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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by LordDowlais Wed 02 Mar 2016, 3:56 pm

First topic message reminder :

Right, now I know people on here do not like WOL, but this article is so accurate and spot on, I do not know how people can argue with it. Also this paragraph is right:-

On Saturday night in Galway, all four officials for the Connacht-Ospreys game were Irish, so when a crucial decision goes the way of the home team it’s hardly surprising some people will point to the nationality issue.

I have been called tin hatted and a wum for even mentioning such a thing in the past, but how can we have it that ALL the officials are from the same country as the team that is playing, then get a controversial decision like we had then not expect cries of bias ? I always thought that there was supposed to be a Welsh ref whilst IN ireland and an Irish ref when IN Wales, wh ywas this changed for this game ?

Please read, and give your views:- 


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by marty2086 Sat 05 Mar 2016, 11:50 am

Also penalised Big Nick for interfering with the 9 when Nick was in and on the ball before the 9 got near the ruck

Also just part of the cover up though Whistle


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 2:16 pm

And awarded Zebre a scrum, in their 22, when it was obviously them that knocked on.

Have to admit, this IRFU ploy is very convincing. Too convincing mad


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by VinceWLB Sat 05 Mar 2016, 2:50 pm

You Ulster lot are by far the most obnoxious fanbase of them all, this is tedious at best.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 2:56 pm

VinceWLB wrote:You Ulster lot are by far the most obnoxious fanbase of them all, this is tedious at best.

And you just proved yourself an deleted. Well done on not getting humour clap

Last edited by Munchkin on Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:10 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by VinceWLB Sat 05 Mar 2016, 2:58 pm

This isn't funny when the same joke is repeated over, and over again.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:04 pm

VinceWLB wrote:This isn't funny when the same joke is repeated over, and over again.

What joke would that be? We were having a laugh at the thought that Clancy could be cheating by favouring the Provinces, and pointing out a few incidents in the game which helps prove otherwise. Better to laugh at it, than take it seriously. Just two fans having a giggle, but you jump in by painting all Ulster fans with the same brush, and without any good reason to paint any of us that way. No go and have a cup of tea, and relax.

Last edited by Munchkin on Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:09 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Rory_Gallagher Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:04 pm

Munchkin wrote:
VinceWLB wrote:You Ulster lot are by far the most obnoxious fanbase of them all, this is tedious at best.

And you just proved yourself an @sshole. Well done on not getting humour clap

Kind of proving his point with that comment...


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:06 pm

Rory_Gallagher wrote:
Munchkin wrote:
VinceWLB wrote:You Ulster lot are by far the most obnoxious fanbase of them all, this is tedious at best.

And you just proved yourself an @sshole. Well done on not getting humour clap

Kind of proving his point with that comment...

Thanks, I'm just tired of some of the bollox written, Rory, and sometimes let slip the mask of righteous perfection.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:12 pm

There, the offending part of the comment deleted, for the sensitive. Sincere apologies to Vince for responding to being called obnoxious.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by mikey_dragon Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:15 pm

Haha look at all this! And Irish lads, I think you can relax in knowing that most people don't think there's any sort of Irish conspiracy going on that undermines Welsh teams in the Pro12. No need for us to argue, we need to unite against the arrogant English.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:19 pm

mikey_dragon wrote:Haha look at all this! And Irish lads, I think you can relax in knowing that most people don't think there's any sort Irish conspiracy going on that undermines Welsh teams. No need for us to argue, we need to unite against the arrogant English.

heh, sure it's good to clear the pipes once in a while, and maybe everyone is feeling a little tense with the end of season being so close. I know I am. Better that than having no interest, I suppose, but not great for the nerves Very Happy


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by carpet baboon Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:19 pm

mikey_dragon wrote:Haha look at all this! And Irish lads, I think you can relax in knowing that most people don't think there's any sort of Irish conspiracy going on that undermines Welsh teams in the Pro12. No need for us to argue, we need to unite against the arrogant English.

We can't do that Mikey your country man phill is waiting g for them to come to the rescue of welsh club rugby

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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by VinceWLB Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:43 pm

mikey_dragon wrote:Haha look at all this! And Irish lads, I think you can relax in knowing that most people don't think there's any sort of Irish conspiracy going on that undermines Welsh teams in the Pro12. No need for us to argue, we need to unite against the arrogant English.

Mikey, believe me i would rather we all discuss about the great Leinster-Ospreys game that is currently going on rather than the tiresome repetitive tirades that has been going in this thread.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by carpet baboon Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:46 pm

Why are the OS still trying to tackle teo high?

carpet baboon

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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by VinceWLB Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:50 pm

carpet baboon wrote:Why are the OS still trying to tackle teo high?

Not sure but the O's defense is pretty soft, not just against Teo. Leinster's tackling is a lot more solid.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by carpet baboon Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:55 pm

Good to see both teams looking to offload in the tackle. Os forcing it though is not doi g them any favours.
I hate Webb he's far to good

carpet baboon

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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:55 pm

Ospreys looked strong at the end of the first half, but errors costing them points. Discipline's a bit of an issue as well. Think they have wind advantage in the second half, and if they can get points early, who knows?


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by VinceWLB Sat 05 Mar 2016, 4:33 pm

Good try for Baker, really starting to look like the real deal in the back row.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 4:58 pm

Not a bad game at all. Think that was a vital game for Ospreys to win for any hope of a top 6 finish. They came really close at times, but little errors cost them, potentially.
Difficult season for them with the WRC and 6N's, but no doubt will come back firing next season.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by VinceWLB Sat 05 Mar 2016, 5:05 pm

They are not out of it yet imo, at least for a top 6 finish, they have a fairly easy run in and i can see them winning all their remaining games.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by mikey_dragon Sat 05 Mar 2016, 5:40 pm

If Ospreys were in the ECC next year it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Plus if they could win it, which they're good enough to do, then it would be a good foundation for their young squad.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 5:42 pm

They could still do it, and they do have a good run in of games, but they are competing against Ulster, Munster, Glasgow, and Edinburgh for 6th spot. With Glasgow having three games in hand, Munster two, and Ulster 12 points in front, it's looking highly unlikely. They might catch Edinburgh for 7th, but the odds are massively against them reaching 6th. I'm not saying Edinburgh won't make it to top 6, just that points wise they are the most likely to get caught. Ulster are really up against it for qualifying and, as I said, we're 12 points in front of Ospreys.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 5:44 pm

mikey_dragon wrote:If Ospreys were in the ECC next year it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Plus if they could win it, which they're good enough to do, then it would be a good foundation for their young squad.  

Yes, they have a lot of young players there, and this season could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Nematode Sat 05 Mar 2016, 5:57 pm

I'm probably the only one here that will side with the refs... (a but).

Rugby's a complex game and laws can be interpreted very, very differently. Forward passes, squint throws, side entry, you name it, almost every law (and sanction) can be debated.

Now, if you've been running all game to keep with the action, are you going to be as alert to someone coming in from the side compared to someone watching a close up shot on TV? No.

Also, bear in mind these refs (or most of them in pro12) have day jobs. Ian Davies is a financial advisor, Clancy, civil servant. It's a tough ask to have to give up weekends and travel a lot, not something I'd want to do.

What I'm trying to say os it's a tough job and refs, I'm pretty sure, aren't going to try to be biased.

Sometimes honest mistakes are made, sometimes as fans when things don't go our team's way, we automatically blame referee decisions (I do). In reality, they do a tough job that needs doing and generally to a high standard


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by Guest Sat 05 Mar 2016, 6:05 pm

Nematode wrote:I'm probably the only one here that will side with the refs... (a but).

Rugby's a complex game and laws can be interpreted very, very differently. Forward passes, squint throws, side entry, you name it, almost every law (and sanction) can be debated.

Now, if you've been running all game to keep with the action, are you going to be as alert to someone coming in from the side compared to someone watching a close up shot on TV? No.

Also, bear in mind these refs (or most of them in pro12) have day jobs. Ian Davies is a financial advisor, Clancy, civil servant. It's a tough ask to have to give up weekends and travel a lot, not something I'd want to do.

What I'm trying to say os it's a tough job and refs, I'm pretty sure, aren't going to try to be biased.

Sometimes honest mistakes are made, sometimes as fans when things don't go our team's way, we automatically blame referee decisions (I do). In reality, they do a tough job that needs doing and generally to a high standard

No, you're not the only one. I agree with everything you posted. It would be great to see all refs reading the same script, but that's hardly the fault of the refs.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by marty2086 Mon 07 Mar 2016, 10:12 am

VinceWLB wrote:You Ulster lot are by far the most obnoxious fanbase of them all, this is tedious at best.

Vince where were you when LD, Phil and he who shall not be named were talking Irish conspiracies and Refs fixing games all in the face of actual facts?

While you might not like the posts from Friday there was a point to them and the unusual suspects have be quiet about events that fly in the face of their claims


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by wayne Mon 07 Mar 2016, 3:35 pm

I haven't contributed to this topic for obvious issues, and this will be my only post on this topic, just to say we have every month a Player Of The Month and a Try Of The Month, voted on by Ospreys supporters and Sam Davies was the winner of both competitions for February, the try was the one he scored against Connacht just over a week ago, and let me finally add I voted in both and on both I voted for the competition winner.


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Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility - Page 4 Empty Re: Pro12 bosses must act NOW to solve major refereeing issues that are undermining its credibility

Post by marty2086 Fri 25 Mar 2016, 4:07 pm

Yeah its the Pro 12 who has a credibility issue Rolling Eyes


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