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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 9:26 pm

The lights in the Tokyo Dome dip and a huge array of pyrotechnics explode to the roars of the crowd. "Burn it to the ground" by Nickleback is screaming from the speaker system…

Harold: Ladies and Gentleman, we are live from the Tokyo Dome, one of the most amazing arenas in the world, synonymous with the world of wrestling…the first every 6CW PPV live from Japan...

Henry: It’s an absolute pleasure to be here, Harold. And what a show we have instore for our fans tonight, as the 6CW Re-Up brings us it’s first PPV of the new era! And I’m not holding back when I tell you we are in for a monster of a show!

Harold: That’s right, Henry! Tonight’s card is absolutely stacked! We’ll see the 6CW TV Championship decided in what promises to be a thrilling Fatal Five Way! Plus, Engel Harlequin and Keith Leone will go head to head in their brutal feud.

Henry: Not forgetting, we’ll finally get to see Perfect Jack and Clarke James defend their precious Tag Team Titles against the true champions, The TA, but, more importantly, Anthony Grace will finally prove he is the World Champion we deserve when he takes on Cerberus inside the hellacious Steel Cage for the 6CW World Championship…

Harold: I’ve gotta admit Henry, I don’t fancy his chances. We’re also got O’Callaghan, versus James McManus, and the Fight for the Right holder will be looking to put himself back on the map against a rejuvenated McManus, But first, we’re going to see Mike Hill and Vincent Costello go one on one and bring their rivalry to a head! Stay with us folks, you are not going to want to miss this!

The camera pans out and swings around the arena, picking out various signs from the crowd.



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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 9:28 pm

(In the back of the arena, with the noise of excited fans ringing through the halls and bouncing off every wall, reverberations from a packed arena. In the midst of this noise, trying to find even a broken moment of piece, we see Vincent Costello with his eyes closed and leaning back against a wall. He sighs as his peace is disturbed by Tim Allen, who sidles up to him)

TA: Vincent Costello, tonight marks another of your many comebacks. The question is, is this a failed attempt to regain old dominance or the resurgence of a storied career?

(Costello looks at Allen, but seems to see him for once with respect, rather than disgust)

VC: You turned that question from a great excuse to punch you in the mouth to one worth me answering, all with those last 6 words. You were arguably the last person I wanted to ruin my concentration right now, but I’ve gotta give you props for that.

(Allen gives a somewhat reserved smile)

VC: But to answer that question, I need to remind you of not just how I’ve returned so far, but who I am. I’m a ruthless man, Tim. So you can ask questions about comebacks and breakdowns, but I will stick to the facts that face me tonight.

Mike Hill cannot handle me, not now, not in his prime, and not ever. His last big shot of relevance fell when Geoff Steel put him down all those months ago, and no amounts of scratching and clawing at my momentum will bring him back to life.

Tonight, I won’t just announce myself back into the fold as one of the most dominant men in this industry, I will nail the final coffin into Mike Hill’s career.

TA: Which all sounds very personal, not just a PPV match and a chance to push on in 6CW.

VC: If you step into a ring with me, whoever you are, you’re making it personal. Because you’re telling me that you think you can compete with all that I bring, and there isn’t a man alive who should face up to me and think that

(A slow clap can be heard a little away, and it gets louder, all until Mike Hill comes into shot. Costello takes a step forward and Allen sinks down and backwards, leaving his microphone between the faces of the two rivals)

MH: Fine speech. Words should be very important for you, tonight will be all about how little I need to say to expose you. You can do your PR and your damage control afterwards. Once the world sees me beat seven shades of s*** out of you, they’ll be doing all they can to never look at you again.

VC: All this way to try the same old schtick, aye Mike?

MH: I can beat you within an inch of your life any time, any place. Isn’t that why Walker brought us here, cos these animals don’t care about decency. There’s no rules, no real law. When I break every bone in your body and twist you around till blood drops from your eyes, I’ll walk away from here without batting an eyelid.

And I’d guess you’ll be cut up and gutted until the Osaka Seafood Concern can pass you off as tomorrow’s sushi.

(Costello edges closer but Hill laughs and holds his hands up)

MH: Save it for the ring, tough guy. You’re gonna need it.

(Hill walks away as Costello seethes till we fade to black)


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 9:32 pm

(The camera cuts backstage to show Max Admason stood talking to members of the production team. Clarke James and Perfect Jack walk into shot…)

Clarke James: Hey…. There he is!!

Perfect Jack: We’ve been trying to call you…

(James and Jack burst into laughter as the Production team move out of shot. Max stands chuckling…)

Max Adamson: Oh, ha….ha… ha! Look, I know it’s all cool outside of here, the bars, the random indy shows, the Twitter stuff, but, you guys have to remember, The TA is my project, and things haven’t exactly been easy for me…

Clarke James: Dude, we get it. This is business, and whatever goes on outside of here…

Perfect Jack: Stays outside of here. It’s all cool man.

Max Adamson: I appreciate that lads. I know Jackson and Frank think this is something more, but I want the best for them. If they beat you, I know it’s for the right reasons. It’s why I’m going to stay out of the way, that way, I don’t get any flack…

Clarke James: Stay out of the way? Max, come on, you can’t hide out back here all night.

Perfect Jack: He’s right, you need to be front and centre for this! Don’t you wanna see your friends retain their 6CW..

Clarke James: Tag

Perfect Jack: Team

Perfect Jack: Championships!

Max Adamson: I just want to do what’s right for The TA, surely you guys can understand that?
Jack and James look at each other and nod…

Perfect Jack: Ok, look, we’re big enough to admit that we’re not exactly proud of what’s gone on. We’ve all had to start somewhere.

Clarke James: But, business is business. Tonight it’s not about friendship, it’s about the Tag Titles…

Perfect Jack: But, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the show man, so look…

(Jack reaches into his back pocket….)

Perfect Jack: Here’s a ticket to ringside. You don’t have to use it…

Clarke James: But, if you want a ringside sit to the match of the night, it’s all yours…

(Max looks reluctantly at the ticket…)

Perfect Jack: Come on, what are you gonna do, sit back here and watch on a monitor. If it’s business, you can just applaud whoever wins. And hell, if The TA somehow buy a miracle, you’ll be front and centre.

(Max nods and takes the ticket…)

Max Adamson: Thanks, I appreciate the offer. I’ll think about it.

Clarke James: Good man. Seriously, may the best team win.

Perfect Jack: He means us, but, you know… all the best…

(Jack and James extend their hands and Max reaches out)

Max Adamson: Good luck, guys.

(James and Jack head off down the corridor, Max smiles and turns to face Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan…)

Jackson Jackson: So that’s how it’s gonna be huh? Can’t answer your phone, don’t reply to texts, and here you are, all pally with your boys.

Frank Horrigan: You’re a joke, Max! All those pep talks you used to give us, all the while you were just protecting your friends.

Max Adamson: Are you guys serious? All the work I put into this and you want to get all funny cause I have friends outside of the business? Do you have any idea how long I’ve been riding with those two? Do you know how many dingy hotels, dive bars, school hall indy shows we’ve done together? No, you wouldn’t, cause the pair of you are too up your own asses to understand that outside of those four walls, people have a life. Inside, it’s business. A business I’ve worked to succeed in…

Jackson Jackson: Oh, spare us the sob story, Max. Friends or not, you took us under your wing, not the other way round. You’re the one who dropped the ball. If it wasn’t for you, we’d still be Tag Champs We’d be top of the tree. But we’re not. But tonight, we’re going back to day one. And you can take your golden ticket and sit there and watch us achieve it all again, without you…

(Jackson shoves Max into the wall, he drops his ticket as Frank stares and shakes his head. Max looks down the hallway as the two men walk out of shot. He reaches down, grabbing his ticket and snarling as we head to commercial.)


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 9:34 pm

Match 1
Vincent Costello vs Mike Hill

HE: Will Max be out at ringside?

HA: I guess time will tell but time to get this show started...

HE: I can't wait...

HA: Our opening match of Genesis is full of bitterness and ill feeling....

HE: Maybe from Vincent Costello's point of view, he's jealous of Mike Hill because he's washed up and Hill is now in the renaissance of his career.....the envy is tangible...

HA: I wouldn't quite put it that way.....Hill has been targeting Costello ever since 6CW re-opened it's doors.....I am not disputing Hill's career upturn but Costello did not start this war...

HE: And he won't be ending it either.....I can't believe he was crazy enough to request this match after all the beat downs he has received from Hill over the last two months...

The crowd in the Tokyo Dome give a roar of approval as the lights dim and "Killing in the name of" booms through the sound system. Vincent Costello quickly appears in the aisleway with a sullen expression on his face as he slicks back his hair. He takes a long sip of water from a bottle in his hand and then launches the bottle into the crowd.

HA: Once the most feared competitor in all of 6CW.....the two time EWF World Heavyweight Champion, Vincent Costello......his barbarism and roughshod mentality knew no limits and no boundaries, he pushed the envelope further than perhaps anyone before him.....but there are question marks shrouding him now, has he lost a step? Is he still capable of those main event calibre performances? Tonight he has one hell of a platform to answer them....

HE: It is a huge platform....the first ever 6CW PPV in Japan, all eyes around the world are on this event....but I have a spoiler alert for you because Vincent Costello just does not have it in the tank anymore....some competitors age gracefully and some fade into nothingness.....this match is the perfect example of that....Mike Hill is getting better with age whilst Vincent Costello's prime is behind him...

Costello stands at the base of the ring for a few moments and then he circles the outside before rolling under the bottom rope and clambering to his feet. There is a steady "Cos-tello" chant ringing around the famous arena before "Next Big Thing" crashes through the airwaves.

HA: Another two time world champion.....another tremendous talent.....Mike Hill's elite level success came in such a young age he ended the reign of Hobo and shocked the world to rise to the mountain top.......nine years later and the seasoned veteran is arguably now just peaking.....he's experienced so much success since 2008 but he truly believes that he is now ready to show the best of Mike Hill....

HE: I believe him.....look at him, he's in tremendous shape. For a technical, high-flier he has matured tremendously.....many superstars with the same style suffer serious injuries but Mike Hill is the ultimate professional.....the constant, the benchmark.....and after he wins here tonight there is no limit to where he can go here in championship number three?

Mike Hill swaggers into view and he spins on the spot before jabbing his own chest and hyping himself up as he walks to the ring. Vincent Costello has a snarl on his face as he walks toward the ropes to confront his rival...

HA: Just two weeks ago Hill left Costello in a pool of his own blood for the second time in a month....

HE: It's a reversal of fortunes for Costello, he's so used to being the hunter....but now he's the hunted, he is the prey....

HA: Vincent Costello may be a wounded animal but you know the old saying....Mike Hill is supremely confident but extremely arrogant in the face of danger, Costello just needs one opening....

Hill circles the ring, shouting at the referee to back Costello away from the ropes but VC continues to follow Hill around the ring to block him off at each juncture.

HE: Get him under control, ref. Costello looking for any advantage to start this match because he knows he just doesn't have it anymore...

Hill leaps up onto the apron and Costello rushes forward and aims a vicious punt kick at him, only for Hill to drop down again and remonstrate with the referee. The official backs Costello off once more and gives him a severe warning....

HA: Costello is used to toeing the line of acceptability, bending the rules in his own favour is what made him so successful....

HE: He'll need all of that tonight and a goddamn miracle....

Hill pulls himself onto the apron on the opposite of the ring and Costello whirls around and aims a brutal looking axe handle at him, only for Hill to dodge the impact once more. The crowd are booing now as Hill circles the outside some more, clearly frustrated....

HA: Vincent Costello may be desperate for revenge on Mike Hill but he needs to let him in the ring first....

HE: You can see the desperation on his face......where is the raging killer we once revered and feared in equal measure?

Costello takes a deep breath as the referee backs him away from the ropes again and this time he nods his head in understanding of the rules. Hill holds his arms out to the referee, who gives the thumbs up for Hill to join the fray....

HE: Can we finally get this match underway?

HA: I think so, I think we are a go....

Hill takes a couple of moments to perform some stretches now, taking his time, which draws the ire of the crowd. He shrugs his shoulders and smirks before rolling under the bottom rope....




HA: It's over....


Costello shoves the referee aside and bursts forward for the leaping foot stomp but Hill rolls underneath it and VC collides with the ropes and gets in a tangle. Hill quickly scurries back in and nails the "Over the Hill" for the three count out of nowhere....

HA: This may just be the fastest match in 6CW history.....I don't believe what we have just witnessed....

HE: This is incredible.....Mike Hill just blew Vincent Costello away in less than ten seconds....this will go down in history....

The crowd are in stunned disbelief as "Next Big Thing" booms through the speakers and Mike Hill immediately leaps to his feet, fist pumping the air with joy all over his face. He smirks down at Costello and shakes his head before climbing through the ropes....

HA: Hill barely even broke sweat....he can hit the showers and put his feet up for the rest of the show.....I never would have called this one, I don't think anybody did....

HE: I knew Hill would win but not like this, this is even more amazing than I ever could have imagined....nobody has ever done that to Vincent Costello....

Hill is getting in the faces of the fans at ringside and milking every second of their disdain as they voice their displeasure at what they have just seen. Vincent Costello is coming to in the ring and looks dazed by the events...

HA: We really could be witnessing the second coming of the "Next Big Thing" Mike Hill.....he looks faster, sharper and more deadly than I can ever remember....what an astonishing way to kick off this pay per view event.....ladies and gentlemen we promised you a night you would never forget but not even we were expecting it to start this way....

HE: Mike Hill just put the rest of the playing field on notice......he has dispatched Vincent Costello in less than ten seconds.....that makes you a big game player here in 6CW, his career hasn't just been kick started, it has been completely rejuvenated here at Genesis....

HA: Costello cannot believe what has happened.....where does this leave him exactly? What does the future hold?

HE: Does he even have one after this? I don't know many superstars that would be able to bounce back from this kind of defeat....

Costello is on his knees, looking completely bewildered, whilst Hill stands in the aisle and continues to celebrate. Hill tips a wink in Costello's direction, not able to suppress a huge grin, and then he turns on his heel, swaggering out of the camera's shot.

HA: 6CW Genesis has kicked off with a bang folks and you are not going to want to go anywhere as we have so, so much more to come...


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 9:37 pm

(Away from the action, a man paces back and forth, back and forth. A laugh rings out. The face of a clown comes into view. Fully in make up, we can see it is Engel Harlequin.)

EH: Yes. Yes it’s time. When can we see the end of the tick-tick-ticking, oh the ticking of the clock.

(He wipes his hands down his face and some of the make up comes off in his hands. He stares at it)

EH: Look at it fading. The lightness once shining so bright, now in my hands.

(Again he wipes, but it becomes repetitive and frenzied. He scratches at it, his nails covered)

EH: See?! See what happens when it’s all in my hands?! It all comes to an end! Where has the clown gone? Where has it gone?

(He looks down at his hands then down the lens once more)

EH: Your fate is in my hands. Keith, Keith, Keith. It’s such a problem for us all. Like paint, it lasts and lasts till we see a new colour. No longer needed, just fading away at my hands.

(He looks at his hands again and laughs)

EH: Your end at my hands


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 9:44 pm

Match 2
Engel Harlequin vs Keith Leone

HA: Next up here, a clash between two legends of this company who have come back stronger, and stranger, than ever before!

HE: Well, that's certainly true in the case of Engel, I'm not sure the same can be said of Keith Leone!

HA: Leone knew exactly what he was getting into as soon as he took it to Engel in the battle royal that marked the re-up of 6CW.

HE: He probably wasn't quite as certain about what he was getting into when he accepted Engel's invite to the Circus Of Horrors, let's take a look at what went down there...

(The cage floor is covered in dust and what appears to be a skeleton of some unknown description)

Leone: You are one sick son of b1tch...

(Leone suddenly jolts as the opposite corner lights up and then the familiar circus jingle begins to sound out. Shadows flit across the tarps)

???: Hehehehe......welcome, Keith.....I'm so glad you could make it...

(Leone lowers his hood and scans the area as the lights go out again and the silence returns)

Leone: Cut the (beep) and show yourself...

(Harlequin's laughter echoes around again and a shadow moves on the outside of the marquee as Leone spins on his foot, keeping his guard up for any potential attack. He steps over the circled enclosure and takes position in the centre, giving himself 360 visibility.)

Leone: You wanted me here and now you're going to hide? I didn't have you down for a coward, clown....

Engel: Hiding? I'm not hiding, Keith....I'm biding my time.....something I've been doing a long time. Forced into the shadows, pushed back for people like you to take centre stage.....

(A huge spotlight suddenly shines from the rafters and points right down at Leone, forcing him to throw his hands over his eyes in order to shield his eyes. In the brief moment that he is distracted by the light, a baseball bat clatters him across the side of the head and sends him sprawling across the floor. Leone is blinking blood from his eyes as he seeps from the wound in the side of his head, two black boots stepping in front of his face)

Engel: Hehehehe, I put this show on for you Keith, front row and centre just like you have always demanded....

(Leone tries to sit up, the blood now covering his face, but Engel pushes the barbed wire bat in his chest and shoves him back to the floor)

Engel: Our stories may have run parallel but I've always been here, Keith....watching your rise to the top, fighting and clawing your way above everybody first you were an didn't fit the model, you weren't gave men like me hope that being different wouldn't stop the opportunities...

But just like all the rest you became lazy and used influence and sway with those who held power to maintain your position as a main event talent whilst your work rate dwindled and your lack of interest became all too apparent.....and you see me, I continued to claw and fight and scratch....I continued to be different.....but my opportunity didn't come, the brass ring didn't descend....that glass ceiling just would not break....

(Leone is trying to mutter something back to Engel but Harlequin is pulling at his own hair now and looking deranged as he drops to his knees next to his prey)

Engel: They tried to hold me back did, another cog in the machine ehehehe, and look at you came back one too many times and this time.....ENOUGH!

(Engel puts his face close to Leone's, staring into his eyes, and Leone responds with a headbutt to the bridge of the nose. Engel rolls backward, clutching his face, whilst Leone tries to drag himself up to a standing position. Harlequin begins to laugh, wiping blood from his nose, and he lets Leone get up before smashing the bat into his gut. Leone drops to his knees, coughing and spluttering in clear agony)

Engel: I like when they fight hehehehe.....and I expected nothing less of you, Keith, why do you think I picked you?.....we all know your story, your bravery, your warrior spirit....but now I'm going to tell my story.....and I'm going to paint the pages with your blood....hehehehe...

(Engel just drops to the floor and writhes around whilst laughing to himself. He turns on his stomach, hands on his head as though watching tv whilst he surveys Leone)

Engel: You had your time, but now you're a caricature of a bygone're a representation of everything that is wrong in this business.....whilst I....hehehe well I represent something very different....

(Engel grabs the hair of Leone and drags him close)

Engel: I represent structure, no safety blanket, no order....I am that which cannot be controlled hehehe......some people call it evil.....but what I am is reality, I am a product of my surroundings.....I am what this company so desperately needs....

Leone: You're.......crazy....

(Engel's eyes bulge and he seizes Leone's face)

Engel: NO.....NO I'M NOT.....YOU DON'T GET TO SAY THAT....

(Engel scrambles to his feet, kicking dust as his feet fly out behind him, and then he stands and kicks Leone in the chest, pushing him down on his back again)

Engel: I am what you don't have the guts to be anymore....I'm pushing the envelope....and I'm using you to deliver my message....

(Engel walks out of the scene and then returns with a piece of paper in his hands. He drops down on his knee and presses the paper against Leone's face, pulling it away and revealing it covered in blood)

Engel: Hehehe I couldn't trust that you'd accept a fight with me, not after tonight so I've taken matters into my own hands....a contract signed in blood is binding.......Mr Walker will be pleased....

(Leone's eyes widen at the mention of Walker's name)

Engel: At Genesis we'll write the final chapter together......until then I want you to sit in the shadows, like I've had to for years.......and contemplate every career that has stagnated thanks to your ego.....your sins will haunt your dreams forever....

(Engel drags Leone up and pulls him along the floor. Leone tries to fight back but Engel drives a knee into his stomach and then smashes his head against the outside of the huge animal cage. Leone drops to his knees, blood running down his head, and Engel shoves him inside the cell before locking the door. Leone is sprawled in the dust and bone remains as Engel stares at him)

Engel: Hehehehe......I'll see you in Japan.......if you can make it!

(Engel runs the baseball bat along the bars of the cell and walks away as Leone continues to slump on the cage floor, blood running down his face)

HE: Leone was bloodied and battered in Engel's shrine to the strange and bizarre.

HA: And as he kind of implied, for Leone to even be competing tonight would be one hell of an achievement following the destruction wrought by Engel.

"Its not over yet" then plays out and Engel Harlequin walks briskly out onto the stage. Harlequin looks, wide-eyed, around the audience and then begins to laugh hysterically. He shuffles down the ramp and rolls under the bottom rope, remaining on his knees as he surveys the arena.

HA: Here he is folks, the demented, deranged, psychopath that is Engel Harlequin.

HE: Do you even know what he's laughing about?

HA: God knows, and I dread to ask.

Engel stands in the ring, waiting impatiently, as "Limowreck" roars out through the speakers and the crowd goes crazy awaiting the impending arrival of Keith Leone. Engel appears slightly surprised to hear the music of Leone as he stands waiting in the middle of the ring.

A wide grin appears on Engel's face as the music continues to play, far longer than usual, with no sign of Leone.

HA: Everyone here is awaiting the arrival of Keith Leone but it appears as if his trip to the circus of horrors may indeed have proved too much for him.

The song finishes, and still no sign of Leone. Finally the song starts up again...



Keith Leone walks slowly out onto the stage, his head is bandaged while his ribs are taped up. Leone makes his way to the ring, with Engel still smirking.

HA: Why is he still smiling?

HE: This was a win-win for Engel. Either he knew that he'd broken Leone's spirit at the Circus Of Horrors, or he'd get the opportunity to beat the crap out of him tonight.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell rings to kick the match off, and Engel immediately storms in at Leone in the corner. He pushes him back into the turnbuckles and fires in a series of punches and knees that Leone offers very little resistance to. Eventually the referee steps in looking to intervene.

He forces Engel back, he smiles as the ref checks on Leone following his lack of fighting back. Leone nods his head vehemently and while reluctant to do so, the ref waves Engel forward.
Harlequin immediately runs back in and crashes a knee into the face of Leone who slumps down. Engel then stomps down on Leone repeatedly, before climbing to the 2nd rope to drive his stomps down right into the top of the cranium.

Engel eventually drags Leone out from the corner and hooks the leg on him.

Ref: 1................2....Kick out!

Engel gets to his feet, smirking. He stomps away on the head of Leone repeatedly, who rolls towards the ropes, only for Engel to drag him back away from the ropes and then drop a hard knee down right into the face of Leone.

Leone is dragged to his feet by Engel, who hits a kick to the stomach. He follows that with a number of clubbing blows across the back, before lunging down to extend his knee. He grabs the head of Leone and then drives it repeatedly into his out-stretched knee, a maniacal grin stretched across his face.

Harlequin eventually relents, but doesn't cover. Instead, he chooses to drag Leone over to the ropes himself. He looks down at Leone for a few moments, before than grabbing his legs and nailing a vicious-looking slingshot choke across the bottom rope.

Engel steps onto the ring apron and then springs back in over the top rope with a knee to the face. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2..........Kick out!

HA: We know that Leone is renowned for his fighting spirit but this is simply ridiculous. He has no business being here, he should be in hospital getting the best treatment available.

HE: He's a true fighter Harold, that's both a blessing and a curse. On this occassion, I believe his pride may well have gotten the better of him.

Leone kicks out. Engel drags him to his feet and cracks in a series of stiff right hands to the face, before launching Leone into the ropes. On the rebound, Engel leaps up into the air and knocks Leone down with a HHH-like knee to the face.

Engel then drags up Keith Leone, cracking a knee into the stomach. He lifts Leone up into the air for a couple of brief moments, simply to deliver a gutbuster. Leone is then slung over the shoulders of Engel, who runs towards the ropes and drops the former world champion down across them, abdomen-first.

Harlequin then steps onto the ring apron, before running along and booting Leone in the head. Leone falls off the apron, Engel steps into the ring before running along and hitting a stiff double foot stomp to the gut. Cover.

Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

Engel goes back on the attack, lifting up Leone and firing off a succession of punches and kicks to the body and head of Leone, who falls back towards the corner. Harlequin unloads with another flurry of strikes, he then drags Wood back from the corner before Irish whipping him into the turnbuckles viciously from close range.

Harlequin then rests his rival up against the turnbuckles, before stepping back into the opposite corner. Engel then runs in, nailing a huge leaping forearm straight into the face. Engel stays leant up against Leone before hitting a flurry of forearm smashes from close range, driving pointed elbows down into the cranium of Leone, who's face is already a crimson mask.

HA: Engel is simply brutalising Leone here.

HE: This is difficult to watch Harold.

Engel eventually stops with the forearm smashes, he drags Leone away from the corner and lifts him into the air, dropping him down to the mat with a brainbuster. Engel covers, a forearm again digging into the face.

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Engel doesn't seem too annoyed by the kick out, he gets a seated mount position on Leone and then proceeds to pummel away at him with a ground and pound style flurry of punches to the head.

Harlequin eventually rolls away, dragging Leone to his feet. He kicks him in the gut and then puts Leone onto his shoulders, running into the corner and driving him into the turnbuckle with a huge powerbomb. Leone stumbles forward and Engel leaps into the air, nailing a vicious enzaguri to the head.

He doesn't cover instantly, instead allowing Leone to rise before running in and cracking him with a step-up enzaguri. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

HA: This determination from Leone is simply incredible, I don't know how he's doing it quite frankly.


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 9:47 pm

Engel shakes his head for a moment but the smile soon returns to his face as he goes back to beating down on Leone with a combination of stomps and knee drops. He then drags up Leone, throwing him into the ropes and face-planting him on the rebound.

Leone is hauled back into the corner by Engel, who again attacks with a knees and open-palm strikes. Engel follows up with a spinning back elbow to the head, he then takes a few steps back, sprinting into the corner...


HA: Leone moves! He dived out the way just in time.

Engel crashes into the turnbuckles, Leone quickly rolls him up.

Ref: 1...................2.......Kick out!

Engel kicks out, but Leone is quick to dive onto him and unravel a flurry of huge punches to the head.

HA: Revenge time for Leone!

Leone pummels down on the head of Engel, eventually breaking at the behest of the referee. Leone storms past the ref as soon as the warning is done, and fires in another load of shots down into the head of Engel.

Eventually he steps back, Engel rolls up to his feet and Leone kicks him in the gut. He follows this with a few punches to the back followed by a lifting, swinging DDT. He covers.

Ref: 1.................2..........Kick out!

Engel kicks out, Keith Leone drags him to his feet and fires in a couple of right hands to the face. He then hits a couple of left handed punches to the stomach, and then Irish whips Harlequin to the corner. Leone runs in, hitting a stinger splash. Harlequin stumbles forward, and Leone connects with a huge boot to the head. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2..............Kick out!

Keith Leone stomps down on the back of Engel Harlequin's head, before synching in a double underhook hold. He then launches Engel out across the ring, with a double underhook suplex. Engel Harlequin staggers up, Leone knocks him down with a big discus lariat. He hooks the leg.
Ref: 1...................2..............Kick out!

HE: Leone taking it to Engel now.

Leone drags Engel Harlequin to his feet, he walks to the corner and fires in a number of punches to the head. Engel manages to block a punch, and then turns the tables, shoving Engel back into the corner where he fires in a series of knife-edge chops to the chest. Leone blocks this time, and then counters with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle.

The former world champion proceeds to stomp down on the head of Engel continually, before then running in and connecting with a leaping knee to the back of the head. Leone grabs Engel by the waist, dragging him away from the corner and hitting a German suplex, again bridging over into the cover.

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

Leone gets to his feet, he proceeds to stomp away down on the head of Engel before walking to the corner. He removes the top turnbuckle cover and throws it aside once the referee comes over, leaving the steel exposed.

He picks up Engel and throws him to the corner. Leone sprints in, going for a helluva kick...


HE: Engel counters!

Engel counters with a huge flapjack and Leone crashes face-first into the exposed steel. He stumbles out of the corner, staggering around, Engel flies out and takes him down with a huge running knee to the head. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Engel smirks at the kick out. He gets to his feet and then stares down at Leone's crimson-soaked face, he proceeds to drive stomps down into the face, unrelenting in their pace and power.

He finally stops to lift up Leone and throw him into the ropes, where on the rebound he connects with a belly to belly throw. Leone stumbles up and Engel hits a spinning kick to the back of the head, Leone crumples down to the mat in a heap. Cover.

Ref: 1................2...............Kick out!

Leone kicks out. Engel drags him to his feet, cracking some punches into the head and gut. He then hauls Leone over his shoulders, walking to the corner and delivering a snake eyes. He follows this up with a second snake eyes, and then picks Leone up again.

HA: Another snake eyes!

Leone falls, dazed, out of the corner straight into a facebuster from Engel. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Engel drags up Leone, he walks towards the ropes and again drops him down stomach first. This is followed by punches across the back, before applying a front facelock. Engel hits knees to the face before finally planting Leone with a draping DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1........................2...............Kick out!

HE: I'm lost for words at the sheer toughness of Leone, but at the same time, this is risking not just his career but his life. The ref needs to act.

Harlequin drags Leone to the corner, he lifts him up and then ala Matt Hardy begins to drive the head of Leone toward the top turnbuckle. Somehow, Leone finds the strength to block and then use Engel's own move against him.

HA: What in the hell?!

Leone drives the head of Engel into the turnbuckle, he holds up Engel's head to look a moment and Harlequin is smiling back. Leone goes to drive his head into the turnbuckle again but Engel blocks and starts driving Leone's head back into the steel.

He slumps down on the mat and Engel pummels away on the head of Leone with big punches. He then proceeds to drag Leone out of the corner, before turning back to the face the top turnbuckle...


Ref: 1........................2.....................Engel breaks the pin himself!

HE: Stop it Engel god damn it.

Engel picks up Leone, he drags him back to the corner where the steel is exposed and hits a second, and then a third, self-fulfilling prophecy. Cover.

Ref: 1................................2............................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: Thank the lord that one is over!

HE: Engel has absolutely brutalised Keith Leone here tonight. He tried to fight but Engel simply had too much for him.

HA: He was smiling after having his head smashed into a turnbuckle, how do you deal with a man like that?!


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 9:51 pm

(Charlotte Grey is stood backstage with all five participants in the Fatal Five Way…)

Charlotte Grey: Ladies and Gentleman, we are just moments away from finding out who will be the new 6CW TV Champion and I’m stood here with all the Competitors. Gentleman, this is your last chance to say your piece before you head out to the arena, does anyone have anything to say? Cameron Faith, you were a late addition to this match, can you give us your thoughts…

Cameron Faith: I know you’re going to hear from Helms, Lion and Uryu, about why and how they are going to become the new TV champion. They are going to bore you to tears telling you what type of champion they plan on being, and the truth is each and everyone of them has a damn good chance of winning this thing. Uryu has the experience, Lion is one the most innovative competitors I’ve seen in the ring, Bam Sparkleton is just crazy and Helms…. But….The truth is though I don't give a F*** how good these guys are, the truth is they just ain’t Cameron Faith and Alex Walker knows that, that’s why he added me to this match. This is my chance to prove myself. This is the opportunity I’ve been looking for and tonight I will make damn sure I walk out of here with that title over my shoulder.

(Lion steps forward, looking across at Faith…)

Lion: You think you are better than me because you don’t know me. You think you are better than Uryu as he is different. You think you can beat Bam because he is unorthodox. The closest thing you have shown to respect is Cameron Faith - his recent heritage lights fear in your eyes.

But you do know me. These people do know me. I was not just a man with an injury who wrestled in Mexico and Japan for a few months. I have been in this stratosphere for years. I am continuously developing character because that is how success fights the everyday battle against mediocrity, that is how talent becomes legend.”

(Lion points at Helms…)

Lion: You. You will learn again. I pinned you before, I took Uryu to his edge before you was scared of my dominance. And I have achieved beyond your memory or recognition. Genesis is my rebirth. The phoenix rises, the Lion roars!

(Marty Helms snatches the mic from Lion…)

Marty Helms: I have depleted, punished and destroyed the prospects of those three little mutts who have come for me. Not one of them can stand up to me, so they put on their big pants and played Avengers. Well I’m Thanos! I’m f***ing Thanos! And i’ll end this little Nicola Sturgeon tasting motherf****r at Genesis too. Alex Walker might want to play games on all this, adding kilt-wearing tarts to my match, but I ain’t gonna be beaten, am I?!

And if one of those little pricks gets pinned by anyone else who isn’t me then I’ll dog their every step till they can’t sleep without expecting my fist down their throat. Yeah, you heard me. They’ll be first on the list - and I’ll use the teeth I smash out of their bloody mouths to scratch my initials on any little s*** who tries to hold that belt from me.

(Uryu calmly steps forward, waiting for Helms to hand him the mic. Helms gives Uryu the middle finger and slams the mic into his chest. Uryu remains calm and raises the mic…)

Uryu Ishida: What I say to you and all those people is that if you look back at the matches I have had, I have not held anything back. I have earned my spot in the match with high flying and skill that I have more of than anyone else in this match. I know to expect the unexpected and what I have improved for facing these particular opponents. If not for Marty Helms' constant interference results would have been seen and a clear set of contenders established. Alex Walker made the only choice he could and if you have an issue with that then take it up with him.

(Grey looks over towards Bam who is transfixed looking at his phone….)

Charlotte Grey: Bam? Do you have anything to say??

(Bam looks up, smiling…)

Bam Sparkleston: ERMAGHEEERRRRRRRD!!!! Can you believe it, Charlie? Like, Danny Dyer named his daughter after him?! How A-MAY-ZING! And, Love Island is BACCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!! So excited for my Bam Fam to be joining me for my live Twitter through it.

Seriously, like, is this match gonna be over in time? What time is it here! OHHHH this is craaaaazzzzyyyyy!! I just wanna say, good luck to EVERYONE in this match! I don’t know where the other 3 dwarves are, but I’m so totally stoked that we got Angry, Weirdo, Scottish and Uryu here! I hope Snow White is ok? She has got the worst taste in men! ERMAGHERRRDD! You know what we need? PRE MATCH SELFIE!??

(Bam gets his phone out but turns to see everyone has disappeared. He takes the selfie anyway and starts tapping at his phone as we head to commercial)


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:01 pm

Match 3
6CW TV Championshp
Lion vs Uryu Ishida vs Cameron Faith vs Bam Sparkleston vs Marty Helms

HE: He's here, Harold...

There are cheers from the crowd as the cameras move in on the front row to show Max Adamson taking a seat amongst the Japanese fans.

HA: I guess he took CJ and PJ's offer...he'll be an interested viewer later tonight for the tag team title match up...

Ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a fatal five way match for the vacant 6CW TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

HA: Major opportunity for these five individuals in this match......a chance to put championship gold around their waist....

HE: Winning gold in 6CW puts you on the map, there is no doubt about that.....this is the big leagues now and any chance to win a title should be seized with both hands....if you aren't giving everything in a match like this then you don't deserve to be here...

"Forever" begins to shoot through the speakers and there is a good response from the crowd as Lion walks into shot. He bends down and slaps the ground four times before giving a gun salute to the audience...

HE: If he did that back home now the liberals would be feinting into their lentils....

HA: Let's not get political brother and instead focus on our first competitor....the high-flying, mysterious, give him a shot?

HE: He's talented, I'll grant it....but this isn't Mexico, this isn't Lucha Libre.....this is 6CW and winning championship gold here is a little more difficult....we've seen glimpses that this guy has the tools but putting it all together when the lights are on bright is a whole different ball game...

Lion seems to launch himself off a springboard at ringside and flies over the top rope into the ring. He then leaps onto turnbuckle and poses for the audience before "Mr Blue Sky" echoes out to another series of cheers from the Tokyo Dome fans.

HA: The veteran is in the building....can Uryu Ishida turn back the clock and show that he still is capable of great things...

HE: A European Championship reign in 6WF almost a decade ago.....I just don't believe Uryu is championship calibre anymore.....there is nothing to suggest that he walks out of here tonight with the TV Title...

HA: I've been impressed with him since he returned to 6CW....but this is a step up, this is high pressure and you have to wonder if he's prepared for that........can his body hold up?

Uryu climbs into the ring and gives a respectful nod to Lion as "#Selfie" screeches out to a cacophony of cheers...

HE: How is this man even on the 6CW roster?

HA: He appeals to the masses, the Japanese fans love him....

HE: Well they're a few sandwiches short of a picnic too....look at this....

Bam Sparkelston is bouncing down the aisle and stopping at regular intervals to take pictures with the crazed fans around the barricades. Bam then places his selfie stick and phone at ringside as he climbs up the steel steps....

HE: I don't think I could stomach a Bam reign....

HA: It wouldn't be the first of his......Bam Sparkelston is a former TV Champion...

HE: We've tried to forget, the guys in Records couldn't remove him though....

HA: When you look past the antics and slightly "out there" attire, Sparkleston is a talented superstar.....that cannot be overlooked...

Sparkleston is trying to interact with both Lion and Uryu but they seem more focused on the match at hand. "Remedy" then booms through the air and Marty Helms comes storming into the picture, fury written all over his face. He marches down the aisle and immediately up onto the apron...

HE: This is your next Television Champion....I'm calling it right here....

HA: I don't think anyone would dispute that pick....Marty Helms is a wrecking machine with a bad attitude, since rejoining 6CW he has been hell-bent on destroying anything and everything in his path....

HE: And these three men in the ring have been getting in his path quite a lot....

HA: Yes they have and Helms looks in a destructive mood.....but let's not forget that his hot headedness has cost him several matches since his return....his temperament may just be his downfall...

HE: I'm still backing him.....the rest of the playing field is soft, Marty Helms is their reality check....

The referee immediately moves over to block Helms from the rest of the ring. Helms looks eager to start fighting but the official keeps him backed up....

HA: Helms is going to have to wait....

"I fought the law" then rips through to another ovation from the 6CW faithful in attendance. Cameron Faith bursts through the curtain with a confident smile upon his face.

HA: For many this man is the favourite for this match....two matches since his return, two huge wins....knocking off the world champion and your pick, Henry, Marty Helms....

HE: That win last time out was a fluke....Helms had the match won and those other three monstrosities in the ring cost him.....Faith got lucky, just like against Grace.....and tonight all the hype will be removed and he'll fall flat on his face as usual....Faith always chokes on the grand stage....

HA: Granted, Cameron Faith has never lived up to his full potential but he seems in the best frame of mind I have ever seen from him.....if he can put all the components together then I do believe he has all the makings of a global star for his brand....

Faith tags hands with a few of the fans at ringside and then he rolls into the ring to join the rest of the playing field. The referee moves away from Helms to give his final instructions to all of the competitors...

HA: This match is one fall to a disqualifications or count outs but the first man to score a pinfall or submission will walk out with the TV Championship in his possession....


The bell sounds and Helms immediately roars across the ring and floors Cameron Faith with a huge clothesline. He drags Faith up and launches from the ring before turning to focus on Lion, Uryu and Bam....

HE: Helms wants revenge on all of these men...

HA: And he looks in the mood to get it....these three men may need to work together to prevent his wrath....

All three try to flank Helms and then Lion moves in behind with sharp kicks to the legs. Uryu leaps up and dropkicks Helms in the chest at the same time that another kick lands on Helms, taking him off his feet. Bam then runs in and punts Helms in the side of the head..................1...................2........Uryu drags Bam off the pin!

HA: The teamwork lasted all of three seconds....

Bam looks Uryu in shock but then has to duck as Ishida aims a vicious karate kick towards his skull. Lion leaps onto Uryu's back and nails a backstabber that immediately transitions on the ground into a calf crusher....

HA: Lion looking for an early finish himself....

Cameron Faith comes running back into the ring and he dives into Lion and spins him around with one hell of a DDT. Faith kicks back up onto his feet and he waits for Sparkleston to stand....

HA: ACT OF....

Bam ducks the superkick attempt but can't avoid the brutal big boot from Marty Helms that spins him inside out. Faith turns around and answers Helms with forearms to the face and then he grabs his arm, looking for an Irish whip....

HE: Helms is too strong...

Helms puts the brakes on and then drags Faith forwards and spins him into a 360 spinebuster. Helms stands and lets out a roar before dragging Lion up and flips him into a powerbomb position....


Helms just launches Lion through the air and he collides with Uryu, sending them both flying from the ring. Bam Sparkleston is just getting back to his feet and Helms clutches him by the throat before bench pressing him into the air....

HA: That is frightening.....Marty Helms destroying the playing field.....

Helms drops Bam and then spears him whilst he is still airborne..................1......................2...............Faith just manages to make the break!

HE: Cameron Faith is only delaying the inevitable....

Helms is fresher as he gets up and he clubs Faith across the back repeatedly before pulling him into position and flipping him up...


Lion is back on his feet and he springboards into the ring with a missile dropkick to the back of Helms, sending he and Faith crashing into the turnbuckle. Helms tries to crawl up but Lion runs off the ropes and returns with a low flying dropkick that the face that sends Helms flying from the ring. Lion makes his way out on the apron, where he is joined by Uryu....

HE: What are they doing?

HA: They shared a look....they know what is at stake.....INCREDIBLE!

The crowd go wild as both Lion and Uryu springboard onto the ropes and then moonsault off the apron in tandem, taking Helms out of commission. Uryu then grabs Lion and hauls him over the barricade into the crowd....

HA: Teammates for only seconds once more....

HE: This is a championship match, there are no teams...

Uryu pulls himself onto the apron and begins to climb to the top rope but Cameron Faith leaps through the air and lands a corner enzeguiri to the temple, dropping Uryu into a seated position. Faith then scrambles up the ropes.....

HA: Cameron Faith taking the risk...SUPERPLEX!


Sparkleston rushes over and climbs behind Faith, nailing a German suplex on the Scotsman at the same time he delivers the superplex to Uryu.

HA: That is truly mesmerising....

Faith clutches his neck as he tries to stand up and Bam runs to the ropes before springboarding into a vicious knee right to the face....
.............shoulder up!

HE: Thank the lord....Sparkleston cannot win this match....

Sparkleston claps his hands at the referee but the official orders him to carry on with the match. Bam pulls Faith up and flips him into a powerbomb position before dropping him backward on his face. Faith is flat out as Bam makes his way to the corner...

HA: Sparkleston looking for a grandstand.....YOLO!

HE: Please never say that again....

Helms is back up on the apron and he runs across to shove Bam off the turnbuckle, sending him hurtling off the ropes and crashing into the ringside barrier on the outside....


HA: Bam Sparkleston may have suffered some serious injuries in that fall....

Helms looks furious as he climbs back into the ring and he bursts forward and dives into a huge body block that spins Uryu in a full circle in the air. Helms rags Ishida back to his feet and then absolutely destroys him with a jackhammer....



Lion is back on the ropes and he dives off into a forward roll that ends with him breaking the pinfall with a rolling senton splash. Helms clambers back up and swings a huge right hand but Lion ducks it and immediately springs onto the ropes.....


The crowd roar in delight as Lion nails the flying cutter and makes the cover..................1.....................2........Helms powers out!

HE: It'll take more than that...

HA: It was enough to worry you....

Helms tries to stand but Lion is immediately on him with brutal kicks to any part of the body he can reach. He grabs Helms in a Muay Thai clinch before driving vicious knees into his head, sending the big man staggering back into the ropes....

HA: Lion showing that Helms can be pushed back.....


Helms immediately fires back off the ropes with a bicycle kick that leaves Lion flat out on his back on the canvass. Helms rubs his jaw for a moment and then...


The superkick lands right on the button and Cameron Faith hooks both legs...


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:05 pm


HE: Thank you, Bam....

HA: Didn't think you'd be saying that tonight, did you?

Bam Sparkleston places Helms' foot on the bottom rope at the very last second, forcing the referee to wave off the pin. Sparkleston looks dazed as he climbs up onto the apron....

HE: Bam doesn't look altogether with it yet......


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HA: In all my years....

Cameron Faith runs to the corner and he springs onto the turnbuckle before launching himself over the top rope and catches Bam with a DDT, drilling him down onto the apron and sending them both tumbling to the floor!

HE: Talk about impact.....that was incredible....

Marty Helms is trying to get back to his feet and Uryu sprints in behind him with flying double knees to the spine. Helms collides with the turnbuckle and collapses on the floor as Lion climbs up high....


Lion connects with the incredible aerial assault but is immediately scooped onto the shoulders of Uryu, who nails a death valley driver...........................1........................2...............Lion just gets his shoulder off the deck!

HA: Uryu so close to picking up his first 6CW Championship....

Uryu gets back to his feet and he looks down at Lion before heading to the corner. He climbs up to the top rope....


Uryu spins off into the 450 splash but finds nothing but knees as Lion drives them up in protection of himself. Uryu is winded badly as Lion gets back to his own feet and he runs off the ropes....


Lion nails a destructive front flip piledriver on the run and he hooks the leg................1..............2.............Cameron Faith drags Lion under the bottom rope and launches him against the steel steps. Faith pulls himself up onto the apron and then climbs the turnbuckle...

HA: Uryu is in big trouble here....LEAP OF FAITH!

Faith spins on his heel, bounces once, and then launches himself into the incredible double rotation moonsault that lands with aplomb....
...........thr-Helms pulls Faith off the pinfall!

HE: Now Faith is gonna pay....

Faith turns on his back and kicks out with both feet, sending Helms staggering back. The Scotsman scrambles to his feet and leaps forward...


Helms counters the superkick this time by scooping Faith up in the same movement and drills him with the Samoan drop. Helms gets back to his feet and he rips the padding off his elbow as he drags Faith to his feet....

HE: Here cometh the end....BULLHAMMER...

Faith just manages to duck the elbow to his face and then counters with a pele kick that puts Helms on the seat of his pants in the corner.


Lion is back up again and he springboards from one side of the ring to the other with an incredible dropkick to Helms, driving him against the turnbuckle. Faith is waiting for Lion as he stands and he scoops him into a backbreaker before attempting a spinning neckbreaker....

HA: Lion is so quick...

Lion spins all the way out and he sprints off the ropes before returning with a flying headbutt straight to the chest of Faith. Faith gets back up and Lion nails him with a standing dragonrana............1................2...............kickout!

HA: The pace of this match is absolutely spectacular....

Both men scramble back up and Lion nails a spinning backheel to the gut, doubling Faith up. Lion then flips Faith up onto his shoulders before dropping him into a vicious backbreaker across his knees....

HE: That may just be do it...

1...........................2.............Bam Sparkleston breaks the cover!

HA: I thought Bam was done.....he has to be suffering from a serious concussion...

The crowd are cheering Sparkleston on and he grabs Lion in a headlock and runs to the ropes, springboarding off them and planting him with a bulldog in the centre of the ring.............1..................2.............shoulder up. Bam then turns his attention to Cameron Faith and pulls him....


Sparkleston jumps into the air and drives both of his knees under the chin of Faith, leaving sprawled on the deck. Bam drops into the cover....

HE: Please no....

........Uryu makes the save!

HA: These guys have more lives than a cat in this match....

Ishida sways slightly on his feet but he beckons Bam up and he boots him in the gut before running off the ropes. He returns and uses Bam's arched back to push himself into the air and then drops a leg across the neck of Sparkleston....

HE: Incredible.....that was astonishing....

..........Bam just kicks out!

HA: I thought Uryu had it there...

Uryu gets back to his feet and he waits for Bam to start rising before stomping his foot on the ground. Ishida licks his lips as he makes the move forward...



Uryu looks for the superkick to the back of Bam's head but Lion flies through the air and crashes the phenomenal forearm into Uryu's face, spinning him inside out...


Sparkleston reacts just in time and manages to pull Lion off the cover. He drags him up and throws him through the ropes, waving at him in a mocking manner...

HA: Marty Helms on the ropes....

HE: He's going all in....


Bam turns away from the ropes and eats the flying superkick straight to the jaw from Cameron Faith. Faith collapses into the cover...


Lion is back on the apron and he springboards onto the ropes before diving into the corner, attempting to hurricanrana Marty Helms off the top rope. Helms, however, catches Lion on his shoulders and then he dives from the top rope.....


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Helms powerbombs Lion down on top of Faith and Bam, breaking up the cover. Everyone is in a heap except Helms, who drags Faith up and almost decapitates him with the Bullhammer elbow...



Ding ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner.....................AND THE NEW 6CW TELEVISION CHAMPION...................MAAARRTTTYYYY HEEEELLLLMMMMMMSSSS!

"Remedy" booms through the speakers as Helms snatches the TV Title from the referee and pumps it into the air. The new champion looks down at the wreckage around him, a mad grin crossing his face, and then he holds the belt high in the air again...

HA: Marty Helms said he'd do it......and he delivered.....

HE: Yes he did, just like I predicted.....he is a wrecking machine and these guys just could not match up...

HA: It was a terrific match, it ebbed and it flowed.....but in the end it was Marty Helms who made the ultimate statement.....he is the new TV Champion....

Helms takes one last look at the damage he has caused and then he climbs from the ring and makes his exit. He throws the TV Title belt over his shoulder with a smirk, looks back over his shoulder, and then walks up the aisle to the backstage area.


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:07 pm

(O’Callaghan is shown backstage talking to Tim Allen…)

Tim Allen: OC, tonight, you’re up against James McManus, after a difficult start to the Re-Up, can you give us your thoughts?

O’Callaghan: “As Eric Bischoff would say, “I’m back, and I’m better than ever”. It’s PPV time, and this is where O’Callaghan shines brightest, the biggest stage, the brightest lights, taking on the biggest bozo in the company, James McManus.”

(O’Callaghan chuckles to himself…)

O’Callaghan: “Over the past few weeks, McManus has been trying to prove he’s on my level. Trying to prove he deserves to share the same wrestling ring, as this once in a generation superstar. Well James, you’ve got what you want at Genesis. We got the green light mami, and you know what that means.”

(Tim Allen shrugs his shoulders…)

O’Callaghan: “That we can do anything, anything that you dream. I’m gonna make you ooo, ah, till you scream.”

(O’Callaghan leans in towards the camera, smirk on his face)

O’Callaghan: “And I practice what I preach, if you know what I mean”

(O’Callaghan winks at the camera and mouths “Mr Worldwide”)

O’Callaghan: “Tonight, you get the chance to prove you are on my level in the wrestling ring, but right now I’m giving you the chance to prove you’re on my level, mic in hand, man to man, wrestling god to....James McManus…. That’s all I’ve got time for, Tim….”

(O’Callaghan pushes past Allen and out of shot as we head back to ringside)


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:08 pm

(Backstage we see Charlotte Grey stood with James McManus who grits his teeth as Grey begins to speak)

CG: James, tonight you face off against O'Callaghan, how do you see that going for yourself?

(McManus smiles to himself before answering the question)

JM: Charlotte, tonight I will show the world that behind his confidence, O'Callaghan is far from being the wrestling god he claims to be...

CG: You seem confident in your ability to get the win here tonight at the first 6CW PPV since the rebirth.

JM: It's not about being confident in my ability to get the win but my abilities full stop. I am the future of the wrestling business because that's just what I am...a professional wrestler. In a sea of sports entertainers I'll show everyone that skill beats flash, time and time again. Tonight...I start with O'Callaghan.

(Charlotte attempts to ask another question but McManus simply walks away, seemingly ready for his match.)


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:10 pm

Match 4
O'Callaghan vs James McManus

HA: This next contest is all about pride and respect.....James McManus doesn't believe he gets any respect for his ability and he sees O'Callaghan as his leg up to the next level of his career....

HE: James McManus is the most improved man on this roster....he has proven over the last couple of months that he is O'Callaghan's equal....but tonight he'll go one step further and show everyone that he is better...

HA: O'Callaghan was the fastest rising star 6CW has ever seen....but breaking that ceiling to superstardom has stalled his progression.....if he can dispose of James McManus tonight then he can focus back on his Fight for the Right contract that guarantees him a world championship opportunity whenever he wants it.....

HE: You make it sound easy but remember these guys are 1-1 in head to head meetings over the last month.....

HA: And McManus eliminated O'Callaghan from the world championship battle royal on our opening night.....this feud has becoming more and more personal as the weeks have gone by....tonight they settle their differences once and for all....

"Sad but true" plays out through the speakers as James McManus makes his entrance. He nods his head in self-confidence and pounds his chest before making his descent to the ring. He clambers up onto the ring apron and wipes his feet before entering the ring....

HE: McManus' British strong style has been overlooked for so long but not anymore....he has had to take a back seat to more popular superstars over the years but now his talent is shining the spotlight is on him and he is not wasting a single moment....

HA: No he's not....McManus is performing better than I would have ever anticipated.....if he beats O'Callaghan here tonight then the sky really is the limit for him.....

McManus uses the ropes to warm up and then "Run this town" shatters the airwaves as O'Callaghan comes walking into view. He looks more focused than of late and he holds in his hand the FFTR briefcase...

HE: That briefcase has stalled O''s almost been a curse for one point he looked unstoppable but right now he is stuttering....

HA: The lure of the mountain top has shaken many to their core over the years.....but if O'Callaghan wants to be one of the greats then he needs to make adjustments and ascend.....

HE: He needs to overcome James McManus more underestimating....

HA: No indeed.....O'Callaghan was certainly guilty of taking McManus lightly, he gave him no respect and tried to brush his threat off....but McManus definitely has his attention now, and that may not be a good thing.....a fully focused O'Callaghan is arguably the deadliest force on this roster....

O'Callaghan climbs into the ring and immediately makes a beeline for McManus, only for the referee to intervene. Both men stand inches apart, the official in the middle, and they trade insults....

HA: You can feel the dislike from here....this one has a big match feel to it...

HE: It's a very big match......for both of these men's careers, for different reasons....the pressure is on.....

The bell sounds to start the contest and both men begin by circling the ring, trying to find a good vantage point. They put the feelers out and then they move into the centre, locking up in a classic hold...

HA: Both these men truly believe they are the best technical wrestler, this has all the makings of a pure classic...

O'Callaghan goes to one knee and swivels around the side, taking the back of McManus. McManus keeps his hands locked over his opponent's, blocking a takedown, and then tries to use his own power to push O'Callaghan's grip apart....

HE: These guys will try to outmanoeuvre the other, this is one upsmanship for sure....

McManus succeeds in turning out of the hold, back to facing OC, and then he drives forward with his knee towards the gut but O'Callaghan drops his arm in time and catches McManus' leg in the crutch of his elbow....

HA: That did not go to plan for James McManus...

McManus hobbles on one leg as O'Callaghan keeps a firm hold of his foot and then he swipes the standing leg of his opponent....

HA: O'Callaghan going for it early....SHARP....

McManus pulls one of his feet free and then drives it back into O'Callaghan's chest and sends him staggering into the corner. McManus scrambles back up to his feet as O'Callaghan comes roaring out to meet him....

HE: What a shot!

McManus spins on the spot and delivers a discus forearm that stops O'Callaghan in his tracks and then follows up with a lethal clothesline that takes the Irishman off his feet................1................2........shoulder up!

HA: McManus brings that strong style into play, he possesses raw power...

McManus drags OC up by the head and tries to flip him up for a powerbomb but O'Callaghan falls out the front and answers back with a stiff European uppercut. He lands three more for good measure and then he grips McManus' wrist and whips him toward the turnbuckle....

HA: O'Callaghan trying to build up a head of steam...

OC charges forward but eats nothing but turnbuckle as McManus steps aside. McManus then lifts O'Callaghan onto his shoulders and spins around into an Argentinian backbreaker....

HE: That is tremendous....

.......shoulder up!

HA: O'Callaghan having to dig deep early here....

McManus parades the ring for a moment and then he beckons OC up and runs forward, driving his knee towards the temple...

HA: O'Callaghan did well to avoid that.....rollup!

1..................2...................McManus kicks out. They both fight to their feet and then McManus lands a crunching body shot, doubling OC up, and he hooks his arms in place....


O'Callaghan battles back and then counters with a backdrop that crashes McManus against the ropes. McManus gets back to his feet and OC charges in behind, landing a ferocious kick to the back of the hamstring...

HA: O'Callaghan is going to try and systematically break McManus down now....

OC leaps into the air and stomps down on the leg of McManus before seizing both legs and trying to turn him over into a Boston crab. McManus writhes against the tide and then succeeds in using his leg strength to throw OC across the ring. They both get back up and McManus bursts forward but O'Callaghan sidesteps him and sends him crashing through the ropes, into the steel post....

HE: That's not good....

HA: The worst possible impact there for James McManus, and now he's wide open.....HERE COME THE SUPLEXES!

O'Callaghan drags McManus from the corner, via the waist, and then hurls him into a big bridged German suplex....................1....................2..................kickout. O'Callaghan slaps his hand against the mat....

HA: The first sign of frustration in this match and it has come from O'Callaghan....

HE: Because he knows McManus is no pushover, he can't just turn up and win.....this will take his absolute best....

O'Callaghan looks to the turnbuckle but then shakes his head, concentrating back on his opponent. McManus is trying to crawl for the ropes but OC grabs his heel and drags him away, lifting the leg up off the canvass and then driving it back down with ferocity....

HA: It's right back to leg again, O'Callaghan knows how to isolate and dissect....

O'Callaghan drives McManus' leg into the canvass three more times before he succeeds in turning him over into a single legged Boston crab...

HA: O'Callaghan is an expert in the art of submission and he has an damaged body part to work at here, James McManus facing danger for the first time in this contest....

McManus is already yelping in pain but he point blank refuses to give up, gesturing for the referee to get out of his face as he tries to drag himself toward the ropes. O'Callaghan is sat right into the hold and seems to be enjoying the pain he is inflicting....

HA: McManus has been an annoying bug to O'Callaghan in recent months....OC knows winning tonight will squash the distraction and he can concentre on where he believes he is destined to be....

HE: O'Callaghan may be destined to be a world champion but that does not mean he has the beating of James McManus....

HA: Every superstar has a "kryptonite" you believe that is what McManus is to O'Callaghan?

HE: Yes I do....

McManus' hand reaches for the ropes but he cannot quite make it as the pain and anguish continues. His head is now pressed against the canvass, his muffled yells still audible, as the referee kneels down to see if he wants to give it up....

HA: That leg has sustained some real damage here, if McManus survives this then can it hold him up?

HE: Let's find out....MADE IT!

The crowd let out a grumble as McManus reaches out again and this time finds his hand clasping the bottom rope, forcing the break of the submission. O'Callaghan holds the submission a few seconds longer than is allowed but he doesn't seem bothered by the referee's admonishment....

HE: O'Callaghan is always pushing acceptability, the referee should be seriously warning him....

McManus is up against the ropes, cradling his knee, as O'Callaghan moves back in for another attack. OC stomps down on the injured leg before the ref moves in to push them apart...

HA: O'Callaghan testing the official now...

HE: McManus has the ropes, he can't just attack him....

McManus pulls himself up in the corner now and the referee gives the all-clear for the match to continue. O'Callaghan storms in and immediately drives a kick at the leg of McManus and then he grabs it, pulling him away from the ropes...

HA: O'Callaghan is like a dog with a bone....

OC nails a dragon screw takedown, forcing a yell of pain from McManus, and then he scrambles back to his feet and seizes the other leg....

HE: Not the sharpshooter....

HA: This would spell the end....

McManus reaches up in desperation to seize the hair of O'Callaghan and he nails several right hands before succeeding in shoving his foe away. McManus gets up, hobbling slightly, as O'Callaghan brushes off the daze and runs forward....

HE: Saw him coming!

McManus uses OC's momentum to scoop him up and nail a backbreaker across his good knee. McManus gets back up and takes a deep breath as he bounces off the ropes and comes rushing forward once more....

HE: What a shot!

The knee crunches into the side of O'Callaghan's head and leaves him sprawled on the deck...................1..........................2..................kickout. McManus moves a little gingerly on his bad leg but he brushes it off as he heads for the corner....

HA: Not sure this is a wise choice from James McManus.....his leg is hurting him.....going high is too risky....

McManus pulls himself up onto the top rope and he waits for O'Callaghan to start standing before he leaps toward him....


McManus collides with OC and takes him down but O'Callaghan rolls through it and ends with his opponent in a bow and arrow submission....

HA: What a transition!

HE: Huh...

McManus is balanced across O'Callaghan's knees, pressed up into his spine, and he screams out in agony from the hold....

HA: Devastating submission....McManus can't fight this for too long....

HE: But O'Callaghan can't hold him there for long....

The shoulders of O'Callaghan drop to the canvass, struggling to hold McManus in the air, and the referee moves quickly...

HA: O'Callaghan nearly cost himself the match....

O'Callaghan gets back to his feet, breathing a sigh of relief, and then he pulls McManus up by the head. He is talking down to McManus, mocking him, and then he begins to scoop him onto his shoulders....

HE: This is insulting....

HA: O'Callaghan planning on using McManus' own finisher against him....MK...

McManus swivels his body around in desperation before shooting his elbow back and connects with the skull of O'Callaghan, knocking his senses out of order. McManus drops to his feet and spins OC around....

HE: The winds are changing...

McManus snaps O'Callaghan down into the canvass with a thunderous spinebuster.................1............2.....................kickout. McManus gets back to his feet and he beckons for O'Callaghan to stand before scooping him up.....

HA: TOMB....

O'Callaghan kicks his legs and drops off the back of McManus before shoving him to the ropes. He goes running after his opponent but McManus pulls the ropes down and sends him over the top to the outside....

HE: McManus needs to make the most of this brief break...

O'Callaghan looks more annoyed than hurt as he gets up on the outside. He shrugs it off and drags himself back onto the apron before climbing through the ropes....

HA: McManus looked for that knee again...

O'Callaghan ducks back onto the apron, avoiding the contact, and then he uses the top rope to springboard himself toward McManus....

OC nails the sunset flip, taking McManus down, and he immediately changes it into the sharpshooter submission, drawing huge cheers from the crowd....

HE: This is bad....

HA: That counter was absolutely exceptional!


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:11 pm

McManus is on his stomach, yelling pain, as O'Callaghn sits down into the submission and really cranks it up....

HA: This is O'Callaghan's signature, the move that brought him to the dance....

HE: This can't be happening....

McManus' face is contorted in agony as O'Callaghan continues to wrench at the legs, sending increasing pressure and pain down the spine. McManus claws at the canvass as he tries to pull himself across the ring....

HA: James McManus may never have experienced pain like this before.....this is a real gut check....

HE: He can get through this, I believe...

McManus' hand begins to shake uncontrollably as he teeters on the edge of giving up. The referee is crouched down in front of McManus again, asking him if he wants to quit...

HA: This is do or die....


*Crowd boo

McManus, in a last ditch effort, reaches up and grabs the shirt of the referee before pulling him forward and causes him to crash into the back of O'Callaghan....

HA: Did that really just happen?

HE: The referee broke the hold.....amazing...

O'Callaghan is back on his knees and looking at the referee in fury as the official holds up his arms and tries to explain what happened. McManus is in a lot of pain on the canvass....

HA: I don't think I have ever seen anything like that ever....

HE: Pure ingenuity....James McManus doing what it takes to survive...

O'Callaghan gets to his feet and shakes his head at the referee before turning back to McManus. He makes his way over to him and grabs him by the legs, dragging him back to the centre...

HA: O'Callaghan right back to work.....he wants to end this now, he knows McManus is on the ropes...

O'Callaghan has some choice words for McManus as he attempts to synch the submission in again but McManus takes advantage of the talking to pull OC down into a rolling pin...
.............thr-shoulder up!

HE: That was three....

HA: Not quite....however O'Callaghan needs to be careful, too much talking.....

O'Callaghan is back into position again and he aims a kick at McManus but he dodges it and rolls him up again.................1.......................2.............kickout. They both scramble back up and OC looks for a leapfrog but McManus catches him and dumps him on his neck with a powerbomb...

HE: Folded him up.....RIVER WENSUM PLUNGE!

McManus hooks the arms of O'Callaghan and then drills him with the thunderous driver in the centre of the ring....

HA: Just and I mean just kicked out......

HE: O'Callaghan has he's in trouble....

McManus wipes sweat from his brow and demands a three count but the referee tells him it was a two. McManus gets back to his feet and he shouts for O'Callaghan to get up and then he scoops him up on his shoulders....


O'Callaghan rakes the eyes of McManus and drops down the back before countering with a huge German suplex. O'Callaghan keeps his hands locked as he drags his foe up into a second suplex.....and then a third....

HE: Where did that come from?

HA: The resilience of O'Callaghan is tremendous....

O'Callaghan drags himself over to the corner now and he climbs onto the apron before heading to the top rope. McManus is flat on his back in the centre of the ring as OC reaches the heights.....

HA: O'Callaghan going high risk......that's not his usual style....

HE: McManus is forcing him into unknown territory.....


O'Callaghan comes hurtling through the air for the frogsplash but McManus drives his knees up just in time, driving all the wind from his rival....

HA: On the bad's hard to know who is hurt more from that....

McManus clutches his knee and rolls in agony as O'Callaghan flies across the canvass, doubled up from the impact.

HE: These men are putting it all on the line....

HA: Another tremendous contest here at Genesis.....

McManus is in a lot of pain as he hobbles up and towards the corner once more. He is wincing at each step but manages to get up the ropes to the top....

HA: Each step is like a mile for McManus, I'm not sure that leg will hold much further...

HE: I don't think you should be up there, James...

McManus tries to get his leg steady on the ropes but it is wobbling badly, allowing O'Callaghan to get back up and he punches the bad knee, dropping McManus into a seated position. O'Callaghan climbs onto the ropes and takes hold of his opponent....

HA: Superplex....

HE: McManus is fighting....

McManus tries to battle against the grip of O'Callaghan but OC drives his elbow down into the bad knee and separates them. OC then takes his chance....


The flashbulbs go off and the instant replays document the impact as McManus bounces off the canvass with an almighty impact. O'Callaghan is a little shaken but then he drags himself over and drops an arm on McManus' chest...


HE: McManus is a trojan....

HA: You have to get to a point where you start believing James McManus is here to stay.....

HE: Believe it....O'Callaghan is fantastic but he's coming up empty tonight....

McManus is all dazed and confused as he tries to crawl for some kind of safety. O'Callaghan is back on his feet and he looks almost impressed by McManus' staying power...

HA: O'Callaghan does not believe James McManus belongs on his level....he's dominated a lot of this match but he can't get the finish....if he wants to be big time then he needs to find a way to win these matches....

McManus can only manage to get on one leg and as he tries to stand on the other he stumbles forward and collapses again by the ropes. O'Callaghan cricks his neck as he bounces off the opposite ropes and sprints forward....

HA: Dial 'em up....619!




O'Callaghan spins around the ropes for the tiger feint kick but McManus catches him on his shoulders and spins from the ropes, just finding the strength to stay on his feet long enough to nail the MK Ultra for the three count!

HA: Oh wow.....upset victory here at Genesis............James McManus just beat O'Callaghan....

HE: No distractions, no games.....believe what you are witnessing here because James McManus just came of age in Tokyo...

HA: I'm almost speechless....

"Sad but true" is playing out as James McManus sits on the canvass with a smug grin etched all over his face. He is holding his leg, feeling a lot of pain, but he nods his head in vindication at what he has just achieved....

HA: O'Callaghan dominated huge parts of this match, he was showcasing just how good he is.....but James McManus found gaps, he found holes and he exploited them.....he picked up a victory that so many doubted he could...

HE: I always believed, I always knew.....O'Callaghan always thought he was better, strutting around with that briefcase like he was just going to get handed a world championship on a plate....but tonight he wasn't better, he overlooked his opponent and he has paid the price....

McManus drags himself to the ropes and underneath to the outside, where he struggles to put weight on his injured leg, before making his way into the aisle. O'Callaghan is still down on the canvass, looking bleary eyed into the camera, and he spits in disgust at what just happened....

HA: O'Callaghan may still end up a world champion but tonight needs to be a learning slip, one mistake is all it takes....he took his eye off the ball for one minute and McManus took full advantage.....

HE: This is a celebratory night already....Marty Helms is the TV Champ, Mike Hill set a new record, McManus has the win of his career.....all we need now is Anthony Grace to prove once and for all he's the greatest 6CW Champion of all time and this event will have been absolutely perfect.....


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:16 pm

(Mr. Kenty is shown backstage, looking into the camera…)

Mr Kenty: For a long time now, I have been in wrestling... I have hung with the best. I have fought with the best and I have tackled the biggest, nastiest and most intimidating people you could even imagine. But, Liam Wood is different. Very different. Liam Wood represents one of the biggest threat I have ever come across in this squared circle. In the past few years, Liam Wood has proven he is one of the finest athletes ever to grace this wonderful company and above all Liam Wood has shown he can still climb to the top of the summit and easily demonstrate why many people fear his presence. But, alas, there is two men that is standing in his way from returning to that tip of the summit. And one of those men, is the man you see before your eyes right now. And I know many of you rate my chances tonight as pretty low... Many of you have already written me off and that I face a rude awakening tonight here in Japan.

Mr Kenty: All of you will know this... and I know many of you will dispute this. Claim, that I’m a hasbeen. A parasite, sucking mondy out of this company, for one last paycheck, but I'm damn proud to be sitting here right now as a 6CW superstar. Liam Wood may think he is the better man... Liam Wood may believe that he is the better man both physically and mentally... But I know that when it comes down to it in the squared circle, I’m a match from Liam Wood and he knows this. And as a matter of fact, same goes for Gazzy D. All Liam Wood, Gazzy D and I need is a ring to settle this. Mr Kenty versus Liam Wood and Gazzy D in one of the biggest matches in 6CW history. Just one match. Where pride and reputation is at stake. And that is just how I like it. Nobody remembers second place, that’s why if I lose this match it is unforgivable and unthinkable. That's why I have to win, that’s why all my fans around the world and the thousands of fans filling the Tokyo dome in a few hours will know that I have to win this match.

Mr Kenty: I will be the guy with my hand raised high in the sky... Standing over the carcasses of Liam Wood and Gazzy D…

(Kenty stops as the camera zooms out and Liam Wood is shown stood staring at him…)

Liam Wood: Are you f***ing kidding me? Is there anything in that head of yours?! Just look at that match up...two washed up hasbeens are going up against a man who hasn't even reached his true potential and already has three world title reigns. They might hate each other but they FEAR me...

...I am Liam f***ing Wood...
...I am the King Slayer...
…the World Eater...
...I am the man who put Elite in EWF and the man who will bring 6CW back to the glory days because I am better than the best...

(The camera zooms out further as Gazzy D is shown standing behind Liam Wood…)

Gazzy D: Are you both finished? Are you really both than arrogant that you think this match is all about you two? I may not have the history I do with Liam with you Kenty, but I can guarantee you, I’m going to run through you just as hard and just as fast as I would him. And as for you, Wood. I’ve got revenge on the brain. I haven’t forgotten all the things you’ve put me through, your ticket is more than marked, and tonight, I’m going to have my vengeance….

(Wood smirks…)

Liam Wood: Gazzy...bring your need for revenge, bring your can do attitude and bring your fighting spirit. And Kenty...bring your tired cliches, bring your determination and bring your will to show us all that “you've still got it” and I will spit in both your faces and destroy each and every one of those things until you realise just how unprepared you are.

(Wood walks off, leaving Kenty and Gazzy staring at each other…)

Gazzy D: Bring everything you’ve got, Kenty. I’m ready for you.

(Gazzy heads off and Kenty stands alone as we head to commercial)


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:21 pm

Match 5
GazzyD vs Liam Wood vs Mr Kenty

HA: Ladies and Gentleman, welcome back to 6CW Genesis!

HE: We have a huge contest up next for you, a real clash of legends here this evening.

HA: All three men are multiple time world champions who, following the re-up of 6CW, are looking to once again establish themselves in that position.

HE: Liam Wood is a man who craves title gold, while it has been a long time since 6CW originals Gazzy and Mr Kenty have tasted championship success.

HA: A win here tonight will certainly put them in contention for any future opportunities.

The lights dim around the arena, a single spotlight shines to the stage as "Turn Up The Trouble" blares out through the speakers and the crowd cheer as Mr Kenty slowly walks out into the stage smiling. He marches down the ramp, tagging a few hands before clambering up the steel steps and then ascending to the 2nd rope. A microphone falls from the rooftops down into his out-stretched right hand...

Kenty: Ladies and Gentleman....your FIRST COMPETITOR...WEIGHING IN AT 235lbs...MR KEENTTTYYYY!

HA: The Japanese fans loving the showmanship of that entrance but Kenty knows that he needs a bit more than showmanship tonight to get the job done against two long-time foes of his.

"Freedom" blares out through the speakers and the crowd cheer loudly as Gazzy D marches out onto the stage, he takes in the wild cheering of the crowd with a grin on his face. Gazzy builds into a sprint as he makes his way down the ramp, sliding in under the bottom rope. He and Kenty exchange looks...

HE: There's certainly been some strange relationships in this match. Gazzy in fact made the save for Kenty on week, only to be laid out by him the next.

HA: And let's not forget, before 6CW's break from TV coverage, Gazzy and Liam Wood were cohorts in the Brotherhood.

"Revival Mode" by Every Time I Die kicks in and a lone figure walks out slowly on to the stage, taking his place in the spot light. The lights kick in fully and Liam Wood strides down to the ramp, staring down both of his rivals.

HE: Wood's brief dalliance with stables and brotherhood ended with the re-up of 6CW, and he's back to doing what he does best, a lone wolf chasing gold.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell rings to kick the contest off. The three men stand in separate corners, staring across at each other. Eventually Liam Wood walks forward out of the corner and then beckons either man forward to take him on.

Gazzy is the first to emerge from the corner, but Kenty follows soon after. The duo look at each other, and then back to Wood, before storming in at the former world champion. Liam Wood attempts to fend them off but his resistance is futile considering the numbers advantage that his opponents have.

HA: It looks as if a temporary alliance may well have been formed between these two!

Liam Wood is backed into the corner he emerged from by the duo, who then take it in turns to hit punches and kicks to Wood. Gazzy then takes a step back to hit a running dropkick, which Kenty follows up with a running knee lift. Wood falls out of the corner and Kenty hits him with a DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2..........Kick out!

Kenty rolls away, Gazzy steps in and takes the attack to Wood with a series of stomps down into the head. He follows this up by allowing Liam Wood to rise before launching him out into the ropes, on the rebound Gazzy hits a hip toss. Wood rolls up, Gazzy boots him in the gut and then nails a Michinoku Driver. He covers.

Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

Wood kicks out and Kenty takes over, he hits a series of elbows down into the face. Wood is then hauled to his feet by Kenty who hits a couple of European Uppercuts. Kenty then throws Wood into the ropes and cracks him with a big boot to the head. Wood falls to the mat, Kenty climbs to the 2nd rope and then connects with a diving knee down into the head. He covers.

Ref: 1.......................2.............Kick out!

HE: Kenty and Gazzy dominating Wood here, but the question that constantly hangs over alliances like this is just how long will they last?

Gazzy takes over, locking in an armbar hold. He drags Wood to his feet and then throws him down with a Northern Lights suplex. Gazzy steps back to the corner before running in and taking down Wood with a sling-blade. Gazzy then lifts up Wood, he goes for an Irish whip, the former world champion reverses the momentum but Gazzy springs back off the ropes to take down Wood with a springboard dropkick. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2............Kick out!

Kenty helps Gazzy bring Wood to his feet, they then hit a double Irish whip and Wood is sent flying over the top rope. He lands on the apron, Gazzy and Kenty look to each other before sprinting in, they hit a double dropkick that sends Wood sprawling down to the outside. Gazzy goes to step out onto the ring apron...

HA: Roll up from Kenty!

Ref: 1.....................2.........Kick out!

Gazzy powers the shoulder up and then leaps to his feet angrily. Kenty smiles back and holds up his hands in feigned innocence, Gazzy throws a wild punch at him that Kenty ducks underneath, he quickly grabs Gazzy by the waist and throws him down to the mat with a German suplex, bridging over into the cover.

HE: And that is exactly what I meant, Kenty waited until Gazzy least suspected anything and then snuck in like a Love Islander into your girl's dm's.

HA: What the hell does that mean?

HE: Don't know, read it on Twitter.

Ref: 1....................2...........Kick out!

Kenty goes to work on Gazzy, stomping away on his head repeatedly until the ref steps in. Kenty steps back for a moment, allowing Gazzy to his feet. He then launches him into the corner, Kenty then sprints in and connects with a leaping clothesline, landing in between the ropes ala The Miz.

Kenty frees himself, he swaggers back over to the opposite corner before sprinting in and connecting with a cannonball senton. Still Kenty leaves Gazzy in the corner before stepping back and then nailing a running facewash kick. Finally, Kenty drags Gazzy back from the corner and covers.

Ref: 1.....................2.................Kick out!

Gazzy forces the shoulder up. Kenty locks in a front facelock, driving elbows down into the back of the head. He finally drags Gazzy to his feet, where he proceeds to drive a series of knees into the face of the 6CW legend. Gazzy staggers back into the ropes and Kenty then lifts him up, resting Gazzy's legs across the middle rope.

HA: Spike DDT from Kenty!

Ref: 1.....................2..............Kick out!

There's another kick out from Gazzy. This time, Kenty is happy to let Gazzy rise to his feet before lifting him onto his shoulders. He sprints forward and levels a beautiful rolling Fireman's Carry. Kenty runs through and climbs up to the top rope, he turns and dives off...

HE: Senton Bomb!

Ref: 1........................2................Kick out!

Kenty looks down at Gazzy for a few moments, he then drags him to his feet. Gazzy fights back with a couple of right hands, he throws a clothesline but Kenty ducks and pulls him down into an inverted backbreaker followed by a swinging neckbreaker. Cover.

Ref: 1...........................2.........................Liam Wood breaks the pin!

HA: Psycho Crusher to break the pinfall!

HE: Clever from Kenty though, he's managed to get himself out of the ring before Wood can take advantage.

HA: However it does leave Gazzy D with one hell of a battle to fight!

Liam Wood hauls him to his feet, locking in a side headlock. He walks towards the corner and proceeds to drive the head of Gazzy down into the top turnbuckle. He breaks just before the 5 count.

Wood waits impatiently for the ref's warning before returning to working over Gazzy. He turns him around in the corner, hits a couple of punches to the abdomen before running in and connecting with a Yakuza kick.

The 6CW Hall Of Famer Gazzy D walks forward unsteadily and Wood cracks him in the chin with a superkick. Cover.

Ref: 1................2...........Kick out!

Liam Wood drives some knees down into the back of Gazzy's head, before locking in a underhook hold. He hauls up Gazzy before throwing him out across the ring with a suplex. The 6CW HOF'er gets to his feet and Wood plants him face-first into the mat with a reverse swinging STO. Wood hooks the leg.

Ref: 1................2..............Kick out!

Gazzy D kicks out. Liam Wood grabs him by the waist, dragging Gazzy towards the corner and then connects with a German suplex, throwing Gazzy D into the turnbuckles. Wood then sprints in, hitting a shining wizard. Wood grinds his forearm into the face of Gazzy.

HA: Wood certainly pushing the rules here.

HE: It's a triple threat match Harold, there is no rules.

Wood then plants Gazzy with a snap DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Wood allows Gazzy to his feet, he then lifts him onto his shoulders, setting up for the lung-blower...

HE: Hurracanrana!

Wood rolls up, he throws wildly at Gazzy who ducks easily and then bounces off the ropes, knocking down Wood with a huge forearm smash to the face. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2..............Kick out!

Gazzy D rolls up to his feet, he waits for Wood to rise before hitting him with a snap suplex. Gazzy runs the ropes, connecting with a Lionsault down onto Wood. He covers.

Ref: 1..................2................Kick out!

Gazzy allows Wood to his feet, he throws him into the ropes and on the rebound connects with a beautiful standing dropkick. Wood rolls up, Gazzy floors him with an arm drag takedown.
Once again Wood rises and throws a wild punch, again it's easily ducked by Gazzy who catches Wood with a pele kick on the turn. He stumbles around, Gazzy jumps up behind Wood and levels him with a back-stabber. Cover.

Ref: 1................2...........Kick out!

Gazzy drags up Wood in a sleeper hold, Wood quickly fights his way over to the ropes. Wood manages to elbow his way out of the submission, Gazzy staggers back and Wood runs in at him...

HA: Clothesline....

HE: Ducked!



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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:24 pm

Ref: 1........................2.....................Kick out!

HE: Close for Gazzy!

Gazzy beats the mat in frustration. He drags up Wood, he attempts an Irish whip but the multi-time world champion counters by flinging him into the ropes...

HA: Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!

Wood flattens Gazzy with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Gazzy sits up...


Ref: 1......................2....................Kick out!

This time it is Gazzy who powers out in time. Liam Wood drags Gazzy up to his feet, he kicks him in the gut...


Ref: 1................................2.........................................Kick out!


HA: So close for Liam Wood!

Wood pleads with the referee that it was three but he signals two. Wood lifts up Gazzy and quickly hits him with a brainbuster. He then heads up to the top rope...


Kenty climbs up to the top rope and shoves Liam Wood off it. He lands in a heap on the canvas, Kenty steadies himself on the top rope...


Ref: 1..........................2..................Kick out!

Wood kicks out. Kenty immediately gets up to his feet, he drags Gazzy up from the canvas...


Ref: 1..........................2..........................Kick out!

HA: Gazzy with the shoulder up!

Gazzy powers the shoulder up just in time. Kenty drags him to his feet, he hits a series of knife-edge chops to the chest and Gazzy falls into the corner. Kenty climbs up to the top rope, he starts pummeling away at Gazzy on the top rope.

HE: High risk!

Kenty hits forearms to the face, but Gazzy counters with a few headbutts. Kenty looks unsteady, Liam Wood is up and he stumbles over, he scoops Kenty onto his shoulders...


Wood covers.

Ref: 1.........................2........................Gazzy breaks the pin!

HE: Incredible awareness from Gazzy!

HA: Diving down from the top rope to break that pin attempt.

Wood is pushed away by Gazzy, he lifts up Kenty and then throws him into the corner. He sprints in and then leaps up, cracking Kenty in the side of the head with an enzaguri kick. Gazzy then climbs to the top rope, grabbing the head of Kenty and nailing a huge bulldog.

Ref: 1..........................2....................Kick out!

Kenty kicks out. Gazzy hauls him to his feet...


Ref: 1............................2....................................Foot on the rope!



Gazzy pummels the canvas in frustration. He steps onto the ring apron, waiting for Kenty to rise...



Wood pulls the top rope from underneath Gazzy and crotches himself across the top rope. Wood pushes him off the top rope and down to the outside.

Kenty slowly stirs, Wood kicks him in the gut and then throws him into the ropes...



Ref: 1................................2........................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: And it's over!

HE: Incredible match from these three, my god what a show these fans have been treated to tonight.

HA: Three of the very best in the business and they showed it tonight, rolling back the years with an instant classic that eventually saw Liam Wood came out on top.

HE: Wood took advantage of the situation. Kenty showed incredible fight to keep himself in the match, yet having just taken the finisher of Gazzy D, there was simply no way he was kicking out after the World Eater.

HA: Opportunism from Wood perhaps, but that is what has earned him so many accolades and titles in his career.

HE: I'm sure he will now have his sights set on those once again, as will the other two competitors in the contest.


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:30 pm

An advert plays



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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:41 pm

Match 6
6CW Tag Team Championships
Clarke James/Perfect Jack (c) vs Team Adamson

HA: What a show it has been so far tonight, the Japanese fans have been given a real treat for the first 6CW show ever broadcast in the wrestling-mad country.

HE: And the huge matches keep on coming, with our Main Event for the 6CW World Title mere moments away.

HA: But before that, there is the small matter of a clash for the tag team titles, with the multi-gold wearing duo of Clarke James and Perfect Jack set to defend their belts against a team desperate to re-take what was once there's.

HE: The TA have been a team longer but the recent form of Jack and James would seem to have them marked as the slight favourites here tonight.

HA: It's going to be one hell of a contest we know that much, with the added uncertainty of Max Adamson's presence at ringside only adding to the occassion.

HE: Where do Max's loyalties lie?

Ring Announcer: Introducing the challengers...the team of FRANK HORRIGAN AND JACKSON JACKSON...THE TA!

'Machine gun’ starts playing and the crowd are mixed in their reactions as Frank Horrigan and Jackson Jackson walking alongside him, presenting a united front as they walk to the ring.

HA: Adamson was the man who brought these two men into 6CW and led them to championship glory, but there relationship has broken down in recent weeks.....the TA believed their managed was too friendly with their rivals....that he was not putting them first

HE: They're dumb to get rid of Adamson, that is a man who knows how to win!

HA: If he wasn't protecting their interests than what use was he to them?

Horrigan and Jackson pause at ringside for a moment and stare over at Adamson, who glares back at them, before they climb up into the ring.

Ring Announcer: And their opponents...they are the reigning and defending 6CW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...CLARKE JAMES AND PERFECT JACK!

"I am perfection" blares out through the speakers, and this is quickly blended into "Blind Faith" as Perfect Jack walks out onto the stage, followed closely by his tag team partner Clarke James. They have their multitude of titles with them as they walk down the ramp to loud cheers from the crowd.

HA: You have to say, it's nigh on unbelievable how far these two have come. From being at loggerheads to best friends and the biggest merchandiser sellers that 6CW have, it's been a hell of a ride.

HE: People have doubted this team from the get-go but at this point, you can only admire what they have done.

PJ and CJ give Max the thumbs up whilst Adamson just merely nods his head back. Jackson shoots Max a disgusted look.

HA: You have to wonder what effect Adamson's presence will have out here...

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Frank Horrigan starts the match off for the tag team champions, going in against Clarke James. The pair lock-up and unsurprisingly, Horrigan uses his sizeable power advantage to drive James back into the one neutral corner of the ring. James places his body into the ropes, forcing the break. CJ slowly walks forward and again locks up with Horrigan.

He locks in an armbar hold on James, before lifting him into the air by the knuckles and then converting that into an arm drag takedown. James stumbles up to his feet, Horrigan scoops James onto his shoulders and then plants him into the canvas with a Samoan Drop.

Ref: 1................2..........Kick out!

James forces the shoulder up. Horrigan immediately walks to the corner and makes the tag to Jackson. Horrigan lifts up James, hitting a scoop slam as Jackson then flies off the top rope with a leg drop down across the throat of James. Jackson hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

Jackson rolls up to his feet, he allows CJ to his feet before hitting him with a couple of kicks to the stomach. James lurches forward and Jackson quickly takes him down to the canvas with a swinging neckbreaker. He covers.

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

HA: The TA dominating the early exchanges, looking to assert themselves on the contest from the get-go.

Jackson tags in Horrigan. He stands in the corner waiting as Jackson drags up James and Irish whips him into the path of Horrigan who crashes a big boot into the skull of James. Jackson then runs at Horrigan who gorilla presses him up into the air and Jackson drops down with a splash. He rolls out of the ring as Horrigan makes the cover.

Ref: 1..............2.............Kick out!

James forces the shoulder up. Horrigan lifts up James and slings him over his shoulders for a powerslam but the former European champion drops down the back. He stumbles around and tags in Jack.

Jack runs into the ring and takes Horrigan down with a chopblock. Perfect Jack then quickly pummels away at the side of his head with a series of punches, before running the ropes and connecting with a kick to the side of the head. He hooks the leg.

HE: Fantastic opportunism there from the veteran Perfect Jack.

Ref: 1....................2.............Kick out!

Perfect Jack gets to his feet, he twists the right arm of Horrigan around viciously, then hitting a series of stomps and leg drops down across the shoulder. Horrigan gets to his feet and Jack hits a brutal armbreaker. Horrigan lurches forward, Jack kicks him square in the face, he jolts up and Perfect Jack follows that with a codebreaker. He covers.

Ref: 1......................2............Kick out!

There's a kick out from Horrigan. Perfect Jack drags him to his feet in an armbar hold, he follows that with a knee to the gut. He goes for a suplex but Horrigan blocks and counters with a big release suplex of his own. Jack rolls up and Horrigan flattens him with a discus clothesline
Ref: 1..................2..............Kick out!

Horrigan leans over, he picks up Perfect Jack by the head and drags him to his feet. He hits a couple of crunching body punches, Jack attempts to reply with some big haymakers of his own but Horrigan simply walks through them. He follows that with a big headbutt, followed by a boot to the stomach.

Horrigan then scoops Jack under the shoulder and launches him out across the ring. PJ staggers to his feet and Horrigan runs in like a freight train, nailing a big bicycle kick on Perfect Jack. He covers.

Ref: 1......................2.............Kick out!

PJ forces the shoulder up. Frank Horrigan rolls Jack onto his front, he then drives a couple of stiff knees down into the back. Horrigan then synchs in a grounded abdominal stretch on the world champion. He slowly drags him to a vertical base, displaying his remarkable strength, before connecting with a big release fallaway slam. Horrigan drags Jack to the middle of the ring and covers.

Ref: 1......................2..............Kick out!

Horrigan drags up Jack, he then Irish whips him into the corner. Horrigan sprints in, hitting a big splash. Jackson tags in, he springs in, sprints to the opposite side of the rope, leaps off the middle rope one-footed to increase his momentum before connecting with a vicious running, corkscrew European Uppercut.

PJ slumps down, Jackson climbs to the top rope, Horrigan then bench-presses him from the top rope down into a splash on PJ. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Jackson hits a couple of stiff knees into the back of the head, he then applies a double underhook hold. He brings Jack to his feet and then launches him out across the ring with a tiger suplex. PJ sits up and Jackson hits a soccer punt kick to the chest. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2..............Kick out!

Jackson brings Horrigan back into the contest, he grabs Perfect Jack by the legs, swinging him around at a great velocity...

HE: We know what comes next...

HA: Double stomp from Jackson Jackson!

Ref: 1..................2.................James saves the match!

HA: Clarke James to the rescue!

HE: I wonder what Max is making of all of this....I'm trying to read him but he isn't giving much away...

Adamson is shown briefly at ringside and then the cameras turn back to the ring as Horrigan storms inside, he runs at James and hits him with a series of big forearm smashes. James falls into the ropes, Horrigan runs at him...

HE: Back body drop!

Horrigan is sent flying down to the outside, he rolls up and James lines him up as he runs the ropes....


HE: Incredible by James!

James gets to his feet and stares down Adamson for a few moments, he then goes to the apron. Jack crawls over and gets the tag, with Jackson left looking at an empty corner.
Clarke James sprints across the ring, he leaps into the air and cracks Jackson in the head with an enzaguri kick. He falls to the mat, James runs the ropes and hits a dashing knee to the face. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2..............Kick out!

Jackson gets the shoulder up. James synchs in an armbar, Jackson spins out and throws James into the corner. Jackson follows up but James blocks with an elbow, he runs out of the corner and gets a schoolboy pin attempt in on Jackson.

Ref: 1...................2...Kick out!

Jackson kicks out sharply. Both men rise to their feet simultaneously but James easily ducks underneath a clothesline. He launches Jackson across the ring and on the rebound, connects with a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2.............Kick out!

HA: Clarke James has turned this match in the favour of his team, a match-saving interruption and now taking the fight to Jackson.

James makes the tag to Perfect Jack. The duo lift up Jackson and connect with a double suplex. James and Jack stands opposite sides to Jackson, as he rises James runs in and hitting a spinning heel kick as Perfect Jack connects with a low leg sweep.

Jack covers.
Ref: 1.....................2...........Kick out!

Perfect Jack gets to his feet, he twists the right arm of Jackson around viciously, then hitting a series of stomps and leg drops down across the shoulder. Jackson gets to his feet and Jack hits a brutal armbreaker. Jackson lurches forward, Jack kicks him square in the face, he jolts up and Perfect Jack follows that with a codebreaker. He covers.

Ref: 1......................2............Kick out!

Jackson kicks out. Perfect Jack hauls him to his feet, where Jackson swings wildly with a clothesline and misses. Perfect Jack hits him with a big atomic drop, before then running the ropes and hitting a chopblock. Jackson falls to one knee and Perfect Jack follows up with a neckbreaker.

He then goes up top...

HA: Big elbow drop!

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

Perfect Jack makes the tag to Clarke James, once again bringing his partner into the contest.

HE: Good double team work from these two.

Perfect Jack drops a series of knees down into the back of Jackson, he then hauls him to a vertical base where he pops a series of forearms into the back of the head. He pushes Jackson into the turnbuckles, following that with a knee to the back. Clarke James stands in the corner as Jack lifts up the TA man by the waist and walks back...

HA: Clothesline/German suplex combination!

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Perfect Jack steps back into the ring to join Clarke James. Together they lift up Jackson, they grab him by the waist and the duo then hit a double belly to back suplex. They lift up Jackson, throwing him into the ropes and hitting a double dropkick.

HA: And again!

HE: This time to the grounded Jackson!

Perfect Jack is forced out of the ring as Adamson protests in his ringside seat.

HA: Adamson showing signs of discontent with how Perfect Jack was treat there...

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Jackson forces the shoulder up. Clarke James stands waiting for him to rise, eventually Jackson gets up...


HE: That could be it!

Ref: 1...........................2.......................

Frank Horrigan spots his chance and slides into the ring, he runs along and nails James with a huge back senton! James writhes around in pain as Horrigan briskly steps onto the apron as Adamson finally sits down. Horrigan glares at his former manager.

Jackson hits a couple of stiff knees into the back of the head, he then applies a double underhook hold. He brings James to his feet and then launches him out across the ring with a tiger suplex. CJ stands up and this time Jackson kicks him in the gut, before delivering a Tiger Driver.

Ref: 1...................2............Kick out!

Jackson kicks away at Clarke James on the ground. He then grabs the hand of James, lifting him to his feet. He looks around the arena, before then brutally snapping the fingers of James, the noise echoing around the arena. He quickly follows this up with a double wrist-clutch suplex
Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

Clarke James kicks out. Jackson Jackson drags him to his feet, he lines up a superkick only to then drive the kick into the right knee. He runs the ropes...


Ref: 1......................2..................Kick out!

James kicks out. Jackson makes the tag to Frank Horrigan, he steps into the ring and the duo throw CJ into the ropes...



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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:44 pm

Ref: 1......................2........................Kick out!

HA: Kick out! How did James kick out of that?!

Perfect Jack slaps down on the top turnbuckle as he cheers on Clarke James. Horrigan lifts up James, where he fires in a couple of big headbutts, James stumbles backwards into the corner.
Horrigan runs in, going for a big boot...

HE: Jack saves his team-mate!

Perfect Jack shoves out of the way, causing Horrigan to get crotched on the top rope. Perfect Jack and James spot their chance, first there's a tag and then they apply a half nelson each...

HA: Wow, Dragon Suplex between them!

Jack covers.
Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

Perfect Jack whips Horrigan out across the ring, on the rebound he connects with a hip toss. Horrigan gets to his feet and Jack kicks him in the stomach, he then nails a snap suplex. Jack goes up top...


Ref: 1........................2......................Kick out!

There's another kick out from Horrigan. Perfect Jack lifts him up...




Horrigan pushes Jack away and he falls into the ref, knocking him down. Jack looks on in shock, James shouts as Horrigan runs in at Jack. The tag champ manages to side-step as James flies off the top rope and nails a missile dropkick! Horrigan rolls to the outside.

Clarke James and Perfect Jack look at each other, they then converge on Jackson. He steps into the ring and looks ready to fight, he throws some lighting quick punches and kicks but soon the numbers game is too much for him as Jack and CJ overwhelm him then beat down on the TA member.

HA: Not a good situation for Jackson here!

James and Perfect Jack stomp away at the head of Jackson in the corner.

HE: What the hell is he doing?!

HA: Adamson has just jumped the barrier!

HE: He's getting in the ring! He has no business being in there!

Clarke James and Perfect Jack jolt around, they look confused at the sight of Adamson as he rolls into the ring. He removes his shirt...

HA: Adamson is ready for a fight!

HE: Surely we aren't going to see this!

Adamson continues to glare at PJ and CJ, before suddenly smiling. James and Perfect Jack smile back at him...




Adamson motions for the duo to pick up Jackson, and they oblige. They hold up Jackson, who stares across almost motionless at Max. He sprints out of the corner...




Jackson quickly dumps PJ out of the ring as he looks on in shock, Adamson steps down out of the ring as Horrigan rolls in. Jackson drags him over and drapes the arm over Jack as the ref comes to slowly...

Ref: 1........................................2.......................................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: No way!

HE: What the hell just happened there?!

HA: I don't know! Well I do, I know we've got new tag team champions but erm, I have no idea how or why that happened!


HA: Horrigan and Jackson have the belts once again, after a huge helping hand from Max Adamson.

HE: But did he mean it Harold?! He looked like he wanted to gore Jackson but he side-stepped it at the last moment.

HA: Was that all part of the master-plan or are relations still at an all-time low between the TA and their manager?! OH MY GOD THEY PLANNED IT ALL....

There is a staredown between Adamson, Horrigan and Jackson for a few moments and then all three men start laughing and they embrace in the centre of the ring. Adamson hands his men a championship belt each and then he raises their arms in victory...

HA: Adamson played the damn game....he played Clarke James and Perfect Jack, he lured them in so that he could lead the TA back to the gold...

HE: He is the ultimate manager, the prime opportunist....The TA are back on top thanks to their manager....this is incredible...

Adamson smirks down at PJ and CJ as Horrigan and Jackson take to opposite corners to celebrate with their newly won title belts


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:49 pm

(The camera cuts backstage to Anthony Grace stood with Charles Kramer…)

Anthony Grace: So come on, tell me? Is there any legal way we can get out of this? I mean, surely the board can see that putting their top star in this kind of environment is not going to be good for business. Think of my image for god sake!!

Charles Kramer: I’ve tried everything. It’s on your contract, you have to defend the title. There is no exit clause. You’ve passed all the medical evaluations, Anthony. You’re going to have to compete.

(Grace shakes his head…)

Anthony Grace: This is preposterous!! I hope you’ve planned to challenge any result other than my victory, Charles?

Charles Kramer: Challenge how, Anthony? I said, there is nothing we can do! You’re going to go out there, and prove to the board, the fans, and anyone who ever doubted you, why you are the greatest superstar they have ever had in their ranks!

(Grace shakes his head….)

Anthony Grace: You have seen Cerberus, haven’t you Charles? He’s an animal. He’s insane, vicious and he will do everything in his power to ensure I don’t walk out of here, let alone leave with my title.

Charles Kramer: Anthony….

Anthony Grace: Oh stop with your positivity, Charles. You’re not the one going out there. You don’t have to step inside a sealed cage with a monster, so please, spare me your pointless, idiotic pep talk.

(The door of the office opens and Grace and Kramer turn to see Alex Walker entering the office…)

Alex Walker: Ah, Gentleman, just wanted to check you were all set? Huge match tonight, first pay per view of the new era, lets hope it goes out with a bang!

(Grace moves towards Walker, pointing his finger…)

Anthony Grace: YOU! You won’t get away with this, Walker. I’ll find…..CHARLES will find some way of making you pay for his?

(Walker chuckles…)

Alex Walker: Oh I can assure you, Anthony. I won’t have to pay for anything! Tonight, tonight absolutely pays for itself. I just wanted to wish you the very……. Very best of luck. Believe me, you’re going to need it.

(Walker smirks and heads out of the office, leaving Grace fuming as the scene changes and Cerberus is shown striding through the backstage area on his way ringside. Production crew members scatter out of his way as he cuts a terrifying path to the main event)

HA: Cerberus is heading out here and, if possible, the monster looks more fearsome than I have ever seen him.......Anthony Grace is going to need a miracle to survive tonight...

HE: Believe to achieve, Harold....believe to achieve...


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:51 pm

Main Event
6CW World Heavyweight Championship
Steel Cage
Anthony Grace (c) vs Cerberus

HE: Are you ready, Harold?

HA: I most certainly am......the Tokyo Dome is ready too......

*Michael Bird steps up into the ring and he receives a roar from the audience, to which he bows graciously. He holds his arms out wide

Michael Bird: Ladies and the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world............It is now time for the MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING!

*Crowd pop

Michael Bird: To be contested inside a fifteen foot steel cage...........victory can be attained by pinfall, submission or escaping the cage with both feet touching the floor............this contest is for the most prestigious prize in our industry.........the 6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

HA: Matches do not come much bigger than this.........and there is no more coveted championship in professional wrestling....

HE: And no more coveted champion......the 6CW Championship has a rich, rich history but there has never been a champion like Anthony Grace....

HA: Well tonight we'll find out.....Anthony Grace may be the 6CW Champion but he's never defended it, he's never shown any proof that he is the best in this business....

HE: No proof? How about the championship belt around his waist? How about the way he dismantled Cerberus two weeks ago? It is about time you started showing him some respect...

HA: I'll show respect when he's earned it.....and boy will he have to earn it tonight....

HE: I still think it is disgrace that this match is taking place....why should a global star like Anthony Grace be locked inside a demonic structure with a monster?

HA: Because he stole that world championship from Cerberus.....and now he's gonna have to face the reality of his actions....

An eerie spotlight illuminates the rafters as the giant caged structure begins to descend around the ring. It drops in place and then flames engulf the stage as "Haunted" begins to seep through the airwaves. A monstrous form appears beneath the big screen....

Michael Bird: Introducing first.......the challenger........hailing from Deadman's Corner.........weighing in at 275 pounds..................Ceeeeeerrrrrrrrbbbbbbbeeeeeeeerrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssss!

HA: 6 foot 9, 275 pounds of raw aggression and power.........Cerberus rise to the mountain top was filled with destruction and devastation, he wreaked havoc on everyone who crossed his path.....but board room disruption, backroom dealings and political backstabbings cost him his position......he never lost his title in the ring...

HE: Did he win the battle royal?

HA: No he didn't....

HE: So he lost the title in the ring....

HA: No he didn't, he has already been stripped....and let's not get started on how he was robbed during that battle royal.....Cerberus is the uncrowned king and tonight he is hell bent on reclaiming his throne......through fire and blood....

Cerberus marches down the aisle and then pauses at the base of the ring, staring at the cage in front of him. He walks close to the structure and pulls at the mesh, a sinister smile playing across his lips, and then he heads around to the door. The referee opens up the entrance as the challenger steps inside...

HE: Cerberus is evil enough, giving him this kind of environment is just is playing right into his hands.....Alex Walker has done Anthony Grace no favours tonight....

HA: I think Grace has had enough favours....tonight he'll learn that what goes around, comes around...

Cerberus stands in the centre of the ring, looking imposing inside the steel prison, and then the lights in the arena dim. Boos are already filling the air as "Power" screams through the speaker system. A spotlight hits the stage as a giant "A" appears on the screen and then a shadow passes under the light....

Michael Bird: And his opponent.........hailing from Hollywood, California..........weighing in at 245 pounds............he is the reigning, defending 6CW World Heavyweight Champion........Annntttthhhooonnnyyyyy Grrrraaaaccccceeeee!

HE: The Era of Grace, Harold....

HA: It could be extremely short lived.....this is no Hollywood masterpiece....there are no stunt doubles tonight....Anthony Grace cannot play a world champion, he actually has to be one.....and he's facing quite possibly the most dangerous, terrifying role of his entire career....

HE: He's going to make a believer out of you and every other doubter on this planet...........the odds may be against him but Anthony Grace is the "A Lister" for a reason.....he is gold, he is money....he is 6CW...

HA: He's not 6CW, let's make that clear....this company has existed and grown without him, and it would do again....Anthony Grace has not made 6CW what it is.....he may hold that world championship but he does not define our brand...

Anthony Grace greets the negative ovation as though he has been well received on the red carpet. He is once again adorned in all gold and he spins on the spot, basking in his own glory. He opens up his robe to reveal the 6CW Champion belt and then he focuses on the sight in front of him, his pace slowing drastically and the colour draining from his face...

HA: All the bravado, all the brash arrogance cannot save Anthony Grace tonight.......tonight it's all on him, tonight he has to become more than Anthony Grace the movie star.....tonight he has to be Anthony Grace, 6CW Champion....

Grace lowers his robe and then he folds it up and hands it to a production member before slowly climbing the steel steps to the cage door. He peers around and then inside, where Cerberus is glaring at him...

HE: I hope Alex Walker is happy with his decision...

HA: It was the right decision....Cerberus was the rightful number one contender, this match could not denied....

Grace takes a deep breath and then steps through the ropes as the cage door is closed behind him, his eyes closing briefly as the lock sounds behind him. The referee takes the 6CW Championship belt and shows it to both competitors before raising it in the air....

HA: That's the reason we are here.....that's the reason for this match right here.....pinfall, submission or escape....whoever secures one of those methods of victory first will be the 6CW World Champion...


Cerberus turns away to take his corner and Grace snatches the championship belt from the referee before crashing it into the side of his opponent's head, sending him staggering into the ropes. Cerberus is dazed as he comes back around and Grace nails him right between the eyes....

HA: I don't believe it.....a goddamn sneak attack...

HE: There are no rules here, Anthony Grace is showing his intellect....he is going to beat Mike Hill's record from earlier tonight....

........Cerberus powers out and sends Grace flying across the ring!


HA: Anthony Grace may need a bathroom break....

Grace is on his knees, mouth agape and looking stunned, as Cerberus sits up and stares straight at him. Grace shakes his head in disbelief as he gets back up and he quickly grabs the championship belt again....


Cerberus crunches the punch right under the chin of Grace and then he whips him off the ropes, sending him hurtling over ten feet in the air with a backdrop as he returns. Cerberus then picks the 6CW Championship up...

HA: Grace is in even bigger trouble if he hadn't angered the monster enough two weeks ago...

Cerberus hurls the belt over the top of the cage to the outside and then he waits for Grace to stand, wrapping both hands around his throat as he does. Cerberus launches Grace into the turnbuckle and then charges in with a huge clothesline, sending Grace crumpling to the floor.

HE: Cmon now Anthony, dig deep.....

Grace is in pain but tries desperately to crawl toward the cage door. Cerberus just presses his boot on Grace's back, pinning him to the mat...

HA: Cerberus is toying with Grace now, he has all the power here....the predator playing with his prey....

Cerberus grabs Grace's hair and pulls his face off the mat and then he releases his boot from the spine and drags the champion up the rest of the way. Grace is at the mercy of his challenger but that doesn't stop him from aiming punches at Cerberus' midsection....

HE: Break him up, Grace...

HA: Those punches are not even leaving a mark...

Grace yanks his hair free from Cerberus' grip and runs off the ropes, only returning into a huge side slam from the big man. Cerberus gets to his feet and he runs the ropes before returning with a huge legdrop to the throat...

1...................2..............Grace kicks out!

HA: Each shot from Cerberus is like being hit by a have to wonder how much punishment Anthony Grace can withstand...

Grace sways to his feet and stumbles to the ropes but Cerberus is in no mood for respite so he charges in behind and drives all his bodyweight into the champion, crushing him against the cage wall.  Grace's legs buckle but Cerberus keeps him up and drags him away from the cell wall, running him backwards and then launching him against the opposite wall.

HE: He is a Hollywood superstar, don't damage him like that....

HA: The back of Grace's head just collided with pure steel.....this isn't Disney, this is more like a Rob Zombie movie...

Grace is slumped on the deck, sat against the ropes, as Cerberus stands over him. Cerberus looks over toward the door but then he shakes his head...

HA: Cerberus has no intention of winning this match by escape....he wants to make Grace pay...

Cerberus drops to one knee and he starts to choke Grace against the ropes, Grace's legs kicking as he struggles for air. The challenger stops the choke and then stands back up....

HA: Cerberus is so dominant, he is in complete control....

HE: This wasn't the script....

HA: Grace should have known that he could not match Cerberus physically....

The challenger stands over Grace and then he leans down and seizes him by the neck, pulling him up from the floor. He glares at him for a moment and then he easily scoops him up on his shoulders....

HA: This night is about to get a whole lot worse for our world champion.....


Cerberus runs Grace towards the cage wall like an missile but Grace drops off the back at the final moment and then drives Cerberus against the cage wall, his head bouncing off the steel. Grace stays behind Cerberus as he wobbles and then he rams all his bodyweight into him again, sending him crashing against the cage wall once more...

HA: Grace doing whatever he can to survive here.....he's fighting on instinct...

HE: He's showing championship credentials...

Cerberus' legs actually look a little unstable as he stumbles away from the ropes and then Grace takes a leap and lands on the challenger's back, wrapping his hands around the monster's giant neck!

HA: Grace trying to put Cerberus to sleep.....he's actually trying to put the big man down...

HE: The greatest win of any champion's career...

Cerberus tries to pull himself free of Grace's clutches but the champion is showing real guts and determination to cling to his back and choke him. The challenger is swaying from side to side, his legs becoming weaker....

HA: I never would have believed that Anthony Grace would win this match by is the last outcome I would have ever imagined...

HE: He's making a believer out of you, Harold....



Cerberus throws caution to the wind and charges backwards into the steel cage wall, the whole structure shaking from the impact as both men then collapse on the canvass.

HE: Grace may have broken bones from that...

HA: Cerberus was desperate to shake the champion off, the consequences may work in his favour...

Grace is wincing in pain as he tries to move from the deck, his back covered in red welts from the impact with the cage. Cerberus is back up on his feet and he sucks in a deep breath before beckoning Grace to stand and face him...

HA: Cerberus is done playing now....he wants to end Anthony Grace....CHOKESLAM!

Cerberus grabs the champion by the throat and attempt to lift him into the huge slam but Grace jumps out the side of the move and then bounces back off the ropes before storming forward...



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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:53 pm


The superman punch lands to the jaw of Cerberus but he just staggers backward and doesn't fall down. Grace looks alarmed but then he storms forward again and leaps into the air....


Another punch lands but it merely sends Cerberus crashing back into the corner by the door. Grace clutches his head in disbelief but then turns on his heel and tries to climb...

HA: Anthony Grace realising that escape may be his only chance of victory....

Grace is up the ropes in a flash and begins negotiating the rest of the cage to the top. Cerberus staggers away from the corner and makes his way over to Grace's escape route, clutching the champion by the back of his trunks....

HA: Grace is starring in his very own horror movie tonight.....IMPACT!

Cerberus uses his immense strength to smash Grace against the cage and the launches him backward off the top rope, sending him plummeting back onto the canvass with devastating force. Grace is clutching his spine, clearly in agony from the fall....

HE: Anthony Grace will need a month off at least after this match.....the world champion needs protecting....

HA: He may not be the world champion after tonight....

Grace gets back up and Cerberus scoops him into his arms and then charges him against the cage, driving his back into the steel. He spins around and then slams Grace down on the deck. Cerberus draws his finger across his throat...

HA: Cerberus signalling that the time has come.....he's seen enough....

HE: Anthony you need to regroup here....

Grace is on all fours, looking desperate, and then Cerberus stands over him and pulls his arms up in a full nelson. Grace looks terrified and tries to struggle but he is not match as the challenger easily hoists him to a standing position....

HA: The Death Bell about to toll on Anthony Grace's world championship reign....


*Crowd boo

Grace, in all out desperation, flicks his heel behind him at the final moment and catches Cerberus between the legs. He pulls free of the monster's grip as Cerberus is doubled up in pain....


The flying roundhouse kick connects with the side of Cerberus' head and takes him down...



The cheers drown out Anthony Grace's complaints as Cerberus pushes his shoulder up off the mat. Grace is beside himself as he crawls toward the referee and grabs the front of his shirt, pleading for the three count....

HA: Anthony Grace cannot buy victory tonight...he has to earn it just like everybody else...

The referee pushes Grace's hands away and tells him he needs a three. Grace gets back to his feet and he stares down at Cerberus for a moment in disbelief before staggering over to the turnbuckle and he starts to climb again....

HE: Grace is getting out of here, you want him earn it, Harold, and that is exactly what he is doing....

The crowd are booing as Grace manages to reach the top of the cage and then he swings his leg over the platform beam at the top. He just gets his other leg over and is about to begin his descent when a huge hand closes down on his own....

HA: Cerberus will not be kept down, he will not just let Grace escape...

Grace is trying to pull his hand free but he cannot move from under the iron grip of Cerberus. Cerberus is now at the top of the cage and he reaches over to grab Grace's hair...

HE: That is such a dangerous position...

HA: Careers have been shortened before in matches like this.....MY WORD!

Cerberus uses his grip on Grace's head to repeatedly drag the champion's face back into the solid steel beam at the top of the cage. Grace's eyes roll into the back of his head from the impact and soon blood is streaming from his nose....

HA: Cerberus may have just broken Anthony Grace's nose.......AND HIS WHOLE DAMN BODY!

HE: AHHHHHHHHHHHH! The whole arena is on its feet as Cerberus uses his strength to lift Grace back up over the top of the cage and deliver a ring-shattering superplex from on high.

HE: We need medics.....we need someone to check on Anthony Grace....

HA: This is a world championship match, it won't just stop....but I'll admit Grace may be hurt badly after that fall, both men could be.....that was frightening....

HE: The whole ring and cage shook...

The referee just has to stand over both men and wait for either to start moving. Cerberus is the first to stir and he starts getting to his feet as Grace continues to lie motionless on the canvass....Cerberus staggers into the ropes and takes a moment to compose himself and then he walks over to Grace and starts dragging him up....

HE: He shouldn't be moving him, his neck or his spine could be seriously damaged....

HA: I don't think Cerberus has much compassion....

Cerberus places Grace's head between his legs and then he flips him up onto his shoulders. He spins Grace around in a full circle, almost contemplating the best place to plant him....

HA: I don't think Anthony Grace's body can take any more....


Grace jams his fingers down into the eyes of Cerberus, blinding the challenger, and they stagger back into the turnbuckle. Grace drives furious punches into Cerberus' head and then he starts climbing again, getting to the top of the cage as quickly as he can...

HA: Grace is showing guts, I'll give him that...

Cerberus stumbles away from the ropes and he looks up at Grace, who is on top of the cage, and then over to the cage door....

HE: No way Cerberus can get to Grace in time..

HA: I think he knows that.....he's gonna have to go for the door....



Grace shows bravery as he throws himself off the top of the cage and collides with Cerberus, nailing a tremendous flying crossbody takedown. Grace wipes blood from his nose as he signals for the cage door to be opened....

HE: This is it....

Grace scrambles for the open door and begins to climb through the ropes to salvation. His hands are out on the steel steps when Cerberus' hand clasps his ankle and begins dragging him back inside...

HE: Why won't he stay down?

Grace tries to hold onto the steel steps but Cerberus is too strong, succeeding in pulling him back inside the cage.....CRACK!


The cameras show Charles Kramer on the outside with a grin as Anthony Grace smashes a steel chair right into Cerberus' head and sends him staggering back. Cerberus comes forward again and Grace jams the chair into his gut before smashing it across the challenger's spine....

HE: Grace always has a plan...

HA: Kramer must have passed him that damn chair....I didn't even see it...

Cerberus is in pain from the chair shots and Grace draws the weapon back once more before swinging it straight at the monster's head...


Cerberus punches the chair straight into Grace's face and then he picks the weapon up himself and swings it with pure venom....


HA: Cracked like a god, Grace is bleeding like a murder victim...

The cameras zoom in on Anthony Grace, who has blood pouring from a gash in his hairline. His whole face is quickly covered in a crimson mask....

HE: Timeout ref...

HA: Not a damn chance....two weeks ago Grace assaulted Cerberus with a steel chair, I think this is called payback....

Cerberus holds the chair in his hand and then he begins smashing it down into the body of Anthony Grace, each shot echoes around the arena along with Grace's screams of pain. Cerberus then drops the chair down and he drags Grace up, pressing his face against the steel cage and beginning to drag him all around the ring....

HE: He's ripping up his beautiful face...

Cerberus takes care to pause in front of Charles Kramer so that he can stare at the blood stained face of Grace. Kramer looks disgusted and terrified by Grace's plight....

HA: Kramer can't save his man now...

Cerberus just holds Grace against the cage and then he throws him backwards onto the canvass, the champion's blood staining the mat. Cerberus stares at Kramer for a few moments and then he turns back to Grace...

HE: I don't think I can watch any more...

HA: I don't think this match is going much further so don't worry....

Cerberus grabs the steel chair again and he sets it up in a seated position. He then hooks Grace's arms behind him and pulls him upright, Grace's body hanging limply....

HA: I don't think Grace has anything left to give.....the Era of Grace is facing the curtain call.....DEATH BELL TOLLS!

The chair crumples underneath Grace's body weight from the chickenwing gutbuster. He is completely motionless as Cerberus rolls him over and pushes the wreckage of the chair out of the way...

HA: Are you crying, Henry?

HE: It''s all over...



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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:54 pm




The crowd are incensed as Charles Kramer has climbed into the cage and jumped on the pin attempt, stopping Cerberus from winning the match. Kramer looks delighted with himself for all of about two seconds until Cerberus rounds on him....

HA: And now what are you going to do, you snake? You're all alone,'re finished!

HE: He can't lay a hand on him...

HA: Cerberus can do whatever the hell he wants....Kramer has stuck his nose in the challenger's business too many times now...

Kramer is squealing for mercy as he tries to back away from Cerberus. The monster steps after him, quickly closing off the ring, and then he reaches down and grabs Kramer by the throat....

HE: I don't think I want to see this....

Kramer's face quickly reddens as Cerberus drags him to his feet. Cerberus then tightens Kramer's tie around his throat and holds the tie before using it to launch Kramer through the air and against the cage wall, something dropping from his jacket pocket as he hits the floor....

HE: OH NO....

HA: Charles Kramer will never jump to Anthony Grace's defence so quickly again after this....

Blood is already running down Kramer's face as Cerberus drags him back up and then runs him forward, launching him against the cage once again. Cerberus then pulls Kramer into the corner and the challenger sits on the top rope as he pulls Kramer's arms behind him and lifts him up off the floor...

HE: What the hell is he doing? Security....

HA: Charles Kramer is going all the way to hell........SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!

The ring is rattling on its supports as Cerberus leaps from the second rope and plants Kramer into the canvass face-first with the chickenwing facebuster. The referee is immediately signalling for help from the back....

HA: We knew that it was likely this match would produce casualties but we never assumed it would be Charles Kramer....

HE: Cerberus should be suspended for what he just done....

HA: Kramer stopped him winning this match, revenge was always going to be on Cerberus' mind...

Cerberus pushes Kramer away toward the cage door as medics arrive on the scene. Cerberus orders the EMT's to get Kramer out of his sight before he turns around...

HA: Grace has got that damn chain.....


Grace leaps through the air and he detonates the punch right on the button, knocking Cerberus off his feet. Grace is bleeding profusely but he digs down deep and manages to crawl to Cerberus, dropping his arm over the big man...

HE: This is it....Kramer's sacrifice has paid off...





It looks like the referee's hand is destined to touch down for the three but Cerberus just about manages to push his shoulder off the mat in time. Grace rolls off the cover, his expression hard to read under the mask of blood covering his face....

HA: Anthony Grace is staring down the barrel here.....he's hit his man with absolutely everything in his arsenal.....and yet Cerberus keeps coming....

HE: It really is like a living nightmare....

HA: He's tried to pin him, tried to submit him.....

HE: You have to escape, is your only way...

The medics are still blocking the doorway as they try to pull Charles Kramer out without causing him any more damage. Grace is up on his knees, blood running down his chest, and he looks at Cerberus before staring up at the cage....

HA: Grace needs one last push....he needs to get out of that cage....

Grace scampers for the ropes and he uses them to drag himself to his feet. His hair is matted to his head with blood but he pushes it from his eyes as he places his feet on the cage and begins to climb...

HE: The cuts and bruises will heal but history will always remember the winner of this match....Anthony Grace is ascending to glory....this is the Genesis of his Era...

Grace reaches the top of the cage and he pulls himself up on the support beam before staring out at the audience. He blinks back blood as he clings to the camera structure on high and then gets to his feet....

HE: Just climb down,'ve done it....

HA: Grace is looking crazed up there....too many blows to the head, why is he even standing up?

HE: I don't know....please just climb down...

HA: You don't think.....he can't be thinking....

HE: Thinking what?

HA: I think the criticism has gone to Grace's head? He wants to prove he can beat Cerberus properly.....he's actually gonna do it.....OH MY GOD HE'S DONE IT....


The whole arena is on fire as Grace launches himself backwards off the top of the cage into a picture perfect moonsault, flying down toward Cerberus at break neck speed. Cerberus at the very last minute pulls himself out of the firing line and sends Grace crashing against the canvass....

HE: He's god he killed Anthony Grace....

HA: ladies and gentlemen that was not a stunt....Anthony Grace hit solid canvass from fifteen foot in the air......his body has to be broken in half...

HE: We need another stretcher...

Charles Kramer is just being loaded onto a stretcher as Grace hits the deck with a deafening thud. Cerberus is blinking back blood of his own as he tries to pull himself up...

HA: Cerberus is feeling the effects of this match himself....but he has a little more in the tank than Anthony Grace.....he just needs the cover and this one is over.....the world championship is going back where it belongs....

Cerberus pushes himself onto his front and begins to clamber to his feet. Anthony Grace still isn't moving as the challenger backs against the ropes...

HA: Look at what Cerberus has caused here.....Kramer is leaving on a stretcher, Grace is a broken mess.....this is what happens when you cross the most formidable man on the 6CW roster.....

HE: He is reckless, he is a danger....he should be punished for his actions....

HA: I don't believe Anthony Grace is moving....

HE: Don't doubt his heart, being world champion means more to him than you'd ever imagine...

Grace's legs are made of jelly and he can barely move due to the blood loss. He falls forwards into ropes, which barely keep him up, and then he turns his head with a dreaded look on his face...

HE: He's looking for Cerberus...

HA: He does not have to look far.....the monster is we go......WOULD YOU BELIEVE THAT?


The Tokyo Domo is roaring as Cerberus charges across the ring and throws himself through the air, colliding with Grace and the side of the cage. The impact causes the structure to buckle and the whole cage wall collapses backwards....


The whole cage wall falls down against the ringside barrier and is hanging above the floor like a platform. Anthony Grace is sprawled on top of the wall, whilst Cerberus is crumpled against the ropes....

HE: What happens now?


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:55 pm

HA: Well neither man has escaped.....the cage may have broke apart but nobody's feet have touched the floor....

HE: You mean this match is still on?

HA: You're damn right....

HE: Anthony Grace can't withstand anymore....just roll off the side Anthony and you've won...

HA: Grace isn't moving for a week, he's lost so much blood and he's out cold....

Cerberus is against the ropes, staring out at what he has just done. Grace is completely flat on the cage wall as Cerberus pulls himself under the ropes to clamber up on the steel mesh also. The referee follows him....

HE: Does a pinfall on the cage wall count?

HA: I have no idea....technically it isn't inside the cage anymore but it is part of the structure so I'm not sure.....

Cerberus drops down on one knee briefly but he quickly gets back up and hobbles over to the motionless body of Anthony Grace. Grace's eyes are closed and he looks dead to the world as Cerberus places a hand around his throat and pulls him up....

HE: Please don't do anymore....

HA: He still has to get him in the ring....

HE: Grace can't even some mercy....

HA: I think Cerberus is......he's gonna end this.....CHOKESLAM!

Ding ding ding

HA: It's over....

HE: My God it is's actually over....


HA: I can't believe it.....I don't believe what just happened....

Cerberus' eyes are bulging in disbelief at his own mistake. The instant replays show him chokeslamming Grace down onto the steel wall but where the door is and the impact breaks the hinges, which sends Grace through it and down onto the solid flooring below. Back live and Cerberus is still standing in shock, looking down at Grace....


HA: You can't surely still think of this man as your world champion....

HE: He still is our world champion.....Cerberus' own stupidity cost him this match, his brute strength and lack of brains just handed the belt back to the most spectacular champion in our history....

HA: Cerberus beat the holy hell out of Grace.....Grace doesn't even know he won.....

HE: He still won the match.....he's still the champion and that's all that he needs the help and treatment worthy of a megastar....he needs private hospital treatment reserved for the pinnacle of this world....

The referee backs away from Cerberus, who looks absolutely irate, and climbs back into the ring as more medics arrive on the scene and begin working on extracting Grace from beneath the cage wall. Cerberus' hands are on his hips now and he looks thunderous....

HA: Cerberus can only blame himself, of that I will acknowledge, because he had Anthony Grace beaten all ends up....he was so hell-bent on destroying Grace for good that he went one step too far and ultimately cost himself....

HE: He allowed revenge to consume him....he was blinded by his hatred of Grace and now he has to live with the fact that the only reason he isn't world champion is because he screwed himself....

Cerberus climbs down off the cage wall as the rest of the structure is lifted back up into the rafters. Anthony Grace is a bloody mess and is being strapped to another stretcher as Cerberus takes another dark look at his victim and then heads for the aisleway...

HA: Anthony Grace still is the 6CW Champion but what injuries has he sustained? Matches like that can end careers and I've never seen many superstars take that kind of punishment....he was violated by Cerberus tonight..........this could be the last time we ever see him....

HE: You'd love that wouldn't you? Anthony Grace answered his doubters tonight and I assure you he'll be back....the Era of Grace has just begun....


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:56 pm


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:57 pm




The Tokyo Dome erupts as O'Callaghan comes marching down the aisleway with the Fight for the Right briefcase in his hands. He is all purpose as he strides past Cerberus and then plants the briefcase in the hands of the referee, ordering him to call for the bell....

HE: Is this really happening?

HA: You're damn right it....O'Callaghan is cashing in.....he earned this shot and now he's making good on that contract....

HE: Grace can't defend himself....

HA: That's the whole point....the Fight for the Right contract plays into the hands of an ultimate opportunist.....I didn't think O'Callaghan had it in him but here we go.....he sees the gold at the end of the rainbow....

The referee looks slightly apprehensive as he looks at the state of Anthony Grace but he reluctantly heads around the ring to make the call. O'Callaghan begins ordering medics out of his way as he unstraps Anthony Grace from the stretcher and then throws the unconscious champion into the ring....

HA: Anthony Grace still hasn't woken up....the world champion is badly hurt here....

HE: He desperately needs medical attention and he is being forced to endure this now.....this will end in a lawsuit...

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen O'Callaghan is invoking his FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT CONTRACT!

*Crowd pop

Michael Bird: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...................and it is for the 6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

HE: He lost to James can he be a world champion in the same night?

HA: Because a year ago he earned his shot....O'Callaghan is now on the brink.....seconds away....

O'Callaghan looks supremely confident as he bounces from one foot to the other and then dives into the ring. Every fan in the arena is on their feet as the referee gives the signal...

Ding ding ding

HA: What a way to end this night........this is the Genesis of O'Callaghan....


Ding ding ding


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6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results  Empty Re: 6CW Presents Genesis June 5th 2018 - Live Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 05 Jun 2018, 10:58 pm


The referee's hand comes down for the three count when O'Callaghan is dragged off the pinfall. He gets back up his feet in a flash, looking shocked, and is immediately seized by the throat....

HE: YES.....YES.....YES!


Cerberus almost plants O'Callaghan through the canvass with an almighty chokeslam that prompts the referee to wave for the bell. Cerberus stands over the prone forms of both Anthony Grace and O'Callaghan as the crowd give a mixed reaction...

Michael Bird: Ladies and Gentlemen the winner of this match via disqualification......O'Caaaaaallllllaaaggghhhaaaannnn!

But still your 6CW World Heavyweight Champion..........Annntthhhooonnnnyyy Grrrrrraaaaaacccceeee!

*Crowd boo

HE: Cerberus just screwed O'Callaghan....

HA: The match started....O'Callaghan cashed in and Cerberus has cost him the world championship.....inadvertently he has saved Grace's world championship reign....

HE: I may have wanted Grace to win tonight but I understand Cerberus' thinking....he was not going to just stand by and watch someone else capitalise on his hard work.....

HA: Look at the devastation all around us.....that has been caused by one man.....and that man is not our world champion.....

HE: Our world champion has no idea about half of the things that have occurred out here....

Cerberus continues to stand tall over the playing field as medics begin trying to extract Grace once more and strap him to their stretcher.

HA: Ladies and gentlemen this has been some night here in Tokyo....we thank you for joining us here at Genesis and our first pay per view event of the rebrand....I hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have......I can't help there are a lot more questions than answers after what we have witnessed....

HE: Oh there's definitely going to be repercussions from what we have seen here tonight.....but what a night...........this one will never, ever be forgotten and rightfully so...........

HA: Thanks once again folks.....from everyone here in Tokyo, goodnight!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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