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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 9:39 pm

The opening credits of 6CW Anarchy plays before the screen goes back…

Last week….

The screen cuts in to the end of last weeks show…


Kramer suddenly sprays something in the face of Cerberus, blinding the monster and causing him to stagger backward in agony. Grace is dropped from his shoulders and Cerberus is clearly in a lot of pain as he falls across the ring....





Ding ding ding

HA: Please lord no.....



HA: I don't believe what I am watching here.....this has to be a nightmare...

HE: This is a dream come true.....The Icon....The Hollywood Superstar....finally it has happened........ANTHONY GRACE IS THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.....THE NEW ERA IS THE GRACE ERA!

HA: This may be the darkest day in 6CW's history....

The crowd are furious and launching litter into the ring as confetti and golden balloons fall from the rafters. Anthony Grace is in mock tears as he drops to his knees in the centre of the ring and Charles Kramer rips the 6CW Championship belt from Lewis Parks on the outside and carries it into the ring. Kramer is bent double in jubilation and he shakes in delight as he places the belt into the waiting arms of the brand new world champion....

A new era began….under an old face….

Lewis Park: Ladies and Gentleman, please accept my apologies for interrupting. On behalf of the Board of Directors, allow me to introduce you to the new Chairman of 6CW Holdings, and the new General Manager of 6…..C…W….



Henry: NO WAY!


Henry: IT’S HIM!! HE’S BACK!

The opening chords of ‘Numb’ by Linkin Park explodes around Wembley arena and the crowd rise to their feet…


Tonight…..Alex Walker returns.


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Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:15 pm

The camera pans around a sold out Wembley Arena as the fans are in full voice as 6CW goes live on the air...

Harold: Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to 6CW Anarchy! It has been two weeks since Alex Walker shocked the world and made his triumphant return to 6CW! And what a show we have in store for you tonight!

Henry: How can you not even mention our glorious new Champion? You talk like Walker is the saviour! There’s a new era of 6CW and it’s the ‘Era of Grace’.

Harold: Oh, I’m sorry, you’re absolutely right! Let me mention the look on Grace’s face when Alex Walker walked down that ramp. Absolutely priceless, Henry! It’ll be on the front cover of every Wrestling publication for the next month! You can’t buy that kind of free publicity, and Grace knows that!

Henry: You’ll regret that when this whole ownership situation is resolved!

The camera pans around the arena picking out signs in the crowd…



Harold: Listen to that ovation!!!

The crowd erupt as ‘Numb’ by Linkin Park roars through the speakers as Alex Walker walks on to the stage to a huge pop!


Harold: Who would’ve thought with all his history, that Alex Walker would ever get this kind of ovation!

Henry: It’s sickening, Harold!

Walker stands on the stage, lapping the chants up from the fans. He raises the mic to his lips to a huge cheer from the crowd before asking them to settle!

Alex Walker: Honeslty, I don’t know where to start, what to say, or how to react….. I guess I should start with……. Thank you….

*Crowd Pop*

Alex Walker: When they offered me the chance to come back, there was a part of me that was hesitant. A part of me that wasn’t sure I’d ever truly be accepted back in this arena, under this banner. But last week, you all gave me a moment i’ll never, ever forget. That ovation, that feeling of being genuinely humbled by you all is something I’ve never truly treasured. And for that I thank each and every one of you!


Alex Walker: I guess I should start by addressing the elephant in the room and explain exactly why I’m here?

Henry: About bloody time!

Alex Walker: I’m not going to go into details about who did what and why. Truth be told, I don’t know everything. I’m not sure I even want to know. But when someone calls you up, and offers you a chance at redemption. A chance to be the hero, after being the villain for so long, a chance to start again. You don’t turn that down.

People don’t realise, that despite everything, 6CW has, and will forever be a huge part of my life. It fuelled my love of this business for so long. It changed me as a person, for better and for worse. But I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for the people who helped build it.
Last week, despite what a certain Mr. Grace thinks, I signed a long term contract to become the new Chairman and General Manager of 6CW. Yes, I’ve put my own money in, but I can assure you, my only goal here is to put 6CW on top where it belongs, and ensure the legacy of this great company stays in the hands of the people who helped build it…….. you.

Crowd: 6-C-DUB! 6-C-DUB! 6-C-DUB!

Alex Walker: Now, I could stand here and wax lyrical all night, but, there’s a show to be run.

Henry: Yes! Let’s get on with it!

Alex Walker: But, before we start, there’s a few things I want to get out there. First and foremost, this is a new beginning for all of us. Myself included. There’s no factions, no alliances, no favouritism. You earn your spot, you work hard, and you’ll get rewards.

It also means, there’s a new slate for everybody. So people like Engel Harlequin…


Alex Walker: Engel will start from scratch, no black marks. There are no suspensions. No grudges, no axes to grind. We have a new World Champion, which we all have to respect!


Alex Walker: As for the other titles, as it stands Perfect Jack and Clarke James will remain the 6CW Tag Team Champions. A decision on the other titles will be made in the next few weeks, but I can assure you, there will be plenty to fight for on this roster.

Our first PPV is Genesis…

Henry: Oh, how fitting!

Alex Walker: I know, irony is delicious! But this will be the first PPV of the new era, and I promise, it’s going to go off with a bang! But, without further ado….. it’s time to get on with the show!


Walker heads to the back as Anarchy heads to commercial.


Posts : 14734
Join date : 2011-06-21
Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:15 pm

HA: First match of tonight's broadcast folks and this should whet the appetite for those anticipating some high flying action...

"Mr Blue Sky" is playing out and is greeted by cheers from the crowd as Uryu Ishida makes his entrance. The Nottingham man approaches the ring with a focus in his eyes....

HA: It's been years in the wilderness for Uryu Ishida but he returned two weeks ago and although it was only a brief performance in the Battle Royal I believe we saw enough to show that this veteran still has plenty in the tank....

HE: Battle Royals are a completely different ball game to this kind of competition.....tonight it is just Uryu and his opponent, I believe the pressure is on him....he had his successes in 6WF many years ago but he's in there with you, hungry competitors now....just how much does he want this?

Uryu leaps over the top rope and then the lights in the arena dim, drawing cheers from the audience. There are beating drums in the distance and then "Forever" begins to play over the sound system...

HA: Tell me you weren't impressed by this guy last time out.....even a cynic like you...

HE: Who, Lion?

HA: Yeah...

HE: He looked neat, quick and agile....still no match for Anthony Grace though....

HA: Please, Grace had to use underhanded tactics to get rid of this guy...

Lion makes his way onto the stage and he bows at the reception he receives before pounding at the floor. He draws his finger across his throat and then makes his descent to the ring...

HA: I don't remember the last time we had a Lucha star here in 6CW....

HE: Because they're too small...

HA: Utter nonsense again....Lion is one of the biggest names coming out of Mexico and North America right now.....he's proven he can hang with much bigger superstars...and tonight he makes his 6CW singles competition debut....

Lion dives underneath the bottom rope and keeps his gaze on Uryu, who nods respectfully back, before climbing to his feet. The referee has a quick word with both men over what he expects of them....

HA: First match of the Alex Walker era.....I never thought I'd ever say those words again...

HE: I used to love Alex Walker, I just hope he's the same guy from all those years ago...

HA: You mean the guy that built Genesis and tried to put 6CW out of business?

HE: He also made 6CW richer and more popular than it has ever been.....deny that?

HA: I don't suppose I can...

Uryu and Lion exchange a a quick handshake and then the bell sounds to begin the contest. They circle one another and then lockup in the centre of the ring....

HA: This one is going to be fast....plenty of striking and aerial assaults I would guess...

Uryu quickly twists the right arm of Lion behind his back but the Mexican drops to the seat of his pants and then flips Uryu over his shoulders. They both scramble back up and Lion attempts a roundhouse kick but Uryu ducks it and dropkicks Lion into the corner....

HE: Uryu ran straight into that....

Uryu darts in but Lion shows amazing agility to leap out and meet him, kneeing him right under the chin that leaves Uryu flat on the deck. Lion spins on his heel and then springboards onto the turnbuckle flipping backwards with a sit out legdrop....

1..............2............Uryu kicks out!

HA: Lion can move.....this crowd are really getting behind him....

Lion drags Uryu up and looks for a suplex but Uryu floats over the shoulder of his opponent and pushes him into the ropes before taking him out with a snap hurricanrana as he returns. They both get back up and Uryu hits a quick backheel kick to the gut, doubling Lion up, and then runs off the ropes....


Uryu leaps up for the stomp but Lion catches him and then powerbombs him back into the corner before connecting with a vicious standing enzeguiri to the head..............1..................2...............shoulder up!

HA: That kick seemed to scramble the senses of Uryu and he needs a time out....

Uryu is holding his head as he falls from the ring and staggers around to regain himself. Lion listens to the cheers of the crowd and then he rushes to the corner and leaps to the top rope before front flipping off with an incredible senton takedown....

*Crowd cheer

HE: Lion putting it all on the line here....

Lion pulls Uryu back up and he throws him into the ring before dragging himself onto the apron. Lion waits on the apron and waits for Uryu to rise...


Lion looks for the springboard forearm but Uryu leaps into the air and greets him with a fantastic dropkick to the face. Lion is at sixes and sevens as Uryu runs into him and connects with a slingblade.................................1...............................2..........................kickout!

HE: We were expecting a fast paced opener and that is exactly what we are getting....

Uryu heads for the corner and climbs high as Lion starts to rise. Uryu leaps off but Lion rolls out of the firing line, causing Uryu to hit the ground and propel himself into his own forward roll. Uryu is back up and he runs into the corner but is met by a fierce back elbow from Lion, who then swivels and leaps onto the turnbuckle....


1........................2...............Uryu gets his shoulder up off the deck.

Uryu crawls up to his knees and Lion begins to lash fierce "Yes" kicks into the chest of his opponent. The crowd cheer each blow and then Lion loads up for a final ultimate kick but Uryu ducks it and rolls Lion up...

Lion tries to get up but Uryu swipes his legs and begins to drop heavy knees to the back, neck and head of the Mexican....

HA: Uryu calls this "Brick Break" and some of those blows may break something....

Lion is flat on his face and Uryu heads for the corner and climbs up high. The veteran wastes very little time and then launches himself airborne...


Lion rolls away and under the bottom rope in time and sends Uryu crashing down on the canvass, chest-first, driving all the wind from him. Lion then gets to his feet and catapults back in with an elbow to the heart..................1.........................2...............kickout!

HA: Lion showing that he is not fazed at all about being here in the UK....this is a big performance....

Lion drags Uryu back up and looks for an Irish whip but Uryu reverses it. On the comeback Uryu tilt-a-whirls Lion up but the Luchador rotates around and counters with a DDT and follows with a standing shooting star..........................1.....................2...............shoulder up!

HE: I told you Uryu was going to struggle with these new age superstars.....

Lion draws his finger across his throat again as he drags Uryu to his feet. He places his head between his legs and then flips him up...

HA: He calls this "Wheelchair".....

Uryu ploughs his forearm down between the eyes of Lion and then he flips out the back, nailing a incredible sunset bomb...............
............Lion kicks out just barely!

HA: Uryu has some tricks of his own....

Lion rolls from the ring holding his back but Uryu wastes no time and sprits across the ring, diving through with a corkscrew suicide dive....

HE: I have to admit that the crowd are getting their money's worth here...

Uryu helps Lion to his feet and rolls him under the bottom rope before pulling himself onto the apron. Uryu plays out to the crowd a little and then he springs onto the top rope....


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HE: Incredible...

Lion is up too and he springs onto the top rope to greet Uryu with an astonishing "Spanish Fly" that leaves both men crunching into the canvass.

HA: Tremendous athleticism right there....

Both men are feeling the effects of the match but Lion is first to his feet and he makes his way to the ropes and climbs out to the apron. He stalks Uryu and waits for him to rise before launching himself through the air...


Ding ding


HA: What the hell is this?

Whilst Lion is airborne another superstar slides in the ring and shoves Uryu aside before catching Lion in midair on his shoulders and nails him with a destructive sit down powerbomb....

HE: You know who that is, Harold?

HA: You're damn right I do, I just don't know what the hell he is doing here or interjecting himself into this match?

HE: Marty Helms has never been one to follow the rules...

Helms stands over Lion with a smirk on his face and then he drags Uryu back up and almost breaks him in half with a demolition ball of a Bullhammer elbow to the face. The crowd are booing violently as Helms stands over his victims...

HA: I guess Marty Helms is back in 6CW....

HE: And that is how you make a statement...

HA: By ruining a terrific match? That's one way to pi55 off this crowd...

HE: Helms never cared about these fans, he loves to cause pain and that is exactly what he just did....Uryu and Lion were no match...

HA: They didn't even see him coming...

HE: Well that's one hell of a way to kick of tonight's show.....Alex Walker promised us fireworks and he wasn't lying....

Helms continues to soak up the boos of the crowd and he raises his arms in glee before stepping over Uryu and Lion as he leaves the ring.


Posts : 14734
Join date : 2011-06-21
Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:16 pm

After the matches finishes the camera cuts to a street scene with the arena in the background, a logo of BamFamTV is in the top left hand corner and several people stand in front of the camera, each of them wearing Bam Fam TV tshirts

Bam: ERMEHGERD! Guess who’s back, back again, Bam is back, tell ya friends! Word up to ma Bam Fam out there! So Bam’s here with his squad and two of his main blud, Mr PT and Poopz, PT; what did ya make of that badassery by Helms there?

Mr PT: Helms Out! Helms Out! I’ve bin saying dis fer years fam, Helms he ain’t no good fam, Dubya ain’t moving forward blud with him in it, Helms Out!

Poopz: What you talking about blud? I was cray cray the moment Helms joined in then, he was lit! Til Helms appeared all we had fam was a guy with the personality of wet cardboard and a grown man thinking he’s going down the Yellow Brick with Dorothy.

Bam: Lion costumes are like so in right now…said no one ever, freak flag alert! Ermehgerd Uryu has got to be triggered over this fam, he may even get salty max levels, Helms went totes savage af, I was like shook fam. It was like petmalu levels of awesomeness.

Mr PT: Uryu and Lion were sipping tea and Helms comes in throwing shade. Hundo P that Uryu is looking to pwn Helms and I’m Gucci with that, Helms Out, Helms Out!

Poopz: WTF bruh, what Helms did was sweeeet. He made it rain out there tonight fam, c-notes were flying.

Bam: Hold up fam, my phone is ringing, what do I do?

Mr PT: Don’t know Blud, why doesn’t the freakzilla DM ya?

Bam: That’s my ma fam, you no disrespecking my ma…

Bam answers the phone…

Bam: Mum! I can’t speak right now! I’m doing a tv skit for that wrestling company I told you about…..yes I know I didn’t sort my room, I’ll do it when I get in….what Mum?...yes cut off the crusts please….love you too mum

Bam hangs up the call as the rest of his friends look at him perplexed.

Bam: What’s with bitch resting faces fam, you go disrespecking my ma again fam, I’ll slap your teeth bruh.

Poopz: We all good fam, we all good.

Poopz and Bam hug then start a series of Lingard/Pogba style handshakes before finishing with several dabs at the camera.

Bam: Well that’s it from the Bam Fam, we’re now off on a rendezbooze of bropocalyptic proportions, selfie time bluds...Bye Felicia!

All the Bam Fam start taking selfies as the cameras fade, a cry of ‘Helms Out! Helms Out!’ is the last thing to be heard.


Posts : 14734
Join date : 2011-06-21
Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:17 pm

*The action goes backstage and O'Callaghan is standing by with Tim Allen. O'Callaghan is still holding onto his FFTR briefcase.

TA: O'Callaghan in just a few moments you'll take your place in the eight man tag team of your opponents in that match will be James McManus, the man whom you defeated last time out but who then went on to eliminate you from the Battle Royal to crown the new 6CW revenge on your mind?

*O'Callaghan glares at Allen for a second and then smirks

O'Callaghan: James McManus isn't of enough consequence for me to go out of my way for revenge....I showed two weeks ago that when it comes to in-ring competition that he isn't as good as I's the same story when it comes to everyone else on this roster....nobody compares to my skillset....

TA: But McManus...

O'Callaghan: Don't repeat what happened, Tim, just don't! Two weeks ago I should have walked away as the 6CW World Champion and because of James McManus that did not I may have already proven the levels between us but the moment he crosses my path I am going to make him regret the day he chose to try and make a name off of me...

TA: The man who ended up winning the Battle Royal, the new 6CW Champion, Anthony you have any thoughts on him...

*O'Callaghan laughs and shakes his head

OC: I have no thoughts, no feelings on anyone.....everybody is a potential opponent, everybody is a potential rival and every single member of this roster is an imminent victim....

Anthony Grace, through whatever means necessary, is the new 6CW World Champion.....that means all targets now aim at him.....six months ago they talked me up as a dead cert to climb the mountain top....but from here that talking has to stop, it's all about action so watch this space...

TA: And our new 6CW owner.....Alex Walker......what do you know about him? His past with 6CW is well documented...

OC: I don't give a damn what went down with Walker last time and Mr Walker need to have one chat and one chat only....

*O'Callaghan holds up the FFTR briefcase to the camera

OC: I just need to know exactly when I can cash this is in.....nothing and nobody is gonna stop me from achieving my dream...not Alex Walker, not James McManus, not Anthony Grace...give me the green light and I guarantee you are looking at the next World Heavyweight Champion....

TA: Thank you for your time, O'Callaghan....good luck tonight...

*OC taps his hand against the side of his briefcase and then walks off


Posts : 14734
Join date : 2011-06-21
Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:35 pm

Perfect Jack and Clarke James are shown backstage….

Clarke James: Dude, I’ve been thinking?

Perfect Jack: Is it about the girl from Walkabout? Cause I’m pretty sure Max nailed her…

Clarke James: No…… but seriously? Dude, I told him I liked her?

Perfect Jack: I know, but, he’s Australian, it’s a race thing man, don’t worry about it….. what’s up?

Clarke James: So you know how we’re like, the biggest thing in this company right now?

Perfect Jack: You want us to get Sports Coats?

Clarke James: No, dude, seriously……. But, that’s a great idea? I could get CJ on mine…

Perfect Jack: And I could get PJ on mine!!

Clarke James: Oh my god! That’s amazing! Call Justin, get them ordered….. but, this whole Walker thing…

Perfect James: Yeah…. That’s weird right, cause of all that history and stuff?

Clarke James: Yeah…. Like are you worried? Do you think he’s gonna take our titles off us?

Perfect Jack: Come on man! We’re the biggest merch sellers in the history of the world, he’d be crazy to do that?

Clarke James: But what if he does? What if he’s still the Walker of old, you know? Like, I’m 6WF, and we know he hated that…

Jack stops and places his hands on James’ shoulders…

Perfect Jack: CJ, listen, I won’t let happen to us. I promise. And anyway, didn’t you hear him? We’re still the Tag Champions! And he hasn’t made a decision on the others, who knows, maybe he’ll retire them in our honour!

Clarke James: You think?

Perfect James: Well, stranger things have happened! Lets just go out tonight and show him what we’re all about.

James nods and smiles…

Clarke James: Dude, you’re so right! Let’s get our game faces on…

Jack and James turn and to walk out…

Perfect Jack; *sings* ……’sweeeeeeeeet sensation…….the music that we play….’

James stops in shock…

Clarke James: Dude!!! You learnt my theme song?!?

Jack stops, a serious look on his face, placing his hand on his heart….

Perfect Jack: Of course I did……. I love you, man!

James looks concerned before laughing….

Clarke James: Dude, that was soooooo gay!

Perfect Jack: I know, I just like the song!

The two men walk off singing as we head back to ringside.


Posts : 14734
Join date : 2011-06-21
Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:36 pm

Back at ringside and "Machine Gun" is playing out to boos from the crowd as Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan make their entrance....

HA: Huge eight man tag action up next here on Anarchy....

HE: I find it strange that Max Adamson is once again not accompanying Team Adamson out to the ring.....

HA: They've addressed the rumours of fallings out and not being on the same page but I do agree it seems bizarre that their manager would not guide his team into this match....

Horrigan climbs up and over the top rope whilst Jackson leaps onto the turnbuckle and then jumps down. They poses in the centre before "Next Big Thing" blasts out to a continued negative response from the 6CW Universe....

HA: A veteran of the game now, Mike Hill is one of the longest serving members of professional wrestling...

HE: And he's achieved so much in this game too....he showed two weeks ago that the talent is still there, he could still be a real contender...

HA: He's a former world champion, that kind of talent does not disappear overnight....

Hill stands at the base of the ring and trades insults with the crowd before "Sad but true" signals the final entrant of the first team; James McManus. McManus paces out onto the stage and looks pleased at the boos that are aimed his way...

HA: Well last Anarchy was certainly a tale of two halves for James McManus....he came up just short in a one on one confrontation with O'Callaghan but then he eliminated the Irishman from the World Championship Battle Royal in one of the shocks of the night...

HE: McManus has always been overlooked but I think that is all about to start changing.....the Norwich native is a sound, brutal wrestler with the skill base to trouble anyone on the roster....the pieces of the puzzle haven't always fit but he seems to have found a renewed confidence....I'd say watch this space....

McManus follows Mike Hill into the ring and there are brief interactions between the four members before "Run this town" echoes out through the sound system....

HA: Talking about O'Callaghan, here he comes.....he says he isn't after revenge on McManus but his tone in that interviewed suggested otherwise...

HE: Oh he's desperate for it....O'Callaghan feels humiliated, he wanted to win that Battle Royal so bad....

O'Callaghan, FFTR briefcase in hand, marches down the ramp and around the ring before placing his case on top of the ring announcer's desk. He stares up at his opposition and then makes his way to the steel steps...

HA: O'Callaghan still waiting on confirmation from Alex Walker on the legitimacy of that Fight for the Right contract....

HE: There's a few things I believe our new owner needs to clear up....including these two idiots...

"Blind Faith" is soon replaced by "Perfection" and cheered on by the audience as Perfect Jack and Clarke James make their entrances, draped in their array of championship belts.

HA: The reigning tag team.....International and UK Champions......

HE: This is exactly what I mean, Walker needs to sort this out.....if those belts are still active, which we have no idea if they are, then it is about time we started arranging some championship defences....

HA: Oh I'm all for that and I'm sure our United International Team Champions have no problems either....they have always welcomed all challenges....

Jack and James parade their belts in front of the crowd but refuse to let any of the fans touch the gold as they swagger around ringside. There are words exchanged between themselves and the members of Team Adamson before a huge red rose appears on the giant screen, prompting a booming pop from the audience...

HA: It wasn't quite the return Vincent Costello had hoped for last time out...losing in tag team action before coming up short in the world championship Battle Royal....but the former EWF boss looks in tremendous shape and if he has even a shred of the ability we saw from him during his initial run in this company then the whole roster should be on notice.....

HE: I used to be the biggest Vincent Costello fan, but I can't deal with these people cheering makes me sick....

HA: Costello has no control over the support he receives.....the 6CW Universe admires his talent, they're glad to see him back.....he may not always fight or conduct himself within the parameters of the rules set but that's not how they make them in Hell's Kitchen....

Costello appears on the stage, a sole light illuminating his presence on the darkness of the entranceway, and then he slicks back his hair and marches out into plain sight. He spits water into the air before making his way down the ramp....

HA: This should be hard-hitting and action packed.....Alex Walker has said he wants to see the best of everyone on the roster before any drastic decisions are made....I guess you could say the entire of 6CW is on probation right's time for all of these men to prove themselves....

Costello enters the ring to join the rest of his team and all eight men square off as the referee attempts to keep control of the flaring tempers. It all seems to settle down as James McManus assures the rest of his team that he is going to start the bout....

HA: Well that's music to O'Callaghan's ears....not one member of his team is going to stop him from taking control of this one...

OC just looks at the rest of team and then points at McManus before jabbing himself in the chest. McManus looks momentarily unsure of himself but then pounds his own chest and urges O'Callaghan to come and fight him...

HE: These two were so evenly matched last week.....there was barely half a second in it.....and although McManus avenged the loss by eliminating O'Callaghan from the Battle Royal, it would be all the more sweeter to own a pinfall or submission victory over the Irishman....

Both men circle one another for a few moments and then lunge into a lockup in the centre of the ring. McManus' extra power seems to be standing him in good stead early doors which prompts O'Callaghan to drop to one knee and then spin to the back of his foe, taking control from that position....

HA: Two very sound mat based wrestlers......for O'Callaghan his submissions are his bread and butter but both men find their strength from their technical ability....

McManus tries to break OC's grip but he can't so instead opts to drop his left shoulder and succeeds in tossing O'Callaghan over and onto the canvass. They get back up and McManus seizes his foes wrist before dragging him into a short, stiff clothesline...

HE: This is the best McManus I have ever seen, I really think he's going to make 6CW sit up and take notice....

McManus stomps down with vicious intent on his opponent and then offers the tag to Mike Hill, who immediately vaults the ropes and drops a leg across the throat of his opponent..............1................2...............shoulder up. Hill drags O'Callaghan up and connects with a snap suplex before bouncing off the ropes and returning with a standing shooting star...

HA: O'Callaghan taking a hammering early doors here.....

Hill cracks OC with a hard forearm to the face, keeping him grounded, and then heads for the corner to mount another assault. He climbs up high, keeping his eyes locked on target, and then launches himself toward O'Callaghan...


HA: Far too early for that kind of risk...

O'Callaghan drives his knees up into the gut of Hill as he attempts the 450 splash, sending the Malvern man rolling away in agony. OC is back up to his feet and he ignores the pleas of his teammates for a tag and instead bridges Hill into a heavy German suplex..............1....................2............shoulder up!

HE: O'Callaghan doesn't believe anybody on his team can get the job done better than him....he wants to prove he is the frontrunner in the championship chase...

HA: He can't take on four men alone...

O'Callaghan underhooks the arms of Hill as he drags him up and then flips him into a perfect backbreaker before he heads to the corner himself. He goes up high and prepares for his leap but Jackson Jackson swipes his feet from under him, drawing boos from the audience, and allows Hill to stagger over and tag in Horrigan....

HA: Underhand tactics perhaps but O'Callaghan's lack of teamwork has cost him, ultimately....

Horrigan grins at the position that he finds O'Callaghan in and rocks the Irishman with huge right hands. Horrigan then grips OC by the neck and hauls him off the top rope, slamming him down onto the canvass with breath taking impact....

HE: Frank Horrigan is a genetic freak.....he looks like something out of a horror movie...

O'Callaghan is holding the bottom of his back as he gets back up and walks straight into a huge scooped slam from Horrigan, following by a ring-shaking elbow drop to the chest................1..................2..............kickout!

HA: This is resembling little more than a beating right now....

Horrigan stands over O'Callaghan and laughs before seizing him around the throat and easily dragging him back to a standing position. He then bench presses OC over his head....

HE: That is frightening strength....

Horrigan just launches O'Callaghan at the turnbuckle and leaves him in a heap before tagging in Jackson Jackson. Horrigan grabs Jackson by the wrist and whips him into the corner with serious momentum...


Jackson takes off through the air and smashes a devastating discus elbow right into O'Callaghan's jaw, leaving him a battered mess against the turnbuckle. Jackson then drags him away from the ropes and covers.......
.................Clarke James interrupts the pin!

HE: Get him out of there....

HA: James had no choice but to make the save, O'Callaghan was finished....

Jackson rises and aims a few choice words at Clarke James before turning back to stomp on O'Callaghan some more. JJ slaps OC around the head as he waits for him to get up and then he dropkicks him in the back, sending O'Callaghan chest first into the turnbuckle. O'Callaghan staggers back out into a hooked tiger suplex........................1.......................2...................shoulder up!

HA: O'Callaghan showing real guts but he needs help here....

James McManus is desperate to get back in on the action and Jackson grants his wish. McManus bounces off the ropes and returns with a crunching knee trembler straight to the temple of O'Callaghan, leaving him flat, and then he grabs the legs of his opponent....

HE: What a moment this will be!

McManus taunts the crowd and then he puts O'Callaghan in a figure four leglock in the centre of the ring. O'Callaghan is yelling out in agony as McManus really ups the ante and puts as much pressure as possible on the knee joints of his foe....

HA: O'Callaghan is the submission expert but he's the one looking in trouble of being made to tap out here.....what a statement of intent from James McManus...

O'Callaghan is reddening in the face but shakes his head and refuses to tap out despite the increasing agony being inflicting upon him. McManus is grinning at him and yelling at him to "Quit" but O'Callaghan continues to try and reach behind him and find the ropes....

HE: O'Callaghan should just give it up now.....he's finished....

HA: His pride won't allow him...

O'Callaghan is too far from the ropes and he knows it so instead he changes tact and begins trying to roll onto his stomach. McManus senses the plan and shakes his head, desperate to block OC's move, but he reacts too late....

HA: He's reversed the McManus is in agony....

McManus screams in pain but quickly manages to pull his legs free, breathing a sigh of relief. McManus drags himself back up with anger on his face and he marches over to O'Callaghan and drags him...

HE: Now McManus will make him pay....RIVER WENSUM....

O'Callaghan blocks McManus' move and swipes the legs of his opponent before catapulting him to the corner. McManus collides with the turnbuckle and staggers back into a huge release dragon suplex....

HA: O'Callaghan pulled that out of nowhere.....but now he needs that damn tag....

All three members of O'Callaghan's team are calling for the tag as the Irish stares between them and mounting the attack on McManus...

HE: This egotistical idiot wants to carry on fighting....

O'Callaghan seems to be having real difficulty in making a choice and his pause allows McManus to stumble over and make the tag to Mike Hill. Hill leaps the ropes and makes a sprint toward O'Callaghan....


*Crowd pop

Hill stops just short but Costello doesn't miss a beat as he storms the ring and almost decapitates Hill with a huge clothesline. Hill gets back up and is sent flying by a huge backdrop from VC before Costello then swings him onto his shoulders and runs him to the corner, dropping him for snake eyes across the turnbuckle...

HA: Costello is flying here....

Hill sways back toward the centre as Costello charges off the ropes and returns with a flying high knee that knocks Hill flying through the ropes and out onto the apron....

HA: This is what these fans have missed from Vincent Costello, his deadly hard hitting style....

Costello yanks Hill by the hair and pulls him through the middle rope, draping his legs across them, and then detonates a corkscrew neckbreaker....
...........Hill gets his shoulder up!

HE: Was never going to be enough...

HA: Why were you fidgeting then? You were worried...

Costello taunts Hill's team and beckons them in for a fight before laughing and tagging in Perfect Jack. Jack clambers in and he drags Hill up into a fantastic overhead belly to belly suplex before bouncing off the ropes and returning with a rolling snap neckbreaker (Natural Selection).....
.................shoulder up!

HA: Hill on the receiving end now....but Jack wants Team Adamson....

Jack drags Hill up and pushes him into the corner, beckoning for either Horrigan or Jackson to come in and fight. Horrigan laughs and motions to his partner that he has this in control, climbing over the top rope to meet Perfect Jack...

HE: What a mismatch....Perfect Jack must have a death wish....

HA: He's a two time world champion, his resume makes Horrigan look like a novice....Jack has beaten plenty bigger and stronger, no intimidation here.....

Horrigan towers over Jack and shoves him in the chest, sending Jack back into the ropes, but PJ returns with a dropkick to both knees that knocks the big man off his feet. Horrigan tries to crawl back up but Jack grabs his left leg and drags it up off the ground before ploughing it back down against the canvass....

HA: Jack's going after the legs, smart....keep the big man down....

PJ stomps on the left knee of Horrigan repeatedly and then he grabs the leg again and wishbones it. Horrigan is in pain as PJ holds his leg in the air and drops repeated elbows and knees into the knee joint....

HE: This is a wild, vicious attack...

HA: Behave, this is wrestling 101.....

Jack drags Horrigan by the leg and places it on the bottom rope before leaping into the air and drives all his bodyweight down on the appendage. The referee warns Jack about his conduct but PJ ignores him and places the leg of Horrigan there again....

HE: Disqualify him, referee....

HA: I'll admit Perfect Jack is bending the rules a little here now....

Jack backs into the corner and he lifts himself onto the second turnbuckle, turning toward Horrigan, and then jumps off towards the extended leg....

HE: It's a damn good job he moved....

Jack looks for a flying elbow but Horrigan rolls clear at the final second and sends PJ crashing against the mat. Horrigan is clearly feeling pain in his left leg and he tries to use the ropes to pull himself back up but Jack is already flying in behind him with a chopblock before tagging in Clarke James...

HA: The current U.I.T Champions are working formidably here....

PJ and CJ both drag Horrigan up and they lift him off he ground before slamming his left knee down across the outstretched knee of Clarke James, leaving the big man to roll in agony. CJ mocks Horrigan and then flips the bird to Jackson Jackson, who tries to storm the ring....

HA: All a ploy...

The referee storms over to escort Jackson back from the ring, allowing James to roll outside and drag Horrigan to the ringpost where he subsequently drives the injured knee against the solid steel. James drags himself up onto the apron and then he catapults himself back over the top and lands a splash across Horrigan's knee....

........shoulder up!

HE: Horrigan can barely get up, he is hurting bad here....

HA: The big man needs a tag, he needs some help...

Horrigan is clutching his knee and grimacing as he tries to stand up and Clarke James stalks his foe, waiting for him to walk into his path. Horrigan takes his time, wincing every time he puts pressure on his leg, but eventually he turns...


Horrigan slams brutal elbows into the temple of Clarke James, sending him staggering away with a dazed expression, and then he lets out a roar and detonates with a sickening bicycle kick....

HE: What a shot!

HA: But he landed on that knee....

Horrigan collapses on the landing and cannot capitalise on the huge kick that he just landed. He swears loudly and then tries to drag himself over to his corner...

HE: Horrigan needs that tag...

HA: I think Clarke James does too, he could be out cold...

James is clutching his jaw and trying to come to his senses as Horrigan closes in on his corner. Jackson Jackson is stretching over the ropes, desperate to get the drop on his rival...

HE: Made it...

Horrigan slaps the outstretched hand of Jackson Jackson, who immediately dives into the ring and charges to the corner....


Clarke James makes the tag and O'Callaghan bursts into the ring and tackles JJ head on, taking him to the floor and unleashing with a flurry of punches. O'Callaghan rushes to the opposite side and he grabs McManus by the head before launching him over the top rope....

HE: He isn't the legal man....

HA: O'Callaghan doesn't give a damn

McManus swings wildly but OC dodges it and nails a huge German suplex. He keeps his hands locked and drags McManus into a second German suplex and then a third massive release version of the suplex....

HE: Get him, Mike...

Mike Hill looks to springboard in on the blindside but O'Callaghan sidesteps the impact and counters with a German suplex that sends Hill crashing upside down in the corner....

HA: O'Callaghan is completely dismantling the opposition....

Jackson Jackson is back on his feet and O'Callaghan scoops him onto his shoulders before nailing a destructive Argentinian backbreaker.....he immediately grabs Jackson's legs....

HA: Boston Crab!

Jackson is in clear pain as O'Callaghan turns him onto his gut and sits right back into the hold, sending shooting agony through the spine of the inflicted. Jackson is trying to claw for the ropes but O'Callaghan has a tight grip on him...

HE: Please don't tap, Jackson....

HA: Nobody applies a submission like O'Callaghan....

Jackson looks on the verge of tapping out when Frank Horrigan climbs into the ring and lifts O'Callaghan into a huge spinning spinebuster, breaking the hold....

HA: This one in danger of breaking down...

The referee gets involved and tries to escort Horrigan from the ring. Whilst the official is distracted, McManus clambers back into the ring and he drags O'Callaghan to his feet....


The crowd are booing as McManus plants OC in the middle of the ring and then Jackson Jackson tags in Mike Hill. Hill immediately leaps up high....


The 630 senton lands with aplomb and Hill hooks both legs....


HE: Hill had that damn match won...

Costello runs the ring and crushes Hill's head against the canvass with the foot stomp, breaking the pinfall at the same time. The referee is now dealing with Costello....

HE: Costello should be thrown out of this match....

HA: But it was ok when Horrigan did it?

Perfect Jack takes the tag from O'Callaghan and he Clarke James storm the ring before dragging Mike Hill up. They flip Hill up and lay him out with a double powerbomb before Clarke James heads for the ropes...

HA: Mike Hill in trouble now....

Jackson Jackson runs across the apron and he shoves Clarke James off the top rope, sending him flying off the top to the outside and crashing against the guard rail. Perfect Jack runs over and barges Jackson off the apron....

HE: Jack didn't see the tag...

Mike Hill has managed to tag in Frank Horrigan and he clatters into Perfect Jack from behind before dragging him into the centre of the ring and nails the huge inverted death valley driver...


Horrigan hooks the leg...
........Vincent Costello looks to make the break but Mike Hill swipes his legs from the outside, dropping Costello through the apron and momentarily trapping him...

HE: They did it......Team Adamson knocked off the U.I.T Champions.....time for their damn re-match......

Costello looks angry as he tries to free himself from the apron and Hill smirks at him as he backs up the ramp with his arm raised in victory. "Machine Gun" is playing out as Frank Horrigan fist pumps the air and Jackson Jackson crawls back in to celebrate with his partner...

HA: That is a big, big win there for Horrigan and Jackson....they've shown they can take out their tag rivals and I think Alex Walker will be impressed by what he has just seen.....a championship challenge might just be in the offing....


James McManus is standing on the outside of the ring, hands on hips, smiling at his team's winning result when O'Callaghan comes from the side and blasts him in the head with the FFTR briefcase, drawing a big cheer from the crowd. OC stares down at McManus and trash talks him before walking off...

HA: I'd say McManus was definitely under the skin of O'Callaghan, but he's just paid the price for that....

Horrigan and Jackson Jackson continue to celebrate their victory in the ring as Clarke James helps Perfect Jack to the outside and the action heads backstage.


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Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:37 pm

"Revival Mode" hits the airwaves to a plethora of boos as the action returns to ringside. Liam Wood, dressed in street clothes, makes his entrance with a dark expression upon his face.

HA: Impromptu appearance here from Liam Wood, we are not scheduled to see him until the main event...

HE: Looks to me like he's got something to get off his chest.....he does not look happy....

*Wood snatches a microphone from the ring announcer and barges past the ring officials as he clambers up onto the apron and through the ropes.

Wood: Cut the damn music...

*The music abruptly stops and Wood waves off the crowd's vocals

Wood: We don't need to hear any of your inane bull(beep) right now....

*Crowd boo and then strike up an "A55hole" chant

Wood: I'm out here for one reason and one reason only.......Mr Kenty!

*Crowd pop at Kenty's name

Wood: Oh sure you'll cheer him....five years in the wilderness, achieves absolutely (beep) all but shows up for night and has you all eating out of the palm of his hand...

Crowd: We want Kenty x10

Wood: You people really are pathetic....I pity how sad you must have to be to actually hero worship someone....I have one here, one person to worship and that's my damn self...

*Crowd boo again

Wood: I didn't come back here for adulation, so I'm tired of these games.....I came back to be the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion, just like I deserve to be.....and because of that piece of trash Kenty, I'm standing here without my I don't want to wait until tonight's main event.....I want your a55 out here right now so we can settle our differences like men....

*Crowd pop

HA: This crowd are hyped to see Wood and Kenty square off right here, right now...

HE: If Kenty has any sense he'll stay in the back....

HA: I highly doubt Kenty has any fear of meeting Wood in the ring....

*The crowd continue to chant for Kenty but nobody appears. Wood's anger seems to turn to amusement

Wood: I can't say I'm surprised.....see this isn't a Battle Royal, we won't be ending proceedings with one of us going over the top rope....we'll fight until one of us can't get back up and I sure as hell know who I'll be backing....

If you're not man enough to come out here and face me now then I guess I'll just have to wait until later on tonight to....

*Crowd pop

HA: OH MY.....

HE: This isn't Kenty....

HA: No it isn't......but Liam Wood's enemies stretch further than just one man...

*There is a thunderous ovation from those in attendance as "Freedom" roars through the speakers and GazzyD comes walking out from behind the curtain. The fans reach over the barricade to get a touch of their hero as he strides down the ramp and climbs up into the ring.

HA: Two weeks ago 6CW reopened its doors and GazzyD told us at some point he would cross paths with Edward Plague and with Liam Wood....two men who turned his life upside down, two men who brainwashed him into The Brotherhood.....I guess Gazzy is done waiting....

HE: Does he not see how riled up Wood is? This is not clever for Gazzy...

HA: I'm not so sure about that....after everything Wood and Plague put Gazzy through I don't know how clever it is for Wood to stand his ground...

*Gazzy takes a microphone of his own as he listens to the audience chanting his name, over and over. Liam Wood's eyes are wide with shock and anger as Gazzy steps closer to him

Wood: We have nothing to talk about.....I'm out here for Kenty, not some washed up has-been....

*Wood goes to walk past but Gazzy grabs his arm and shoves him back

Gazzy: You may not have anything to say, Liam....but believe me when I tell you that I've got plenty....

*Crowd cheer

Gazzy: Do you have any idea what I've had to go through over the last year of my life? I haven't been lamenting the loss of a world title, I haven't had time to cry, ball and whinge about my place on the card or my level of opposition....

I've been picking up the shredded pieces of my life and trying to fit them back together in any kind of way that resembles what I used to have....

*Wood just stares at Gazzy, temporarily lost for words

Gazzy: My life was destroyed......personally, professionally, mentally and physically tortured at the hands of The the hands of Edward the hands of you....

*Wood shakes his head

Wood: I didn't lead that group, I am not responsible for the actions of Edward Plague...

Gazzy: You were just a big a part of their plans as anyone.....they were your vessel to the top, you allowed their manipulation to fed their desire for power and control....and then they took it all away from you, Plague played you and he replaced you....

Wood: So you accept it wasn't me...

Gazzy: I accept nothing that comes out of your lost control of Plague because you are mentally weak, what he did to me is on your head because you made a deal with the devil just to become a world champion and to hell with the goddamn consequences.....

*Wood looks furious now

Wood: Cry me a goddamn river and get down off your high want to talk about mentally weak? You didn't have the balls to fight him off, you didn't have the guts to fight back whilst he took everything away from you....even when your wife left you, you still couldn't be a man and turn it all around....

Did Plague have his way with here too?

*Gazzy's eyes blaze with fire now

Gazzy: That's the last time you will ever mention my wife... I've made peace with my inner demons now, I'll have to live with them for the rest of my days.....that's my punishment, my cross to bare...

But you.....your punishment hasn't even begun....

We are far from are going to learn that actions have's time for you to pay for your sins.....Plague isn't here but you are, and for now that'll do just fine....

*The atmosphere is reaching fever pitch as Gazzy removes his jacket and throws it to the floor

Gazzy: You came out here for a fight, right? Well I may not be Mr Kenty but I'm not leaving here until I've kicked your a55 right back under that rock your crawled out from....

*The crowd are rocking, anticipating the fight, when security rush the ring and get in between both men

HA: The crowd are not happy about this at all.....they wanted to see Liam Wood and GazzyD fight it out right here....

HE: I think the whole 6CW Universe did....

HA: I guess Alex Walker has other ideas....this one is going to have to wait....

*Liam Wood and Gazzy continue to exchange verbals as Wood is escorted out of the ring by security. Gazzy is kept inside and made to cool off whilst Wood is ushered up the ramp. Wood points back at Gazzy and more unpleasantries are exchanged by the two men.

HA: I'm no betting man but I'd say this one is long from done....

HE: I'm inclined to agree......GazzyD needs to see a shrink, he's lost it....

HA: He was pushed to the edge by men like Liam Wood for far too long, now it's payback...Wood will have to answer for what he has will not keep these men separated forever....


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Age : 39
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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:37 pm

Engel is backstage pacing back and forth. He scratches the side of his head and face frantically. The area is dimly lit but a locker can be seen on one side with its door caved in and clothes all over the floor around it. Engel stops pacing and addresses the camera, a sickening smile across his face.

EH: One...too many times Leone, one too many times you have got in the way of Engel Harlequin, one too many times you have tried to knock me from my pedestal...and yet here I stand at the PRECIPICE of your destruction.

Engel looks upwards as if day dreaming before looking into the camera once more with a frown.

EH: or at least...That's what I wanted. You see Leone...I begged, I pleaded with Alex Walker...give me Keith Leone...Instead, you got the night off and I get GazzyD. But I guess the leopard never truly changes his spots does he Leone...while you sit at home snuggling up on the sofa with your family laughing at the clown will happily watch me dissect GazzyD...well if you weren't going to watch you might just want to Keith...I can call you Keith right let's not stand on ceremony eh? You see the thing is Keith, I want you...I want you so bad...forget titles forget glory...I want revenge and GazzyD is the unfortunate victim in all see Keith, GazzyD didn't cost me in the Battle Royal for the 6CW title, GazzyD did not cost me all those year's ago when I faced off against Lex Hart but yet here GazzyD is ready to pay your debt to the piper hehehe. Am gonna hurt him Keith. Am gonna show the world, show Alex YOU what awaits you cause I will get you Keith, I will get you and I will hurt you but first am gonna put an end to the legend that stands before me and it is all your fault.

Engel licks his lips with pleasure.

EH: Can you kiss your kids goodnight knowing the price that everybody pays to keep you playing happy families? Can you truly lay there tucked up in your nice warm bed dreaming when the nightmare is upon you? I WANT YOU KEITH...I WANT KEITH LEONE...I want you and I am so soooo ready...the question is are you? Cause when you finally develop the nerve to face me in that ring, when you finally quit with the smoke and mirrors and face me man to man...when that self fulfilling prophecy hits and you lay in the centre of that ring...a feast for the crows that encircle you...whose laughing now? Hehehehehehe....

Engel continues to laugh manically as he knocks the camera to one side and walks off screen.


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Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:38 pm

Alex Walker is shown backstage in his office talking on the phone…

Alex Walker: Sure, look, I’d love for you to come here and see what we’re doing…….. yes, its great to be back, it’s been a long time coming, bring Julia, be good to see you all…

The door to Walker’s office swings open and he stands staring as the camera swings round to show Max Adamson flanked by Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan…

Alex Walker: Ok, I’m going to have to go. Love to everyone.

Walker hangs up the phone and places it on the desk, looking across at Adamson…

Alex Walker: Gentleman, to what do I owe the pleasure?

Max Adamson: I think you know why we’re here, Alex?

Walker smiles…

Alex Walker: Let me guess, you’ve decided to stop pretending you’re retired and you want to become an active member of the roster again? As for your cheerleaders behind you, I’m guessing one of them provided you with a clean sample and you’re hoping I won’t guess which one?

Max Adamson: HA! Did you steal that from Twitter?

Jackson barges past Adamson and stares at Walker…

Jackson Jackson: Quit with the flanter, the pair of you. Listen, Alex, I don’t know you…. But if you know what’s good for business, you’ll give us what we want…

Walker nods in appreciation….

Alex Walker: I’m listening…

Jackson Jackson: Those Tag Team Titles, they belong to us.

Frank Horrigan: And those two clowns are making a mockery of what we built!

Jackson Jackson: So if this really is a ‘new era’ for 6CW, as you claim, then we want our shot. Fair and square.

Walker stands contemplating for a moment…

Alex Walker: Max? Anything you’d like to add?

Max shrugs…

Max Adamson: I think they’ve made it pretty clear what they want, Alex. Time for you to make some decisions now you’re back in the chair.

Alex Walker: Well, whilst there’s no denying they bring a lot of bang for their buck, I can’t have the belts sitting around as pieces of merch. So you can have your wish, at 6CW Genesis, it will be The TA versus PJ and CJ for the 6CW Tag Team Championships.

Max smiles and Jackson and Frank nod to each other…

Alex Walker: Now, Gentleman, you came, you saw, and I’m guessing by the smiles on your faces, you think you’ve conquered, so, if you don’t mind…

Walker gestures towards the door…

Alex Walker: Pleasure was all mine.

Max leads The TA out of the door as we head back to ringside.


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Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:40 pm

HA: Up next here on Anarchy, a clash between two stalwarts of 6CW.

HE: We've got Engel Harlequin, perhaps the most deranged competitor to ever step foot inside the squared circle of 6CW, and that includes Marc Matzko.

HA: And he squares off against a man who has been adored, hated but always respected by the fans in this building tonight, Gazzy D!

HE: Both men will view this match-up as an opportunity to propel themselves into the spotlight.

"Its not over yet" then plays out and Engel Harlequin walks briskly out onto the stage. Harlequin looks, wide-eyed, around the audience and then begins to laugh hysterically. He shuffles down the ramp and rolls under the bottom rope, remaining on his knees as he surveys the arena.

HA: Engel looked like he saw a ghost when Keith Leone returned last time out in the battle royal match, he'll be looking to get over that this evening and prove just what a threat he can be.

"Freedom" by Crossfaith booms out to a huge pop from the 6CW faithful. GazzyD leaps out onto the stage through a trapdoor and he fist pumps the air. Gazzy then runs down to the ring, tagging the fans hands as he goes. Gazzy slides in under the bottom rope and leaps to his feet.

HE: Gazzy fell short in his goal to recapture world championship last time out, having made his peace with these fans following his little flirtation with the darkside.

HA: This is the Gazzy we know and love, a man who is out here to entertain the fans and won't ever give up.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Engel stays knelt on one knee as he glares across at Gazzy. The stand-off continues for a few moments before Gazzy sprints in. Engel suddenly leaps up into the air and flattens Gazzy with a thunderous European Uppercut. He covers.

HA: Engel lulled him in!

Ref: 1...................2..........Kick out!

Gazzy kicks out. Engel gets up to his feet, dropping a series of knees down into the face. He hauls up Gazzy and sends him hurtling into the corner with a strong Irish whip. Engel runs in, connecting with a stinger splash. Gazzy stumbles forward straight into a leaping Enzaguri kick. He covers again.

Ref: 1..................2..........Kick out!

HE: Engel making a strong start here.

Engel allows Gazzy up to his feet. He cracks him with a couple of big right hands, Gazzy comes back with a few punches of his own, gaining a slight advantage. He goes for a clothesline, Engel ducks under it and scoop Gazzy onto his shoulders.
He pops up the former world champion and drops him down into a neckbreaker. Engel retreats to the corner, he then runs forward and drops a big knee to the face. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2...........Kick out!

Engel leans over Gazzy, picking him up by the head and then hitting a couple of hammer-fists to the back of the head for good measure. He lifts Gazzy up onto his shoulders in position for a powerbomb, he runs forward only for Gazzy to counter with a hurracanrana.
Engel stumbles to his feet, Gazzy boots him in the gut and plants him into the canvas with a Michinoku Driver. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2..........Kick out!

Gazzy goes straight to work after the kick out, he drags Engel to his feet and launches him into the ropes. On the rebound, Gazzy leaps into the air and nails a beautiful standing dropkick. Engel rolls to his feet, Gazzy goes for another Irish whip.
Harlequin reverses to send Gazzy into the ropes, only for the fan favourite to springboard back to take down Engel with a springboard missile dropkick. Cover.

HA: Gazzy using his speed, both of offence and thought, to get himself a foothold in this contest.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Gazzy stands over Engel, allowing him to rise. He connects with some knees to the stomach, he places Engel into a front facelock before planting him head-first into the canvas with a DDT. Gazzy steps to the outside, he waits for Engel to get to his feet...

HE: Springboard forearm!

Ref: 1.....................2..............Kick out!

Engel gets the shoulder up. Gazzy drags him to his feet, he goes for a suplex but Engel blocks. Gazzy goes again, Engel once again blocks. On the third occassion, Engel lifts Gazzy into the air and then plants him face-first with a reverse suplex. Gazzy rolls to his feet only for Engel to repeat the move, he falls down into the cover.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

Gazzy gets to his feet slightly after Engel. Harlequin quickly unloads at Gazzy with a series of lighting fast, stiff strikes-a combination of knees, kicks and pucnhes. Engel finishes the combo off with a vicious looking axe kick to the head.
He doesn't cover, instead allowing Gazzy to rise before driving him to the mat with an inverted powerslam. Cover.

Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

Engel drags up Gazzy, he launches him into the ropes and on the rebound connects with a spinning heel kick. Engel heads up top, he dives down going for the corkscrew splash...

HA: Knees up from Gazzy!

Engel writhes in pain, Gazzy quickly picks him up and hits a back-stabber. Cover.

Ref 1....................2..............Kick out!

Gazzy D lifts up Engel, he goes for a kick to the stomach. Engel grabs it, Gazzy then counters with an enzaguri. Engel falls to one knee, Gazzy hits a neck snap but floats over to convert it into a jawbreaker, pulling down Engel's jaw across his shoulder.

HE: Tremendous innovation from Gazzy!

Ref: 1.......................2.................Kick out!

HA: Closest we've come so far!

Engel kicks out. He's allowed to rise by Gazzy who first goes for an Irish whip. Engel switches the momentum to launch Gazzy into the ropes, he goes for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the rebound but Gazzy counters into a head-scissors takedown. Engel rolls up, Gazzy ducks a wild swinging arm and then drives him into the mat with the History Maker!

HE: This could be it!

Ref: 1......................2.................Kick out!

Gazzy D punches the canvas in frustration. He drags up Engel, booting him in the gut. He sets up for the Deep Impact, only for Engel to counter with a back body drop. Gazzy stumbles up...

HA: Holy hell what a kick!

HE: Leaping Yakuza Kick! He caught Gazzy flush on the chin!

Ref: 1........................2...................Kick out!

HA: So close for Engel!

Engel allows Gazzy to rise, he knees him in the stomach...

HE: Tiger Driver!

Ref: 1......................2.....................Kick out!

Gazzy just about gets the shoulder up. Engel is the competitor left annoyed on this occassion. Gazzy is hauled up by Engel, who pulls Gazzy in towards him...

HA: Setting up for the Self-Fulfilling...


The crowd erupt as the beginnings of "Limowreck" kick in, Keith Leone walks out onto the stage, smiling. He walks down the ramp, looking at Engel and applauding...

HA: Keith Leone clearly impressed with what he's seen from Engel tonight...

HE: Engel doesn't look too pleased to see him!

Engel stares down the ramp, less shock than last time out and more anger. He goes to spike Gazzy D into the mat but he's shoved away by the veteran who has had time to recover. Engel spins around, Gazzy boots him in the gut...


Ref: 1.............................2................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HE: It's over, and Gazzy D is the man who gets the win!

HA: Gazzy showed all the characteristics we've come to expect from him. Heart, Determination, a will to win unrivalled by many others.

HE: Let's be honest, Gazzy may have shown all those things but this was a match he won because of Keith Leone.

HA: Leone is clearly in the head of Engel, he was overcome by anger and that distraction proved crucial.


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Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:41 pm

*6CW Anarchy returns to live action with Tim Allen stood in the backstage area...

TA: Ladies and Gentleman, my guest at this time...Vincent Costello!

*The crowd pop as Vincent Costello walks into picture.

TA: Not the best of the nights for you tonight Vincent, but how does it feel to be back in 6CW after all this...

*From out of nowhere, Mike Hill sprints onto the screen and takes Costello out with a double axe handle blow to the back of the head.

Hill shoves Allen aside as he lays into the grounded Costello with a series of stomps. Costello gets to his feet, he drives Hill back into a container but Hill keeps a front facelock hold applied and drives knees up into the head until Costello releases.

Hill grabs the former 6CW World Champion by the head and slams him down into the container repeatedly. He then drags Costello back and launches him head-first into the wall. Costello stumbles back and Hill takes him down with a big forearm smash.

Costello gets to his feet, Hill grabs a tray that had foot on it, he tips that away and smashes it into the head of the Costello. Hill then grabs a loose trash can, smashing it into the head of Costello who falls to the floor.

For good measure, Hill picks up Costello and slings him into the wall once again, re-enforcing that with a dropkick to the back of the head which again slams Costello into the wall. Hill grabs the mic from Tim Allen...

MH: Mike Hill is back and is finally going to get the respect that his talent, his career and his reputation deserve. Starting with getting rid of failures like this man who gets the red carpet rolled out for him, when he's not even fit to lace Mike Hill's boots.

*Hill drops the mic, he walks past Costello and stomps down on his head one more time before walking off.


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Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:42 pm

*Marty Helms is shown walking through the backstage area, clearly proud of what he has just done. There is clapping from behind him and he snarls as he turns around, finding himself face to face with Alex Walker.

Walker: Impressive....

Helms: You've seen nothing yet, boss...

*Walker sizes Helms for a second

Walker: Perhaps not, I signed you because I truly believe you have what it takes to make the fullest impact here in 6CW...

*Helms flexes his massive arms and nods

Walker: But....

*Helms stops and glares at Walker now

Walker: Interrupting a phenomenal match like you just did is bad for business.....I want the viewers tuning in to see great action and definitive just stopped that from happening...

Helms: In less than one minute I showed those two idiots aren't on my level....I did you a favour, I put myself higher on the ladder to success....

Walker: You took advantage of two men who were severely depleted.....whilst I applaud you making a statement, I've always admired that in superstars who work for me, I have yet to see anything that makes you better than Uryu or Lion....

*Helms looks furious

Walker: But don't worry because in the coming weeks you'll have your opportunity to show that tonight wasn't a one off.....just don't mess it up when it comes around...

*Walker smiles and walks past a seething Helms, who subsequently punches a hole in the wall before admiring the blood on his fist as the scene ends.


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Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:58 pm

Anthony Grace is shown backstage with Charles Kramer….

Anthony Grace: Charles, I hope you’ve got some good news for me?

Charles Kramer: Anthony, the phone has not stopped ringing. Sponsorship deals are flowing thick and fast. You’re going to be the biggest star in Sports Entertainment history! This is absolutely the dawning of a new era!

Anthony Grace: I don’t need you to tell me the obvious, Charles! What of the legal side? Can we challenge this ridiculous Alex Walker situation?

Kramer looks pensive….

Charles Kramer: Well, there is a sticking point. As nothing was officially signed, you have no legal position to challenge it. I’ve called in favours, asked questions, and there’s nothing untoward about the Walker deal. They approached him as they felt the company needed a more ‘wrestling focused’ mind!

Grace paces in frustration…

Anthony Grace: Idiots, all of them! Can’t they see this is a business? And that I’m not only the best wrestler in this company, I’m also the most successful businessman here!? I’m the most marketable commodity here! Forget those two giggling clowns, this is the Era of Grace! This is what we’ve been working towards since I walked into this riddled trash bucket!

Charles Kramer: Anthony, calm yourself. Focus on the big picture. You’re the 6CW World Champion! That is more important. Think of the global audience. Think of the deals, the merchandise, the lucrative offers coming your way! Think of the pull you have around here…

Anthony Grace: I’m listening….

Charles Kramer: You are about to embark on the most dominant run ANY Champion has ever had in this business. This is the beginning of your era. You have to focus on what you had to endure to get here. The hardships, the put downs, the atrocities you suffered at the hands of the previous regime. We don’t need to make an enemy out of Walker…. We need to lure him into our net, get him on side…. And when the time is right, crush him like you’ve done everyone in your path!!
Grace smiles and nods in approval before the sound of clapping fills the room. Grace and Kramer turn to see Alex Walker stood smirking…

Alex Walker: Ah, Charles. A man after my own devious, black heart. I remember when I used to be like you. Bitter and twisted. Only, the difference between you and I, Charles, is that I always knew my enemy….

Anthony Grace: You’ve got some nerve coming in here, Walker.

Alex Walker: Nerve? Nerves are what I think you’re going to be getting on a lot. Mainly mine. But don’t worry, this is a flying visit. I just wanted to come and give you some good news. You see, despite the fact you won the title in a Battle Royale, Cerberus was still the reigning champ….

Charles Kramer: That can’t be possible! It was relinquished…

Alex Walker: Under what you believed was going to be your ownership, and in case you hadn’t remembered, I’m the new owner, and as such, I’m honouring Cerberus’ rematch clause!


Anthony Grace: You can’t do that! Tell him, Charles!

Alex Walker: Oh, had I finished? No… no I hadn’t, Anthony. You see, not only will Cerberus be getting his rematch at Genesis….. he’ll be doing so inside a Steel Cage!

Grace fumes…

Anthony Grace: WHAT!?!

Alex Walker smiles and heads towards the exit.

Alex Walker: Enjoy your evening, gents!

Walker disappears down the corridor as Grace and Kramer look on in disbelief.


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Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 10:58 pm

*The scene opens up with a piece of paper on a mahogany desk. A hand, clutching a pen, appears to be putting a signature on the bottom of the sheet, Alex Walker is then shown with a big smile on his face.

Walker: Well I guess that makes it official.....I know you're no stranger to this place but allow me to be the first to say....welcome back!

*Walker extends his hand and the unknown signee grips it before shaking. The camera pans up to show the mystery superstar and the crowd cheer

Cameron Faith: It feels great to be back.....I really did think 6CW was done and dusted, I was glad to get the phone call....

Walker: I think there is plenty of life in this place yet......and you could find yourself at the forefront of all that,'ve got the tools...

Faith: Oh believe me, chances have passed me by in the past but not this time.....I'm fresher and fitter than I've ever been in my entire career....

Walker: I'm glad to hear it.....two weeks from now you'll make your debut....I'm expecting big things...

Faith: You and me both....


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Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 11:08 pm

Mr Kenty is stood backstage as the fans roar with approval…

Mr. Kenty: It’s been a while since I’ve stood here. A while since I’ve stood, staring down the camera, listening to the fans chant my name. That feeling, that love, that passion from each and every one of you is the reason I’m back here.

But you know, there’s been whispers. Whispers that I came back for nothing more than a final paycheck, that I’m done. People like Liam Wood who think I’m over the hill, a pushover who won’t amount to anything.

But I want to get this in the open now, I'm no pushover. And I know why people think im a pushover, it's because I let myself care about these fans. You think I'm a pushover because I have returned to a company which set me up for life and paved the way for my success in other wrestling companys?
You think I'm a pushover because I have returned to a place that I love from the bottom of my heart, and you see that as a weakness?

Kenty eyeballs the camera…

Mr. Kenty: It’s not a weakness. It’s a strength. It’s the strength that’s going to carry me back to the top of 6CW and put me back where I belong because I am….



Kenty smiles into the camera as we head back to ringside.


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Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 24th April, 2018

Post by Beer Tue 24 Apr 2018, 11:12 pm

HA: Welcome back Ladies and Gentleman, the re-up of 6CW has continued at a helter-skelter pace this evening, our 2nd show since the return.

HE: It's nearing the end of the night, but not before this next match, which is your MAIN EVENT of the evening!

HA: And it's certainly a huge contest, with the new 6CW World Heavyweight Champion Anthony Grace in action for the first time since he won the belt.

HE: He teams with another former world champion in Liam Wood.

HA: And they go up against a team also comprising two former world champions, Cerberus and Mr Kenty.

HE: One hell of a way to end the show!

"KEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" echoes around the arena before "Turn Up The Trouble" kicks in and the crowd erupt into loud cheers for the arrival of Mr Kenty. He steps out onto the stage smiling, he then paces down the ramp before climbing up the steel steps and posing for the fans once again.

HA: Kenty made his shocking return last time out, after over 5 years away from this company.

HE: Of course he encountered plenty of success elsewhere, but now he's back and wants to get to the top of the 6CW Tree.

The lights in the arena flicker and the familiar red lights start to glow as ‘Haunted’ by Disturbed kick in and the crowd to their feet as Cerberus walks out on to stage. Cerberus prowls down to the ring, he climbs onto the apron and in over the top rope. Kenty is stood in the corner and nodding approvingly.

HA: Here is a man who was a top of the 6CW Food Chain, a man who many believe is the rightful world champion of this company.

HE: Well did he win on the last edition of Anarchy Harold? No he did not. Anthony Grace did, he gets the world title. It is not difficult to understand.

"Revival Mode" by Every Time I Die kicks in and a lone figure walks out slowly on to the stage, taking his place in the spot light. The
lights kick in fully and Liam Wood strides down to the ramp, staring down his two opponents.

HA: Not exactly a triumphant return to 6CW action last time out for Wood, he didn't capture the world title and he also lost a tag match alongside Vincent Costello.

HE: Wood is not exactly renowned for being a team player, which certainly makes tonight interesting.

"Power" rings through the air and there are boos from the crowd as Anthony Grace makes his entrance. A smug look on his face as Charles Kramer stands by his side. Grace drops to one knee, Kramer removes his coat and Grace stands up to show the 6CW World Championship glittering around his waist. Grace struts to the ring, smiling and laughing to himself.

HE: Get on your feet Harold and clap our new world champion. My god that is magnificent. Do you know what that is Harold?

HA: No...

HE: That right there, is money!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell rings to kick the match off, the two teams stare each other out from their respective corners. Anthony Grace steps up for his team, followed by Cerberus. At this point, Grace steps back onto the apron with grin and allows Liam Wood to take the reins for his team.
Wood goes in for the lock-up, He goes in for the lock-up only for Cerberus to push Wood down onto his back. Wood rolls to his feet and Cerberus smiles back at him. Cerberus goes in for the lock up but this time Liam Wood ducks underneath it. He immediately hits a couple of kicks to the right leg of Cerberus.

Wood follows that up with a chopblock to take Cerberus down to one knee, Wood then hits a succession of quick knee strikes to the face.
Wood follows that up by running in and hitting a big knee to the face. He covers.

HE: Quick start by Liam Wood, looking to cut Cerberus down to size.

Ref: 1..................2.Kick out!

Cerberus quickly gets the shoulder up off the canvas and gets up to his feet. Wood cuts him off with a boot to the stomach. Wood goes for a double underhook suplex but Cerberus blocks it and then drops Wood down with a back body drop.

Wood gets up to his feet and Cerberus levels him with a short-arm clothesline. Cerberus rises up and drops an elbow down into the chest. He grabs Wood by the head and hauls him to his feet, Wood fires back at Cerberus with a couple of European Uppercuts. Cerberus blocks and then fires in some fearsome European Uppercuts of his own that back Wood into the corner.

The big man cracks a couple of elbows into the face of Wood before stepping back to the opposite corner. Cerberus runs in, leaping into the air and delivering a big stinger splash. The tag is made to Mr Kenty who steps into the ring.

Cerberus lifts Wood into the air, dropping him down with a back suplex that Kenty converts into a neckbreaker. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2............Kick out!

HA: Nice bit of team-work between Cerberus and Kenty there in the early exchanges.

Kenty gets to his feet, he works Wood over with a couple of stomps down to the head before placing him into a headlock. Wood is sharply up to his feet, forcing Kenty to transition through into an inverted headlock. He follows this up by pulling Wood down into an inverted backbreaker.

The veteran smoothly arrives back at his feet to then plant Wood face-first into the canvas with a forward Russian Legsweep. He covers.

Ref: 1.....................2...........Kick out!

Wood kicks out. Kenty stands over him for a few seconds, lining up Wood before stepping back to the corner. Wood gets to a near vertical base, Kenty sprints in and nails a knee lift, before bouncing back off the opposite ropes to connect with the swinging neckbreaker variation.

He tags in Cerberus, who steps in over the top rope. The duo whip Wood into the ropes and on the rebound connect with a double big boot. Kenty steps out as Cerberus runs the ropes, proceeding to drop a big leg across the throat.

HA: A very impressive display thus far for Cerberus and Kenty, isolating Liam Wood.

Ref: 1....................2............Kick out!

Cerberus allows the former Brotherhood member up to his feet, he slings Wood over his shoulders. Cerberus runs to the corner and drops Wood face-first into the turnbuckles with a snake eyes. Wood stumbles around, Cerberus again scoops Wood onto his shoulders and then walks to the middle of the ring connecting with a Death Valley Driver. Cerberus goes for the pin.

Ref: 1......................2.......Kick out!

Cerberus gets to his feet, he picks Wood up by the waist with a gutwrench like hold, he then flips Wood up into the air ready for a Crucifix Powerbomb, but Wood manages to drop down the back. He lands on his feet behind Cerberus.

The big man turns around, Wood catches him with a kick to the stomach and then plants Cerberus face-first into the canvas with a Double Arm DDT. He covers.

Cerberus powers the shoulder up off the mat, Liam Wood immediately goes on the attack, clambering over Cerberus, smashing elbows and closed fists down into the face of Cerberus from a short distance away.

Eventually Wood rolls away, allowing Cerberus to get to his feet. Wood runs in, Cerberus attempts a tilt-a-whirl slam but Wood counters with an arm drag takedown. Cerberus gets up to his feet, Wood ducks underneath a wild swinging punch from the big man. He hits a kick to the back of the leg and then applies a full nelson hold.

Wood then proceeds to again plant Cerberus face-first into the mat, this time with a full nelson facebuster. He covers.

Ref: 1......................2.............Kick out!

Liam Wood gets to his feet, he stomps away on the head of Cerberus before applying a sleeper hold. Wood doesn't look to keep the big man grounded for too long, allowing him to his feet and then connecting with an inverted backbreaker. Wood then looks to build some momentum, firstly running the ropes and hitting a bulldog.

He doesn't stop there, running the ropes once again and meeting Cerberus just as he sits up with a big boot to the skull. He makes the cover.

HE: Looks as if Grace got the blind tag there, ref not counting as Wood covers.

The former world champion reluctantly leaves the ring as the new world champion steps in and brazenly covers.

Ref: 1......................2..Kick out!

Strong kick out from Cerberus. Grace steps up to his feet, Cerberus gets to his feet and Grace runs in to take him down with a clothesline. Cerberus rolls up, Grace pops him into the air quickly with an atomic drop before running the ropes to connect with a spinning heel kick. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2..........Kick out!

Grace pummels down on the head of Cerberus with a series of stomps. Cerberus gets to his feet, Grace drives a knee up into the gut and then slings him down to the mat with a snap suplex. Cerberus gets to his feet and Grace sweeps his legs with an STO backbreaker and then covers.

Ref: 1.....................2.............Kick out!

HE: Anthony Grace really brining Cerberus down to size.

The world champion locks in an armbar, stomping away on the shoulder of Cerberus. He gets to his feet and slings Grace into the ropes, he bounces back and connects with a leaping back elbow smash on Cerberus. He rolls up, Grace connects with a boot to the gut and hits a DDT. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.......................2............Kick out!

Grace rolls up to his feet, he drags up Cerberus and reels in a series of knife-edge chops. Cerberus stumbles into the corner, Grace continues with the chops but with theatrical delays between each one of them.

The world champion then climbs up the ropes, he starts pummeling down on the head of Cerberus, smirking...

HE: Watch out Anthony!

HA: Incredible strength!

Cerberus lifts Grace onto his shoulders, walking out of the corner but Grace manages to free himself. He drops down the back and chopblocks Cerberus, Grace then nails a bulldog. He covers.

Ref: 1....................2.............Kick out!

Anthony Grace steps into the corner, he makes an A in the air with his finger. Cerberus rises...



Cerberus catches Grace in mid-air, he then slings him out across the ring with big belly to belly suplex. Cerberus storms over, Grace shuffles back to the corner, he reaches behind and tags in Wood.

HA: Wood being left out to dry again by Grace!

Wood looks on in disgust at Grace who rolls out under the bottom rope, Cerberus clenches Wood under the shoulder and flings him into the ring.

Liam Wood rolls up to his feet and sprints in towards Cerberus, who simply lifts Wood up and levels him with a side slam backbreaker.
Wood is still stood up, Cerberus switches grips by taking a hold of Wood by the throat and proceeding to drive him into the canvas with a chokeslam. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1......................2..............Kick out!

Liam Wood powers the shoulder up. Cerberus hits a couple of big stomps down into the face of Wood, before leaning down to pick him up. Wood hits a couple of boots to the head that force Cerberus away from him, Wood kips up to his feet but Cerberus is back in the vicinity and simply sends him straight back down with a huge right hand.

Cerberus picks Wood up by the head and then clatters some vicious punches into the body, some of which literally lift Wood into the air. Wood falls back into the ropes, Cerberus Irish whips him across the ring, running back of the adjacent ropes and then levels Wood with a huge forearm smash to the side of the head.

HE: Incredible impact on that!

Ref: 1......................2...............Kick out!

Cerberus lifts Wood onto his shoulders, he runs to the corner and drops him down on the ropes. He tags in Kenty, he grabs Wood by the head and drives him into the mat with a spike DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2............Kick out!

Kenty gets to his feet and lays into Wood with a series of knees to the head. Kenty then drags Liam Wood up onto his feet, onto his shoulders and then runs forward, connecting with a rolling Fireman's Carry Slam. Kenty goes straight to the top rope...

HA: Senton bomb!

Ref: 1.......................2................Kick out!

Wood again kicks out. Kenty drags him to a neutral corner, he hits a flapjack down onto the top rope followed by a running forearm. Wood slumps down and Kenty runs in, hitting a facewash kick. He drags Wood away and covers.

Ref: 1...........................2..................Kick out!

Kenty lifts up Liam Wood, he sets up for the Mic Check but Wood manages to free himself. He clenches the arms of Kenty and slings him down to the canvas with a Tiger Suplex, bridging over into the pin attempt.

Ref: 1.........................2..................Kick out!

HE: Wood desperately needed that counter.

Kenty kicks out. Wood Kenty up to his feet, he throws him across the ring and hits a hip toss. Kenty rolls up, Wood hits a snap DDT. Wood climbs to the top rope, he dives down and hits a big elbow drop to the heart. Cover.

Ref: 1..........................2..................Kick out!

Liam Wood pummels away on the head of Kenty with some UFC style ground and pound offence. He is forced to roll away, Kenty gets to his feet and Wood flattens him with a superkick. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..............................2...................Kick out!

HA: Wood is damn hard to stop when he gets on a roll like this!

Kenty again powers the shoulder up. Wood drags him to his feet, he sets up for the lungblower, running forward but Kenty counters with a hurracanrana. The duo rise up simultaneously, running to the middle...

HE: Double forearm smash!

HA: Both men down!

HE: The tag is crucial here...

Kenty and Wood crawl towards the corner, Cerberus leaning over for the tag as Grace stands on the apron waiting. Wood seems to be gaining the advantage...

HA: What the hell!

HE: Grace is leaving! Grace is leaving Wood high and dry!

HA: Grace wants none of Cerberus.

Wood looks up, half in disappointment and half in disgust. He gets to his feet using the ropes, Kenty still hasn't quite made the tag. Wood musters up the energy to run across the ring...

HA: BIg forearm to Cerberus, knocking him off the apron.

Wood turns around, he picks up Kenty but he counters with a kick. Wood grabs it, only for Kenty to hit an enzaguri kick. Wood stumbles up and Kenty kicks him in the gut...


Ref: 1.....................................2.............................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: This one is over, and it's a win for Cerberus and Mr Kenty, in his first traditional 6CW match since his return.

HE: They emerge triumphant over Liam Wood and the new 6CW World Champion, Anthony Grace.

HA: Grace showing all the spirit of champion by leaving Wood high and dry when he thought Cerberus, the N01 contender to his belt, was about to enter the match.

HE: That was intelligence Harold!

*Kenty continues his celebration, milking the rousing ovation from the 6CW Universe. Kenty motions a belt around his waist, which draws another big cheer...

HA: It's like Kenty has never been away....he's as good as ever and it seems like he has his eyes on championship gold...

HE: Forgive me if I don't join in the love fest....

HA: I don't know why you can't just give credit where it is due....Kenty wouldn't have even been here celebrating if that coward, Anthony Grace hadn't walked out on his partner...

HA: Anthony clearly had a prior dare you question the world champion...

HE: He was terrified of what Cerberus was going to do to him and he high tailed it out of here.....shame he won't be able to do that at Genesis when he's locked inside a steel cage with the monster...

HA: A travesty that I'm still hoping Kramer can overturn and make Alex Walker see sense....

*Kenty climbs down off the turnbuckle and gives a wave to the fans before heading to the ropes to climb out. He steps one foot through when Liam Wood attacks him from behind...

HA: What the hell is Wood doing? He lost the damn match...

HE: He's evening it up.....Kenty deserves everything he gets for cheating for that victory....

HA: What the hell are you on about? This is a damn revenge attack because Wood couldn't get it done....

Kenty tries to turn around and fire back with shots to the stomach but Wood nails him with a sickening knee to the gut and then whips him off the ropes...


The crowd are booing furiously as Wood blasts his knee into Kenty's face, leaving him rendered useless on the canvass. Wood stands over Kenty, staring down at his rival with a vein pulsing in his temple...

HA: Liam Wood should be ashamed of himself...he got sent packing from the Battle Royal from Kenty two weeks ago, he got pinned here tonight by Kenty.....and he just can not handle it so he's had to resort to cheap attacks to get one other his rival...

HE: Have you heard yourself? You lose a couple of battles, big deal! This is a war and who is left standing now? That's're looking at him....

Wood continues to brush off the reaction of the crowd and he reaches down and grabs Kenty's head and begins to drag him back up....

HA: Enough is enough've had your fun....

*Crowd pop

HE: No....he's ruining it...

"Freedom" blasts through the speakers and GazzyD comes sprinting out from the backstage area, the crowd going wild for his arrival. Liam Wood looks thunderous as he throws Kenty aside and attempts a running big boot as Gazzy flies into the ring....

HA: Wood missed his chance......BOOM.....HOW'D YOU LIKE THAT?!?

Gazzy ducks the kick and hits the opposite ropes before returning with a fast paced dropkick to the chest that sends Wood through the middle ropes and out onto the apron, on the seat of his pants. Gazzy looks all fired up as he follows up with a snap superkick to his seated opponent, sending him dropping to the outside....

HE: He has no damn business out here...

HA: He has every but of business....he told Wood that his actions would have consequences and here he is, proving it...

Wood slides up the entranceway, still on his backside, clutching his jaw with an ugly glare on his face whilst GazzyD sees him on his way. Gazzy beckons for Wood to come back and continue their fight but Wood does not halt his retreat.....Gazzy then turns to the side and offers a hand to Mr Kenty, helping the fan favourite to his feet....

HA: Kenty looking unsure of Gazzy's help here...

HE: I would be too.....Gazzy's mind is as unstable as they come, he can't be trusted....he might be a raving lunatic against in a fortnight....

HA: Gazzy just saved Kenty from an even worse beating at the hands of Liam Wood....I think for now a temporary alliance is on the cards....

HE: Alliance? Please; this is a dog eat dog world.....Kenty, Wood, Gazzy....they all have aspirations of being a champion and climbing to the top....nobody is on the same page here....

Gazzy and Kenty stare at one another for a few moments and then Kenty nods in acceptance of Gazzy's help as the show comes to conclusion. The final shot is Liam Wood watching from the ramp as his two enemies stare back out toward him.


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Join date : 2011-06-21
Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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