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Addressing the rumours

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Addressing the rumours Empty Addressing the rumours

Post by JJJohnson Sat 05 Oct 2019, 6:13 pm

6CW Youtube


(The scene opens up in an office somewhere in an unknown location. A camera man is seen backing off behind the lens and adjusting the cameras as a smiling face appears in front. The man is in a black t-shirt and jeans, short brown hair and stubble. He places a handheld camera down on the desk in front and then turns back to the audience with another broad grin)

???: 6CW Universe, this is Brandon Clark reporting for the online Youtube channel of the formerly defunct 6CW.....that's right everybody, formerly defunct but now on the cusp of a famous return. I have been granted the great honour of an inside scoop with the man behind the revival and here today I am hoping we can get a few more details on exactly what to expect from what used to be the biggest power in professional wrestling. This, of course, is hugely exciting news and social media has been awash with the hype in the last few days.....up until 24 hours ago there was no official announcements but then the 6CW Twitter page posted this cryptic message after months of inactivity.

(A screen grab flashes up across the picture from 6CW's Twitter page and a tweet that was posted earlier yesterday

@6CW: Like a phoenix from the ashes....)

Clark: Although they didn't come right out and say it, everybody was reading between the lines and did the multiplication. Wild theories were being banded around all over the web but then we got the call to report here to the former HQ of all 6CW operations in Glasgow, of course the spiritual home of the company and where it all began. For me, as a wrestling fan and Vlogger, this was a personal pleasure but also hugely exciting.....

I know we've got plenty of people following this feed live and not wanting to listen to me waffling on so I guess we should get down to business.....allow me to introduce you all to Cillian Frost...

(The camera pans upward to now show the man sat behind the luxurious mahogany desk. He appears around late thirties to early forties, clean shaven with a mane of silvery blond hair. Frost gives a good natured smile to the camera as he finishes up some paperwork on his desk and then relaxes back into the recliner seat. He is dressed in a formal white shirt, his suit jacket over the back of his chair, and an expensive designer watch is seen gleaming from underneath his cuff. Frost rubs his chin and then gestures for the host to start his interview)

Clark: Mr Frost...

Frost: Please, Cillian is fine....

Clark: Right, Cillian....first and foremost I guess the 6CW fanbase, wrestling fans in general, would like to hear the official confirmation come from the mouth of someone senior like yourself instead of me or any social media accounts.

(Frost laughs a little and then leans forward and fixes his piercing blue eyes on the camera)

Frost: Ladies and gentlemen.....wrestling fans around the gives me extreme pleasure to announce that 6CW is back in business!

That work?

Clark: Absolutely....that'll be a great 6CW is back....months after closing its doors, for what seemed like the final time, you are bringing it back....

Frost: I'm the head of consortium....Consortium X.....that have come together to breathe new life into one of the sleeping giants of professional wrestling. I, and my partners, see a business opportunity but also a niche in the market to provide the wrestling community with a product that we believe they are crying out for. Nobody was satisfied with how 6CW bowed did not deserve that demise, the fans did not deserve the abandonment they received....the talent contracted to the brand didn't deserve that.....we have bestowed it upon ourselves to right the wrongs of the previous regime...

Clark: Right now there is a lot of home and abroad, what makes you so confident that this recreation of 6CW can compete with what is out there right now?

Frost: Confidence and belief are key in any journey but we have worked around the clock to identify exactly what components are needed to get us back on the rightful pedestal that this brand deserves. Now I need to stress from the outset that this isn't going to be an overnight achievement.....we aren't suddenly going to open the doors and expect to be back on primetime television, selling out the biggest arenas around the world.....that's foolish and naïve....this is a process but one that we have the utmost faith in....I have absolutely no doubts that despite the strong competition, we will blow them all out of the water...

Clark: You say you aren't expecting to go straight back on primetime television....not to be selling out the big arenas....I mean before 6CW closed they were live on BT Sport, Night of Glory was hosted at Wembley Stadium.....what can fans expect from this new venture?

Frost: We've had many conversations with broadcasters but they want assurances, they want to know that you are going to deliver every single time they give you a slot....and I'm not just going to out 6CW on any old channel just to get us out there, obscurity isn't the answer...

So what we'll be doing is following the model of the new age....we'll be streaming our shows live and free on this official Youtube channel. Fans can just tune in whenever we're on air, wherever they are, and get full, uninterrupted, access to our shows...we have other deals in the pipeline, further announcements will be made but for me this is about building foundations and showing that we have a newfound stability to grow and progress.....I believe this will help us go beyond what has come before, but baby steps are necessary...

Social Media is a great way to expand your reach now and that is our aim.....popularity and viewing figures for this site are beyond any television network....

And as for arenas....well to begin with we'll be keeping it to a single venue, an announcement again will be made in due process....again this is about foundations, this is about giving ourselves a home and not overextending ourselves....not running before we can walk, so to speak...

Clark: And you believe fans will accept that? A single venue means restricting 6CW to one place, that may not be a popular decision...

Frost: I understand that but I also hope the fans out there can understand that 6CW needs to find its feet before we start talking about going on the road....we will get back to that level and within our first year we plan to put on events across the United Kingdom, perhaps even internationally but early doors we have to be sensible and that means cementing a base....

There has been a few false dawns for this company and others like it, I do not want to fall into the same trap....I want us to learn from mistakes that have been made in the past and create a unique and lasting experience....there is a reason behind every decision and in time I hope you'll all see why we have made them....

(Clark reads a few more notes off of his phone whilst Frost takes a sip of water from the glass on his desk.)

Clark: I'm just going through the key bullet points that I made....just trying to get the fans as much information as possible ahead of the relaunch....

Frost: I told you, ask as many questions as you like....I want that information out there, as well. I want the fans to know what to expect....

Clark: So we know it's going to be on Youtube....

Frost: That's right.....and there'll be a whole load of other content on there too....plenty of behind the scenes stuff so that everyone knows exactly what is going on in 6CW, exclusives and up to date interviews....

Clark: Brilliant....hopefully me and the team will be a part of that...

Frost: Why d'ya think I asked you guys here....yours was the highest rated Youtube wrestling channel, big following and you're clearly passionate about the business.....that's what we want, passion from our employees.....I'd be delighted if you guys will stay on as part of the team with interviews and exclusives....

Clark: We'd be shows and exclusive content on Youtube.....single venue for the time being but plans in place to tour within the first about frequency of shows? And do we have a date for the first show? Are we anywhere near that kind of announcement?

Frost: The answer is yes, we are very close....I can't give the exact date right now but I can guarantee it will happen within the next 2-3 weeks maximum....our staff are working tirelessly to put the final pieces of the jigsaw together and then we will put it out there, probably via you guys on this channel....

As for your other questions....frequency of the shows....will be every ten days.....I know that isn't conventional, that means we'll be changing the day of our shows each and every time we go on air but that's the beauty of having our own channel...we aren't bound and restricted by gives our talent plenty of time to recoup after each event, limits injuries and overall just shows a willingness on our part also to protect the health of our time, again subject to change depending on how we progress and whether we end up moving back to primetime television....

Clark: Will the same apply to pay per view? Will you be running pay per view?

Frost: We'll be running the equivalent of pay per view events but the first few will be free of charge....we can't start demanding money from our customers without providing a service, we need to prove to our fanbase that our product is worth their hard earned money....again these shows will go out live on Youtube....additional announcements and viewing options will be announced in due course but that will be our primary outlet....

Clark: And you briefly touched upon talent....but care to mention any names? Plenty of rumours around? What about championships?

(Frost laughs)

Frost: Professional wrestling is one big rumour mill....I won't be announcing names here today but in the coming hours and days I'm sure you'll hear the news regarding the moves we have been making....there'll be a mix of the old and the new....we've tried to freshen up our outlook but 6CW was built by some pretty outstanding household names and we will never forget that, the door is open to anyone and everyone that wishes to come here and help put us back on the map...

But this isn't an old boys' gathering or a place for anyone to steal a pay cheque....this company has been taken advantage of in the past and I won't allow that to happen again....we're all here to pull in the same direction and make this company great again....

As for title'll just have to wait and see.....I don't want to give too much away but the moment our first show is announced then I'll be able to give out more information....our main goal is to get this all up and running and allow our product to do the talking for us...

Clark: You talked about there being no room for the "old boys" so does that mean there will be a complete revamp in all departments....or will any of the former identity remain...

Frost: We're not looking to move away from what 6CW stands for....we want to pay homage to those who have preceded us but this is a new dawn and so there will be noticeable differences in our approach to bygone eras....that being said, don't be surprised to see some old faces....6CW comes with history and we respect those who built the brand....whilst changes are afoot, some things will remain the same....if it's not broke then don't fix it...

Clark: Anything else to add?

(Frost takes a look around the office for a moment and then sits forward)

Frost: I've been a wrestling fan my whole life and whilst my name isn't known in the community itself, I couldn't be happier to finally be realising a personal dream....

I hope everyone watching this video can see the passion that I am bringing and piques their interest enough to get behind us once more....6CW would never have got to the heights it reached without the fans and this is my rallying call to ask them to believe in us one more time...

I assure you we are working tirelessly, I can't remember the last time I slept in all honesty, and when we go live later this month I know that no stone will have been left unturned to provide the best possible experience out there for our fanbase....

Clark: Cillian Frost, it has been a pleasure...we know you're a busy man so we'll leave you to it...but thank you for your...

(Clark's speech is interrupted by Frost's phone buzzing on the desk. Frost picks it up and reads the incoming message. He smiles broadly at whatever he has been sent)

Clark: Good news...

(Frost looks up at the camera)

Frost: Tremendous news....time to draw up another contract....

Clark: Any clues?

Frost: All will be revealed....I'll give you guys a call when it is time for another exclusive...but for now I'd say keep your eyes peeled on all social media platforms because the news is going to start coming thick and fast....

(Frost goes back onto his phone, replying to the message he has been sent, whilst Clark turns to his cameraman and gives the thumbs up to stop rolling)


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Addressing the rumours Empty Re: Addressing the rumours

Post by Marky Mon 07 Oct 2019, 2:29 pm











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