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6CW New Year Spectacular Results

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:03 pm

*The shot opens to Anthony Grace stood before a roaring fire

AG: New Year resolutions? Only that we all continue to believe because only then can we truly achieve happiness……

*The screen starts to show 6CW superstars one by one

Max Adamson

MA: To still be awesome

Liam Wood

LW: To smile more

Vincent Costello

VC: To enforce Costello’s law

Mike Masters

MM: To get what I deserve

Scott Harris

SH: To make my mother proud

DeMarcus Brown

DB: To get respect

Red Arrows

RR: To fly even higher

JH: To stay classy


Both: To be Box Office!

JJ Johnson

JJ: To keep the fire burning

Gazzy D is stood last of all, his eyes burning with fire

GD: To get revenge

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Come’s the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off. As the camera pans around the sold out 6CW arena across the thousands in attendance the voice of Harold Lloyd can be heard

HA: Good evening ladies and gentleman and a happy new year. Welcome once again to the sold out Wembley arena. I hope Santa was kind and you had a fantastic festive period. I am joined by my brother and this is the first 6CW show of 2015

*Henry nods to camera

HE: It seems like a whole year since we were last on your screens; we have so much in store for you this evening as another wild ride of a year in 6CW gets under way


Both: AND IT’S TIME TO PLAY!!!!!!!


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:05 pm

*Backstage Bam is stood with Brian. Bam is ready for his impending match, Brian is dressed in grey chinos and a white t shirt with the slogan ‘Who is that masked man’ emblazoned across the front

Brian: Ladies and G-g-g-gentleman. My guest at this t-t-t-time. The former UK c-c-c-champion Bam Sparkleston

*Bam nods to camera

Bam: Pleasure to be here, but a little less of the former champion, way to hurt a guys feelings Bri. I’m not made of steel ya know

*Brian smiles nervously

Brian: Sorry. I’m a b-b-big fan.

*Bam pats Brian on the shoulder

Bam: I’m only messing Bud. I have a thick skin; ya know 2014 was one of mixed emotions for me. Just being here in 6CW was like totes amazeballs and then I was a champion, wow, things couldn’t get any better…… but then, I lost focus and things started to change outside of wresting

The stability I was used to wasn’t there anymore, I had to question who I was and what I wanted out of life, to all of you I was this smiling ball of energy but on the inside I was a lost little boy hiding behind a mask of over confidence desperately looking for answers

But now you know what Brian? I don’t wanna hide behind that front any more. I’m not saying I’m gonna change everything about me, that would be too far a jump but I need to know who Bam Sparkleston really is

*Brian nods

Brian: And does that j-j-journey of self d-d-d-discovery start to-to-tonight?

Bam: Good a place as any Brian, tonight I team with a man who I know even less about than me

Brian: So how do you p-p-p-prepare?

Bam: I’ve seen enough since he came to 6CW to know he is the kind of guy you want in your corner, his identity may be a mystery but it’s plain to see whose side he’s on

Brian: And what of the m-m-m-mysterious attack last t-t-t-time out?

Bam: Whoever that was is a coward, nothing more. If they are so bad then why won’t they stand face to face with me? I’m not scared Brian

*Brian smiles

Brian: And I’m sh-sh-sh-sure whoever it is, Enigma will have your b-b-b-b-back?

*Bam nods as the scene fades


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:07 pm

*DeMarcus Brown starts to stride into Wembley Arena, when he is stopped by Timothy Allen and a film crew. Brown looks at him unamused.

DB: Yeah……I used to remember when what I did or said didn’t matter to ya. Now you buzz around me like a fly to shi…..

*Timothy Allen immediately cuts in and talks into the camera.

TA: I am standing outside Wembley Arena with Xtreme champion DeMarcus Brown. His first match of the New Year could not be tougher. He is set to face Enforcer, a former EWF World Champion.

*He turns to Brown

TA: What are your thoughts before this hard test?

*Brown doesn’t look bothered.

DB: You seem to forget that I am the champ around here. My title belt means I should get some damn respect. Enforcer’s only chance of touching gold this year is putting tinsel on next Christmas’ tree.

TA: It seems you believe that Enforcer has dropped below you.

DB: He was always beneath me. I just needed to show it. I don’t care about yesterday’s trash trying to kick-start careers for the millionth time. It is all about tomorrow……the future. That future that is determined by DeMarcus Brown. Big E’ is just one more stone I have to step on and the distance ain’t all that big. Enforcer needs to respect me and respect his position.

*Timothy Allen looks slightly confused.

TA: So all the titles and accolades he has won stands for nothing now?

DB: Yeah that’s right. That was last year. It has gone out of fashion and it is time for this place to evolve. I will be leading the way and Enforcer better not have any stupid ideas about stopping me. I am XTreme champion for a reason and he better damn remember that!

*Brown pushes past Allen and strides into the building


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:09 pm

Match 1
Enigma/Bam Sparkleston vs. G.A.Y.S

Back at ringside and Percy Percival and Molly Coddle are already in the ring as ‘Best Song Ever’ booms out of the speakers and Bam Sparkleston bursts through the curtain to a massive ovation from the crowd

HA: Tag team action to get us underway this evening and a match involving some of the more colourful individuals we have in 6CW

HE: Bam is a former UK champion in 6CW but he has really gone through the ringer of late; losing his title to Simon Cagero, the revelations regarding his father and then the attacks by a mystery assailant. You wouldn’t blame Bam if he wasn’t completely focused this evening

HA: I am sure he will throw himself into the match whole heartedly. Bam doesn’t know any other way

Bam reaches the bottom of the ramp where he starts to interact with the crowd as he awaits the arrival of his partner

HE: And whilst Bam lays everything bare this man keeps his cards very close to his chest. Appearing at first as a vigilante for good in 6CW his true intentions in 6CW are still unknown

HA: A modern day hero?

HE: He’s hiding something, but what it is; is still unknown

Enigma starts to make his way through the crowd; a few fans tap him on the shoulder as he jumps the barrier, nodding to Bam the two men slide under the ropes into the ring

Percy and Molly do paper, scissor, stone to agree who starts before Percy backs away to the corner

HA: Molly Coddle and Enigma start in the ring

The two lock up and Enigma takes Coddle down to one knee, before applying a side headlock. He gets to his feet and whips Enigma out across the ring, Coddle ducks for a back body drop but Enigma reads it, dropkicking Coddle in the face. His head jolts back, Enigma pulls him in and nails a sidewalk slam. Coddle drops to the mat.

Ref: 1................2........Kick out!

HA: Fast start from Enigma as we have come to expect from this mysterious individual

HE: From what we have seen so far this guy is no rookie. There are reference points in his performances that show he has had training at a high level. There is definitely more than meets the eye about Enigma

HA: Very perceptive, is it the mask and lack of any history about the guy that gave you that amazing insight Sherlock?

Enigma rolls to his feet he lifts up Coddle and connects with a roundhouse kick to the head, before following up with vicious roundhouse kicks to the side. He quickly lifts Coddle into the air, nailing a Brainbuster. Enigma hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2........Kick out!

HE: This could end quickly

Enigma picks Coddle up once more but the G.A.Y.S member pokes a thumb to the eye

HA: Desperation move

Coddle scrambles to the corner and tags in Percy Percival. Percy sprints forward but Enigma ducks and comes back off the ropes with a spinning heel kick knocking Percy hard to the mat. Enigma tags in Bam, who enters the ring to a big pop from the crowd and unleashes a barrage of lefts and rights to Percy who tries to cover up but is driven into the corner. Bam begins to stomp away at Percy’s gut knocking him to the mat, he takes a few steps back before shouting ‘ERMAGHERD’ and running forward and driving a knee into the side of Percy’s head. The G.A.Y.S superstar’s head is rocked back and forth and Bam turns to salute the crowd

HE: High intensity start from these two guys. They may not know much about one another out of the ring but there appears to be a real connection inside that squared circle

Bam picks Percy up from the corner and the Phillipino star is staggering forwards

HA: Percy has absolutely no clue what day of the week it is. Bam and Enigma are putting on a tag team master class here tonight

HE: This could be all over very soon

HA: NSFW!!!!

Bam grabs Percy by the head and jumps up with both knees to his face; Percy stumbles backwards

HE Super kick from Enigma!

HA: Bam is going up top….PUKING RAINBOWS!!


Bam connects perfectly with the five star frog splash and the ref scrambles to make the pin





Coddle attempts to break up the pin but Enigma sprints across the ring and dives with a cross body attack that takes him and Coddle flying over the top rope and hard to the mat below as the referee continues to count the pin


DING DING!!!!!!!!

The ref calls for the bell and raises Bam’s arm in victory

HA: What a combination, what a sacrifice move by Enigma to get his team the victory, what a win for these two guys, they are proving to be quite the team!!

Lights out


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:11 pm

HA: Not again!

The video screen starts to flicker; a piercing scream is heard across the arena as images start to flash on screen of mass panic amongst crowds of people

A voiceover begins

VO: The darkness consumes us all

There is no escape


The screen flickers again before static starts to play and the arena lights come back on.


Bam turns his head from the screen where he is now stood in the centre of the ring faced by a hooded figure dressed in a black cloak. Bam does not move almost transfixed by the figure before him. The figure slowly removes the hood and their gasps from the crowd as the realisation sets in. The camera men run around the ring trying to get a close up of the hooded figure for the crowds in the stands. The screen shows a tall figure dressed in black PVC with long flowing hair over his face.

HE: Who is that?

HA: I have no idea but it seems like we are about to find out.

The figure throws the robe he is wearing over one shoulder, freeing a hand which is holding a small, old fashioned movie camera. He throws back his hair and raises the camera to his eye and moves around a transfixed Bam. The video screen begins to follow the feed from the handheld camera.






HE: What is he filming?

HA: For those who don’t know, Dario is a sick and twisted film maker, if you can call them that. He likes to torture people both mentally and physically.

HE: But why is he here?

HA: I have no idea.

Dario fixes the camera on to the face of Bam before lifting his other hand which features an ornate talon on one finger. He runs it down his own cheek, drawing blood before tasting it himself. The taste of his own blood brings a smile to his face.

HE: What the hell is he doing?

HA: Here comes Enigma

The masked Enigma slides from the outside of the ring under the ropes and stands between Machiavelli and Bam, he maintains eye contact with Machiavelli who is continuing to smile as Enigma slowly pushes Bam towards the ropes, he helps his partner through the ropes to the floor before following him. Machiavelli stands still in the centre of the ring continuing to film as the two men slowly back up the ramp

HE: Why didn’t he attack?

HA: It’s the mind games; Machiavelli is a master of them, he wants Bam to know he can get to him any time he wants

HE: Why return now Harold; what does this mean for 6CW?

HA: With Machiavelli back anything can happen. Bam and Enigma need to watch their backs every minute of the day

The show goes to commercial break

Match result: Bam & Enigma via pinfall
Match time: 3 minutes, 01 second


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:16 pm

*Christy James is backstage with a confident looking Enforcer. She starts to speak as Enforcer keeps his eyes fixed on the camera.

CJ: With me at this time is a former EWF champion who had an end to 2014 that he would probably like to forget. As we start 2015, the former main eventer now finds himself down the card. Ladies and gentlemen………Enforcer.

*Enforcer looks at her and raises his eyebrows.

E: Such a bundle of New Year joy……

*Christy ignores the remark and continues.

CJ: Is it not fair to say that you wish things could have been different?

E: Yeah…..but they aren’t. And unlike most around here, I am not going to stand and whine about it. If 2014 didn’t finish how I expected, then I will make damn sure 2015 starts like I want it to.

CJ: So New Year means new start? Even the fans seem behind you, which this time last year seems extraordinary to imagine.

*Enforcer smirks.

E: Yeah well I have come to realise that the 6CW fan base are a fickle bunch of people. My reaction to them is the same as it has always been. They can cheer. They can boo. They can buy a ticket and see me in action. Or they can act like 6CW doesn’t even exist and watch some other two-bit wrestling show. Basically they can act like myself and do whatever they goddamn please. It makes no difference to me.

*Christy nods and turns to the camera.

CJ: This week you are facing XTreme champion DeMarcus Brown. Would it be right to label you the underdog in this match?

*Enforcer shakes his head.

E: I have never been the underdog in any match. I expect to win and anyone with half a brain cell would expect me to as well. You asking me that question says it all really.

*James goes to speak but Enforcer cuts in.

E: Let me make this plain. Results are all that matter and I plan to get one tonight. If it is against Brown in the second match this evening, then fine I will get the result. Then I will get more results. And then, when I am back in the main event, you won’t have to worry your pretty head about where I am on the card.

*Enforcer walks off as Christy watches him go.


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Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:17 pm

*We're backstage and the camera is moving horizontally along the corridor walls. As the shot moves, we hear voices getting nearer and nearer. Then Jack Hurst and PrimeTime Johnson are on the screen, deep in conversation.

JH: Obviously, tonight is a special case for us. I'd guess you trusted the Death Squad and Bad Intentions about as much as I do. Their pride in the ring only goes so far; they would much rather see their competition injured than beat them like men.

PT: You don't need to tell me, it was totally uncalled for. My stunt double was livid.

JH: How is Damien Johndow?

PT: Damien quit, he got a better offer. He's playing me in Hollywood's biopic. I still don't know how I didn't get the part.

JH: But back to the matter in hand...we keep our eyes open and our wits about us. Don't let them play their games...

PT: Hollywood is like a brother to me, I won't let him get blindsided

JH: Is he not...?

PT: Filming Mission Not Likely 8? It's been delayed; the stunt safe still won't open. It needs a code, but none of us can remember my birthday. But it’s cool, we've got "The Men Who Swear at Boats" and "Is Bridge Too Hard?" starting end of January.

JH: More importantly, can we trust you out there? I know the titles are the be all and end all in this division, but you'll get your shot. Right now, we want the playing field to stay level

PT: No one is tuning in to watch some muscle bound idiots beat everyone up. That is not tele! We're with you.

*Hurst puts out his hand and PrimeTime shakes it as the scene fades


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:29 pm

Match 2
DeMarcus Brown vs Enforcer

We join our commentary team for the next match of the night, both men have an excited look across their faces as they begin to talk about the next fight.

HA: Ladies and gentlemen it's time for what some people are saying could be match of the night with a former EWF World Champion taking on the current 6CW Extreme Champion! If you tuned in for a wrestling clinic you might be a bit disappointed!

HE: That's right Harold, these two men are two of the toughest S.O.B's on the entire roster and have the scars to prove it! We are about to witness a straight up fight! I for one cannot wait!

The fans give a mixed reaction as Saturday Night begins to blare through the speakers and Enforcer confidently walks out on to the stage. Enforcer pauses for a moment before making his way down towards the ring.

HA: A former EWF Champion who put his stamp on the belt before it was taken away by Vincent Costello! You have to think a man of Enforcer's calliber would be looking for championship gold as soon as possible!

HE: That's right, Enforcer prides himself as being the most dominant force in professional wrestling and in all honesty with some of the defences he had to go through it's hard to argue with him!

Enforcer reaches the ring and climbs in as the music lowers for a few seconds before Gangster Rap Made Me Do It fills the air and Demarcus Brown makes his way on to the stage with the Extreme Title resting across his shoulder.

HA: If you're talking about tough guys are 6CW then this man right here is someone that cannot be overlooked! We watched as Brown was able to overcome his very own personal demon when he finally beat The Monster Ojore for that very belt he proudly displays. Enforcer might have a nearly 40 pound advantage but Demarcus Brown is about to show the world that to him...none of that matters!

Brown enters the ring and scowls across the ring at Enforcer as the ref does a final check before ringing the bell for the match to start. As the bell rings a tense silence fills the crowd as both Enforcer and Brown slowly walk towards each other, pressing their foreheads in to each other while talking trash

HE: I'm not sure what's happened backstage but these guys are getting personal early on here tonight!

HA: Henry, I don't think anything has know how you get teams that just click? Well this is the total opposite...there is just a instant dislike between these two tough competitors!

HE: It looks like they're willing the other one to throw the first punch!

The noise in the arena begins to build as Brown and Enforcer square off in the middle of the ring, ugly grimaces cover their face as they continue to trash talk each other goading the other to make a move. After a few moments Brown finally snaps sending the crowd in to a frenzy.

HA: What a right from Brown!

HE: The former EWF champion has one of his own!

The crowd jump to their feet as Brown and Enforcer begin to trade punches in the middle of the ring, Enforcer begins to take the advantage but is quickly cut off by Brown who lads a knee to the gut before landing a few to the side of the head that cause Enforcer to drop to one knee.

HE: Brown is looking impressive here, Enforcer really felt that knee...

HA: It'll take more than a few knees to finish off Enforcer!

Brown backs up before charging forward towards the kneeling Enforcer and looks for a running knee to the face only for Enforcer to charge forward hitting Brown with a big spinebuster that leaves him down in the middle of the ring.

HA: Enforcer showing once again just why he held the EWF title for so long! He's about to show Brown just how tough he truly is.

Enforcer pulls Brown up quickly whipping him hard in to the ropes before following in with a turnbuckle clothesline, Brown throws a punch back but Enforcer cuts him off with a massive knee to the gut before throwing Brown through the second rope shoulder first in to the ringpost. Brown falls down to the outside but Enforcer takes a moment mock Brown before following him down.

HE: Oh this doesn't look good...Brown might be the Extreme Champion but Enforcer is no stranger to going extreme to get the win!

HA: One problem Brother, this is not no disqualification!

Brown pulls himself up using the ring steps and holds his shoulder as Enforcer rolls down and measures up the Extreme Champion. As Brown turns around Enforcer charges forwards...


HE: NO! Quick thinking from Demarcus!

As Brown is inches away from the Clothesline From Hell he dives forward tackling Enforcer in to the announce table causing both men to stay down.

HA: What an impact! Brown just hit Enforcer with the shoulder that seemed to be causing him trouble.

HE: It's hard to say who took the worst of that! Brown looks in pain.

Enforcer begins to stir first, as he gets up he staggers towards Brown but weirdly seems to ignore his opponent instead moving towards the ringside steps.

HA: Enforcer isn't interesting in winning anymore! He just wants to hurt Brown!

HE: Brown needs to get up before Enforcer can do what he's planning...

Enforcer quickly removes the top set up stairs up exposing the larger base before moving back towards Brown and landing kicks to the injured superstar. Brown gets to his knees but Enforcer pulls him up hitting a suplex on the outside before rolling back in the ring to break the count.

HE: Enforcer is heading back outside...I'm scared to think what's running through that brain of his!

HA: I'm scared to say I think we're about to find out!

Enforcer drags Brown placing his head on the bottom set of stairs before picking up the top set and moving back along the ringside area. Enforcer smiles a sick smile before lifting the stairs above his head and targeting Brown.

HE: Brown needs to get up! This is career ending!

HA: Someone get in there!

HE: You think someone's going to get in between that?! Be my guest!

Suddenly to the shock of everyone in the arena the ref rolls down and stands in front of Brown, as the ref begins to warn Enforcer he begins to laugh before yelling at the ref to move or prepared to get very injured!

The crowd scream as Enforcer charges forward causing the ref to dive back in to the ring. Enforcer shows no remorse as he launches the steps towards Brown.



HE: What a disgusting impact! He has to be knocked out!

The replay shows as Brown reacts leaping forward hitting a chopblock on the leg of Enforcer to sending him crashing down on to the stairs. Brown slowly gets to his feet and drags Enforcer up rolling him in to the ring before making the cover.



…......2.9! NO!

HA: How the hell did Enforcer kick out of that?!

Brown slams him fist down on the ground in anger before shaking his head and shouting that this one was over. Brown stands up dragging Enforcer towards the turnbuckle, tying E's arms up in the ropes leaving him vunerable. The crowd are shocked as Brown rolls down to the outside moving back towards the announce table.

HA: I think Brown is looking to get revenge as well! This isn't a match...this is a massacre in the making!

HE: and for some reason, the fans cannot get enough!

Brown quickly pulls a chair from under the time keeper before moving back in to the ring and targeting Enforcer who remains against the turnbuckle. Brown slowly walks over lifting the chair over his head only for the ref to drag it from his hands causing Brown to square off with the referee himself.

HA: Brown was about to crack Enforcer's skull!

HE: Well he should have taken his shot because guess what...Enforcer is free!

Enforcer barrels forward tackling Brown to the ground as he lays massive rights and lefts in to the face of the Extreme Champion who responds by kicking the former World Champion away. Both men get to their feet and stare each other down before beckoning each other forward.

HE: This is chaos!

HA: Well get ready for it all over again! These two forces are about to collide once again!

Both men charge forward clashing in the middle of the ring with huge elbows that send each other sprawling back and rolling to opposite sides of the ring and down to the outside. Both men stay down for a few moments before stirring.

HE: Oh god! These two men have had the same idea...the ref better get out of there!

The fans cheers begin to rise as Enforcer and Brown lift the ring apron and each pull out a chair before noticing the other with their weapon. A split second passes as both men throw their chairs in to the ring before going back under the ring and removing more chairs.

HA: It's about to become a war zone in here! The ring is filling with weapons!

Enforcer and Brown begin to throw their chairs one by one in to the ring as the fans cheers get louder and louder. The ref attempts to communicate with both men but their eyes remain locked on one an other.

HE: This isn't going to be pretty!

The cheers are suddenly cut to a tense silence as both men enter the chair filled ring with sadistic smiles on their faces, each man takes a chair in his hands before stepping towards each other forcing the ref to interject, standing between the two men.

HE: What is he doing! The man's an idiot!

HA: He's trying to keep order...

HE: Well he's not doing very well...if you hadn't noticed there are about 40 steel chairs in that ring right now!

The ref begins to lay down the law to the two men who look through him as if he was made of glass, he once again orders them to drop the chair but both men shake their heads before backing up and taking aim with their chairs.

HA: No! They can't do this!

Without any hesitation both men swing forward aiming for the ref causing him to duck and roll quickly out of the ring. The chairs smash together forcing the men to drop them to the ground as the ref is forced to call for the bell.

HE: The match is over! It should have ended as soon as Enforcer got those stairs...Who the hell is going to stop these two men though?!

The ref quickly leaves as Enforcer and Brown begin to throw rapid punches in to the middle of the ring, Enforcer ducks a right and is able to move around the back of Brown hitting him with a belly to back suplex sending Brown crashing on to a pile of chairs. E quickly capitalises on this pulling Brown to his feet only for Brown to grab a chair on the way up throwing it in to the face of Enforcer who stumbles back across the ring to the opposite corner.

HA: Here comes the cavalry!

The fans cheers for the two men are cut off once again as 6CW Security bursts in to the arena and attempts to get to Enforcer and Brown who have once again ran across the ring and are exchanging lefts and rights with no signs of slowing down. Brown pushes Enforcer back only for E to bounce off the ropes coming back with his Clothesline From Hell finisher.

HA: Brown's about to be decapitated!

As E throws the Clothesline attempt Brown ducks causing Enforcer to take out an unlucky member of the security team who almost flips out of his shoes. A few members of the team grab Brown only for him to kick them away before grabbing a chair and sending a few of them fleeing from the ring.

HE: Wimps! They need to get back in there and do their jobs!

HA: If you can do any better then be my guest!

Both men once again remain on their own in the middle of the ring with chairs in their hands, the security all burst in the ring once again this time forming a wall between the two men.

HE: It might just be under control now but I can tell we'll see these two men going at it again! I can't wait!

HA: That's right Henry...I think the fans could have watched this go and go!

HE: Just listen to them!

As we cut back to the ring we see Brown and Enforcer being escorted through the exit, the camera pans over the ring that is slowly being emptied of chairs as a familiar chant begins to get louder and louder.


Match result: No contest
Match time: 6 minutes; 38 seconds


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:32 pm

*Terrance Kray is walking backstage when Buck Riggins turns the corner and nearly bumps into him.

TK: Woah there cowboy! This ain’t no cattle run.

*Riggins tips his cowboy hat.

BR: Apologies Terry. Guess I am giddier than my Auntie Em at the last barn dance. Y’all can be sure that she was moving more than a buckin’ bronco on heat.

*Kray laughs.

TK: Yeah they have some of that down Clapham on a Saturday night. Full of skirts up for a good time. Brings an old man to tears so it does. But life’s for living isn’t it Bucky boy?

BR: It sure is. My brothers were always looking for a good time. Hell, amount of times Pa had to whup em for causing problems. But y’all can be sure that no way he will be whupping me for having a good time here.

TK: That’s good to hear Bucky boy. Ain’t no-one going to be doing any whipping before I have had my chance.

*He smiles at Bucky, who laughs.

BR: You doggone sure of yourself aren’t you Terry? You got that prize winning bull stare.

*Kray laughs this time.

TK: What can I say mate. I busted my nose for the last 5 years to get here. Eye of the tiger has nuthin’ on me mate. It is eye of the bulldog and proud of it. London town needs to see a born and bred cockney dog have his day. Just so happens that a stand up gent such as yourself is in the way. Ignoring the fact you are a Yank of course… disrespect.

*Riggins tips his hat and then extends his hand.

BR: Y’all know I don’t take offence at stuff like that. It’s like water off a buffalo’s back.

*Kray shakes Buck’s hand.

TK: Tight mate. I will see you in a few……

*Riggins nods before walking off down the corridor. Kray watches him leave as the scene fades.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:39 pm

Match 3
Hollywood Johnson vs. Robin Reborn vs. Justice Porter vs. Varyag

Back at ringside and already in the ring in separate corners are Hollywood Johnson, Justice Porter and Varyag

Stronger booms out of the speakers and Robin Reborn jumps through the curtain, the Tag Team Championship across his shoulder, the crowd cheers as he salutes the thousands in attendance

HA: A great opportunity for one of the tag teams to strike a blow in their quest to challenge the Red Arrows all be it in singles competition

HE: I’m not sure what we could actually learn from this one. This match could be absolute chaos

Reborn reaches the bottom of the ramp, looking at the trio of opponents he hands the gold to the ringside announce team, he points at each man choosing his first attack

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Robin Reborn immediately dives under the ropes and surges towards Justice Porter, looking to take an early advantage. Porter reads it, picking up Reborn and scoop slamming him into the canvas. Reborn rolls up to his feet; Porter hits him with a boot to the stomach before hauling him onto his shoulders and nailing a big powerbomb. Cover.

Ref: 1................2.........Kick out!

The camera’s then show that Johnson and Varyag have locked up, with the Hollywood legend backing Varyag into the corner. He hits a couple of short-arm clotheslines on Varyag, before taking a step back and sprinting in going for a big clothesline, but Varyag side-steps and Johnson crashes into the corner. This allows Varyag to start beating away on him with punches to the gut.

Porter has dragged Reborn to his feet, where he nails a succession of head-butts on the Tag Champion. He then lifts him into the air, connecting with an atomic drop. Porter then bounces off the ropes, leaping into Reborn and knocking him down with a flying shoulder block. He covers again.

HA: Porter starting strongly.

HE: Trying to prove Bad Intentions are still a team with a future in 6CW.

Ref: 1..................2..........Kick out!

Back in the corner, Varyag has locked in a front face lock on Johnson. He starts smashing knees up into the face of the former 6WF Tag champion. Johnson stumbles backwards out of the corner; Varyag then whips him out across the ring, hitting a flapjack on the rebound. Johnson stumbles up; Varyag levels him with a lifting DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2.........Kick out!

The camera’s then show Porter lifting Reborn up to his feet, hitting a number of European Uppercuts that back Reborn into the ropes. Porter then starts pummeling down on the head of Reborn, until he manages to block. Reborn then proceeds to smash punches into the head of the member of Bad Intentions, who staggers back into the corner. Reborn then grabs the head of Porter, proceeding to smash it continually into the turnbuckle until the ref steps in.

Porter stumbles forward out of the corner, Robin quickly jumps on to the turnbuckle and connects with bulldog from the top He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...............2........Kick out!

Varyag has Johnson locked in a sleeper hold. He drags up The Producer, but Johnson counters by spinning out and nailing a jawbreaker. Johnson rolls up to his feet, with Varyag groggy he quickly throws him into the mat with a snap suplex. The Death Squad member stumbles up; Johnson hits a boot into the stomach before nailing a piledriver. He makes the pin attempt.

Ref: 1...............2.........Kick out!

The camera’s return to focusing on Reborn, who is stomping away on the head of Porter. He rolls towards the ropes; this allows Reborn to lift him up before connecting with a flurry of body punches. The Tag champion then sprints in, hitting a dropkick that sends Porter toppling over the top rope onto the ring apron. Reborn follows this up with a running baseball slide to knock Porter onto the outside.

Johnson has dragged Varyag to his feet by the hair; he then hits a couple of forearms into the back before clinching Varyag by the head and nailing a Russian legsweep. He stands over his opponent, only for Reborn to run in and take him out with a falling neckbreaker. Reborn quickly covers Varyag.

HE: Reborn showing it is every man for himself in there

HA: The Producers and Red Arrows have been allies in the past but this tonight is dog eat dog

Ref: 1................2.........Kick out!

Reborn gets to his feet, he walks away from Varyag to lift up Johnson. He is talking with him explaining his actions, Johnson stares back for a long while before nodding in acceptance. The duo then start stomping a mudhole down into Varyag. He rolls into the corner, where Reborn lifts him up. Johnson sprints in hitting a big splash, Varyag staggers forward straight into a DDT from Reborn. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Reborn rolls away from Varyag, allowing Johnson to take over. He proceeds to drop knees into the face of the 6CW rookie, before lifting him to his feet. He hits a couple of European Uppercuts before whipping Varyag out across the ring. Johnson bounces back off the ropes, meeting him in the middle with a crossbody block.


Ref: 1..............2..........Kick out!

Johnson gets to his feet, he drags up Varyag. Reborn applies a full nelson on Varyag whilst Johnson boots away at the stomach continually. Reborn then changes tact, hitting a falling neckbreaker on Varyag. Reborn hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

HA: These two are, despite the difference early on, working really well together.

HE: I’m not sure why they are working together and surely it won’t last but it is a pretty successful partnership thus far.

Johnson takes over, applying an armbar on Varyag. He brings Varyag to his feet, before pulling him in and nailing a northern lights suplex. Varyag rolls up to his feet, Reborn runs in and hits another dropkick, knocking Varyag down. This allows Johnson to go up to the top rope, where he flies off...


Ref: 1..............2..........Kick out!

Reborn now takes his turn, dropping a couple of legs down into the throat of Varyag. Porter now rolls into the ring, he runs towards Reborn but Johnson cuts him off with a snap powerslam. Reborn turns around to see Porter down and nods at Johnson thanking him...

HA: You would think these two are the tag team champs

HE: I didn’t think it would last!

As Reborn nods at Johnson, The Producer super kicks the Tag champion in the chin. Before Johnson goes after him, Porter staggers up. Johnson bounces off the ropes, going for a crossbody block but Porter reads it, catching him across his chest he nails a backbreaker, before turning his attentions and lifting Varyag onto his shoulders...


HA: Amazing power from Porter!

Ref: 1................2..........Kick out!

Reborn is also up now, and is taking advantage of Johnson being laid out by Porter.

HE: Robin looking for swift revenge

Reborn bounces off the ropes and nails an elbow drop into the face. The Tag champion then lifts up Johnson, whipping him hard into the ropes and connecting with a side slam backbreaker into a reverse STO. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

The camera pans back to Porter, who has a grounded full nelson hold, applied on Varyag. He then drops some big knees into the back, before slowly bringing his opponent to a vertical base. He then lifts him up, drilling Varyag into the mat with a Full Nelson slam. Porter then runs off the ropes, hitting a leaping splash.

HA: That would be like a ton of bricks coming down on Varyag’s abdomen!

Ref: 1...................2..........Kick out!

Reborn lifts up Johnson and then scoop slams him into the mat. Reborn then heads up to the top rope, he turns to the crowd before diving off and nailing a moonsault.

HE: Great move by Reborn!

Ref: 1...............2..............Kick out!

Reborn and Porter are both on their feet, stomping away on their respective opponents. Varyag rolls away to the corner to avoid attack, whilst Reborn stops with the stomping and stands waiting for Johnson to rise. Varyag is back against the turnbuckle, Porter sprints across the ring towards the turnbuckle but Varyag dodges it and Porter crashes into the turnbuckles. Varyag picks up Porter and dumps him out over the top rope. Varyag then slumps down.

HA: Varyag has taken some real punishment this evening and now unsurprisingly is looking for some respite

Reborn is still waiting for Johnson to rise. Eventually his opponent gets to his feet, Reborn looks for a superkick but Johnson blocks it before taking Reborn’s legs away with his right foot. Reborn stumbles up and Johnson boots him in the gut.

HE: RKO!!!!!!!!!

HA: Johnson is going to get the pin over the Tag Champion…...VARYAG!

Johnson spins around to cover, only for Varyag to grab him and throw him under the bottom rope into Porter. Varyag covers.

Ref: 1.........................2...........................3!

HE: What a win for Varyag in his first official match in 6CW

HA: What a match, you were right Henry at times it was utter chaos but once again these 6CW superstars have put on one hell of a performance

HE: One half of The Death squad making his mark and sending a message to the rest of the teams in the Tag division that they mean business

Varyag has his arm raised in victory and he rolls out of the ring still eyeballing the other three men

HA: What a show so far but we have a special guest up next, you do not want to miss this!

Match result: Varyag via pinfall
Match time: 6 minutes


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:40 pm

*The action is back out at ringside after the commercials and the fans are making a lot of noise. There is then a cheer as “Unbreakable” hits the speakers.

HE: It can’t be…

HA: It definitely isn’t Nate Nack….but I am led to believe that Emma is coming out here tonight with an update on her former fiance.

HE: I knew Nate had some amazing powers of recovery but even that would have been too much…

HA: Folks just over a month ago at the Ground Zero pay per view Nate Nack was ran over just moments after his match with GazzyD…the culprit of that heinous assault is still unknown to us but we all hope that justice will be served in due time…

*Emma appears on the stage, dressed in a blue dress, and she looks deeply upset. The crowd give her a respectful round of applause as she makes her way down to the ring and climbs inside. She accepts a mic from the ring announcer.

HE: Why is she so upset anyway? She was having an affair behind Nate’s back….she didn’t even want to be with him anymore…

HA: Don’t talk such rubbish…Emma may have had an indiscretion but that does not mean she does not care about Nate….they were together so long…

HE: I think she might have been driving…

HA: Please be serious…

*Emma looks a little lost for words as she looks around the arena. There is another round of applause and then a huge “Nate Nack” chant rings all around Wembley. The whole building is rocking…

HA: What a show of class from the 6CW faithful.

*Tears begin to run down the face of Emma but she finds the strength to start speaking.

Emma: I know a lot of you don’t like me, I don’t blame you, right now I don’t like myself very much either…

But everything that has gone before doesn’t matter to me. I know I have made a big mistake, I know that being unfaithful to Nate was the worst thing I have ever done and I know that I should have been up front with him from the start. I am responsible for Nate being in the hospital and I am responsible for the breakdown of his friendship with GazzyD…

*Emma wipes tears from her eyes

Emma: I have spent the last month by Nate’s bedside….every waking hour I have been there because despite my mistakes I still love him very much….Nate is a true gentlemen and also a fantastic athlete…he did not deserve what happened to him. And although I know he will come through this stronger and more determined than ever, he has a long way to go before he reaches that stage. Nate’s spine is badly damaged, several broken vertebrae as well as damage to his legs, neck and arms. It is going to be a long rehabilitation process….but I know with the love and support from all over you he is going to make it through….Nate Nack will return to 6CW…

*The crowd pop and another huge “Nate Nack” chant strikes up.

Emma: But despite Nate’s recovery the fact remains that there is an individual out there, besides myself, who is responsible for Nate being in that hospital bed…..there is a man out there who is not only responsible for Nate’s attack but he is also the man that I foolishly allowed to come between me and the man I loved….and I think it was about time that man was brought to justice….he deserves to be punished for what he has done….

HE: Who is it….I’m so excited…

HA: Emma is about to drop a bombshell it would seem…

Emma: I know he’ll deny it but there is nobody else in this world who would have a reason to hurt Nate….I know he is to blame and it is up to me to expose him for the villain that he is…




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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:41 pm

*Emma suddenly stops talking and her eyes widen in fear as “Til I Collapse” booms through the speakers. Flames and pyros burst through the ramp and explode up into the rafters before a huge figure appears in the entranceway. The man is dressed in jeans, a vest and brown boots. He has a huge smile in his face as he begins his walk to the ring…

HE: I don’t believe it….he’s back, Harold….he’s here…

HA: The statement “business just picked up” doesn’t always relate but right now it might be an understatement…

HE: I think Emma needs to get out of there…

HA: Tyler Roth has returned to 6CW…

*The crowd are booing furiously as Tyler Roth continues to stride down the ramp, his smile never wavering. He circles the ring, his eyes locked on Emma, and then he leaps up onto the apron and climbs inside. He towers over Emma and takes the mic from her trembling hands…

HE: Emma looks like she has seen a ghost…

HA: I don’t think she was expecting this…

HE: None of us where…..what is Tyler Roth doing back here?

Roth: Hello again, beautiful…

*Emma seems to shiver at the words and Roth laughs to himself

Roth: What’s the matter…you’re usually much more welcoming than that, no kiss?

*Emma looks up at Roth with tears in her eyes

HE: No way….is this the guy Emma has been having an affair with?

HA: Reading between the lines I would say yes….

Roth: Don’t act all innocent and afraid, Emma…..we both know just how domineering you can be when you get going. I could tell these people plenty of stories about you….

*The crowd boo as Emma tries to walk away but Roth grabs her wrist

Roth: We’re not done yet….I don’t want you rushing back to that hospital to tend for your broken beau when there is a real man standing right here in front of you….why don’t you come with me, we can pick up where we left off last…

HA: Roth really is a nasty piece of work…

*Emma sobs and tugs her hand from Roth’s grip before slapping him across the face. Roth laughs harder.

Roth: That’s more like it, baby, you know I like it rough…..

*Roth wraps his hands around Emma’s waist and pulls her in close

HA: Somebody needs to stop this…

Roth: Cute story, coming out here and trying to get these people on side….coasting off the name of your former boy to try and deflect from the fact that the reason he is in hospital is because you couldn’t keep your knickers on…

*More furious boos and then Emma snatches the mic from Roth

Emma: You disgust me……I can’t believe I ever even came near you, your repulsive…

*Roth grabs another mic, his laughter ringing all around.

Roth: And yet you came back for more and more….you couldn’t get enough of it, skank, so don’t you dare stand there and try to pretend like you didn’t enjoy it…

*Emma shakes her head

Emma: I know what you did…..I know it was you….you were driving that car and I will do whatever it takes to bring you to justice…

*Roth steps closer to Emma, backing her up to the corner.

Roth: I would be careful making wild accusations like that….I don’t take kindly to that kind of slander, little lady and I would suggest you don’t open your mouth again, unless you are receiving a gift from me….

*Roth presses Emma further into the turnbuckle

Roth: If I wanted your precious little Nate in a hospital bed I would have put him there with my bare hands….I haven’t forgotten that he is the reason why The Authority turned their back on me, he is the reason why I had to leave this company….I hope he never walks ever again…

*More furious boos

Roth: But I am back now and I am more prepared than ever to take this company by storm….I will do whatever I have to do in order to get exactly what I want…..anybody that stands in my way is going to feel my wrath and they are going to end up on the same ward as that cripple you called a fiancee….

*Tears continue to stream down Emma’s face as she tries to squirm away from Roth.

Roth: There is nothing I will not do, you should know that by now….so please don’t push me into doing something I don’t want to do…..I’ll see you around…

*Roth smiles and then he grabs Emma’s face and gives her a huge kiss before pushing her to the floor. He grins as he climbs from the ring, listenting to the furious boos from the audience.

HA: Tyler Roth is back in 6CW and he looks like he means serious business…

HE: He is more vindictive than ever… we know he is the man responsible for the breakup of Nate Nack and Emma….but was he driving the car that put Nate in hospital?

HA: Roth says no….but I don’t think there is anything that that man would not do…..he is as savage as they come…

HE: But you can’t go around making accusations like that….if he says he didn’t do it then what else can you do…

HA: I have no idea….6CW just got put on notice…

*Tyler Roth exits up the ramp with a smile, taunting the fans, as Emma continues to sit in the ring, sobbing and shaking.


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:43 pm

*Christy James is stood backstage

CJ: My guests tonight, tag partners for this evening and legends in the world of 6CW JJ Johnson and the International Champion Anthony Grace

*JJ rolls his eyes as Grace takes Christy’s hand and kisses it

AG: My pleasure

*Christy blushes

CJ: Careful Anthony you’ll have Gazzy after you

AG: I am merely admiring the beauty that is in our presence. Gareth would understand, he is a very lucky guy

*JJ sighs deeply as Christy regains her composure

CJ: The pair of you are huge names in your own right, this pairing is match made in fan heaven, a real blockbuster in star billing

*Grace cuts off JJ as he starts to speak

AG: I am a humble man in the presence of wrestling royalty, yes my Hollywood career makes JJ’s seem paltry in comparison and I am stood before you the only gold wearing member of this team but let me make it clear, I do not see their being any hierarchy, we are each at the same level. JJ and I aren’t in competition with one another

We are two gladiators going into battle side by side. Fortes soli, fortiores una. Strong alone, stronger together

*Grace pats JJ on the shoulder who fires a daggered look at his partner

CJ: And JJ, social media is buzzing following your confrontation with the EWF champion Vincent Costello last time out on Aftermath?

*JJ smiles

JJ: Costello does a lot of talking, hands up guys got talent but he aint half the man he thinks he is. I wanted to remind him what the standard bearer looks like. He’s been top of the pile for what twelve, fifteen months and the guys walking round like he’s made it, that he’s conquered everything there is out there

Well JJ Johnson is stepping up and laying down the challenge. Costello’s law talks a lotta trash, well JJ’s law is the law of the jungle, only the strong survive, you feeling me?

*The crowd pop as JJ raises his eyebrow to camera

CJ: And what of your tag match tonight. Is this the start of a blossoming friendship between you and Anthony Grace?

*Grace holds out a hand and JJ looks him up and down before shaking his head and walking out of shot as Christy hands back to ringside


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:45 pm

Match 4
Buck Riggins vs. Terence Kray

He: Up next we have two of 6CWs newest talents in one on one action as Buck Riggins goes up against Terrence Kray

Ha: And I gotta say I've been impressed in both of these of these from what I've seen so far. Both will want to win tonight and show 6CW management just how good a talent they really can be

'Up the bracket' starts to play as the crowd get to their feet in excitement looking around for Terence Kray to make his entrance. The camera pans around and then focuses in on the 6CW star as he makes his way through the crowd tagging the hands of the fans. He jumps the barrier and then slides inside the ring

Ha: This guy made his debut just before Christmas on our last broadcast getting the win over the UK champion, talk about a scalp for your first competitive bout

He: please the champ was injured, this kid may be good someday, he may be promising now, but Cagero wasn't 100%

Kray’s music cuts out and the crowd stays standing as 'Devil town' blasts out and Buck Riggins makes his way out to the stage. He stares around at the fans and then walks down to the ring tagging hands with the fans as well. He climbs on to the apron and then climbs to the top rope before throwing his cowboy hat into the crowd

Ha: This guy was also a winner last time out, but I don't think how he would've wanted.

He: not so much, it was a case of wrong place at the wrong time as he was face to face with the Beast Jax Cutler, and although he may have picked up the win via count out, I don't think the beating he took would’ve made him feel like he'd won

Ha: both these guys consider themselves to be brawlers so this won't be one for the purists, but god help me I won't lie I'm excited to see what our future has in store

The referee signals for the bell as the two men touch knuckles in the middle of the ring and then tie up. They jostle for an advantage with Riggins pushing Kray back toward the turnbuckle. He backs him into the corner but Kray turns the tables and pushes Riggins into the corner.

The official forces them to break and they meet in the middle of the ring again. This time Kray quickly gets the advantage locking in a side headlock. Riggins backs him against the ropes and pushes him off whipping him across the ring, he aims a clothesline that Kray ducks under and then bounces off the ropes and takes Riggins down with a flying forearm

Riggins jumps straight back to his feet but is dropped back down with a clothesline, he jumps up a second time and this time avoids the contact and then scoops up Kray and slams him down to the mat. He bounces off the ropes and goes for an elbow drop, Kray rolls out of the way and then he kicks Riggins in the gut and sets him in position for the suplex, Riggins spins out and delivers a kick to the mid-section of his own and sets Kray in position for a DDT

Ha: Northern Lights suplex, great counter

Kray lifts Riggins to his feet and whips him against the ropes before dropping him a big body drop and then goes for the first pin of the match



Riggins kicks out and Kray goes straight into a headlock. Riggins fights his way up to his feet and elbows his way free, he rocks Kray with a big right hand who responds with his own, but Riggins gets the advantage with a knee to the gut. Kray doubles over and Riggins connects with a huge uppercut before bouncing off the ropes and almost taking Kray’s head off with a thunderous clothesline, he drops on top and hooks the leg



Ha: Kray kicks out....hell of a clothesline that was

Riggins gets to his feet and he drags Kray up. He whips him into the corner of the ring and then runs at him but Kray gets a boot up in Riggins' face and then drops him with a running swinging neckbreaker. He drags Riggins back up to his feet and then whips him into the corner of the ring and hits a running splash, Riggins staggers out of the corner

He: Samoan drop into the cover




He: Shoulder up from Riggins, closest we've come so far

Kray gets to his feet and he waits as Riggins does the same before pushing him back into the corner of the ring and unleashing a flurry of punches. Riggins can only try and cover up as each one connects but Kray finishes with a huge right hand and Riggins slumps down against the turnbuckle

Kray starts to stomp down on his opponent

Ha: At the risk of a lawsuit Kray is stomping a mudhole and walking it dry

The crowd are cheering wildly as Kray delivers a final stomp and then motions for Riggins to get to his feet, as he slowly pulls himself up he’s squashed in the corner by a running clothesline and then walks gingerly into a flapjack takedown and Kray hooks the leg again



He: Close again from Kray who has started to take advantage in this one

Kray reaches down to lift Riggins up but staggers back as Riggins delivers a sharp kick to the temple. Riggins slowly gets to his feet and blocks a punch from Kray and delivers a right of his own, he blocks a second punch and connects with another right hand, followed by a second and a third. He backs Kray up against the ropes and then whips him across the ring taking him down with an overhead belly suplex

Kray gets up and tries to clothesline Riggins who ducks underneath the contact and then drops Kray back to the mat with a back drop and hooks the leg for the pin



Kray gets his shoulder up and Riggins gets up and waits as Kray does the same. He whips him into the corner and then hits a running big boot


Kray falls to the mat face first as Riggins looks to get a quick pin




He: Great ring awareness with the foot on the ropes

Riggins gets up and drags Kray to his feet, he lifts him up and then walks around the ring before sending him flying with a fallaway slam and hooks the leg again



Kray kicks out again as Riggins catches his breath before pulling himself back up. He waits as Kray uses the ropes to pull himself up and then he runs at him clotheslining over the top rope to the outside. He waits again as Kray gets to his feet on the outside and then he runs aiming a baseball slide

He: Kray saw that coming.....HUGE DDT!!!

Ha: Thanks god there’s at least some padding on that floor otherwise Riggins could be a goner. Kray nailed every inch of that DDT perfectly

The official starts to count both men out on the outside as Kray picks up Riggins and whips him into the steel steps, he crashes into them shoulder first and then Kray follows up with a running knee squashing Riggins up against the cold hard steel.

He slides in and out of the ring to interrupt the count and then lifts Riggins up who is holding his arm limply, he nails a number of punches to the injured arm and then slides Riggins back inside the ring but leaves the arm dangling on the outside and crashes it against the ring apron before sliding back inside the ring

He: OK, I'm impressed I admit. This kid has a mean streak which will serve him well here; maybe his win over Cagero wasn't that much of a fluke after all

Kray lifts Riggins up and twists the injured arm into an arm bar and then connects with another right hand to the injured area and then connects with an inverted atomic drop





Ha: Riggins gets his shoulder off the mat......just

He: Have to wonder how much that took out of him though; he winced in pain as it was the injured arm he threw in the air

Kray looks to the heavens and then he begins to stalk Riggins who slowly starts to stir. He starts to get to his feet but is knocked straight back down with a discus lariat a la Luke harper






Kray tries not to look too angry as he gets back up to his feet and signals for the end, he lifts Riggins to his feet and kicks him in the gut and sets him in position for the powerbomb

Ha: Riggins fighting it

Kray tries to lift Riggins through the air but Riggins kicks his legs out to counter and then reverses sending Kray crashing down to the canvas with a big body drop

Ha: Here's Riggins chance to get back in this

Kray gets up and runs into an armdrag takedown and then gets up a second time and is taken down by the same move. He jumps up a third time anticipating the armdrag but Riggins kicks him in the gut before dropping face first down to the mat with a spike DDT





Ha: He got him


Ha: I don't think it could have been any closer to a three count without it actually being a three count

Riggins pleads with the official for the three but the referee is having none of it and orders the match to continue. Riggins lifts Kray to his feet and backs him against the rope and Irish whips him


The crowd are going wild as Riggins takes Kray down and unloads with a barrage of punches and then he gets to his feet bounces off the ropes and then connects with an elbow drop across the throat and hooks the leg



Kray throws his arm in the air again breaking the pin attempt and Riggins grabs him up and lifts him to his feet. He whips him into the corner of the ring before silencing the crowd and hitting a knife edge chop which is met with a WOOOO from the fans. Riggins whips Kray into the opposite corner and then pumps up the crowd






He: This has been great action; 6CW has a hell of a future with talent like this on the roster

Riggins holds his head in his hands in shock that Kray kicked out before he lifts Kray back up and kicks him in the gut

Ha: BUCK TOO......

He: Not so fast....Kray pushing Riggins away........SUPERMAN PUNCH FROM NOWHERE

Ha: But Kray can't take advantage. Both men are down

The official starts to count both men out in the ring. Riggins looks to be out cold and Kray is barely moving





Riggins is still down as Kray slowly drags himself across the canvas



Kray edges closer to Riggins



He: Kray has the pin




Kray crawls toward the ropes and pulls himself up to his feet, he's breathing heavily as he struggles to take in oxygen. Riggins slowly gets to all fours as Kray closes in and drags him to his feet. He drags him up through the air and then slams him back down into the canvas with a powerbomb, he lifts him up again and slams him a second time

Ha: Surely not a third? HE DID IT! A THIRD POWERBOMB





Kray hits the mat in frustration and then he gets up and motions for Riggins to do the same, as he gets up he kicks him in the gut and sets him in position for a suplex

Ha: We saw this last week on Cagero






Kray is in compete shock. He stares off into the distance as the official signals the two count. Kray gets up and looks down at Riggins shaking his head muttering inaudible words to himself before reaching down and lifting Riggins back into position for a second Jackhammer

He lifts him up through the air


Riggins slowly almost on auto pilot drags himself across and drapes an arm over the motionless body of Kray




He: Another kick out.....I don't think this fight is ever going to end

Riggins rolls off the pin attempt and crawls towards the ropes. He pulls himself to his feet as Kray does the same in the opposite corner. the two men meet in the middle of the ring and begin to trade punches. Riggins rocks Kray with a right hand and Kray responds in kind. Neither man is giving an inch

Ha: Neither man is backing down here......both giving a hell of an account of themselves tonight

ding ding ding

He: what the??

MB: Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of the time clock expiring and neither competitor scoring a pinfall this match is a draw

The announcement is met with a solid reception from the 6CW crowd

Ha: That’s the bout time limit reached........what a showing from both guys, neither deserved to lose this one so

He: For once I agree with you. I have no fears for the future of this company with talent like this around

Both men are in the ring clearly exhausted from the bout. The official raises both their arms before Riggins extends his hand to Kray who accepts and shakes his opponents hand and the volume levels increase

Ha: what a show of sportsmanship, both these guys know they've been in a battle tonight and both can be proud of what they have done, great advert for this company and this sport

He: Well up until that point I enjoyed every minute of this, but what’s with this handshake? If either had any sense they'd sucker-punch the other and leave on a high

Ha: It’s called respect, something you wouldn't know a great deal about.....what a match up...and there's plenty more still to come so stay tuned

Match result: Draw
Match time: 15 minutes


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:47 pm

*Jax Cutler and Michael Hathaway are backstage talking, when Christy James approaches them with a film crew.

CJ: A moment of your time guys?

*Hathaway turns around and looks at James like he has just trodden into something smelly.

MH: A moment is too long to spend in some peoples company. But as we have contract obligations, I suppose I could spare a few enlightened words.

*Cutler stays back as Hathaway addresses the camera.

MH: Make no mistake that my client and I are still deeply annoyed at the situation we find ourselves in. Jax Cutler has been robbed of what is rightfully his by little more than a sideshow pony. A man that 6CW protects as they know he brings in vast amounts of money in sponsorship. But take a look at the specimen behind me. Jax Cutler is a man who brings more than money to this company. He brings talent, strength, guile and flair which has been missing in 6CW. When my client took his first step to domination, he then had to deal with a distraction that was beneath him. A distraction that now wears Jax Cutler’s International Championship as if won it.

CJ: But Anthony Grace did win it……didn’t he?

MH: In the eyes of the powers that be here at 6CW. But everyone not blinded by Grace’s star power can see that a credible pin……a winning pin…..a pin with a 3 count……was never made.

*James raises her eyebrows before continuing.

CJ: So now you are in a tag match with Vincent Costello. Is this your chance to avenge that loss?

*Before Hathaway can answer, Vincent Costello comes into shot.

VC: Before you answer that question, I just want to make one thing real clear.

*Cutler starts to step towards Costello, but Hathaway pushes him back.

VC: You have this little spat with Mr. Movie Star……I get that. And I know that you would love the chance to wipe that smug smile all across the canvas. Everyone else would love that chance too. But you have to remember that this is a tag match. With me. You can target Grace but if there is a point where you are getting in my way, then I will make it known to you.

*Hathaway smirks slightly.

MH: And I am sure you will make it known in a very respectful way….

*Costello snarls.

VC: Are you trying to teach me about respect? Because you can stop right there. I respect your monkey, Mr. Organ Grinder. But that isn’t a free ticket for you to do what you want. Crossing me gets the same reaction whether I respect you or whether I wouldn’t urine on you if you was on fire. Costello’s law says if you do chose to cross me…..then all that respect goes out the window. Closely followed by both of you.

*Cutler glares at Costello who ignores it. Hathaway breaks the silence with a cough.

MH: I think it is time to get ready for the match…….

*Hathaway pushes Cutler away as Costello walks off in the opposite direction. Christy James stands alone and shrugs, before the scene fades.


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:49 pm

*The camera opens in a darkened room, a single lamp sits in the corner in the room, and by its side sitting cross legged is the silhouette of Joshua, head bowed, and hair covering his face, Joshua rocks slowly back and forth.The light flickers as Joshua slowly lifts his head

Do you believe………………..what has come to pass……….is nothing more than chance?

That our paths………………have crossed without reason?

That my actions…………………. Were to make a statement?

The pain you have experienced so far………………. is only the first bars…………… of a symphony of suffering……………. that will tear apart your very existence…………..Make no mistake…………..This is not about you………………….this is about what you represent……………….. And what I have become

*Joshua tilts his head side to side

J: What do you see…………….. When you look into my eyes……………… I a monster ……………..that you fear?

Do I represent the fear…………….. That is growing in each……………… and every one of you?

Do not be……………afraid of the inevitable. We all have…………..a destiny that we cannot escape……………When the reaper calls……………… we all must accept our fate

Choice has been removed……………..from your hand…………….I choose to fight you.........not for accolades.........not for titles.........not even for pleasure.........I choose to fight you is the next page in the song sheet.........You represent a point in time.........a chapter in my saga.........and nothing more.........Fear is an emotion you may not feel.........Revenge is an emotion you will feel soon.........Pain is an emotion you will continue to long as I decide to prolong it.........And beating me won't have any effect.........You have been marked for torture.........and your best won't be good enough.........

*The light is extinguished


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:49 pm

Match 5
JJ Johnson/Anthony Grace vs Vincent Costello/Jax Cutler

The action returns to ringside and the crowd are in fine voice as “Amazing Grace” booms out to a mixed reaction. The 6CW International Champion makes his way out onto the stage, a broad smile upon his face…

HA: Huge tag team action up next here on this New Year’s spectacular…..Anthony Grace will team up with JJ Johnson to take on the team of Vincent Costello and Jax Cutler…

HE: Grace is living on borrowed time….that belt doesn’t belong to him, he won it because of incompetent officiating, and as soon as the re-match is signed with Jax Cutler you are going to see who the true champion really is….

The avid Grace fans reach over the barricades to get a feel of their idol, who continues to milk the reception. He pauses to pose for pictures before pulling himself up onto the apron…

HA: One of the most controversial superstars on the roster….Anthony Grace divides opinion whereever he goes…

There are a few audible boos from sec tions of the audience and then “Remember the name” roars out to a standing ovation from the 6CW fans. JJ Johnson moon walks out onto the stage and raises his fist into the air…

HA: Could 2015 be the year when JJ Johnson returns to the dizzy heights of world championship glory?

HE: Doubtful….JJ won a few high profile matches since returning but we all know he is hanging on by a thread…one false move and his career is done…

JJ rips off his t-shirt and hauls it into the crowd before swaggering down to ringside. He climbs up through the ropes and gives a brief nod to Grace before pulling himself onto the turnbuckle to pose for his delighted supporters…

HA: JJ Johnson and Anthony Grace do not see eye to eye….but they will need to leave their differences at the door tonight because otherwise it will cost them big time…

JJ leaps down onto the canvass as “Bridge Burning” plays out to tumultous boos. Michael Hathaway, dressed in a crisp designer suit, first enters the scene before pointing back to the entranceway where the hulking figure of Jax Cutler has now appeared.

HA: One of the most physically imposing men that 6CW has ever seen….Jax Cutler is a human wrecking ball…

HE: And he is a human wrecking ball in a bad mood….he was a dominant International Champion before the belt was stolen from him….Cutler was never pinned for three and everybody knows it. Jax Cutler is going to expose Anthony Grace for the fraud that he is…

Both men pause at the base of the ring as Hathaway whispers instructions into his client’s ear. He then pats him on the shoulder and points up to the ring, urging him to climb up and take care of business. Cutler nods and leaps onto the apron…

HA: We have already seen so many great matches here tonight but this has all the ingredients to make a classic…

Cutler steps inside the ring as “Killing in the name of” shatters the airwaves and is greeted by the sourest ovation of the evening. The EWF Champion, Vincent Costello, slowly emerged onto the stage with his head bowed. He slowly lifts it up and shakes his hair from his face, revealing a sadistic smile….

HA: Vincent Costello has been on a phenomenal run ever since his defeat to Liam Wood at Night of Glory last June…I can barely remember this man losing a match…

HE: That is because he is a world class champion….that is why he is the reigning EWF Champion because nobody can hold a torch to this man….

Costello slowly makes his way down the ramp, grinning at the abuse he is receiving from the fans, and then he unstraps his world title and swings it over his shoulder. He climbs up into the ring and his eyes narrow as he looks between JJ and Grace…

HA: Four of the brightest talents in 6CW today….this should be fantastic…

The referee has a word with both teams and then Anthony Grace opts to start the contest off with Vincent Costello. The bell sounds as both men circle one another and then move forward to initiate a lockup…

*Crowd boo

HA: Why doesn’t that surprise me…

Costello pokes out at the eye of Grace, blinding him, and follows up with a series of hard right hands. He pushes Grace into the ropes and whips him across the ring before dropping him with a heavy clothesline as he returns…

HE: Costello knows how to win….he does whatever it takes and that is why he is such a dominant champion…

Grace gets back up and Costello lands more right hands before attempting another Irish whip. Grace is able to twist inside and he drags Costello towards him before scooping him onto his shoulders…

HA: Lookout here…

Costello quickly rams his elbow into the jaw of Grace and is able to drop off the side before pushing his opponent off the ropes and knocking him down with a big boot as he returns………….1…………….2………..shoulder up!

HE: Let Jax in there, Vincent, he wants to tear Grace apart…

Cutler calls for the tag, a snarl on his face, and Costello gladly obliges. Cutler quickly climbs in and he rags Grace up by the head before delivering a huge scooped slam. Grace gets back up and Cutler tackles him back into the corner before delivering sickening shoulder thrusts to the midsection…

HA: Jax Cutler is so angry that he lost the INT Championship to Anthony Grace…

HE: Because he never lost….it was a fast count…

Cutler continues his assault and then he grabs Grace’s arm and whips him to the opposite corner with such ferocity that Grace collapses upon impact. Cutler urges Grace back up and then he grabs him by the head and pulls him forward….

HE: Jax Cutler is about to send a very clear message of intent…..CUTTING EDGE!

Cutler flips Grace up onto his shoulders for his powerbomb finisher but Grace slides down the back and counters into a backslide pin…
…….kickout. They both scramble back up and Cutler quickly throws Grace across the ring with a big time overhead suplex…

HA: Michael Hathaway looks very pleased with proceedings so far…

Hathaway is applauding as he circles the ring, shouting words of encouragement to Jax Cutler.

Cutler runs into the corner and he batters into Grace with a big clothesline before unloading with heavy punches and knees to the body. The referee is forced to intervene when Cutler’s attacks do not stop…

HE: Brilliant….Cutler is busting Grace up, teaching him a lesson he will not forget…

Cutler wraps both hands around Grace’s neck and he throws him across the ring with incredible strength. He then yells at Grace to get back up, his eyes bulging…

HA: Jax Cutler is measuring up here…SPEAR!

*Crowd cheer

Anthony Grace draws cheers from his faithful as he is able to lift Cutler up into the air and he spins him into a spinebuster. Grace rolls away on his back, glaring up at the bright lights…

HE: How is that even possible?

HA: Jax Cutler was not expecting that….and now Anthony Grace needs to tag out, he needs to freshen this up…

Grace begins to roll on his side as JJ Johnson claps his hands and urges his partner over for the tag. Jax Cutler is slowly stumbling back up and he grabs the foot of Grace, pulling him back…

HA: Enzeguiri..

*Crowd pop

Grace lands the leaping kick to the temple of Cutler and then he leaps forwards and slaps the outstretched hand of Johnson. JJ quickly leaps onto the ropes and dives in with a solid shoulder block to Cutler and then he welcomes him back up into fireman’s carry….transitioning him into a swinging side-slam…

HA: JJ Johnson bringing the storm on Jax Cutler…

Cutler staggers back up and JJ connects with a three punch combo before whipping his foe off the ropes and he nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the return. JJ quickly makes his way to the corner and he starts to climb…

HE: Get him down…

Michael Hathaway tries to get up on the apron but JJ kicks the manger in the top of his head, sending him sprawling back to the hard floor. Vincent Costello then rushes across the apron and swipes JJ’s feet…

*Crowd boo

HA: Cmon…

Cutler gets back up and he lands a huge right hand to JJ before pulling himself up onto the ropes. He pulls JJ in close and then nails a huge top rope overhead suplex…

HE: Yes….Jax Cutler is showing exactly why he is the future of this company…

HA: Impact like that is the last thing JJ’s spine needs…

Cutler gets back to his feet and he spits in fury before making the tag to Vincent Costello. Costello climbs in and he begins to punch down into JJ’s back before following with crunching stomps to the spine…

HA: Costello knows where JJ is weak….

HE: He knows where every opponent is weak…this is why he is so successful.

The referee gets in front of Costello and warns him about his conduct but the world champion laughs it off. He mockingly slaps JJ around the side of the head and then pulls him up into a big suplex…

HA: Costello slowing the pace right down now….he’ll do this exactly as he wants to…

Costello kicks JJ over onto his stomach and then begins to land big leaping knees and elbows to the back. He kneels on top of JJ, pushing his knees into the spine, and he drags up on Johnson’s head…

HE: Costello is going to push JJ beyond what he can handle….the last thing JJ Johnson needs is to be in the ring with the EWF Champion…

Costello grins as he listens to JJ’s groans of pain and then he releases and leaps into the air, driving his knees down into JJ’s back again. Costello rolls back to his feet and he surveys JJ for a moment before dragging him up by the head and throwing him into the corner…

HA: So far Vincent Costello is dominating JJ Johnson…

Costello lands hard stomps to the gut of JJ and then backs away with a smile. He runs back in with a heavy knee to the stomach before watching JJ stagger back out. JJ collapses down on one knee as Costello runs the ropes…


Costello leaps up into the air for the finish but JJ shows his strength to spin and catch VC on his shoulders, drilling him with a powerbomb out of nowhere. JJ drops to his knees and takes a deep breath…

HA: JJ Johnson really needed that….can he swing the momentum though?

JJ and Costello both get back to their feet. JJ blocks a right hand from Costello and he follows up with a furious combination before whipping Costello off the ropes and he nails an earth-shattering Samoan drop…

HA: But you never count out JJ….nobody should ever underestimate the three time world champion…

Costello gets back up and JJ scoops him onto his shoulders before drilling him with an emerald fusion…
……….shoulder up!

HE: Get it together, Vincent…

The crowd are roaring in approval as JJ kicks up onto his feet and throws his arms into the air. He ushers Costello back up and he kicks him in the gut before running off the ropes…

*Crowd boo


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:51 pm

HA: Ridiculous…

Jax Cutler drives his knee through the ropes and into the spine of JJ, taking all momentum away. Costello is able to follow up by scooping JJ onto his shoulders and he scores with a big GTS…….1……………….2…………….JJ manages to get his shoulder up off the mat!

HE: And now order is restored….

Costello gets up and he stomps down on JJ’s back some more before making his way over to tag in Jax Cutler. Cutler quickly rags JJ up and throws him across the ring with a gutwrench suplex before sprinting into the corner with a huge knee, driving all the wind from JJ…

HA: Jax Cutler looks more furious and more dominant than ever before…

Cutler grabs JJ’s arm and drags him out into an urange backbreaker before turning it straight into a STO…

HE: Jax Cutler will destroy the legend of JJ Johnson right here….he is so determined to prove that he should still be the INT Champion…

Cutler drags JJ up and tries to flip up into a powerbomb but JJ drops out front and nails a three punch combo. He rocks Cutler back and then he runs off the ropes for more momentum…


JJ comes back and Cutler bench presses him into the air before dropping down onto his shoulders and into a “shock treatment” backbreaker…………………….1………………..2……………..Michael Hathaway pounds his hand against the apron and shouts instructions to Cutler.

HE: The end is coming….JJ cannot stand up to many more of these attacks…

Cutler backs up in the corner and he slaps his hand down on his knee as he beckons for JJ to stand back up. Johnson sways from one side to the other as he eventually gets up…



Cutler rushes forwards for the spear but JJ stops him short with a kick to the gut and follows up with a stunner. The crowd are roaring in approval as JJ tries to drag himself to the corner…

HA: JJ nailed the “Access all areas” but he does not have the energy to capitalise….he needs the tag…

Anthony Grace is drumming up support as JJ tries to get across and make the tag. Jax Cutler is trying to make his way over to the outstretched hand of Vincent Costello…

HE: Both men need to freshen up…get there, Jax….


Cutler gets the tag to Costello at the same time that JJ slaps the hand of Anthony Grace. Grace sprints in and he ducks a clothesline from Costello before running the opposite side and returns with a flying lariat. Grace drags Costello back up and swings him into a neckbreaker……………..1……………2………….shoulder up!

HA: Anthony Grace is working it…he fancies it….OVATION!

Grace drags Costello up and tries to plant him with his finisher but Costello is able to elbow his way to safety. Grace staggers into the corner and Costello follows in with a running splash…

HA: Nobody home…

Grace sidesteps and sends Costello crashing into the turnbuckle before dragging him out into a German suplex. Grace keeps his hands locked and he pulls Costello into a second suplex…….and then a third…

HE: No…no….no….

HA: Grace has the hat-trick…

1……………………2………………..shoulder up. Grace welcomes Costello back up and he hits him with an atomic drop and follows up with a spinning heel kick. Grace makes his way to the corner and he starts to climb…

HA: Anthony Grace could be about to knock off the EWF World Champion….FALL FROM GRACE!

Anthony Grace throws himself from the top rope into an incredible high angled moonsault that lands across the chest of Vincent Costello……………………….1………………………….2…………………thr-Jax Cutler breaks it up!

HE: Finish him off, Jax…

Cutler begins to attack Grace on the ground, landing with furious punches, forearms and elbows. The referee moves in and he pushes Cutler away from the scene, warning him…

HA: Cutler risking a disqualification…

Cutler begins to argue with the official and tries to push past but the referee holds him back. Anthony Grace gets back up and he sprints over, diving over the top of the referee and clattering into Cutler…

HA: Anthony Grace showing no fear….he will not back down from Jax Cutler…

The fist fight continues until Cutler wraps his arms around Grace and pulls him into the ropes, twisting both men through the middle and out onto the apron…

HA: JJ made the blind tag…

The crowd cheer as JJ slaps Grace’s back, initiating the tag. The fight between Grace and Cutler continues onto the outside and Grace sidesteps another assault, sending Cutler crashing against the steel steps…

HE: Get up, Vincent…

HA: If JJ Johnson could score a win over Vincent Costello then there will be many calling for him to receive a title shot…

JJ staggers into the ring and he beckons Costello up and he boots him in the stomach before looking for the stunner. Costello puts the blocks on and he shoves JJ into the corner before dragging him back around….


Costello swings JJ around for the black hole slam but JJ lands out on his feet and kicks Costello in the stomach before running the ropes…


The crowd roar as JJ lands the brutal kick across the back of Costello’s neck and then he spins back up on his knees. JJ’s chest heaves in and out as he raises his fist into the air…

HE: This is bad…

HA: JJ Johnson has Vincent Costello on the ropes…

On the outside, Michael Hathaway tries to sneak up on Anthony Grace but Grace whirls around and blocks a sneaky punch from the manager. He grabs Hathaway by the front of his suit…

HE: Take your hands off him…

HA: Don’t do it….

The crowd are stunned as Jax Cutler suddenly grabs a fan, wearing a COG t-shirt, and drags him over the barricade. Anthony Grace looks worried and quickly drops Hathaway, pleading with Cutler not to hurt the fan…

HA: Cutler should be facing a fine and a suspension for this…

HE: Now he has Grace’s attention…

Grace continues to plead for the fan’s safety and Cutler laughs before throwing the man to the floor. Grace quickly makes his way over to check on the fan….

HA: Thank goodness for….OH GOD!


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Jax Cutler takes advantage of the situation and he runs right through Anthony Grace with a huge spear, smashing him backwards into the ringside barrier and leaving him in a battered heap on the floor. The referee is leaning through the ropes and trying to sort the situation…

HA: Complete carnage here on the outside…

HE: Anthony Grace knows now exactly what he is dealing with….Jax Cutler wants his belt back…

HA: And you condone an attack on a fan?

HE: Of course not…

Back in the ring, JJ Johnson grins as he waits for Vincent Costello to get to his feet and then he scoops him up on his shoulders…


*Huge boos from the crowd

HE: Haha…

HA: What the hell is that?

JJ gets Costello up on his shoulders as a figure leaps over the fan barricade and climbs onto the apron, spraying an aerosol can into JJ’s eyes. JJ drops Costello and falls to his knees, blinded…

HE: This is genius…

HA: What the hell is Jerome Dubois doing out here? He isn’t in this damn match…

HE: He has unfinished business with JJ Johnson…

Dubois grins as he drops down off the apron and throws the aerosol can away. JJ is still trying to clear his eyes as Vincent Costello bounces back off the ropes…


HA: God damn…

Costello stomps JJ’s head down into the canvass and he covers as the referee comes back into the ring…

HA: Vincent Costello and Jax Cutler pick up the win with a huge assist from Jerome Dubois…..there is a damn sight more to this match than meets the eye…

HE: All that matters is the result….Cutler and Costello have shown again just how dominant they are…..and Jerome Dubois has sent a message loud and clear to JJ Johnson, he is not finished yet…

Costello grins as he looks down at JJ before snatching his EWF belt from the referee and he raises it into the air. Jax Cutler and Michael Hathaway are trash talking Anthony Grace on the outside before they exit up the rampway. Costello soon follows, laughing off the insults of the fans, and then the cameras pan to Jerome Dubois.

HA: Dubois looks so pleased with himself right now…

HE: So he should be…

JJ is trying to get back to his feet, his eyes a deep red, and he fixes his gaze upon Dubois, who winks back at him. The staredown continues between both men as the scene fades and we head backstage.

Match result: Vincent Costello & Jax Cutler via pinfall
Match time: 11 minutes; 21 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:53 pm

*Liam Wood is stood backstage, he is alone with only a camera crew; Wood crouches down he is smiling as he begins speaking down the lens.

LW: This is a message aimed at one man, Puppet Master; you asked me a question…

You asked me what do I see when I look at you?

Now despite the B-Movie look the honest answer I have for you is...yes!

When I look at you I know you and everyone else expects me to see a monster standing before me but I just see a man...You might be bigger than me, you might be spookier than me and you probably have a strength advantage but I know for a fact that no matter the size...every single man has his breaking point and I can guarantee you that I'll find yours before you find mine!

*Wood is wagging his finger down the lens

LW: You see, I know for fact that when you look at me you see nothing but a jumped up, spoilt superstar with a hero complex but I have news for you...I am not like anyone you will have EVER faced before...I am NOT normal. In the two years I have been in this business I have withstood more punishment than should be physically possible. I have gone through things that would not only end people's careers but end their damn lives!”

*Wood pauses for a moment

I have been outnumbered, attacked with weapons and put in hospital time and time again but I've never been left broken! I have always stood back up, dusted myself off, beat my chest and screamed in the face of the demons that have been chasing me...I have never backed down from anything and I don't plan on starting now that Michael Myers is stalking my every move...

*The cheers from the crowd can be heard echoing around the arena halls, they grow louder and louder as Wood gets more and more emotional

Wood: ...Joshua, you put me through the ring and tried to leave me broken but I am here to remind you that I am still here...

*Wood looks down at the camera, straight down the lens

...standing my ground...
...beating my damn chest...
...and screaming in your face for you to...

*Wood whispers


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:55 pm

*Max Adamson is walking confidently backstage with his world title over his shoulder. Mr Jones appears walking the other way and stops to acknowledge Adamson.

MJ: Max……long time no see!

*Adamson completely blanks the former owner and walks right on by. Jones smirks and then shouts out after him.

MJ: I see……too high up the ladder to answer me.

*Adamson stops and turns round. He walks up to Jones and sighs.

MA: Correct me if I am wrong, but you have no authority here now……right?

*Jones smiles and doesn’t seem affected by the quip.

MJ: Good to see that giving you that World title hasn’t affected your sense of humour Max.

*Adamson looks briefly annoyed before tapping the gold on his shoulder.

MA: You didn’t give me anything……

*Jones scoffs.

MJ: Not even opportunity?

*Adamson smiles sarcastically.

MA: Whether it came by you or by any other means, I would still be standing here today with this title over my shoulder.

*Jones goes to speak but Adamson stops him.

MA: Anyway……you know nothing about opportunity, having missed the biggest one in the world. You made a mistake not believing enough in me.

*Jones shrugs.

MJ: An educated man always has a backup plan.

MA: Not when you have Max Adamson in your corner. You should know then that you have everything you need. Let’s face it……by not trusting in that fact, you have ended up moping round here, remembering when you were in charge.

*Jones laughs.

MJ: Do I look like I am moping?

*Adamson nods.

MA: Oh your face is as cocky as it has ever been. But deep down you know what a big mistake you made. And now look where you are……little more than backstage staff being dogsbody to yet another wannabe with no talent and no sense. You aren’t going to be able to pull Masters up to my level. You had your chance and you ended up being humiliated.

*He steps up to Jones and smiles.

MA: I know how much it pains you not being in charge. And I realise a man as proud of you finds it hard to swallow where he is now. But don’t look in my direction for sympathy. We both got what we deserved……

*Max looks at his World title.

MA: ………..And it is about time you came to terms with it.

*Adamson gives Jones a cocky wink before brushing past him and walking down the corridor.


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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:56 pm

Match 6
Liam Wood vs Joshua

The atmosphere inside Wembley is electric as we return to ringside. The stands seem to be shaking as “Endseekers” rips through the PA system and is greeted by a huge reaction…

HA: This next contest is extremely emotional and personal….last month Liam Wood was so close to ending his two year rivalry with Vincent Costello when victory was snatched from him by the monster, Joshua…..a few weeks back Joshua told the world that Wood deserved what he got because he does not understand true suffering….he vowed to make Wood understand…

HE: This is a very dangerous scenario for Wood….he feels he has to exact revenge on the monster but I would advise he steers clear….he is going to get badly hurt…

HA: Liam Wood is not going to back down from this….despite the mental and physical assaults he has already experienced from Joshua he still found it within himself to cost the beast a shot at the 6CW Championship…..Wood, whether rightly or wrongly, is going to go to war…

Liam Wood stands on the stage, his eyes focused on the ring, and he shows no response to the growing cheers from the audience. He looks down at the palms of his hands and then he nods his head and begins his walk to the ring.

HA: Liam Wood has achieved so much during his career in EWF and 6CW….he has been involved in some of the most historic matches and rivalries during that time…..but I don’t think he has ever faced a challenge quite like the one he has now….

Wood climbs up into the ring and he begins to pace back and forth, the impatience very clear. A huge “Liam Wood” chant is echoing all around and then the lights in the arena go down, drawing huge boos from the audience. The steady beat of a heart then begins to sound from the speakers….

HA: One of the most bizarre, dangerous and destructive forces to ever enter 6CW….we still do not understand everything we need to about Joshua but during his horrific rivarly with Edward Plague and his subsequent attack on Liam Wood we know that this man lives to cause pain and suffering to others……

HE: Liam Wood has about five seconds here to change his mind and get the hell out of there…..

As the heart continues to beat the house lights flash on and off, displaying the methodical entrance of Joshua. The giant is carrying his puppet, McCoy, on his arm and his black eyes shine from behind the curtain of hair that covers them. He reaches the base of the ring and stops…

HA: You can feel the electricity in the air….

HE: We’ve never even seen Joshua really hurt before though….what can Liam Wood possibly do to him?


The crowd roar in approval as Wood throws all caution to the wind and sprints to the ropes, leaping over the top and crashing into the beast with a corkscrewed crossbody. Wood gets back up to his feet, fire blazing in his eyes…

HA: Liam Wood is ready to unleash hell right here…

Joshua is already getting back to his feet as Wood rushes into him and runs him backwards into the fan barrier. He follows up with a flurry of punches to the big man before Joshua seizes him by the head and delivers a forceful headbutt, sending Wood staggering backwards…

HE: One of Joshua’s shots is equivalent to ten of what Liam Wood can do…

Joshua slowly stalks forward and he lands a huge uppercut that sends Wood falling across and down onto his knees. The “Puppet Master” grabs Wood by the head and he drags him up before launching him under the bottom rope…

HA: Joshua looks like he means business tonight…

Joshua begins to make his way towards the ropes but Wood is already back up and he sprints across and lands with a flying baseball slide, sending Joshua staggering back into the aisleway. Wood then begins to pull himself up onto the turnbuckle and he launches himself to the outside with a phenomenal missile dropkick, taking Joshua off his feet…

HE: That was a heavy landing for Liam Wood…

HA: Right now I don’t think he cares very much….he just wants to do as much damage as possible to his opponent….

The referee is trying to convince Wood to get the action in the ring but he doesn’t seem interested. He clatters Joshua’s head into the steel barrier and then he drags him forward and he rams the monster, chest-first, into the steel steps…

HE: Wood is full of fury….he is beating the living daylights out of Joshua…

HA: So much pent up frustration and anger just seeping out here…

Wood kneels on top of Joshua and he goes to town with a barrage of rights and lefts to the head of his rival. He then drags the big man up and he finally pushes him inside the ring…

HA: Looks like this match is going to finally get under way…

Wood pulls himself up onto the apron and he begins to scale the ropes. He perches there and waits for Joshua to get to his feet before launching off with a solid axe handle, causing Joshua to sway on the spot. Wood gets back up and he crunches a superkick into the chest of Joshua but still the big man doesn’t go down….Wood then rushes the ropes and returns with a discus spinning elbow, knocking Joshua off his feet….

HE: That’s what Wood was looking for…

HA: But look how quickly Joshua begins to get back up…incredible…

Wood crashes home with more right hands to Joshua and then he grabs his arm and looks for an Irish whip. Joshua is able to reverse and he sends Wood off the ropes and looks for a big boot on the come back…

HA: Wood dodged that bullet….LOU THESZ!

Wood ducks under the boot from Joshua and sprints off the opposite side before returning with a Lou Thesz press. He hammers down with more right hands to the beast and then he beckons for Joshua to get back up…

HE: I wasn’t expecting this from Liam Wood…

HA: So much determination and fire….

Joshua slowly gets back to his feet and Wood comes in from behind and grabs his arm before looking to lift him backwards into a regal-plex…

HE: Joshua not getting caught by that it seems…

Joshua manages to use his strength to shove Wood away and prevent the move. Wood quickly rushes back in to continue the assault but eats a big boot for his troubles…

HA: Wood got a little carried away there and now Joshua has an opportunity for his own attack…

Wood gets back up and he takes another furious uppercut from Joshua before the big man grips his opponent by the throat and hauls him into the ropes. Wood comes back and Joshua lifts him up into a huge side-slam………….1………………….2……………….shoulder up.

HE: Now this could be become very uncomfortable viewing….

Joshua grabs Wood by the head and he pulls him up with ease before flipping him into a powerbomb position. He holds Wood there for three seconds and then he bombs him down into the turnbuckle with serious impact…

HA: Wood’s whole body convulsed right there….

Wood staggers from the corner, barely able to keep his feet, and Joshua wraps his hand around his foe’s throat…

HE: Here it comes…

HA: Wood knows this move all too well…

Joshua hauls Wood off the ground for the chokeslam but Wood counters in midair with a falling DDT, dumping Joshua on top of his head. They both get back up and Wood ducks a swinging right hand and sprints off the ropes…


Wood crashes into Joshua and makes the cover……………….1………………….2…………….Joshua powers out. Wood quickly gets back up and he pulls Joshua towards him before nailing a final cut suplex. Wood crawls to the corner and ascends the ropes…

HA: Wood is trying to build his momentum back up now….INCOMING!

The flashbulbs go off and the crowd cheer as Wood flies through the air and drives his elbow deep into the heart of Joshua. Both men get back up to their feet and Wood shows great strength to lift Joshua onto his shoulders…

HE: What a move!

Wood has Joshua in a powerbomb position and he transitions into a lungblower, driving his knees up into the back of his opponent upon landing…

HA: I thought that might just have done it…

HE: Joshua is almost impossible to put away…

Wood gets back up to his feet and he looks down at Joshua with anger and frustration. He then drags the big man up and he succeeds in whipping him into the ropes before pressing him up as he comes back…


Wood swings his knee up for the finisher but Joshua manages to fall out of the side and he pushes Wood into the ropes before leaping into him with a battering ram head-butt as he returns. Wood tries to roll out under the bottom rope but Joshua quickly seizes him and drags him back through the middle, resting Wood’s feet on the ropes…

HE: This is not going to end well….TOLD YOU!

HA: Talk about impact…

Joshua drills Wood with the elevated DDT and then he pulls him away from the ropes and covers………………..1…………………………2……………….Wood somehow gets his shoulder up off the mat. Joshua, showing no trace of emotion, just gets back up to his feet and waits for Wood to stand up….Wood is groggy as he falls into Joshua’s path and is felled by a Russian legsweep. Joshua then makes his way to the corner and starts to climb…

HE: Wood has been brave but his fight is done now….

HA: Liam Wood could be about to suffer a very serious fate….

Joshua reaches the top rope and he shakes his head so that his hair covers his face before standing tall and launching himself into the air…


Joshua hurtles down towards Wood with amazing velocity but Wood is somehow able to roll aside, sending his giant opponent crashing into the mat. The ring shakes upon impact and Wood desperately tries to get back up…

HA: Joshua may have knocked himself out….can Wood capitalise on this?

HE: He needs to…

Wood uses the ropes to get to his feet and then he stumbles back towards the centre of the ring. Joshua is already on his way back up and Wood beckons him forwards before pushing him up off the floor…


The uppercutting knee catches Joshua right underneath the chin, jolting his head back, but the impact sends him sprawling through the ropes to the outside before Wood can prevent it.

HE: That has to be the worst luck in the world…

Wood drops to his knees, head in his hands, as he realises what has just happened. He takes a couple of moments and then he rolls underneath the bottom rope…

HA: Wood does not want a count-out victory….he wants true retribution on Joshua…

Wood summons all of his strength to try and drag the dead weight of Joshua back up and put him in the ring. He manages to get him to the apron and he starts to push him upwards…

HE: Joshua looks like he might be out….Wood has actually taken the fight right to him…

Joshua suddenly turns his body and drives his knee into the stomach of Wood, causing him to stagger away with a winded expression on his face. Joshua then rips the steel steps out of the holster and lifts them up….BOOM!


Ding ding

HE: Joshua not playing around….he is not interested in winning, he just wants to maim Liam Wood…

The monster ploughs forwards and he clatters the steps into the head of Wood, leaving him in a battered heap on the floor. The referee has already ended the contest on a disqualification as Joshua drops the steps and looks down at his victim…

HA: This is starting to become very serious indeed….Liam Wood took the fight to Joshua here tonight like never before but no matter what he does, the big man got back and has left his rival on his back…

HE: Liam Wood has got to start realising what he is dealing with here….this is like nothing he has ever faced before….he did so much damage to Joshua in this match but look who is standing at the end of it…

HA: Wood is the winner by DQ but I bet he doesn’t feel like a winner right now….cmon, Joshua enough is enough…

HE: Not for him…

Joshua suddenly bends down and grips Wood by the throat. He easily rags him up to his feet and despite the pleas from the crowd and the referee he dead lifts Wood up into the air…..CRASH!

HA: Dear lord….

HE: Liam Wood’s worst nightmare has become a reality….

Joshua chokeslams Liam Wood straight through the announce table, leaving him completely unconscious. Wood’s body convulses a few times and then stops as Joshua just continues to look down at him, no emotion visible…

HA: I don’t think Joshua is going to stop until there is nothing left of Liam Wood…

HE: This seems like it is a personal hate vendetta….Joshua is really going to town…

The referee kneels down to check on Wood and the crowd boo as Joshua takes one last look and starts to leave the scene. We fade out and head backstage.

Match result: Liam Wood via DQ
Match time: 8 minutes; 02 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 8:59 pm

???:Does it feel any different being back here having cast aside the problems that 2013 and most of 2014 gave you?

*The camera shows Gazzy D and Christy James walking down the corridor backstage

GD: Is this you in interviewer mode or as my girlfriend?

*Christy stops and gives Gazzy a kiss which gets a reaction from the crowd

CJ: As someone who cares deeply about the man who stands in front of me and someone who knows that you fully deserve all the luck that is coming your way finally

*Gazzy looks surprisingly hurt by the comments

GD: Luck? Are you referring to the nature of my victory in the ladder match or me and you?

*Christy steps back

CJ: I didn’t mean it like that Gazzy and you know it. I was just saying you deserve an upturn in fortune, you work hard, this is your moment, its your time to steal the show

*Gazzy looks to the ground but before he can reply to Christy, Scott Harris walks into view.Harris nods to Christy and puts out a hand to Gazzy

SH: Congratulations on the number one contender shot Gazzy. If it couldn’t be me there is no one else that deserves it more

*Gazzy shakes Harris’s hand

GD: Thanks man, and when I beat Max maybe you’ll be first in line trying to take the belt from me?

*Harris smiles

SH: I’ll be doing my best to make that happen

*The two are still shaking hands and Christy steps in to relieve the slight tension in the air

CJ: Scott, how was your Christmas, did you spend it with your mother?

*Harris’s shoulders drop and his eyes look weary

SH: I did but too be honest she’s not doing great Christy. My father being back in 6CW is killing her, seeing what he is still doing to our family is eating her from the inside, every wound that may have healed from the years of suffering she endured have been opened again and it’s so hard to watch

I need to stop this now before it’s too late

*Gazzy places a hand on Harris’s shoulder

GD: Anything I can do to help, just let me know

*Harris smiles as the scene ends


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 9:00 pm

Main Event
Max Adamson/Mike Masters vs GazzyD/Scott Harris

HA: It’s time for our main event of the evening…..huge tag team action that encompasses to very bitter, personal rivalries…

HE: They would have been better assigning the armed forces to officiate this match because I am not so sure that a referee will be enough…

HA: So much history…so much ill-feeling and hatred that is ready to bubble over and explode right here in London tonight…

The fans in the arena roar in delight as “Shoot the runner” plays out of the speakers. A hooded figure appears on the stage and then pyros erupt into the rafters as the hood lowers and Scott Harris is revealed…

HA: Is 2015 the year of Scott Harris? During 2014 he put his name on the map and cemented his place as a real front-runner in this company….will he realise his potential in the coming months?

HE: Not if his father and Mike Masters have anything to do with it…..Harris is in the shadow of better men and he lacks the temperament to rise above it….

HA: I don’t know if I agree with that at all….Scott Harris does indeed have to settle his differences with Masters and Jones before he can get to the mountain top but he has all the capabilities of making that happen….

Harris slaps the hands of a few fans before he climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring. Harris bounces back against the ropes and then fixes his eyes on the stage as “Champion” echoes out to a crescendo of boos…

HA: Mike Masters used to be a popular figure here in 6CW, despite his arrogant overlay….but ever since he teamed up with Mr Jones, a sworn enemy of this company, he has reverted back to type and these people hate him for it…

HE: These people are stupid….Masters has made the best career move possible because with Mr Jones by his side he will get the opportunities he deserves and he can push himself up through that glass ceiling…

Masters swaggers out onto the stage and poses in front of the cameras as Mr Jones follows by his side. Jones gives applause to Masters and then follows his client down to the ringside area…

HA: You can see the hatred in Scott Harris’ eyes….he and Masters used to be tag team partners, they fought side by side to rid 6CW of Mr Jones….and now look….Masters has brought Jones back he is doing everything he can to drive Harris out of town…

HE: And that is why Harris will never win this war…..he is too emotionally invested…

Masters circles the ring, shouting abuse up at Harris as he does so, before leaping onto the apron. The referee stands in front of Harris to prevent an early start to proceedings….

HE: I am telling you, one referee will not be enough…

Masters continues to trash talk and then “Limelight” rips through the speakers and is greeted by the biggest reception of the evening so far. Pyros flash up into the sky as GazzyD leaps out through a trapdoor in the stage…

HA: The number one contender to the 6CW Championship is in the house…

HE: Hasn’t this idiot been beaten up enough by Max Adamson…why would he possibly want to pursue another match?

HA: GazzyD outlasted seven other men and climbed a ladder to seal a contract that guarantees him a shot at the world title at the Day of Reckoning pay per view…..despite falling from a ladder and crashing through our announce table, Gazzy was able to find it within himself to pick up that victory…

HE: There is no way he is 100%....I think his ribs are probably shattered….he is nothing but cannon fodder to Max Adamson…

HA: The storybook rivalry between two of 6CW’s greatest ever superstars has at least one more chapter….unfinished business and at Day of Reckoning they will collide once again…

GazzyD bounces down the ramp, showing no signs of injury, and he tags the hand of every fan that reaches over to greet him. He then rolls underneath the bottom rope to join the other participants in the ring. Gazzy heads to the turnbuckle to pose….

HA: What a night it has been….what a way to kick off 2015, and I don’t think we could have ended it with a bigger main event…

Gazzy continues to milk the applause before “Radioactive” booms out, the boos seeping from every corner of the arena. Green and gold pyros spark into the rafters before Max Adamson makes his way onto the stage…

HE: The greatest 6CW Champion of all time….Max Adamson has dominated anyone and everyone that has tried to take away his crown…..GazzyD will be no different, he will be conquered just like Nate Nack…just like Scott Harris has been and Enforcer….the list is endless of men that have tried and have failed….

HA: Adamson’s reign as 6CW Champion has been more than impressive, it cannot be denied….but nothing lasts forever and we know that GazzyD can beat him, he has done it before…

HE: And how many times has Max beat Gazzy? He gave Gazzy the worst year of his entire life, don’t forget it….Max deserves respect…

Adamson laughs off the boos of the crowd as he unstraps his belt and raises it over his head. He slowly makes his way down the ring, making sure to retort to every bit of abuse that he receives. Max then climbs up into the ring and he grins and shakes his head as he looks over towards GazzyD….

HA: So much animosity between those four ropes right now….

HE: This is going to be great….

There is a brief discussion between both sides and then Mike Masters and Scott Harris take up the reigns for their respective teams. There is a roar from the crowd for Harris as he and Masters begin to circle one another…

HA: These two men have already been involved in some classic brawls….another one tonight is exactly what this crowd is looking for…

Masters and Harris lockup in the centre and Harris quickly pulls his rival into a side headlock. Masters swings side elbows into the ribs of Harris and then he rushes into the corner, pressing his feet up onto the turnbuckle and he flips up and over Harris’ head…

HE: Mike Masters is so athletic….it is his key strength…

Harris quickly spins around but is knocked off his feet by a dropkick from Masters. They get back up and Masters looks for a hiptoss but Harris locks his arms and counters into a hiptoss of his own, only for Masters to counter in midair with an armdrag…

HA: These two men know each other so well…..their styles blend into one another…

They get back up and Masters looks for a running monkey flip, sending Harris crashing into the centre of the ring. Masters then runs off the ropes and he returns with a handspring into a moonsault……………..1…………….2…………shoulder up.

HE: Mike Masters knows that he has Harris’ number…..he destroyed him in that “last man standing” match…

HA: Please tell the truth…..Harris had that match won if it wasn’t for his father getting involved…

Masters drags Harris up and he looks for a piledriver but Harris counters with a big backdrop. Masters gets back up and Harris flashes chops to his chest and whips him across the ring, lowering his head for another backdrop as he comes back….Masters leapfrogs over Harris’ head and sprints off the opposite ropes before returning with a one-handed bulldog….

HA: This is one match that does not get old for me….Harris and Masters have a remarkable chemistry….

Masters kicks up onto his feet and he quickly rushes to the ropes and dives into a springboard, floating back for an asai moonsault…

HA: Knees up…

Harris pushes his knees up into the midsection of Masters and sends him rolling away. Harris gets back up and he waits for Masters to get up in the corner before nailing him with a shining wizard and he pulls him out into an overhead suplex……………………….1…………………….2………..kickout!

HA: This has been a fine way to kick off 2015….if the rest of the year is anything like then we are going to set some records…

Harris pulls Masters back up and he hits a snap suplex before rolling over and he tags in GazzyD. Gazzy leaps up onto the ropes and lands a flying legdrop to Masters………………1……………..2………….shoulder up.

HE: GazzyD is only a month away from the end of his career….I gurantee Max Adamson is going to finish him off once and for all…

Gazzy drags Masters back up and he drills him with a faceplant suplex before dragging him into the corner. Gazzy grips the top rope and he leaps up…


Gazzy looks for the split-legged moonsault but Masters rolls from the ring before the move can be executed. The crowd boo as Masters and Mr Jones meet up on the outside to discuss tactics…

HA: Mike Masters is rattled here….

HE: He just needs a break…STAY AWAY FROM HIM!

The crowd roar in delight as GazzyD springs onto the top rope and he turns in midair as he flies to the outside to wipe out Masters with a moonsault takedown. Gazzy grabs Masters by the head and he throws him back into the ring…

HA: GazzyD is back to his absolute best….the shell of a man he became a year ago is long gone…

Gazzy gets back up onto the apron and he waits for Masters to get back up before springboarding in for a flying hurricanrana….

HE: Beautiful..

Gazzy goes airborne but he eats a flying superkick as he comes down. Masters quickly springboards onto the ropes and comes back with an asai moonsault…
……………Gazzy kicks out.

HE: Let Max get in there so he can end this stupidity before we even get to Day of Reckoning…

Masters pulls Gazzy up again and turns him into a neckbreaker before he rolls to the corner and slaps Max’s hand. Adamson climbs in and he perches himself onto the second rope before leaping off with a shoulder barge as Gazzy gets back to his feet…Gazzy staggers up against and Adamson scoops him onto his shoulders before nailing a gutbuster……………….1…………………..2………….shoulder up!

HA: That knee to the stomach caused a real wince of pain from GazzyD there…..

HE: Because his ribs are still hurting him….

Max rags Gazzy back up and he flings him against the ropes before sending him flying with a huge backdrop as he returns. Gazzy stumbles up in the corner and Max drives against him with a splash before lifting him up onto the top rope….

HA: Max Adamson is turning it up a notch here…

HE: GazzyD is in the house of pain now….OH YES!

Max laughs at the booing fans and then he drags Gazzy from the top rope into a huge superplex…………….1…………………..2…………..Gazzy just gets his shoulder up. Adamson pulls Gazzy back up and he gutwrenches him into the air before driving Gazzy back down across his knee. Max shows his strength to keep Gazzy in his arms and then he lifts him into another gutbuster…..and then a third.

HE: This is great to watch…Max Adamson displaying his dominance for all the world…

1………………………2…………….Gazzy gets his shoulder up. Max gets to his feet and he taunts Gazzy before dragging him back up and turning him around…


Max tries to launch Gazzy into a suplex but Gazzy locks his heels around Max’s waist and rolls forward, pulling Adamson into a pinning combo………………..1………………….2……………..shoulder up. They scramble back up and Max looks for a tilt-a-whirl but Gazzy spins three rotations around his body and counters with a DDT……………………..1……………………..2……………..Max kicks out!

HA: GazzyD just keeps coming…he is the ultimate underdog…

Gazzy beckons Max up and he lashes roundhouse kicks into his legs and body before leaping up and dropkicking Max into the corner. Gazzy follows in with another big dropkick before using his strength to lift Max up onto the turnbuckle…

HA: GazzyD has turned this around in a flash….now he is looking for high impact…

Gazzy gets up onto the ropes but Max drives his forearm forward and into Gazzy’s throat, Gazzy’s head drops as he tries to catch his breath and then Max rolls over the top of him….


HA: Devastating impact….

Max drags Gazzy down off the ropes and nails a crunching sunset flip powerbomb. Both men are on the canvass, desperately trying to crawl their way across to make the tag to their teammates…

HA: Both of these men need a tag…

HE: I think GazzyD needs it a lot more…

Gazzy drags himself over and reaches out to tag Scott Harris’ hand but Max Adamson grabs Gazzy’s foot and drags him back. Gazzy hops up on his free foot and he succeeds in landing with a swinging enzeguiri to the side of Max’s head…Adamson staggers across and falls into Mike Masters….

HA: Talk about a fluke…

Masters quickly makes the tag and he springboards into the ring and lands a flying forearm to the back of Gazzy’s head, preventing him from making the tag. Masters then runs forwards and nails a spinning heel kick to Harris, sending him flying from the apron…

*Crowd boo

HE: Well played, Mike…

Masters dusts his hands off and grins before dragging Gazzy into the centre of the ring and connects with a hard piledriver…


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW New Year Spectacular Results Empty Re: 6CW New Year Spectacular Results

Post by JJJohnson Fri 09 Jan 2015, 9:03 pm

……………Gazzy gets his shoulder up. Masters gets up and he mocks the audience as he beckons for Gazzy to stand…

HA: Mike Masters really is full of himself…

HE: He has every right to be….this man is the future…

Gazzy stumbles back up and Masters grips his arms and tries to turn him around for a “killswitch”. Gazzy puts the brakes on and manages to shove Masters away to the corner but Masters heads straight up the ropes and twists back with an incredible “whisper in the wind” takedown….

HE: That is why Mike Masters is going to be a world champion…

Gazzy tries to stagger back up but Masters rushes in behind him and nails a “zigzag” neckbreaker……………..1…………………2…………..Gazzy just manages to get his arm off the canvass. Masters complains to the referee and then he gets back up and drags Gazzy towards him…


Gazzy spins right out and he kicks Masters in the stomach before hooking his arms and pulling him to the centre…


Masters puts the blocks on and he spins out before crashing Gazzy down with a backstabber. Masters rolls his away to the corner and he leaps up to the top rope. The crowd boo him but he merely turns and mocks them…

HA: Masters needs to concentrate on the match….even Jones agrees….

Mr Jones is motioning for Masters to turn his attention back to Gazzy and his client follows orders. Masters turns back around and he looks down at Gazzy before launching himself off…


Gazzy moves out of the way and sends Masters crashing down onto the canvass with real impact. Gazzy is able to get back up to his feet and he quickly locks his hands under Masters’ arm and drills him with a skull-crushing finale…

HA: Gazzy got him….this is over….


HE: Noooo…

HA: That’s a three….

The crowd are booing furiously as Mr Jones jumps onto the apron to distract the referee before the count can reach three. The referee is urging Jones to get down but the manager refuses…

HA: Someone needs to get rid of this idiot….

HE: Mr Jones is trying to protect his investment……AHHHHH!

HA: That’s how you deal with…

Gazzy looks furious as he looks at Jones on the apron and he sprints to the corner and springboards onto the turnbuckle before floating back with a huge missile dropkick, sending Jones flying to the hard flooring…

HE: How dare you lay your hands on him…

HA: Jones had no business getting involved….


Gazzy gets back up and he is almost destroyed by a huge spear from Max Adamson. Max looks happy with himself as he rolls back out of the ring and Mike Masters crawls across…

HE: Yes…

HA: Adamson and Masters are going to steal this damn thing….

………………thr-Scott Harris makes the save!

HE: Damn you Harris…

Harris drags Masters up and he rocks him with right hands before whipping him off the ropes and he throws him across the ring with an overhead suplex as he returns. Adamson gets in and looks for an attack but Harris ducks it and counters with a German suplex…

HA: Scott Harris just exploded into this contest…

Harris grabs Gazzy’s arm and he pulls him to the ropes before climbing out onto the apron and he makes the tag. Harris climbs back in and he waits for Masters to get up before nailing a t-bone suplex…………………1………………………..2……………….shoulder up.

HE: Cmon, Mike…

HA: Masters is three sheets to the wind….he cannot prevent this attack…

Masters staggers back up and Harris drags him into a wrist clutch suplex and then he heads to the corner and starts to climb. The flashbulbs are going off and the crowd are cheering as Harris launches himself into the air….


Harris lands the flying splash to Mike Masters and he hooks both legs……………..1…………………….2……………….Adamson breaks up the pin. They scramble back up and Max scoops Harris onto his shoulders…


Harris spins off the back and he grabs Max by the scruff of the neck before throwing him over the top rope. Masters takes advantage and grabs the back of Harris’ trunks……………….1………………….2…………….Harris just manages to kick out!

HA: Masters almost stealing one there….

Both men scramble back up and Masters leaps into the air for a hurricanrana but Harris leaps up meet him with a thunderous codebreaker……..1

HE: Did he kick out?

HA: Barely…

Harris wipes sweat from his brow and asks the referee if it was a three but the official tells him two. Harris gets back up and he waits for Masters to get to his feet and he grabs his arm…


Masters leaps out over the shoulder of Harris and he grabs his arms before twisting him around into a “killswitch”…

HE: This is it…

Harris manages to push Masters away and he collides with Max Adamson on the apron. Masters staggers back into Harris…



HA: It’s over…

Harris thinks he has the match won but the referee is signalling to him that Max made the blind tag on the apron. Harris looks dumbfounded but has no time to react as Max spins him around and lifts him up…


Harris drops behind again and he nails Max with a chopblock before grabbing his legs and tries to turn him over onto his stomach…


Max squirms and twists before kicking out with both feet and sends Harris flying back into the corner.

HA: Gazzy made the tag…

Max gets back up and he sprints into the corner for a spear on Harris but Harris rolls away and sends Adamson crashing against the turnbuckle. Max staggers back around and Gazzy springboards in…


……..Max just kicks out!

HE: Thank goodness for that…

They get back up and Gazzy boots Max in the stomach and hooks his arms into place…


Max spins and then he scoops Gazzy up onto his shoulders for the F-5. Gazzy drills his elbow into the side of Max’s jaw and drops off the side and looks for a “skull crushing finale” but Max counters by rolling out and sending them both across the canvass. Max gets back up and he sprints at his rival…


Gazzy leaps up into the air and over Max’s head, sending him crashing into the turnbuckle again. Max turns back around and Gazzy gives him a sharp kick to the stomach…


Mr Jones tries to get back up onto the apron but Scott Harris drags him back down and throws his father to the floor. He looks down at Jones with pure hatred and then…..CRACK!

HA: That is a DQ right there…

HE: Referee didn’t see it…

Mike Masters wallops a chair across the back of Harris’ head and leaves him in a heap on the floor. In the ring, Max counters into a backdrop and then he beckons Gazzy back up…



HA: It’s over…

HE: But how…

Max spins Gazzy around for the F-5 but Gazzy rolls down his back and pulls him into a pinning combo for the three. Back live and “Limelight” is roaring out as the referee raises Gazzy’s arm in victory…

HE: This is ridiculous…

HA: If that happens in a few weeks at Day of Reckoning then Max Adamson’s 6CW Championship reign is over…GazzyD has just shown how dangerous he is…

HE: One fluke doesn’t make Gazzy a real threat…he won’t get that lucky again…

HA: Are you sure? We could be looking at the next 6CW Champion…..DAMMIT!

HE: Wind it in…

Gazzy fist pumps the air and soaks up the reaction of the fans but is then ripped in two by a furious spear from Max Adamson. The referee tries to get involved but Max shoves him away and begins to viciously stomp down on Gazzy’s ribs….

HA: You lost the damn match, Max….deal with it….

HE: Max is going to make Gazzy rue the day he won that number one contendership…

On the outside, Mike Masters is leaning over Scott Harris and choking him with the edge of the steel chair whilst Mr Jones watches on with an evil grin on his face.

HA: GazzyD and Scott Harris have won this match…

HE: But they are losing the war…

Masters lifts the chair up and then he sickeningly jabs it back down into the neck of Harris, leaving him to roll across the floor, coughing and spluttering. Mr Jones grabs Masters’ arm and raises it into the air, drawing huge boos from the crowd…

HA: Scott Harris is not going to take this lying down...

HE: If he knows what is good for him he will….

The cameras pan back to the ring and Max Adamson is kneeling over GazzyD, punching him repeatedly in the head until blood begins to seep. Max grabs the 6CW title belt and he holds it in Gazzy’s face…

Max: You will never take this from me….never. I thought you would have learned your lesson by now, Gareth…

HA: Max Adamson has lost it….he is obsessed with being the 6CW Champion…

HE: He is the greatest champion this company has ever known….nobody will ever end this reign…

Gazzy tries to stand up, his face covered in blood, but Max runs into him and drives the title belt between his eyes, leaving him flat on the mat once more. The crowd boo furiously as Max places his foot on Gazzy’s chest and he raises the 6CW Championship into the air…

HE: Yes….that is the future, so get used to it….Max Adamson is the 6CW Champion and that is never going to change….2015 has started the same way 2014 ended, with a dominant world heavyweight champion…

HA: What a great way to kick off this new year….6CW is back with a bang folks and in two weeks I can guarantee that things are only going to get better…

Match result: GazzyD & Scott Harris via pinfall
Match time: 12 minutes; 43 seconds


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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