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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

The Last Outlaw
Uryu Ishida
Dolphin Ziggler
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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:45 am

Following on from Rich's proper use of a feedback thread from last PPV - anyone leaving reasons for their views get a prize  Very Happy :

Match of the night?

Shock of the night?

Superstar of the night?

Moment that made you sit up and take notice?

Any other moments or bits you would like to discuss?

One Match/Feud you would like to see in 2018?

One match you think will take place at the next PPV?

Any additional feedback/improvements that can be made (honest answers)?

EDIT: Thoughts on each match and the show in general would also be good!

Last edited by Dolphin Ziggler on Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:15 am; edited 2 times in total

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:47 am

I can only apologise for how many Simpsons in Australia references were crowbarred into segments. If you feel your character was weakened by this, you can make any complaints to your local member of parliament.

Last edited by Dolphin Ziggler on Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:16 am; edited 1 time in total

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by Uryu Ishida Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:54 am

Match of the night?

World Title

Shock of the night?

Grace at the end

Superstar of the night?

Liam Wood

Moment that made you sit up and take notice?

Cerberus getting taken out early on

Any other moments or bits you would like to discuss?

Who has watched Bart v Australia too many times?

One Match/Feud you would like to see in 2018?

Helms v Cerberus

One match you think will take place at the next PPV?

Xavier v Faith

Any additional feedback/improvements that can be made (honest answers)

Not sure atm.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:14 am

No thoughts on the tag match, Uryu? That was nearly as hard for me to write as it was fitting in all those Simpsons references!

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by Uryu Ishida Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:20 am

Dolphin Ziggler wrote:No thoughts on the tag match, Uryu? That was nearly as hard for me to write as it was fitting in all those Simpsons references!

It was a foregone conclusion if i'm honest so I dont really have much to say about it.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:22 am

Uryu Ishida wrote:
Dolphin Ziggler wrote:No thoughts on the tag match, Uryu? That was nearly as hard for me to write as it was fitting in all those Simpsons references!

It was a foregone conclusion if i'm honest so I dont really have much to say about it.

I'm gonna use that next time JJ tries to get me to write a match  Very Happy

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by The Last Outlaw Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:03 pm

Match of the night?

The main event was very good and the world title match was a good read. I did not think a loss was on the cards when it was put as match one.

Shock of the night?

Cerberus winning or Grace turning up again

Superstar of the night?

Cerberus is world champ, hard to argue with that. Liam Wood made an impact though!

Moment that made you sit up and take notice?

I guess the actual moment was Liam Wood killing Mr Kenty.

Any other moments or bits you would like to discuss?

It's a great Simpsons episode Very Happy I thought it was a really good show that understood the stories of the matches.

One Match/Feud you would like to see in 2018?

Helms vs O'Callaghan

One match you think will take place at the next PPV?

Liam Wood vs GazzyD

Any additional feedback/improvements that can be made (honest answers)?

Not today!

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by x12x Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:01 pm

Match of the night?
The opening match and the main event both did amazing work in their own ways...we had the shock of Grace losing the title along side the chaos of the main event which made the men involved all look like stars, the balance was great (I'm also biased)

Shock of the night?
Grace losing the belt
Wood basically killing Mr Kenty

Superstar of the night?
Liam Wood for picking up a title with a pinfall on one rival while putting away another
Cerberus for picking up the belt after Grace screwed him over
Anthony Grace for pushing himself in to the main event and making sure he was still a champion

Moment that made you sit up and take notice?
Probably Wood killing off Kenty just because it was brutal

Any other moments or bits you would like to discuss?
Normally I'd mention shows being late but this show being late was more than fine...congrats JJ.

One Match/Feud you would like to see in 2018?
On a personal note I'd love for Wood to stick around the UK Title scene for a while and face a few people I've not faced before.

One match you think will take place at the next PPV?
Anthony Grace v O'Callaghan for the International Title

Any additional feedback/improvements that can be made (honest answers)?
Not really, given the fact that one of creative had a baby the show was awesome and didn't feel rushed at all...the extra few days were worth the wait and the matches were well written. I also enjoyed a few of the more comedic moments with Chris showing up and the Simpsons References.

Lets hope the next show has a few less references...


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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by Marky Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:00 pm

Match of the night?
All of them were great, but the World Title match stands out when reading back, a phenomenal match.

Shock of the night?
Anthony Grace, twice. Once in losing the World Title, and again when he entered the scramble match. Was brilliantly written and well executed.

Superstar of the night?
A tie, between the three new Champions (Cerberus, Wood, Grace). Not sitting on the fence at all, but while Cerberus won the World Title, Wood and Grace had other moments alongside their title wins which makes it virtually impossible to split the three.

Moment that made you sit up and take notice?
Probably when Liam Wood killed Mr Kenty Laugh

Any other moments or bits you would like to discuss?
I enjoyed the Tag Team Title match, went kinda as expected, I noticed Uryu called it a foregone conclusion, but I don't think that takes away from the quality of the storytelling, or of the untold Simpsons references shoehorned into the show and particularly this match and build. It wasn't just a "TA cheat to win", it was "TA cheated, took advantage of Lion's injury, while building the Max/Uryu thing higher". Very well presented. I'm also a big fan of stories being told throughout the show, with Grace losing the World Title at the start and winning the International Title at the end, reminds me of Edge at an Elimination Chamber PPV back in the day, losing the WWE Title in the opener and stealing a spot in the World Championship match at the end and winning that. Also Liam Wood destroying Kenty, while probably signalling the end of Kenty for the time being, showed Wood on a mission and I'm glad it ended with him getting one of the two titles.

One Match/Feud you would like to see in 2018?
Marty Helms v O'Callaghan, I'm not sure where Helms will come out with all the heel champions currently in 6CW, but I can see those two having a great feud.

One match you think will take place at the next PPV?
I think Perfect Jack and Clarke James will get rematches, maybe at the same time, so I could see something like Wood v Jack v Clarke happening.

Any additional feedback/improvements that can be made (honest answers)?
None that I can think of, I know real life has been getting in the way (in a positive way this time with Steve's news), and show delays have had to happen, but the quality of the shows is so good it makes up for it. The more people who promo regularly, the higher 6CW can go.

EDIT: Thoughts on each match and the show in general would also be good!
Match 1
6CW World Heavyweight Championship
Anthony Grace (c) vs Cerberus vs O’Callaghan
I thought this was Match of the Night, I really wasn't sure who was walking out Champion, I would have guessed Grace pinning O'Callaghan to escape with the title but Cerberus deserves it, and with how the rest of the night panned out for Grace it made this match even better when reading back.

Match 2
Engel Harlequin vs Bam Sparkleston
A good match, not a lot of hype around it, dominant win for Engel but I do wonder where he goes, as he seems to be turning heel in a heel heavy roster.

Match 3
Cameron Faith vs Jack Hurst
A good match, I like how Xavier Ross debuted by attacking both men, Hurst used as fodder for Xavier to cost someone their job, and him v Faith should be a good rivalry.

Match 4
6CW TV Championship
Marty Helms (c) vs Mike Hill
Great match, also love Marty Helms, still think he's the top heel in the company on form (although Liam Wood may challenge that based on this show), only issue is, despite the great match, I never believed Helms was losing the title here, and it took a little bit away from it when comparing it to the other matches on the card.

Match 5
6CW Tag Team Championships
The TA (c) vs Uryu/Lion
Another great match, the difference between this match and the Helms v Hill match, is that even though the result may have been a little predictable, the match told a better story, with the rivalry between Max and Uryu, Max on the outside interfering, and Lion's injury going into it. Not sure where it goes next, not sure where I want it to go, maybe Lion goes after one of the heel singles champions next while Uryu focuses on Max, maybe there's a rematch although I'm not sure on what grounds. Looking forward to finding out.

Main Event
6CW UK & International Championships (2 falls)
Perfect Jack (c) vs Clarke James (c) vs GazzyD vs Liam Wood vs James McManus vs Anthony Grace
A terrific match, I think the reveal of Grace taking Kenty's place was superbly done, as I said earlier reminds me of Edge, doing anything and everything he can to ensure he's still seen as a Champion. The match was great, without Grace I'd have guessed Wood winning both titles, but it was the right split of belts as far as I'm concerned, I think Jack and Clarke will still have a claim to the two titles down the line. The interference of Cerberus was odd, obviously it cost Clarke and or Jack the International Title, maybe one of them gets into the 6CW Title scene going forward, hard to predict but I still enjoyed it. Grace's heel opportunism suits him far more than when he began in 6CW as a face, and in a way while I've compared him to Edge, when you look at the idea that "in kayfabe" Grace wouldn't be accepted as a real wrestler by the locker room, he's settling into a role like The Miz currently fills in WWE, getting himself accepted while still being a personality and coming from a TV background.


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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:54 pm

Dolphin Ziggler wrote:Following on from Rich's proper use of a feedback thread from last PPV - anyone leaving reasons for their views get a prize  Very Happy :

Match of the night?

For me it had to be the World title match. I had a hand in writing it however the parts around my bit really exceeded expectations for me. The story telling was excellent and I truthfully didn't know who to root for by the end

Shock of the night?

Anthony Grace losing the title just because I thought the feud still had some legs in it. Grace was redeemed however in the end

Superstar of the night?

Can I say Engel? Pretty sure it's been a criticism before but I don't care. I am loving the physicality and style the writers have brought to the table with Engel. However I also want to put out there Cerberus. He is such a huge huge part of the shows right now. A big wrecking ball type presence and I look forward to where he goes from here

Moment that made you sit up and take notice?

Liam Woods sheer arrogance and dominance. Easily one of the best promoters here and it's great to see his performances reflect that.

Any other moments or bits you would like to discuss?

I understand there were some Simpsons references. I wouldn't know...

One Match/Feud you would like to see in 2018?

From a personal stand point I would love Engel vs one of the big four or five just to test my chops but if I have to pick something I think would be huge I would say Liam Wood vs Grace. The best feuds stem from heat imo and I have loved all of the interaction they have had.

One match you think will take place at the next PPV?

I think Cerberus will probably take on Grace once more. Has to happen in my opinion.

Any additional feedback/improvements that can be made (honest answers)?

I said it on the 6CW messenger chat and I will say it again right here. THIS is why I love 6CW. Easily the best show in months and just the right amount of twists and turns to carry on into the run up to NOG. Loving it. Absolutely loving it. Thankyou to all the writers and contributers. Absolute blast.


EDIT: Thoughts on each match and the show in general would also be good!

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread Empty Re: 6CW Beachfront Brawl - Feedback Thread

Post by TwisT Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:05 pm

Match of the night?

I thought the world title match and segments after it were very well done. Cerberus looked every bit a champion but the match ending has now thrown up new possibilities involving these 3

Shock of the night?

The death of Kenty. That kind of brutality leads me too....

Superstar of the night?

Liam Wood. He continues to impress in a gimmick that isn't changing every few weeks. The bragging rights can only increase after his UK title win and the way he destroyed a former world champion

Moment that made you sit up and take notice?

The PPV was a really enjoyable read but I thought Grace's night was over when Walker sent him packing. I called his involvement in the main event but never really believed it would happen. That made me more engrossed with the main event although I was expecting him to get close and fail.....only for him to burst into tears in fron of a baying Aussie crowd.

Any other moments or bits you would like to discuss?

Is Dundridge going to be an ongoing character? I was confused with Cerberus' involvement in the main event, perhaps that is leading to something further with Grace? Is the man out to destroy him/does that matter more than the title? I would have liked it to be Adamson that interfered but it backfired, especially after Grace knocking the crowd and Adamson's interview earlier in the show. This leads me to....

One Match/Feud you would like to see in 2018?

Adamson v Grace. Come on Marky! Grace in his new International Playboy gimmick against the man whose ego is bigger than his homeland! He dissed the Aussies and the boot, surely there has to be be payback?

One match you think will take place at the next PPV?

OC v Cerberus. I think this may end pretty quickly and then someone like Wood going after Cerberus. Only for him to defeat one monster and then Joshua coming back to kick his backside Wink

Any additional feedback/improvements that can be made (honest answers)?

Nope, thought it was a great read and really enjoyed it. It had some shock/horror moments and was really well structured and written as a PPV


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