and his eyes continue to dart until finally they rest upon the referee, who tries to explain what happened…

HE: If I was the referee, I’d run…

JT: The official is just doing his job….and he’s doing it correctly….Engel may have been about to win but time ran…..OH NO!

Engel suddenly jumps up into the referee’s space and drags him in close to a sickening standing choke, squeezing the life out of the official. Engel’s laughter fills the air as the referee’s legs shake and quiver from the pressure being applied….eventually Harlequin releases and the referee falls in an unconscious heap…

JR: That was completely uncalled for…

JT: Engel Harlequin should be looking at a sanction for that…

HE: Do you want to tell him that?

JT: You can’t just attack the referees, regardless of any frustration you may be feeling….we know Engel is a dangerous customer but that does not exempt him the rules….

JR: I don’t think he’s done with O’Callaghan either…

O’Callaghan, who is holding his head, is trying to get to his feet but Engel ambles over to him and grabs his wrist before pulling him up into another chokehold. O’Callaghan tries to fight out, but he is still feeling the effects of the match and soon he succumbs to unconsciousness as well. He drops down next to the official and then Engel drops between them and begins to chuckle in a deep, uncontrollable, way. There is a spine-tingling eeriness to it as he looks from the referee to O’Callaghan and then out into the crowd…

JT: It’s at times like this I’m happy our announce desk is up here on the stage nowadays…

JR: I agree, I want to be as far away from Harlequin as possible….

HE: Unfortunately, the rest of the participants in the Iron Man Tournament can’t say that because Engel is into the quarter finals…

JT: Both men have qualified, O’Callaghan as the group winner although you wouldn’t believe it right now…

JR: One of these men could be calling themselves 6CW Champion in just a few weeks’ time…

HE: Can you imagine if Engel Harlequin gets the belt?

JT: I shudder to think of the chaos that would ensue….6CW just re-opened it’s doors, I’m not sure this company is ready for the Era of Engel….


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:12 am

We go backstage to see Christy James standing there with a film crew. She starts to talk confidently into the camera.

CJ: My guest right now scored his first win in the Ironman tournament. If we didn’t know him already, we would guess he will be arriving for match 3 supremely confident. Please welcome, the Cannonball!

Karl Kramer walks into shot cheering. He wears his usual attire and his mohawk is now covered with bright colour splashes like fireworks going off. He approaches Christy, takes her hand and kisses it, before shaking the cameraman’s hand off camera.

KK: Oh my lord, the truth be out. Yes indeed! The Cannonball came away from match six with the W! How proud he is and how proud he will be! Time to celebrate like Kool, oh yeah!

He twirls on the spot and claps his hand. Christy laughs.

CJ: You are hard to control Cannonball.

Kramer sways from side to side.

KK: Like you can’t believe! Buddies been taking long time to cheer. Why not savour the flavour?! Every day is a new day and a last day. You got something to shout about, then make it heard! I walked out of that ring with cheers from the people. Beautiful feelin’, just beautiful! If y’all think the Cannonball is milking it then you are damn right. Let the cream spray!

Christy laughs again as Cannonball does some shooting motions with his hands.

CJ: But Cannonball, being serious what response do you give to those that say that you were only able to get the win because Liam Wood distracted Scott Harris?

Kramer laughs and shakes his head.

KK: No way, no how! Scotty has been in this business a lot longer than me. He knows the game! First rule is eyes on the prize not those you despise! He knows it, gets it and Cannonball can’t see him cryin’ about it. Was a good match, a hard match and one the Cannonball enjoyed. Don’t taint it by wailin’ you weren’t ready. Scotty is better than that.

CJ: And Wood…….?

Kramer pauses and smiles.

KK: Well what now? The Cannonball can get go all hulk sh*t and green but his energy would be wasted. Woody’s business is his business. Mine is mine. When the two meet, it don’t look pretty. But seems to me that is the road we are all goin’ down. The contest is wide open and Cannonball is always up for a fight. Don’t think I will cross swords with words though yeah? Woody ain’t gonna get to me, don’t matter how hard he tries. He thinks that a show of weakness? Well the Cannonball says it is a sign of respect. Woody and Cannonball have the same chance to get their arm raised at the end of this duel. Cannonball acknowledges that fact. Up to Woody whether or not he does the same. I ain’t his teacher or preacher, he is his own man. How he approaches it is up to him. Cannonball hopes he picks the right way but whose to say…….

Christy smiles.

CJ: But the payoff for beating Wood in a 1 on 1 match would be huge and send a clear message to the entire roster?

KK: Damn right Christy! This door is only ajar at the mo, but Cannonball aims to burst right through it. Cerby was first up and Cannonball came close than most. Cannonball made the beast look like a man. Sure, he got the points, but Cannonballs point was also made. Then we come to Scotty H and he was first to feel the Cannonball run. You ain’t get up from that right arm….

Cannonball kisses his right bicep before continuing.

KK: Now Woody is in the frame, this multi-belt winnin’ boy wonder. He got a lot to say every damn day, but he backs up his words with deeds. If Cannonball gets the win against him, then his initiation of 6CW is complete. Cannonball ain’t no rookie no more. Cannonball ain’t no easy lay. It’s all action and reaction, with the 6CW crew on notice. Cannonball isn’t lookin’ to be a bit part…no sir. The star of the show is where Cannonball is heading, flying high with flames shootin’ out his ass! The target will be met, don’t you doubt that. It’s whether you respect that and move out of Cannonball’s way.

He nods emphatically to emphasis his point. Christy pauses before speaking in a serious tone.

CJ: Finally, do you have any comment on the actions of Hero during the main event?

Kramer sighs and looks to the floor.

KK: Man, what can you say? Desperate men do desperate things. When a guy needs to go to those lengths, then his head is all wrong. All wrong! But like Cannonball says, business is business and Hero’s is his own. He may have sweet nothin’s being purred in his ear. He may be workin’ to his own tune. Cannonball just guessin’ like everyone here, and the tale will be told. But Cannonball says this yeah? 6CW history, hell wrestling in general, has been covered with the thick goo of drama. That’s what attracted the Cannonball to this place. But drama only stresses the masses. It ain’t got time for your life and your life ain’t got time for it. Rest assured Hero’s action will be hit head on by some meaty counter punches. If he ready and rocks to that beat, then he be in his happy place. If he ain’t ready for this showdown, then he better hope he got friends in high places. ‘Cos one man’s battle could soon turn into one hundred’s men war. He be wise on that, Cannonball has no doubt. But if not……this place could get too ugly to pick out the good from the bad.

Kramer stares into the camera.

KK: Cannonball ain’t no fool. He knows this tourney is ‘bout divide and conquer. You shift out the weak and double cross the strong. Last show showed that to be a fact. Now Cannonball stated he ain’t playing games. He ain’t no-ones mouthpiece or easy way out. But Cannonball had times in his life when he had to fight for it. Cannonball can do it again in a heartbeat. Wise men are mute men as far as the Cannonball is concerned. Let’s see how the next show goes down and then he will play on from there. Watch and learn against playing and missing. But when a home run needs to be scored, the Cannonball is the best guy to hold the bat.

Christy looks a bit taken aback.

CJ: It is the first time we have seen you so serious Cannonball….

Kramer holds his stare and then shakes his head; blinking wildly.

KK: Woah girl, Cannonball just messing. He must have been seriously tripping a storm there! No doubt! No doubt! You take no notice of the ramblings of a rolling man yeah? Wheels keep on turning like Tina, pray and relay…. pray and relay.

Kramer smiles.

KK: So pretty lady, are we done?

Christy nods her head and motions for the cameraman to stop recording. Kramer goes to leave, but Christy catches his arm.

CJ: Karl……

Kramer sees she is being serious so doesn’t do a usual response. Christy removes something from her pocket and shows it to Kramer.

CJ: I just thought you should know……the papers did their digging and uncovered this. They plan to run it next week….

Kramer looks down at what Christy is holding and we can see that it is a tattered photograph on a piece of A4 paper. The photo shows three people – a silver haired man and two children, barely teenagers. One of them is seriously overweight while the other is much thinner and with a baseball cap covering his face. The silver haired man is between the pair of them, with his arm wrapped round the bigger boys’ shoulders. Even though the thinner boy is smiling, he stands slightly away from the other two in the picture.

Kramer stares at it for a moment before speaking. He doesn’t look up.

KK: You say they printing this?

Christy pulls the picture away to get Kramer’s attention.

CJ: This is all they have so far, and they haven’t been able to get anything else. They think there is something but at the moment this is all they have. But……

Kramer stares at her.

KK: What?

CJ: I did my own digging Karl. It is easier from within 6CW than on the outside. Lots of records to look up……

Kramer looks at the ceiling and grits his teeth.

KK: Look, to hell with this. They got no story and it ain’t their damn business. You take that spade of yours and get rid of it. Ain’t no more diggin’, ain’t no more checkin’. You hear me?

Christy nods.

CJ: Look Karl, I am sorry….

Kramer shakes his head and walks away while shouting back.

KK: Don’t need no sorry’s girl, that sh*t got old long ago!

Kramer’s heavy footsteps can be heard marching away as the scene fades.


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:20 am

(The scene changes to a large open space in the backstage area. Cillian Frost comes running into view and soon it is apparent that his entire security detail have been wiped out. Frost looks concerned as he kneels next to the head of his team)

Frost: What the hell happened?

(The man is extremely groggy, a cut down the right side of his face, but he opens his eyes to answer his boss' question)

Security: Costello....ambush....

Frost: Dammit.....and Hero?

Security: Ran for it...

(Applause can be heard off camera and then Jimmy Phillips walks into shot)

Frost: I don't have time for this, Phillips...

Phillips: And I didn't have time for Hero getting involved in my business last week but here we are...

Frost: Did you help in this?

Phillips: If I'd of been involved, you'd know because nobody be invited this demon into this house, that's on you, despite everything that everyone knows about him...

All your fancy talk about new starts, clean slates, but this the same (beep) all over again....

Frost: I was dealing with it...

(Phillips clicks his tongue in dismissal)

Phillips: You haven't dealt with a damn thing....but either Costello is going to or I'm going to....Hero walks my way, I'll destroy what is left of the myth.....Costello gets in my way then he can get it limits on the a55 whoopings….

Frost: I'd suggest you concentrate...

(Phillips waves him off)

Phillips: I didn't come here for advice....I just wanted to revel in the mess you have made....three weeks in and look at this place.....Hero up to his old tricks, Costello gunslinging through the corridors , you've actually let Red make decisions and that maniac clown running amok....

This place is going to burn from the inside out.....and that's on you, I sincerely hope you enjoy the bed you have made....because the time is getting close for you to lie in it...

(Phillips shakes his head and walks away as Frost surveys the carnage around him)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:28 am

(Liam Wood is shown watching what he did to Scott Harris earlier in the show on a monitor in the backstage area. Travis Sharp approaches as Wood lets out a laugh)

Wood: Would you look at that.....that is what I call sweet revenge....

Sharp: You certainly kicked the hornet's nest out there, Liam.....

Wood: I made a statement and one that should be heeded by all....Scott Harris is a loser, he isn't the face to lead this company into the future, that is me and that will be me...

Sharp: You still need to get a win in your match over Karl Kramer...

Wood: Consider it done....this oaf isn't on my level, nobody is. I suffered an injustice in my first match, robbed blind by Scott Harris...but where is he now? He's out of this competition, he's off the grid and that's all thanks to me...

He won one battle but I have won the war....I'm heading on to become 6CW Champion, Harris will be but a footnote....

Sharp: Don't you think you should concentrate on Kramer?

Wood: Aren't you listening to me? I'm the uncrowned king and some nobody like Karl Kramer will not keep me from my coronation....I'll win tonight, with ease, and then I'll prove why I am number one with a goddamn bullet as I progress to the finals of this tournament...

Sharp: Any comments on the current situation between Vincent Costello and Hero? You also had some issues with Costello a few weeks back...

Wood: Those two are inconsequential...…...I'm seriously hoping they destroy one another so we never have to endure their presence ever again....

Costello is nothing to me....let me run around here playing the maverick....I have championships to win and goals to get out of my way!

(Wood shoves Sharp aside as he makes his way toward ringside)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:35 am

Bout 6
Liam Wood vs Karl Kramer

JT: We've already had one match from Group C this evening, and up next is the 2nd and final contest from that group.

JR: And this pits the newcomer Karl Kramer against the vastly more experienced Liam Wood, but such is the tight-nature of this group, that doesn't really matter in the slightest.

HL : Of course, we've already seen Liam Wood tonight, after he appeared in the match between Cerberus and Scott Harris.

JR: Costing Harris for the second show in the row, potentially opening up a path for Wood to go for the 6CW World Title.

The lights down and then the sound of Canon explodes out of the speaker before O Fortuna kicks in. Karl Kramer marches out onto the stage, he walks briskly down the rampway, slapping hands with the fans as he goes before stepping into the ring.

JT: That was a big win for Karl Kramer last time out, pinning Scott Harris to get his first victory in 6CW.

JR: It's always nice to get that monkey off your back early on in your tenure.

HL: For me the real test is now, can he continue to pick up wins or was that just a one time fluke?

The lights go out as Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts from the speakers, suddenly a single spotlight appears on the stage revealing Liam Wood stood there wearing his World Eater biker style cut. Wood remains under the atmospheric blue light continuing to stand on the stage soaking in the reaction from the fans, good and bad. Wood then swaggers to the ring as the spotlight follows his every footstep, Wood ignores the fans but clearly enjoys their need to get his attention. Wood reaches the ring and rolls in under the bottom rope before standing in the middle of the ring.

HL: Liam Wood has been doing what he does best since the revamp of 6CW, and that is getting in people's heads.

JT: He's certainly making sure people are talking about him, even if it isn't for the right reasons exactly.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Wood and Kramer stare across at each other. Eventually they lock-up. Karl Kramer forces Liam Wood back into the ropes he places his body between the ropes to force the break. Kramer reluctantly steps back, Wood slowly emerges from the ropes with a grin.
This is soon taken away as Kramer boots him in the stomach. Karl Kramer then starts pummeling away on the back of Wood, before grabbing him by the waist and then launches Wood out across the ring with a gutwrench suplex. Wood rolls up and Kramer knocks him down with a short-arm clothesline. Cover.

Ref: 1................2........Kick out!

Kramer gets to his feet, he locks in an armbar hold. Wood fights to his feet, and Kramer then throws him down to the mat with a hip toss. Kramer allows him up and then launches Wood out across the ring with a release vertical suplex. Wood rolls to his feet and Kramer bounces off the ropes, hitting a running shoulder block. He hooks the leg.

JT: Very strong start from Karl Kramer.

Ref: 1.....................2......Kick out!

Liam Wood forces the shoulder up. Karl Kramer drags up Wood, he goes for a scoop slam but Wood manages to drop down the back. Wood hits an elbow to the head, a shoot kick to the back of Kramer's right knee and then applies a chicken-wing hold before hitting a Tiger Suplex, bridging over into the pin.

Ref: 1.................2........Kick out!

Kramer gets the shoulder up. Liam Wood allows him to his feet, he hits a series of measured jabs to the face before Irish whipping Kramer into the corner. Wood sprints in, hitting a Yakuza kick.

Karl Kramer stumbles forward out of the corner and Wood hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Kramer gets to his feet and is planted face-first into the mat with a reverse swinging STO. He covers.

HL: Liam Wood has such a variety of offence, he can brawl with you, test your strength or fly through the air. He's the total package.

JR: But my god doesn't he like to let you know about it!

Ref: 1...................2..............Kick out!

Liam Wood applies a double underhook hold on the grounded Kramber. He then drives a series of knees down into the back of the head before lifting Kramer to his feet. He then throws him down with a gutwrench suplex. Kramer rolls up and Wood takes him down with a discus lariat. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2..............Kick out!

Karl Kramer is allowed to his feet by Liam Wood, only to then be hit with a kick to the gut. Wood sets up for a powerbomb but Kramer counters with a back body drop. Wood rolls to his feet and Kramer hits a 2nd back body drop. Wood rolls to his feet, Kramer runs the ropes and hits a big crossbody block. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

Wood forces the shoulder up. Karl Kramer allows him to his feet before firing in a series of big right hands. This backs Wood into the ropes, Kramer dumps him over the top rope onto the ring apron. He then lifts up Wood and hits a series of clubbing blows to the chest (ala Sheamus) stopping just before the 5 count.

Kramer rolls away Wood in under the bottom rope, he lifts him to his feet and hits a version of the Worlds Strongest Slam before pushing Wood towards the ropes. Kramer goes to the 2nd rope.

JT: Vader Bomb!

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

JR: Considering the level of competition he's faced straight away, Kramer has had a very impressive opening three weeks in 6CW.

HL: He certainly has all the physical attributes to go far, but I'm not sure whether he has the killer instinct that someone like Wood has.

Kramer allows Liam Wood to his feet, he throws him into the ropes and on the rebound, connects with a snap powerslam. Kramer bounces off the ropes, hitting a big back senton. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2..............Kick out!

Wood forces the shoulder up. Kramer sets up for a Scoop Slam but Wood drops down the back. He hits a pele kick to the head, Kramer falls into the ropes and Wood grabs him by the waist, hitting a German suplex bridging into the pin.

Ref: 1.....................2.................Kick out!

Liam Wood allows Kramer to rise to his feet. He hits a couple of snap jabs, then goes for an Irish whip. Kramer reverses the momentum, sending Wood into the corner. Kramer runs in, going for a splash but Wood hits a flapjack. Kramer stumbles out of the corner into a Snap DDT. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1........................2................Kick out!

HL: Liam Wood always manages to time his counters fantastically, changing the course of the match.

Wood clambers onto Kramer and hits some UFC-style ground and pound offence on Kramer, pummeling punches into the face. Liam Wood then goes up to the top rope, diving down and hitting a big elbow drop. He covers.

Ref: 1....................2................Kick out!

Karl Kramer kicks out. Liam Wood applies a side headlock, Kramer gets to his feet and goes for a belly to back suplex but Wood lands on his feet behind him. He then grabs Kramer and throws him down with the Final Cut. Kramer sits up...

JT: Big Superkick!

Ref: 1.......................2................Kick out!

Liam Wood lifts up Karl Kramer, he goes for an Irish whip setting up for The World Eater but Kramer hits a knee to the face. Wood stumbles around, Kramer kicks him in the gut and plants him into the mat with a big powerbomb. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2...............Kick out!

Kramer allows Wood to his feet. He picks him up and then sends him into the mat with a scoop slam. Wood gets to his feet, Kramer lifts him to his feet and runs to the corner, hitting a lawn dart into the turnbuckle. Wood stumbles out of the corner, Kramer lifts him into the air and hits a big running powerslam. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..........................2...................Kick out!

JR: Tremendous action here between these two!

Karl Kramer allows Wood up to his feet, before cracking him with a big headbutt. Wood falls into the ropes, Kramer throws him into the ropes..

JR: And we know what follows the big spinebuster...

HL: Kramer could beat Wood, this would be huge. I'm not sure I believe it could happen...



JR: The ref wasn't fast enough though.

The ref finds himself on the end of Kramer's huge run. The big man looks down in shock at the ref, he then turns around and picks up Wood. The World Eater frees himself from the grasps of Kramer...

JT: Low blow! God damn it!

Kramer collapses in a heap after the cheap shot, Wood smiles to himself. He starts pummeling down on the head of Kramer with punches...

HL: Wood looking to take advantage of this situation, as he does so often, and so well...

JR: But he might not get the chance tonight!

JT: Here's Scott Harris!

JR: And he looks on the warpath after earlier!

The crowd pop as Harris sprints down the ramp, he dives in under the bottom rope. Wood goes for a clothesline, Harris ducks underneath it and takes Wood down with a double leg takedown.

He starts pummeling away at the head of Wood with huge clubbing right hands from on top. Harris is eventually pushed away by Wood, but he goes straight back after. He picks up Wood who hits a kick to the gut, he then bounces off the ropes...


Scott Harris takes down Wood with a huge clothesline. He then stands in the corner, waiting for Harris to rise...




Harris can't quite believe what he's done, Liam Wood quickly runs up behind Harris and bundles him out of the ring. Wood goes to the top rope...


Ref: 1................................2........................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Liam Wood quickly rolls out of the ring and retreats up the ramp as Scott Harris gets up to his feet on the outside and beats the canvas in frustration.

JR: Liam Wood gets the victory here tonight over Karl Kramer, but only after an inadvertent assist from Scott Harris.

JT: Harris thought he saw an opportunity to take advantage of an opportunity after Wood's attack earlier in the night, but ultimately ended up costing Kramer the match.

HL: Harris just isn't on the same intellectual level as Wood, you've got to pick and choose your moments.

JT: Wood will undoubtedly be very happy with how this evening turned out, he's certainly got to Scott Harris since his return. Wood advances....the quarter finals are taking shape...

JR: And we still have the draw to come...


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:36 am

Jackson Jackson speaking earlier in the week

"Take me to the Hospital" by The Prodigy plays, the crowd reaction is split with some cheers and some boos, Jackson Jackson walks out, he has a headset microphone on his face as he walks down the ramp, he is wearing his ring attire underneath a long jacket which is zipped up. Jackson climbs the ring steps to enter the ring and makes a motion with his hand for the music to stop, before speaking.

Jackson: Do you like the microphone? It allows me to berate my opponents, but hands free! I could even use my phone right now, which I might do depending on how boring things become later. But I am here to discuss, as they call it in Spain, the old Irono Mano Tournamento por favor. The same tournament where I, Jackson Jackson, currently lie top of Group D. But presuming Vinnie C, Vincent Costello to you, beats Ricky Nelson, the last match between myself and Jimmy Phillips will be "WINNER TAKES ALL". You know, ignoring the fact I only need a draw to qualify. If I beat Phillips, I'm through into the Quarter Finals. But if he wins, he's into the Quarter Finals. It's going to be tense, but one thing I have noticed... You guys are cheering me somewhat...

The crowd cheers, Jackson smirks and shrugs

Jackson: Now, I KNOW I haven't changed anything about myself. I'm still a d*ck. I don't hide that fact. I take the p*ss a lot. I do wonder if the presence of so many bigger d*cks in 6CW is making me less undesirable these days... I mean, when you've got Marty Helms, Liam Wood, Damion Onyx and Jimmy Phillips walking around, acting like massive helmets, is that why? It would make sense, with you all knowing that it's me versus Phillips, knowing that Jimmy Phillips is a massive d*ck, that you would want him to lose more than you want me to lose. Is that fair to say?

The crowd cheer again as Jackson nods

Jackson: So that's it huh? You expect me to be your performing monkey now? Are we even allowed to say monkey in 2019? Who knows! Maybe it's that edginess that makes Jackson Jackson so f*cking endearing these days. Maybe you like the jokes, is that it? Maybe if I tell a few jokes every time I'm in the ring I'll get more fans. I went to see my acupuncturist earlier, when I got home, my voodoo doll was dead.

Jackson points to the back as a "badum tsch" hits, right on cue

Jackson: Jimmy Phillips' mother is so fat, I took a photo of her last year and it's still printing.

Jackson points as another "badum tsch" hits

Jackson: Jimmy Phillips' mother is so fat and old, when God said "Let there be light" he asked her to move out of the way first.

"Badum tsch"

Jackson: Jimmy Phillips' mother is so ugly, when she went to the ugly contest they said "Sorry, no professionals"...

"Badum tsch"

Jackson: Is that it? Perhaps you'd like a song or a dance. Hit the music.

"Sexy Boy" starts playing and Jackson does a Shawn Michaels pose, but doesn't sing, and signals for the music to cut off

Jackson: Nah. That ain't it. The truth is, I'm just being real. And you people understand and respect when someone's being real. When somebody in this ring is being legitimate, it brings a level of respect irrespective of behaviour. See, I am still who I've always been. I'm an argumentative pr*ck. Always will be. I'm a wind up, I will happily abuse and berate people that I know will react. Promos aside, I am a damn good wrestler. I have trained hard, my work ethic is without question, and I don't care if I leave you laying in this ring unconscious, or tapping out to your heart's content.

The crowd cheer as Jackson continues

Jackson: If you guys want to cheer me when I fight bad guys who are worse than me, and boo me when I fight good guys who are morally better than me, then that's your right as a paying fan. And if I want to cheat, I will. If I choose not to, that's up to me. Personally, it does not affect me in the slightest what any of you think of my actions. Tweener is a word overused in this game, I don't care for it personally. I am me. I don't care if you're horrible to Jeff Thaddeus, I don't care if you came out of a messy divorce with your now boss, and I definitely don't care if you call me a moron, Jimmy Phillips.

The crowd boo the mention of Phillips' name

Jackson: Because here's the thing. I am going to defeat you Jim. I am aware you were screwed in your last match, in reality we both have one win and neither of us have been defeated yet. My aim is to defeat you and get into the quarter finals, any way I possibly can. I don't even care if I cause a double countout because I'd finish ahead of you. I'll let you worry about that, because I intend on leaving you Jacked Off in the ring. You are one of the biggest d*cks in 6CW, and I will leave this d*ck Jacked Off. Mark my words.

Jackson is puzzled as some of the crowd are laughing

Jackson: Anyway... TL DR, I am neither good or evil, but I am f*cking good at what I do, Jimmy Phillips, you will find out the hard way. You can call me a moron all you want, lets see how much of a moron I am when I break your fingers, and have you tapping out to the Chickenwing. You f*cking fanny. That Quarter Final spot is mine.

Jackson poses as "Take me to the hospital" plays again in the Emirates Arena


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:37 am

Uryu Ishida moments after match ten days' ago versus James McManus

We see Uryu slowly moving backstage after his match, still breathing heavily as he slumps against a wall with a small smile.

UI: Frak..

He slides down the wall, legs barely holding him up.

UI: That...was close...

His backside hits the floor as his head slumps into his knees as Travis Sharp approaches.

TS: Uryu, congratulations on your victory! What an impressive finish to the match!

Uryu puts his hand up to stop Travis, the mic picking up heavy breathing, a few seconds pass before Uryu lifts his head, a tired looking smile on it.

UI: It could have easily...been him winning. I took a gamble and won. He pushed me, as always. Frak I hurt...

TS: You should go see a medic just in case...

UI: No...

TS: No?

UI: I...need to remember this...this...feeling. These cuts...and bruises, aches and pains. I need to...use them as a guide...for what to expect.

Travis looks concerned as Uryu tries to stand up using the wall but slumps back down, groaning in pain.

UI: I have a lot worse coming...if I am to progress... Hell, I still feel Martys blows from last week...yet...I refuse to quit...I won't be left to die here...I aim to win..and to do that...I gotta win next week.

Uryu coughs heavily on the floor, drops of blood are splattered on a canvas of spit.

UI: Damion...Onyx...

Uryu slowly tries to stand up and after a few near falls, eventually stands up without the wall as support.

UI: I am going to come at you with everything I have left... risk everything that I have left to win... You may have youth and energy but I have a lot more experience and my bones know a lot more pain than yours ever could. Yet...I am still compelled to keep going...

Uryu staggers away slowly, barely able to walk. He stops and looks at the camera, smiling.

UI: Good luck facing...a man who quit.


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:38 am

Bout 7
Jackson Jackson vs Jimmy Phillips

JT: Welcome back to ringside here folks for the final match of Group D…..Vincent Costello already earned his qualification earlier tonight but now we must find out who will join him in the quarter finals?

JR: I think, on paper at least, this is one of the hardest bouts to call…..two very different styles but two very evenly matches competitors….

HE: But I’d have to ask, just as I did with Costello earlier, is Jimmy Phillips’ mind completely on the job at hand?

JT: One does have to wonder….it seems Phillips is still smarting over what Hero did to him last week and just like Costello he’s looking for the Alpha Male’s head on a plate…

“Bury Tomorrow” booms through the speakers and is met by profound boos as Jimmy Phillips marches out onto the stage. He sneers at the reaction of the crowd before swaggering along the walkway….

JT: Jimmy Phillips started out his campaign with an impressive submission victory over Ricky Nelson…..he believed he was on the way to adding to that when Hero intervened in his match last week with Vincent Costello…..that interference cost Phillips a disqualification and has left him needing a big result here in order to advance…

JR: Phillips now left with it all to do and he blames that on one man…

HE: And rightfully so….but right now Hero isn’t here and Phillips needs to concentrate on what is at hand….

There are cheers, mixed with a few boos, as “Take me to the hospital” blares out and Jackson Jackson makes his entrance. Jackson makes his trademark triangle sign to the camera as he walks along the walkway, interacting with the crowd as he comes…

JT: A man right a very bright future is Jackson Jackson….this tournament has certainly proven that he is ready to come to the forefront and go it alone following his success as a singles’ competitor…

JR: A time limit draw with Vincent Costello followed by a pinfall victory over Ricky Nelson has also left Jackson needing a positive result here in order to earn a spot in the quarter finals of the Iron Man….

HE: We are witnessing the birth of a star, in my opinion,….

JT: I’d be inclined to agree and his performances are backing that up…..even the audience seem to be warming more to him based upon what he is producing between the ropes….


The crowd cheer as Jackson suddenly sprints the rest of the way across the walkway and then front flips over the top rope into a senton takedown that knocks Phillips over. They crawl back up and Jackson sprints the ropes before returning with a flying discus elbow straight to the mouth….

JT: Phillips taken completely off guard….

…….Phillips powers out!

JR: Jackson almost stealing a victory but Phillips is a tough customer….it’s going to take more than that….

Both men get back up and Jackson lands a vicious karate kick to the back of Phillips, sending him against the ropes, and then follows up with a shining wizard, leaving his man slumped. He drags JP forward….


Phillips drives his elbow into the side of Jackson’s head, breaking his grip, and then he grabs him by the wrist and whips him into the corner…

JR: Jackson going up and over….delightful!

Jackson uses the top rope to push himself up and over the oncoming Jimmy Phillips and then snatches his arms as he lands, nailing a terrific snap tiger suplex….

JT: Phillips hasn’t even been able to garner any momentum here….

Phillips is on his knees, dazed from the impact of the suplex, and Jackson cracks a kick straight into his temple……………….1…………………….2……………kickout!

HE: Wasn’t a million miles away from a three count there…

JT: Phillips’ world championship aspirations almost ending prematurely…

Jackson gets up and he grabs Phillips by the head but then JP bursts forward and drives them both through the ropes and crashing to the outside. Both men are in a heap on the floor as the referee starts to administer a count…

JR: A double count out would favour Jackson….he currently sits in second spot…

They use one another to get to their feet and then Phillips lifts Jackson up and drives him back into the ringpost, causing a groan of pain. Phillips then pulls Jackson forward and launches him, upside down, against the side of the walkway…

JT: That’ll change the outlook of this match very quickly…

Jackson is clutching his spine, wincing in pain, as Phillips drags him up again and then bench presses him into the air before throwing him through the ropes into the ring. The referee’s count is at eight when Phillips clambers onto the apron and then uses the top rope to propel himself into a big shoulder tackle takedown…

JR: Phillips warming to the task now….he has a foothold….

HE: He has his opponent in a bad way and that’s how he likes it….Phillips will now want to send a message…

Phillips lands clubbing blows to the back of Jackson and then drags him up before detonating with a fall away slam that smashes JJ into the turnbuckle…

JT: Phillips’ power is frightening….he is enjoying this now…

Jackson is trapped in the corner and Phillips stomps on him with repeated venom until the referee interjects and warns JP about his conduct. Phillips waves the official away and then drags Jackson up again, almost throwing him across the ring with a huge vertical suplex…

JR: The spine of Jackson Jackson is taking some real damage….he is being broken down…

Jackson tries to use the opposite turnbuckle to drag himself up but Phillips is immediately on him with a running splash. He then lifts his man onto the turnbuckle…

JT: Phillips thinking “muscle buster”….he hits this and I think he’s through….

Phillips walks Jackson out for the “muscle buster” but Jackson somehow squirms off the back and lands on his feet. He staggers over to the ropes as Phillips gives chase….

JR: Scouted that one…

Jackson drops and pulls down the ropes, sending Phillips over the top and out onto the walkway. Phillips holds his head as he staggers up and Jackson runs to the turnbuckle and leaps on before twisting through the air….


*Crowd pop

JT: Talk about improvisation…

Jackson twists into an incredible 630 moonsault takedown, leaving both himself and Jimmy Phillips in a heap on the walkway. The crowd inside the arena are going wild…

JR: They’ll be playing that on every highlights package for months….that is what you see week in, week out in a 6CW ring…

JT: Jackson Jackson leading the charge…

Phillips manages to get to his knees and then he stumbles forward before falling through the ropes and back into the ring. Jackson then reaches his feet and he hurries over to the ropes before nailing a sunset plancha…

JT: Jackson looking to build that momentum…JACKED….


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:39 am

Phillips battles out of the “Pumphandle flatliner” and then he catches Jackson sprinting back in with a destructive spinebuster. Phillips gets back to his feet and he quickly whips his foe off the ropes…

HE: Pop-up Powerbomb!

JT: Phillips advancing….


JR: How close can you be?

The referee holds up two fingers and insists Jackson got his shoulder up, despite Phillips’ complaints. JP looks annoyed but rolls back to his feet and beckons for his rival to stand…

JT: Phillips knows his man his hurt…he knows those power moves have taken their toll…

JR: And he thinks one more will finish the job….TOUCHDOWN!

Phillips looks for the “rockbottom” but Jackson counters with a leaping inverted STO, drawing a cheer from the crowd. JJ gets back up and he waits for Phillips to stand….


Jackson gives his man the finger and then kicks his knee out from under him before connecting with a standing “sliced bread #2” out of nowhere….

JR: Jackson heading to the quarters…


HE: Phillips not to be denied….I guess his mind is on the job….

Jackson kneels for a moment, shaking his head in disbelief, before crawling back to a vertical stance. He watches Phillips’ rise and then tries to leap on his back….

JT: Jackson looking for that chicken-wing…

Phllips senses the danger and quickly rushes back, squashing his opponent in the corner, before unleashing with repeated elbows from both arms. Phillips staggers away, catching his breath, as Jackson runs out at him…


Phillips scouts Jackson rushing in and then tilt-a-whirls him into a “muscle buster”….Phillips nods his head confidently as he crawls over for the cover…


JT: Jackson fights on….

JR: He’s tougher than I think most ever thought….but that counter from Phillips, that one move tells you that we are dealing with a top tier calibre athlete…..that wasn’t a normal counter…

HE: Phillips looks better than we have ever seen….the chance in attitude and dropping these idiot fans has worked well for him…

Phillips sucks in the air as he pushes himself back onto his feet. He pushes past the referee, exchanging unpleasantries with the official, and then sprints off the ropes as Jackson starts to stand….

JT: Phillips looking to end this now….GAME-CHANGER!

Jackson ducks the clothesline “from hell” at the very last second and then he lifts Phillips into an inverted atomic drop before nailing wrist clutch flip into a cradle pin…………………1……………..2………..thr-kickout!

JR: Jackson almost caught Phillips out there….

They both scramble up and Phillips scoops Jackson onto his shoulders, but JJ fights his way off the back and connects with a standing dropkick to the back, sending JP into the turnbuckle. Phillips tumbles back around…


Jackson nails the backflip slam………………1……………………..2…………..Phillips just gets his shoulder off the canvass in time. Jackson can’t quite believe it, blinking in dismay, whilst the crowd strike up a “This is awe-some” chant….

JR: I knew this match would deliver and boy was a right….tremendous action…

JT: Two men desperate to realise their ambitions….but only one can earn that spot in the quarter finals…

Jackson uses the ropes to keep him upright, steadying himself, and then he makes his way over to Phillips and grabs him by the head….

HE: Phillips about to get “Jacked Off”…

JT: Not willingly…

Phillips drops to one knee and uses his immense power to hurl Jackson across the ring. They both get up and sprint at one another but it is Phillips that dodges first impact before sprinting off the ropes….

JR: Tore him in half….

The crowd groan as Phillips almost rips Jackson Jackson in two with an almighty diving spear. Jackson is struggling to catch his breath, doubled up, as Phillips pours it on him…


JT: Could very well be now….this put paid to Ricky Nelson…

Phillips is able to pull Jackson up and then back into a coquina clutch. The crowd look worried as Jackson’s immediate fight seems to burn quickly, his legs growing limp in seconds…

JR: I think Jackson is out here…

*Crowd roar

HE: What the hell…?

There is a huge commotion from the crowd and all eyes turn to the entranceway as Hero comes flying through and across the walkway. He appears to be in visible pain, clutching his neck, and then the crowd go wild as Vincent Costello strides out into view with a steel chair in hand…

JT: Oh my…

JR: I guess he found him….he said he was going to hunt Hero to the ends of the earth…

The referee has abandoned his check on Phillips’ submission as he grows concerned for what is about to happen. Hero is now up against the ropes on the outside of the ring as Costello turns the chair on its edge and then swings it…

HE: He would have destroyed Hero’s face with that shot…

JT: I think that was the intention…

Hero ducks the chairshot and rolls into the ring as the referee rushes over and tries to get him to leave. Hero quickly grabs the official and holds him in front of him as Costello climbs in…

JR: Good to see Hero hasn’t lost his willingness to sacrifice others….

JT: Hero may be a man down on his luck, but it cannot be argued that he has brought this on himself….

Costello’s eyes are glinting with malice as he readies to swing the chair once more but then Hero takes his opportunity and shoves the referee forward into his assailant…

HE: Hero trying to buy himself some time…

Costello looks annoyed as he wrestles the referee out of the way and then he twirls to swing the chair at Hero, but he has already dived from the ring. Jimmy Phillips is now on his feet and yelling at Costello….

JT: Phillips can’t believe it…he knows he had this bout won….

JR: I’m not sure he should be trash talking Vincent Costello, however, whilst he’s holding a steel chair…

Costello glares at Phillips for a moment, weighing up his next move, but then he shakes his head and climbs from the ring to give chase to Hero, who has disappeared over the railings and into the crowd. Phillips looks irate as he rushes over to the ropes, shouting for Costello and Hero to come back…

JT: Costello giving chase to Hero…I’d advise Hero to get the hell out of here….

JR: And maybe stay out of Jimmy Phillips’ path from now on too….



HE: What….?

JT: Oh wow….talk about salt in the wounds….

Jimmy Phillips’ eyes look like they are about to pop from his head after Jackson Jackson rolls him up from behind and steals the three count. Jackson has already rolled from the ring to celebrate his victory as Phillips’ rage consumes him…

JR: Jackson Jackson just took full advantage of the situation playing out in front of him in order to book his place in the Iron Man Quarter Finals…

JT: Jackson has gone from out cold to victorious in a matter of moments….thanks to the most timely interference….

HE: Jimmy Phillips looks like he might combust…

JR: Could you blame him? That’s twice now victory has been taken away from him…..twice the combination of Hero and Vincent Costello have cost him…

JT: You could argue that those men are responsible for Jimmy Phillips’ failure to qualify….

HE: I’d say they are whole heartedly to blame….Phillips was about to get the sub win…..Hero and Costello being out here robbed him….he should file a protest…

JT: I’m not so sure that will do anything for Phillips, he lost the match when all is said and done…but you must wonder how wise it is of Hero and Vincent Costello to make an enemy of this man…

JR: Costello is still in this competition….but he’s picking up enemies left, right and centre….I can’t help but feel that an eruption is imminent in this situation…

HE: And as for Jackson Jackson, well he might just be the luckiest man in 6CW right now….

JT: In order to win a tournament like this you need luck just as muck as skill and talent……we may end up looking back at this night and this bout as a defining moment for this young man…

Jackson stands on the walkway, a grin now on his face, and he winks at the irate Jimmy Phillips before laughing and making his exit. Phillips argues with the referee, who explains what happened, and then shoves the official to the ground, before climbing from the ring. The crowd boo Phillips but he seems not to notice as he pulls up the ring apron and drags a baseball bat from underneath…

JR: This is not going to end well….

JT: A recipe for disaster….we have Costello pursuing Hero and now it would seem Phillips is pursuing both… the hell does this one end?

HE: Badly…

Phillips’ ragged breathing can be heard next to the cameras as he twirls the bat in his hand and then he climbs over the barrier into the crowd and follows the same path that both Costello and Hero disappeared.


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:40 am

Damion Onyx speaking ahead of the main event

*The scene opens up to the production area of the Emirates arena where the audience are greeted by a well lit area packed full of tools, production equipment and large metal crates. As the camera pans around, we are introduced to Damion Onyx looking worse for wear, head slumped down perched on a large metal black crate full of production equipment. Onyx is wearing a pair of black casual shorts and a dull looking pair of hemp sandals. Onyx slowly lifts his head to the camera, in doing so, he reveals the full extent of the war with Marty Helms. His chest is red raw with welts slowly blotching over his skin, a slight cut under his eye showing with signs of swelling and a large bruise on his washboard like abs. Onyx looks into the camera somewhat a little gingerly before a sinister smirk creeps over his lips as he gazes into the camera.*

DO: Focus Damion... Focus.... Focus. Keep calm.. Keep calm.

*Onyx exhales deeply before staring into the camera this time with more intent and more vigour*

DO: Do you know what I love about living a vegan lifestyle? My vegan lifestyle allows me to
be knocked down nine times and stand back up ten times. It doesn't matter what I do, whether
it's pro-wrestling or bodybuilding, I always stand back up. Veganism keeps me sharp. It
keeps me sharp physically and emotionally, did you all witness the war Marty Helms and I
had tonight? Did you?! 6CW's big bad man couldn't keep me down. That battle was nothing
I couldn't handle... why? because Im sharper than Marty Helms. Marty Helms maybe the
Prize fighter in 6CW, his lists of accomplishments are huge... The eco-warrior on the other
hand... His accomplishments will be mere footnotes to what I, Damion Onyx will accomplish.

DO: When I go out to ring I'm not just fighting for me... I'm fighting for the planet, because
nobody else will. The reason why I'm 6CW's most valued asset is because not only I'm fighting
for the planet and promoting Veganism all over the world... it's because I'm superior to them all
Not physically... but mentally. You don't have to be the strongest, the quickest or the most dominant
but what you do have to be is the smartest, which I am. There is nobody on this roster that
can touch me when it comes to smartness and focus.

DO: Not Helms, Not McManus, Not O'Callaghan, Not Jackson and certainly not Uryu Ishida. None of them
can touch me in that ring, none of them. And do you know what? all you people could learn a lesson
from me, Damion Onyx about smartness. You're not smart and you're certainly not focused on your own
lives. You're all living on your screens.. on your iphones, samsungs, all wrapped up in that warm
fake glow of internet and approval. I on the other hand can walk anywhere with my head held high
and actually communicate with people. Yeah, I see all you people booing me when I walk down that ramp...
But you're all looking down. You're all looking down because you know you can't look at me in the eyes
and boo me.

DO: What you people need to do is focus. Focus on improving your lives and improving your health...
Open your eyes to the fact that this planet is dying a horrendous, slow and painful death while you
all stare at your screens. Raise your heads up and look at the people willing to save you from yourself,
people like me. Watch me on my crusade in 6CW to become the Planets champion. Because this company and more importantly, the world needs a champion like me. I'm willing to sacrifice sweat, blood and tears for this and nobody...Nobody! is going to stop me. Uryu Ishida is not going to stop me.

DO: Uryu Ishida has had a long, historic and frankly epic career, there is no doubt about that. But this company deserves so much better than Uryu Ishida, representing it as it's champion... well the planet as it'schampion. No, Uryu Ishida encapsulates everything that you people love and I hate. He encapsulates that lazy loyalty you fans seem to cheer because you respect loyalty. Loyalty can only get you so far... what has Uryu Ishida done for any of you people? what has Uryu Ishida done for the planet? Absolutely nothing. Apart from profit from his merchandise sales which are coated in plastic which kills defenseless animals...

*Onyx furrows his brows, his eyes widen as he addresses the camera once more*

DO: I'm going to show Uryu Ishida the error of his ways at Proving grounds. This is do or die... do or die
for the planet to have it's champion it so richly deserves. Uryu Ishida is a block in my path to represent
this planet and save you people from yourselves. Uryu maybe more experienced than me... stronger than me and larger than me. But the one thing Uryu Ishida is not, and that's smarter than me. It is my calling to
be the Planets champion... forever.

*Onyx snarls into the camera before gingerly standing up and slowly walking away from the metal crate.
The scene closes with the the camera following the figure of Onyx as he slowly walks to the locker room
with a slight limp. The scene then fades away to a commercial promoting one of 6CW's sponsors, Subway.*


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:44 am

(The scene changes and Karl Kramer is shown exiting his locker-room with his kitbag over his shoulder. Christy James is on hand)

CJ: Cannonball, chance to catch up?

Kramer: I'm afraid the jolly giant ain't so jolly right now, Christy....time to go back to the drawing board, yes sir, re-evaluate and come back stronger...

CJ: I'm sure you will....your growing fanbase certainly believe in you...…but Karl I really would like to talk to you about these rumours?

(Kramer's face changes and he looks angry as well as shifty)

Kramer: Now listen here, Christy, we have been through this and I will not be answering any questions on that's in the past, where it should stay....

CJ: But could we just....

Kramer: Please, Miss, I have asked nicely and I do not want to change my tone.....I'll be consulting a lawyer if this line of questioning continues....good day!

(Kramer looks upset with Christy as he shoulders his back once more and hurries from the scene)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 3:55 am

(There is a huge commotion coming from the backstage area as the scene changes. Hero comes staggering into shot, resting against a stone pillar, before a chair swings directly at his head)

JT: Dammit, it is chaos back there...

(Hero ducks the shot just in time and manages to stagger away as Vincent Costello gives chase. A door opens to the side of the scene and Cillian Frost rushes out with more security)

Frost: ENOUGH!

(The line of security pit themselves between Costello and Hero. Costello's chest is heaving in and out whilst Hero's face is bruised from the attack)

Frost: No are going to do something you severely regret, Vincent, and then there's no turning back...

Costello: I don't give a damn as long as I can paint this arena with his blood...

(Costello takes a step forward but security tightens and Frost steps in his way)

Frost: You do that and you'll leave me no choice but to remove you from the Iron Man Tournament....

Costello: You wouldn't dare....

Frost: Try me. I know what the world title means to you, Vincent, don't throw it all away....

Costello: So you're in cahoots with that son of (beep)? This place is as dirty as ever...

Frost: I'm in cahoots with nobody....but I do want this show to run smoothly, I want this tournament to have a fitting culmination...

Costello: Well I want his goddamn head....sometimes we don't get what we want...

(Frost looks from Hero to Costello and back again. He rubs his chin)

Frost: I tell you concentrate on this tournament, go as far as you can, maybe you even win do that and I'll sign Hero's 6CW return for your participation I will give you any match you want against him....

Costello: Make the match...

Frost: On completion of the is a one time deal, Vincent...

(Costello looks furious as he weights it all up. He then points the steel chair in Hero's direction)

Costello: Your judgement day is coming....

(Another roar as Jimmy Phillips appears from behind and smashes a baseball bat right across the spine of Vincent Costello, dropping him in a heap on the floor. Frost looks horrified as Phillips points the bat at him)

Phillips: This is on you....just like I told you......and you...

(He glares at Hero)

Phillips: You ever put your nose in my business again....I'll finish you for good!

(Phillips throws the bat down and walks out of shot as Frost kneels down next to Costello, VC shoving him away and refusing help)

Frost: We need a medic here...

(Frost turns to security)

Frost: And get him (points at Hero) the hell out of here....I'll deal with you in due course...

(The security lead Hero away as Frost sighs deeply. The scene then changes to Miss Jessica in her office watching it all unfold. She laughs and pours more champagne)


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 4:12 am

Main Event
Damion Onyx vs Uryu Ishida

Back at ringside for the main event and there is a raucous reaction from the crowd as “True Friends” blazes through the air and is met by unanimous boos from the audience. Damion Onyx slowly makes his entrance, stopping to check himself out in the reflection from the titantron….

JT: Main event time folks and this is a big one….

JR: I'm still reeling from what we have seen tonight, I can't believe there is more action...

JT: Seven spots are now filled in the Quarter Finals….only one spot remains but who is going to take it? The young gun or the grizzled veteran…

HE: Has to be Onyx…..he’s hit the ground running here in 6CW and I see nothing but big things for this man….

JT: Two very good performances from Onyx, I agree, but last time out he was involved in a war with Marty Helms and I wonder if he is fully recovered from that….

HE: Look at him….he is a physical God, he’s recovered…..the power of Veganism makes you look that good…

JR: Onyx is certainly beating that Vegan drum and I can’t say the 6CW Universe is reacting too positively to that…

HE: Who cares what they think? Onyx isn’t bothered by those slobs….look at him, look at his results….Veganism doesn’t lie….

Onyx is shown arguing with some fans in the front row, who are eating fast foot, and then he removes his eco-friendly jacket and throws it at them in disgust. He steps through the ropes and climbs onto the turnbuckle so that he can bask in his own “glory”….

JT: This is a very confident man…Onyx believes he is destined to be the 6CW Champion and lead this company into a new era….if he gets another win here tonight then I think a lot more people are going to start taking notice…

Onyx then turns his attention to the stage as “Hold on tight to your dream” echoes out and is met by a standing ovation from those in attendance. Uryu Ishida comes bounding out onto the stage, throwing up a hand in acknowledgement of the ovation he has received…

JT: A lot of love here tonight for Uryu Ishida…..these people want to see him go all the way in this competition….

JR: Never been world champion, but he came so close before 6CW closed its doors….can he regain the kind of form that took him to the mountain top?

HE: No way….he had his chance and, like the loser he is, he gave it all up to pursue a personal vendetta against Max Adamson….tells you everything you need to know about this guy….

JT: Uryu is impulsive and emotional, we know that, but he has also improved tenfold with age…..he is more than a match for anyone, I believe, in the industry today…..a win here earns him a spot in the quarter finals and we know that once he gets momentum behind him he is incredibly difficult to stop….

HE: Onyx will stop him….

JR: I’m still intrigued by the alliance we saw struck up earlier between Marty Helms and James McManus….will that have any impact here?

JT: Shouldn’t do….McManus’s competition is over and Helms’ quarter final spot is booked….only two men that matter now are the two standing in that ring…

Suddenly Marty Helms jumps the barricade and runs up the steel steps onto the walkway, barring Uryu's path. Uryu takes up a fighting stance...

JT: What the hell is this? Helms already qualified....he has no business here.....OH CMON!

Boos ring all around as James McManus suddenly flattens Uryu from behind and stomps him down on the steel walkway. McManus looks angry and Helms is laughing as he drags Ishida back up...

JR: This is a damn mugging....and look at Onyx just watching...

HE: What do you want him to do? This isn't his fight....there is a quarter final spot at hand....

Helms seems to be really enjoying the scene as McManus scoops Uryu up on his shoulders....

JT: No, cmon, James....that is unprotected steel....DAMMIT!

There are boos and screams from the audience as McManus delivers a tombstone on the steel, crushing Uryu's head into the walkway. Helms pats McManus on the back and orders him to follow to the back...

JR: But why? This was sick...

JT: McManus is nothing but a puppet...

HE: He has a world title shot on the line, don't tell you wouldn't do the same...

JR: I wouldn't try to end a man's damn career....that was heinous...

Ringside doctors are on hand to check on Uryu but there is no response. Damion Onyx is ordering the referee to raise his hand....

JT: All Onyx is bothered about is the damn win...

HE: Uryu can't compete....I don't see the problem...

JR: After such a wild night we shouldn't be surprised at what has gone down here but still...that was truly disgusting and not the way a main event should end...

HE: Hasn't ended yet....that is on the referee...

Boos increase as Damion Onyx shoves past the referee and climbs from the ring, scaring the medics away. He bends down and shows off his strength to drag the dead weight of Uryu to the ring. Uryu's legs are balanced on the middle rope as Onyx clambers in....

JT: He's suffered enough....OH GOD!

HE: Extinction! And that is what Uryu is facing after that...

Uryu still isn't moving after suffering the devastating rope-assisted DDT. Onyx rolls him over and covers as the referee stares at him in disgust. More EMT's are now arriving with a stretcher as the official, reluctantly, makes the count....


HE: Yes....Damion Onyx is through....

JT: he really had a challenge on his hands....Uryu is in a seriously bad way here, he needs the hospital...

JR: Costello is getting medical attention.....Uryu now....anybody else? They say these things come in threes...

JT: Don't say that....we have seen enough harm done tonight....I fear 6CW is in danger of losing control...

HE: The inmates running the asylum....

JT: I shudder to think.....and we still have the Quarter Final draw to come....we understand Cillian Frost and Miss Jessica are standing by to make the draw but we're just waiting here to see how Uryu is...

Damion Onyx is celebrating his win as though he just first placed in a lifting competition. The crowd boo as he flexes and poses over the lifeless form of Uryu Ishida and then climbs from the ring. Uryu is being given oxygen by the EMT's, his eyes open...

JR: I'm glad to see Uryu is awake...

JT: I guess that is something....but he is still going to need serious care and rehabilitation.....McManus and Helms should be ashamed of themselves...

HE: I'm sure they don't give a damn...

JT: Well shame on them....folks we will keep you updated on Uryu's condition through all of our social media channels so please follow us for any news....but right now we're taking it backstage for the next stage of the Iron Man Tournament....


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6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results  Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds (Iron Man Week 3) - Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 15 Nov 2019, 4:28 am

(We go backstage for the final time and Cillian Frost looks like he has aged ten years from the events of the night. Miss Jessica is smiling as she stands and approaches the lottery machine that has been set up in the corner of the room)

Frost: I don't think we can go ahead...

Jessica: Mr Frost, you need to relax...

Frost: Relax? Have you see what has happened here tonight? It is chaos....absolute bedlam....

Jessica: We just need to bring a bit of order to proceedings.....that's where I come in, I have experience in these matters....

Frost: I don't think anyone can fix this....the insurance bills alone...I need to make some calls....

(Jessica puts a hand on Frost's arm)

Jessica: All in good time....but first we need to make this draw, this is your creation....don't you want to see it through?

(Frost looks helpless for a moment and then Jessica hands him another glass of champagne)

Jessica: Here, this'll help....steady you.....get through this and we can work on our strategy...

(Frost nods his head, almost on auto-pilot, and then downs the drink. Jessica smiles, evilly)

Jessica: You want to draw the balls....or should I?

(Frost looks unable to speak, his mind in a whirl after the night's events, but he signals for Jessica to continue. She steps forward and starts the draw)

Miss Jessica: Oh lookey…...Marty Helms....

(Helms is shown standing with James and Jenny McManus)

Miss Jessica: Up against...

(Jessica teases the camera and then shows the ball to the screen)

Miss Jessica: Vincent Costello!

*Crowd pop

JT: What a match...

JR: Huge draw...

(Jessica reaches into the machine once more)

Jessica: The fighting pride of Dublin, Ireland...O'Callaghan....

(O'Callaghan is now pictures, his towel slung over his shoulder, as he awaits his opponent)

Jessica: Versus......The Eater of Worlds....Liam Wood!

JT: Another huge match...

HE: They're all huge...

Jessica: Up next....are you ok, Mr Frost?

(Frost stumbles slightly but regains his composure and raises his hand to reassure. He then sits himself in a chair at the desk. Jessica looks concerned but continues)

Jessica: Up next.....Mr Vegan himself....Damion Onyx...

(Crowd boo)

Jessica: And he will face...…..CERBERUS!

(There is a split screen of Cerberus, who looks unimpressed, and Damion Onyx who takes a deep breath after hearing the news)

Jessica: Which leaves us with just two....we all know who....but here we go...

(Jessica reaches in and retrieves one of the last two balls)

Jessica: So nice they named him twice.....Jackson Jackson…

(A mixed review from the crowd although there are more cheers than boos. Jackson is then shown and although he looks confident it is clear that having mixed feelings about what is coming)

Jessica: And last but not least....the man facing Jackson Jackson in the quarter finals....Mr Frost, are you sure you don't want some water? That champagne gone to your head? Geoffrey, water...

(Jessica clicks her fingers and the door of the office opens slowly. Jessica's eyes widen and the remaining ball drops from her hand)

Jessica: Engel....Harlequin....

(There are screams from the crowd as Engel is standing in the doorway of the office. He slowly walks in front of Cillian Frost, tilting his head from side to side, and then he dives at the 6CW owner and tackles him to the floor. Engel is in hysterics as he chokes Frost into unconsciousness)

JT: What on earth....what is the meaning of this?

JR: I have no idea....Engel is a law unto himself...

JT: We need security back there pronto....

(Cillian Frost goes limp and slowly Engel raises his head, the laughter subsiding, to stare at Miss Jessica. Jessica is pressed against the office wall, looking terrified, but slowly she relaxes and a smile crosses her face. She reaches out and takes another glass of champagne before tilting it in the direction of the door, where Johnny Lawless is now standing)

Lawless: I told you he wouldn't be happy...

Jessica: I can please any man....just wait and see!


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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