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James McManus

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James McManus Empty James McManus

Post by JJJohnson Wed 09 Oct 2019, 8:48 pm

Name: James McManus

Nickname: ‘The Future’

Weight: 220lbs

Height: 6’4”

Age: 27

Hometown: Norwich, England

Class(Face/Tweener/Heel): Tweener

Personality: A hard nosed bruiser who likes hurting people

Entrance Music: blood on the dance floor-wheres my wonderland

Entrance Details: as the opening bars of his entrance music plays he stands atop the stage in a hooded jacket, he throws the hood down unveiling a ripped mask similar to his old tag team partners and marches to the ring ignoring the crowd as be does. Once in the ring McManus stands on the top turnbuckle arms stretched out wide before ripping off the mask and pointing to the heavens before jumping down and standing in his corner staring down the ramp at his incoming opponent

Finishing Move 1: Tombstone Piledriver

Finishing Move 2: MK Ultra

Trademark Move: River Wensum plunge (Pearl River plunge)

Submission Move: British Figure Four

Highflying Move: High Crossbody

common moves:
Snap suplex
Irish whip
Boston Crab
Spine buster
Running Powerslam
Short Powerbomb
Knee trembler

Taunts/Catchphrases: “I'm the future"

Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): whatever is needed to win

Match Style:

Weapon of Choice: Singapore Cane

2x British cruiserweight champion
2x 6WF European champion
2x 6WF tag team champion
2x 6cw tag team champion
Grandson of British wrestling legend Mick McManus

Specialty Match: British Rounds mafch

Bio- Grandson of British wrestling legend Mick Mcmanus and is a former British Cruiserweight Champion also winning several titles in 6cw and 6WF along the way. He now returns to 6cw with a new attitude and a refreshed outlook making him a dangerous opponent for all that come across him

Picture base- shawn spears


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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