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Cry, rage, constantly lost money on

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Cry, rage, constantly lost money on Empty Cry, rage, constantly lost money on

Post by Coxy001 Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:56 pm

Pretty simple this (for most anyway):

Cry: Which boxer did you follow all the way to a title challenge, or simply to a point where all the fighters wonderous victories you'd wallowed in came crashing down in one foul swoop at the hands of another fighter that left you with that horrible gutting feeling in the bottom of your stomach?

Mine would probably be Hatton, remember that glorious night against Tszyu followed by a string of other victories meant he went up against the best of the best and genuinely thought he would win. After a sustained beating I was motionless on the sofa at a friends house for nigh on an hour. What Pacquiao did to him still haunts me to this day as well.

Rage: Which fighter do you actually despise and have been known to completely and utterly lose it over both in the pub and online? Vitriol hides behind the sofa when you get going on this guy.

Mine, probably as is no surprise, is RJJ. Immense talent no doubt, and can quite easily argue that he didn't have MW/SWM/LHW anywhere as well stacked as they are today. But it doesn't excuse hyperbole for me, much like a Marciano (albeit without the unbeaten record - could well have been if he'd heeded advice to stay away from Tarver as he was all wrong for him) in my eyes who gets unfairly placed above others who have more stellar names on the resume. Especially @ LHW where is he commonly 'over-ranked'.

Constantly lost money on: The one fighter who you've bet for or against numerous times and has constantly cost you money.

Pacquiao for me without a shadow of doubt. Cost me a fortune against DLH/Cotto/Hatton/the first 3 Marquez fights. Won me a nice tidy amount against Diaz/Margacheato though. Sadly the bigger wagers were all put on the fights I backed against him, Floyd - Don't cost me more money sunshine as I'm going big on you!!


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Cry, rage, constantly lost money on Empty Re: Cry, rage, constantly lost money on

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:25 pm

Never had a bet in my life.....If I bet against the Red Sox I'd be richer than Strongy..

Curry left me most disappointed.

Never really despised a fighter but never liked Roberto Duran...Like Rollo Tomaci out of LA confidential...He gets away with everything..


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Cry, rage, constantly lost money on Empty Re: Cry, rage, constantly lost money on

Post by Mr Bounce Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:44 pm

I've never placed a bet either. I remember following Nigel Benn all the way up to his WBO middleweight fight with Eubank, thinking he would prove too much for the strutting peacock. I felt as beaten and shattered as Benn after the fight, although it was probably a career-best performance from Eubank.

I have always followed the heavies quite closely, and Odlanier Solis always made me scream because he has all the talent in the world but he's so blooming lazy. However, the one heavy that almost made me give up following boxing was the pathetic WBO title "challenge" by British heavy Scott Welch against Henry Akinwande. I also had an intense dislike for Sven Ottke due to his dull style and ridiculous "home" judges' scorecards.

Mr Bounce

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Cry, rage, constantly lost money on Empty Re: Cry, rage, constantly lost money on

Post by hazharrison Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:07 pm

Cry: John Murray. I was gutted when he lost to Mitchell and then Rios. If only he'd had more of a dig.

Rage: I used to hate Riddick Bowe and Chris Eubank - mainly due to the fact I worshipped Lewis and Benn. I was a kid back then, though. I can appreciate both Bowe and Eubank these days and never really get that worked up about a fighter like I used to.

Constantly lost money on: I don't bet much these days but Mitchell let me down against both Katsidis and Burns.


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