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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Mat Tue 08 Mar 2016, 12:49 am

Match 1
No Disqualification
Thunder vs. Jimmy Phillips & Tyson Armstrong

Match 2
No 1 Contender Triple Threat Tag match
Geoff Steel/Mike Hill vs. Dopant Zero vs. The Megastars

Match 3
UK Championship Time Attack
Cameron Faith vs. Chael Kingdom vs. Dimitri Pittal vs. Aaron Heath vs. James McManus vs. Brandon Perez

Match 4
Red Arrows vs. Perfect Execution

Match 5
XTreme Championship
30 Minute Falls Count Anywhere
Cerberus © vs. Engel vs. Dicey Reilly vs. Vincent Costello

Match 6
International Championship
Crime Lord © vs. Mike Masters

Match 7
Place holder for 6CW Championship match

Joshua © vs.

Match 8
EWF Championship
Keith Leone © vs. Liam Wood

Main Event
Gateway to Glory
(Winner receives ME match at Night of Glory)

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by x12x Tue 08 Mar 2016, 1:07 am

Official PPV Poster:
6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Gatewa10

Official PPV Soundtrack:

Official PPV Prediction League Thread:

Last edited by xviperx on Sun 13 Mar 2016, 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by TwisT Tue 08 Mar 2016, 5:03 pm

The MetLife Stadium is full of expectant fans that suddenly quieten down when the house lights start to descend to a gloom. The sound of a heavy heartbeat fills the air and all eyes gaze to the stage. We hear Harold Lloyd’s voiceover as the camera focuses on Joshua coming out onto the stage.

HA: Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing the appearance of a man that dominated in the Gateway to Glory match last year. Nearly an hour in the ring and eleven eliminations. That record will stand the test of time…….as could his reign as 6CW World Champion.

HE: You talk about dominant champions……Enforcer, Adamson, Costello……...but even those names cannot compare to the supremacy Joshua has had this past year. It started at Day of Reckoning and nobody……..NOBODY……..has got close to beating him since.

HA: That title means more to him than McCoy, who has been gone a long time now. We wondered if that would cause his strength to diminish but if anything it has made him stronger.

HE: You can say that Joshua has had the best ally that anyone can have in 6CW – one Mr. Jones. However, as Mike Masters showed, having a good ally doesn’t mean that you are destined to keep hold of the gold. The reason why Joshua is still 6CW World Champion is because he is the number one guy on the roster and number two is a loooooooong way below him!

Joshua pauses on the stage and looks around him. He wears his usual long black cloak and the hood is pulled right over his head. However, we can still see his eyes pierce out and stare daggers at the crowd who stay silent.

HE: It’s funny…..the top heel in the company and he never gets booed. Not once. The fear in this building is very real.

Joshua starts to walk down the aisle and keeps his head bowed. He cocks his head from side to side on occasion but his stride never falters. The heartbeat continues and he walks forward in time with the beat. Once reaching the steel steps, he climbs them and enters the ring. Staying close to the corner, he gazes around the audience again as the heartbeat flatlines. Suddenly, Joshua flings his head back, causing his hood to fall and revealing his scarred features. He slowly lowers his long black hair over his face again, as the houselights start to come up.

HA: He is 20 feet away from me……but I still wish I was sitting on row Z!

Joshua slowly picks up a microphone that has been left for him and removes his cloak. We now see the 6CW World title around his waist, which shines brightly as the camera focuses on it. Joshua stands in the middle of the ring and waits; breathing in and out slowly, and taking his time. The audience gaze on in awe as the 6 foot 6 monster slowly lifts the mic to his lips:

And the day is upon us……….once more………

He lowers his hand and taps the world championship:

My title goes without defending upon this Day of Reckoning……….Because I believe there is no-one worthy to defend it against……….No being that has the ability to take the crown……….

He gazes upwards and stops. He then nods his head and looks to the crowd:

But what will be defended on this date is my way of life……….To inflict great pain on those that call for mercy……….but will receive nothing of the sort……….This way of life I have lived by for over a year……….Trampling underfoot all challengers……….and destroying all notion of a fair fight……….When victims face me across the ring……….they remain victims for as long as I choose……….They have no say……….No purpose……….No chance……….

He flings his hair back and snarls:

So the next in line may not have been confirmed……….but we all wish it to be the same man……….

This time the crowd find their voice and a “Thunder” chant starts. However the chant is broken quickly when Joshua calls out with venom:

Yes……….The name you continuously……….and foolishly……….throw into my face……….If yearning for one to finally reach their goal actually had some power……….then he would have been on top a long time ago……….As it is your desire for him to compete……….only signs another document of distress……….

Joshua looks to the rafters and points to the roof:

If the superhero wishes to fly……….into my domain again……….he will find that no amount of unworldly powers……….will ever be strong enough to vanquish this villain in the tale……….No matter what fantasy favourite he draws strength from………the reality will crush the imaginary as it highlights just how far he has flown from his comfort zone………

The crowd again find their voice and chant “Thunder” once more. Joshua just stands their breathing heavily. He then turns around and points at members of the audience in quick succession:

You show your hate at the truth………With venom that masks your pity………Pity that this fake is your chosen one………An imitation of relevancy………A sham of a suitable competitor………Your best hope in a sea of under achievers………Failed once………Failed twice………Failed for evermore………And no-one in his shadow suitable to take his place………

He stops and shakes his head in disdain. He wanders over to the turnbuckle and looks upon it:

The irony is I share your craving for another meeting……….Not because it would challenge me……….but because it provides some amusement to my dark life……….Grievous bodily harm without the reprecussions……….to a man so intent on feeling pain that he could be classed as suicidal……….Guilt that may be had when piling on the pain to a damaged man……….should be felt on those whose eyes gaze upon me……….And yet you throw his lifeless being once again into the arena……….For a chance that some mercy might come his way……….

He slams the turnbuckle with his hand and shouts out:

There will be no mercy……….or quarter given……….This recurring victim shall simply be left with a tiny piece of life left……….So that he can foolishly battle again and meet the same fate……….A recycling of revenge that will never lead to redemption……….

Suddenly he turns around and looks at the stage:

If this is the best that can oppose me………Then I will have to take matters into my own cold hands………At the beginning I stalked and attacked those of my own selection………Now I have been left to deal with those that have had their path dictated too………My reign of revenge shows no sign of ending………when all that is thrown in my path is a lifeless corpse already beaten to an inch of his life………

Joshua lifts his hand in the air and opens it, before forming a fist:

I remain at the very pinnacle of a man made mountain of misery………Misery of the bodies that pile on high to build it………Misery of those that look on from below without a hope of scaling the height………Misery from those that look down from the heavens and realise my hell is fast approaching………

He flings his hair back, with his fist still in the air and looks at the crowd:

And yet………even with this being a statement of fact………we know by the end of the evenings events another name will be carelessly thrown my way………The victor in an event that I alone am the master of………No individual has come close to the night when hell was unleashed………A glorious gateway to a new beginning………only to find the gate bared shut and an abyss that appears at their feet………You will hear many saga’s of strength until we converge on that place………But only my expert words should be listened to………Gateway to Glory has already been locked………Because the key is firmly held in my hand………

Joshua lowers his fist and stares into the camera. Slowly he opens the palm of his hand and growls:

Try and remove it………if you dare………For when faced with an unmovable force in a place where history repeats itself………What………Say………You………?

Joshua suddenly closes his hand up tight and lowers the hair over his face. The crowd look on as he stands there in a dominant position.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Guest Tue 08 Mar 2016, 7:58 pm

The crowd in the MetLife stadium are chanting “6CW” with excitement, as they wait for more action to occur, when suddenly “Limo Wreck” plays out and the fans erupt into cheers. Slowly from behind the curtain, the hooded figure of Keith Leone appears. Leone stands still at the top of the ramp for a few moments, surveying the crowd, before then producing the EWF World Title from underneath his shirt and holding it high in the air. Leone then slings the title over his shoulder and walks calmly down to the ring, and then heads straight for the time-keepers area and collects a microphone. Leone then rolls into the ring and stands in the centre, waiting for the fans to die down before he begins to speak.

Leone: You know, it’s hard to believe that in all of my time in 6CW, I’ve never been involved in the Gateway to Glory match, hell I’ve never participated at the event where the match is held. Now obviously, as a reigning World Champion, I’m more interested to see who wins the match, rather than win it myself. What interests me though, is the buzz that surrounds this event; suddenly everyone is a little more on edge because the stakes have been raised. Everyone is looking over their shoulder, friends aren’t quite so trusting of one another anymore, and people in general are making bad decisions… huh… I wonder what situation I was involved in could possibly have to do with people making bad decisions.

Leone lowers his hood now, to reveal a bruised eye, that he makes a concerted effort to draw the camera’s attention to. Leone snarls slightly as he then begins to speak again.

Leone: That’s right; I’m beginning to talk about you Liam. The formal prodigal son of the EWF, 6CW’s very own fallen angel, or as you now shall be known until Day of Reckoning, the condemned. Sorry to sound like a broken record Liam, but it still baffles me to think that you threw everything you had away to get to the position you’re in now. You gave away all of your respect and dignity gone in the blink of an eye, or the shake of Jones’ hand to be more precise. That’s the thing, I understand turning on the fans, because sometimes being a people pleaser gets you nowhere. You have to find yourself to truly achieve, and you were doing just that, hell you beat Dicey Reilly as decisively as I have seen anyone do it. Even I couldn’t do what you did, you beat him and made sure he didn’t come back for you. You, Liam Wood, are a very dangerous man, that with the right conditioning could take on anyone. Right now though, you certainly aren’t ready to take on the world. You have gone from a need for people to see your dominance, to a feeling of self-importance. You would have gotten your title shot at some point down the line, and maybe at that point in time you would have been better suited to the task at hand. Instead though, you chose to take the easy option and make a deal with scum to get what you wanted. But that’s the least of your concerns Liam, because after being in the business as long as I have, I’ve seen plenty of people with less than favourable associates. What really bugs me is this idea that this belt stopped meaning something when it slipped from your grasp.

Leone shrugs the EWF World Title from his shoulder and holds it in his hand, staring fixatedly at it, before then putting it over his other shoulder.

Leone: Since you lost this belt, you’ve been swathed in mediocrity. You’ve been impressive in ring, impressive on the mic, held yourself well, and yet you still couldn’t get the job done. You couldn’t beat Vincent Costello, you couldn’t beat Mike Masters, and while you were able to defeat Joshua, his career sky-rocketed from there, whilst you remained wallowing in obscurity. Now as I said, you did find yourself, and you’re rising fast, but you’re still not top dog, and you’re damn sure not the benchmark for men who hold this title. In fact you’re looking at the man who fits the bill as the definitive World Champion. I went to war with Vincent Costello to win this belt, the longest reigning EWF World Champion. I was screwed over, beaten and bloodied repeatedly, and yet I beat him for the title. I was then screwed out of the title, but I went away, recovered, came back and then proceeded to win the title once again. I never let up and I made sure to always back up my words with actions, and never sell out my pride and dignity for instant gratification. I have made this title into something to be revered, I made this the true World Title of this company, whilst Jones and his cronies corrupted and protected the other. I have accomplished so much in both chasing and holding this title since I came back to 6CW last year, so before you start declaring yourself the “real” World Champion, just remember who the supposed “usurper” is.

Your Day of Reckoning is fast approaching Liam, the day where you find out what you’re really worth. Now you can find that out by coming to that ring by yourself, and fighting me one on one, and finding out if you really are a World Champion, or you can bring Jones and his boys, and hold a belt but never really be a champion. Whatever your decision is though, know one thing; I am not just out to beat you in our match, I want to hurt you. You’ve disrespected me and you’ve disrespected this championship, and for that you are going to suffer. But maybe we shouldn’t wait until our match, maybe you should come down right now and try and prove that you’re the real champion, whilst I try and kick your head off of your shoulders.

Keith Leone walks over to the ropes and leans on them whilst facing the entrance ramp as the fans cheer loudly with anticipation.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Thunder87 Tue 08 Mar 2016, 10:01 pm

The feed fades to static. When the static clears Thunder, is sitting in an office swivel chair with his back to the camera. The chair swivels on the spot and sat on Thunder’s lap is a kitten plush toy. Thunder strokes it while looking towards the camera menacingly.

A good man, follows the laws, follows the rules but, what if there are no rules? Phillips, Armstrong, for what happens next, you have one man to blame…Michael Jones.

The scene fades back to static, when the static clears, the video feed has change to a clearly old video recorded on a cheap camera. The scene on the screen, is that of someone’s back garden. What appears to be fabric has been laid out in square on the ground, around the square on the one side is flowers, on another a small brick wall, on another grass and on the final side, a brick shed and a small fence connecting it to the wall. Clearly, this set up is someone’s attempt at a back yard wrestling event.

COM: Finally, we come to the main event we’ve all been waiting for, the Pride of England, Thunder challenges the Welsh Dragon, Gareth Harrison for the world championship.  Harrison, has lorded it over all us English for far too long now, can Thunder pull the championship away and end his near 7 month reign of terror.

The commentator is interrupted by the Welsh national anthem. A ginger kid walks out with a toy championship over his shoulder, he walks over the grass and steps into the “ring.” He raises the championship over his head, he collects a microphone from the cameraman/commentator.

You can all say what you want but, my reign isn’t over yet. I’ve defeated all of your English heroes, there was only one George and he’s been dead for centuries, no one can slay the Welsh Dragon. This pride of England you send after me now has just a little chance as Danny Dynamite, Dread Dark or Mario had. Now rise for your Welsh champions national anthem.

The Welsh national anthem begins to play again. Harrison puts his hand over his heart and looks on with pride. The anthem is interrupted by Three Lions on a Shirt.

COM: Thank you!

Harrison turns to see another kid, clearly a younger Thunder, charging across the grass towards the “ring.” Thunder and Harrison clash exchanging blows, another kid enters the shot, wearing a white shirt with the word “ref,” written on the back. The two lock up in a test of strength, which the bigger, Thunder wins with ease and whips him to the fence. Harrison bounces off the fence as though bouncing back from the ropes. He charges across the makeshift ring, Thunder catches him with a belly to belly suplex. Thunder follows up with a pin.

COM: Thunder looking to put this one away early.

Harrison kicks out at 1, Thunder pulls Harrison back to his feet, he breaks Thunder grasp and follows up with a stiff head butt. A groggy Thunder stumbles away, Harrison takes hold of Thunder’s head, under his arm and nails a DDT. Harrison, climbs up on the wall, he leaps off for an elbow drop, that crashes in to Thunders heart. Harrison covers…1..kickout.

COM: Thunder got the arm up with plenty of time to spare.

Harrison, drags Thunder to his feet, holding on to Thunder, he drills his knee in to the midsection three times, he follows up with a scoopslam. Harrison backs up to the wall, he runs forward and looks to drop a knee, Thunder rolls just out of the way. Thunder quickly back to his feet, as Harrison remains kneeled, Thunder clocks him with a bad shining wizard.

COM: Thunder flipping the tables.

Thunder raises Harrison on to all fours and drills his knees in to Harrison’s head a couple of times. Thunder flips him over and nails a leg drop, back to his feet, Thunder drops and another followed by a third. Thunder goes for cover…1…2..kickout. Thunder climbs the wall, Thunder leaps off looking for a diving leg drop. Harrison quickly to his feet, he catches Thunder with a quick powerbomb, taking it’s toll on both men.

COM: That one took it out of both men. You have to believe that the first one to their feet will have the advantage.

Harrison is the first one to move, he crawls over to Thunder and drapes his arm over him…1…2..kickout. Harrison can’t believe it as he argues with the ref. Harrison rolls from the ring and grabs a deck chair. He climbs back in the ring and takes the chair to Thunder battering him with the chair.

COM: Remember folks, this match is a street fight, considering the bad blood between these two, I’m surprised weapons haven’t come into play earlier.

Harrison throws the chair on to the mat, he pulls Thunder up and set him up for a pedigree. Thunder reverses with a low blow and follows up with a school boy pin…1…2.kick out. Both men back to their feet, Harrison charges at Thunder, Thunder ducks the closeline attempt, causing Harrison to this the fence. A loud crack is heard, as the fence starts to break. Thunder smiles and pulls Harrison away from the fence and whips him back in hard. Another crack as the fence gives a little more. Thunder leaps into the air nailing a jump kick on Harrison, pushing him further into the fence, which finally gives way.


The camera pans over, showing Harrison lying in a large pile of household junk. Thunder back to his feet, he climbs up on to the wall. He looks down at Harrison lining up the shot. Thunder changes his mind, looking at the shed with malice intent. Thunder leaps over from the wall to the shed, he pulls himself up. Again Thunder lines the shot up. He crosses himself before leaping off the shed, nailing a frog splash, admittedly it was a sloppy attempt.


Thunder and Harrison both lie in the pile of junk fighting for breath and trying to move. The ref peers over the side from the “ring,” he asks if both men are ok. Neither man answers him, as he goes to call the match off, Thunder raises his hand and grabs the ref’s foot. Thunder pulls it, causing the ref to slip over. Thunder drags Harrison out of the junk and into the alley between the house and the wall. The two start fighting down the alley, throwing each other in to the house and the wall.

COM: Quickly, get the camera down there John.

The camera is passed to the ref who runs down the alley in time to catch, Thunder drive Harrison’s head in to a parked car’s wing mirror. The mirror falls to the floor, Thunder picks it up and cracks it over the head of Harrison. Thunder pulls the mirror free from it’s casing, cutting his hand in the process. He jabs the broken edge of the mirror into Harrison’s forehead. Harrison screams out in pain before punching Thunder in the man bits. Thunder clutches that area, causing himself to bend over. Harrison takes the opportunity to smash Thunder’s head in to the car door. When Thunder stumbles back he is bleeding from his head. Thunder wipes the blood from his head, choking back tears, his face turns to a frown. Thunder drop kicks Harrisons legs away from him, leaving Harrison lying against the car. Thunder climbs up on the wall, he leaps looking for a seat drop kick. Thunder kick connects with Harrison’s head, bashing it in to the car.

REF: Come on Thunder take it back to the ring, enough is enough.

Thunder looks at the ref down the camera and nods. Thunder pulls Harrison to his feet and drags him back down the alley to the back garden. Thunder drags him across the grass and rolls him in the ring. The camera is handed back to the commentator. Thunder pulls Harrison to his feet and nails a big rock bottom and covers…1…2…3!

COM: Ring the bell, this one is finally over. Thunder has taken things further than anyone else to end the reign of the Welsh Dragon.

Three Lions on a Shirt begins to play, Thunder is handed the toy championship and he celebrates in the centre of the ring before climbs the wall and raising the belt over his head. As Thunder appears to fall off the wall, the screen returns to static.

When the static fades, the scene returns to Thunder in the swivel chair with the stuff toy. Thunder strokes it menacingly.

If I’m willing to go to those lengths with a friend, for a story line rivalry, how far will I go against two puppets in order to advance to taking on a monster who terrorises the fans I care about?

Thunder swivels back around so, his back is to the camera once more.

The scene turns back to static.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

((OOC: yeah this actually happened back in the day when I ran a fed in my back garden. I know my description of the garden wasn't great so, in hopes of helping things make a little more sense I made this crude diagram of my garden. Sorry about the quality, I don't have Vipers mad designing skills.))
6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Untitl10


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Steel Tue 08 Mar 2016, 11:16 pm

The scene opens backstage and we see Geoff Steel in his ring gear and open silver jacket working away at a red heavy bag hanging from the ceiling, Steel hits blow after blow moving the bag from side to side, he then finally grabs the bag and holds it in position. Steel then walks to a wooden bench and picks up a water bottle taking a few gulps from it then dropping it to the floor. He wipes the sweat from his forehead away with a black t-shirt.

Tim Allen then appears at the door and walks into the room already with microphone in hand, Steel sees him and gets to his feet holding his hand out for Tim to shake.

Steel: What can I do for you today Tim?

Tim: If you have time I'd love to ask you a few questions? The 6CW universe would appreciate it no doubt

Steel: Well you know me Tim I'll do anything to keep the 6CW universe happy, what did you have in mind?

Tim: let's start by getting your thought on your win against the Megastars this past week?

Steel cracks a wry smile and strokes his chin

Steel: Well Tim no doubt that is a question the 6CW fans want answering, great choice, Mike Hill and myself did exactly what we said we were going to do we pinned the Megastars, we told Max and Ant in the build up that we would be at Anarchy to fight and didn't buy in to their own beliefs that it was their destiny to be the ones to go on to face the Forgotten for those championship belts, so as a result Tim I have no complaints it went exactly as we expected. What am sure the fans really want to know though is was I happy with the way the result came to be, the answer to that Tim is no. I wanted team Mike and Geoff to beat the Megastars without any interruptions so there would be no doubts that we are the better team and we are the ones who clearly deserve a shot at the champs. When the Forgotten came out it changed the complexion of the match so I did what I had to ensure we won, I'm sure Ant and Max would have done the same. They were to easily distracted out there by the Forgotten's mind games whereas Mike and myself always remained level headed and that's the reason we won, that is also the reason why we are the best team to dethrone the champions.

Tim: You will get an opportunity at Day of Reckoning to earn a shot at the champs, you confident of claiming that spot.

Steel: Absolutely Tim, the two teams against us are teams we have got the better of recently so why would we have any doubts in ourselves that we can't replicate those results again, that doesn't mean we will be taking it easy on the preparations going into the match though, I'll be training as hard as ever, Mike and myself are building some great momentum lately a slip up here and we are back to where we started and I don't want to be in that position again. The Megastars showed us just how much of good team they actually are at Anarchy and we were easily matched blow for blow. Of course Mike and myself have had issues with Dopant Zero of late, they seemed to have learnt there lesson when we put them both through tables but I'm expecting them to come out looking for some retribution at Day of Reckoning. Hopefully we can have a match without the Forgotten's involvement so we can truly see who deserves to be the number one contenders, I have my doubts that will be the case though so that might be another team we need to take care of on the night.

Tim: Of course at Day of Reckoning the annual Gateway to Glory match takes place, will you be entering this year.

Steel laughs and rubs his hands together

Steel: I'm never one to turn down a fight Tim and this is possibly the biggest fight on the calendar, if my name is called out as a competitor I'll be down in that ring slugging it out with the best of them for a shot at a singles championship, it's been nearly five years since I held that 6CW title and the hunger has never left me, I want my title back and this could give me that opportunity, I'll just have to beat every man and his dogs to earn it, there's nothing more I enjoy overcoming the odds and proving why I am made of champion material, some of these people might have forgotten that, so it's time I open their eyes once more.

Tim: Thanks Geoff I think I've got everything I need.

Geoff:Good Tim it's been a pleasure as always, till next time.

Geoff shakes Tims hands and Tim leaves the room as the scene fades.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue 08 Mar 2016, 11:32 pm

*The Metlife arena is buzzing as Pyro's explode all over the Day of Reckoning set. The camera pan's the sold out arena*

HA: Folks I am Harold Lloyd, joined by my brother Henry Lloyd. WELCOME TO DAY OF RECKONING...and what a show we have lined up for you.

HE: Thunder getting his comeuppance, Dopant Zero set to be number one contender, and best of all the Gateway to Glory, where the hopes and dreams of 6CW's finest come crashing down as The Forgotten reign supreme.

HA: I have my doubts about that, but perhaps the talking point of tonight, the match I know I am personally looking most forward to is the extreme title match.

HE: HAHA, Engel, Dicey and Vincent Costello are going to suffer at the hands of Ce...WHA-

*The lights in the arena go out and interference is shown, suddenly a creepy video plays*

*As the video finishes, camera service is resumed and a spotlight points to the entranceway. Almost instantaneaously with the video cutting out, "Hysteria". Engel walks out onto the stage wearing ripped jeans and a bloody T-shirt. The crowd give a vastly mixed reaction as he walks down to the ring slowly. He pauses for a minute looking up into the rafters at a "Night of Glory" sign and points at it, before pointing at himself and shouting "MY NIGHT". Engel then walks over to the timekeeper area and takes a microphone before rolling into the ring*

HA: That is one creepy entrance, and Engel knows full well what it will take to make it to Night of Glory, he has to survive against three of the most extreme individuals in 6CW history...

HE: And he doesn't stand a chance Harold, I don't think he has won a match since he came back, if anyone is in way over his head here in 6CW its Engel Ha...

HA: It's just Engel Henry and look at the facts, Engel MAY not have won a match since his return but neither has anybody been able to keep him down. The man has heart, desire and a penchant for anarchy that is second to none.

*The lights come up and the crowd cheer as Engel stands in the middle of the ring. He holds the microphone up to his mouth*


*Engel laughs and puts the microphone to his side soaking up the reaction. He raises his microphone again*

EH: You know...


*Engel shakes his head laughing even more. The crowd die down.*

EH: You know, Cerberus makes a good point...Glass weapons are the future. I was speaking to a Cam girl the other day and she told me that Glass is better for the body.

*The crowd laugh*

EH: BUT NOBODY WANTS THE CLOWN, NOBODY NEEDS TO SEE THE CLOWN. Tonight I rise. Because tonight is our Day of Reckoning, tonight is the culmination of weeks of fun and games.


*Engel pushes is hair back and laughs nodding his head*

EH: The choir sings its symphony of Anarchy, the band is tuning up and the elephant in the room...Elvis or something is probably in the back somewhere, I feel sorry for him. Getting dragged into mine, Dicey's and Cerberus' little playtime, but the truth is...THIS is what you all wanted...every single one of you. Like me you thrive on the suffering, the chaos, the anarchy. We will not fail in delivering this to you...

HA: That is most certainly true, Engel, Cerberus and Dicey have gone through hell these past few months...

HE: Oh please, these guys are just glorified stunt men they can't cut it on the biggest stage.

EH: The hour draws ever closer, the clock TICKS, ever louder, and soon they will know what they must surrender, they will know what they must leave within the fire. They will know what it takes. I go into this match, a target on my back, the underdog with nothing to his name. I go into this match knowing that I face the worst beating of my life. But I also know, something that they do not...and that is...what needs to be done.


EH: Its funny, I have been waiting so so long to reach this moment. THEY thought they could hold me back, THEY thought if they ignored me long enough I would just up and leave all over again. THEY didn't realise the lengths I would go to, or the pain I would be willing to inflict. I stand at the precipice, staring out over the edge of oblivion, and I see my goals before me, waiting to be taken.

*Engel holds his arms out and looks up at the ceiling smiling before returning the microphone to his mouth*

EH: Tonight I give Dicey, Cerberus and that Elvis guy an opportunity, THE opportunity to move beyond our place in THERE world, to show THEM that we are the future of this great company, tonight after the Anarchy and the Chaos I offer them the chance to join me in climbing the corpses Joshua claims to have amounted, I offer them the CHANCE to find there TRUE place in this world. Let the blood be spilled, let the leeches feed, for we are ANARCHY, we are CHAOS, we are TRUTH.

*Engel looks around the ring at the fans*

EH: Of course there is then the small matter of the Gateway to Glory...I will drag my bloody broken body to that ring, I will scratch I will claw at every last chance I get, and whatever happens, Jones, even YOU will not be able to dismiss me, even YOU the master of puppets will stop laughing at the uncontrollable. THE CLOWN IS DEAD...LONG LIVE THE CLOWN.

*Engel leans over the ropes encouraging someone to join him*

Engel Harlequin

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by President Trump Wed 09 Mar 2016, 10:15 am

Just as Engel is finished talking “Born to Fight” blast over the arena as Dicey storms out from behind the curtain and marches down to the ring

HE: Oh great here comes Drunk and Disorderly, why do we have to put up with these guys, bring out someone with class not a habit

Dicey rolls under the ropes and poses on the turnbuckles much to the glee of Engel, Dicey walks over to Engel and the two men go nose to nose before Dicey takes the mic from Engels hand

Dicey: Anarchy.....Chaos......Mayhem.....what the hell do you know about any of that or was that the name of your former clown troupe in the Amazing Big Top

Dicey smirks at Engel

Dicey: THE CLOWN IS DEAD......LONG LIVE THE CLOWN!!! You can’t kill what you are Krusty, just like you said to me you have to show the real you, the you that’s buried deep inside, embrace the demon that’s in there, that wants to come out and take this place down, you talk a good game Engel but you are a hypocrite just like the rest of them, showing back up here after all these years spouting your rhetoric to anyone that would listen, telling Cerberus to let it go to be the monster he should be, twisting him to what you want to see, just like you are trying to do to me, you may have swapped your white make up and your red nose for ripped jeans and a t-shirt but you’ll always be a clown to me Engel


Dicey: I don’t have to change Engel, I know what I am, THEY all know what I am, I may have tried something new but I can’t change this (Dicey points to himself) and why would I, I helped build this place, I stayed on when the Perfect Jacks and the Lex Harts left to go to Birmingham, I stayed until the end and when those doors shut that part of my life shut with it, I left with my head held up high with the Undisputed Title around my waist and my pride, when it opened back up I tried to stay away I really did but I couldn’t this company is as much a part of me than I am of it but I didn’t come back reinvented as something I’m not like some of us did, I came back as the me and only me, yes I drank less but hey that didn’t last that long now did it, but every time I entered this ring I gave my all like I did back in the day because that is ME Engel and will always be ME

Crowd: DICEY

Dicey: So don’t come out here talking about trying to cause Chaos because we all know you are just playing this game so Jones will notice you “MR JONES....SIR.....PICK ME....PICK ME....SEE WHAT I CAN DO.....PLEASE.....PLEASE PICK ME” you’re pathetic just like all the other brown nosers in his little group, Jesus even that little f**k Woods gave in and licked Jones a** clean to get his shot, you are nothing in this company Engel as much as you think you are you are nothing..........who knows when you do put the makeup back on you might get noticed (Dicey starts laughing as Engel just stares at him), so bring on Day of Reckoning I say, let’s get this done and over with, we all kill each other, you get some brownie points for beating me up just like Woods and who knows you two could be the next Forgotten tag team sensation, Clown shoes and the whingy bit*h a match made in heaven and all the Jones arse you can sniff

Dicey walks over to Engel laughing and rams the mic into his chest

President Trump

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Marky Wed 09 Mar 2016, 10:56 am

Timothy Allen is backstage;

TA: My guest at this time, the number one entrant into the Gateway to Glory match, Max Adamson...

(The crowd inside the MetLife Stadium erupt as Adamson smirks, his face beamed across the Stadium on the big screen)

Max: A pleasure as always. For you.

TA: Max, what are your thoughts on Mr Jones and Charles Kramer naming Max Adamson as the number one entrant into the Gateway to Glory as a result of your actions at the end of Anarchy? Was it worth it when you consider it will have a major impact on your chances of success.

(Adamson rolls his eyes at Allen)

Max: See, that's why half the locker room doesn't like you Tim... But I'll answer.

(Allen looks perplexed as Adamson continues)

Max: See, Jones and Kramer, they think they can play mind games with Max Adamson. They think they can make The Megastars win another match to prove we deserve a shot at Hokori and Austin Sh*tehawk even though we've already beaten those two on more than one occasion. They think they can scare me off of getting involved in what turned into a mass brawl at the end of Anarchy by telling me I'll be entrant number one if I do, but it didn't work did it. At the end of Anarchy Max Adamson was stood tall having laid waste to every single person who dared get in my way, I decimated superstar after superstar after superstar after superstar after superstar and quite frankly that's just a taste of what you and everyone in the back is going to get when Max Adamson is in the Gateway to Glory.

(Adamson smiles)

Max: Was it worth it? You're damn right it was.

TA: Do you really think you can outlast 29 other superstars and earn a World Title match at Night of Glory?

(Adamson grins)

Max: No Tim, I don't THINK I can... I KNOW I can. I know I have what it takes to win that match from number one. Nobody has ever won the Gateway to Glory from the number one spot before. But then again Tim, nobody had ever successfully defended the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Glory, until Max Adamson did. Nobody had ever held the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship for close to three hundred days, until Max Adamson did. In fact I held it for three hundred and twenty days, a record still to be beaten. If you remember, two years ago, Max Adamson WON the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship in the Gateway to Glory match.

TA: I remember that. You entered at number 30 and needed help from GazzyD to eliminate Enforcer.

(Adamson coldly looks at Allen)

Max: I didn't NEED help, I used my hired help which I'd have been stupid not to use! But I came in at number 30 and I won the Gateway to Glory match and became the NEW World 6CW World Heavyweight World Champion of the World... World.

TA: ...And then the following year, last year, you entered at number 30 AGAIN, but you were eliminated by fellow Megastar Anthony Grace...

(Adamson's smirk disappears)

Max: I don't want to talk about the past Tim. Stop living in the past man. Besides I eliminated him back... My point was, nobody has won from the number one position before. Mainly because in 2014 I won from number 30 and last year Joshua won from number 7. But people are writing me off because I'm entering at number 1. I'm a former Gateway to Glory winner. I make history Tim, that's what I do. That's what Max Adamson does, he trail blazes, he makes history, and if Jonesy and Kramer want to try and punish me, make me entrant one, then so be it. I see it as an opportunity Tim. It's another opportunity for Max Adamson to, once again, make history. First winner from number one. First man to win the Gateway to Glory twice. And at Night of Glory, the first man to win the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship three times.

TA: Changing the subject, what of your match earlier in the evening at Day of Reckoning, you and your Megastar partner Anthony Grace against the teams of Dopant Zero and Mike Hill and Geoff Steel in a triple threat number one contenders match for the 6CW Tag Team Championships? Mike and Geoff did beat The Megastars last week.

Max: They did, thanks to Austin Sh*tehawk and Hokori getting involved. But we have beaten those two on more than one occasion, I don't mind earning opportunities but we've already earned our opportunity when we pinned the current Champions a few weeks ago. They see it differently and want to stack the deck, fine. But we will only work harder, it will only make us more determined, if we can BELIEVE, we can ACHIEVE...

(Adamson grimaces as he realises who he sounded like)

Max: Ignore that last part. That's what happens when you spend so much time around him. But we are going to defeat Mike and Geoff, and Dopant Zero, and we will be unquestionably, undisputedly, the team to face The Forgotten in a two on two match, and we will become the World 6CW World Tag Team World Champions of the World!

(Adamson winks at Allen and walks off)

TA: Back to you Harold and Henry at Ringsi-

Max: ...WORLD!


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 09 Mar 2016, 11:39 am


*Dicey rams the mic into Engels chest to which Engel nervously twitches his neck and smiles. He walks right up into the face of Dicey*


*Engel shakes his head laughing and turns his back on Dicey*

EH: You come out here week in week out, hiding behind this mask of anger...of hate. But when the gun is in your hand, when the bullet is twitching as your finger presses gently on the trigger...YOU just don't have what it takes, you follow the rules set out by THEM, you jive along on the merry dance THEY lead.

*Engel turns once more to face Dicey, a gentle smile across his face*

EH: Dicey, Dicey...Dicey. I have always admired you, from the day I set foot in this company. I was a clown, but you were THE clown, you raised hell, you made these people laugh, cheer, and most importantly of got the job done. You held titles, you took out guys like Joshua, like Thunder, like Mr Jones, LIKE...LIAM WOOD and showed them for the punks they were. You stood atop the mountain, and I knew I could never reach your heights back then...THAT is the real reason I left this great company. I could not overshadow THE DICEY REILLY. For all my attempts at bringing Anarchy to the world there was one man doing more,for all my attempts to have my Night of Glory there was one man who could never be topped.

*Engel walks around Dicey*

EH: Liam Wood now stands above you laughing at the legend he destroyed. He knew what it would take and left you broken. The Dicey of old would have come out the next night and raised hell, he would have fought to his last drop of blood to regain his pride. Instead you sat there whining and crying and pushing away everything you held dear. The words I "quit" on the tip of your tongue. As I rose, your legend became a myth. Cerberus smells your weakness, and he will tear you apart. It is inevitable unfortunately, as much as I have tried to hold the beast back, he cannot be stopped. He is the monster that scares grown men, he ends the hopes of all he comes across. While ever you stand here with this little act of yours going on, he will hunt you and he will end you.

*Engel shakes his head in disappointment*

EH: The once great Dicey Reilly could never beat the clock, TIME continues to pass, TICK...TOCK this day was bound to come, as the world grew up, you were left behind...TICK...TOCK a shadow of what you once were. You come out here and you have to look STRONG. But you know, all these people KNOW, I KNOW. I spent years hiding behind a mask, showing no weakness, pretending I was relevant, and as I watched you, as I admired you, I changed. The mask became a burden, a burden I had to leave behind...and ironically as I put my mask down, you put yours on.

*Engel walks over to the opposite side of the ring as Dicey and looks at him pitifully*

EH: The clown was never inside me Dicey, much like it now is not inside you, he sits atop your shoulders...watching as you put yourself through hell, begging to entertain his bloodlust. On this, our day of reckoning I urge you, I plead with you to OPEN your eyes. Bear witness to what you once were and reveal yourself to these people. Rise from the ashes anew and become the Dicey Reilly that they know you are...

*Engel tilts his head to one side*

EH: You claim that I want Jones to notice me, you would be right I do. I want HIM to notice the very lengths I will go to to end his game and bring my pieces to the forefront of this company. To end this order and bring back the days we once fought for. Remember Genesis Dicey? Remember how they tore this company apart and you and I stood together? Team 6CW, words that shook them with fear, and as I watched you tear the place up, as I looked up to you and realised this was no place for me, I told Liederman that I had to leave...that the secret weapon of 6CW was not Engel...(Engel angrily sneers) Harlequin. It was Dicey...f***ing Reilly. But now as we stand at the outskirts of this battlefield, I know this is my time to stand beside you. I know what needs to be done to bring you make these people love you again...

*Engel laughs*

EH: But Dicey the clown does have a nice ring to it...

*Engel holds out the microphone for Dicey to take and laughs manically*

Engel Harlequin

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by President Trump Wed 09 Mar 2016, 1:59 pm

Dicey: You know what are right


Dicey: The old Dicey would have raised hell after a loss to Woods but I am not that Dicey anymore....I can’t be, I am older now and the days...weeks between recovery gets longer and longer, I can live with that but that doesn’t make me weak....that makes me more dangerous

Crowd: DICEY

Dicey: For years I relied on my brutality to get me through and back in the day it work mostly but the game has changed Engel you know this because look at have changed because of it, you had all that time off after tucking your balloon animal between your legs and riding your unicycle into the sunset, you had the chance to look on this new 6CW with new eyes, you have always been a calculating f**ker so your ability to read the situation doesn’t surprise me, you knew the Jones’ and the Kramers wouldn’t give you a second glance if you put on the makeup so you went into your cocoon and emerged a twisted butterfly, the Avatar of Chaos and Anarchy but you are just like them Engel, the men you soooo desperately want to notice you, you all want POWER, you all want to lord it over the little guy, flex those muscles and make the puppets dance to your tune, that’s why you wanted Cerberus to come back into your fold and that’s why you wanted me, you can’t do it alone, you can’t wrestle this place from Jones but with a little bit of mayhem here, a little bit of mind games there and you know you can get into Jones’ head, at the moment you are nothing but a small annoyance, a fly buzzing at his ear but after Day of Reckoning....after he sees this arena painted with our blood and did you put it “You will drag my bloody broken body to that ring, you will scratch you will claw at every last chance I get” in the Gateway to Glory so Jones looks at how crazy you are...ooooooo we got a badass over here

The crowd starts laughing and Engel looks less impressed

Dicey: But my pasty friend your plan has a BIG flaw in you have already said I know you, we go back some and I have seen what you can do when you really put your mind to it but you have never come up against anyone like me, I may be old, and crippled and have a drink problem but I don’t give a f**k.....I don’t care about titles or Jones or anyone in this god damn place, yes losing to Woods hurt me and I know if I had won I wouldn’t be here talking to you I would be banging heads with my old friend Keith looking to liberate him from that belt around his waist or I would be f**king Joshua’s puppets in front of him to get inside that simple mind of his so I could f**k my lady with his belt over my shoulder but I didn’t win and that put me on the road to Jack Daniels-ville and damn it it’s a nice little town to stay in for awhile, so you see Engel, I don’t need you to bring me to a promise land to drink your Jesus juice to get where I want to be.......because I am already there not giving a sh*t and skull f**king morons with Bettsie

Dicey drops the mic at Engels feet and blows snot out of both nostrils

President Trump

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by x12x Wed 09 Mar 2016, 8:23 pm

As Leone waits in the ring staring at the entrance ramp the mood in the arena changes and boo's ring around the arena causing Leone to back from the ring, suddenly the boo's hit a new high as a voice is heard from behind Leone

All hail the usurper...

Leone spins around, causing the camera to pan out revealing Liam Wood stood tall in the ring having come through the crowd. Wood smirks at Leone, the mic back down at his waist as the camera focuses on his Keith Leone t-shirt underneath a black denim World Eater cutoff. Wood removes the cutoff to reveal that the Keith Leone t-shirt has spray painted X's on the eyes of Leone and the word “pretender” sprayed underneath. The crowd's boos slowly die down until cheers once again start up. Clearly demonstrating the tension in the ring as Leone and Wood stare each other down. Wood remains paused for a moment longer before speaking, both men's eyes locked on each other.

Keith, you walk around here like you're the king of this damn place but I'll tell you what...I'm happy for you to be king...I'm happy for you to play that role because I am much more than a see, kingdoms...they are set up to be conquered...their power only lasts so long and that is where I come in... see, while you're happy sitting on the throne and playing king...I'm ready to walk in and conquer everything you thought was yours because that's who I am...I'm conquerer, I'm Attila, I'm Ghengis...I'm the Kingslayer and I plan to tear your head off and parade it through the streets as I take back what's feel disrespected...good...I have no respect for you, I have only contempt because you still upon a throne of lies...unaware of your fate but at Day Of's time to accept it and move on. The reign of King Leone is's dusted and it will be buried 6 feet below.

Wood smirks before continuing

Tell me this Keith...why should I respect you after you have decided to talk out of turn...after you let my name fall from your mouth without my doesn't matter if you have that wouldn't matter if you had EVERY damn title because when it comes down to it...I am above're a relic of days gone by who's reign is living on borrowed're a pretender playing world champion with somebody elses property...simply put're a joke who just doesn't realise that he's the punch line... want to talk about me being mediocre then lets do that because all I see is a mediocre champion who's “big” title win wasn't even the biggest talking point about the last PPV...when people talk New Dawn they talk about Liam Wood beating the living hell out of Dicey Reilly because what you're looking at is the face of this damn company...

Wood lowers the microphone for a second and begins to pace around Leone who continues to stare at his future opponent, Wood takes a second before talking as he paces.

Wood: can talk wins and losses but it doesn't matter the fact is that you may have ended New Dawn but MY match was the main event, my match was the one that people paid to see because I am the main doesn't matter if I open or close a show...I'm the money maker...these fans might hate me but they can't deny they'll pay to see me time and time again...

...So Keith, pay a bit more respect when you speak about me because if I decided to walk out that would be it...6CW would be forced to cut jobs because ticket sales would plummit...PPV buys would hit an all time low because look at the trash the fans would have to put up with...without me you're stuck watching a moron in a cape fight Lurch from the Addams Family...without me who would you face that the fans would care about?! Instead of threatening me you should be bowing at my feet and handing me back MY property...

Wood lowers the microphone again as the boo's are louder than ever before causing him to laugh to himself, as the boo's die down Wood speaks again

...I get that you don't have the dignity to do that so I'm going to take that title back by force and I know that you can't stop me because you have no pride in talk a big game but when it comes to're stuck in the mud not willing to push yourself as long as you get that status symbol over your think you're really challenging 6CW but you're just as lame as the other fakes who held MY title...

...You walked out here and you talked about the Gateway To Glory and how you were interested in seeing who would win and that is see I have a different plan...I plan to make history because I am not about letting other people walk in MY way.

Wood stops pacing near the turnbuckle and lifts himself up, sitting above the ring and staring at Leone as he speaks

...because while you're happy to sit back and watch I am going to not only take away that title from you and bring it home...I'm going to take it in to the Gateway To Glory, I'm going to eliminate the 29 other jokes that decide to enter and I am going to take MY title to Night Of Glory and unify it with the 6CW Title...

HA: These are strong words from Liam Wood...

HE: Well with his recent personality change if anyone can do it he can!

...and when I unify the titles we can scrap the 6CW title for good because with me as the EWF Champion nothing else matters...and it doesn't matter who I have to beat be it an overgrown version of the Girl from the ring or my old sidekick because Night Of Glory is MY night...from now on every PPV is MY night because this is MY sit on your throne and let the world move around you but soon it will be too late and the kingdom you thought was so strong will crumble around you until you are nothing but the king of ash and as you look up at the mountain and realise it's all'll see the man who made it all happen...

...The King Slayer...
...The Conquerer...

...The World Eater Liam Wood.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Electric Demon Wed 09 Mar 2016, 11:02 pm

The opening riff of “They Say” by Scars on Broadway buzzes around the arena and the harmony of the fans is torn in two as a reactionary cheer by some is overwhelmed by a loud booing from the majority. A red mist begins to descend around the stage, but before it even settles Cassius Zhi strides out onto the stage looking angered with a green tea in hand.

Cassius : Cut my music!

Zhi takes a huge gulp of his tea and immediately discards the cup, sending it sliding across the steel behind him with a flick, spraying its remaining contents.

Fans : 6C-DUB! 6C-DUB! 6C-DUB!

Cassius : SHUT UP!


Cassius aggressively rubs his chin and carries on regardless

Cassius : Shut up and listen! And that goes not just for all of you, but to those in the back too.

Cassius turns his back to the crowd and stares through the curtain, pointing.

Cassius : Shut up and listen because this is your final chance to prepare for what is to become of you.

For the 6CW fans in attendance that is absolution. For the 6CW roster… obsolescence!

Cassius turns back and stares angrily out into the crowd

Cassius : I have received no official confirmation that I will be a participant in this year’s Gateway to Glory, but believe me 6CW, whether I am the victim of protectionism or just sheer petulance right now, on Monday March 21st I will be there! The only difference is whether I have to eliminate 29 men or 30! It doesn’t matter which it is - on Monday March 21st I will step foot in a 6CW ring for the first time. And on that night I will guarantee that the second time that I step into a 6CW ring will be to compete for the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship!


Cassius smiles to himself then turns his head to look into the crowd on the other side of him

Cassius : I’ve heard all the predictions of a fairytale ending to Gateway to Glory… but I told you last week, the fairytales are over 6CW. You may convince yourselves that the planets have already aligned, that the winner’s name is already written in the stars – but what happened last week when I arrived was a god-damn meteor tearing through your universe, shattering those conspiring constellations like glass, and if any of those men who come to share the ring with me at Day of Reckoning should find themselves looking up at the skies believing that same crap, looking for their name in lights, then they are just opening  themselves up to having their throats slashed by one of those scattered shards.

Henry Lloyd : Good God!

Cassius seethes as he continues to eyeball the crowd, then looks down the ramp towards the ring.

Cassius : I am not messing around. I am here to become 6CW World Heavyweight Champion.

Cassius allows himself a moment to continue looking at the ring in front of him.

Cassius : I am certainly not here to fight for the memory of 6WF.

Cassius cracks his neck and diverts his attention from the ring

Cassius : Yet Robin Reborn felt the need to come out here last week to express his lack of care for 6WF.

Cassius looks directly into the camera that is trained on him

Cassius : Do you think that’s what I care about Robin?

Cassius laughs dismissively

Cassius : I had already transcended 6WF long before you had even heard this of this industry Robin. It was just one god damn brick in this Great Wall you see before you. I couldn’t care less about 6WF! And that is what sets me apart from every other competitor in this year’s Gateway to Glory match – I’m not interested in lost causes!


Cassius slowly paces the spot and turns his back on the crowd once more, talking to the back again.

Cassius : But Robin Reborn wasn’t the only one to take notice of my arrival was he….

…. Jessica.

Cassius smiles sadistically

Cassius : No no no no no…. 6CW management may have neglected to, but not you Jessica.

Because unlike them… unlike these (he points to the fans behind him)… you know what it is like to dine at the table with an emperor. And how it must now hurt you to have to chow down with the paupers.

Cassius turns to the crowd once more, looking mock pitiful

Cassius : You will all feel the same in time too. You just don’t realise it yet.

Like Jessica, you have been forced to feast on failures and fabrications for so long that you have forgotten what is truly possible!

Cassius begins to work himself up into a frenzy, pointing aggressively into the crowd.

Cassius : And Gateway to Glory is the most gluttonous gorge on this grotesqueness of them all.

29 MEN!

But fear not, 6CW. Because I am here to put a stop to your crazied consumption of crap. And I am here to ram my finger so hard down your throat that you purge. With each elimination, over and over again YOU WILL PURGE! Until I have emptied that ring like the contents of your stomach – all of them a mere waste product pooled upon this floor for you to wade through on your hands and knees, to lay your thanks at the feet of your future 6CW World Heavyweight Champion, like the toilet bowl of your soul, for making you look good again!


Cassius throws his mic down and stares sadistically into the crowd

Electric Demon

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Engel Harlequin Thu 10 Mar 2016, 1:01 am

*Engel shakes his head wiping away snot from his T-shirt, he kneels down and picks up the microphone, staring at Dicey as he does as if knowing what he is capable of. He stands up and wanders into a corner as the crowd chant*


*Engel falls back into a seated position in the corner slow clapping and laughing*

EH: Oh Dicey, have you truly fallen this far? To underestimate someone such as me is one thing, but to delude yourself so much that this mask will drive you on, that this mask will hide the truth and suffocate the suffering inside you?

*Engel tosses the Microphone between his hands playing with it, smiling*

EH: Do you remember Joe Fraiser? Oh yes, Joey boy, my first "subject", my first instrument of chaos, do you remember what I did to him? No matter what he did to me I kept coming back, Remember New Dawn? No you probably don't because Liam Wood ended whatever recall you had left when he sent you crashing down 50 stairs. So here's a little recap, Cerberus beat the living hell out of me, set me on fire, broke my body...but nothing he could do would stop me coming would stop me fighting...

*Engel pulls himself up from the corner and stairs dead into Dicey's Eyes*

EH: I do not need you Dicey, but you and I both know you long for this, there's a fire hidden inside you that is intrigued by what I have become, that wishes he knew where this was heading. Thats why you agreed to this match, you don't care about the Extreme title, you care about where this encounter ends. You stare into the flames of your own self sacrifice hypnotised, blank, an open canvass waiting to be drawn upon.

*Engel taps his own head with his finger several times smiling*

EH: I'm inside that little head of yours, that's why you kept looking confused at me in the Three headed c**k...hmmm is it all coming back? You thought I was your imagination...Thats why you woke up in a ball pit chasing clowns and terrorizing children...I'M INSIDE THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS AND THERE IS NOT A DAMN THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

*Engel delves into his pocket and pulls out wood chippings from his pocket and throws them at the feet of Dicey*

EH: See what you made me do Dicey? Mr. Bat would have had so much fun being reacquainted with Betsie, but like Theresa I had to cut out the dead wood, I had to prove to you that I need nothing. You underestimate what I know of you...what pain you will inflict upon me. But it won't be enough Dicey, I am the Architect of your rebirth, I am the Anarchy that you shall be born into, I am the chaos that walks among you, I am the truth that you must see.

*Engel again walks over to Dicey and stares blankly*

EH: OPEN YOUR EYES...tomorrow may be too late. YOU ARE DICEY F***KING REILLY BUT THAT LOOK IN YOUR EYES RIGHT NOW DOESN'T SHOW IT. IT SHOWS FEAR, BECAUSE YOU KNOW HOW FAR I WILL GO. You wake to his face, you wear it so well, do you dare to walk into the furnace and burn it off? Do not fear the alternative, for on the road to reckoning before our hour of glory...the sacrifices will be great.

*Engel passes the microphone to dicey, a look of sadness etched across his face*

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by x12x Thu 10 Mar 2016, 9:19 am

As we join the live feed of the 6CW Arena we see various 6CW staff members dressing the ring, in the background we see a confused looking pairing of The Lloyd Brothers. Suddenly the arena comes to life as “Smooth” by Santana blasts from the speakers and The Self Proclaimed Mayor Of Sleaze City Brandon Perez bursts out on to the stage wearing a full union jack suit.

HE: I should have known this chump had something to do with this...

HA: Can you just have fun for once in your life...look on the bright side...Brandon has trousers on...

HE: ...and yet his dress sense is still offensive!

As Brandon stands on the stage he gyrates his hips, spinning around and adjusting his suit before confidently walking down to the ring. As Perez reaches the ringside area he takes the steps, wiping his shoes on the apron before entering the ring which has now been kitted out in various British themed items. Perez takes a microphone and walks around the ring, as he does the camera focuses on some of the things in the ring including a long sofa, a coffee table including a framed picture of the Queen and cake stand and a british flag, Perez takes a second before speaking.

Ladies and gentlemen of this fine, fine nation...I am here to thank you for adopting me as one of your own and allowing me to have a chance to become the champion of this place that we have the honour of calling home...that though, is not my only reason for coming out here... because in under two weeks time I will fly back home to represent my new nation as I face off against five other men to claim the United Kingdom Title...a goal that I have set myself for a long time and something I have made sacrifices for!

Perez lowers the microphone as the fans begin to chat his name causing him to salute them causing both Harold and Henry to look even more confused

This is something that I know will be a challenge but I believe that with this nation behind me and my home nation cheering me on...I will have the world behind me...I will be able to become the champion of the United Kingdom!

The cheers around the arena get louder causing Perez to smile and once again awkwardly salute before he speaks around

I believe though that right now I have said enough...I think everyone can see the pride I would have to become the champion but I also think it is important that every man enters this match with no hated for each other so that we can give the fans exactly what they I have set up this...the first ever Perez Intervention for the UK Title buddies...we have everything that you fine British folk like...

Brandon invites the cameraman in to the ring and points at the coffee table

We have a selection of English snacks and come on down guys!

Perez remains stood in the ring before his eyes widen and he speaks one last time

Actually...I'm doing it all wrong...last night I met a charming young man called Edward who was looking for his friend Mandy and he taught me all about “Bantz” and the correct way to invite people let me give this a try...



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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by TwisT Thu 10 Mar 2016, 3:52 pm

As Adamson walks off laughing to himself, we see Anthony Grace appear from the side. Grace beams a smile that lights up the corridor and nearly blinds Adamson.

AG: Those were BOLD statements my friend! You have been drinking from the beaker of BELIEF obviously!

Grace laughs and adjusts his suit slightly.

AG: I know your aspirations are HIGH and MIGHTY. And I have no doubt you can win from numero uno. And BELIEVE me when I say I will be there helping you every step of the way. Removing those obstacles that stand against you as only a good team mate should. We ride together and we die together. Megastars for LIFE!

Adamson looks confused as Grace punches to the sky. He composes himself and then looks at Adamson seriously.

AG: Obviously everyone on the roster BELIEVES you are the best placed man to make that number one ticket count. Who else could RISE against the odds and make the IMPOSSIBLE seem POSSIBLE. No one could imagine a situation where you would be eliminated early……..could they?

He smiles again and holds his stare, before tapping Max on the shoulder joyfully.

AG: But before all that we have the small matter of becoming World tag team champions of the 6CW World in the World……or something like that. It is an occasion of great importance. Not only to walk out of there as champions elect but also as guardians of the 6CW way. Protectors of the faith that stood up to the TYRANNY of the Forgotten. Men that will be rewarded with the APPRECIATION of the crowd ringing in our ears as we head to Night of Glory………….

Grace has turned his head and looks away into the distance as if imagining this all happening. He then turns back to Max and smiles.

AG: I BELIEVE we have a date with destiny do we not?

He slaps Adamson on the shoulder again and then walks off down the corridor. Suddenly his phone rings and Grace answers it.

AG: Hello? Ah yes, did it work? Brilliant! Now make sure you copyright that phrase because it is going to go viral in under an hour! I want it plastered all around New Jersey and beyond! And remember......if anyone but my associates use the phrase then I get 50% of any revenue generated. Got it?

Grace snaps the phone shut and smirks, before walking out of shot.


The crowd in the MetLife stadium have just watched Adamson’s interview on the big screen, when “Amazing Grace” blares out around the building. The fans cheer loudly as Anthony Grace appears on the stage in his all white suit. He salutes the fans and smiles broadly. Grace then makes his way down to the ring; slapping the fans hands, writing autographs and having his picture taken.

HA: A man of the people! Anthony Grace has long put personal glory on hold in what has sometimes been a singular fight fought by The Megastars against the Forgotten.

HE: He has certainly come a long way. All of these fans are fully behind him in his lost cause!

Grace finally gets to the ring as the music dies down. He adjusts his cheek microphone and calls out to the fans.

AG: What a welcome. WHAT A WELCOME! The people of my country never disappoint! MetLife is the HIGH LIFE!

He smiles broadly as the crowd pop at this.

AG: Now I am not going to divide opinion and tell you whether I am a GIANTS or JETS fan………

He laughs as there are some mock boos and cheers from the fans.

AG: But what I will say that The Megastars have stood as tall as Giants and have flown high as Jets – all so you guys get the best damn entertainment this state has ever seen!

Again the fans pop and Grace starts to pace the ring.

AG: But BELIEF only goes so far……because there are times when you have to PROVE it. The last show provided an opportunity that Max and I couldn’t take. But it has led to this AMAZING match to be created where NO ONE will be in any doubt about who should face those Forgotten frauds at Night of Glory!

Grace chuckles to himself and continues.

AG: Another fraud team we will face is Dopant Zero. Our friends from the Far East who dishonour their forefathers with such a tragic showing. Whereas I open my arms wide to those from a foreign nation, I CANNOT welcome those whose ethic is more in line with the plague we are trying to REMOVE from these shores! A match between Dopant Zero and The Forgotten would mean all our hard work has gained NOTHING! The Megastars simply will not allow that to happen!
He takes a moment and then looks at the canvas.

AG: And then there is the small matter of the Hill of Steel……..

He looks to the stage as the fans cheer.

AG: Now I have heard what Mr. Steel has had to say and I am in no doubt of his focus to finish the job. But what he and Mr. Hill needs to understand is that The Megastars LIVE for the big occasions. Events such as Day of Reckoning where we show our TRUE calibre. Where Mr. Grace and Mr. Adamson become Mr. PPV! Guys that YOU pay to watch and WANT to win! This isn’t simply for a chance to become champions of the World…….but to become champions of YOUR World. A 6CW tag team that you finally feel proud of. A 6CW team that you know won’t let you down. And a 6CW team that you cheer to the rafter’s night, after night, after NIGHT!

He gazes across the crowd and looks solemn.

AG: And I am afraid you cannot trust that BIG responsibility to a team who, through no fault of their own, would let you down……..

Grace face beams into a smile again.

AG: So it is clear what needs to happen! You good people need to support not just the STARS of the show, but the MEGASTARS!

The fans react positively as Grace nods his head in approval. He adjusts his suit and gazes around the stadium.

AG: Of course we also have the Gateway to Glory match! Which I came so close to winning on my debut last year! We won’t mention the manner of my elimination however……..

He laughs to himself and coughs.

AG: Although I see myself as a contender to win, I also see the BIG picture! The FEEL GOOD picture! A match where we can showcase the best of 6CW and the worst of The Forgotten. Let us rejoice in the POWER of this place! Let us FORGET the evils off the past year! And let us remember…….come Gateway to Glory………this important phrase……………

The arena screen comes to show the message “#AnyoneButForgotten”. Grace addresses the audience at this point.

AG: Read it out loud……..Tweet it……Let it spread all over social media…….Make sure that the whole Internet knows that WE accept any winner BUT someone from The Forgotten…….SPREAD IT FAR AND WIDE NOW!!!

The fans get out their mobile phones and start sending the message out across Facebook and Twitter. Some take pictures of the arena screen and post it on Instagram. Grace checks his phone as well and smiles broadly when it goes off continuously.

AG: YES…….YES! The message has taken flight! Now the following will BUILD as we get close to the PPV! Witness the POWER of the PEOPLE. They WILL be heard. They WILL be fought for. And they WILL make sure that it is ANYONE BUT FORGOTTEN!!!

He raises both hands in the air; one of which still holding his mobile phone, as the fans cheer loudly around him.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Man Mountain Mike Thu 10 Mar 2016, 8:14 pm

HA: Folks welcome back to the 6CW Day of Reckoning LIVE Kick off show, its been a great show so far and the fans are packing into the Metlife arena, New Jersey.

HE: Thats right, and the big question going into Day of Reckoning is who will walk away winner of the Gateway to glory?

*The short fat figure of Saul Raymondson walks onto the stage wearing a suit jacket and shirt, a Kilt covering his bottom half and a Sporran. He is holding a microphone. The crowd begin to sing a chorus of Boo's. Saul adjusts his suit jacket and smugly raises the Microphone to his Mouth*

SR: LADIES AND GENTLE...WAIT A MINUTE WE ARE IN NEW JERSEY...NEVER MIND(crowd Boo) MY NAME...IS SAUL RAYMONDSON, And tonight is the Day of Reckoning. My client is here tonight and I can confirm he will be COMPETING in the Gateway to Glory (crowd Boo). You don't seem best pleased about that? Is it because your "superhero" THUNDER does not stand a chance against my Man Mountain? (crowd Boo) Is it because not one man in the Gateway to Glory will be physically able to eliminate my client? (Crowd boo again) Man Mountain Mike will crush all your hopes and dreams and there is not a damn thing any of you fat lazy idiots can do about it.


*Saul swaggers down to the ring, stomping up the ring steps and enters through the ropes before holding the microphone to his lips once again*


*The crowd fill the arena with Boo's as 'Celtic Rock' plays and the large figure of Man Mountain Mike walks onto the stage holding a large box. Mike huffs and puffs angrily towards the fans. As his pyro's go off on the stage, Mike raises his hands and growls loudly, the box falls to the ground and breaks into two revealing the contents. A swan panics as the Pyro's explode and runs from the box and Man Mountain Mike. Saul puts his hands on his face open mouthed, mouthing "NO" as Mike charges after the swan, his music cutting out*

MMM: Git 'ere ya faching bird.

*Saul continues to mouth "I told you" as Man Mountain Mike chases the swan around the ring. The swan runs up the steel steps and into the ring, focussing on the Sporran of Saul, charging towards him as he cowers in the corner*


*Mike storms up the ring steps and into the ring over the ropes. He heads over to Saul and the swan and grabs the mic from Saul who looks at Mike in shock*

MMM: HAHAHA, Yer foun' ma friend then Saul. Donnae worry 'e like's yer shiny thing tha's all. Now, before ah explain why ma' Swan is 'ere, let me just say wha' ah gotta say aboot tha Gateway to Glory. Yer see, ah am Man Mountain Mike...ah made ma name tossin' tha Caber, ah will have nae problem throwin' all ya wee little men over tha' top rope and winnin' the Gateway to Glory.

*Crowd Boo as Man Mountain Mike taunts them. The swan sits in front of Saul and Hisses every time he moves*

MMM: Naaa, tha swan. Yer see, ah have ambition, ah have the ambition ta see tha tha 6CW UK Title is nae bein' handled in the best interests o' ma country, ah am the most dominant force in the UK. Aaron Heath couldnae even hold the title for one nigh'an na ya got this 'ere Time attack match...Ah wager tha' this ere swan 'as more chance in tha' match than yoooo...ah wager in fact tha thes 'ere Swan will last longer in tha Gateway to Glory than yooooo...You have yer faith in God...well God created the Man Mountain...and when yer done dancin' yer lil dance at Day of Reckoning, ah will prove tha' ah am the only man worthy of holding tha there UK title, an ah'll start with ye wee man.

*Saul kicks at the Swan which immediately retaliates with its wings swinging at him wildly. Mike shakes his head and grabs the Swan but throws him down as it begins pooing all over the ring*

HE: HAHA Poo flying everywhere...

HA: This is embarassing, someone needs to clean this up.

*Man Mountain attempts to grab the swan as ring crew rush down to the ring with cleaning equipment, Saul looking on in absolute embarassment*

Man Mountain Mike
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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 10 Mar 2016, 9:02 pm

*Timothy Allen is backstage standing in a suit, a big smile and a microphone in hand. 

TA: I stand here ready to introduce a man who has seen in big moments at both Day of Reckoning and Night of Glory before...and returns to the path that has brought him his finest memories. The Red Arrows may have moved apart, but tonight they come back together. Jack Hurst joins me...

*In walks Hurst. He smiles and shakes Allen's hand. 

JH: Day of Reckoning...this place just keeps upping the stakes! We can't help turn it up a notch every time. Even with the boss of this place running things down, there is just too much talent here; we turn up and nail it each show and every pay per view.

TA: And tonight you've gone back to basics; the return of the Red Arrows.

*Hurst scratches his head and smiles

JH: Well, we've come together to finish a pest. This isn't the renewal of an old partnership, it's a high school reunion. Temporary, a glimpse; we're here to show that that kind of class is permanent. 

TA: Well, you might say that Jack, but is it Robin's reluctance that has taken away your positivity on this?

JH: I dont want to be a tag team forever.

TA: Robin doesn't want to be a tag team tonight

*Hurst's smile doesn't sit comfortably on his face as he tries to bounce the tone of the statement off him

JH: Well, Robin and I have the Gateway to Glory to think about too but we have proved for more than a year that we have an unrivalled understanding in the ring.

TA: But does Robin want to be by your side tonight?

JH: We remain friends, regardless of personal ambition. So we have a common bond here tonight. To punish these fools for poking the bear, to show them that you do not awaken Smaug, to put their arrogance to bed.

TA: And you are on the same page?

*Hurst sighs and gives Allen an annoyed glare

JH: For goodness sake, Timothy. This isn't Heat magazine, I'm not in Big Brother, there is no story here!

*With that Hurst walks away

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Steel Fri 11 Mar 2016, 10:08 am

As Grace remains in the ring with his phone in hand, Last Resort booms out over the speakers and the crowd erupt clambering to their feet for the arrival of Geoff Steel.

HA: Here comes a man who might not believe the Megastars are the best placed team to dethrone the champs

HE: Neither of these teams deserve to be champs, they talk like its a given they will beat the forgotten

Steel walks out onto the stage and applauds the crowd for their reception, he then stares at Grace in the ring and shakes his head with a frown on his face. Steel then makes his way to ringside tagging hands with the fans as he passes, he collects a microphone from ringside before climbing up into the ring to face Grace. Steel holds him hand out as if going for the handshake with Grace before quickly deciding against the idea. He then lifts the microphone to his mouth and beginning to address Grace.

GS: So I'm sat in the back Ant listening to you out here entertaining these fans, I must admit even I found it moderately amusing I can see why these fans appreciate you. I'll apologise now to any fans that might have thought I've come out here to join in the party atmosphere because that's not the case. See Ant when you start suggesting that in some way we would let these fans down if we were champions we start to have a problem. You can't see the future mate as much as yourself and Max have proclaimed you have seen yourselves with the tag team gold I have to inform you they are nothing but distant dreams. Normally I'd like nothing more than making somebody else's dreams come true but yours is one that I'm going to stand in the way of.

HA: Well there goes any sort of collaboration we might have seen between these two teams at Day Of Reckoning.

GS: Your right though Ant at the PPV it will all be about business, both our teams have earned the right to be there and whilst we might have a common enemy in the Forgotten and Dopant Zero at Day Of Reckoning I also consider you an enemy standing between myself and Mike on the road to becoming tag team champions, so as much as I might respect what you stand for that won't stop me from pinning you in this ring again, I'm not holding anything back and I'm willing to do whatever it takes Ant, the same way I'm willing to do whatever it is when we are champions to make these people proud, for you to suggest otherwise just shows how much you don't know about what you are up against.

HE: Dopant Zero will be enjoying this very much, these idiots are playing right into their hands.

GS: As for the Gateway to Glory I agree we need to do whatever it takes to ensure not a single member of the Forgotten has the opportunity to win that match, heck I'll even help you toss out as many as we can its what's best for 6CW. Once the Forgotten have been eliminated however in my book all friendships and allegiances are called off and it becomes about the singular, so it's nothing personal Ant if I throw you over the top rope along with the Forgotten.

Steel smiles and lowers the microphone not breaking eye contact with Grace as the fans can be heard cheering


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Thunder87 Fri 11 Mar 2016, 8:48 pm

The feed fades to static. When the static clears Thunder, is sitting in an office swivel chair with his back to the camera. The chair swivels on the spot and sat on Thunder’s lap is a puppy plush toy. Thunder strokes it while looking towards the camera menacingly.

Phillip, Armstrong, hello again. I know, saying it once wasn’t enough for you two so, for what happens next, you have one man to blame…Michael Jones.

The scene fades back to static, when the static clears, the video feed has change to a clearly old video recorded on a cheap camera. The scene is now on the screen, is now in someone’s living room. On the floor a mattress has been thrown in the centre of the room. A tall thin man, in a bathrobe stands on the mattress.

Tall Man
Welcome, to Front Room Wrestling. My name is Dave Jones and I run this bitch! Last month at our joint promotion with the joke that is Hereford Wrestling Federation, I humiliated it’s own when he dared to step in here….

Just then a loud bang comes from outside the room. The sound of several men crashing into the room can be heard. Fear can be seen on the face of Dave. The camera pans around to show several lads entering the room, each one wearing a tshirt with the letters HWF on the front. A younger Thunder walks into shot, in front of the rest.

Last month you invited the HWF and EGW to join FRW for a one night only pay per view, Liam Wood had the brains to tell you no, I believed in giving people a chance. My boys had prior commitments and you took that chance to humiliate me. But, you took it too far, even your own hardcore boys didn’t like your actions and were kind enough to let us in tonight. Now, you humiliated me completely and I want pay back but, I’m an honourable man so, I will give you a fighting chance, I want a lumber jack match, you and me tonight, my boys and your boys as lumber jacks.

And if I refuse?

I hope you do, refusing to face me would throw any respect your boys have for you out the window.

Do I have time to change in to my gear?

Please do, I don’t particularly want to wrestle a guy in his underpants.

The scene fades and returns to later in the evening. The HWF and FRW guys surround the mattress that makes up the ring. Dave enters to the sounds of Eye of the Tiger playing in the background. Thunder enters to In The End by Linkin Park. The two step to each other on the mattress. Thunder makes the first move blasting Dave with a solid right. Dave Half turns away from Thunder, who follows up by driving his knee in to Dave’s side. Thunder runs towards his guys, who push him back towards Dave with force. Thunder charges into Dave with a spear driving him into the mattress.

Thunder urges Dave back to his feet, the camera picks up Dave put something in his mouth. As he rises he spits green food colouring in Thunder’s face limiting his vision and colouring his face. Dave takes the advantage and lifts Thunder into the air, he brings him down for an awkward suplex, landing Thunder on his neck. Dave pulls Thunder half up and drives his fist in to Thunder’s forehead.

Dave takes a moment to taunt the HWF guys, taking his eye’s off the boy that will become the Oncoming Storm. Thunder kicks Dave’s legs from under him, Dave falls to the mattress, Thunder gets back to his feet and heads towards one of the tall HWF guys. The HWF guy kneels, Thunder climbs up on to his shoulders and leaps off nailing a big frog splash, driving the air from Dave as he lands.

Thunder walks towards the FRW guys, they push him back into the “ring,” Thunder looks at them unsure. Dave, climbs up Thunder’s leg, Dave drives his arm up the inner thigh of Thunder crushing his balls with his arms. Thunder crumples, Dave gets back to his feet, he kicks Thunder in the balls and follows up with another hard kick to the man bits.

Dave steps up to his guys, expecting them to let him pass so, he can get a weapon. Instead they shake their heads and turn their back to him.

What the Frak is this?

Thunder laughs

Consider us even, you humiliated me, I’ve shown your friends, your true self.

Dave pushes his way past the FRW guys but, is elbowed by the biggest guy, knocking him back down to the mattress. With the pain in his man bits subsiding, Thunder gets to his feet. He walks towards the FRW crew, they part like the red sea, allowing Thunder to leave the ring. When he returns, he brings with him a selection of weapons.

Thunder takes a florescent tube from the rubbish bin he brought with him. He steps towards a cowering Dave and offers him the tube. A confused Dave snatches it and gets to his feet. Thunder backs up towards the HWF guys and kneels before, one of them, Gareth Harrison, that we were introduced to in the previous Thunder video. As Dave swings with tube, Harrison, catches it and turns the tables smashing the tube around Dave’s head.

The glass shattered and Dave turns, Thunder pushes the advantage, scoop slamming Dave straight on to the rubbish bin. Thunder leaps on the spot and drops a leg across the neck of Dave and he slumps over the bin. Thunder stands over him, looking down with malice. He drags Dave to his feet and wraps his arm over Dave’s shoulder. Thunder lifts him in the air and drives him back into the bin with a rock bottom. Thunder drags him off the bin, he drops over him. One of the FRW guys drops to a knee and count’s…1…2…3.

As Thunder rises, the FRW guy raises his arm in the air, to a round of applause from both sets of guys. The FRW and HWF guys begin to leave, leaving Thunder standing victorious over the fallen Dave who had weeks ago humiliated him. Thunder walks towards the camera.

I’m taking the tape

A click is heard and the feed drops back to static. When the static fades, the scene returns to Thunder in the swivel chair with the stuff toy. Thunder strokes it menacingly.

If I’m willing to go to those lengths to show up a guy who embarrassed me, how far will I go against two puppets in order to advance to taking on a monster who terrorises the my friends?

Thunder swivels back around so, his back is to the camera once more.

The scene turns back to static.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

((OOC: not quite as legit as the previous but, what did happen in real life was I went to the event that was offered to me as a joint promotion and nothing that I was promised happened, they took the chance to really humiliate me by spitting food colouring in my face, this is the pay back I always wanted))


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Guest Sat 12 Mar 2016, 4:34 pm

Keith Leone stares at Liam Wood on the turnbuckle, a look of slight bewilderment on his face. For a while there is no movement, as Leone attempts to figure out his next move, before he simply begins to clap his hands at Wood, who looks back at Leone unimpressed. Leone takes a step towards Wood, as the crowd start to cheer as they expect a fight, but he then stops and begins to speak.

Leone: I’ll give you one thing Liam, you sure are unpredictable. Everyone who is affiliated with this company knows that you have your head up your backside, but I don’t think anyone had any idea it was so far up there. I mean for god’s sake, you literally want to put yourself up on a pedestal to show your dominance over others, when in actual fact you are far below the rest of us “commoners”. Right now Liam, you are the hot topic in 6CW, and there are a number of people who quite understandably believe that you will be the next EWF World Champion, because why shouldn’t they? You beat Dicey Reilly, you’ve made some powerful friends, you’ve shown a side of you that has never been seen before, and it’s working for you. The problem is that you are a rising star, not the god you think you are.

Leone starts to pace up and down the ring, making sure to keep one hand firmly on the EWF Title over his shoulder, drawing Wood’s attention to it.

Leone: I have seen men like you before, men who believed they had a right to be the top of the food chain. Jackson Black, Michael Sweetwater, Zack Corchia; these were all men who had the skills to become the face of 6CW, and yet all men who never quite made it. It wasn’t necessarily because they were too cocky, or face a roadblock that they couldn’t overcome, it was just that fate decided that they would never achieve their ultimate goal. That’s what you need to understand Liam, there are so many things that stand in the way of you achieving greatness, and most of them you don’t even comprehend. That’s why building yourself a mantle to stand on is such a dangerous idea in this sport, as you never know when, or indeed how, you will come tumbling down from it.

The crowd once again cheer loudly as now Leone has a smile on his face as he looks up at Wood, who still gives Leone a cold stare.

Leone: One thing I can say though, is that I am very good at getting rid of men in high places. If you want to ask someone with experience of that, why don’t you run to the back and go and ask Lex Hart about it. He had an army at his back, ready to kill 6CW and start it anew in his vision along with Alex Walker, and I stopped them in their tracks. They didn’t even see it coming, because they assumed every time they knocked me down, I’d stay there, but that just wasn’t the case. Then you look at the other men who have taken me on and fallen; Geoff Steel, Vincent Costello, Crime Lord, Blue Dragon. So many greats have fought with me and each and every one met with the same fate. That is why I sit on my so called throne, because I have proven time and time again that I am the benchmark in this business, and that’s why after your gone there will be more men who come after me. Because they all think themselves kingslayer’s like you, not realising that they can only give themselves that title once they’ve actually taken down a king.

Leone snarls slightly at Wood, and the two men lock eyes once again, as Leone now has completely stopped moving and has allowed the atmosphere in the arena to get more unpredictable.

Leone: But enough of all of this. Since I first set foot in a wrestling ring, I have always been told that you are only as good as your last match. That’s why defeating those men meant so much to me, because I was able to beat them whilst they were at the top of their game, and it elevated me further. I crave that kind of competition, I need to keep beating the best, so that I can remain the best of the best. Right now Liam, you are the best, but not in this form. Not with this arrogance and need to be a god, I need to fight the Liam Wood that went down to Dicey Reilly’s own level and beat him. I need to fight the tough S.O.B. Liam Wood that wasn’t given respect in the locker room, but took it with both hands. This man sitting in front of me, he’s a waste of my time, and although it will be very satisfying to rearrange his facial features at Day of Reckoning, it will hardly be an accomplishment. So Liam, are you going to bring your A-Game at Day of Reckoning, and help put on one of the greatest matches in 6CW history, or are you going to come like this, and get the beating of a lifetime at my hands.

The crowd cheer as Keith Leone stays in position, holding his EWF World Title proudly over his shoulder, waiting for Liam Wood to make the next move.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by x12x Sat 12 Mar 2016, 8:13 pm

Wood remains sat on the turnbuckle, smirking across the ring at Leone. The men continue to lock eyes on each other before Wood lifts the microphone to his lips an replies

...and there you go again Keith, time and time again you make the same mistake that Dicey did...the same mistake that Masters made when he tried to take MY spot in this all tell me you've seen guys like me and in your head that causes you to prepare to fight someone like them but the fact of the matter of it all is this...there is nobody like me...I am the new breed...I'm the Elite of the Elite and I am not a copy of some relic of a by gone time... see, Masters went in ready to fight the old me...Dicey went in ready to fight the OLD me and now you're going to try and treat me like one of those losers you named? You're setting yourself up for defeat because minutes in to our match you are going to realise that I am not like anyone you have faced before...I am a whole new side of hell that you have not been dragged through yet and you will simply not handle what I bring at Day Of Reckoning!

Wood smirks again, laughing to himself

When our match is over you will give me the respect that I deserve...not only do you compare me to bums, not only do you act like you know down play what I have say I beat Dicey Reilly...pathetic...I mauled him, I tore him apart limb by limb and I left him in his own blood...I stopped Dicey Reilly and put a fear in him so bad that he probably see's my face in his deepest darkest nightmares...

Wood drops down, walking up to Leone as the pair square off causing the fans to get on their feet willing Leone to put Wood in his place

...because I can do that to a matter how much he hurts me I stay matter how much blood I lose my heart still beats stronger than theirs and it doesn't matter if hit me with your best's just not going to be good enough. So enjoy “rearranging my features” because after you hit me with your best shot I'll still be smiling in your face asking if that's all you've got...I'm your worst nightmare Keith...I can outthink you, I can outwrestle you and as I showed with Dicey Reilly...I can break you in half...I can hit you so hard that I ruin your entire life...

...So please...try your best to hurt me because I want you to feel helpless as you realise that nothing is matter how hard to matter how much effort you put in...I'm still going to be laughing in your face because the sad truth for the entire roster is...

Wood moves in closer to Leone as Keith grits his teeth

...The reason I'm the hot topic of 6CW is that I'm leaving all of you in my shadow and without me nobody would care about this company at all...I'm the reason this place runs and as I've said before you should be thanking me for giving you a place to return so that you could feel relevant for another 15 minutes...

...So get ready and shine that belt up nice for me because it's really going to be a privilege to be the reason that you realise that times have changed and you no longer call the shots said yourself you want the Liam Wood went down to Dicey's level but it doesn't matter what you're going to only get what I allow you to have in MY ring... knee going through your nose...
...MY title being taken off your shoulder...
...and you being put in your place as an EX Champion.

Wood lowers the microphone, smiling in Leone's face


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Guest Sun 13 Mar 2016, 3:02 pm

Keith Leone continues to stare at Liam Wood, who is clearly enjoying himself and the anger he has raised from Leone. After a few moments, Leone finally raises the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak, taking care to stare deeply into Wood’s eyes as he does so.

Leone: There are so many things that could set you apart from the other greats this company has produced Liam, but it’s this arrogance that is going to result in you being a “never-were”. All of this belief that what you have done so far has made you the top dog, your own self-entitlement, it’s all going to come crashing down around you sooner than you think. The more you speak, the more I realise that your wrestling skill far outweighs your intellectual abilities. You really have no idea what you’re setting yourself up for come Day of Reckoning, because any sane man would save his gloating and bating for after his title victory, not before. I mean, you’re my worst nightmare? Liam, you aren’t even in consideration to be one of my worst nightmares. In fact, one day, long after I’ve beaten some sense into you, or the arrogance out of you, I’ll tell show you who really is my worst nightmare, and why they’re so much more terrifying than a guy like you.

Leone lowers the microphone and walks over to the ring ropes, before leaning back on them to relax himself, looking back at Wood as he does so.

Leone: But you’ve got it all wrong Liam, you don’t think I respect you? I have to respect you, so do these people; none of us like you, but we do respect what you’ve accomplished. You beat Dicey Reilly; you mauled Dicey Reilly, whatever the word you want to use is, the result was the same. You’ve overcome a legend of this company, and have made your impact. What I don’t respect is your attitude now; you’ve earned respect as a good wrestler, not the respect of a god. What, just because people don’t kneel before you in the streets, you don’t feel you’ve got the respect you deserve? Nobody should receive that treatment, no-one ever has and no-one ever will, because at the end of the day, we’re all just flesh and blood. Though that will become abundantly clear to you when yours comes running from your skull as you’re laid out on the mat. In fact, that’s going to be the test of how strong that heart of yours really is Liam. You don’t measure guts at a time when things are going well for you, you find out what you’re made of when you are fighting just to survive, let alone win.

Leone smirks at Wood, but Wood still refuses to show any reaction to Leone’s words, so Leone paces away from the ropes and speaks once again.

Leone: I hope you do smile at me Liam; I hope that as I beat you into a bloody mess, you continue to smile, and your arrogance continues to shine through as you look back up at me. That’s not just because it’s so much easier to punch someone in the face when they look like a slime-ball, but it’s also because I want your realisation to set in slowly. I’d like it to dawn on you when you’re lying in a hospital bed, in as much pain as possible, just what you did, when it is far, far too late. I want you to realise you just weren’t good enough as you’re forced to lie there, watching a television screen with me on it, proudly holding my EWF World Title. Quite frankly, I want your pain and suffering to last for as long as humanly possible, and I’ll do my best to make sure that is the case. What I did to Masters is going to seem like a tea-party compared to what I will do to you. Hell, what I did to Vincent Costello inside a barbed wire-steel cage is going to seem restrained compared to what I do to you. Because quite frankly I had something to prove against those men, and felt the need to outwrestle and outperform them, to really show off my ability. Now against you, yes I want to beat a top class athlete, but I sure as he don’t have anything to prove against you. I don’t have to perform textbook moves or give the fans some heart-stopping moments. I just have to beat you to the point where you will stop fighting back, and maybe I’ll go a little further, and just beat you to the point where you won’t come back.

Keith Leone lets his face contort into somewhat of a twisted smile as the fans cheer loudly again, and Leone takes the EWF World Title off of his shoulder and holds it in his hands. Leone looks down at it, and then across at Wood, as he shakes his head, then leaves the title hanging at his side.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by x12x Sun 13 Mar 2016, 3:57 pm

As Leone smiles at Wood he laughs to himself before shaking his head sarcastically and speaking to his future opponent

Oh Keithy, Keithy, Keithy...behind that smile only a mother can love I can see the anger building're going to end my career? You're not going to do nothing you jumped up wannabe...I'm a never were? You're holding borrowed property...that title is leaving you at Day Of Reckoning and you can then go back to being an obscure question on pub quizes because despite the fact that you've got that title in your hands you are a nothing, an old name brought back to entertain the will once again be Forgotten when the world realises that you've been put in your place.

The funny thing is that since I entered this ring your whole personality has've gone from talking about how I need to 'see the light' to being a man who wants to kill me at Day Of say I'm not in your considerations but I'm in your head...right now the only thing stopping you from attacking me in this very ring is knowing that you'd be put in your place in front of these fans and they'd realise that the title you raise in the air is's on borrowed time and soon it'll be in the hands of it's rightful owner! I want you to be angry though...I want you to want to kill me because it's how Dicey Reilly felt at New's what caused him to slip up and gave me the chance I needed to leave him for dead...

Wood smirks

Wood: see, I used to be weak like you...I let my emotions get the best of me and I let it cost me matches but the man you are looking at right now is not that man...I am slowly but surely dissecting you and turning your emotions against you...tell me? How badly do you want to hurt me right now?! You said it're going to try and stop're going to try and end my're going to try and fail because despite what you have no respect for me.

You want to tell me how I'm going to be tested...then you haven't done research on Liam Wood...I have hit rock bottom and gone further...I have come close time and time again and I let these fans cement in my head that it was all that I was worth but I didn't give up...I stood up and I kept going and I shed these fans like a snake shedding it's see that's the difference between us...

...You lose matches against get cashed in lose that title and you walk couldn't handle getting back up and carrying on so you went went away and you were Forgotten because these fans don't care about you Keith...they might cheer your name but after Day Of Reckoning when you're no longer a World champion...when you're no longer in the main event scene and when you're no longer worth my will go back to being forgotten and they'll cheer someone else's name.

Wood moves in to Leone's space again, speaking in a calm and collected voice as the fans boo him

So enjoy your days as champion because that belt is coming home...make sure to shine it up for me because I want it to look good as I place it over my shoulder.

Wood pushes his microphone in to the chest of Leone before it drops on to the mat causing feedback to ring around the arena. Wood and Leone share one last look before Wood drops down and rolls out of the ring before turning back and motioning a belt around his waist.

HA: Leone and Wood are ready to go to war over the EWF World Title...this is going to be hell for both men!

Last edited by xviperx on Wed 16 Mar 2016, 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 13 Mar 2016, 5:08 pm

*As Cassius Zhi stares into the crowd the lights drop and a spotlight holds on a figure sitting on the steps in the crowd. Zhi turns to look at the man and the camera shows Robin Reborn cross-legged on the stairs in the stands. 

RR: The story continues. The return of Cassius Zhi is unabating. He cannot be stopped. So much so that he didn't even have a match at Anarchy. 

*Reborn stands and walks down the steps, coming to the railing and leaning over the side. 

RR: So, what are we looking for now? Where the rest of us look forward to two matches in a night, you have shown the experience to keep out of the way, picked and chosen your times to speak. And I respect that; if you prepare to succeed it certainly makes it easier.

But are you ready? Even in your prime you would have wanted to limber up. And now you're a long way beyond prime against better wrestlers than you've ever stepped into a ring with. The question is simple, really? Can you still go?

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Electric Demon Sun 13 Mar 2016, 9:00 pm

Cassius Zhi stares incredulously into the stands at Robin Reborn. The fans’ are bristling with heightened excitement as Zhi slowly bends down to pick up the mic he had previously dropped, whilst not once diverting his gaze from that of Reborn’s.

Cassius lingers over the microphone for an agonising few seconds, his expression violently switching from humoured to agitated and back again.

Cassius : Can I still go?

Can I still go?

Who the hell do you think you are to ask me that question Robin Reborn?


Cassius is infuriated further by the chant

Cassius : There is only one person I respect enough to allow them to ask me that question Reborn! Only one person with the intelligence to comprehend the catastrophic potential of what I have chosen to do here. Only one person in the whole world with the experience of competing at the whole new level that I invented. And that person is ME!

Cassius scratches the side of his forehead furiously then taps his temple.

Cassius : And you don’t think me and that person haven’t already had that conversation, Robin? You don’t think that for one second between toiling my paddy field, or teaching pandas how to dance, or whatever stereotypical bullsh** this backwards 1980’s industry would have you believe I was doing in my retirement, that I didn’t ask myself that question… Can I still go?

Cassius smirks

Cassius : Reborn… I had the greatest manager this industry has ever seen allied to the greatest talent anyone in this industry has ever possessed. That equals a hell of a load of money that means I don’t need to be here for any reason other than I got bored of people talking about how I’m the greatest… I wanted to feel it again!

And I looked in the mirror, every morning Reborn, and I asked the expert.


Cassius aggressively pokes himself in the chest several times – his face reddening with visceral fury.

Cassius : I wanted to feel like the greatest again Robin Reborn, and from the moment I stepped foot inside a 6CW arena two weeks ago, I did! I looked around the corridors and the locker room and I felt it. I watched the mediocre matches this company cobbles together and I felt it. I heard the promos guys like you delinquently deliver and I damn well felt it!

And the only reason the rest of you look forward to two matches in one night is because 6..C…W (Cassius spits the letters out with disdain) doesn’t have the depth to be able to offer anything else.

Cassius grins as the fans start booing and chanting “6-C-Dub”

Cassius : But I am here to take 6CW to new depths Reborn. And I’m ready to drown every last one of you sorry excuses for wrestlers in those depths, like the unwanted runts of a bastardised litter.

Are YOU ready to go?

Electric Demon

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by The_Enigma Mon 14 Mar 2016, 12:02 am

Day of Reckoning Pre-Show Exclusive
As the feed airs, 6CW’s very own Timothy Allen is live backstage from the Metlife Stadium looking very crisp in his jacket and bow-tie as he introduces the segment. He begins to slowly walk around the backstage area with the camera crew closely in pursuit as he presents fans with an exclusive look behind the scenes.

After briefly running down the card, Timothy Allen begins to explain the rules of the Gateway to Glory main-event when he catches Hokori arriving into the building as he looks to get an exclusive interview.

TA: “So Hokori...What are your thoughts heading into your first ever Gateway to Glory match?”

Hokori takes a deep breath and sighs before eventually mustering up the strength to answer the question.

Hokori: “After reading the statistics, the predictions and the thoughts of various 6CW wrestlers, it really doesn’t surprise that there’s no mention of Hokori, Austin Stevens, Crime Lord or as a matter of fact any members of The Forgotten as favourites heading into this match.”

TA: “Do you think Austin Stevens and yourself can remain on the same page if you happen to be a part of the Gateway to Glory match at the same time?

Hokori: “Here’s a statistic I’m going to throw at you... 203. Do you know what that means Timothy?”

TA: “No, please elaborate...”

Hokori: “When March 21st rolls around, 203 will be the amount of days that The Forgotten has held the 6CW Tag Team Champions for. If you are failing to see the connection here, let me make it for you. Considering the speculation of a rift within our partnership in recent weeks, we have outlasted the likes of The Untouchables, Genesis and many more tag-teams and stand in front of you as the second longest reigning tag-team champions in the history of 6CW! So I am worried about Austin Stevens? Absolutely not... Gateway to Glory isn’t about personal battles; it’s about winning the war.”

TA: “Do you think various 6CW wrestlers will strike up an alliance to dispose The Forgotten”?

Hokori: “As far as I’m concerned, it’s The Forgotten against 26 other members of 6CW who will have their own agendas, their own personal greed and it is up to The Forgotten to exploit that, it’ll always be The Forgotten against 6CW.”

As Timothy Allen begins to ask another question, Hokori forcefully rips the microphone from the clutches of Timothy Allen’s hand and punches him in the stomach, winding him in the process as he falls to one knee as he musters the strength to shout cut to end the segment


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Mar 2016, 10:29 am

*With Reborn sat in the crowd and Cassius stood half way down the ramp the crowd are on the edge of their seat waiting for what happens next

HA: Reborn has shown in the past he has no fear

HE: Or brain cells. Cassius is not somebody you antagonize....

*By Myself blasts out of the speakers and the crowd start to boo as Lex Hart's face appears on the screen

HE: I did not expect that....

*Lex taps the lens

LH: Hello, are we done measuring c0cks?

Nobody cares about your macho posturing

*Lex smiles but then his face hardens

LH: Evening old friend....

*Cassius neck muscles twitch as a thousand memories of the past wash over him all at once, he stares directly at the screen

LH: I know what you're thinking, why hide behind a camera. Why not join you out there, right now?

*A Cassius gonna kill ya chant rings out around the arena. Cassius cracks his neck and nods in agreement as he moves from side to side on his feet

LH: All in good time. You'll just have to grin and bear it Cassius, as you are well aware you are not my focus right now. I want to speak to the third wheel in this tempestuous relationship

*The camera pans onto Reborn who has now stood up amongst the fans
LH: Robin, the boy who wonders. The human spot machine. A word to the wise. Perhaps you need to focus on the matter at hand rather than engaging in flights of fancy.

I mean as small as your chances were at winning the Gateway to Glory match before now; because or your inability to listen to orders you find yourself entering at number 2. But yet here you still are making outrageous claims of there being better wrestlers in 6CW than THAT man has ever faced?

*Lex looks straight down the lens

LH: Let me make this very clear for you. The best wrestler that man has ever faced is in this company and he is staring at you both right now and anything other than that is pure mediocrity.

LH: Come on Robin. It's pure fantasy isn't it?
Let me ask you, what foundation does your claim have huh?

Your tag run, who did you beat of any great note, huh? Is that really enough to assume any ability as a singles wrestler. Not everyone is ready for that step up.....

Or maybe it's your match against Joshua, but NO again you didn't win, even with your partner in the ring beside you, you still weren't clever enough to get the job done

*Lex shakes his head

LH: NO, NO, NO - You are a fraud Robin. A man living off of a false legacy and at Day of Reckoning Jack and I will show you up for what you really are and after that

*Lex smiles
LH: Well anything is possible....

*Lex takes a second to gather his thoughts

LH: This has been nice, it's good to get things off your chest. Cassius we must catch up soon. Jessica says hi

*Cassius' muscles clench at the mention of her name and Lex starts to laugh before disappearing from screen

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Mon 14 Mar 2016, 11:25 am

*Robin laughs into the microphone as he sees Hart and Zhi flexing their muscles at the mention of Jessica's name

RR: Its cute, really. After all these years, and its been one hell of a long time since either of you were relevant, its cute that the wh0re is still what drives you both. But alas, Lex has done what he has always done, he's run away from the fire. That's at least one area where we can take common ground; we're better than Lex Hart.

*Cassius lets half a smile flash across his face for the tiniest of moments.

RR: But just as he ran from this conversation, he is running away from facts too. It is not lost on anyone in this arena that you and your pal Jack waited till the best of the best had gone their separate ways to rear your ugly heads.

*Robin shakes his head whilst smiling

RR: Yet Cassius, he is not why I'm here. He will merely be a footnote come Day of Reckoning, a piece of trivia. Who did Robin Reborn beat in a match on the same night he went ALL THE WAY FROM NUMBER TWO to win Gateway to Glory 2016.

*The crowd pop and Reborn thumps his chest

RR: And come that night we're gonna find out whether Cassius Zhi can hang with the new Robin Hood, and thats not just cos I'm a black man with a superhero name. No, Cassius, its because in front of 90,000 fans in New Jersey at the MetLife Stadium - in front of thousands of people who don't even know your damn name - I am gonna take all your rich history and show just how poor you've become.

*YOU'VE NOT GOT IT x10 - Reborn conducting his choir before beckoning them silent

RR: Oh he never had it. Cassius is gonna find out how I rumble, young man, rumble!

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Marky Mon 14 Mar 2016, 11:33 am

Reborn finishes his sentence as "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons hits to a big ovation and Max Adamson walks out to the ramp, he walks halfway down and looks at Cassius, who is glaring at him. Adamson nods to himself and stops halfway down the ramp.

Max: Sorry guys, I just had to come out here and interject, I'm certain I heard Robin Reborn tell everyone how he's going to win from number 2 in the Gateway to Glory...

(Adamson looks again at Cassius in the ring)

Max: Just a side note, I would get into the ring to do this, but that's Cassius Zhi in there. We don't really get along and it would be quite the combustion of elements if I was to try and stand alongside him for this. See, for those unaware, Cassius has an unfair disliking of Max Adamson, because I might have possibly run him over in a hire car years ago...

(Cassius glares at Adamson as the crowd let out an audible "ohhhh")

Max: But I'm sure bygones can be bygones right Big Cass? Nice one. Back to Robin.

(Adamson looks into the crowd where Reborn is sat)

Max: You might be entering number two Robin, for the same reason as I'm entering number one, because we p*ssed off the wrong guy, but don't think for one minute we're gonna just co-exist as numbers one and two. You will be number one Robin. You will be the first guy I eliminate. And we won't be talking about Robin Reborn winning Gateway to Glory 2016 from number two. Because I'll be winning it from number one son.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Mon 14 Mar 2016, 12:35 pm

*This is awesome reverberates around the stands, quietening down as Reborn goes to talk

RR: Did you hear that, guys? The confusion, a crowd full of wrestling fans finding out for the first time that you once hit that man with a car. An audible "ohhhh" - Max, it's 2016, no one knows what the hell youre talking about. It might as well have been the winds of change rushing through this arena.

*Reborn turns to Cassius

RR: But hey, big guy, it's nice for you to see Adamson I'm sure. And this way, by coming out now, you get the chance to say hello, cos his old Aussie a*se will be long gone before you step into my ring.

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Marky Mon 14 Mar 2016, 12:51 pm

(Adamson interrupts)

Max: What the hell I'm talking about? What the hell are you talking about?! What audible ohhh? Winds of change? What, do you fancy yourself as some kind of production expert now?

(Adamson facepalms mockingly)

Max: This is why you had to be paired up with someone for so long Robin, look at you, out here on your own, getting flustered when you've got to talk to people on your own. What's the matter Robin? Sulking because you don't want Jack Hurst holding your hand?

(Adamson looks around the rest of the MetLife Stadium)

Max: Last week when we were kicking asses and leaving The Forgotten broken, we stared down and the mutual respect was there for all to see. I didn't see you doing anything about my "old Aussie a*se" then. Your ring? Nah. Nah Robin. This aint your ring. This ring belongs to each and every single one of them.

(The crowd cheer in acknowledgement)

Max: Lord knows I don't get along with them too much, but whether they love me or hate me, whether they boo Cassius or chant "Cassius gonna kill you". Whether they cheer "Go Robin Go", "Fly Robin Fly", or "Dance Robin Dance", these people own that ring. They make it what it is. Not Mr Jones, not The Forgotten, not anybody in the back. Just the fans. And that's not an easy thing for me to admit but it's the truth.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Mon 14 Mar 2016, 2:27 pm

*Reborn applauds directly to Adamson.

RR: Bravo, Max, a truly inspiring turn. Selective hearing and false affection...that's the Max we all know!

*Reborn sits on the bar at the edge of the stand, feet dangling above the crowd below.

RR: And that is the Max I never let fool me for a second. For every other ounce of respect I have for you I have the same amount of distrust. Cos I'm the kind of guy who waits till the bell rings. I'm probably lucky I turned as quick as you last week, the knife in the back is such an Adamson move you might as well trademark it.

*Reborn turns to look at the fans behind him and around the arena.

RR: But I don't need the empty words. These people love me because I respect the hell out of them. I respect the money they pay and I respect their intelligence. So they know when I say that's my ring its because I know they want to see me hold court, steal the show and perform every single night like its my last.

*The crowd pop in appreciation and Robin soaks it in

RR: So whilst you tell your jokes and pretend you're the Max Gazzy always thought you could be, I'll be me. The guy they always liked, not the guy learning the role from a Hollywood superstar

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by TwisT Mon 14 Mar 2016, 2:51 pm

Steel wrote:As Grace remains in the ring with his phone in hand, Last Resort booms out over the speakers and the crowd erupt clambering to their feet for the arrival of Geoff Steel.

HA: Here comes a man who might not believe the Megastars are the best placed team to dethrone the champs

HE: Neither of these teams deserve to be champs, they talk like its a given they will beat the forgotten

Steel walks out onto the stage and applauds the crowd for their reception, he then stares at Grace in the ring and shakes his head with a frown on his face. Steel then makes his way to ringside tagging hands with the fans as he passes, he collects a microphone from ringside before climbing up into the ring to face Grace. Steel holds him hand out as if going for the handshake with Grace before quickly deciding against the idea. He then lifts the microphone to his mouth and beginning  to address Grace.

GS: So I'm sat in the back Ant listening to you out here entertaining these fans, I must admit even I found it moderately amusing I can see why these fans appreciate you. I'll apologise now to any fans that might have thought I've come out here to join in the party atmosphere because that's not the case. See Ant when you start suggesting that in some way we would let these fans down if we were champions we start to have a problem. You can't see the future mate as much as yourself and Max have proclaimed you have seen yourselves with the tag team gold I have to inform you they are nothing but distant dreams. Normally I'd like nothing more than making somebody else's dreams come true but yours is one that I'm going to stand in the way of.

HA: Well there goes any sort of collaboration we might have seen between these two teams at Day Of Reckoning.

GS: Your right though Ant at the PPV it will all be about business, both our teams have earned the right to be there and whilst we might have a common enemy in the Forgotten and Dopant Zero at Day Of Reckoning I also consider you an enemy standing between myself and Mike on the road to becoming tag team champions, so as much as I might respect what you stand for that won't stop me from pinning you in this ring again, I'm not holding anything back and I'm willing to do whatever it takes Ant, the same way I'm willing to do whatever it is when we are champions to make these people proud, for you to suggest otherwise just shows how much you don't know about what you are up against.

HE: Dopant Zero will be enjoying this very much, these idiots are playing right into their hands.

GS: As for the Gateway to Glory I agree we need to do whatever it takes to ensure not a single member of the Forgotten has the opportunity to win that match, heck I'll even help you toss out as many as we can its what's best for 6CW. Once the Forgotten have been eliminated however in my book all friendships and allegiances are called off and it becomes about the singular, so it's nothing personal Ant if I throw you over the top rope along with the Forgotten.

Steel smiles and lowers the microphone not breaking eye contact with Grace as the fans can be heard cheering

Grace smiles through gritted teeth, but smiles none-the-less.

AG: Of course I would NEVER take it personally! We are athletes after all! Mere mortals rising up as superstars with the love of those in attendance!

The crowd cheer as Grace acknowledges them.

AG: However, superstars we may all be, but there are only TWO Megastars!

Grace smiles at Steel and then extends his hand.

AG: That being the case, I do not class you as the enemy. Oh no, no, no! You are merely a very worthy opponent and I place Mr. Hill in that bracket as well. And like true contenders the Megastars are, we have to face all manner of them. But enemy........enemy Mr. Steel.......I only give that tag to those who have wronged myself or the people I care about. Like the 80,000 fans in attendance or the MILLIONS watching at home! There is ONLY ONE enemy when it comes to endangering them, and it isn't you or Mr. Hill. That enemy......the blight of 6CW.......are the champions that MUST be beaten at Night of Glory! That is the only way that these GREAT fans can be repaid for the MISERY they have had to suffer over the last year!

Grace steps forward to Steel and looks him in the eye.

AG: If you can promise me that you can beat The Forgotten at Night of Glory, then myself and those looking at us from around the world, won't be disappointed if you two win next week. But if there is any doubt.....any doubt whatsoever.......that you and Mr. Hill do not have the tools to do just that.......then I am afraid The Megastars have the right to beat you on Monday night. Because we have to ensure, either as tag champs or at Gateway to Glory, that it is........

Before he can speak the crowd interrupts:

Crowd: Anyone But Forgotten!!!!

Grace smiles and salutes the fans, before turning back to Steel.

AG: You heard them!


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Mon 14 Mar 2016, 3:05 pm

"Born a Champion" hits and Mike Masters makes his way to the ring. Masters looks to be in a good mood as he swivels on the spot and does his signature pose before making his way to the ring. Masters laughs at all the people wanting high 5's as he gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.

MM: You know what people, we are only a couple months away from the greatest PPV to ever grace professional wrestling and that's Night of Glory. *crowd pop*. And you know what's better...Night of Glory is gonna take place from the greatest city in the world, London *crowd boo*. Yeah, the people of New Jersey have no class, you might think y'all do, but you really don't, kinda like how old Crime Lord thinks he's got class.

MM: You see Crimey, I feel bad for you, I really do. I mean, you kinda had that match with Leone won didn't you? Close to winning it, could've have put you in the hunt for the EWF title then BAM! I cost you the match, man that felt good. You see I could have easily just hit you over the belt and snuck in another "cheap shot", but you see I'm smarter than that. And for that I got my just rewards, me, you for the International title. Mike Masters, international champion. That doesn't sound too bad now does it, afterall, I was born a champion. Crimey thinks just because he's beaten and destroyed careers in the past, he thinks he can do the same here in 6CW. Well Crimey, that's not gonna happen now is it. Especially with Mr. Jones no longer up your as$. You see I prove naysayers wrong, Mr. Jones prefers people like Joshua because he's big and powerful. And then there's little old Masters trying to prove his worth without the forgotten like a true wrestler.

*Masters divides the crowd response to 50/50*

MM: This match means a lot too me people, I may not show it, you people might not think it, but wrestling is my life. I was born to do this, week in and week out I got out there and do things in the ring people can only dream of doing. It's not being cocky, it's called being the Masterful one, that what I am. You see when people say things like I only need the forgotten to be a success, these people can go suck it. You know why, because I am the god damn show off, I don't need anyone, all I need it me. I will show it, I will prove it at Day of Reckoning when I take that title off of Crime Lords waist and prove to the world Mike Masters is just that damn good.

*Once again, a small amount of fans can be heard cheering Masters*

MM: And hell, why stop there...why stop there. Later on in the night, we got Gateway to Glory. Gateway to see people, I have a thing about lasting long. People, people, the ladies don't call me the 60 minute man for nothing you hear me. I last long, I go on forever, and that's exactly what's I'm gonna do in Gateway to Glory. I will go into this sausage fest and be the last man remaining. You see people can talk about how they're gonna win the G2G and all that false nonsense, but you see history will tell you I am one of the best performing guys in Gateway to Glory history. That's right, I steal the show like I always do. And I will do so again at Day of Reckoning.

Masters drops the microphone and stares intensely at the camera and whilst looking around at the crowd.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Marky Mon 14 Mar 2016, 3:30 pm

Dolphin Ziggler wrote:*Reborn applauds directly to Adamson.

RR: Bravo, Max, a truly inspiring turn. Selective hearing and false affection...that's the Max we all know!

*Reborn sits on the bar at the edge of the stand, feet dangling above the crowd below.

RR: And that is the Max I never let fool me for a second. For every other ounce of respect I have for you I have the same amount of distrust. Cos I'm the kind of guy who waits till the bell rings. I'm probably lucky I turned as quick as you last week, the knife in the back is such an Adamson move you might as well trademark it.

*Reborn turns to look at the fans behind him and around the arena.

RR: But I don't need the empty words. These people love me because I respect the hell out of them. I respect the money they pay and I respect their intelligence. So they know when I say that's my ring its because I know they want to see me hold court, steal the show and perform every single night like its my last.

*The crowd pop in appreciation and Robin soaks it in

RR: So whilst you tell your jokes and pretend you're the Max Gazzy always thought you could be, I'll be me. The guy they always liked, not the guy learning the role from a Hollywood superstar

(Adamson looks irritated with Reborn)

Max: What part of "whether they love me or hate me" inspired you to think I care if these people like me or not? I don't care if they like you more, in fact if it adds legitimacy to your claim of winning the Gateway to Glory then great, go right ahead. Call it. But let me assure you Robin that you're not starting the Gateway to Glory match with "Gazzy's friend". You're not starting the Gateway to Glory match with a friend of a Hollywood superstar. You're starting the Gateway to Glory match with Max Adamson. Whether I'm cheered or booed, I'm still Max Adamson. I'm the same guy, week in, week out, the only difference between the so-called "good guy Max" and "bad guy Max" is the enemies I have.

(Adamson sneers towards Reborn as he continues)

Max: I'm still the same guy who would stab you in the back if it was in my best interests. I'm still the same guy who did whatever he could to become the longest reigning 6CW World Heavyweight Champion of all time. I'm still the same guy who ran over Cassius Zhi purely because I was paid handsomely. I'm still that guy if I want to be. You think I'm untrustworthy? You're damn right Robin. I'm still that same guy, but the difference is my enemy is The Forgotten. My enemy is Mr Jones, my enemy is Joshua and all the other son's of bitches who think they're gonna get away with the sh*t they've put me through.

(Adamson knows he is wound up but he carries on)

Max: Do you think I teamed up with Anthony Grace initially to get some free acting classes or something? Do you think I'm friendly with Thunder so I can get some comic books? I'm teaming up with those guys, like I teamed up with you and Jack Hurst not so long ago, something I didn't want to do, because I want to put an end to The Forgotten. That is my primary target Robin. Winning the Gateway to Glory and getting a chance to take the 6CW World Championship away from The Forgotten is what I will do. To do that I don't need to team up with people like you Robin.

(Adamson stares up towards Reborn as the crowd gasp)


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Mon 14 Mar 2016, 3:49 pm

*Reborn hops back to the stairs behind him and paces back and forth

RR: Hell no, Max. You couldn't get that thing even with my help. You couldn't keep hold of the damned belt with the devil on your side. Not even God himself is powerful enough to raise you up to the gold any more.

*There's a couple of laughs but Reborn waves it away

RR: Nah, nah, nah. This ain't the comedy store. Monday 21st March in front of 90,000 you can finally earn the respect you demanded when you wanted me stood by your side. Grace is doing something good for you, and while you still cling to the spiteful man you once were, maybe come the end of Monday you'll be humbled by this young man's rumble. Maybe we can shake hands and see we both went to the ends of the Earth to fight for that spot at Night of Glory.

*He paces faster, wagging a finger in the air in Max's direction

RR: But don't for a second think this game-changing, risk-taking, stake-raising, record breaking future King of this industry will let all the bravado in the world take away his chance at taking his place at the top.

*Reborn stops and looks at Max, pointing a finger his way

RR: Cos for every second you think you're gonna last, I'll be out there at least one second longer.

*He turns to Cassius, pointing at him now

RR: And for every glory in your past, it will all be a prelude to the journey I start when I fly through that Gateway and take my place on the grandest stage of them all.

*With intensity firing with every stare the three men avert their glares back and forth to the men out there with them. The crowd eat up every turn of the head and a "THIS IS AWESOME" chants echoes throughout the arena

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Electric Demon Mon 14 Mar 2016, 9:25 pm

Cassius Zhi looks around at each man in turn – Max outside the ring, Reborn in amongst the crowd, and then up to the big screen where Lex Hart had been, which he smirks at.

Cassius : If Lex Hart really is the best wrestler this company has to offer, then even my; what I had assumed was a disrespectfully bravado laced analysis of the competition here; will prove to have been an embarrassingly gross over-estimation.


Cassius : Jessica says Hi? Why don’t you ask Jessica when she gave up on aiming high? When did she decide to trade in her one way ticket to the stars for a grubby economy ticket to the mile high club? A career once destined for Bloomberg, now doomed for Babestation.

It really is saddening, but believe me Reborn…

Cassius turns his attention away from the screen and stares vehemently at Robin Reborn

Cassius : … I am driven by no wh0re!

I haven’t been driven by a wh0re since the last time JJ Johnson got under my skin and we faced off in battles unlike any you will have witnessed before. Battles which culminated in the great JJ Johnson having to damn near kill himself just to score an essentially meaningless pinfall – because his career as everyone knew it was over! Battles against their (he points to the fans) compatriot which mean this crowd know exactly who the hell I am, Reborn!

And so do you! That’s why you’re obsessed by my history.

Now I don’t proclaim to know much about English history, or stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But what I do know is you can focus on MY history all you want – but you keep your eyes on it for a moment too long, Robin – and in a history bucking instance of Chinese Capitalism I will rob you of your future just to make even more!

Cassius seethes as he pierces Reborn with his scornful gaze

Cassius : And I thought you would know that better than anyone Adamson…

Cassius finally diverts his malicious gaze to Max Adamson

Cassius : … but you seem to be just as moronically myopic as you always were. Because deep down, you know from the most excruciating of experience Adamson, so much so you can still read it in your scars (Cassius rubs his throat with a sly, knowing grin), that Robin Reborn didn’t pi55 off the wrong guy at Anarchy. No… he’s pi55ed off the wrong guy here tonight!

Fans : Cassius gonna kill you! Cassius gonna kill you!

Cassius : And neither of you should be worried about entering Gateway to Glory at number one or two… you should be worried about what will happen if you are still there when my number is called!

Cassius eyeballs Adamson, then looks again to Reborn, and the big black screen. He looks around at the crowd, slowly cracking his neck from side to side.

Cassius : But before that claxon sounds, allow me to indulge in one last opportunity to be an impartial outside observer, and offer some advice.

Cassius looks at them both in turn

Cassius : Neither of you will become number one contender to the 6CW World Heavyweight Title at Gateway to Glory!

And it's not because you have been entered in at the perilously premature numbers of one and two… or even because I am here to win it myself... but because this incestuous melee that has unfolded here in 6CW has consumed everyone. And whether it is the protective fatherly embrace of Mr Jones, or the maternal warmth offered by the 6CW fans – every single one of you lust for one of their attentions and are envious of those who you perceive to have more.

That envy has made everyone an enemy

And that lust has implored each of you to come out here and make yet another one tonight.

Heading one week form now into an arena of perfect correlation where as enemies increase, your chances of victory diminish.

Cassius laughs dismissively

Cassius : For all my threats of destroying you all at Day of Reckoning – in reality I don’t need to do anything of the sort.

Just sit back and watch you all destroy yourselves.

Either way, I will win Gateway to Glory.

And I will be the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion.

And I won't be yours. (he points to the fans)
Or Jones’
Not even Jessica’s

Just me!

For those who really don't yet know.... CASSIUS ZHI!

Electric Demon

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Fernando Mon 14 Mar 2016, 10:10 pm

*Engel passes the microphone to dicey, a look of sadness etched across his face*

*Dicey raises the mic up to his mouth to speak*

"Hell" Blares out over the speakers as 6CW Xtreme Champion Cerberus makes his way down to the ring.

HE: I think the champion has heard enough for one night

Cerberus puts on a deep voice

We are sorry to interrupt the broadcast of 6CW Brokeback Mountain....
The way you 2 were stroking each other's ego's is pityful...
It's almost like your trying to convince yourselves that you can stop me if you pretend im not here...

Cerberus starts chuckling to himself...

In 7 days the end is nigh...
The bullsh*t talking is over...
The false prophesy's about what's going to happen...
Are going to be left in the dust....
As one stand will tall amongst the wreckage of the 6CW Arena...
 And your looking at him....

The crowd starts to boo loudly

Ive sat backstage watching and waiting...
Listening to you talk about changing the image at the top of the 6CW Roster...
The delusion is incredible...
Unless your are a a new acquisition or favourite with the bosses then you will never change anything...
Even then you can only change the piece of rope they tie around your neck....
Before your pulled back into line....
This is where we all differ...

Cerberus stares at Engel

You think change is possible...
Yet much like most things you've ever done you need others to do your dirty work...
Always one to hide down in the bunker as the battle rages on....
Sat there with your head between your legs praying no one sees you for what you are...
You can't escape reality Engel...
And you can't escape from the nightmares that await you...

Cerberus turns to a stumbling Dicey

You know what it's like to be at the top of 6CW....
What it's like to be the man that people look to and rely on in situations...
The problem is that was a long time ago...
Nowadays you've been knocked off your perch...

You've slipped along way down because no one cares about Dicey Reilly anymore...
Your just the stepping stone of 6CW...
People use you to make a name for themselves...
Just look at the list of people who've beat you and moved on up
It's an endless list...
HA: He's not wrong Liam Wood being the prime example of this

I get why your doing this Dicey...
Trying to relive old glory days...
When Dicey used to be a hero to these fans...
Yet now your like the embarrassing parent that kids don't want to be seen with...
The grandad that bores you to sleep with stories of his past...

It's time to accept what you are Dicey...
You are an old bitter pathetic excuse of a man...
Your a shadow of your former self trying to fight father time...
One day your going to be sat at home in your wheelchair watching time drift away...
Wondering where it all went wrong for you as Sally lifts your broken body into bed...

Cerberus sinks into the turnbuckles giggling sitting down cuddling his title as Dicey starts to look glum

In 7 days i get the lay to rest the legend of Dicey Reilly...
There's nothing i won't do to bury you 6ft in the ground...
It's time to put you out of your misery and give you the send off that you deserve..
Engulfed in flames and surrounded by glass shards digging into the skin letting your body empty of blood...

It's time for the world to see what chaos can bring to their lifes...
They need to embrace the reality of their situation...
Aslong as im here no one is safe...
Engel,Costello & Dicey need to accept their fate...
On Monday when the match is over...
I will be left standing amongst the wreckage of bodies and broken bones...
With the Xtreme Title draped over my shoulder yet again...

You see this is where i differ from the chaos theory...
If i want change this match won't make it happen...
But another could...

Im throwing my hat in for Gateway to Glory...
It doesn't matter how many 6WF rejects Jones keeps hiring...
It doesn't matter how many of his Forgotten b*tches are in the match...
There's no one on the roster that's going to stop me painting this company in my image...
The Reign of fire will ignite at Day Of Reckoning..

HA: I wouldn't like to be the man trying to get him over the top rope
HE: I think it's going to need more then one...

Cerberus just continues to sit and stare at Dicey & Engel sparking a lighter playing with the flames..


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Steel Tue 15 Mar 2016, 12:03 pm

Steel smirks and looks around the arena taking in the fans chants.

GS: Oh I hear them loud and clear Grace, indeed anyone but Forgotten I like it, it has a nice ring to it, hopefully it's something others will buy in to.

Steel then pauses for effect

GS But when it comes to a shot at the tag team championships for myself it has to be, Only Mike and Geoff. I call you my enemy Grace as I call anyone who stands opposite the ring against me, whether that be Megastars, Dopant Zero or The Forgotten. You are between myself and something I want to achieve it would be wrong of me to treat you any different than someone who I hold no regard for, the fact I see you as an enemy is a sign of respect in my book Grace. I will be turning up at Day of Reckoning for a fight Ant but I won't be holding anything back on my punches just because we share similar ideals or a common foe.

Steel takes another step closer to grace closing the gap even more between them

GS: I have no doubts in my ability or the ability of my partner Mike Hill, Grace, but I'm also not going to make you any promises because we do not answer to the Megastars, Mike Hill and Geoff Steel are former world champions we have proven to everybody that we are capable of anything we set our minds to by climbing to the very top, something Max Adamson has also achieved. The only person these fans should have any doubts on whether they are capable of going onto Night of Glory and doing what is needed to defeat the Forgotten is in yourself Grace, can you promise me that's something you're capable of?

GS:Because if it is indeed to be

Steel pause as the fans chant Anyone but Forgotten.

GS: You're the one with everything to prove

Steel lowers the microphone and holds it by his side


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Guest Tue 15 Mar 2016, 6:58 pm

We’re backstage at Metlife as a limo pulls in to view. It reaches a halt and the rear door swings open and Jimmy Phillips emerges followed by Tyson Armstrong, the pair seem deep in conversation

JP: All I’m saying is that I need to know where your head is at before this match with Thunder. I’m fed up of losing out because you’re not pulling your weight

Tyson doesn’t look the least bit interested in what Phillips is saying

JP: You listening to me? You need to get your head outta your ass

TA: Like I said the other week, I’m sick of being Jones’ Puppet, this isn’t what I signed up for. I’m fed up of doing his dirty work

JP: and you think I’m not? Listen I know I’m better than this. I know there ain’t a man on this roster better than me. That includes you. I’m just biding my time. You think I care about Joshua keeping his title. About those jackasses Hokori and Stevens keeping theirs? I couldn’t care less about Crime Lord and Masters fighting over the International Title, as far as I care less they can go out there and kill each other.

What I do need at the minute though is Jones. He’s the key you see. Once we rid this pathetic company of their silly little revolution then Jones is king and he’ll repay those who stood beside him. That’s all I need. My shot. Once I get that and I have gold around this waist, gold that is long overdue, then I’ll need Jones no more. I’ll run this company. The Talent will be king. Until then thats why I need to know you’re head is in this tonight. It starts taking this pathetic wannabe superhero out

Tyson Armstrong shrugs his shoulders, again showing little interest in what his partner has to say. Phillips looks agitated

JP: Tyson, take this on board or not. But know this. You cost me another match after I carry your ass, then I’m gonna drop you on it.

Phillips lifts Tysons back from the limo and pushes it into his chest forcing Tyson up against the wall before grabbing his own sportsbag and exiting in to the arena


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by President Trump Wed 16 Mar 2016, 12:01 pm

Dicey grabs the mic off Engel

Dicey: Look who has decided to join the really is a Ménage et Tw*t 

Cerberus stops playing with the lighter

Dicey: You still think this is all about that belt don’t you, I don’t want to be that guy but I’ll tell you........IT’S NOT, it’s about three out of control trains heading for the same junction and the destruction that they will cause oh and a handcar that is tagging along for the ride, I don’t give a sh*t about your belt, been there, done that, have the x-ray pics to prove it, I just want to fight, I don’t care about Engels mind f**king or Costello trying to stay relevant while his career free falls quicker than my mate Ed’s ma’s knickers when I walk into the room

HA: Wow....

Dicey: As for the Gateway to Glory (Dicey starts laughing) do you really think anyone of us are making it out to be involved in that....REALLY.....f**k Lurch you are thicker than I thought, Day of Reckoning is a one way ticket to FUBAR town and I’m driving the bus, hell we’ll be lucky to get back for Night of Glory, this is it Lurch...Clown shoes....this is what you wanted, this is what your twisted little minds have dreamt about since you both returned, you both wanted a shot at Dicey well you have it, and like s*x on a first date, it’s not pleasant, it hurts the next day and you might want to get checked by the Doctor

Dicey rolls out of the ring and takes a cup of beer of a guy in the front row and drinks it back before grabbing another one and getting back into the ring

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Fernando Wed 16 Mar 2016, 12:49 pm

Cerberus just stares at the sight of a stumbling Dicey...

If you really believe it's not about this title then i pity you Dicey...
This is a symbol of excellence in 6CW and i won't allow you to turn it into a joke again...
I guess your so drunk and stupid now you might aswell have a cardboard cut out of yourself...

Dicey looks bemused by comment as Cerberus stands from the corner

Week in Week out same old delusional Dicey comments...
About how going to do such and such blah blah...
Yet never follow through...
It's talk Poopie, fight, get beat, drop further down the card & repeat. 
So you keep telling yourself you don't need this Title Dicey...
It's not 2012 anymore they won't hand you World Titles on a plate just cos you've been around a long time anymore...
All you've said about Costello is truth about yourself.

Im looking forward to the ride on your imaginary bus to FUBAR town...
I guess it'll be like Dublin...
Full of people with an IQ of 5 and can't get an erection cos all the bitches are f*ck ugly no wonder you put up with Sally...
Like always Dicey you will fail to deliver on anything you say like all you Irish do...
Bit like Conor McGregor...All talk then taps like a b*tch...

Cerberus starts laughing in the face of Dicey

At Day Of Reckoning i will put you out your misery Dicey..
It's time to go back to the retirement home...
Consider it an intervention on Sally's behalf....

Cerberus chuckles to himself

You think im bothered by fighting you Dicey...
I threw you down flights of stairs like a ragdoll when you were alot better then you are now..
Your time is up it's not 2012...It's 2016 and 6CW has moved on into the future whilst you've stayed still...
So bring Betsie i implore you Dicey...It might give you another 5 minutes in the spotlight you so desperately crave..
But in the end all this is Dicey is ending the joke of 6CW once and for all...

Cerberus leans back on the turnbuckle chucking the mic up and down symbolizing where Dicey's career is going with a pretend sad face.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 16 Mar 2016, 6:04 pm

*As Cerberus continues to throw the Microphone up and down, Engel walks over to him and catches it in midair, a furious Cerberus looks on as Engel punches himself in the head repeatedly and beckons him to "come on"*

EH: Well isn't this just swell, we are one elephant in the room away from the mad hatters tea party. Ever closer we step towards the hour of our ascension, ever closer we step towards the furnace. I had a taste of what you can do at New Dawn, but you had a mere morsel of the chaos I bring. I beg you to bring your very best at Day of Reckoning, but you will need more than that to stand over my lifeless body. I will look you dead in those cold lifeless eyes Cerberus and beg for more.

Engel walks over to the ropes and leans over them pointing at the side of his head smiling, he spins around staring at Cerberus

EH: YOU! OF ALL PEOPLE, YOU...You claim that change is not possible, that I need you to do my dirty work. These hands already have your blood, you were my BROTHER, my friend, yet you look down on me honestly believing that I will not fulfil my goals. The change has already begun, as we stand here now, THEY are sat frantically thinking up ways to leash us like the dogs that we are. THEY fear what we are capable of. THAT which you hold so dear is not your destiny, it is not Dicey's, it is not Vincent Costello's and IT IS NOT mine. Fear the change or embrace it Cerberus, but if you wish to dance there merry dance then Day of Reckoning will become a much more trivial prospect for yourself. I do not need you, I do not wish that you join me, I simply offer you MORE than this masquerade you play your role in.

*Engel uses his free hand to imitate a puppeteer before turning his attention to Dicey*

EH: But of course Dicey, you have already seen, behind your faç have seen what it takes to be at the top, the sacrifice, the FIRE. And even now despite all that, you fear him, the unknown, you fear what you must become to get the job done. I have the answers for you both, regardless of your underestimation of the situation you face in getting in the ring with me...both of you know I hold the key.

*Engel laughs getting down on his knee's inbetween the pair laughing manically, twitching wildly almost as if trying to contain something*


*Engel dumps the microphone to one side as he holds his arms in the air continuing to laugh*

Engel Harlequin

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Thunder87 Wed 16 Mar 2016, 10:09 pm

The feed fades to static. When the static clears Thunder, is standing with his back to the camera in front of a light, causing him to be silhouetted.

Joshua…By now it is obvious to all that at Day of Reckoning I will clamber over the wreck that is left at the end of my match with Phillips and Armstrong, all in order to get my hands on you. You have terrorised this company, these fans, my friends and myself, for far too long. I am coming for you

The scene fades back to static.

For what’s to come, you have one man to blame…Michael Jones.

When the static clears, the feed ahs changed to an arena filled with fans. The banners around the ring are coloured red with the letter ORW. The main banner reads; “Original Ruthless Wrestling presents: Showcase of the Immortals.”

COM1: We’ve finally reached the main event of tonight, our last main event before we close our doors.
COM2: This one is not about championships, this one is purely about bad blood.
COM1: That’s right, these two hate each other so, much they can’t even get along outside the ring.
COM2: They felt that this industry wasn’t big enough for two of them to continue on, therefore the looser of this ladder match will retire.

Crazy Train by Ozzy Osborne blasts out the sound system. Thunder rolls out on to the stage on a motorcycle. He wears similar attire to what he wears these days, white long shorts, red boots and black elbow pads. Thunder taps his thigh and his heart three times before pointing out into the crowd.

COM1: One last ride for the Loco Rider Thunder.

Thunder rides the bike down the ramp, as he nears the ladder set up at the bottom of the ramp, he lowers himself to the bike and rides right under it. He begins a loop around the ring, as he nears completion, Limpbisket’s Behind Blue Eyes blasts from the sound system. Thunder brings the bike to a halt and remains sat and unhappy.

COM1: Sam Joseph isn’t waiting any longer.
COM2: I know they hate each other but, interrupting Thunder is plain disrespectful.

A man looking a lot like Brett Hart steps on to the stage, accompanied by a woman looking like Lita. The two kiss to Thunder’s disapproval. She slaps his ass as he walks down the ramp. As the new guy, Sam Joseph gets to the bottom of the ramp, he climbs the ladder and poses. The crowd boo loudly and chants of Thunder echo, putting a smile across Thunder’s face. Sam shoots Thunder the bird, Thunder shrugs and revs up the bike. The bike whirls into life, driving forward. As Thunder nears the ladder he pulls his arm out and yanks the ladder causing Sam to tumble to the floor.

COM1: That was a big fall, this one could be over already.

Thunder parks up the bike, he climbs off the bike and walks towards Sam. He drags Sam, to his feet and lifts him up on to his shoulder. Thunder charges towards to the steel post, Sam shifts his weight and drops down the back, pushing Thunder in to the post. Thunder slides down the post, Sam gets to his feet, groggily, he takes a couple of steps and leaps up, drop kicking Thunder’s head in to the post.

COM2: I think Thunder lost a tooth.

Sam takes the rest bite to recoup, Sam take Thunder by the head and attempts to bash Thunder’s head on to the steps, Thunder blocks and drives his elbow into Sam’s stomach and follows up by driving Sam’s head on to the steps. Thunder pulls Sam back away from the steps and whips Sam in to the steel steps. Sam clashes in to the steps hard, the steps break apart, the top half landing in line with Sam’s head. Thunder slides through the ring to behind the steps. Thunder backs up and runs at the steps and drop kicks it in to the back of Sam’s head.

COM1: That’s one way to ring someone’s bell.
COM2: An interesting way to use the steel steps.

Blood drips from the back of Sam’s head, Thunder follows up with a throw back. Thunder slides the ladder into the ring, before following in behind it. Thunder sets the ladder up and looks up at the briefcase and back at Sam. Sam begins to stir and begins to climb. Thunder slides out of the ring and goes under the apron, he comes out with a steel chair, which he throws in the ring. Sam regroups and goes under the apron himself and pulls out an iron pipe.

COM1: We got ourselves a stand off in the ring.

Thunder swings the chair at Sam, Sam ducks underneath and brings the pipe up into Thunder’s side, he follows up by bringing the pipe up into Thunder’s face. Thunder hits the mat with a crimson mask, Sam drops the pipes and picks up the chair. Sam takes the chair to Thunder’s back, before setting the chair ready to snap Thunder’s ankle. Sam, leaps up and double stomp’s the chair, snapping it closed around Thunder’s ankle.

COM2: Thunder’s ankle must be shattered!

Sam repositions the ladder over Thunder, pinning him under the ladder, positioning the bottom rung of the ladder over the ankle. Sam begins to climb, as he nears the top, Thunder pull’s his leg free and places both feet against the ladder and boots it with both feet, which send’s the ladder and Sam flying. Thunder hobbles back to his feet, he picks up the chair and puts it over Sam’s face before dropping a leg. Thunder goes to town stomping on Sam.

COM1: It seems that Thunder’s ankle does hurt as much as the thought of never wrestling again.

Thunder drops out of the ring again, once more he goes under the apron, pulling out a table. Thunder slides the table in the ring, as he sets it up, Sam is back to his feet, he goes to attack Thunder, but Thunder has him scouted. Thunder dodges and throws Sam against the table. Thunder drills several stiff punches to the midsection, before popping up on the bad ankle and connecting with a flying round house. Sam takes the full force of the kick dropping on to the table.

COM2: I think Thunder regrets that kick.

Thunder lies on the mat clutching his ankle, using the ropes he manages to pull himself up and climbs the turnbuckle. From the top rope, Thunder leaps into the air, crashing down on Sam nailing a big frog splash. The replay show’s Thunder’s ankle twist as he takes off. Thunder clutches the his ankle, writhing in pain. The ref checks on him and as the ref goes to call the bell, Thunder reaches up and drags the ref down locking him in a hell’s gate.

COM1: I know Thunder wants to finish this match but, there is no reason, no excuse to choke out a ref.
COM2: What if the ref is biased?
COM1: Well, maybe in that case but, the ref isn’t all he did was try to look after Thunder’s well being.
COM2: For Thunder, continuing to wrestle, is best for his well being.

Thunder undoes and removes his boot. He shuffles across the ring on his butt towards the ladder. Thunder begins to pull himself up the ladder, Sam pulls himself out of the wreckage of the table. He too heads for the ladder and begins to climb. As the two reach the top of the ladder, they exchange blows, right, left, right, left. Thunder jabs Sam in the stomach and bounces his head off the ladder. Thunder steps up to the top of the ladder, using his weight he pins Sam down and reaches up for the case. Thunder pulls the case free. He tosses the case to the matt and rolls over Sam’s back dragging Sam down for a sunset flip power bomb. The two crash into the matt as the scene returns to static.

As the static fades, the scene returns to Thunder standing in a lit door way, silhouetted. Thunder steps forward, light surrounding him.

These are the length’s I will go to, to do what I love for these people. If I have to go to war to end the corruption so, that I can do this unrestricted…you can bet your ass I bloody well will.

The scene returns to static with Thunder looking focused down the camera.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Thunder87 Thu 17 Mar 2016, 9:10 pm

As Joshua stands, dominate, Heroes are Hard to Find, echoes through the arena causing another loud Thunder chant to break out. Thunder bursts through the curtain on to the stage. He taps his heart three times before point out to the crowd. Thunder walks down the ramp feigning an all over body itch. Thunder walks around to the announce table, collects a microphone and hops up on to the table.

I’m like a bad rash, I just keep coming back. I’d get in the ring with you but, considering how badly you don’t want to share the ring with me, I thought I’d abide by your wishes. You just couldn’t do it could you? You and I could have met at Day of Reckoning, beat the snot out of each other and been done with it but, no. So, at Day of Reckoning, I’m going to clamber over Dumb and Dumber and show you, Jones and anyone else who still has a shadow of doubt of what I can do.

Thunder basks in the crowd’s chant’s of Thunder gonna get you.

You say that Day of Reckoning is about your way of life, your right to inflict masses of pain on those who stand in your way. What about my way of life, my right to indulge in my passion for this business, this company and these fans, wrestling. At Day of Reckoning I will take back my right, the rights of those in the back and the rights of those who pay for their seats. These people you look down on, pay your wages not Jones, no them, no money. You are a monster, no doubt about it but, inside you is an insecure child that is afraid that one day, mommy Jones won’t be around to protect you. While I am an over thinking, over reacting man child, inside me is a monster waiting for an opportunity to run wild. For your sake, I hope he get’s tired out by Dumb and Dumber, otherwise, I just don’t know what he’s going to do to you.

Thunder stands defiant on the announce table, staring intently at the world champion.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 17 Mar 2016, 9:40 pm

*Reborn holds the mic between his legs and then claps his hands towards Zhi. He looks down at the mic and laughs, before grabbing the microphone and addressing Adamson

RR: You wanna jump in on this one or should I, Max? I mean, for all the bluster back n forth here son, aint neither of us said something so dumb as Dr Seuss in the ring

*Reborn snaps his head towards Zhi

RR: Yo, its thee, its thee, its Cassius Zhi. Boy got those veteran instincts working overtime. As you stand there thinking of all the things you can say to be relevant again. We already got one of you in the locker room, he's called Liam Wood, and I'mma dump his ass out of that ring at Day of Reckoning like I'm dumping both your old asses!


RR: And that goes to anyone in the back...anyone watching in their retirement homes or wanting to make the step up to the big leagues. I'm shouting out Kenty, CM Punk, Edward Plague, any ignorant sonofabitch who wants me to sit em down with a superkick so they can watch me take this shot and then leave Night of Glory as a world champion

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by TwisT Fri 18 Mar 2016, 12:55 pm

Joshua stares at Thunder from inside the ring as the crowd look on. He then walks towards the ropes and cocks his head to one side. Joshua slowly lifts an arm up and talks into his microphone:

Your way of life is insignificant………because you do not deserve one………

The crowd boo and Joshua flings his hair back in annoyance:

You make feeble noises of irritation………rather like the man standing on a table trying to reach my heights………He feels comfort when you give him support………but that crutch will soon disappear once there are no barriers between us………

He turns his attention back to Thunder:

You dare to base this meeting………on something as worthless as money? ………You believe that I care about a few gold coins ………that lead to your satisfaction? ………I loathe to remind you that man-made materials have no importance………to a monster made in places men fear to dread………

Joshua shakes his head in disdain and starts to walk away. As he reaches the other side of the ropes, he stops and turns around again:

This passion you talk about………Does it really dictate this path you have taken? ………One where you know the end is full of pain? ………I look at you now………craning your neck to look me in the eye………and I'm confused about what purpose you actually serve………A passion to please the misguided masses………A passion to be relevant in a realm full of my victims………A passion to fly beyond what you are physically capable of………And a passion to relive your disappointments of the past………

He walks up to the other side of the ropes and climbs over it. He stands on the apron, a few feet from Thunder and looks him up and down:

Surely this passion should simply revolve around………peeling yourself off the sole of my shoe?………

He arches his neck forwards and stares in Thunder’s eyes:

Because that is your true passion in life………correct? ………

Joshua holds his stare and shakes his head again:

I need no being to protect me………nor any being to lead me………For my choices have always been clear………It is expect of me to destroy and I deliver………It is expected of me to cause pain and it is provided………It is expected of me to cause suffering and I supply it in abundance………

He snarls at Thunder:

And what is expected of you………is to crash and burn as you always have………

He lets his hair cover his face as the crowd boo.


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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by President Trump Fri 18 Mar 2016, 2:24 pm

Dicey picks up and looks at both Cerberus and Engel

Dicey: You two would be stupid if our match at Day of Reckoning doesn’t frighten you, I’m not a robot or a wannabe hardman, I know fear and I look at our 30 min Extreme match and I feel those butterflies in my stomach, I ask myself “What the hell am I doing” but that’s the great thing about fear, it pushes you to do things that you wouldn’t normally do, it’s fight or flight everytime I walk into the ring and I have not ran yet, yes I’m afraid that Day of Reckoning could be my last fight but I will be there because thats me

Crowd: DICEY

Dicey: I know you both know what fear feels like I see it in you, look at you Engel, I see it everytime you look at me, not because you fear me but because you fear becoming me, thats why you want me to be me because 6CW without Dicey Reilly needs to fill that chaotic void a void that is calling you and it sh*t you up so bad that you took out the clown, you destroyed the bat...thats why you so desperately what the Jones’ and the Kramer’s to look at you and to want you to take that next step up the ladder away from the Dicey’s and the Cerberus’ you want to be the big time player, you want the power but you need us to be us to achieve that


Engel stops laughing

Dicey: And you Lurch, you are the complete opposite, you are afraid of being anything else but a Monster, a psycho, an Extreme Champion, this is it for you, what else can you be, you are not a Median or a Joshua, you would be sooooo lost without that belt that it terrifies you to lose it, thats why you were so quick to drink for the Engel juice, so quick to go back to the good old days of the Circus but this is all a game to him and when he has what he wants you will be an after thought

HA: Dicey spitting out truth bombs

Dicey: I don’t care that im frightened I can live with that, I’m Dicey Reilly and that’s who I’ll always be so f**k you two, I am going back to my hotel, I am going to order a big bottle of whiskey and I am going to f**k my freaky a** girlfriend and unwind for a few hours, see you two and our silent partner at Reckoning

Dicey drops the mic, rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp not looking back at his two opponents in the ring

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6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st  Empty Re: 6CW DAY OF RECKONING-Monday March 21st

Post by Thunder87 Fri 18 Mar 2016, 6:24 pm

Thunder looks to his left at the crowd and to his right at the crowd and then down at Henry and smiles. Henry face palms as he knows whats coming.

Thanks for the set up Joshy boy. Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, suffering, leads to the dark side. ... You live in the dark side right? So, we can assume that you have been pained, angered, caused to hate and even suffered yourself...who hurt you Josh? Was it the doctors who gleefully tried to understand why the small child liked to crush the beetles, set fire to the ants and generally cause pain to anyone. Maybe it was your mother you hurt you, hell, maybe it was McCoy? Open up to us Josh and together we can fight the darkness.

Thunder leans forward.

How does these pointed questions make you feel?


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