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does Mourinho trust his squad?

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does Mourinho trust his squad? Empty does Mourinho trust his squad?

Post by CAS Tue 07 Apr 2015, 6:52 am

as Chelsea seem to stagger towards the title are his players feeling the affects of playing too regularly?

He hinted at it after the defeat to Bradford City with "I don't make many changes. I try to keep stability in the team. Maybe now you can understand a bit better why, but I don't want to speak too much about it. This is our squad, I trust them and let's move on."


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does Mourinho trust his squad? Empty Re: does Mourinho trust his squad?

Post by Crimey Tue 07 Apr 2015, 8:06 am

I think his insistence on having a small squad is coming back to bite him now and this is without a long run in the FA Cup or getting particular far in the Champions League. 

I think the main reason he has a small squad is because he's not great at dealing with unhappy players and the chances of unhappy players increases when not everybody plays every week. Tactically he's a good manager but I do think there are significant doubts about his man-management skills. There are few top managers like Mourinho with as many ex-players talking poorly about them.


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does Mourinho trust his squad? Empty Re: does Mourinho trust his squad?

Post by FootballLight Tue 07 Apr 2015, 8:15 am

I think he does trust his players but he is working with a small yet quality squad. No matter what minor changes he makes to his team, rarely does it ever affect the quality of the first team.


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does Mourinho trust his squad? Empty Re: does Mourinho trust his squad?

Post by Ent Tue 07 Apr 2015, 8:17 am

Always been his way, gets a core group and adopts a siege mentality.

Players he doesn't get on with tend to speak negatively about him, lots of them love him- materazzi crying when he was leaving etc


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does Mourinho trust his squad? Empty Re: does Mourinho trust his squad?

Post by Superb Thu 16 Apr 2015, 12:09 pm

The squad is too small to compete on all fronts. I never thought we'd go too far in the CL this season, especially as winning the PL was always the priority. Next season I fully expect us to have a bigger and hopefully better squad. There seems to be a plan in place although selling Schurrle in January instead of the summer was an unnecessary risk.


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does Mourinho trust his squad? Empty Re: does Mourinho trust his squad?

Post by JDizzle Thu 16 Apr 2015, 4:45 pm

No. Two class goal keepers, three good FBs (although would like another competent one), worries at CB going forward as Terry can't carry on forever and Cahill has had a down season. Zouma looks promising though.

Biggest issue is in CM, as there is a big drop off from Matic and Cesc and Cesc has been a bit of a passenger for a couple of months. Heard rave reviews about Ruben Loftus Cheek, but that could be just cause he's young and English. Would be interesting to see him get some minutes towards the end of the season, hopefully.

If Hazard gets injured we'd be in the Poopie too, but he is a class apart and most teams would struggle if they lost their absolute talisman. Oscar has dropped off post Xmas again, which is a concern, but Willian has had a better season.

We'd be alright up front with Costa, Remy and Drogba (even if he is past it), but two of them are absolute sicknotes. Will probably need another in over the summer.


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