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6wE Episode Three - Results

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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:11 pm

6wE Episode Three

"Nails" by Massive Wagons plays, and we are once again live at the Roundhouse in London, 1500 fans going crazy as Harold and Henry welcome us to Episode Three, and talk about how Uryu Ishida once again upset the odds, retaining his 6wE World" Heavyweight Championship in a handicap match against Max Adamson and Liam Wood, the story being that Adamson and Wood had the match won before falling out over who would get the pinfall, Uryu capitalising on the confusion and locking in his new submission Sunset (Bridging Fujiwara Armbar) to force Adamson to tap out.

"Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons hits and the crowd immediately jeer and boo, as the 6wE Owner Max Adamson makes his way out to the stage dressed in a suit. His arm is in a sling as a result of being in Uryu's armbar on three separate occasions before having to tap out, Adamson has a microphone in the hand of his good arm, and he makes his way to the ring.

Henry: Max Adamson told us earlier this week via Twitter about how he suffered a dislocated shoulder as a result of that match two weeks ago.

Harold: Presumably he had to tweet that one handed...

Henry: That is not funny.

Adamson gets to the ring and as his music stops, the noise is filled with chants of "You tapped out" from the 6wE fans. Adamson has a rueful smile.

Max: You know, you'd tap out too if your shoulder had come out of its socket. The risks are real, kids. Danger can happen.

(Adamson slowly walks around the ring as he speaks)

Max: So, I'm out of the ring indefinitely. My shoulder will heal, but I'm not putting a timeframe on it. I will take my time, manage it properly and not rush back into competition. This isn't 6CW, we actually allow people to get healthy before returning... But this isn't me conceding anything, particularly when it comes to your 6wE World Heavyweight Champion, Uryu Ishida. Just because I'm not medically cleared to beat you for that title myself, it doesn't mean that your days aren't numbered. Believe me, your uppance will come. That Championship will not be staying around your virgin hips. You got lucky Uryu, in the fact my shoulder popped out of its socket, I didn't tap because of you, I tapped to save myself. And here's the thing. You will not be Champion for long. Enjoy it. Tonight, The TA take you apart. In two weeks time, we will know your next challenger. I make it about four weeks before you lose that belt. I'm a reasonable guy. I'm giving you notice Uryu. The clock is ticking.

The crowd boo as Adamson has a serious look on his face, he leaves the ring, forcing the ring announcer to open the ropes for him, before leaving up the ramp. "Revival Mode" by Every Time I Die hits and the crowd erupt into excitement as Adamson freezes, Liam Wood walks out, dressed to compete, he and Adamson have a brief staredown before Wood makes his way to the ring.

Harold: That was tense... Liam Wood is in action, and it's next!


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:12 pm

Harold: We have to mention Liam Wood earlier this week brother, he punched a fan in the face for goodness sake!

Henry: We can all blur the lines between good and evil sometimes Harold, but frankly Liam Wood went too far.

Harold: And the breaking news I'm getting is Liam Wood's punishment...

Harold puts his finger to his earpiece

Harold: Really?

Henry: What is it?

Harold: Ugh. Max Adamson has decreed, that for striking a fan outside of the building, Liam Wood is to be fined £50 and suspended for one week.

Henry: What's wrong with that?

Harold: What's wrong with that?! £50 is nothing to Wood, and a week's suspension means nothing when the shows are every two weeks! This is a massive cop out from Adamson.

Henry: Nothing you can do about it brother.

Harold shakes his head

Match One
Liam Wood v Brandon Perez

  • Perez comes out to a good reaction, the fans cheer as he gyrates at Liam Wood from the bottom of the ramp.
  • Wood is on fire as soon as the bell rings, hitting Perez with a leaping knee to the jaw, then smirking at him.
  • Wood stomps at Perez, before choking him in the corner with his boot. Perez is struggling to breathe, until the referee separates the two.
  • Wood whips Perez to the ropes, Perez hits a Lou Thesz Press and nails right hands to Wood as the crowd cheer him on!
  • Perez hits a leg lariat and covers Wood for a near fall, Perez then picks Wood up for the FAC, Wood counters into a Psycho Crusher!
  • Wood covers Perez but Perez kicks out at two. Wood sets up for the Manson Driver, he hooks both arms of Perez, Perez spins out
  • Perez kicks Wood in the gut, goes for a Powerbomb, Perez hits the Moustache Ride!
  • Perez hooks the leg, one, two, thre-Wood kicks out! Perez isn't done, he drags Wood to his feet, he calls for the FAC again
  • Wood nails a superkick out of nowhere! Wood is livid, he drags Perez to his feet, pushes him to the ropes, WORLD EATER!
  • Wood hits the World Eater, he stares down at Perez, not going for the cover. Wood hooks the arms of Perez and drags him into a Tiger Bomb position.
  • Wood hits the Manson Driver, he covers Perez with his forearm across the face, one, two, three!

Ring Announcer: Your winner by pinfall, Liam Wood!

Harold: Wood off and running in 6wE, and you can bet he's not done with Uryu Ishida.

Henry: Lets find out. Wood just snatched the microphone off the ring announcer Laugh

Wood has indeed taken the microphone from the ring announcer, and after he kicks Perez from the ring, he speaks to the crowd.

Wood: I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. I want to be the next number one contender. No handicap matches. No gimmicks. I know I can beat Uryu Ishida, and unlike Adamson I don't need backup to do it. Maybe it's the smaller venues, taking me back to my Indy roots, but I want to face Uryu one on one, on a level playing field, so that when I become 6wE World Heavyweight Champion, Uryu can't have any excuses. Adamson said in two weeks time we will know who the new number one contender is. You're looking at him.

Wood drops the microphone with a thud and leaves the ring as "Revival Mode" plays again, Wood leaves to a mixed reaction from the 6wE fans.


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:12 pm

We cut backstage to a darkly lit dressing room. The Fanatic is shown sat in a corner rocking back and forth looking directly at the floor. He slowly rises to his feet stretching his arm as he walks to a wall which upon it is a photo of his former tag team partner James McManus and another of his mentor Chaos. He taps each photo before seemingly bowing his head to each. As he turns round from the photos the crowd cheer as they see the faces of James McManus and Chaos standing in front of The Fanatic.

McManus, who has gone back to the Indys, has the British Lightweight title back on his shoulder. Chaos is dressed in a smart suit. The two men extend there hands towards their friend. Fanatic shakes them before the two men show themselves out of the room again leaving Fanatic with his own thoughts.

Fanatic walks across to the other side of the room again stretching his arms as he walks. He looks at another mantelpiece, this time upon it is the eliminator mask which he looks at, and sighs deeply before slowly taking it from its perch and putting it on, before slowly taking it off again. His face paint which is different to normal, this time being black and red, is smudged. He walks towards the door and exits as we go back to ringside.


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:13 pm

Tim Allen is backstage with 6wE Owner Max Adamson

TA: Max Adamson, we just saw Liam Wood defeat Brandon Perez and issue a challenge to Uryu Ishida. What are your thoughts?

Adamson favours his shoulder at the mention of Ishida, but composes himself and speaks

Max: Liam Wood is a worthy candidate, so in two weeks time, at Episode Four, there will be a number one contenders match. Liam Wood will be a part of that match. Also I've realised something in my run-ins with Uryu Ishida. What I've realised is, if I want Uryu dethroned, and I do, the best way for that to happen is for me to find a challenger who is good enough to earn their shot. And only once the challenger is good enough to earn their shot at Uryu Ishida, they can go on to try and be good enough to defeat Uryu Ishida. As for anybody else who wants to go up against Liam Wood, they have tonight to try and impress me. Which brings me to the match later between Chris Patricks and Perfect Jack.

Adamson looks into the camera

Max: I know you two have your own issues, but just to turn that up a notch, the winner of tonight's match will be entered into the number one contenders match in two weeks time. High stakes indeed.

TA: Thanks Max.

Max: What did you say?

TA: Er... Thanks Max.

Adamson stares at Tim Allen incredulously.

Max: Mister Adamson.

TA: Oh... Mister Adamson...

Max: Say "thank you".

TA: Thank you...

Max: Say "thank you Mister Adamson".

TA: Thank you Mister Adamson...

Max: Better.


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:13 pm

Match Two
Non Title
Uryu Ishida v The TA

  • The crowd boo as "Machine Gun" by Portishead hits, and out to the ring come the last ever 6CW World Tag Team Champions, Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan.
  • The crowd then cheers as "Mr Blue Sky" by ELO hits and the 6wE World Heavyweight Champion Uryu Ishida makes his way to the ring for this non title contest.
  • Henry and Harold speculate that if The TA can defeat Uryu, one or both men could be in line for a future title opportunity.
  • Unlike two weeks ago, this is a more traditional handicap match, with Horrigan starting on the ring apron.
  • The bell rings, Uryu and Jackson lock up, Jackson begins to get the upper hand but the experience of Uryu tells as he counters a wristlock into a hammerlock.
  • Jackson charges at Uryu and gets a dropkick for his troubles, Jackson then tags Horrigan in via a slap to the chest.
  • Horrigan grins as he steps over the top rope and into the ring, he immediately overpowers Uryu. The TA begin to take control as Horrigan throws Uryu around.
  • Uryu fights back to little avail as Horrigan and Jackson stay fresh with quick tags, putting the boots in on Uryu and choking him in the corner.
  • Uryu keeps fighting back, he hits a series of knee strikes to Horrigan before taking Jackson down and going for Sunset.
  • The end comes as Uryu and Horrigan are trading strikes, Horrigan's are landing harder, but Uryu isn't quitting. He grabs the arm of Horrigan and wrenches it.
  • Uryu dropkicks the knee of Horrigan, who drops to his knees. As Uryu takes Horrigan down with the left arm, Jackson blind tags in on the long leg of Horrigan.
  • Uryu locks in Sunset on Horrigan!

Henry: Horrigan isn't the legal man!

Harold: Jackson with the roll up...

Henry: He got him!

Harold: Now wait a minute...

  • Uryu had Horrigan in Sunset, but was unaware Jackson was the legal man, Jackson snuck up on Uryu and rolled him up.
  • Jackson had a handful of tights as he illegally pinned Uryu, but the referee didn't see it, the referee counted to three!

Harold: He had the tights!

Ring Announcer: Your winners by pinfall, The TA!

Uryu is in shock, Jackson has the biggest grin on his face as he realises he and Horrigan won, he begins to mock Uryu but quickly escapes from the ring as Uryu looks angry

Henry: Jackson Jackson just pinned the 6wE World Champion! This is huge!

Harold: Jackson cheated, frankly I don't know how the referee didn't see it.

Jackson and Horrigan retreat up the ramp, Jackson ecstatic, Horrigan favouring his arm from Sunset.

Harold: Two on one, and Jackson still had to cheat. It's pathetic.

Henry: Ignoring the circumstances, this is a huge statement from The TA.

Jackson and Horrigan have now left, Uryu stands in the ring, the crowd cheering him and applauding him. Uryu looks at the 6wE World Championship as the referee hands him his title, Uryu shakes his head and puts the 6wE World Championship over his shoulder before leaving the ring.


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:14 pm

The scene opens backstage where Engel is sat on a bench in the locker room. But this is not the Engel Harlequin the audience is accustomed to. Gone is the clown make up and unhinged demeanour of old. Sat there in the 6WE locker room preparing for his main event Ultra Violent Championship match was a man, scarred from years of Hardcore battles, a stubble beard and shaved head. Engel sighs.

EH: When 6CW closed its doors for the last time, I asked myself many times, could I have done more? You see the truth is when I walked out of the arena that fateful night, I didn't do so with a sense of lost opportunity, nor did I in fact miss what I had become. That night I went home to my wife and kid for the first time in years, an unrecognisable mess of a man, a freak...and so that night as I stood in the shower greasepaint draining from my face I vowed to myself that I would never set foot in that squared circle again, never more would I chase false hope and glory.

Engel begins lacing up one of his boots, a wince upon his face as he stretches

EH: But something was missing in my life, Could I have done more? Yes. The urge built up, a longing to inflict pain, a desire to suffer, a lust for blood. But the truth is...I was done with this business.

Engel sits up a thoughtful look upon his face

EH: But yet here I am, 6WE. The final of the Ultra Violent Championship taking on none other than Fanatic...You see when I got the call from 6WE...the urge got stronger, the desire became passon, the lust became love. I looked back upon my 6CW career and realised that in actuality for every victory I had achieved, for every title I had fought for, I know I could have done more.

Engel begins lacing the other boot

EH: So, how do I feel going into my match tonight? This is the question that should be asked of that jackass thats going to be in the opposite corner. When Wrestling Observer prepare there list of Top Hardcore Superstars in the history of 6CW do you see Fanatic anywhere near the top? No, what you do see is Engel Harlequin, the man who single handedly took thing so far that 6CW had to go PG. How do I feel? Confident, mindful, and insufferably wishful that tonight Fanatic turns it up a gear. Tonight is no laughing matter, gone is the greasepaint, and the gimmicks, tonight Fanatic gets something he did not expect. Tonight we say good night and good bye to the career of Fanatic.

Engel rises to his feet and looks in the mirror, a sick smile forms on his face as the scene fades


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:14 pm

Max Adamson is backstage with Tim Allen

Max: Tim, I have some breaking news for you. We just witnessed Jackson Jackson pin, albeit somewhat controversially, the 6wE Champion Uryu Ishida. It was obviously as part of a team effort, but Jackson in particular, has earned himself a place in the number one contenders match in two weeks time.

TA: That's big news! Will anyone else be added?

Adamson stares at Tim Allen

Max: Don't push your luck kid.


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:14 pm

Winner added to number one contenders match
Match Three
Perfect Jack v Chris Patricks

  • "I am Perfection" hits, Perfect Jack makes his way out to the ramp to a chorus of boos, he absorbs them as he saunters down the ramp.
  • All of a sudden Chris Patricks rushes out, he and Jack trade right hands on the ramp, with Patricks not waiting for the match to start!
  • Patricks beats Jack literally to the floor with repetitive right hands, before raising his arms to cheers from the crowd!
  • Patricks drags Jack towards the ring, Jack reacts by shoving Patricks face first into the ringpost, and the crowd boo as Jack smirks
  • Jack chokes Patricks on the floor while the referee tries to get him to stop. Jack drags Patricks to the steel steps, and he slams Patricks' head off the steps.
  • The crowd boo as Jack poses, the now familiar point to his head to show how smart he is, Jack then drives a knee into the midsection of Patricks into the steps.
  • Jack rolls Patricks into the ring, and follows, the referee tries to get medical help for Patricks but he drags himself up and refuses assistance.

Harold: How stupid do you have to be? Patricks is hurt, but his stupid pride is getting in the way of him here.

Henry: Patricks has major issues with Perfect Jack screwing him out of the Ultra Violent Championship, it's gonna take a lot more than that for Patricks to quit.

  • The bell rings and Jack immediately targets the hurt Patricks in the corner, with successive boots and stomps to Patricks.
  • Jack continues the beatdown, forcing the referee to begin a five count regularly as he pushes the boundaries by illegally choking Patricks with his boot.
  • Jack drags Patricks up for a Perfect Plex, Patricks flips over and lands on his feet, Superkick to Jack out of desperation!
  • Both men are down as the crowd get behind Patricks, Jack is first to his feet, he goes after the legs of Patricks but Patricks jumps up and DDT's Jack!
  • Patricks is up and the crowd are vociferously behind him, Patricks hits a deadlift German Suplex with a bridge to Jack, one, two, thre-Jack kicks out!
  • Patricks sets up for the Enigma Bomb, and hits it! Patricks pins Jack as the crowd counts along, one, two, thre-Jack kicks out again!
  • Patricks is shocked, he drags Jack towards the corner and climbs the top rope, Patricks goes for the Puzzle Solver, Jack gets the knees up, inside cradle, one, two, thre-Patricks kicks out!
  • Jack is furious, he shoves the referee, he turns around and angrily hits a Perfect Plex on Patricks, dumping him on the back of his head. Jack doesn't go for a pin.

Henry: What is he doing?

Harold: He wants to teach Chris Patricks a lesson, and send a message to Uryu Ishida.

  • Jack goes for the Figure Four Leglock on Patricks, and locks it in! Patricks is in pain, as Jack has it in tight! After about a minute, Patricks is able to lean over to one side.
  • Patricks turns it around! Both men are on their front as now Jack is the one in pain, Jack immediately grabs the bottom rope and the referee forces Patricks to break the hold.
  • Patricks and Jack both crawl to the ropes and drag themselves up, both men are limping, and they begin to trade right hands, the crowd cheering Patricks and booing Jack.
  • Patricks gets the upper hand, Jack rakes the eyes to both boos from the crowd and a warning from the referee, and then Jack hits a beautiful belly to belly throw!
  • Jack signals for the end, he grabs the leg of Patricks to apply the Figure Four again.
  • Jack spins around the leg of Patricks, Patricks kicks Jack face first into the turnbuckle, Patricks leaps up and nails a Poisonrana, spiking Jack on his head!
  • Jack is out on his feet, Patricks hits the Enigma Bomb! Patricks into the cover, one, two, three!
  • Jack kicks out but the referee deems it after the three count!

Henry: What is the referee doing?! That wasn't three!

Harold: Everyone in this building saw it was three, only you and Jack disagree!

Chris Patricks celebrates, Perfect Jack is still laying down, but arguing with the referee, Patricks has a massive grin as he raises his arm and "Refuse/Resist" plays out across the Roundhouse. The replay on the big screen confirms the referee counted to three just before Jack kicked out, although Jack is still unhappy.

Harold: Credit to both men, but Patricks wanted his revenge, and he got it, and not only that but he now goes into a number one contenders match in two weeks, and you'd have to consider him a favourite based on tonight's performance!

Henry: On what basis? The only way Patricks is beating Liam Wood or Jackson Jackson is if that referee fast counts again...

Harold: Oh come on. There was no fast count.

Patricks is now on the top of the ramp celebrating, he makes a title belt motion around his waist, before heading to the back.

Inside the ring, Jack gets to his feet and looks very frustrated.

Harold: HEY! He can't do that!

Henry: He kinda had it coming...

The crowd boo loudly as Perfect Jack takes his frustrations out by punching the referee square in the face, Jack shouts in the referee's face that he should have won, he spits on the referee before leaving.

Harold: Absolutely abhorrent behaviour from Perfect Jack. That is bang out of order.

Henry: Well... No, even I can't defend that. Not cool Jack. Not cool.

Jack leaves up the ramp to loud booing, he storms backstage as a medic assists the referee.


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 12:15 pm

Max Adamson is backstage;

Max: So, I can confirm that in two weeks time, it'll be Liam Wood, versus Jackson Jackson, versus Chris Patricks, in a Triple Threat Match to crown a new number one contender for Uryu Ishida's 6wE World Heavyweight Championship. And as for-

Adamson is interrupted by crashing noises and shouting, as Perfect Jack storms up towards Adamson

PJ: You need to do something about your referees, that was bullsh*t! I kicked out before three, and it was a fast count-

Max: Right, you need to stop. Firstly, the referee's decision is final, so there's nothing I can do about that. Secondly, I guess you aren't happy about this. Funny thing mate, I'm not too happy about you punching my referee in the face. You aren't the one who will have to work hard to prevent a lawsuit. I already had to deal with Liam Wood punching a fan, and now this.

Adamson smirks

Max: But such is life. Oh, and before I go, somebody else also isn't happy with you...

Perfect Jack looks intrigued

PJ: Oh? And who's that then?

Max: Well if you'll let me finish... The individual not happy with you has requested a match with you. And seeing as you now don't have any plans in two weeks time... You will go one on one with the man you abandoned in a tag team match two weeks ago, Brandon Perez!

Perfect Jack still looks frustrated, he looks like he's going to argue back with Adamson but then just storms off instead.


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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 1:20 pm

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, it's now time for our Main Event! And it's the Final of our Ultra Violent Championship Tournament, to crown our first ever 6wE Ultra Violent Champion!

Main Event
Ultra Violent Championship Tournament Final
Engel Harlequin v The Fanatic

  • "Change (in the house of flies)" by Deftones hits and, to a surprising amount of cheers, out comes The Fanatic. The big man is looking intense as he makes his way to the ring.
  • "Time is running out" by Muse hits and Engel Harlequin comes out, also looking intense, to a mixed reaction. He makes his way to the ring, immediately squaring up to the taller Fanatic.

Harold: Fanatic with an extra foot advantage over Engel.

Henry: Don't be stupid. Both men have two feet.

Harold: I'm talking about their heights, you idiot...

  • The bell rings, Engel smirks, Fanatic smiles back, and the two men immediately start trading punches as the crowd roars in approval, Fanatic clubbing Engel, Engel ducking and going for the body
  • Fanatic gets the upper hand, with his height advantage, but the heavier Engel blocks an attempted Irish whip and drags Fanatic to him and back body drops Fanatic to the outside!
  • Engel climbs up to the top rope, and looks down at Fanatic on the outside, Engel hits a somersault senton onto Fanatic! Both men are out on the floor already!
  • Engel is first to his feet, he looks under the ring immediately, and brings out a glass light tube, he holds it up, he turns to Fanatic and Fanatic big boots the light tube into the face of Engel!
  • Glass shatters everywhere and into the face of Engel, who drops to the floor holding his face. Fanatic shoves the referee away as he tries to check on Engel.

Henry: If you thought the 6wE Ultra Violent Championship was just your run of the mill Hardcore Division, I think that just proved you wrong.

  • Fanatic goes under the ring and drags out a reel of barbed wire, he grins as he tosses it into the ring, he looks under the ring again and brings out a stapler.
  • Fanatic goes to drag Engel up, Engel low blows Fanatic! Completely legal as he gets up, we see blood in the face of Engel from the light tube, he grabs a fans sign from ringside.
  • Engel shows the sign to the camera, the sign reads "Ohhh Parasite Killers", Engel holds it against the back of Fanatic, and staples the sign to his bare back!
  • "You sick f*ck" is chanted as Engel then goes under the ring, he brings out more light tubes, and immediately swings them into the head of Fanatic, the pop echoing as glass shatters everywhere!
  • Fanatic is also bleeding from the forehead and the back, Engel gets the staple gun, and just nastily clicks it repeatedly into the chest of The Fanatic...
  • Engel then hits a series of loud chops to the stapled and bleeding chest! Engel lets out a big "Wooooo", then chops the chest again repeatedly, the slaps echoing around the Roundhouse!
  • Engel goes under the ring, he drags out a toolbox, and to groans from the crowd, he opens the toolbox and takes out a claw hammer.
  • Engel uses the back of the claw hammer to pull on Fanatic's nostrils, as Fanatic screams out in pain. Engel swears at the referee who tries to get him to stop, Engel eventually does.
  • Engel rolls Fanatic into the ring, and looks for one more item from the toolbox, a screwdriver!
  • Engel gets into the ring with the screwdriver, he sits on Fanatic's chest, and goes to stab Fanatic in the head with the screwdriver, Fanatic in desperation grabs the wrist of Engel to stop him!
  • Fanatic and Engel both have both hands on the screwdriver, Engel pushing down, Fanatic pushing up, Fanatic is able to get the upper hand and gets to his feet while both men are still holding on!
  • Fanatic flips Engel to the mat while still holding the screwdriver, he forces the screwdriver down onto the forehead of Engel, Engel screams as Fanatic digs the screwdriver slowly into the cut on Engel's forehead!
  • Fanatic lets go as the screwdriver falls to the mat, Engel is bleeding profusely from the cut.

Harold: This is hard to watch.

Henry: This is all in the name of Ultra Violence brother. Both these men signed disclaimers, and both these men want to be known as the King of Ultra Violence.


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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 37
Location : Crawley, West Sussex

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6wE Episode Three - Results Empty Re: 6wE Episode Three - Results

Post by Marky Mon 11 Feb 2019, 1:22 pm

Harold: Oh for goodness sake...

  • The crowd are stunned as Fanatic goes under the ring, and brings out a beartrap! Fanatic puts it into the ring, and places it in the middle of the mat.
  • Fanatic drags Engel to the middle of the ring, and puts his head over the open beartrap, Fanatic has a sick look on his face as he walks to the ropes, Fanatic runs in...

Harold & Henry: OH MY GOD!

  • The crowd chant "HOLY SH*T" repeatedly as Fanatic went for a Curb Stomp, Engel moved, causing Fanatic to stomp into the beartrap, trapping his leg in the spikes!
  • The referee immediately waves backstage for assistance, eventually four referees are able to prize the trap apart, freeing the bloodied lower leg of Fanatic!
  • Engel is up to his feet, he shakes his head at Fanatic, before going out of the ring, Engel reaches under the ring and drags out a very tall ladder.
  • Engel slides the ladder into the ring as two referees cautiously carry the beartrap out of the ring, Engel gets a table from under the ring and also slides that in.
  • We see Fanatic clutching his leg as the referee tries to get him to quit, Fanatic shakes his head and shoves the referee away
  • Engel gets into the ring, stomps the leg of Fanatic (causing him to scream), and then goes back to his project, Engel sets the ladder up in the corner, and sets the table up in front of the ladder.
  • Engel goes back outside, and brings out a large cardboard box filled with glass light tubes...

Harold: Oh God...

  • Engel puts the box on the ring apron, and he lays out several glass light tubes across the table. The table is covered in glass light tubes. Engel smashes one over the head of Fanatic for good measure.
  • Engel drags Fanatic towards the ladder, and tries to climb one side while dragging Fanatic up the other side. Fanatic is the same side of the ladder as the glass covered table.
  • Engel gets to the top, hitting Fanatic's head off the ladder and dragging him up. Engel goes for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb!

Henry: WHAT?!

Harold: How has he done that?!

  • Engel flips over Fanatic, Fanatic holds onto the ladder, Engel is hanging from the waist of Fanatic who isn't budging! Fanatic reaches down and grabs Engel by the throat!
  • Fanatic, one handed while holding onto the ladder, lifts Engel up...

Henry: Well, he's dead.


  • The glass exploded dramatically as Engel lands back first on and through the glass light tube covered table, the crowd are chanting "HOLY SH*T" again, Fanatic watches from the top of the ladder.
  • Fanatic seems to be in a trance, he snaps out of it before climbing down the ladder, he drags Engel out of the wreckage to the middle of the ring.
  • Fanatic, still on one leg, falls onto Engel and pins, one, two, thre- Engel kicked out!

Harold: How? I mean... Just, how?

Henry: I have no idea.

  • Fanatic is just as shocked as the crowd, he then grabs the barbed wire reel from earlier, he unwinds a few feet of wire, and drops to the mat alongside Engel
  • Fanatic, using the barbed wire, puts Engel in a Crossface! The barbs are digging into the face of Engel, who is barely conscious!
  • The referee checks on Engel, and sees he's unresponsive, the referee calls for the bell, and Fanatic releases the hold!

Ring announcer: Your winner via referee's stoppage, and NEW 6WE ULTRA VIOLENT CHAMPION, THE FANATIC!

The Fanatic sits in the ring, barely moving, the referee hands him the Championship belt, Fanatic just takes it from the referee and barely acknowledges it.

Henry: Both these men went to war, and even though it was about that Ultra Violent Championship, it's almost become an afterthought.

Harold: Both these men will be worse off for this, I'm not sure I agree with the morals of the Ultra Violent Division, but both men wanted it, and both men gave everything to win. And in the end, while The Fanatic won, I don't think either of these two men can call themselves a winner.

The Fanatic drags himself to the ring apron, and out under the bottom rope. He hobbles on one leg, holding the Championship clenched in his fist, and he limps up the ramp, barely acknowledging the fans chanting his name.

EMT's and Medics are in the ring helping Engel, he slowly sits up, his face bloodied, and he rolls out of the ring, ignoring medical help as he too, limps up the ramp to the back. Fanatic has stopped at the top of the ramp, he nods at Engel. Engel nods back at Fanatic before leaving through the curtain.

Henry: Amazing isn't it. All they just went through, and now they seem to respect each other more.

Harold: Guys, thank you for watching 6wE Episode Three, we will be back in two weeks with Episode Four, but until then, on behalf of myself, my brother, and our new Ultra Violent Champion, good night.

The last image we see, is The Fanatic, bloodied, battered and bruised, slowly lifting up his 6wE Ultra Violent Championship to cheers from everyone inside the Roundhouse.


Posts : 29636
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 37
Location : Crawley, West Sussex

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