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6wE Episode Six - Results

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6wE Episode Six - Results Empty 6wE Episode Six - Results

Post by Marky Thu 25 Apr 2019, 8:41 am

Episode Five wrote:

  • Triple D hit the Tombstone Piledriver onto the open chair from the top rope, the crowd chant "holy sh*t" as Percy is a crumpled mess in the middle of the ring
  • Triple D pins Percy, one, two, three, and the referee immediately signals for help from the EMT's and Medics. "Sabotage" plays as Triple D celebrates


  • The referee begins his ten count as both Horrigan and Engel brawl again, both on the floor trading right hands as the crowd cheers them on
  • This continues as the referee gets to 10, and calls for the bell, neither man caring about the referee's ruling!

Ring announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has ruled a Double Countout

Harold: Neither man is giving up, such is the nature of both men!

Both men continue to brawl, until Max Adamson comes to the ring with a microphone

Max: ENOUGH! Stop this right now.

Horrigan and Engel both stop and allow the referee's to separate them

Max: Clearly, a normal match isn't going to cut it between you two. So I tell you what I'm going to do. In two weeks, at Episode Six, Triple D has a match for the Ultra Violent Championship against The Fanatic. That match is now a Fatal Fourway. The Fanatic versus Triple D versus Frank Horrigan versus Engel Harlequin! Because I sure as hell don't have anything outside of the Ultra Violent Division for you to do, and these fans sure as hell want to see more of this. So you know what? You may as well try and murder each other for Gold.

Harold: That's huge news!


Wood gets to the top of the ramp, he turns to look back at the fans, and he motions a title belt around his waist, when Jackson re-emerges from behind and hits Wood in the back of the head with a crowbar!


Henry: Oh my God...

The crowd are loudly booing Jackson as he looks down at Wood, who is on the floor holding the back of his head, Jackson sneers as he hits Wood across the back six or seven more times before tossing the crowbar aside, the crowbar clattering onto the floor as it lands. The crowd are almost hushed into silence as Jackson crouches down, grabs the hair of Wood and talks to him.

Jackson: You are the reason I'm not getting the opportunities I deserve Wood. Do you understand me? You are the reason. And now... Now you're gonna pay...

Jackson drags Wood up to his feet, and throws him off the stage to the floor below!

Henry: OH MY GOD!

Harold: NO!

The crowd boo (with some chanting "Holy sh*t") as Wood is down in a heap on the floor, EMT's surround him as Jackson smirks from the stage, there is genuine concern for Wood as the medics put a neck brace on Wood.

Harold: Liam Wood was thrown onto the concrete below, and he may have landed head first, his neck could be broken. This is serious folks. Please bear with us while we get Liam Wood some medical attention.


Harold: Wait a minute...


  • The crowd erupt into cheers as Uryu and Patricks collectively toss Jack over the top rope to the outside! Jack lands hard on the floor
  • Patricks hits a German Suplex to Uryu, Uryu lands on his feet and hits a kick to the back of Patricks' head!
  • Uryu wrenches the arm, as he begins to weaken the arm of Patricks for Sunset later in the match, he knee drops the arm of Patricks
  • Uryu springboards off the ropes, for a Lionsault, Patricks rolls away, Patricks hits a Spike DDT, and then goes to the top rope!
  • Patricks goes for the Puzzle Solver, and hits it! He covers, but there's no referee! The crowd count to three to no avail, after a few seconds, a replacement referee runs down, one, two...
  • Perfect Jack pulls the replacement referee out of the ring! Jack and the replacement referee argue before Jack levels him with a right hand
  • Before Jack can get back into the ring, Patricks hits a somersault senton over the top rope onto Jack! Patricks swears at Jack and gets back into the ring
  • Uryu hits a double knee arm breaker on Patricks, and transitions into Sunset! Patricks is in agony, and taps! But again there's no referee!
  • Uryu releases the hold, and sits on the mat. He wonders what to do next. A third referee makes his way to the ring, Uryu goes for Sunset again, backside from Patricks, one, two, thre- Uryu barely kicks out!
  • Uryu and Patricks then run at each other and simultaneously clothesline each other to the mat. The new referee begins to count to 10, Perfect Jack gets back into the ring and tells the referee to leave, which he does
  • Jack looks down at both men angrily, and calls for the bell! He then stomps at Uryu in the corner, then goes to Patricks in the opposite corner and does the same, the crowd booing voiciferously

Harold: This is ridiculous. Jack has ruined a perfectly good World Title match with his shenanigans

Ring announcer: As per referee Perfect Jack, this match has been declared a Double Disqualification. Therefore, still your 6wE World Heavyweight Champion, Uryu Ishida

Henry: The correct call in my opinion, both men attacked the referee, what did you think he was going to do?!


Perfect Jack picks up the 6wE World Heavyweight Championship, he stares at it, before turning his attention to Chris Patricks slowly getting to his feet, Jack holds the Championship up, and blasts it off the skull of Chris Patricks. He then immediately turns to Uryu Ishida who is also getting to his feet, and also hits Uryu Ishida in the head with the Championship. The crowd boo as Perfect Jack holds up the 6wE World Heavyweight Championship.

"Radioactive" hits and 6wE Owner Max Adamson walks out, applauding as he walks out

Max: Great job Jack. I mean, Uryu is still the Champion, but he won't be for much longer. In two weeks time, at Episode Six, we're going to do this menage a trois once again. Only with a slight tweak. This time, it'll be Uryu Ishida versus Chris Patricks versus Perfect Jack, for the 6wE World Heavyweight Championship! Triple Threat rules, which means no countouts, no disqualifications, and I know you can hear me Uryu, no chance of you keeping that Championship.

"Nails" by Massive Wagons plays, and we are once again live at the Roundhouse in London, 1500 fans going crazy for 6wE Episode 6, as the ring announcer is stood in the middle of the ring.

Ring Announcer: The opening contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a Fatal Fourway for the 6wE Ultra Violent Championship!

Harold: Oh my!

Henry: What a way to kick things off!

Harold: Straight down to business here, the first of two Title matches and the aftermath of the hellacious attack from Jackson Jackson on Liam Wood still to come tonight, right now it's time to go Ultra Violent.

Henry: Why did I wear white today... I'm right in the splash zone here...


Posts : 29636
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 37
Location : Crawley, West Sussex

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6wE Episode Six - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Six - Results

Post by Marky Thu 03 Oct 2019, 5:47 pm

The Fanatic retains the Ultra Violent Championship in the fatal fourway against Triple D, Frank Horrigan and Engel Harlequin, pinning Frank Horrigan after a super chokeslam through some light tubes.


The Fanatic is backstage, he says he's willing to defend his title against anyone and everyone, Triple D says he wants a one on one match for the UV Title in two weeks, Fanatic agrees.


Jackson Jackson narrates a video montage paying tribute to Liam Wood, as if he'd died. Jackson is dressed in all black ring attire as he emerges on the stage to boos


Jackson Jackson beats Brandon Perez fairly comfortably, he uses Liam Wood's World Eater and Manson Driver to get the pinfall


Jackson Jackson bursts into Max Adamson's office, and demands a match with Liam Wood at the next show in two weeks. Adamson says Jackson knows Wood is still in hospital and wont be cleared. Jackson smirks and questions Wood's manhood.


Main Event
6wE World Heavyweight Championship
Uryu Ishida (c) v Chris Patricks v Perfect Jack

After a gruelling war, a fully recovered Max Adamson hits the ring and viciously lays out Uryu Ishida with a sledgehammer to the jaw, and then repeatedly to the back. Adamson then hits Patricks in the head with the sledgehammer, sending him from the ring. Adamson smirks as Jack gets into the ring, Jack puts Uryu in the figure four, as Uryu isn't conscious the referee counts his shoulders to the mat!

Perfect Jack celebrates with the title as Uryu is barely conscious in the ring.


Posts : 29636
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 37
Location : Crawley, West Sussex

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