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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:01 am

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Comes the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off. As the camera pans around the sold out 6CW arena across the thousands in attendance the voice of Harold Lloyd can be heard

HA: Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to another action packed show at Wembley Arena.

HE: Can you still smell burnt wood?

Harold shakes his head

HA: After a dramatic end to Aftermath seemingly nothing human nor otherwise can stand in the way of Mr Jones’s domination. I don’t see any options for what is left of 6CW as I remember it and I truly believe it is going to get a lot worse before it can ever get better

HE: When has it ever been better?

HA: I will continue through thick and thin and unfortunate or not as it is so will the man next to me

HE: That hurts…..

HA: Ladies and Gentlemen. This is 6CW and for better or worse


6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:02 am

*Charlotte Grey is walking down the corridor talking to her cameraman

CG: So when we get there, basically just make sure we've got a wide enough angle in case he tries to touch me...

*The cameraman nods and then they stop. Grey shoots the gun with her finger and the cameraman's camera fires into life, our shot changing to what hes filming. The sign on the door says "Ladies Dressing Room", but a misty, pink smoke seems to be pervading out the cracks on its top and side. The camera pans up and down and we see it streaming out from the bottom. Grey looks past the shot to her cameraman, and knocks on the door as she looks at him quizzically.

The door swings open, the smoke pouring out before the figure of Brandon Perez glides forward. The cameraman backs off to get the wide shot, and as he does we see a midget luchador grabbing the crotch of Perez. He suddenly screams loudly

BP: See, I can do it too. King of Dong style? Sure, Joey, sure!

*Perez sees Grey, and the midget is somehow thrown back into the changing room, seemingly by the power of Brandon's...

BP: Ding dong indeed, Miss Grey. To what do I owe the pleasure..?

*Grey notably shudders before composing herself

CG: We just wanted to see what you were doing tonight, Brandon

BP: It's Anarchy tonight, Charlotte, which means the cleaners in the building we'll be needing those mops

CG: Needing those mops..?

BP: Ladies will be slipping off their seats, my dear.

*This time she looks straight down the lens, imploring people to understand her disgust. Perez just smiles

BP: The lucky winners get to come back to the boudoir.

CG: I used to change in there...

BP: I know, Charlotte, and you're welcome back any time

CG: Oh god! Back to the show, back to the show, back to show

BP: I'll put on quite a show for you

*Grey recoils away from him before spitting out a question

CG: What are you doing tonight now that no one even remembers to put you on the card

*Perez loses the smile

BP: Wait, what?

CG: No match tonight, Brandon. I guess you're no longer flavour of the month.

*Perez looks a bit lost

BP: Perez, no party...

*He looks down

BP: Soft...that hasn't happened in years...excuse me

*He closes the door. Grey looks at her cameraman and calls to cut.

6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:03 am

Timothy Allen is standing by with Cameron Faith. Faith is holding his Fight for the Right briefcase and making sure that the camera is catching sight of it. He slaps it a few times as Allen starts to speak.

TA: Ladies and gentlemen I am here with 6CW's newest recruit; fresh from retirement. Mr Cameron Faith.

Faith grabs the microphone and pushes Allen to one side.

CF: Let's make one thing clear. Whether I am retired or not, I will still be the best thing in this company. My history doesn't need repeating because you lot should know it already! And in my these hands that will do so much damage......I carry the fruit of my labours.

He lifts the briefcase up and bangs it.

CF: A fruit I deserved to get! And guess what?! It can still get me what I deserve! The scenery might have changed but the rules still apply! The contract in here will get me that shot! It is cast iron! It is a done deal! It is lawful........

Suddenly Faith turns to his side and Vincent Costello comes into shot.

VC: I don't think you are in any position to say what is lawful or not.

Faith smirks.

CF: Well you should know about contracts Vince. Last I heard yours was ripped up!

Costello laughs but then gets serious.

VC: You see contracts aren't worth the paper they are written on in this place. There is always some wise guy trying to get ahead by bending the rules. But that is fine......if you can't beat them, then join them.

Costello glances at the briefcase.

VC: If that contract says what you say it does, then you have just become my number one target; Pity for you. I don't need to be main event for it to be forced upon me. All I have to do is take the law into my own hands.......and part your bleeding ones off the handle of that briefcase.

Costello smirks.

VC: See you out there.

Costello walks off with Faith glaring at him and holding the briefcase tight to his chest.

6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:10 am

"Where I'm From" by Jay Z blares out over the 6cw Arena, Weighing in at 220lbs from Fuuto, Japan & One half of Dopant Zero.....Kenzaki Nogami.....
HA: Dopant Zero have been incredibly impressive since returning to 6CW
HE: Not quite as impressive as The Forgotten though Harold.

The lights dim and ice blue pyros illuminate the stage as Jesse Wolf make his entrance to a big pop from the 6CW Crowd as he poses on the turnbuckle.
HA: You're looking at a man that should be 1 half of the 6CW Tag Team Champions
HE: In 6CW you never take your eyes off the ball and his brother did.

The lights in the arena dim and the crowd inside make a huge amount of noise,Red pyros then scream into the air, exploding overhead, before "Riot" echoes out of the speakers as Hokori comes out, Weighing in at 202lbs representing The Forgotten.....Hokori!
HE: Here he comes Harold, You're looking at one half of the best tag teams in 6CW's history.

The bell rings with Jesse Wolf charging straight for Hokori as shoulder charges him into the corner and starts reigning down with punches on the forgotten member....
Nogami comes from behind with a kick to the back of the head of Wolf and tiger suplexes him across the ring...
Nogami starts kicking away aiming at the legs and ribs of Hokori in the corner, Hokori manages to grab one of the kicks and dragon whips Nogami to the mat and kicks away behind the knee.

HE: Smart by Hokori taking away the legs of his opponent but then again what do you expect from The Forgotten so great at everything.
Hokori heads across the ring and starts concentrating on Jesse Wolf and lifts him and sits him on the top turnbuckle facing the crowd and grabs the back of his head before sprinting across the ring lands a vicious neckbreaker off the top and goes for the cover
1.........2......Shoulder Up.

HE: It was 3 Ref!
HA: It wasn't even close Henry

Hokori gestures at the ref that it was 3 much to his frustration and starts stomping away at the back of the neck of Wolf before landing a knee drop.
Hokori pulls up Wolf and lands a european uppercut to the back of Jesse's head making him collapse face first to the mat.

Hokori sees Nogami hobbling back to his feet and lands a chop block to the injured leg of Nogami
Hokori grabs the injured leg and places it in the ropes and jumps up attempting to stamp down onto it but Nogami lifts his leg and catches him below the belt and rolls up Hokori
Hokori manages to push himself out of the pinfall as the ref's hand was coming down.

HE: That was low Ref DQ him
HA: It's a triple threat there are no DQ's.

Hokori charges at Nogami with a clothesline but Nogami ducks up and hits Hokori with a pele kick to the jaw.
Hokori falls to the mat as Nogami gingerly attempts to climb up the turnbuckles with 1 leg

Hokori manages to get up and attack Nogami on the top rope and climbs up and has Nogami in a superplex position
Jesse Wolf comes from behind and clubs at the back of Hokori lifting him into an electric chair

Nogami composes himself on the top rope and missile dropkicks Hokori off Wolf's shoulders leading to Hokori rolling to the outside.
HE: They should be ashamed of themselves resorting to double teaming poor Hokori

Wolf pulls up Nogami and lands a backstabber before going for the 86'd and landing it across the ribs of Nogami...
Hokori pulls Wolf from the ring and throws him into the ring steps before pulling a chair out from under the ring and places it infront of Jesse's face and running dropkicks it leaving Jesse slumped against the steps.

HA: Not calling for the DQ Henry?
HE: It was a perfectly legal move and you know it.

Hokori grabs the chair and heads into the ring and starts smashing it against the back of Nogami's legs causing him to roll around in agony
Hokori lifts the dented chair up as booing is heard around the 6CW arena, He turns to see Jesse Wolf pulling himself onto the apron and charges at him with the chair.

Wolf ducks and shoulders him in the ribs and springboards across the ring landing a codebreaker with the chair to the face of Hokori and goes for the pin
Nogami reaches across and breaks the fall just as the hand was coming down

Nogami pulls up Wolf and lifts him across his shoulders for the Samurai Shock but Jesse manages to land on his feet and lands a handspring bulldog to Nogami and goes for the pin
Shoulder up...

Jesse climbs out onto the apron as he catches Hokori rising to his feet and lands the springboard 720 DDT drilling Hokori's head into the mat.
Jesse Wolf heads up top and lands the It's a Lock

HE: What a brilliant piece of team play here tonight
Austin Stevens pulls the ref out of the ring and attacks Jesse with Hokori starting to double team kicking away at him in the corner....

HA: For the 2nd week in a row one of The Alpha Wolves had a member of the Forgotten beat but here comes back up
HE: He was going to kick out.

Brandon Wolf with chair in hand sprints down and starts landing shot after shot on the forgotten members before Stevens lands a low blow to Brandon and takes the chair smashing it over the skull of Brandon.

Hokori points to Nogami on the outside as he & Austin rolls out and start throwing him into barriers at ringside
HE: The Forgotten destroying what's left of The Alpha Wolves here tonight
HA: Here comes the other half of Dopant Zero

Yagurama comes down singapore cane in hand charging at Hokori and hits him in the ribs with the cane and across the back as Jesse Wolf comes flying over the ropes with a corkscrew moonsault to Austin.

Yagurama grabs Hokori and smashes his head on the announcers table over and over before throwing him into the barricade.
Nogami comes out to help Yagurama and starts kicking at Hokori with stiff shots.

Austin Stevens and Jesse continue brawling with Stevens getting the upper hand laying out Jesse with a DDT on the floor.
Stevens attacks Dopant Zero from behind as Hokori gets to his feet as everyone starts a brawl infront of the announcers with Jesse Wolf running along the railing and suicide diving into the middle of it taking everyone down.

HA: It looks like Brandon is about to fly here!
Everyone slowly gets up as Brandon Wolf climbs the top rope and splashes onto everyone taking everyone down with punches being exchanged on the floor between teams

HA: The Forgotten are running scared tonight
HE: Their regrouping not running.

6CW security come down in a flood of guards trying to seperate everyone with The Forgotten heading into the crowd as Security starts to take control splitting everyone up

Last edited by Mat on Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:17 am; edited 1 time in total

6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:12 am

*The Cameras quickly cut from the action ringside, to the backstage area and more specifically one of the many 6CW corridors. The corridor is fairly wide and is lit brightly, boxes of equipment and spare parts line up against the walls, the walls are painted white however showing signs of cracking. Pictures are also hung up on the wall celebrating some of 6CW's biggest stars. The camera then picks up on the trio of Lex Hart, Perfect Jack and Jessica as the crowd can be heard booing. Lex and Jack are both in deep discussion wearing similar tailored made suits with expensive watches. Jessica is sat on an equipment box looking bored and tired, looking at her coloured red finger nails. She is wearing A pair of blue jeans, fashionable boots, A black cut shirt showing some cleavage and a brown jacket which is zipped to the middle. As the camera leans in Jack and Lex are now audible.*

LH: Like we have been discussing all week, the plan is bullet proof. I'll accompany you out to the ring with Jessica and you have nothing to worry about. Mike and Geoff, I mean come on man. They're far from Perfect and they're far from the level required to beat yours truly, Lex Hart. Last week I proved that, so you can prove that tonight against Hill.

PJ: But what about what happened last week... I just can't get that out of my head. How dare Mike Hill get in our business like... How dare he threaten us? Does he know what perfect is? Absolutely not. I will make him hurt tonight, and then you can take your turn on making him wish he never came back.

LH: I like it. Tonight, we get our own back and tonight we can finally celebrate what perfection really looks like. This is going to be finished before it gets started that we can guarantee without a shadow of a doubt...

*Mike Hill strides into shot with a big grin on his face, Lex is cut off completely as the crowd cheers from the arena. Hill is wearing "Standard Mike Hill" t-shirt in bold red and a pair of casual jeans. The grin is as wide as ever, as he chuckles shaking his head before speaking at an ice cold looking Jack and Lex.

MH: Things never change do they... Mike Hill returns and everything is exactly how it has always been. Two guys and one girl, is that how it's always been Jess?

*Hill sniggers as the crowd laugh, Jack and Lex roll their eyes as Jess slowly climbs off the equipment box and gets in the face of Mike, looking seductively into the eyes of the former champion, placing a hand on his chest and biting her lip at the same time.*

J: Shame, you’re a former world champion and look as handsome as ever Mr Hill. Perfection can always be added too... I mean look at the three of us, were incredible. Did you see how many likes my selfie got on instagram and retweets on twitter? Now imagine if you were herewith us and more importantly me...

*Hill looks back into the eyes of Jess, before looking back up into the eyes of his rivals, Perfect Jack and Lex Hart who look on slightly confused.

MH: I must say... it's a tempting offer... but, Jess, as I mentioned earlier... nothing changes. You have your hands and more than likely your mouth busy Lex, it right on the head early, you will be celebrating but only celebrating a release of a new video, this time with guest star, Perfect Jack. Geoff Steel and Mike Hill will be showing you what real perfection looks like tonight, it's as standard as that. I'm looking forward to the release of that video, Lex.

*Mike Hill winks and saunters past the trio of Lex Hart, Perfect Jack and Jessica who look on with rage in their eyes as the crowd laughs. The scene ends with Jack, Lex and Jessica looking on shaking their heads and muttering under their breaths as the show fades away to a commercial break.

Last edited by Mat on Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total

6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:15 am

Tim Allen is stood backstage with a piece of paper in his hand

TA: Ladies and Gentlemen in light of the events during the first match of this evening 6CW management have just informed me that there will be a Tag Team Championship Triple Threat match at New Dawn where it will be the current Tag Champions The Forgotten against The Alpha Wolves and Dopant Zero

As we saw earlier on feelings are running very high between these teams and that match is certain to be another huge encounter for the 6CW PPV. It promises to be a great start to the year for 6CW fans

6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:20 am

Match 2
Vincent Costello vs. Cameron Faith

The action returns to ringside as "Killing in the name of" screams through the speakers. There is a mixed reception from the crowd, although many cheers are evident, as Vincent Costello hobbles out onto the stage with an angry look on his face...

HA: I'm not so sure Vincent Costello should be out here competing tonight....that leg has not had proper time to heal....

HE: He could have called it a day of he'd listened to Kramer two weeks ago...

HA: That was quite frankly insulting for the greatest EWF Champion we have ever had....Costello may have sided against Jones but he doesn't deserve to be pushed out of the door....

HE: He made the wrong career choice, which is such a shame because I used to really like him...

HA: I'm sure he's gutted to have lost your support...

Costello makes his way down the ramp and then he climbs up the steel steps, wincing slightly at the pain in his knee. He clambers through the ropes and makes his way to the centre of the ring....

HE: Costello has brought this all on himself and if that injury gets worse then he can blame nobody else...

HA: How the hell can you say these things? Costello was injured by Joshua....thrown off the stage by the 6CW Champion....and now he is being forced to start from rung number one on the ladder....Mr Jones is the man responsible for everything that is happening to Costello...

HE: Then Costello shouldn't have been so stupid and picked the wrong side...

Pyros begin shooting into the air as "Ain't no stopping me" booms through the speakers. There is a loud ovation from the audience as Cameron Faith swaggers out onto the stage, carrying a briefcase in hand...

HA: 6CW's hottest new talent acquisition....tonight we get the in ring debut of Cameron Faith...

HE: I love this guy, he's so talented..

HA: Talented, yes....arrogant, you bet....Cameron Faith was one of the most sought after free agents on the market after the collapse of 6WF....and here he is, ready to make waves in 6CW...

HE: And what about that briefcase....he won that in 6WF and apparently it guaranteed him a world title match, you don't think 6CW officials have granted him the same privilege over here?

HA: Fight for the Right was a tournament in 6WF and Cameron Faith was the final victor....he never got to cash in his championship contract but from what I have heard he still believes he is owed a shot....I have no idea whether 6CW has granted him anything but he is still carrying it around with him....

HE: Vincent Costello seemed very interested in it earlier which makes me wonder if it is a golden ticket to the mountain top...

Faith slowly circles the ring, grinning up at Costello as he does, and then he climbs up onto the apron. He steps through the ropes and then raises the FFTR briefcase in the air as he approaches the centre of the ring...

HA: This is, on paper, one heck of a matchup....the question however is just how injured is Vincent Costello?

HE: He's had a month since his last match...

HA: I'm not sure that's long enough to be honest....

The bell sounds to start the match as Faith is placing his briefcase in the corner. Costello clatters into him from behind and unloads with a barrage of punches before spinning Faith around and lashes at his chest with fierce chops...

HA: Costello wasting absolutely no time at all....fighting is all he knows...

Faith tries to cover up as Costello hooks at his body and stomps at any part of the body he can reach. He then grabs Faith's arm and tries to whip him towards the opposite turnbuckle...

HE: Faith not having that...

Faith is able to spin through and he sends Costello into the turnbuckle. Costello hits the corner and immediately thunders back out with a huge clothesline that takes Faith off of his feet....

*Crowd cheer

HA: Vincent Costello is certainly fired up for this one...

Faith gets back up and Costello rams a forearm into his face before whipping him off the ropes. He lowers his head for a backdrop but Faith hurdles him on the comeback and then charges off the opposite ropes....

HE: He ran straight into it...

Costello spins around and leaps into the air, knocking Faith to the ground with a heavy knee to the face. Faith scrambles back up and Costello pulls him into a snap DDT..................1.....................2................shoulder up!

HA: Vincent Costello showing why he was the EWF Champion for so long....even at less than 100% he is so dangerous....

Costello gets back up and he makes his way towards the corner. He starts to climb towards the top but Faith is already back up and he runs into the corner and leaps into the air with a European uppercut that sends Costello tumbling off the apron...

HE: Costello landed on that bad knee of his...

HA: Could change the rhythm of this match....

Costello winces in pain as he tries to get back up and put weight on his injured leg. The referee tries to keep Cameron Faith in the ring but he nudges past the official and runs to the ropes...

HE: Faith knows he has him hurt; he's not willing to rest...

Faith suicide dives through the ropes and tackles Costello back to the floor. Some of the crowd are booing as Faith stands back up but he merely bows to the audience...

HA: Faith is full of confidence with or without the support of this crowd...

Faith grabs Costello by the head and he yanks him up before throwing him back under the bottom rope. He clambers onto the apron and scales the ropes, waiting for VC to get back to his feet...

HE: Faith is settling in now....oh yes!

Faith leaps from the top rope and he takes Costello out with a missile dropkick...
............shoulder up!

HA: Cameron Faith has been touted as a future megastar for some time now....can he make good on that now he is in 6CW? This roster is more talented than any I have ever seen before...

HE: Faith has the ability....

Costello tries to get back up but Faith grabs his injured leg and then slams it down against the canvass, causing VC to writhe in agony. Faith bounces back against the ropes and he returns with a low dropkick to the injured area...

HA: The bull's eye is there and Faith would be a fool to ignore it....even if it is uncomfortable to watch....

Costello tries to crawl for ropes and pull himself up but Faith grabs him by the heel and pulls him back towards the centre of the ring, where he tries to apply an anklelock. Costello thrashes wildly and manages to spin out on his back before kicking Faith in the chest with his free foot...

HE: Costello was nearly done for there...

HA: I'm not sure his leg could withstand that kind of pain....

Faith comes forward again and tries to grab Costello's leg but the former world champion grabs his opponent's head and drags him down into a small package...................1................2..............shoulder up. They both make their way up and Faith immediately stomps on Costello's knee and then lifts him into an implant DDT...............1................2..........kickout!

HE: I bet Costello is regretting continuing his career now...

HA: Costello will never regret that decision....he may be injured but he will never walk away from this business just because Jones and co want him to...

Faith thinks he should have a three count but the referee tells him it was a two. He gets back to his feet and he backs up into the corner...

HE: Any fans of 6WF have seen this before...

HA: Cameron Faith believes he is the master of the superkick....although Keith Leone may dispute that...


6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:21 am

Faith jumps forwards for the superkick but Costello ducks under it and lifts Faith up onto his shoulders, snapping him back down with a crunching powerbomb...............1......................2...................shoulder up. Costello hobbles around and then he pulls Faith up by the arm and whips him off the ropes...

HA: Costello trying to finish things....OMERTA!

Costello looks for the "black hole" slam but Faith spins out back and then runs his opponent into a bulldog. Faith then makes his way to the corner and he begins to climb the ropes...

HE: Faith looks as good as ever...


Faith looks out at the crowd and grins before propelling himself backwards into an incredible double rotation moonsault, only for Costello to roll out of the way at the final second. Faith lands heavily on his chest, knocking all of the wind from him, and he rolls for the apron....

HA: That was a terrible landing for Cameron Faith...

HE: He needs to regroup...

Faith is doubled over on the apron, wincing in pain, as Costello grabs him by the hair and drags him through the middle ropes. Faith's legs are still hung up on the ropes...

HA: Beautiful corkscrew neckbreaker!

Costello snaps Faith down into the canvass and he hooks both legs...........1..................2...........Faith finds a way to kick out. Costello slowly pushes himself back to a standing position and he beckons for Faith to stand up before running off the ropes...

HA: Costello going for the kill....KERB...

Faith jumps into Costello and rolls him up before he can leap in the air...................1.........................2...........shoulder up. They scramble back up and Faith leaps into the air for a hurricanrana but Costello catches him on his shoulders...

HA: Power...

Costello runs towards the corner for the powerbomb but Faith jumps out back. Costello turns around, jarring his knee slightly, and Faith wipes him out with a Pele kick. Faith rolls out onto the apron and then he springboards back in with a top rope splash....

HE: That'll finish it...



.........kickout. Faith rolls over and stares at the referee in disbelief....

HE: That had to be a three count...

HA: You know how resilient Vincent Costello is...

Faith gets to his feet and he takes a deep breath before pulling Costello up. He nails a suplex and then twists his hips as he drags Costello back up for a second suplex...

HE: Hat-trick...

Faith swivels around for the third time and he drags Costello back to his feet. He attempts the suplex but Costello floats over the shoulder of his opponent and nails a face-first Russian legsweep.................1..................2...........Faith gets his shoulder up!

HA: Costello coming so close there....but still this match continues...

Costello gets up and he waits for Faith to stand up before lifting him up onto his shoulders. He spins him around but Faith slips off the back and shoves VC into the corner. He runs into the corner for a flying knee but Costello moves and sends his opponent crashing against the turnbuckle...

HA: Faith did not anticipate that...

Costello stumbles away and gets himself together. Faith crawls from the corner and Costello stares at him before bouncing off the ropes...


Costello leaps up for the huge foot stomp but Faith rolls away, causing Costello to land hard on his injured knee. Costello yells out in agony as Faith gets back up...


Faith motions for the superkick and Costello throws his hands up to protect his head, so Faith super-kicks him straight in the injured knee. Costello collapses in agony and Faith rolls over him and into the cover...............1..........................2..............................3!

HA: I don't believe it...

HE: Oh yes....what a debut win for Cameron Faith...

6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:23 am

"Ain't no stopping me" plays out as Faith rolls from the ring and fist pumps the air. He grabs his FFTR briefcase and holds it up as Costello writhes in pain in the ring...

HA: Cameron Faith has knocked off Vincent Costello in his first match here in 6CW....albeit because Costello is carrying a very nasty injury....

HE: That isn't Faith's fault....he can only beat what is in front of him...

HA: Costello shouldn't have been participating here tonight and Faith targeting that knee certainly didn't help matters....

HE: That's Costello's fault, Faith did exactly what he needed to do....and he has the win to show for it...

Costello hobbles up, wincing in pain, and he stares out at Cameron Faith. Faith is smiling at Costello, who beckons for Faith to come back and fight...

HA: I don't think this is wise for Vincent Costello....

HE: Faith doesn't seem to mind...

Faith is laughing and then he shrugs his shoulders and begins to make his way back down the ramp. Faith rolls back into the ring and Costello makes a beeline for him...


Faith slams the briefcase upwards and nails Costello in the knee with it, instantly flooring him again. The crowd are booing furiously as Faith laughs at what he has done...

HE: Costello wanted the fight to continue...

HA: You are condoning this?

Faith gets up and he begins to slam the case down into the knee of Costello. The crowd then burst to life as Brandon Perez comes sprinting down to the ring....

HE: What the hell is he doing here?

HA: Well someone needs to stop this heinous attack...

Perez dives into the ring and rushes at Faith, who rolls from the ring before they collide. He laughs and shakes his head as Perez urges him to come back and fight...

HE: Deleting Tinder has obviously sent him mental...he has no business being out here...

HA: Perez may be a figure of fun to many but he's showing he has morals here....

Faith backs away into the aisleway and raises the FFTR case once more as the crowd boo him. Perez is shaking his head and then walks over to check on Costello...

HA: A very unlikely ally for Vincent Costello here...

HE: He doesn't want an ally....see!

Perez helps Costello up to his feet but then VC pushes Perez away and looks at him with disgust and anger. Perez looks confused as Costello yells at him to get out of the ring...

HA: Costello is used to being a lone ranger...he doesn't take help....

HE: He can barely walk....

Perez looks at the ground as he climbs from the ring and drops to the outside. Costello curses loudly as he tries to put weight on his knee and hobble towards the ropes.

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:25 am

Max Adamson and Anthony Grace are stood backstage

MA: We’re making a habit of this, people might talk. Hollywood scandal, imagine the headlines??

Grace laughs nervously and before he can reply Katherine Magnusson walks into shot pushing her brother in a wheelchair

MA: Damn, I didn’t realise it was that serious…

Brian is bruised around his face but he manages a brief smile
KM: He’s fine; he’s just playing the martyr. Doctors say he should avoid standing for long periods as he gets dizzy. There’s nothing wrong with his legs!

Adamson laughs
MA: Not so much the Man of Steel more like the wheels of steel….

Grace places his hands on Brian’s shoulders
AG: I could try and ease your suffering….

Brian raises a hand
MA: Whoa there David Koresh. He’s gonna be fine, no need for the miracle man act

Katherine turns to Grace
KM: I didn’t expect to see you here tonight Anthony. With you not having a match would you not want to be with your family?

Grace nods
AG: My family here needed me more. The Forgotten are strong in their numbers, we need to show unity more now than ever. I need to prove to you all the commitment I have to this company. Especially with the role my ‘friends’ have played in its downfall

Brian stands
BM: This isn’t your fault; we took our eyes of the ball. We should have seen this coming from the day that Jones lost the company to our father; we should have known he would have a plan to return, to destroy our family

MA: So what now?

We have tried to stand up against them as a united front but it’s like Anthony says, they are so strong.

Katherine smiles
KM: And that right there is their weakness….

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:27 am

Dicey Reilly is walking backstage when he is stopped by Timothy Allen and a film crew. He tries to barge past but Allen sticks a microphone in his face.

TA: Dicey.....are you walking straight into a handicap match tonight?!

Dicey stops and stares at Allen.

DR: It is straight out of a freak show that's for sure. But I am ready for anything. I made it clear to my freak partner this week......mess with me and a world of hurt is coming your way. And we all know where I said he could stick that bat.

Dicey makes a crude gesture with his arms as Allen winces.

DR: Cerberus obviously took pointers from his partner last week over chicken sh*t tactics. But that's ok, because his partner should also make him aware of what happens when he crosses me......

Dicey looks into the camera.

DR: How's your nose Wood?

Dicey holds his stare before turning to Allen again.

DR: Point is this......handicap or not I will come out on top. Only a fool would mess with me right now.

This time Dicey is successful in barging past Allen. The interviewer shrugs his shoulders at the camera as it goes to black.

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:29 am

Match 3
Perfect Jack w/Lex Hart vs. Mike Hill w/Geoff Steel

HE: One on one competition coming next and Perfect Jack will be looking to pick up the win against Mike Hill

HA: Its meant to be one on one, but what betting that both Lex Hart and Miss Jessica try and get involved in the proceedings here?

HE: Oh, and I suppose Geoff Steel will just be here to be a cheerleader for Mike Hill. Honestly, double standards all the time with you

HA: Simmer down, we both know that if anybody is going to try and get involved here tonight it'll be them in Jacks corner

HE: whatever, won't even come down to that Perfect Jack doesn't need outside interference to win, the clue is in his name and I'm confident we'll be chalking up another tick in the win column for Jack here tonight

The crowd start to boo as 'Perfection' plays and Jack walks out to the stage to the hostile reaction. He's flanked by Lex Hart and Miss Jessica and the three make their way down to the ring, returning the abuse they are getting back to the fans

HE: such a dangerous trio of individuals, each in their own very different way, a fact Geoff Steel found out two weeks ago

HA: I won't disagree there. Both former world champions and only strengthened with that Harlot in their corner

All of a sudden the fans jump to their feet as 'The next big thing' hits the speakers and Mike Hill makes his way out alongside Geoff Steel. He bounces from one foot to the other and then makes his way down to the ring tagging the hands of the fans on his way

HA: Mike Hill made his return to 6CW last week, coming to the aid of Steel. Now he'll be wanting to make his presence known with a win on his return

HE: well I don't want to disappoint him but that ain't gonna happen

Both men are in the ring face to face as the official signals for the bell. They exchange words and Jack raises his right arm in the air inviting Mike to a test of strength

HE: Sucker!!

The boos are deafening as Jack catches Mike off guard with a kick to the mid-section and then smashes him across the back as he doubles over. Jack measures Mike and lands a perfect punch which lands clean on the jaw dropping Mike to the mat.

Jack closes in as Mike gets to his feet not giving him any time and he pushes him in to the corner of the ring and unleashes a flurry of punches. Mike Hill instantly turns the tables though and Jack finds himself having to cover up. Hart jumps on to the ring and is welcomed with a big right hand from Hill which knocks him down off the canvas but the distraction is enough for Jack who gets a thumb to the eye of Hill and then knocks him down with a running clothesline.

Jack picks Mike up off the mat and connects with a snap suplex and then goes in to the pin



Mike Hill kicks out and Jack goes back on offense grabbing the head of Hill and raining down a number of punches, stopping as the official counts to five.

Jack backs away before being DQ'd and allows Hill to get to his feet but closes in as he does and connecting with a kick to the gut and then hits another snap suplex

HE: Absolutely perfect in his execution

Jack lifts Mike back up only to send him back down again with a snapmare and then delivers a kick to the back and pushes him back down to the mat for another pin attempt



Hill kicks out again as Geoff tries to muster support for him on the outside. Jack lifts Hill up and whips him in to the corner of the ring


The crowd cheer wildly as Hill bounces out of the corner and almost takes Jacks head off with a huge clothesline of his own. He lifts Jack up straight away and backs him into the corner of the ring and hits a number of chops across the chest, each drawing a WOOOOOOO from the crowd.

He whips him into the opposite corner and follows with a running splash and then as Jack staggers out of the corner Hill connects with a rainbow kick and then follows with a standing shooting star press

HA: That’s the kind of offense you can expect to see from Mike Hill and he could have him



Jack gets his shoulder up off the mat and Hill gets to his feet and waits for Jack to do the same, as he does he rocks him with a right hand and then wraps his hands around his waist and hits a belly to belly overhead suplex and he crawls over and hooks the leg again



Jack kicks out again and Hill grabs him by the head and drags him up to his feet. He backs him against the ropes and whips him across the ring and then sends him flying with another overhead belly suplex and then climbs to the top rope


Hill flies off the top rope and connects with a frog splash and then hooks the leg






HA: You mean Lex put it there, Hill had this match won. Ruddy typical

Geoff makes his way around ringside and confronts Lex as Miss Jessica pushes her man away. Hill inside the ring gets to his feet and he makes his way across the ring to shout at Lex. Hart tries to confront Hill but Miss Jessica won't let him, choosing instead to climb up to the apron and then slaps Hill hard across the face






Jack hits the mat in anger at the close fall and then gets to his feet, he drags Hill up and takes him straight back down with a Russian leg sweep and floats over into a pin



HA: Hill kicks out again much to the dismay of Jack

Jack takes a moment to catch his breath and then he whips Hill against the ropes and knocks him down with a perfect standing dropkick.

Jack climbs up to the top rope and waits as Hill gets to his feet

HA: Foreign territory for Jack here


Jack flies through the air with a crossbody taking Hill down and keeps on top for the pin




Hill kicks out again and Jack stares a hole through the official. Outside of the ring Lex is accusing the ref of a slow count as Hill slowly tries to get to his feet. Jack cockily kicks him knocking him back down to the mat and continues to do so each time Hill tries to get to his feet

Jack backs away allowing Hill time to get to his feet and he ducks under a desperation clothesline attempt from Hill and sends him flying with a release German suplex

HE: Beautiful from Jack

Jack gets to his feet with an arrogant smile spread wide across his face as he strides across to Hill. He lifts him up and locks in a sleephold in the middle of the ring. Hill fights against it but quickly begins to fade as Jack applies more pressure.

He falls to his knees and then completely down to a seated position before completely down to the mat. Jack keeps the submission locked in as Geoff is working the crowd to get behind Hill. The official raises Hills arm in the air and it drops down straight away. He lifts it a second time and it drops again

HE: This is it, one more and Jack wins, as I predicted


Hills hand falls again but he catches it before it hits the canvas and it shoots straight back up in the air. Hill starts fighting the submission again and begins to make his way up, first to his knees then to his feet. He elbows his way free as Jack is powerless to stop him and he runs at the ropes

HA: For the love of....

The crowd boo again as Hill is tripped by Hart on the outside and Jack takes advantage with a chop block taking out the back of Hills leg. Jack gets up and begins to viciously stomp down on the leg

HE: Jack zoning in on the leg of Hill, I think we all know where this is leading

HA: This is disgusting. Hill was battling his way back in to this and fell foul to those two again on the outside of the ring.

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:30 am

HE: Well blame the official, he could send them away if he wanted

Jack places Hills leg on the bottom rope and then springboards off the middle and brings his weight crashing down across the knee of Hill. He drags him in to the middle of the ring and then goes to set up for the figure four

HE: He gets this locked in then we're over






Both men quickly get up to their feet and Jack aims a clothesline at Hill who ducks underneath and then springs off the middle rope and takes Jack down with a crossbody. Jack gets up again and walks straight into a dropkick, followed by a second and then into an inverted atomic drop

Hart climb on to the apron and eats a drop kick of his own for his efforts and then Hill waits for Jack to get up before whipping him against the ropes and connecting with a hurricanrana into the pin attempt



Jack kicks out but Hill wants to keep up the pace and bounces against the ropes and hits Jack with a baseball slide dropkick knocking him back down to the mat and then he climbs up to the second rope and jumps off driving his elbow down into the sternum of Jack and hooks the leg again




Jack throws his arm in the air, much to the relief of Hart and Jessica outside the ring. Geoff holds his head In his hands in Mikes corner and shouts encouragement. Hill gets to his feet and waits for Jack to do the same before kicking him in the mid-section






Hill is pleading with the referee who signals the count of two. He pulls himself up to his feet and then exits the ring to the apron, he begins to climb up to the rope but Miss Jessica grabs his foot to stall his progress. Hill manages to kick her away and then makes his way to the top

HA: This is getting ridiculous now

With the official distracted checking on Miss Jessica Hart climbs on to the apron and pushes Hill off the top rope crotching him on the ropes. Steel has seen enough and he runs around the ring but Hart cowers behind Miss Jessica as he pulls her up to her feet to shield behind her

HA: Very classy

Inside the ring Jack slowly gets to his feet and springboards off one rope into a dropkick which sends Hill crashing down to the outside of the ring. Hart picks him up quickly and rolls him back inside the ring and Jack once again sets up for the figure four


The official positions himself looking for the submission as Hill tries to pull himself towards the ropes, Hart realises this and grabs the outstretched arm of Jack and pulls him across the ring, further away from the ropes for Hill.

HE: You may not like it, but they make an effective partnership

HA: They're cheats and you know it....BUT ITS ALL IN VAIN SO FAR!!

Hill is continuing to fight the submission, not willing to give up and he manages to roll on to his front reversing the pressure on to Jack and immediately Jack is able to grab the rope for the hold to be broken.

HA: Great fight from Hill, this is what made him a favourite over in 6WF, he never knows when to quit

Hill is in a lot of pain as he pulls himself across the ring and uses the ropes to pull himself up. Jack gets to his feet too and the two men meet in the middle of the ring, they trade right hands and Hill begins to get the upper hand. He rocks Jack back in to the corner of the ring and Miss Jessica tries to distract him to no avail as Hill plants a huge smacker on her lips and she climbs down in disgust as Lex flares up with rage and Hill laughs, Hart tries to climb in the ring


The crowd are at fever pitch as Steel drags Hart down off the apron and the two begin to brawl at ringside, inside the ring Jack looks to take advantage and grabs Hill from behind







He: This is a robbery. Steel should be fined for his transgressions here tonight. He had no right to lay a finger on Hart. He's nothing more than a bully

HA: Bitter much?

Hart drags Jack from the ring and the three back away up the ramp, looks of disgust etched on the faces of Hart and Jessica as Steel and Hill celebrate in the ring

HA: Hill gets the win on his return, great effort and there's still plenty more to come here tonight

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:40 am

Backstage Liam Wood is shown arriving at the arena, his appearance on screen is booed from the floor to the rafters, a small smile can be seen on Wood’s face as the booing echoes through the backstage. Tim Allen approaches with a mic and Wood hesitates briefly

TA: Liam you can hear the reaction yourself. You have gone from being the man these fans idolised to the man, well listen to it. I have never witnessed such a change…

Wood sneers
LW: And what….

You think that defines who I am?

I’m not the one who changed Tim!

Wood pulls down his hood
LW: I have never done this to be cheered. The moment I bend to the will of sycophants is the day I walk away from this business for good

I do this because of one thing and one thing only. I want to be the best

TA: Being the best is one thing but it’s the way you’ve gone about things, the old Liam Wood

Woods eyes open wide
LW: The old Liam Wood what, the old Liam Wood would have fought with honour and respect???

Where’s my respect huh Tim?

Where’s the honour that I deserve?

Wood screws his face up into a contorted mess
LW: You make me SICK…..

Wood pulls his hood back up and storms out of shot leaving Allen to hand back to ringside

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:46 am

HA: Next up here on Anarchy, we've got some exciting tag team action for you, with 4 of 6CW's brightest young stars, including the UK Champion Chael Kingdom.

HE: Kingdom teams with Dimittri Pittal, who he of course defeated in a five way match at Ground Zero for that UK Title.

HA: And they find themselves up against the team of Aaron Heath and a man making his debut here in 6CW, the former 6WF European Champion James McManus.

HE: I hope Kingdom is watching his back tonight, as the UK Champion, the other three competitors in this match will have their eyes on his title belt.

"Keep it real" blares out through the speakers and the crowd cheer as Dimittri Pittal walks out onto the stage. He stands still for a few moments, looking behind him, before saluting the fans. He paces down the ramp, tagging the fans hands, before sliding in under the bottom rope.

HA: You can see that the recent blindside attacks from James McManus have made Pittal a bit more weary of things, you have to think he'll be out to rid himself of those demons tonight.

The crowd roar as "Sin and Bones" rushes out of the speakers and Chael Kingdom makes his entrance. The new UK Champion bounces from one foot to the other, soaking up the atmosphere, before making his way down the ramp. Kingdom climbs up the steel steps, he places his title belt down before stepping into the ring. He puts his mouth guard in before slapping hands with Pittal.

HA: It was an incredible performance from Kingdom at Ground Zero, and equally impressive last time out on Aftermath against Engel Harlequin before the veteran strangely walked out on the match.

HE: Nobody has ever been able to understand Engel, Kingdom shouldn't think about that, he should just be focused on the three other competitors in this match...including his tag partner!

"Time Bomb, Baby" rips through the airwaves and is greeted by heavy boos. Aaron Heath strolls nonchalantly out onto the stage, smiling at the reaction of the fans. Heath confidently walks to the ring, his ignorance of the fans clearly infuriating them. He climbs to the top turnbuckle, again taunting the 6CW fans.

"Sad but true" hits and the booing continues as James McManus strides out in a hooded top. He throws his hood back, smirking at Pittal. McManus marches down the ramp, ignoring the reaction of the fans before stepping into the ring. He walks back to the corner, he and Heath nod at each other.

HA: If you follow these two on Twitter, you'll see that they've been spending some time bonding in preparation for this match-up.

HE: That will undoubtedly help them in working together as a team, but I'm not sure whether it'll be enough to last the whole match, they both want to be the man to get a win over the UK Champion and state their claim for a shot at that title.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

James McManus starts the match off for his team, and Dimitri Pittal immediately steps up for his team.

HA: Pittal has revenge on the mind immediately.

The two lock-up, McManus immediately forces Pittal into a side headlock hold. He twists away on the head of Pittal. He takes him down to one knee, McManus proceeds to drive big elbows into the back of the head. McManus takes a few steps back, waiting for Pittal to slightly stir before bouncing off the ropes and crashing a knee into the head. Pittal falls to the mat and McManus covers.

Ref: 1.............2.........Kick out!

James McManus locks in an armbar hold on Pittal, before stomping away on the his right shoulder. McManus drags Pittal to his feet, Irish whipping him into the corner where he then sprints in and connects with a clothesline. He allows Pittal to stumble out of the corner as McManus goes up to the top rope, he jumps off going for a crossbody...

HA: Pittal catches him! Big backbreaker!

HE: Unlike McManus to attempt a high risk move like that, perhaps trying too hard to impress.

The Punjabi Philanthropist quickly hooks the leg following his counter.

Ref: 1.................2..........Kick out!

Pittal rolls to his feet, he allows McManus to his feet before hitting a couple of big right hands. McManus falls back into the ropes, Pittal then Irish whips him out across the ring. He stands in the middle of the ring, and on the rebound meets McManus with a belly to belly suplex. McManus rolls up to his feet unsteadily, running straight at Pittal who scoops the former 6WF man onto his shoulders and then nails Heavy Rain! Cover.

Ref: 1................2.............Kick out!

McManus forces the shoulder up. Pittal gets up to his feet and then proceeds to drop a series of elbows down into the chest and head. He allows McManus to rise, he tries to catch Pittal off guard with a short-arm clothesline but Pittal ducks underneath it, he grabs McManus by the waist and throws him down to the canvas with a back drop suplex, bridging over into the pin attempt.

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Dimitri Pittal rolls McManus onto his front, before driving a series of knees into the back of McManus. He then applies a rear waistlock on the former 6WF man, bringing him to his feet and then throwing McManus down into the mat with a German suplex. Pittal allows McManus to his feet, before hitting a boot to the stomach. He lifts the Norwich-born star to his feet...

HA: Island driver! Pittal really is throwing everything at McManus here, enjoying his chance for revenge after that brutal blindside attack at Aftermath.

Ref: 1.................2...............Kick out!

McManus again forces the shoulder up. Pittal lifts him to his feet, going for a brainbuster. McManus blocks the move, Pittal goes for it again but once more McManus blocks. He then counters, dropping Pittal down to the mat with a snap suplex. Pittal rolls to his feet, he runs at McManus who flattens him with a big elbow smash. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick ou!

McManus crawls to the corner, where he makes the tag to Aaron Heath. He springboards over the top rope into the ring, Pittal is trying to get to his corner but Heath drags him back by the right leg, before proceeding to stomp away on the head of the Indian superstar. He eventually relents with the stomps at the urging of the referee, he then helps Pittal to his feet, only to boot him in the stomach. Heath follows that up with a reverse neckbreaker, he then makes the cover.

Ref: 1................2..............Kick out!

Heath drags Pittal up to his feet, he then drives a series of forearm smashes into the chin of Pittal, who stumbles back. Heath follows that with a big boot to the head, which sends Pittal back into the ropes. Heath puts him into a front facelock, resting Pittal's legs on the middle rope before dropping him into the mat with a spike DDT. Heath again hooks the leg.

HE: McManus saw off the early onslaught of Pittal, and now Heath is taking full advantage of that to isolate Pittal from his tag partner Kingdom.

Ref: 1..................2.............Kick out!

Aaron Heath gets to his feet, where he makes the tag to James McManus. He steps into the ring, dragging up Pittal. He Irish whips him into the path of Heath who holds Pittal across his chest before throwing him out across the ring with a fallaway slam. Pittal stumbles up, Heath throws him into the path of McManus who hits a pop-up powerbomb. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1....................2................Kick out!

McManus gets to his feet, he drags Pittal by the head to a neutral corner where he then starts pounding down on him with punches to the top of the head. He takes a step back at the 4 count from the referee, only to return straight back to the corner with a vicious boot to the face. He puts his boot across the throat of Pittal, choking him out, again breaking at the 4 count.

Pittal is allowed to his feet by McManus, he stumbles out of the corner, walking straight into a spinebuster from the former 6WF man. He again covers.

Ref: 1.....................2................Kick out!

McManus tags out to Heath, who smirks at his tag team partner. McManus holds Pittal in a double underhook grip, dragging him to his feet before pushing him forward straight into a superkick from Heath. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

HE: Pittal being absolutely dominated now, Kingdom growing frustrated on the apron.

Heath drags up Pittal, he kicks him in the stomach and he connects with a brainbuster of his own. Pittal rolls to his feet, Heath lifts him into the air and nails a scoop slam piledriver! He hooks the leg once more.

Ref: 1.....................2..................Kick out!

Heath drags up Pittal, Irish whipping him into the corner. Heath runs in, hitting an elbow smash. He tags in McManus, who steps into the ring. Pittal falls out of the corner straight into a River Wensum Plunge.

HE: Huge move by McManus, that could end it!

Ref: 1.......................2.......................Kick out!

HA: This is tremendous fight from Pittal, but he needs to get out of there, he needs the tag.

McManus hauls up Pittal, he slings him over his shoulders, going for a running powerslam but Pittal drops down the back. McManus turns around, Pittal sprints in...



Pittal and McManus are both down, they begin to crawl to their corners, the crowd are cheering on Pittal loudly. He's first to reach the corner, Kingdom stretches his hand out...


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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:48 am

HE: Heath's in too!

The UK Champion steps into the ring, Heath runs at him but Kingdom takes him down with a double leg takedown. Kingdom dives down, smashing elbows into the head from a short distance at rapid speed. He rolls away from Heath, he gets to his feet and Kingdom takes him down with a spinning heel kick. He covers.

Ref: 1..................2................Kick out!

Heath kicks out, he rolls to his feet and Kingdom hits him with a series of calculated punches that backs Heath into the ropes. Kingdom powerfully whips Heath out across the ring, on the rebound he hits the cocky newcomer with a Fisherman's suplex, bridging over into the pin.

HA: Kingdom is on fire here!

Ref: 1................2...............Kick out!

Chael Kingdom locks in a vicious-looking rear-naked choke hold on Aaron Heath. He doesn't go for the win by submission, dragging Heath to his feet and swinging him around wildly, before finally releasing and launching Heath across the ring. He stumbles to his feet and Kingdom levels him with a spinning back elbow smash. He covers.

Ref: 1.....................2...................Kick out!

Heath forces the shoulder up. Kingdom locks in an armbar, twisting it around and then dropping a leg down onto the shoulder. He drags him to his feet and then takes him down with a hip toss. Heath gets to his feet, Kingdom hits a gorilla press slam. He then goes to the top rope...


Ref: 1.....................2.......................McManus breaks the pin!

McManus hauls up Kingdom, going for a punch but the former MMA star blocks, he then fires in a series of elbows that back McManus into the ropes. Kingdom then sprints in, clotheslining McManus down to the outside.

Kingdom turns around, Heath is up and runs at Kingdom, who counters with a flapjack down onto the top rope. He then grabs Heath and drives him down into the mat with a DDT.

Ref: 1.......................2...................Kick out!

The UK Champion hauls up Aaron Heath, he boots him in the stomach and then lifts Heath onto his shoulders. Out of desperation, Heath pokes his thumb into the eye of Kingdom, temporarily blinding him. Heath wriggles out of the hold onto the mat, he knees Kingdom in the gut and runs the ropes...




Ref: 1...............................2...........................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: Aaron Heath has won it, after a bit of dirty tactics with the thumb to the eye of Chael Kingdom.

HE: You just can't give this kid any credit can you Harold? He's just pinned the UK Champion fair and square.

HA: He did pin him but it wasn't exactly fair and square. There was the thumb to the eye, and then McManus dragged Pittal from the apron just as he was going to make the save for Kingdom.

HE: Team-work Harold, that bonding trip obviously paid dividends for McManus and Aaron Heath.

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:50 am

Jimmy Phillips is tying his lace backstage as Max Adamson walks into shot

MA: Well if it isn’t the nobody of The Forgotten. How does it feel to be the most pointless man in 6CW?

Phillips smiles
JP: Is that all you got, where’s your best buddy Grace. You sure have forgotten about Gazzy fast, you’ve barely broken up and you’ve moved on. You don’t hang about do ya?

Adamson slow hand claps
MA: Really. Keep up James. Is every comeback of your’s irrelevant?
Adamson smiles
MA: See what I did there, course you didn’t, too many knocks to the head in your football days, certainly explains why you can’t see what’s happening in your little group. When do you think there’ll cut you loose? I’ve got money on you being the first to go. Anthony thinks Austin’s gonna go postal on someone and end up in jail or shot but I’m quietly confident that I’ve picked a winner in Mrs Phillips baby boy

JP: You really think you’re something. That’s why when I stomp a mud hole in you later tonight I’m gonna enjoy it like never before. You see all the words in the world won’t change the fact that your days are gone Adamson, your time has passed

We are the future

Phillips storms past and Adamson’s eyes narrow as he watches Phillips frame disappear down the corridor

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:50 am

Cerberus is stood backstage with Tim Allen preparing for an interview when the unmistakeable laugh of Engel Harlequin can be heard off camera. Cerberus shoots a look to his left as the leader of the Circus of Horrors walks into view

EH: Heh….heh…. heh…Have you any wool???
Engel tilts his head from side to side but quick as a flash Cerberus grabs him by his throat

C: Listen hard and you listen good Engel, I will not tell you nicely anymore. Nobody makes a clown out of me. I am nobody’s fool…..

Engel is still smiling
EH: Wow, wound up a little tight aren’t ya there fella. It’s just me, your old pal Engel. I’m just playing around

I’m not the enemy here, remember…….

Cerberus lets go but pushes Engel away
C: No more games. I don’t care what thoughts are going around your crazy head. It ends now. There is nothing between me and you

I don’t need you anymore….

Engel looks a little hurt by the comment but soon the frown is replaced by a smile as the scene fades

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:51 am

Match 5
Max Adamson vs. Jimmy Phillips

*The audience are in great anticipation as the camera pan around the Jam packed 6CW arena in Wembley. The fans then go wild as "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons reverberate from the soundsystem as Max Adamson strides out to the ramp, saluting the fans. The voices of the Lloyd brothers can then be heard over the wild crowd as Adamson storms down to the ring, tagging the hands of the fans with a grin on his face as he rolls into the ring.*

HA: One on one action now as Max Adamson takes on Jimmy Phillips in what promises to be an incredible contest between two guys who are embroiled in a war over the very essence of this company. Max looks amped up and ready for a fight tonight!

HE: He's going to need to be, Harold. Phillips has it all, speed, strength and a nasty streak. Max is going to need to use all that experience if he wants to get one over on the forgotten tonight.

*Riot echoes through the speakers as the crowd descends into a chorus of loud and aggressive boos as Jimmy Phillips enters onto the stage. Once on the stage, the self-proclaimed talent, walks to one side of the stage acknowledges the fans and then the other with a taunt and a smirk generating more heat before walking down to ring and jumps up onto apron and pyros shoot out of the ringposts. Adamson stands defiant as Phillips clambers into the ring, his eyes never leaving Adamson.

HA: Here we go folks, buckle in!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell rings and the two big men crash into each other, Phillips gets the early momentum as Max stumbles and Phillips takes advantage with a quick hip toss and then runs the ropes and crashes into Max with a thunderous shoulder barge taking him down.

HA: Both these men are over 250 pounds, both over 6 foot, both are two of the most talented men to have graced 6CW and this company. I can already tell this match is going to be off the chart!
Phillips waits for Adamson to get up and hits a quick suplex before lifting him up and whipping him into the corner. Phillips takes a quick run up and goes for a Clothesline into the corner, but Adamson dodges out of the way just in time and Phillips crashes into the turnbuckles before Max turns Phillips around and hits a neckbreaker.
Max goes for the cover 1....2

HE: Quick kickout from Phillips, it's going to take a lot more than that to beat Phillips.

HA: While Max has obviously been fighting the Forgotten with everything he has, you can be rest assured that as a former champion as well as a phenomenal athlete, Max will never stop be relentless.

Max shouts at Phillips to get up and when he does, he grabs The forgotten member and launches him into the corner, he slaps him across the chest and then lifts him up to the top rope where he sits. Max climbs up to the middle rope as the crowd know what's coming and then lifts Phillips up and looks ready to go for a superplex as the crowd look on in anticipation.

HA: I’m not sure the ring would be able to stand the impact of what could be coming!
As Max tries to lift Phillips up, he his poked in the eye, after that Phillips punches which connects causing Adamson’s grip slips and he from the corner and stumbles back to his feet.

HE: Phillips is going for it!

Phillips flies from the top rope with a crossbody and then immediately hooks for the pin as the crowd look on in awe at the big man flying from the top turnbuckle.
1.....2....kick out!

HA: It’s not often we see Jimmy Phillips fly through the air like that, but it wasn’t enough. It just goes to show that both men desperately want one over on the other.

Phillips pushes himself to his feet and waits patiently for Max to get to his feet, when he does; he hits him with a skull crushing DDT. Phillips Then locks in a choke hold, it looks quite painful before Max with the crowd on his side, chanting his name starts to rally and begins to rise slowly to his feet. Phillips roars at max to stay down before Adamson, wrenches Phillips's arm from his neck and goes for a quick Russian leg sweep.

HE: Both these two are showing what quality wrestlers they are. Phillips has the edge in my mind though!
As Phillips pushes himself to his feet, Max quickly connects with a hard uppercut before whipping him into the ropes, when Phillips comes running back he connects with a German suplex which causes Phillips to skid out on to the ringside area with a loud thud.

HA: Max will be frustrated with that as he could have kept the pressure on Phillips.
Phillips who is lying out on the mat is rolling on the mat obviously in pain. Phillips slowly starts pushing himself back up when Max grabs him having slid out of the ring. Adamson throws Phillips into the steel step and Phillips crashes over them, before crawling and grabbing hold of the apron. Max charges at keep the pressure on him as he rolls him back into the ring as the crowd cheer loudly.

HA: Max is being unrelenting here.

Max rolls Phillips back into the ring before sliding in after him and hooking the leg of Phillips.

1...........2.........kick out!

HE: Despite that, Phillips is showing everyone what he is all about and why the Forgotten clearly need this man in their ranks.

HA: Mr Jones is a smart guy, henry, it’s no secret that the forgotten need all the muscle they can to prevent 6CW from interfering in their plans.

Max looks out around the crowd as they continue to chant his name loudly; he nods his head, the adrenaline kicking in as he beckons Phillips to get up as he prepares himself to put this match to bed.


HE: Dodged!


1....2...3………..kick out!

HA: How close was that? Max Adamson digging deep to stay in the match up!

HE: What a match so far this is extraordinary! We gotta have another look at that, check this out partner!

The 6CW logo flashes over the screen as Replays show Max going for the Gore only for Phillips to step out of the way, as Adamson turns around shocked as Phillips puts his arm over Adamson’s chest and around him before nailing a wicked Touchdown shaking the mat.

HE: Max was very nearly beaten there; Phillips has to take advantage of this.

Phillips lifts Max up and tosses him into the corner, and Adamson is face first in the corner. Phillips charges at him and connects with a large boot to the back of Max’s head and the Australian slumps down. Phillips drags him to the centre of the ring and then hits a leg drop before hooking both legs for a pin.

1...2...kick out!

RJ: There’s life in Adamson yet.

Phillips is clearly frustrated as he slaps the mat and he gets back to his feet and lifts Adamson up.

RJ: He’s going for the Game changer I can tell!

Phillips lifts a groggy Max to his feet and then runs, bouncing off of the ropes but Max manages to swerve out of it and Phillips can only awkwardly charge at Max who manages to dodge out of the way before exploding off the ropes.

HA: GORE! OH MY GOODNESS ME COULD YOU FEEL THAT! Oh wait a moment come on...

HE: It's a dangerous game to play partner, you know this...

Tyson Armstrong jumps over the fan barricade much to the distaste of the 6CW universe who boo loudly as Armstrong runs into the ring chair in hand and crashes it onto the back of Adamson who is about to cover Phillips letting out a roar of pain as the referee signals for the bell.

HA: So Max is the winner via disqualification but I don't think that will be a crumb of comfort for him... He had this match won.

HE: He should be worried about what's coming next partner, this could get very ugly.

Armstrong grabs Adamson and nails a crash landing on Adamson who looks totally exhausted. The crowd boo as Phillips staggers back to his feet with a sick grin on his face. Phillips looks at Armstrong, the pair both smirk as Armstrong nods and rolls out the ring before heading towards the steel stairs and picking them up before sliding it into the ring...

HA: This is going to end badly... someone has to do something... quick!

HE: Think you have your wish coming up... it's Grace!

Armstrong sets up the steel stairs in the middle of the ring as Phillips pulls the nearly unconscious Max Adamson to his feet screaming in his face you do not mess with us anymore before priming himself to hit another take down. Suddenly Amazing Grace echoes over the arena as the fans go wild as Grace storms down the ramp and slides into the ring as the Jackals, Armstrong and Phillips scurry away with a sick grin
across their faces.

Grace stands tall, his eyes never leaving the pair of Armstrong and Phillips. Phillips nods at Armstrong as they wave mockingly at Grace before vaulting over the barricades and heading towards the exits. Grace looks at Adamson who struggles to his feet, clutching his back. The pair look at each other and Adamson pats Grace on the shoulder, thanks and nods at him as Grace looks back and mouths we stick together.

HA: Grace making the save was crucial... Max Adamson could have been hurt tonight, badly. The Forgotten would have had a huge scalp if it wasn’t for Grace.

HE: Adamson and Grace now realise the magnitude of the threat they are facing. It's going to be a tough ride and they are right in the firing line.

*The show cuts to a commercial break with the last scene showing the pair of Max Adamson and Grace walking up the ramp, Adamson slightly gingerly as Grace continues to stride, high-fiving the fans on the ramp as the scene fades.*

6CW Creative

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Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:52 am

Robin Reborn and Jack Hurst are walking backstage. Hurst is in his ring attire and ready for action. Reborn is talking quickly by his side.

RR: You got this man, you know you have! That man is nothing after last time out. He has lost his mojo! Now the guy is a crying man baby needing hugs!

Hurst laughs a little but keeps staring ahead.

RR: Arrows always fly high for the occasion right? And this one is huge! You have the chance to become the top man! Numero uno! King of the hill, mountain and other really, really high places!

Hurst stops and turns to his partner.

JH: And if I reach that pinnacle, where will you be?

Reborn nods his head and lays his hand on Hurst's shoulder.

RR: Where I always will be man! By your side and making sure no mumbo jumbo monster gets in your way! I got your back!

Hurst smiles.

JH: If the roles were reversed......

Reborn cuts in.

RR: I know! I know! That's why we are a team! So now go win for the team!

Hurst nods his head and the two men carry on walking down the corridor.

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:54 am

As we return to the ringside area we once meet the faces of the 6CW commentary team Harold and Henry Lloyd with a look of anticipation on their faces as they introduce the next match up of the night.

HA: Next up in this action packed edition of Anarchy we have a match that is ready to explode!

HE: That's right, these fans are already excited and we haven't even started yet!

The camera pans around the arena as the lights light out and Tessellate by Alt J begins to fill the air, the boo's quickly rise up a single spotlight appears on the stage and the figure of The World Eater Liam Wood walks in to it.

HA: That is something I still can't get my head booing Liam Wood! When he arrived here from EWF in 2013 he was getting the bigger reactions and even up until just a few months ago he was still one of the fan favourites here in the 6CW arena.

HE: Well times change and so has Liam Wood, he said it himself that he doesn't need the fans anymore and mark my words he'll be back on track now they aren't distracting him!

HA: I don't know what's going to happen but the truth is his run of luck has lead to this point, the fans have stuck with him through thick and thin but his actions as of late have been too much for them to put up with.

The boo's continue as Wood reaches the ring, rolling in and standing in the middle with the spotlight still focused on him. Wood takes a second to stare down the camera as the lights come up before turning a eerie red and the hulking figure of Cerberus appears on the stage with a sick smile etched in to his face.

HE: Now I'd say this whoever Cerberus was teaming with but what a team...

HA: Cerberus certainly gives any team the advantage but would you say he's the best partner for a person who is as unstable as Wood at the moment?

HE: Wood has lacked that killer instinct over the past year and he needs to get it back...who better to team with than the man who killed off that Pipsqueak Ryker Kidd?!

The Extreme champion Cerberus remains stood tall on the stage draped in the dim red light before walking down to the ring and joining his partner in the ring, the pair barely acknowledges the other, both of their eyes locked on the stage as the lights return to normal. The boo's continue to rain down at both men causing both to show signs of satisfaction. The boos are quickly replaced with raucous cheers as Born To Fight blasts from the PA and a fired up Dicey Reilly bursts out on to the stage.

HA: You can cut the tension with a knife...Dicey and Wood's eyes are locked and you can tell they are ready to kill each other...something needs to be done!

HE: Sometimes it's better to let these things go...hopefully Wood can do us a favour and send Dicey back to retirement!

HA: Oh I doubt that...Wood might want to try and finish Dicey off but when the nukes hit Dicey will still be stood there waiting for a fight!

The cheers get even louder as Dicey slides in to the ring and taunts Wood, the pair stands just a few feet away from each other and their eyes continue to be locked.

HA: Wood and Dicey are on a path to destruction...I can't think of anyone who would stand in the way of them!

HE: I can think of two...ones in the ring and sadly, here's the other!

A mixed reaction takes over the arena as Born to Fight is broken up by the sound of creepy carnival music that echoes and bounces around the arena. As the camera pans through the crowd we see some of the kids looking terrified and crying before the camera reaches the stage to the laughing face of Engel Harlequin!

HE: This guy gives me the creeps, why did they let this freak in the building?!

As Engel walks slowly to the ring he shakes with laughter, his eyes locked on Cerberus who remains stood tall beckoning the clown to enter the ring.

HA: Since his return to 6CW the fans have been trying to decipher what Engel is looking for by being back her but with every appearance we seem to get more questions with no answers...what we do know though is that Engel has some interest in the Extreme Champion Cerberus and tonight that motivation could be revealed!

HE: Engel is a freak, he does stuff because he can't control himself...enough said!

HA: Eloquent as ever Henry...

Engel rolls in to the ring with his eyes still on Cerberus but sits in the corner, his laughter becoming more and more erratic. The fans begin to chant for Dicey as all four men remain in the ring.

HA: We seem to have a looks like every man in that ring wants to start...someone needs to tell two of them to get out!

HE: Well good luck with that.

In the ring Wood and Dicey have squared off and are stood toe to toe, bad mouthing each other as Engel moves creepily around them to get closer to Cerberus who pushes the ref away as he attempts to get the 7ft monster to climb out to no avail. A few more moment continue and still all four men stand their ground, eyes locked on their respective rivals, the fans continuing to get hyped up but suddenly their chants are cut off as Charles Kramer walks out on to the stage.

CK: Now before I say what I have been sent out here to say I would like to apologise to not only the fans but also Mr Harlequin and Cerberus but enough is enough! The two men you are sharing the ring with have given us no choice...

Wood and Dicey continue to stare each other down, almost ignoring Kramer and wanting to tear each other apart. Kramer coughs to get the attention before continuing regardless.

CK: The rivalry between you two Mr Wood and Mr Reilly has spiralled out of control and has begun to have a detrimental effect on the show...this is why I, on behalf of Mr Jones am about to give the fans what they want...a conclusion to settle this once and for all!

Suddenly Wood and Reilly snap out of it, turning towards Kramer who smiles as the attention he is finally getting from the two men

CK: I thought that would get your see for the past few months we have watched you push each other to the limit and despite Mr Reilly's impressive display of sportsmanship after his win at Ground Zero the battle still continues to this needs a definitive ending!

The fans cheer like crazy as Wood and Reilly listen on intently

CK: ...and what better place for it to end than at New Dawn in a THREE STAGES OF HELL MATCH?!

Sick smiles cover the fans of both Wood and Reilly as they butt heads and continue to talk trash

CK: Oh, I almost forgot...Mr Jones in his infinite wisdom has decided that he isn't going to allow you to give this match away for free so if you want it then you have to earn it...from now until the Pay Per View if either of you lays a finger on the other you will be suspended without pay I make myself clear?!

Wood and Dicey back away from each other but their eyes still locked in place

HA: With this match seeming likely, many of the fans were asking how 6CW would top the street fight between these two men at Ground Zero...I guess we have that answer now! At New Dawn Wood and Reilly clash again in a THREE STAGES OF HELL MATCH!

HE: Just listen to those fans! They're counting down the days already!

As we head backstage the memorable sound of “LET THEM FIGHT” begins to be chanted.

6CW Creative

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Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:55 am

The show returns from a commercial break and the 6CW universe are greeted to a brightly lit, 6CW interview area where Timothy Allen is stood by, showing that traditional smile as he welcomes the 6CW fans back from the break. He is wearing the standard 6CW suit, Black and red tie with an expensive looking waistcoat. Clearing his throat, Allen holds up the microphone to his mouth as he welcomes his guest to the 6CW interview area.*

TA: Ladies and gentleman, welcome at this time, Crime Lord...

*The bulky figure of Crime Lord, storms onto the set looking typically disinterested and bored as the fans in attendance boo as the interview is being shown live on the titantron. Crime Lord is wearing a highly expensive tailored made three piece navy suit, A gold Rolex on his left wrist and a pair of expensive looking shoes. Crime Lord looks at Allen, shaking his head causing the roving reporter to look sheepishly at the floor, intimidated by the presence of Crime Lord. Crime Lord then speaks.*

CL: You know, Allen. You could relax a little... I mean, as long as you don't ask stupid questions we will be fine. I know of your work on 6CW... so please continue, but as I said no stupid questions. I'm here for business only. Not here to entrain those parasites that fills the seats out in the 6CW arena. Make it quick to, I'm a very busy man with very busy plans.

*Crime Lord goes back to looking disinterested as Allen takes a deep breath before speaking.*

TA: Tonight you go one on one with another veteran, Keith Leone... do you feel as If Keith Leone is your biggest obstacle you have faced in your time in professional wrestling?

*Crime Lord shakes his head*

CL: Your lucky, Allen. You’re lucky I'm in a good mood tonight... Listen the truth about Keith Leone is that we have had enormous wars down the years, we have destroyed one another and the truth is that everytime I have had his number. I'm not interested in Keith at the moment, Keith is just a fly in the ointment tonight... you see, I have had discussions tonight and a meeting with Mr Jones.

*The crowd boo loudly as Crime Lord smirks*

CL: That meeting was very productive and I have set my terms and my goal. You see the Forgotten have an issue... and that issue is Thunder. So what I have proposed is that at New Dawn, I teach Thunder a lesson. I teach Thunder to not mess with the Forgotten once and all. I teach Thunder that you have to fall in line, and I teach Thunder some respect...

??: Did someone say my name?

*Thunder strides into the interview area with the International title over his right shoulder as the crowd give a rapturous applause. Thunder smiles confidently as he looks at the large figure of Crime Lord, who looks up and down at Thunder like a piece of dirt. Thunder scratches his chin as he looks at Crime lord before speaking.*

T: You want a fight huh? I want you to know... we may have just met, but you are a winner. You are a former world champion and you are a freak of nature that can cause damage. But I have never backed down from a fight in my life. If you want to start this Crime Lord, just know at New Dawn I will finish this. You're on big guy.

*The crowd go wild as the two share an intense look at one another before Thunder speaks once more.*

T: I know all about you, I know all about your past... But this is my time. At New Dawn, you better get ready for the fight of your life. Because I will be throwing everything I have at you. And if it means I go down swinging... I'm bringing one of the big dogs from the Forgotten with me. You better get ready.

*Thunder strides off as the scene ends with a furious looking Crime Lord watching on, heavily breathing before cricking his neck from side to side as the show returns to the action ringside.

6CW Creative

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Age : 30
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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:55 am

Keith Leone has his back against the wall when Allen comes into shot.

KL: Busy night for you tonight.....

Allen turns and goes to lift his microphone in Leone's face but Keith pulls it down.

KL: Don't even think about it.

Allen smiles apologetically but still asks his question.

TA: It is a question your fans want answered Keith. Are your plans to recapture the EWF title doomed to failure when Jones seems certain to stop any chance you may have had?

Leone smirks.

KL: You didn't give me much chance if Jones wasn't around then Timmy?

Allen says nothing as Leone pushes himself off the wall.

KL: Jones can do what he want. He probably will. But I can wait. It wasn't long ago that Vincent Costello was beating all comers and nobody gave me a chance to win that title off him. But I did. These political games keep getting in the way but when that ends, talent always gets what it deserves. And I still say Masters is on borrowed time. It is just that Jones is controlling the clock and not me.

Allen goes to say something but Leone shakes his head.

KL: Just watch and learn tonight Timmy.

Leone taps him on the shoulder before walking out of shot.

6CW Creative

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Age : 30
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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:51 am

HA: Singles action now here on Anarchy, with Thunder continuing his on-going crusade against The Forgotten.

HE: You have to think that this will be a common occurrence over the coming weeks, Mr Jones will want Thunder punished for continuing to show dissent towards his regime.

HA: It's a disgrace, Thunder shouldn't be punished for standing up to these cowards, he should be rewarded.

HE: Mr Jones is his boss, you think openly criticising him, ignoring the instructions of the regime and physically assaulting his allies deserves reward? I hope Tyson Armstrong decimates him tonight.

" Riot" booms through the speakers as Tyson Armstrong makes his entrance. He glares out at the crowd, only his eyes visible whilst the bandana covers the rest of his face. He then raises a hand to the sky before crossing both arms in an "X" as pyros explode behind him. He then makes his way down the ramp and climbs into the ring.

HE: One of the enforcers of The Forgotten, Mr Jones has handed Armstrong the responsibility of dealing with Thunder and I expect the confidence shown in him will only help Armstrong thrive.

HA: You make it sound like it will be easy for Armstrong, it will be anything but that. Thunder has been on a roll, and he is fighting for a cause much bigger than The Forgotten, he is fighting for these fans and this company.

HE: He's blinded by emotion. Every one of The Forgotten are cold, calculating and unforgiving. That's why they're the ones running this place.

"Heroes are hard to find" booms out to a standing ovation and Thunder marches out onto the stage. Thunder stands on the stage and he taps his heart, acknowledging the reception of the crowd, and then begins his walk to the ring. He jumps up onto the apron and scales the turnbuckle, holding his title belt aloft to the delight of the fans.

HE: You know what, even if Thunder does beat Armstrong tonight, it won't matter. Crime Lord has his sights firmly focused on Thunder, and when that happens, the rest is a foregone conclusion.

HA: Don't be so stupid. I'm sure that if Crime Lord wants to take on Thunder, he will be more than happy to oblige. This kid doesn't back down from a fight, he doesn't care for reputations.

HE: He also doesn't care for the consequences of his continued rebellion.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell rings to kick the match off, Tyson Armstrong and Thunder lock-up. Thunder places Armstrong into an armbar hold, he then viciously tugs down the arm of Tyson Armstrong. He twists the arm before lifting Armstrong into the air in the style of Undertaker's arm wrench, and then pulls him back down and straight into an arm drag takedown.

HA: That's incredible strength from Thunder, lifting the huge figure of Armstrong with ease.

Armstrong rolls up to his feet and walks into a short-arm clothesline from Thunder. Tyson Armstrong again gets to his feet, he walks into the path of Thunder who boots him in the gut and then delivers a snap DDT.

Ref: 1..................2..............Kick out!

Thunder gets up to his feet, where he proceeds to drop a series of elbows into the face of Armstrong. He then hauls up The Forgotten man, going for an Irish whip but Armstrong reverses the momentum, sending Thunder into the ropes. He rebounds to the middle of the ring and Armstrong drives Thunder down into the canvas with a big spinebuster.

The crowd favourite rolls up to his feet unsteadily, walking into the path of Armstrong who bench presses him into the air and drops Thunder down into the canvas. Tyson Armstrong then runs off the ropes, leaping into the air and hitting a big splash down onto Thunder.

HE: You want to talk about strength? Look at that from Armstrong, bullying Thunder.

Ref: 1.................2.............Kick out!

Thunder gets the shoulder up off the canvas. Armstrong rolls him onto his front, locking in an abdominal stretch on Thunder. He wrenches back on the hold, before getting to his feet and bringing Thunder up with him, before driving him down into the mat with a pumphandle slam. Armstrong stands waiting for Thunder to rise, before sprinting out of the corner and nailing a big boot to the head. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2.................Kick out!

Armstrong drags up Thunder, hitting him with a couple of powerful right handed punches followed by a big left uppercut. He then shoves Thunder back into a corner, before sprinting in and going for a big splash...

HA: Thunder dives out of the way!

Armstrong crashes into the turnbuckles, Thunder quickly rolls Armstrong up into a pinfall attempt.

Ref: 1...................2..............Kick out!

Armstrong drives the shoulder up powerfully, and the duo roll to their feet simultaneously. Armstrong throws a wild clothesline that Thunder ducks underneath, he then scoops Armstrong up onto his shoulders and drops him down with an electric chair drop. Armstrong rolls to his feet and Thunder pulls him in close before driving him down into the mat with a rock bottom! Cover.

Ref: 1.................2................Kick out!

HA: Thunder showing the kind of form that has seen the International champion propelled into talk of world title shots.

HE: Not a chance, you think Mr Jones
would sanction a world title match for him?
HA: You can't ignore what the fans want, that's bad for business and it will lead to rebellion, and we know just how much Mr Jones hates that.

Thunder hauls Armstrong to his feet and attempts an Irish whip to the corner, but Armstrong again reverses the momentum. He follows behind Thunder, who climbs to the top rope and moonsaults over the advancing Armstrong. He spins around and Thunder hits a dropkick.

Armstrong falls into the turnbuckles, bouncing back into the path of Thunder who scoops Armstrong onto his shoulders and hits him with a Samoan Drop. He quickly steps onto the ring apron...

HA: Slingshot leg drop!

Ref: 1..................2.................Kick out!

Thunder rolls up to his feet, he then connects with a series of leg drops across the throat of The Forgotten man. Thunder then goes to lock in a triangle choke hold, managing to wrap his legs around the throat of Armstrong but the big man fights to his feet before the submission can be supplied. He has Thunder's legs around his neck and uses this to his advantage, walking forward and driving Thunder into the turnbuckles with a powerbomb.

The International champion staggers forward out of the corner and Armstrong sprints at him, knocking him down with a huge running tackle. Tyson hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.......................2..................Kick out!

Armstrong sits Thunder up on the canvas, before proceeding to drive his shoulder into the back of Thunder's head. He then locks in a seated full nelson hold, looking to slow the pace of the match down. Armstrong eventually lifts Thunder up to his feet, before driving him into the canvas with a full nelson slam. Thunder gets to his feet unsteadily, and walks straight into a tilt-a-whirl side slam. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

HE: Even if Thunder somehow manages to escape here with a win, Armstrong is doing exactly what is expected of him, beating down Thunder and showing him that insubordination simply won't be tolerated by Mr Jones.

Tyson Armstrong rolls to his feet, he stands impatiently waiting to Thunder to rise. He then lifts him into the air and delivers a scoop slam. Thunder gets to his feet, Armstrong hits a 2nd scoop slam. Thunder again rolls up, and Armstrong hits another scoop slam. The same process is repeated twice before Armstrong roars loudly. Thunder gets to his feet once more, wearily, and Armstrong slings him over his shoulder before hitting a running powerslam. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...................2..................Kick out!

Thunder again gets the shoulder up. Armstrong places his hands around the throat of Thunder, choking him out on the canvas. Armstrong breaks at the 4 count by lifting Thunder to his feet and into the air, he goes for a choke-bomb but Thunder manages to free himself. Armstrong spins around...


Ref: 1.........................2......................Kick out!

Armstrong manages to get the shoulder up, Thunder locks in an armbar. He drags up Armstrong, hitting a short-arm clothesline. Thunder lifts him up, nailing a 2nd clothesline. Armstrong rolls up, Thunder runs the ropes and knocks him down with a lariat. Tyson again rolls up, Thunder hits a jawbreaker, Armstrong stumbles on the spot and Thunder grabs him by the waist, nailing a bridging German suplex. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2..................Kick out!

Thunder drags up Tyson Armstrong, only to snapmare the powerhouse back down to the canvas. He hits a kick to the back, before running the ropes. He leap-frogs Armstrong the first time round, before rebounding off the ropes and hitting a neck snap. Thunder gets to his feet, he runs the ropes...

HA: Rolling thunder!

Ref: 1..........................2..........................Kick out!

HE: Kicked out just in time!

Thunder beats the mat in frustration. He then lifts up Armstrong, hitting a snap suplex. Thunder hits a 2nd suplex. He drags up Armstrong, attempting a third suplex. Armstrong blocks, before throwing Thunder across the ring with a T-Bone suplex. He stumbles up, Armstrong hits a Northern Lights suplex, bridging into the pin attempt.

Ref: 1.................2................Kick out!

Armstrong hauls up Thunder, driving big punches into the gut, followed by a knee. He then lifts Thunder onto his shoulders, nailing a powerbomb...

HE: DEMOLITION! 2 powerbombs and then a lungblower! What power!

Ref: 1.........................2......................Kick out!

Thunder manages to force the shoulder up. Tyson Armstrong hauls him to his feet, he grabs Thunder by the waist...

HA: Tysonator blocked!

Thunder blocks the belly to belly slam attempt, pushing Armstrong back...

HE: Brogue kick!

HA: Thunder ducks...THUNDER CLAP! THAT'S IT!

Ref: 1.................................2................................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

*The bell rings to signal the end of the match and the crowd cheer loudly as "heroes are hard to find" blares out through the speakers as Thunder gets to is feet, he salutes the fans.

HA: His entrance music is "Heroes are hard to find" but I think the 6CW fans have certainly found their hero.

HE: Once again, investing emotionally in the wrong person. Get behind The Forgotten, they are the future of this company, not this super-hero wannabee.

HA: He has dignity, integrity, respect, passion for this company...everything that The Forgotten lack.

HE: Don't be stupid. Thunder wants a world title, that's why he's targetting The Forgotten, not through any deep-rooted love for these fans or this company.

*Anarchy goes to a commercial break with Thunder still celebrating.

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:52 am

The EWF champion Mike Masters is stood backstage Charlotte Grey with ready for an interview

MM: You know you’re not as hot as Christy but you’ll do I guess….

Grey rolls her eyes

??: Always the charmer Mike. Remind me again why we only went on one date?

Katherine Magnusson walks into shot and Masters sneers
MM: Best night of your life

KM: Ha… Really?? If that’s how you think you treat a woman I’m glad I only stayed for the pre-dinner cocktail. Anymore and I would have thrown up on that cheap suit you had on, but I guess that that would have improved it and taken away from that horrendous odour that surrounds you – Eau de desperation isn’t it?

Masters laughs mockingly
MM: Very funny, your loss anyway. Just like 6CW, didn’t realise what they were missing before it was too late

Magnusson laughs again
KM: You really are deluded. You think that Jones really has any of your interests at heart. He used you to get to us. Where is he now Mike huh?

I don’t see him at ringside for your matches champ?

Has the boss realised that you’ve already given him your best, you’re a spent force?
Seems to me he’s putting all his faith in Joshua. He’s the prodigal son now Mike. How quickly your star has fallen. Now you are actually The Forgotten

Masters shakes his head and raises the EWF title up
MM: I know what your game is Katherine. You think I’m stupid?

KM: If the cap fits….

MM: I don’t have to take this…

Masters unclips the interview microphone and strides out of shot as Katherine stands grinning

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:54 am

Match 8
Mike Masters vs. Robin Reborn

HE: Next up is a huge clash between two of the biggest stars of 2015.

HA: You’re damn right Henry, the new Number 1 contender to the 6CW World Title, Robin Reborn, takes on the EWF World Champion, Mike Masters.

In the ring the referee is checking the turnbuckles as the ring announcer enters and waits for the fans to die down before speaking.

RA: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is set for one fall. Introducing first, the new number one contender to the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship and one half of the Red Arrows, Robin Reborn!

“Stronger” blares out as the fans erupt into cheers and smoke pours out onto the stage. After a few moments, Robin Reborn leaps through the smoke, before landing in a forward role, leading to louder cheers from the fans. Reborn then jogs down to the ring, tagging fans hands as he goes, before sliding in under the bottom rope. Reborn then paces around the ring, looking out at the fans as he waits for his opponent.

RA: And his opponent, he is the self-proclaimed leader of the Forgotten and is the current EWF World Heavyweight Champion, “The Masterful” Mike Masters!

The fans descend into a chorus of boos as “Champion” plays out and Mike Masters backs up onto the ramp. A spotlight then hits Masters and he turns and smirks at the camera, before pointing down at his waist to show off his EWF World Title belt. Masters then walks down the ramp, trash talking fans as he goes, before springing onto the ring apron and staring across at Reborn. Masters then enters the ring and proceeds to get into the face of Reborn, holding his title belt above his head; meanwhile Reborn maintains a look of complete focus. The referee is eventually able to lever the two men apart, before taking the EWF title from Masters and handing it to the ring announcer, who exits the ring.

HA: These two men have already shown this year that they are no longer the future, they are the present. I would not be surprised to see them both as multiple time World Champions by the end of this decade.

HE: While I can’t agree with you more in regards to Mike Masters, Reborn is just a flash in the pan. As soon as Joshua crushes him and Hurst at New Dawn, they’ll be back at the bottom of the pile with the other trash.

The referee checks over both men momentarily and then calls for the bell. The two men then begin to circle one another and then proceed to lock up, both vying for position, though with his height advantage, Reborn is quickly able to push Masters back to the ropes. The referee quickly intervenes and pulls Reborn away, at which point Masters goes for a cheap shot, but Reborn is able to counter with an arm drag.

Masters is quick to get up again and is then met with a couple of quick jabs to the face, sending him reeling backwards. Reborn then grabs Masters by the arm and whips him across the ring, and on his return, Reborn performs a back drop to Masters. Masters holds his back in pain and looks to get back up quickly, but is quickly dropped back down to the mat as Reborn applies a side-headlock. Masters battles to get free, but Reborn persists with the hold, applying more pressure as Masters struggles.

Finally Masters is able to push himself to a near vertical base and limit the pressure Reborn can apply, before he then pushes Reborn into the ropes and whips him across the ring. As Reborn returns though, he dives through the air to perform a jumping lariat, sending Masters down to the mat before making a cover.


Kick out.

HA: Well Reborn has certainly come out all guns blazing here, he is really showing why he is a deserving Number 1 contender.

HE: Yeah, yeah, a flash in the pan. Give Masters one opportunity and he will knock this kid a peg down or two.

Reborn looks up in annoyance briefly, before dropping down to try and once again apply a headlock to Masters. Reborn is now able to apply more pressure as he keeps Masters in a seated position, whilst Reborn stays above him on one knee. Masters reaches his arms out to try and look for any escape, but finds none.

Reborn eventually pulls both himself and Masters to their respective feet, before delivering a hard knee into the kidney area of Masters, who falls forward to his knee. Reborn then runs forward and performs a bulldog to Masters, who was attempting to stand once again. Masters clutches his face and looks to roll away, but Reborn delivers a couple of stomps to keep Masters in place. Reborn then rolls Masters onto his back and delivers some stomps at the chest and head of Masters, who tries to cover up. The referee is eventually forced to Reborn away as Masters crawls to the ropes and clings on for dear life.

Eventually Masters pulls himself back up to his feet and sees Reborn distracted by the referee, as he then charges in at him. Reborn is too quick though as he shifts position, before grabbing the legs of Masters, before lifting him into the air and delivering a spinebuster, the force of which causes the ring to shake. Masters rolls around clutching his back as Reborn then walks around the ring, trying to hype up the crowd, and they cheer loudly with approval. Reborn then waits behind Masters, stalking him as Masters climbs to his feet, before spinning him around, putting him in a front waist lock, then throwing him with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
Reborn quickly then drops into the cover.



Kick out.

Reborn looks down at Masters with nothing but contempt on his face as he then delivers a hard right hand to the face of Masters. Masters covers his face to shield himself, but Reborn is already away from Masters and is planning his next line of attack. Reborn watches carefully as Masters gets up facing Reborn in an attempt to stop him attacking, but Reborn moves forward anyway, and Masters is unable to slow his onslaught. Reborn delivers a number of knees to the face of Masters, who tries to drop down to protect himself, but Reborn keeps him held in an upright position.

Reborn then hits a double knee lift to the face of Masters, who falls down to the ground, clutching his face in agony. Reborn allows the referee to check on Masters, but the moment Masters is deemed to be safe, Reborn comes back with a series of hard kicks to the back of the head of Masters. Reborn then pulls Masters up to his feet and hits a knee to the midriff of Masters, before whipping him across the ring. On Masters’ return, Reborn leaps into the air and performs a drop kick, landing the kick straight onto the jaw of Masters.

Masters seems somewhat dazed as he lands hard on the mat and looks around the ring, trying to catch his bearings. Reborn doesn’t afford Masters much time though as he starts to deliver more martial arts type kicks to the head of Masters, who again tries to cover up, but Reborn’s onslaught is too fierce. Reborn then steps away from Masters and allows him time to get to his feet, all the while monitoring his actions closely, and as Masters turns to face Reborn, Reborn hits a devastating roundhouse kick to the head of Masters.

Masters slumps to the mat, showing no sign of life, as Reborn falls into a cover.



Kick out.

Reborn now looks more frustrated as he holds his head in his hands, but then shakes his head, trying to shake off the disappointment. Reborn then pulls Masters to his feet, before delivering some stiff punches to the head, and then whipping Masters into the ropes. Masters is able to hold onto the ropes though and stop his momentum, at which point Reborn charges in to attack Masters, but Masters is able to shoulder Reborn in the head, and he staggers backwards.

Reborn then walks back towards Masters and goes for a kick, but Masters is able to duck, before hooking the arm and waist of Reborn and performing a back suplex. The two men are slow to get back to their respective feet, and begin to trade blows. Reborn hits some hard right hands to the head of Masters, who is showing signs of real wear and tear, but Masters responds with chops to the chest. Reborn begins to get the upper hand though as he pushes Masters further and further back, when suddenly Masters jumps into the air, and using Reborn’s shoulder for leverage, performs a step up enzaguri.

Reborn collapses to the mat, and gradually Masters crawls to make a cover.



Kick out.

HE: Here he comes, Mike Masters saw an opportunity and grabbed it, now watch to see what a real champion can do.

HA: This is an impressive fightback, but can Masters really come back from the beating Reborn has given?

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:55 am

Masters rolls off of Reborn and crawls to the corner and slowly climbs to his feet, using the turnbuckles for assistance, as he then rests. Masters watches as Reborn pulls himself up to his feet, clutching the back of his head in his hands, before Masters runs in and forces Reborn into the opposite corner. Masters then performs a few shoulder presses to the rib cage of Reborn, before pulling him out of the corner, then delivering a snap suplex to Reborn.

Reborn clutches his back as Masters gets to his knees and stares down at Reborn. Masters then grabs the head of Reborn, before delivering some hard right hands to the head of Reborn, getting more vicious as time passes. The referee is eventually forced to intervene, and he berates Masters, who remains staring at Reborn, who again tries to get to his feet. Masters then pushes past the referee and grabs Reborn, before forcing him into the corner, delivering yet more punches, before whipping Reborn across the ring.

Masters runs towards Reborn and leaps through the air, before splashing Reborn in the corner, crushing his head and chest with the force. Reborn then collapses to his knees and then falls forward as Masters moves away, ad Masters then parades around the ring, taunting the fans, as he takes the time to recover. Masters then watches Reborn try to get up, before stomping on the back of his head to make sure that he can’t reach a full vertical base. Masters does this a couple of times more, with a sick smile appearing on his face, before finally pulling Reborn up to his feet. Masters then hooks the head and arm of Reborn, before spinning down to the mat to perform a twisting neckbreaker.

Masters then hooks the leg of Reborn to make a pin attempt.



Kick out.

Masters looks up at the referee angrily, shouting “come on”, but the referee merely indicates a two count, and Masters gets up to his feet. Masters seems to be moving more quickly than he previously did, but Reborn’s beat down has taken some toll on him. Masters then begins to stomp at the head of Reborn once again, before placing his boot in the throat of Reborn and choking him. The referee begins to count out Masters, until Masters breaks at a four count. Masters scowls at the referee before backing up to the ring ropes, then running back towards Reborn, before jumping into the air and performing a knee drop to the head of Reborn.

Reborn grabs his head in pain as Masters again mocks Reborn as Masters gets back to his feet. Masters kicks at the head of Reborn and shouts for him to “get up”, as Reborn attempts to use Masters legs to aid him. Masters smirks as he then pulls Reborn somewhat up to his feet, before delivering a hard knee to the jaw of Reborn, causing him to collapse back to one knee. Masters then backs up to the ring ropes and waits for Reborn to get to his feet, before charging toward him, jumping through the air, then performing a hurricanrana to Reborn, who is sent flying across the ring. Masters admires his work, as Reborn is slow to begin moving after the impact from the last move, as Masters then proceeds to walk back to the ropes. Masters then exits the ring and stands on the ring apron, rocking back and forth whilst holding the top rope, in anticipation of his next move. Slowly Reborn gets to his feet and faces Masters, who then springs to the top rope, before diving off to perform a springboard diving forearm, catching Reborn straight in the jaw.

Masters smiles as he places his knees across the chest of Reborn to make a cover.



Kick out.

HA: My god, how much heart does Robin Reborn have? He has taken so much punishment from the EWF World Champion and keeps fighting back.

HE: Come on referee, do you know who you are officiating here?! Mike Masters deserves better than this second rate official.

Masters gets to his feet and gets straight in the referee’s face, demanding that the referee announce him as a winner. The referee holds firm though and just signals two at Masters, which infuriates him further, until he finally snarls and turns his attention back to Reborn. Masters then goes over to Reborn and hauls him to his feet, before slapping Reborn in the face once. Masters continues to hold up Reborn and slaps him for a second time, still trash talking him. Masters then goes for a third slap, but Reborn ducks underneath Masters’ arm, before grabbing Master’s head in his hands, then performing a jawbreaker.

Masters falls backwards holding his mouth, whilst Reborn falls to the mat as well. Masters gets back to his feet relatively quickly and goes to attack Reborn, but Reborn stops Masters with a right hand to the mid-section of Masters. Reborn gets up to his knees now and hits another punch to the chest of Masters now, before getting fully to his feet and hitting a couple of punches to the head of Masters. Masters is now completely on the back foot, as Reborn jumps into the air, before performing a spinning heel kick to Masters, sending him crashing down to the mat. Reborn is now fired up as he staggers towards the ring ropes and begins to climb, all the while the fans cheering gets louder. Reborn is somewhat slow to get to the top rope thanks to the punishment from Masters, and Masters has time to get to his feet.

As Masters faces Reborn though, Reborn dives off the ropes to performing a moonsault to the standing Masters, crushing him under the force, as Reborn then makes a cover.



Kick out.

As Masters kicks out, Reborn slides off of him onto the mat, wondering what he can do next. Masters shows little sign of life as Reborn slowly crawls towards the rope in an effort to get up to his feet. Reborn eventually gets to a full vertical base and staggers back towards Masters, and attempts to haul him up to his feet now. Masters though is complete dead weight, and is a struggle for Reborn to lift. Eventually Reborn gives up and looks down exasperated at Masters, when suddenly Masters lunges forward and rakes the eye of Reborn, who goes backwards clutching his face.

The referee shouts at Masters after the incident, but Masters gets passed him and then runs at Reborn, before delivering a hard clothesline, sending both men to the mat. Masters now gets to his knees fairly quickly, as he punches the head of Reborn yet again, before dropping down and choking Reborn, a crazed look appearing in his eyes.

The referee tries to wrestle Masters away, but he seems like a man possessed as he continues throttling him, and the referee is forced to start to count out Masters once again. Again though, at a four count, Masters moves away from Reborn and scowls at the referee. Masters then waits behind Reborn, and watches as he coughs and splutters, before getting up to his feet. As Reborn eventually reaches a near vertical base, Masters runs in front of Reborn, before springing up to the second rope, then springing back off to perform a disaster kick to the head of Reborn. Masters then puts one foot on the chest of Reborn.

HA: I fear the end may have finally come for Robin Reborn, but what an effort he has put up tonight.



HE: YES! Finally he’s given up the ghost…


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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:56 am

As the referee’s hand goes down for the third time, Reborn is able to just turn his body so his right shoulder leaves the mat. The fans cheer ecstatically as Masters is beside himself, dropping to his knees and pounding the mat in frustration. Masters looks down at the fallen Reborn with disbelief, as he runs his hands through his hair and takes a deep breath. Masters then walks to the corner and starts attempting to pull off the turnbuckle.

The referee quickly interjects himself and fights with Masters to try and stop him, but Masters is able to push him away and pulls off the pad, leaving the exposed steel. The referee then attempts to reattach the pad as Masters goes and picks up Reborn, before pulling him towards the corner. Masters order the referee out of the way, who begrudgingly does so, before Masters attempts to thrust the head of Reborn into the exposed turnbuckle. Reborn at the last moment though gets his boot up to stop the move, and Masters continues attempting to apply force. Masters then pulls Reborn back and attempts to once again throw Reborn head first into the turnbuckle, but on this occasion, Reborn puts his boot up and is able to use his momentum to flip behind Masters. Reborn then continues in a smooth motion to hook the legs of Masters in a school-boy rollup.




The fans erupt into cheers as “Stronger” plays out and Robin Reborn is declared the winner. The referee raises the arm of Reborn, who is on his knees on the mat, whilst Mike Masters looks on in shock from the mat. Reborn goes to get to his feet, but there are a chorus of boos as Masters gets to his feet and then springs off the ropes to hit another disaster kick to Reborn. The referee shouts at Masters, but he throws the official out of the ring, before beginning to stomp at Reborn. Masters then drags Reborn to his feet and trash talks him, before throwing Reborn head first into the exposed turnbuckle. Reborn collapses to the mat, blood running down his face now, as Masters spits on him, before exiting the ring.

HA: Is that honourable to you? Is that what a true champion looks like? Mike Masters makes me sick.

HE: Mike Masters has just reminded Robin Reborn of where he sits on the food chain. Reborn may have just picked up a fluke win, but it certainly looks like he is losing the war to me.

Mike Masters goes to the time keeper and grabs his EWF World Title belt, before raising it into the air to a chorus of boos from the fans. Masters then exits up the ramp and stands on top of the stage, as he looks down at the fallen Reborn and smirks before exiting the arena. Reborn slowly begins to stagger to his feet after the beatdown, but is slow to do so, and eventually referees from the back come down to aid him out of the ring and up the ramp.

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:00 am

Backstage Joshua is walking away from Mr Jones

??: He still gives me the creeps, even without that doll. What was the deal with that thing anyway?

Jones removes his glasses as Charles Kramer walks into view
MJ: That Charles is not my story to tell

CK: But why the need for him to destroy it, why couldn’t you just have done it. Showed him who’s boss?

MJ: You are a very clever man Charles and you should realise more than most that it is not always enough to simply force people to act in your name. There are some people that do not react to threats, there are some that you must utilise a softer skillset. Joshua connects at the most basic level, he is looking for that paternal lead, not a figure of fear or power but one borne out of kindness and respect. For all his words of causing pain and suffering at his heart what he wants more than anything is to feel human. And I understand that and I feed into that longing for acceptance

An evil smile comes across the face of Mr Jones
MJ: To get exactly what I want…

CK: Aren’t you worried about playing with his emotions. You’ve seen what he is capable of, what if he realises you are just using him for your own gains, that you are pulling his strings now

MJ: I am more of a monster than he could ever be….

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:54 am

HA: The third successive huge singles matches between members of The Forgotten and the clutch of 6CW wrestlers who have shown that they are willing to step up and fight for this company.

HE: It's the newest member of The Forgotten in action next, and I suspect that Crime Lord will be looking to prove to his Forgotten cohorts exactly what he's capable of.

HA: It'll be far from easy for Crime Lord, as he finds himself up against Keith Leone, a man who has led rebellions like this in the past with great success in both 6CW and 6WF.

HE: Think of all the beatings he has taken during that time, Leone's body isn't what it's used to be, he can't go like he used to. Crime Lord is coming back from a break, he's refreshed and in the best shape of his life.

HA: I don't know about that Henry, Leone looked in more than good enough shape at both Ground Zero and Aftermath.

The roof of the arena is in danger of coming off as "Limowreck" screams out of the speakers and Keith Leone marches out onto the stage, his head bowed. Slowly he removes his hood and raises his head to stare down the camera. He then paces down the ramp, he slides in under the bottom rope and stands bouncing on the spot, waiting for Crime Lord to rise.

HA: Crime Lord cost Keith Leone and team 6CW at Ground Zero when he shockingly joined force with The Forgotten, and Leone didn't manage to get sufficient revenge at Aftermath last time out.

HE: Play the game Harold. Keith Leone came back uninvited, he can hardly complain about someone else doing exactly the same just because it went against him. The hypocrisy of these fans and those rebelling against Mr Jones is sickening.

The lights dim around the arena and 'Out of Black' blasts out of the speakers, pyrotechnics going off on the stage. As the guitar riff ends, Crime Lord swaggers out from behind the curtain. He looks out across the arena at the booing fans and cricks his neck on both sides. Crime Lord strides down the ramp ignoring the jeering fans and climbs up onto the apron and steps through the ropes into the ring. He climbs to the bottom rope in the corner and soaks in the abuse.

HE: Look at Crime Lord, treating these fans with the utter contempt that they deserve. He is fitting into The Forgotten seamlessly, as you'd expect from someone of his experience.

HA: You'd think someone of his experience would have expected that!

Crime Lord steps down off the bottom rope and Keith Leone runs at him, driving him into the turnbuckles with a shoulder to the abdomen. Leone continues to drive shoulders into the gut, crushing Crime Lord up against the turnbuckles.

HE: What a disgrace, just thuggish behavior from Leone.

HA: That's what revenge looks like Henry!

The referee manages to drag Leone back and force him into the opposite corner, before forcefully warning him to stay there as he checks on Crime Lord. He emerges from the corner slowly, he snarls at the referee when asked if he's ok. The ref signals for the bell to be rung.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

As soon as the bell rings, Keith Leone goes on the attack, running in at the struggling Crime Lord to knock him down with a forearm smash. Crime Lord rolls up to his feet, Leone pushes him back into the corner and then returns to delivering shoulders into the abdomen. Leone relents with the shoulders, taking a few steps back before hitting a running forearm.

Crime Lord stumbles forward out of the corner, Leone kicks him in the stomach and then delivers a neckbreaker, making the cover.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Crime Lord forces the shoulder up, Leone clambers onto Crime Lord. With one hand, he holds Crime Lord's head, using his other arm to drive the point of his elbow down repeatedly into the top of the former 6WF star's head. Leone eventually relents as the referee issues another warning. He gets to his feet, running off the ropes and hitting a leaping knee drop down into the head.

Keith Leone then stands waiting for Crime Lord to rise, before hitting a knee into the stomach. He follows that up with a vicious kick into the face, Crime Lord's head jolts back and Leone takes him down with a short-arm clothesline. He covers.

HA: Leone started this match like a house on fire, really taking the attack to Crime Lord.

Ref: 1....................2................Kick out!

Keith Leone locks in a double underhook hold on the grounded Crime Lord, again attacking at the same time with a series of knees into the back of the head. He slowly brings Crime Lord to his feet before throwing him down with a double underhook suplex. Crime Lord rolls up unsteadily, Leone hits a snap powerslam straight into the pin.

Ref: 1...................2.................Kick out!

HA: Leone onto his feet and looking to finish this early, lining up the concuss-kick!

Leone stands in the corner, waiting for The Forgotten man to rise before going for the superkick...

HE: Crime Lord grabs the boot, great counter!

Crime Lord grabs the boot, he spins Leone around on the spot before picking him and driving Leone into the mat with a spinebuster. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

HA: Crime Lord needed that counter, Leone was totally dominating.

HE: You're an idiot if you expected that kind of run to last the entire match! Now it's Crime Lord's turn to shine.

Keith Leone kicks out, Crime Lord takes his time to regain some composure by applying a chinlock hold on Leone. The former 6CW champion fights up to his feet and spins out of the hold. He pushes Crime Lord back, and then runs in at him, only for The Forgotten man to counter with a big back body drop. Leone stumbles up to his feet and Crime Lord flattens him with a clothesline. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Crime Lord goes on the attack, he lifts up Keith Leone and fires off a series of knife-edge chops into the chest, which the crowd boo louder with each blow. Leone falls back to the corner, Crime Lord continues with the chops until Leone slumps down. He then places his boot across the throat of Leone, choking him out, breaking at the 4 count. He turns to the booing crowd and signals for the crowd to be quiet, before running off the ropes and hitting a vicious facewash kick.

Crime Lord moves Leone slightly away from the turnbuckles, before turning to face the crowd. He climbs to the 2nd rope and then delivers an imploding splash down onto Keith Leone. He covers.

Ref: 1.........................2.......................Kick out!

Keith Leone manages to get the shoulder up off the canvas. Crime Lord stomps away on his head continually, before stopping. He grabs Leone by the head, lifting him to his feet and walking Crime Lord to the corner, where he brutally slams the back of Leone's head off the turnbuckle. He drags Leone forward from the corner, driving him into the mat with a reverse STO. Crime Lord then bounces off the ropes...

HA: Running splash!

HE: Crime Lord absolutely dominating Keith Leone here. This is a demolition, this is exactly why Crime Lord was brought into the Forgotten fold, he enjoys dishing out punishment like this.

Ref: 1..................2..................Kick out!

Crime Lord hauls up Keith Leone, he throws him into the ropes and on the rebound grabs Leone in a bearhug hold. He swings Leone around like a rag-doll, demonstrating all his power. The pain is clear on the face of Leone, but he is still fighting, moving his hands behind Crime Lord's head and trying to get the crowd roused.

They are chanting his name and Leone cuffs Crime Lord around the head in a clapping motion, following that with elbows to the head. Realising the momentum is turning, Crime Lord transitions the hold into a sidewalk slam. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2.................Kick out!

Leone again powers the shoulder up. Crime Lord drags him to his feet, setting up for a belly to belly suplex. Keith Leone blocks, he follows that with a knee up into the stomach of Crime Lord, he then plants him with a DDT! He hooks the leg.

HA: Tremendous counter from Keith Leone!

Ref: 1.................2................Kick out!

Keith Leone brings Crime Lord to his feet in a side headlock hold, he then runs to the middle of the ring and plants him face-first in the canvas with a bulldog. Crime Lord stumbles up to his feet, Leone knocks him down with a huge elbow smash. Leone then goes to the top rope...

HE: High risk...


Ref: 1..................2................Kick out!

Crime Lord powers the shoulder up. Keith Leone lifts him to his feet, Irish whipping him into the corner. Leone sprints in, nailing a running knee lift to the head. Crime Lord walks out of the corner, Leone hits a drop toe hold. Crime Lord's head bounces off the canvas, Leone runs the ropes and delivers a vicious-looking hesitation dropkick to side of the head. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1....................2..................Kick out!

Keith Leone pummels down on the back of Crime Lord continually with clubbing blows, before lifting Crime Lord to his feet. He then plants him viciously into the canvas with a pulling piledriver!

HA: That could finish it for Keith Leone!

Ref: 1........................2.....................Kick out!

Crime Lord forces the shoulder up. Keith Leone drags him to his feet, hitting a series of punches to the head forcing Crime Lord back into the corner. Leone then climbs to the 2nd rope, pummeling down on the head of Crime Lord continually...

HE: Someone stop this, it's an assault...wait, doesn't matter! Great counter by Crime Lord!

Crime Lord manages to get underneath Leone, and then drops him face-first down across the turnbuckle. He then grabs Leone by the waist, delivering a German suplex. He covers.

Ref: 1.................2..................Kick out!

Leone forces the shoulder up. Crime Lord slowly gets to is feet, he allows Keith Leone to his feet before managing to connect with the belly to belly suplex. Leone rolls up, Crime Lord drives him into the mat with a spinebuster. Leone begins to stir...


Ref: 1........................2............................Kick out!


Crime Lord drags up Keith Leone, he slings him over his shoulders, setting up for the lock n load...



Ref: 1............................2..........................Kick out!

HE: How about that Harold? That's the kind of fight that makes Crime Lord a multiple time world champion!

Keith Leone stands waiting for Crime Lord to rise, he boots him in the gut...


Ref: 1...............................2..........................................Kick out!



Keith Leone walks back to the corner, stands waiting for Crime Lord to rise when suddenly Mike Master saunters out onto the stage, the EWF Title over his shoulder.

HA: What the hell is he doing out here?

HE: He's the champ, he can do whatever the hell he likes!

Masters strolls down the ramp, smirking. He climbs up the steel steps and onto the ring apron, where he proceeds to hold the title belt aloft.

HA: I'm not sure he wants to get that close to Leone, he won't have a moment's hesitation in taking the champion's head off!

Leone glares at Masters for a few moments, he turns around to face Crime Lord and then suddenly jolts back, going for the concuss-kick on Masters. The EWF champion manages to leap off the apron just in time, and he smirks back at Leone. He turns around infuriated, and walks straight into the path of Crime Lord who is back on his feet...



Ref: 1...............................2............................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: They've done it again! The Forgotten ruin yet another potentially classic match-up with their cowardly attacks, distractions and numbers game beatdowns, this time it's Mike Masters providing the assist for Crime Lord.

HE: Another fantastic win for Crime Lord, don't listen to my bitter brother. Two wins in two for Crime Lord, who is showing exactly why The Forgotten brought him in.

HA: Why's that? Because he's happy to buy into their brutish, sneaky, underhand tactics? Yeah he's perfect for that.

HE: No, because he has bought into a collective idea. These so-called rebels say they are fighting for the company. They aren't. They aren't fighting as a team, they are fighting for themselves. As soon as they see one of the world titles in their eye-line, any alliances will go out the window. The Forgotten have a collective goal, dominance and destruction.

HA: What a load of rubbish. The likes of Max Adamson, Thunder, Red Arrows, Anthony Grace, they are all fighting to get rid of the tyranny that Mr Jones has imposed.

HE: If it's so important to them, where are they now? Why aren't they out here supporting their "team-mate?"

Mike Masters applauds Crime Lord on the outside, he rolls out of the ring and shakes hands with Masters, nodding before walking up the ramp and to the top of the stage. He turns to taunt the fans one more time before stepping through curtain.

HA: What the hell is Masters still doing out here?

Mike Masters rolls the EWF title into the ring, and then follows. Leone is beginning to stir, Masters grabs him by the head and holds the title right in the face of Leone. Masters is trash-talking Leone with the belt still in his face, the crowd suddenly erupt as Leone pops to his feet, he shoves Masters backards...



The crowd cheer loudly as Leone leans down to pick up the EWF title, he then smirks as he holds the title aloft as Anarchy goes to a commercial.

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:57 am

Main Event
Joshua vs. Jack Hurst

HA: Main event time folks...

HE: And a chance for our 6CW Champion to prove his dominance once more.....he did it two weeks ago, he'll do it again tonight and then at New Dawn he'll show why he is unbeatable...

HA: Unbeatable may be stretching it....but Joshua is an amazing competitor and it is going to take something very special to dethrone him....but that something "special" might just be one of the two members of the Red Arrows...

The crowd roar to life as "Prince Charming" booms through the speakers and Jack Hurst strides out onto the stage. He nods his head and waves to the fans as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ringside area...

HA: One half of the greatest tag team that 6CW has ever seen....but now Jack Hurst has the opportunity to show a different side to his game, he has the chance to cement himself in the history books by becoming a world champion...

HE: Please do not get carried away....Hurst is a hell of a team player but he is not cut out to be a main star...neither of the Arrows are...

HA: Is that why Robin Reborn defeated Mike Masters earlier tonight?

HE: That was a fluke and he got what he deserved after the match was over...I am telling you, neither of them has what it takes to beat Joshua...

HA: Fluke or not, all it takes is three seconds....and remember that Joshua does not have to be pinned or submitted to lose his title...

HE: So now you're condoning the Arrows turning on each other?

HA: Not at all....but I think both men know the stakes, they know that taking the 6CW Championship away from Joshua and Mr Jones would strike a real blow to the heart of The Forgotten...

HE: Trust me, the greed and selfishness is already setting in....where was Jack Hurst earlier tonight for Reborn?

HA: Like he could have prevented the attack, it happened so quickly....

HE: Face facts, Hurst was nowhere to be seen...he saw Reborn as a potential opponent instead of a friend and he was happy to see him get taken out...

HA: Rubbish...

Hurst wipes his feet on the apron and then climbs into the ring. He smiles at the reception he is receiving from the audience and then the lights go down completely. The crowd boo as a gong sounds out, followed by a high wolf's howl. Slowly the steady beat of a heart pulses through the speakers....

HE: Here he comes...

HA: The 6CW World of the most dominant we have had....Joshua is an inhuman beast, no doubt about it, but he is not invincible.....he is very difficult to hurt but it can be done, we have seen it...

HE: Very rarely...

HA: True but the Red Arrows managed it at Ground Zero....they know they can get to him if they work together...

HE: No way can they remain a team when the world championship is on the line....greed will set in...

The house lights come back up and Joshua is standing at the base of the ring, his dark curtain of hair masking his scarred face. He holds the 6CW Championship in his hand as he pulls himself up onto the apron with his other....

HA: Two weeks ago we witnessed Joshua set fire to McCoy, the puppet he has carried with him since day one in 6CW....many believe that was a symbol of the champion's new found and ever growing relationship with Mr Jones....

HE: Joshua doesn't need the puppet to control him anymore....Mr Jones has shown him proper consideration and care, he has given Joshua a family....

HA: Will that make Joshua stronger though or has he turned his back on a side of his game that made him so intimidating?

HE: Of course he'll grow stronger....Mr Jones knows exactly what he is doing....

Joshua steps over the top rope and walks towards the centre of the ring, where Jack Hurst is standing his ground. Hurst has a quick glance at the 6CW Championship belt...

HA: In a month Jack Hurst will challenge for that championship.....tonight he has an opportunity to prove he belongs in that position and that he can hang tough with the world champion...

HE: He'll be lucky if there is any of him left to go to New Dawn after tonight....

Joshua tosses the championship belt into the referee's hands and then he shoves Hurst in the chest, sending him flying back into the ropes. Hurst bounces back forwards and he manages to duck a huge right hand from Joshua before unloading with a barrage of punches of his own...

HA: This is all Hurst can do....he needs to take the fight to Joshua but remain cautious at the same time, be smart...

HE: The only thing he can do is pray for a miracle whilst he waits for the inevitable to happen...

Joshua is barely staggered as Hurst grabs his arm and looks for an Irish whip. Joshua reverses with ease and sends Hurst across the ring...


Joshua looks for a big boot on the comeback but Hurst ducks under it and returns with a flying shoulder tackle to the legs of Joshua, taking him down on all fours. Hurst quickly gets back up and he turns the monster into a neckbreaker.........................1............................2...............powerout!

HE: That was never going to work...

HA: Jack Hurst needs to stick at this....never relent...

Hurst grabs Joshua by the head and tries to drag him up but Joshua summons his strength and launches Hurst back into the corner. He rushes in for a splash but Hurst steps aside in time and sends Joshua crashing against the turnbuckle. Joshua staggers back out and Hurst manages to nail him with a back suplex....

HA: Great strength from Jack Hurst there...

1................2..........Joshua powers out again. Hurst gets back up and he stumbles into the corner and beckons for the big man to stand back up. Joshua slowly obliges and Hurst bursts towards him and launches into a heavy lariat...

HE: It didn't even knock Joshua down....

Joshua wobbles off balance but manages to keep his feet. Hurst scurries back up and he leaps into a dropkick that knocks Joshua backwards again...

HA: Joshua has one hell of a centre of gravity...

Hurst delivers a stiff kick to Joshua's gut, doubling him over, and then he hooks both of his arms and attempts to lift him into a tiger bomb. Joshua spins out of it and grabs Hurst by the throat...

HE: Choke....

Hurst boots Joshua in the stomach and then he grabs his arm and wraps it around his neck before nailing a cobra clutch drop.........................1....................2.................Joshua kicks out!

HA: What a resilient display so far from Jack Hurst....he's showing why he has a shot at the 6CW Championship...

Hurst gets back up and he makes his way over to the corner, where he begins to climb. Joshua sits up and begins to stand as Hurst leaps towards him and crunches a European uppercut under his chin...

HE: Ahhhhh!

HA: That impact took Joshua clean off of his feet....Hurst building big momentum here...

Joshua is flat on his back as Hurst looks around at the audience, who are willing him to finish the job. He nods stoically and then heads for the corner again and starts to climb...

HA: What a result it would be if Jack Hurst could pull it off here tonight....what a message it would send.....

HE: Don't count your chickens too soon....


Hurst reaches the top rope and then he launches himself off into his patented flying legdrop, only for Joshua to roll aside in time and send Hurst crashing against the canvass. Hurst holds his spine as he scrambles back up and he quickly tries to make a beeline for Joshua, who drills him with a heavy back elbow...

HE: He walked straight into that one...

Hurst rolls away and under the apron from the impact of the elbow. Joshua quickly rolls after him and he stands up on the apron before running across...

HA: That will change things...

The crowd groan as Joshua leaps into the air and lands a brutal apron legdrop to the back of Hurst's neck. Hurst rolls back inside the ring as Joshua pulls himself back up onto the apron and steps through the rope. Joshua then hurries forwards and lands a big elbow drop to the heart of Hurst................1..................2..............shoulder up!

HE: Now you are seeing the champion go to work.....Hurst's moment in the sun is over....

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:58 am

Hurst slowly gets to his feet and Joshua immediately scoops him up before slamming him back down on the deck. Joshua then runs off the ropes and returns with a huge jumping legdrop to the throat of Hurst.................1.................2............kickout!

HA: The 6CW Champion has slowed this right down now.....this is the pace he enjoys....

Joshua seizes Hurst by the head and he drags him up. He tries to flip him for a powerbomb but Hurst desperately kicks his legs and hangs on. Hurst then manages to seize Joshua's legs and swipe them from under him....

HA: Hurst is fighting with all he's got here....

Hurst tries to turn the big man onto his stomach for an anklelock but Joshua pulls one of his feet free and he kicks out at Hurst's head, sending him flying backwards into the corner. Joshua gets back up as Hurst comes sprinting out at him....

HE: Forget it...

Joshua uses Hurst's momentum to scoop him up with a huge side slam.....................1.......................2............shoulder up!

HA: Jack Hurst does not want to be taking too many impact moves like that...

Jack Hurst looks dazed as he gets back up and Joshua wraps both hands around his throat before lifting him into the air. He turns around and slams Hurst into the corner before stomping on his midsection repeatedly....Joshua then lifts Hurst up onto the top of the turnbuckle and climbs after him...

HE: Joshua has had enough....time to put this one to bed...

Joshua pulls Hurst into a front facelock and prepares to pull him into a superplex but Hurst throws a flurry of punches to try and block. Joshua continues to try and hustle so Hurst throws caution to the wind and jumps backwards off the top rope, pulling Joshua down with him and hanging him up across the ropes...

*Crowd cheer

HA: Hurst took a big risk there but it paid off....Joshua is down, could it be.....OH YES!


*Crowd cheer

Joshua slams across the top rope and flies down on his back in the centre of the ring. Hurst quickly scrambles back up onto the apron and up the ropes before launching himself through the air, landing with the legdrop across Joshua's throat...

HA: He got....NO!

HE: This man is unbeatable....when will you realise that?

The crowd are stunned and so is Jack Hurst as the 6CW Champion throws his arm off the mat before the three count can be made. Hurst slowly crawls back up to his feet and he takes in a deep breath...

HA: Earlier tonight we saw Hurst's tag team partner, Robin Reborn, show that he can hang tough with the world champions of this Jack is doing the exact same thing....the Red Arrows' story is truly a remarkable inspiration to anyone who walks through those doors...

HE: Reborn scored a fluke, don't get carried away....and Hurst hasn't won anything yet....overall results are what matters....people don't remember losing performances...

Hurst strides around Joshua as he waits for him to stand. He motions for the champion to come towards him and then he succeeds in scooping him up onto his shoulders.....

HA: This is the moment.....WASHBOARD STOMACH!

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:58 am

Joshua drops off Hurst's back and he pushes him into the ropes before nailing him with a huge big boot to the face. Hurst scrambles back up and Joshua runs at him, planting him with a sickening DDT....
.........Hurst just manages to get his shoulder up!

HE: Hurst is barely hanging on now....

HA: But he is hanging on....he is showing so much heart here tonight....

Joshua gets back up and he stares down at Hurst before making his way towards the corner once more. He starts his ascent to the top rope but Hurst is somehow back on his feet. He rushes to the corner and leaps onto the second rope before jumping up and lands an enzaguri to the side of Joshua's head....

HA: Crash landing...

The impact to Joshua's temple causes him to fall forwards and he flips from the top rope, landing hard on his back. Hurst stumbles back to his feet and he begins to ascend the ropes....

HE: This is inconceivable....

Hurst reaches the top rope and he sucks it in before leaping backwards into a mesmeric moonsault, slamming down across Joshua's chest with ultimate force. The impact drives all of the wind from Hurst and he struggles to get himself together but eventually he crawls across...

HA: This could be the upset of 2015...

........thr-shoulder up!

HE: Did he kick out?

HA: By God just.....I mean that was so close...

Hurst has his head in his hands as the referee tells him it was a two count. The crowd are in disbelief two but they continue to roar as they will Hurst to keep up the offense...

HE: Get it together, Joshua....maybe setting fire to McCoy was a mistake after all...

HA: I don't think the puppet has a damn thing to do with what is happening tonight.....there is a flame lit underneath Jack Hurst that will not be extinguished...

Joshua is clearly feeling it in his chest as he slowly staggers back to his feet. Jack Hurst wipes sweat from his brow as he walks directly into Joshua's path and he scoops him up....


Joshua elbows his way off of Hurst's shoulders and he shoves him into the corner with real power. Joshua then flicks his hair from his face and runs in for a huge splash but finds nothing but the turnbuckle....he staggers back out and Hurst nails a bridged German suplex.................1.......................2..............shoulder up!

HA: Jones, Kramer, the Forgotten....nobody expected this kind of performance tonight from Reborn or Hurst....all of a sudden they may be regretting setting up that triple threat match at New Dawn...

HE: Don't you worry about New Dawn....everyone has a little off night....

HA: I thought you said Joshua was unbeatable?

HE: Has he lost here tonight?

Joshua stumbles back up in the corner and Hurst crunches into him with a clothesline/European uppercut. Hurst then does a lap of the ring and sprints back in with a second.....and a then a third....

HA: Hurst is putting so much physicality in this match....

Hurst pulls Joshua from the corner and tries to lift him for a suplex but Joshua manages to full free and he lands a huge uppercut and follows up with a head-butt that sends Hurst staggering back into the ropes. Joshua then rushes forwards....

HA: Saw him coming....

Hurst drops down and he grabs the top rope, pulling it so that Joshua goes flying over the top to the outside. The crowd are cheering as Hurst makes his way back to his feet and then he runs off the opposite ropes....

HA: Here he comes....


Hurst dives through the middle ropes for a suicide dive but Joshua catches him with a hand around the throat. Hurst looks stunned before the 6CW Champion hauls him into the air and delivers a furious chokeslam on the concrete floor...

HA: My word that was devastating...

Hurst is completely motionless on the floor as Joshua just stands over him and stares. He then easily drags Hurst's lifeless body up and throws him under the bottom rope. Hurst rolls a little but remains still on the canvass as Joshua pulls himself up on the apron....

HE: Hurst will be lucky if Joshua didn't just shatter his back....that was brutal...

HA: I don't care who you are, that move will take everything from you...


Joshua shows amazing aerial prowess to launch himself through the air and across the ring, thundering down into Hurst's chest with the huge head-butt.....he drops an arm on the chest as the referee counts....

HE: As easy as you like...

HA: I'm glad to see you've regained your confidence....because everyone knows that that was far from easy for our world champion...

The crowd are booing as Joshua kneels over Jack Hurst and the referee raises his arm in victory. Hurst is completely flat on his back as Joshua stands up and surveys the scene around him...

HA: Jack Hurst fought gallantly, at times he had Joshua all at sea....all of a sudden New Dawn is not looking like a cakewalk for the 6CW Champion....

HE: But who won? Despite all of Hurst's offense and his heroic performance....who got the victory? That's all that matters tonight and all that will matter at New Dawn...

HA: And what about when you throw Robin Reborn into the mix? Joshua is a phenomenal athlete, no doubt, but there are chinks in the monster's armour that can be exploited...

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6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 7th December Results

Post by Mat Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:59 am

The referee holds out the 6CW Championship for Joshua but instead he turns his focus back to Jack Hurst. Hurst grabs at Joshua's legs and is trying to pull himself up so Joshua grabs him by the head...

HA: Enough is enough here...

HE: Hurst was putting his hands on Joshua...

HA: The man was trying to stand up.....he wasn't looking for an extra beating....

The crowd are booing furiously as Joshua places Hurst's head between his legs and then he flips him up on his shoulders. He spins him around three times and then drills him with a sickening jack-knife powerbomb, Hurst landing badly on the back of his neck...

HA: That is horrible....this is an unprovoked assault...

HE: Joshua just showing everyone who the dominant force is around here...and where is Reborn now?

HA: Still being tended to be medics probably after being busted open earlier tonight....

HE: Yeah right....he's bailed on his partner just like Hurst bailed on him earlier....power corrupts all, Harold....this is the end of the Red Arrows....Mr Jones is a genius...

Hurst is holding the back of his head in the centre of the ring as Joshua takes the 6CW Championship from the referee and then he raises his own arm in the air.

HE: That is the dominant force in 6CW and don't you ever forget doesn't matter you throw at him or how many there are, Joshua is the man...

HA: I don't believe any man is invincible but I'll admit it is going to take a very special performance from a very special athlete to end the championship reign of Joshua...

HE: The Red Arrows have had a very stern introduction to the world title scene here tonight....I'm not sure they were ready for it...

HA: Their performances suggest otherwise...

HE: But where are they now? It takes more to be a world champion then just giving a good account bell to need to be on your game at all times...

The show ends with Joshua continuing to stand over Jack Hurst whilst the crowd boo and chant for "Robin Reborn", who doesn't show.

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