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6CW Anarchy Friday 28th December

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6CW Anarchy Friday 28th December Empty 6CW Anarchy Friday 28th December

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 13 Dec 2018, 12:25 pm

Match 1
TV Title Tournament
Clarke James vs Jackson Jackson

Match 2
6CW International Championship
Xtreme Open Challenge
Engel Harlequin vs ???

Match 3
Number one contender (UK Championship)
Perfect Jack vs Mike Hill vs Anthony Grace vs James McManus

Match 4
TV Title Tournament
Frank Horrigan vs Uryu Ishida

Main Event
Cerberus/Marty Helms vs GazzyD/Xavier Ross

Dolphin Ziggler

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Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
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6CW Anarchy Friday 28th December Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Friday 28th December

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 21 Dec 2018, 5:43 pm

Uryu can be seen wandering around the empty hallways. He assumed he was alone but hears Tim Allen practicing his technique in the interview area. He watches on silently for a few minutes.

TA: ...And that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Uryu chuckles and claps as Tim jumps, suprised.

UI: Not bad Allen Almighty. Thought I was the only one here.

TA: Shouldn't you be in hospital? Engel did a lot of damage.

UI: And I did a lot of damage to him...just not enough.

TA: Sorry about your match...

UI: Tim, I went beyond what I thought I could do. I don't remember the last five minutes of the match at all. I remember every blow up until I sent Engel through the table and then...nothing until I was in a hospital bed. I watched the match back over and over and honestly, if I had won that match and I couldn't remember it I would be very tempted to hand back the title to Alex Walker. Not knowing what it took to beat him, not knowing how I won...

Uryu punches a nearby wall as Tim jumps back.


TA: URYU! You...didn't win...

Uryu slams his other fist into the same wall.


Uryu sighs and leans against a wall, slowly sliding down it until he puts his head in his hands.

UI: Tim...I threw everything I had...and I still lost. I went beyond my limits, fought until I could no longer stand...and I still lost. How many more chances can I be given before I have to hang it up? Before I am forced to quit?

Tim sits next to Uryu, holding a tablet and looking for something on it.

TA: 6CW recently did a poll about championship opportunities. Who deserves a shot in 2019? who deserves to be World Champion? where is it...ahh here we go!

Uryu looks at the screen briefly, yet is still unmoved.

UI: So?

TA: So? You won by a good ten percent on both polls. The fans love you and want to see you succeed! I have even heard rumors that the board of directors have taken a vested interest in you.

UI: Tim, theres only so much a guy like me can do. This was my fourth or fifth attempt at a title and it still reads zero wins. zero titles won since my return. I may have the fans on my side but what happens when I fade away? in ten years if everything stays as they are I will have won one title and that was when I actually had potential. I have very little time left Tim...

TA: Uryu, you put in such a great performance against Engel that Alex stuck you in the TV Title tournament. You earned respect back here for continuing to carry on. Did you see Engels face when you kicked out every time? Did you see how scared he was of you? How desperate he was when he hit you with the bat? Uryu your endurance is scary.

UI: I still hurt Tim, I always hurt. Yet I keep going. I keep going because up there, in the sky of my future there is a tiny light that blinks and wants me to see what it is. I  have been spinning my wheels trying to get to it and have barely moved. My engine is almost burnt out Tim and it still seems so far away. I have maybe one or two more chances left in me, I'm not sure exactly. Maybe I should set a date or something, if i'm not a champion by X day I will use the one thing that every wrestler has left to give. Put it on the table and go for absolute broke.

Tim realises what Uryu is on about and looks almost mortified.

TA: J...jeez shouldn't start thinking like are not done yet!

Uryu looks across to Tim and shakes his head sighing before looking back down. Tim looks scared and almost desperate.

TA: M...Max will win...

Uryu turns his head slightly and glares.

UI: What?

TA: M...Max...

Tim regains some composure.

TA: leave he would win...and wouldn't shut up about it. You...could stay and prove him wrong. Your opponent is Frank Horrigan, a win over him is progress.

Uryu sits quietly for a few seconds, pondering. He then quickly stands up and nods, a small smile on his face.

UI: Thanks...for getting me through this week Tim. You know how to press peoples buttons.

As Uryu walks down a corridor Tim looks on and nods.

TA: Kick his ass!

Uryu stops, turns around and sees Tim looking sheepish at what he just said. Uryu bursts out with happy laughter and turns to continue walking as he mutters to himself.

UI: Little things like that help...

Uryu Ishida

Posts : 4134
Join date : 2011-05-30
Age : 34
Location : Derby

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