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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:30

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Come’s the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off.

The camera then pans across the small Copper Box arena as we see just over 3,000 fans with 6CW banners out on display.

Welcome to 6CW Anthony Grace
BAM – I still love ya
I’m a Mr. Hathaway Guy
I’m only here to see Grace

The action is then taken ringside where Henry and Harold Lloyd are situated at the announce desk, ready to call the action.

HA: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is so good to be back in familiar surroundings welcome to another edition of Aftermath. After a monumental PPV less than two weeks ago where we promised the landscape of 6CW may well change forever and wow did we not disappoint

Three championships changed hands and most importantly the momentum has firmly swung in the favour of The Uprising

HE: Really, what makes you say that?

HA: Not only did they lose the International and EWF Championship belts but surely there is no comeback from the scenes that we saw at the end of the PPV. They left Enforcer high and dry and I doubt he will forgive and forget

HE: Stop stirring. The Authority is stronger than ever. Max and Enforcer are the new Tag Champions. The Uprising is a minor irritation but they wield no true power and tonight we will see that again

HA: And what about the rest of the PPV Henry. Take your Authority blinkers off for a second

We have a Hollywood A lister in our ranks, a new International Champion, The Brotherhood seemingly has a new member and a new EWF Champion has been crowned

What more can happen in this non stop rollercoaster ride?

My name is Harold Lloyd, next to me my brother Henry. This is 6CW



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Join date : 2011-03-09
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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:33

(The camera immediately goes backstage as Mr. Jones is shown arriving at the Copper Box arena. Jones is flanked by security guards as he walks through the entrance he is greeted by a smiling Dean Andrews)

DA: Michael, wow, quite an entourage. For a second I thought Anthony Grace had arrived. What’s all this about, you worried you might be in some kind of danger

Perhaps you are concerned about theft, you do seem to be losing quite a few prized possessions recently, very careless of you don’t you think?

(Jones eyes narrow)

MJ: Very funny Mr. Andrews but need I remind you who came out of Scars and Stripes victorious.Oh and how are Masters and Harris, have they cast aside their differences yet. Terrible to see such talented athletes squabbling like that, so unprofessional, but then you would know all about unprofessionalism wouldn’t you Dean?

(Andrews raises an eyebrow at the comment)

DA: Mike and Scott will just be fine, they both hate you much more than they hate each other. They understand the need to channel that aggression, don’t worry about us. I think you have enough problems to deal with

(Jones laughs)

MJ: Oh do I now, and pray tell, what are they?

Should I be worried about you increasing my revenue by bringing in a Hollywood megastar?

Should I be worried about the unprecedented demand for Beachfront Brawl tickets after the announcement of JJ Johnson versus Keith Leone?

Exactly what is it that I should be troubled by?

(Andrews is smiling)

MJ: Stop grinning you idiot

DA: I can’t help it Michael. This is all your doing and you can’t even see it coming. Enjoy counting your profits because soon all this will be no more!

(Jones shakes his head)

MJ: Is that all can I get on? Unlike you I actually have some business to deal with this evening, you run along and get your bosses dry cleaning or whatever it is you do around here

(Jones strides away still surrounded by security as Andrews looks on)


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:34

*The camera comes to life with the angry face of Simon Cagero filling nearly every mm of the screen. He is looking down the lens inquisitively, before taking a step back and hitting a microphone from his right hand against his left.

SC: Is this thing on?

*He looks down at it but seems happy enough to proceed. His head tilted to one side, he speaks again.

SC: Looks like Simon Cagero has really turned up to the party now. Nothing like crushing the trash in front of you, it even earned me a little night off. But don't you dare rest easy, 6CW.

*He shakes his head quickly, almost like an involuntary tick...

SC: Red alert. I'm coming for you.

*He kicks the camera down the lens and it breaks and turns to black.


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:41

Match 1
Anthony Grace vs Percy Percival

*Timothy Allen is standing in the ring, wearing a tuxedo, microphone in hand. From the stage down the ramp and to the ring a red carpet is laid out.

TA: Ladies and gentlemen of the 6CW universe it is my pleasure to present to you the newest member of our illustrious roster. The star of such action packed films as "Look Both Ways", "My Fist Means Stop" and his romantic masterpiece "A Lady with Grace"...Anthony 'Amazing' Grace!

*The lights die down and a spotlight emerges that the beautiful Katherine Jenkins steps into.

HA: What a way to begin a 6CW career, that's an actual star singing for this man!

HE: I, I don't want to like this but Katherine Jenkins makes me weak...

*Out steps Anthony Grace, who gets down to one knee and kisses Ms Jenkins hand as the crowd cheer wildly. "Amazing Grace" begins and the crowd begin to sing along quietly, underneath the Welsh star's sweet voice. Grace walks down the ramp, stopping for pictures and singing autographs.

HA: I shouldn't be surprised, this man has made Hollywood billions and is famous worldwide, an icon of the screen in every country on earth.

HE: Katherine bloody Jenkins

HA: I think even Timothy is a little starstruck, although I don't have the words to describe your reaction Henry.

*Grace steps into the ring and goes to each of the four turnbuckles as Jenkins' song comes to end and she leaves the stage. The crowd continues to sing as Grace jumps down to greet Allen warmly. They wait 20 seconds before Allen begins

TA: Mr Grace, a pleasure to welcome you to 6CW.

*Grace smiles a perfect smile

AG: Please, Tim, it's Anthony.

*Allen laughs nervously

TA: Anthony, why 6CW? Why wrestling? Why leave Hollywood behind?

*Grace takes a step forward with his mic in hand and addresses the audience

AG: It's always been a dream of mine to get into a ring like this and wow the kinds of incredible crowds wrestling has. And what better place to do that than in front of the best fans this industry has ever seen?

*The crowd are putty in his hands as they pop on demand. Grace smiles again

TA: But your box office hits have not stopped. April's "World of the Primates" sold out movie theatres from here to Hong Kong!

AG: I've been blessed to fill some wonderful roles alongside incredible actors and for outstanding directors. And I'll never really say goodbye to that world. But, damn it, I'm a man and I want to prove to the world that I can fight like a warrior and get to the top of the field I love the most. I'm a professional wrestler now and I always have been in my heart. The awards I won before will feel insignificant in comparison when I get my hands on titles here.

*"Mind Eraser" blasts out from the speakers and both the men in the ring turn to see Jerome Dubois swaggering out at the top of the ramp.

HE: That's more like it! The Pride of France! Le phenomene Francais! The French Crusader! The Lone Warrior!

HA: Jerome looks his cheerful self...

*Dubois stands swivelling a microphone in his right hand looking most unimpressed

JD: Oh look, Timothy az popped iz nose out of your bum for long enough to look at ze great Jerome Dubois.

AG: Mr Dubois, Timothy has been nothing but professional in his conduct this evening.

*Dubois rolls his eyes.

JD: Grace, you little man, zis is not ow wrestling works. Your golden globes are nothing in zis arena, nothing! Jerome Dubois iz an 'all of famer, where is my parade?! No respect, no respect for who built zis house.

AG: I have come here to prove myself--

JD: Shut up! You are not on my level, you silly little actor. Zis isn't your big screen now, zis is real. No more parts, no lights, camera, action. No stunt doubles.

*Dubois stops and runs a hand through his hair

JD: First this little Bam, now ze playboy here. What is zis company? I will not stand by and let the sorts of you take screen time from legends, from phenomenes, from true greats. Do not expect to get comfortable, little Grace, I am not 'eere for your convenience! Au revoir!

*Dubois throws the microphone in the air, flicks his head back and swivels on the spot before walking away. A baffled Grace looks on from the ring

HA: I guess not everyone is happy to have Grace here...

HE: Too bloody right....when hall of famers like Jerome Dubois are being overlooked for actors with no talent, there is something wrong...Grace better watch his step...

Percy Percival makes his way down the aisleway as “No Limits” is beating out of the speakers. Percival twirls on the spot and shakes his tutu with a grin before blowing kisses to the audience…

HA: We have one on one action to kick us off tonight on Aftermath….Percy Percival will be the man charged with facing Anthony Grace in his debut match...

HE: I hope Grace realises this isn’t going to be a walk in the park….he can’t just hire a stunt double to take the bumps for him, this is going to be a damn sight tougher than reciting a few lines…

HA: Grace is no stranger to hard work and dedication….sure he is new to this industry but if he approaches this with as much energy as he does a film role then who knows where he might end up…his arrival here in 6CW has brought a lot of media attention…

HE: This isn’t smoke and mirrors though, he will get hurt….Percy Percival, despite looking like an extra from Grease, is a veteran of the game and he will test the newcomer…

Percy climbs into the ring and waves to the crowd before holding his tutu as though it is blowing up like Marilyn Monroe’s dress. He winks and sticks his tongue out to the camera referee has a word with both competitors and then calls for the bell…

HA: Anthony Grace set for his very first match here in 6CW….can he excel in another field?

HE: I bet he’s back in Hollywood by the time the show is over…

Percival prances to the middle of the ring and he blows a kiss to Grace, who smiles, before slapping his opponent across the face. The crowd boo as Percival laughs and Grace staggers off balance…

HE: I told you, even Percy Percival is mugging this guy off…

Grace jolts his head back and he smiles at Percival, nodding his head as if to say “you got me”, and then he offers a lockup. Percival obliges and they tie up in the middle of the ring before Grace drags his foe into a sideheadlock…

HA: Grace is in fantastic shape, he has always been athletically built, so the transition to a pro-wrestler may be easier than expected…

Percival squirms and he backs against the ropes before shooting Grace across the ring, only to be wiped out by a running clothesline on the comeback. Percival gets back up and Grace lifts him up into a scooped slam…

HA: Fast start from Anthony Grace, he looks at home already…

Percival gets back up and is greeted by hard punches from his opponent. Grace then whips Percy across the ring and lowers his head for a backdrop as Percival returns…

HE: First rookie mistake..

Percival leaps over Grace’s head and he runs the opposite ropes before returning with a jumping bulldog. They get back up and Percy connects with a hard roundhouse kick…………1……………2………..shoulder up!

HA: Percival is a quality athlete, he is well trained and skilled, but too often he allows himself to concentrate on comedy rather than taking this seriously…

Percival pulls Grace up and tries for a suplex but Grace holds on, keeping his balance, before countering into a suplex of his own. Percy staggers back up in the corner and Grace drills into him with a splash before climbing onto the ropes to deliver a ten punch combo…

HE: Grace shouldn’t get too overconfident, playing to this crowd…

Grace waves at the fans after each punch but Percival takes advantage after six and he walks Grace out before dropping him into an inverted atomic drop. He then whips Grace against the ropes and takes him out with a dropkick as he comes back……………1……………….2………….shoulder up.

HA: This is the best I have seen Percy Percival in a long time, he is up for this…

HE: The guys in the back don’t take kindly to being upstaged by some movie star who thinks he can just come in here and wrestle…

Percival stands up and he lands a jumping kneedrop to the head before rolling back up and he nails a leaping elbow to the chest. Grace stumbles back up and Percival lashes chops at his chest before looking for another Irish whip…

HA: Terrific counter…

Grace turns inside and he pulls Percival towards him before flapjacking him up and then he slams him back down with a spinebuster…………1……………….2…………shoulder up. Grace makes his way to the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope before waiting for Percival to get back up…

HA: Nice flying back elbow..

1……………….2…………….shoulder up from Percy. Grace gets up, clapping his hands, and he smiles at the audience before he waits for Percival to get up. He then lifts his opponent up into an atomic drop and combos into a German suplex….

HA: Great work from Anthony Grace…

………kickout. Grace pulls Percival up and tries to flip him up into a powerbomb but Percy counters with a hurricanrana…

HE: If Percival can keep up these kind of performances then perhaps he will start to trouble more superstars on the roster…

Grace stumbles back up and Percival dropicks him to the corner, dropping him into a seated position, and then he chases in and delivers a bronco buster…

HA: Percy Percival really fancying the job here…GAYMAKER!

Percival waits for Grace to get up and then he launches forwards for the superkick but Grace catches his foot and spins him around before lifting him up into a spiked DDT…

HA: That could be enough…

1……………….2…………..Percival gets his shoulder up off the mat.

HE: Anthony Grace is getting one hell of a welcoming to 6CW…

Grace pulls Percival up and tries to gutwrench him but Percival swivels out and back onto his feet. He pulls Grace into a sleeper and then sweeps him into a slam…

HA: Percival drove Grace right down on the back of his head there…

HE: And now he knows he has this in the bag….PERCY POP!

Percival rolls out onto the apron and he waits for Grace to get up. He then springboards over the top rope for the “west coast pop” but Grace catches him with a boot to the gut as he comes from the skies and then drags him in close…

HA: He calls this the OVATION!

HE: He needs more than that to impress me…

Grace winks at the crowd and yells “Everybody say Grace” before he slams Percival down with the swinging reverse STO (Sister Abigail). The crowd cheer as Grace makes the cover…

HA: Anthony Grace picks up a debut win here in 6CW. He had to work hard for it but in the end he has got the job done…

HE: Grace may have won but he has found out that 6CW won’t be a walk in the park….he can’t just waltz in here and expect instant success, the challenges are going to become much tougher than that…

HA: Yes they are and Anthony Grace will have to be prepared for them when the time comes…but tonight he can celebrate…

The audience are applauding and cheering as “Amazing Grace” plays out of the speakers and Anthony Grace is declared the winner. The referee raises his arm in victory and Grace bows to the crowd…

HA: A great way to kick off Aftermath…Anthony Grace has arrived…

HE: There is going to be a whole lot more to look forward to as this evening continues…..the show is jam-packed tonight…

HA: 6CW is bringing the action like nobody else can…expect fireworks and drama before all is said and done…

Anthony Grace continues to celebrate his victory, milking the audience’s ovation, before the action goes backstage.

Match result: Anthony Grace via pinfall
Match time: 5 minutes, 02 seconds


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:44

(In a darkened room backstage Joshua is sat cross legged in the centre of the floor, his head is bowed, shoulders hunched and his long hair is almost touching the floor.His head moves slowly to the left and the camera follows the line of sight to show McCoy slumped in the corner)

??: The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. He he he……..

……..Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sins of the parents…..

(Edward Plague walks around Joshua who remains unmoved)

EP: And I look upon you my brother and the guilt washes over you like the flowing tide. You cannot hide from what you did. Embrace your past, let it be who you are destined to be…………….

(Joshua is breathing heavily but his head remains bowed. Plague stands directly before him, his eyes twitching as he awaits a response but Joshua stays silent)

EP: You can not ignore the truth; your destiny will set you free

(Plague walks over to the fallen puppet and grabs him by the hand; as he drags the limp figure across the wooden floor Joshua grits his teeth and his eyes stay focused on McCoy as he is pulled forward.Plague kneels next to Joshua, pulling the puppet up he puts the wooden face next to his)

EP: Listen to my voice, concentrate on my tone. It is my words that you long to hear my child…

(Joshua shoulders start to twitch; his head turns, he stares into McCoy’s eyes before looking up at Edward Plague who smiles)

EP: Like father, like son…………..


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:46

(Gazzy D is sat backstage with Daniel Magnusson; the 6CW owner is dressed in a smart grey suit, Gazzy in a 6CW hoodie and jeans. Gazzy appears on edge as Magnusson attempts to calm him down)

DM: I understand where you’re coming from Gareth but now is not the time to walk away from 6CW; we need you more than ever

(The crowd gasp at this news as Gazzy shakes his head)

GD: I have to be true to myself Daniel. I need to know that I can continue to do this at the highest level. You can’t say my time here since the rebirth has been a complete success and arguably it is my fault Max is the champion. Maybe its time I faced facts and accept what is staring me in the face

DM: Rubbish, absolute hog wash Gareth. This is somebody wallowing in self pity after a small failure. You have gone through so much worse in the past

GD: Thanks for reminding me

(Magnusson snaps back)

DM: Let me finish. You have experienced real lows over the last few years but you can’t tell me that has made you forget all the highs. All those moments that have shaped your career, this company. You are really considering turning your back on that?

And because of what, or is this a desperate plea for an ego boost, you want me to plead with you to stay, you want me to beg?

(Gazzy rolls his eyes)

GD: Now you’re just being facetious

DM: Am I Gazzy or am I just telling you how it is? You wanna hit the road; you think that will leave all your troubles behind. That’s bull crap and you know it. You want closure then you have to go out there and grab it with both hands. You need to show the world that Gazzy D is far from finished, you need to show the world the man that will save this company, the man that will get his revenge!

(Gazzy is sat steely eyed as Magnusson stands in front of him)

DM: That is the man we all need!!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:49

Match 2
Wild Stallions vs Edward Plague/Joshua

We come back to ringside and “Cold as Ice” is booming out of the speakers. Nicky Cassidy and Billy Shaw are interacting with the fans as they make their way to ringside…

HA: The Wild Stallions were desperately unlucky not to secure a shot at the tag team championships at Scars and Stripes; they put on a hell of a show against the Red Arrows…

HE: But they lost and now they need to build themselves back up if they want to be in the title picture again…

Shaw and Cassidy climb into the ring and pose for the fans before the lights completely go out. There are boos and screams from the audience and then “CCClouds” creeps through the speakers…

HA: But the opposition for the Stallions tonight may be their most ferocious and intimidating to date….this is the new look Brotherhood and I really don’t envy anyone getting into the ring with them…

HE: Now that Plague has McCoy and he seems to be using the puppet to manipulate Joshua I don’t know if anyone can stop them…this is a frightening prospect for anyone…

Edward Plague appears on the stage, holding McCoy in his arms, and he begins to laugh hysterically as he moves the puppet’s head around. McCoy’s head swivels towards the entranceway and the giant form of Joshua walks out behind his cult leader…

HA: We never thought we would see the day….Plague has always wanted an alliance with Joshua but the “Puppet Master” was having none of it….that was until Scars and Stripes when everything changed…

*A quick VT shows the end of the Plague/Joshua match at Scars and Stripes where Plague used McCoy to make Joshua lie down for the pinfall.

HE: I have never seen anything like that before….that match was brutal and I thought Joshua would win, he took everything Plague could throw at him…

HA: But just when it seemed we would crown a new Xtreme Champion, Plague used McCoy and now it seems as though he has brainwashed Joshua into following him…

HE: I’d love to know exactly what kind of power that dummy holds….Joshua seems spellbound…

Plague stands at the base of the ring and holds McCoy up to Joshua’s face. Joshua stares at the puppet and then bows his head and climbs up into the ring. Plague places the dummy on the apron before rolling under the bottom rope…

HA: The Wild Stallions have one hell of a challenge on their hands here tonight…

HE: These two are lambs to the slaughter….how can they be expected to compete against two monsters?

Cassidy and Shaw eye up their monstrous opponents and then Cassidy decides to start out for his team. Plague orders Joshua to take control for the Brotherhood…

HA: Joshua and Cassidy….look at the difference in size…

The two superstars stand toe to toe and then the bell sounds to start the match off. Cassidy quickly clocks Joshua with three quick right hands but the punches have no effect. Cassidy looks at his fists and then lashes chops at Joshua’s chest but once again the monster is unmoved…

HE: Cassidy is fighting a losing battle here….Joshua is almost impossible to hurt…

Cassidy shakes his head and then jumps up and lands a dropkick to the chest of his opponent. Joshua takes a slight step back but is still unruffled by Cassidy’s attacks. Ice Cold shrugs his shoulders and then runs off the ropes…

HA: Cassidy looking for any way to get Joshua on the back foot…

HE: Must try harder…

Cassidy comes running back but takes Joshua’s huge boot right in the face. Cassidy staggers back up and Joshua hits him with an uppercut that sends Ice Cold flying through the air and into the corner…

HE: This has already turned sour for the Wild Stallions…

Cassidy staggers out and Joshua wraps both hands around his throat before lifting him off the ground. Cassidy kicks his legs, struggling, and starts to turn red before Joshua throws him over the top rope and crashing down to the hard flooring…

HA: Nicky Cassidy might be hurt here…that was a bad landing…

HE: Joshua looks in no mood to be messed with tonight…

Billy Shaw drops down to check on his tag partner but Joshua quickly climbs up the turnbuckle, drawing cheers from the crowd, and he jumps off with a flying splash onto both men…

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HE: This guy just doesn’t care about his own safety or anyone else’s…

Joshua drags Billy Shaw up and he runs him forward before lashing him against the ringside barrier with such velocity that Shaw flips upside down and cracks his spine off the corner of the railing. Joshua then pulls Cassidy back up and he smashes his head against the top of the steel steps before rolling him back into the ring…

HA: The Wild Stallions really haven’t been able to get going here tonight….Joshua is on the rampage…

Joshua steps back over the top rope and he grabs Nicky Cassidy by the hair before dragging him up. He hooks his opponent’s arms and then flips him up and powerbombs him back down onto the mat. Edward Plague is smirking on the apron, delighted with what he is seeing…

HE: Edward Plague is so pleased to have a weapon like Joshua at his disposal…

HA: This is perfect for Plague, he gets to sit back and watch Joshua do all his dirty work….

HE: Joshua is sending a message on behalf of the Brotherhood…

Joshua stares down at Nicky Cassidy and then he starts to make his way towards the corner. He climbs to the top, his dark hair covering his face, and he looks down at Cassidy before preparing himself for launch…

HA: This could be a very early night….


Billy Shaw grabs Cassidy’s foot and drags him towards the ropes, sending Joshua crashing down on the canvass. Shaw climbs back up on the apron and takes the tag from his partner before launching onto the top rope…

HA: Billy Shaw just saved Nicky Cassidy there….and now he has a chance to change the momentum…

Crowd: That was awe-some x10

Shaw suddenly flies from on high and lands a shooting star leg-drop to the back of Joshua’s neck. He pushes the monster on his back…………….1………………………2…………Joshua powers out. Shaw pulls Joshua into a piledriver position but Joshua manages to shove Shaw back into the ropes….Shaw comes forward and he rolls under a clothesline before springboarding onto the opposite ropes and flies back with a corkscrew superkick to the jaw…

HE: Joshua didn’t even go down…

Joshua staggers into the corner and Shaw chases in with a flying dropkick, causing the big man to slump down into a seated position. Shaw claps his hands, urging the crowd to follow, and then he rushes over to the opposite corner and leaps up top…

HA: Billy Shaw never met a risk he didn’t like to take…

HE: But can he actually hurt Joshua?

Shaw stands on the top rope and he gives the crowd the thumbs up before launching himself across the ring with a devastating “coast to coast” dropkick, snapping Joshua’s head back into the turnbuckle. The crowd are going wild as Shaw pulls Joshua away from the ropes and covers…………….1…………………..2…………..Joshua powers out again!

HE: Edward Plague doesn’t even seem fazed that Joshua is under increasing pressure…

HA: Plague knows, from his own battles with Joshua, that the “Puppet Master” has an incredible pain threshold….he may not see any reason to worry…

Shaw runs off the ropes and returns with a jumping knee to Joshua’s head before turning on his heel and he lands a standing moonsault. Shaw then rolls out onto the apron and he launches himself into the springboard, turning in midair as he does so….


Shaw comes down from the top rope and looks for his patented corkscrew moonsault but Joshua drives both his feet up into Shaw’s stomach and uses immense power to throw Shaw across the ring with his legs….

HE: This guy is a freak of nature…

Joshua sits up, drawing screams from the crowd, and then he turns and slaps Edward Plague’s arm, initiating the tag. Plague looks down at Joshua and then he flicks his hair from his face and climbs into the ring…

HA: Plague doesn’t look to happy to have to do some work himself…

HE: He brainwashed Joshua for a reason…

Plague waits for Shaw to clamber up in the corner and then he runs across and squashes him with a huge splash. Shaw stumbles out, barely able to stand, and Plague launches him into a huge spinning belly to belly slam…………..1…………………2………………Shaw just manages to get his shoulder up.

Plague stands up and he drops furious elbow after furious elbow into the chest of Billy Shaw before he runs off the ropes and returns with a huge splash…

HA: Billy Shaw is done here…

……..Cassidy breaks it up!

HE: Not a good idea…

HA: Nicky Cassidy had to get involved there…

Plague looks up, locking eyes with Cassidy, and he grins at Ice Cold as the referee escorts him back to the corner. Plague then picks Billy Shaw’s head off the canvass and gets in his face…

Plague: This suffering, child, it does not have to be….it can all go away…resistance is futile…

HE: Is Plague trying to manipulate Billy Shaw?

HA: I don’t think Plague will be happy until the whole roster is under his control…

Plague then slams Shaw’s head back into the mat before he bursts towards the ropes again. He runs back and leaps high into the air, crashing back down with a double foot stomp…

HA: That would have crushed Shaw…he was lucky to avoid impact…

Shaw manages to roll out of the way and he quickly dives through the air and tags in Nicky Cassidy. Cassidy quickly springboards in and he takes Plague off his feet with a missile dropkick before he rushes off the ropes and returns with a spinning heel kick that knocks Plague down again…

HA: Nicky Cassidy exploding back into this match….the Wild Stallions showing they are no pushovers…

Plague gets back up and Cassidy greets him with several right hands before attempting an Irish whip…

HE; Never in a million years…

Plague reverses the whip with ease but Cassidy launches into the ropes and handsprings back and catches Plague in midair with a spinning bulldog. Cassidy gets back up and he springboards back onto the ropes and flips back with a brutal double knee-drop to the face….

HA: That just might do it…

1…………….2……………shoulder up.

Plague sways slightly as he stands up and Cassidy kicks him in the stomach and tries to lift him up for an impaler DDT…

HE: Plague not having any of that…

Plague shoves Cassidy back into the corner and then tries to run in after him with a flying splash but Cassidy rolls around the turnbuckle and nails a kick over the top rope. Plague staggers backwards as Cassidy goes up top and launches himself…

HA: Cross…

HE: Oh lord….

Plague catches Cassidy in his arms and then he smiles and launches him with a huge fall away slam. Cassidy staggers back up and Plague bench presses him into the air…

HE: This is going to be a bad landing…

Plague continues to smile and then he slams Cassidy down onto the canvass. The Xtreme Champion rushes off the ropes and returns with a huge jumping foot stomp…

HA: Plague stomp…

HE: That is all, Cassidy is crushed…

……….Billy Shaw intervenes.

HA: Shaw knew Cassidy was in big trouble there…

HE: He’s in trouble of his own now…

Plague stares at Shaw, malice in his eyes, but Shaw shakes his head and rattles off with right hands. He lashes kicks into Plague’s chest and then swings a huge roundhouse kick at his head….

HA: Plague dodged that one…

Plague ducks the kick and he manages to push Shaw off the ropes before seizing him by the throat as he comes back…


The crowd cheer as Shaw counters the chokeslam in midair and nails Plague with a tornado DDT. He quickly rolls over to the corner and he leaps up to the top rope…


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Joshua makes his way across the apron and he detonates with an uppercut to Shaw’s jaw, causing the smaller man to backflip from the top rope upon impact. Shaw crashes down onto the canvass, clearly disorientated, as Plague stumbles back up and he flips Shaw onto his shoulders…

HE: This is bad…CONFESSION!

Plague runs Shaw across the ring and launches him into the “border toss” powerbomb, lashing Shaw against the turnbuckle. Shaw crumples to the mat, unmoving…

HA: Billy Shaw might need medical assistance after that…

HE: He might need a wheelchair…


The crowd suddenly erupts as Plague turns around and Nicky Cassidy lands a superkick right to the jaw. He drops down into a cover…

HA: He got him…


The referee’s hand comes down to hit the mat for three when Joshua seizes Cassidy in a full nelson and rips him off the cover. Joshua begins to wildly swing Cassidy around the ring, thrashing his body from side to side in a violent manner…

HA: Cassidy is being rag-dolled….Joshua is trying to tear him limb from limb…

The referee is trying to get Joshua to release the hold but the monster does not listen and he continues to torture Nicky Cassidy. The crowd are watching on in horror as Cassidy’s body begins to go limp…

HE: I don’t think Joshua cares, he wants to destroy something here…

Cassidy is slumped forward, his eyes closed, and Joshua suddenly lifts him high off the canvass and then smashes him down with a sickening full nelson slam. He backs away, his face still covered by a tangle of hair, as Edward Plague starts to rise back to his feet…

HA: Plague is laughing….he knows what he has at his disposal here…

Plague stares at Joshua, his eyes gleaming with excitement, and then he turns and he rags the limp form of Nicky Cassidy up. The crowd are booing as Plague then scoops him into the air…

HE: This is the exclamation point…

HA: No need for this…


Plague drills Cassidy with the “omega” tombstone and then he folds Cassidy’s arms over his chest…

HE: They did it….Plague and Joshua just beat the Wild Stallions…

HA: The Stallions proved their bravery tonight but against these two behemoths, they were always fighting an uphill battle…

Plague is on his knees, over the body of Nicky Cassidy, and he looks over at Joshua with a smile on his face. Joshua is just staring straight back, no trace of emotion on his face. Plague then stands up and he walks closer to Joshua, holding out his arms…

Plague: This is the beginning, brother….our path is just getting started…first you must atone for your past, from there we shall set the world ablaze…

HA: What the hell is Plague going on about?

HE: I don’t know but Joshua doesn’t seem to interested…

Plague continues to lock eyes with his “ally” but then the crowd roar as Joshua wraps his hand around Plague’s throat. He squeezes hard, turning Plague’s face red, and marches him towards the centre of the ring…

HA: Joshua is resisting control….he’s still the same monster he always was…

HE: Plague’s plan is backfiring….

Cody and Dylan suddenly come running down the ramp and they quickly grab McCoy off the apron and roll into the ring. They get in close to Joshua and hold the puppet in his face…

HA: What is this?

HE: I think the Brotherhood got here in the nick of time….they are using McCoy to manipulate Joshua again…

HA: What is the deal with that dummy?

Slowly, Joshua releases his hand from Plague’s throat and backs away. Dylan continues to hold McCoy up in his face but Plague puts a hand on Dylan’s shoulder and orders him back. Plague then looks at Joshua…

Plague: You will learn, brother….you shall follow the path of righteousness, so help me I will make you learn that the new world is my world…my rules…..I know you, Joshua, I know you more than anyone else….I know what you are….I know what you have done….but the sins of your past, they can be cleansed, you can be forgiven….but in order to do so you must learn that we are not your enemy…

There is a stare-down between Joshua and the Brotherhood and then Joshua spins to the side and grabs Billy Shaw by the throat. Shaw, who was coming to check on Nicky Cassidy, looks fearful as Joshua hauls him into the air and drills him with a devastating chokeslam…

HE: I guess Plague got through to Joshua again….The Brotherhood are really playing with this guy’s mind…

HA: But Joshua isn’t a fully-fledged follower yet….I think Plague may have trouble converting the “Puppet Master”…

HE: As long as Plague has that doll, I think he will be able to make Joshua do whatever he wants…even if there are a few bumps along the way…

Plague flicks his hair from his face and howls with laughter before beckoning Cody, Dylan and Joshua to follow him from the ring. The crowd are booing as The Brotherhood make their exit and the cameras show Nicky Cassidy and Billy Shaw still in a heap inside the ring. Plague turns back to the crowd and he holds McCoy up in the air before grinning and following his stable into the backstage area…

HA: The Brotherhood is rising….the 6CW is not safe from these men…

Match result: Edward Plague/Joshua via pinfall
Match time: 7 minutes, 12 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:52

*Bam is in the changing room, pacing back and forth. He has one hand to his right ear, and we see he is on the phone.

BS: I don't understand...why did it turn out this way? I totally had it all figured out.

*The voice on the other end responds, although too muffled for us to understand.

BS: How did I get this number? That nice Enforcer gave it to me, he said you hadn't talked in ages but I would be the man to ignite your love of wrestling.


BS: That isn't important now, silly. I need you to help me. What do I do now? Where do I go? I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter. It hurts to walk, I totally can't talk to Jackson again and I've lost all my Bam!

*As the man on the other end responds, Bam suddenly stops

BS: You're right! Every man I've ever loved in this industry has got knocked down. It's about how you get back up. OMG it totez has to be that way! This is where I prove my sparkle. Titles? You bet your bottom dollar I can win a title mister!

*While the other end replies Bam's head follows something outside the door, his mouth wide open. He interrupts

BS: Sorry, Hero, but Anthony Grace deffo just walked by my changing room! He's SO dreamy! TTYL!

*Bam hangs up, checks his hair in the mirror then runs full pace out of the room as the scene fades.


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:54

(Mr. Hernandez is walking through the backstage area)

???: I didn’t think you were allowed to be on your own. Don’t you have a clause in your contract that says your tongue has to be firmly up Jones rear end 24/7?

(Hernandez turns and Dean Andrews walks into shot)

MH: Funny Andrews and where is Magnusson? I’m surprised to see you off his lap

DA: Keep trying Heat. Nothing you can say will ruin this mood. You guys are on the way out, your powers are waning, and soon we will be the only people with Authorita!!

MH: What does that even mean?

(Andrews laughs)

DA: It means you better pack up your stuff and get ready for a long trip off a short bridge because pretty soon ex 6CW employee will be on your CV

(Hernandez shakes his head)

MH: And why would we be going anywhere Dean, last time I checked we still had control of 3 titles and you have how many, remind me again?

DA: You saw on Sunday how quickly things can change around here. The tide has turned Hernandez. 6CW is coming home

(Hernandez screws up his face)

MH: This aint no Dido song Deano, this aint no fairytale. We beat your sorry asses before and when the time comes we will beat your sorry asses again. I guarantee soon you will be laughing on the other side of your face

(Andrews is grinning from ear to ear)

DA: We shall see, we shall see

(The two men face off briefly before Andrews turns on his heels and walks away)

DA: Enjoy the rest of the show

Hernandez is shaking his head as the scene changes


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 22:57

(DeMarcus Brown is pacing the backstage corridor and talking to himself angrily. He has his head downwards as he walks from side to side and is obviously seething.)

DB: I trained, I pushed myself, and I took it to another level. And all that didn't do a goddamn thing! I stepped up! I went out there to prove myself! And look where I am now! Pacing around in a damn corridor while some fool parades himself!

(He smacks the wall with his fist and leaves a large dent. Suddenly, a shadow appears from the side.)

??: Andrews sees that and your ass will have to pay for the damage......

(DeMarcus turns round to see JJ Johnson standing there. DeMarcus says nothing but just swears under his breath. JJ steps closer and tries to lay a hand on DeMarcus' shoulder.)

JJ: What you doing back here talkin' to yourself anyway?

(DeMarcus pulls himself away and stares at Johnson.)

DM: What the hell do you care man?! You came here to some kind of goddamn return of the messiah fanfare! What are you doing talkin' to the likes of me huh?!

(JJ backs away a little irritated.)

JJ: If I came here to a fanfare, then I deserved it. I have been to the bottom and I climbed my way up. Don't mean I can't be respectful to those on the way up too.

DM: Respectful? Don't you say that to me. Your ass been riding on a huge ego trip ever since you arrived……. Don't suddenly think you got time for me 'cause I see right through your whiter than white ways. Man, you have turned soft! Sitting on your goddamn throne and forgetting just where you are now. There are guys hungrier than you and more to prove than jus' some guy after one last big payday that lands in their damn lap!

(JJ sighs deeply and shakes his head.)

JJ: Look, I came to help.......

(DeMarcus suddenly points his finger in Johnson's face and spits his words out.)

DM: I don't need no goddamn help, especially from the likes of you! My form is my problem! My form is gonna change! You can't keep a man like DeMarcus Brown down for long, even when God tries to test him! You go back to your ivory tower. Before my right hand causes it to crash down around you!

(He barges past JJ so that there shoulders knock together and then strides out of shot. Johnson watches him go and shakes his head again.)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:07

Match 3
Jax Cutler vs Bam Sparkleston

Ha: Up next we have the International Champion going one on one against Bam Sparkleston

He: We might have, Bam took a heck of a beating against Jackson Black last week and he is by no means anywhere near 100%, if he had any sense he'd pull out of this contest

Ha: I don't see that happenng any time soon. Granted I wouldn't be relishing the prospect of stepping in the ring with Cutler here tonight

The fans suddenly begin to boo loudly as 'bridge burning' starts to play and Cutler makes his way out led by Michael Hathaway. Pyros shoot up in the air as Cutler slowly makes his way down to the ring being applauded by Hathaway with every step.

He: Look at this guy, built for one purpose and that is to destroy what is put in front of him. No disrespect to the International title that Jax holds, but it's only a matter of time before he's aiming higher

Ha: Well before that Jax will take on Bam Sparkleston here tonight, he'll definately show tonight, why wouldn't he? A win over Jax could put him right in place for a title shot somewhere down the line

He: Nonsense, if he does show he'll be crazy

The fans then begin to cheer as 'best song ever' blasts from the speakers and Bam gingerly makes his way out fom backstage. His ribs are heavily taped and he whinces in pain as he throws his arms in the air. He continues to make his way down to the ring, tagging the hands of the fans and stopping for the occasional selfie

Ha: See I told you he'd turn up

He: The guy is a moron then. So long and farewell Bam, after tonight I'm pretty sure if Jax doesn't end your career you'll walk away if you knew what was good for you

Ha: Stranger things have happened than a Bam win here tonight, plus he's proved he's a talented individual early on in his 6CW career

He: That may be, but all I know the last time these two were in the ring together Jax threw Bam from the top of a 20ft high ladder with considerable ease

Bam climbs into the ring and poses for the fans again, he tries to get a selfie with the Jax who pushes him away and the official signals for the bell.

No sooner as it has rung Jax storms towards Bam and drives him into the corner of the ring. He connects with some big right hands but then changes his attentions to the mid section targeting the heavily taped ribs. Each shoulder charge draws more pain across the face of Bam as the official orders Jax out of the corner

Jax backs away and Bam doubles over in the corner of the ring holding his gut. Hathaway barks instructions as Jax runs at Bam and sqaushes him up against the turnbuckle. He staggers out and Jax throws him easily with an overhead suplex and quickly goes for the pin



Bam kicks out and Jax drags him back to his feet, he backs him against the ropes and then whips him across the ring before hitting a big body drop and dropping down for a cover again



Bam again kicks out and Jax goes straight to a mounted position and rains down vicious left and right hands as Bam can only try and cover up. Jax gets to his feet and backs away ordering Bam to get up.

He: Jax kicks Bam in gut.....perfect suplex there applying more pressure to the taped area of Bam. Jax is like a shark that smells blood




Ha: Shoulder up again from Bam, he really needs to look at getting some sort of a foothold in this match

Jax drags Bam back to his feet. He pushes him into the corner of the ring again and begins to wail on him with huge body shots before rocking him with a huge uppercut. Bam staggers out of the corner and Jax lifts him across his shoulders and sets him in positin for a running powerslam


The crowd go crazy as Bam falls off the back and pushes Jax into the corner before kicking him in the stomach and dropping him face first to the canvas with a huge DDT. Bam slowly crawls over and drapes his arm across for the pinfall


Jax kicks out with relative ease as Bam quickly gets to his feet. Jax follows suit and Bam bounces off the ropes and rocks him with a big clothesline. The powerhouse stays standing and Bam follows up with a second and a third clothesline but can't put the International Champ down

Ha: That'll help take him down

Bam connects with a dropkick to the knee





Ha: Close fall

Hathaway looks on from ringside urging his client to get to his feet, as he does Bam runs at him





He: Bam kicks out, but Cutler back in the driving seat

Cutler picks Bam up off the mat and whips him against the ropes and drops him with a sidewalk slam, shaking the ring with the force. He lifts him back up and kicks him in the mid section and then connects with a stalling suplex and floats over in to another pin attempt




Ha: Bam kicking out again, but once again he needs to look to get back into this one

Cutler gets up and begins to stalk his opponent. He waits as he slowly gets to his feet before wrapping his hands around his waist and sends him flying halfway across the ring

He: Huge German suplex, Jax really has it all. Size, strength, ability. This guy is destined for the top of this great company

Bam crawls to the corner of the ring and pulls himself up using the ropes as Jax sizes him up

He: Jax incoming






He: No, Jax kickedout...just

Jax quickly gets to his feet as Bam ducks under a clothesline attempts, he grabs him by the head and runs up the turnbuckles





He: kick out again, come on Jax, don't let this clown back in

Bam gets to his feet and wills the fans on as they get behind behind the fan favourite. He waits for Jax to get to his feet before knocking him down with a dropkick, Jax gets up again and runs into another dropkick. Bam climbs up to the top rope and waits as Jax gets up again





He: Shoulder up by Jax, Hathaway blows a huge sigh of relief

Ha: I don't think Jax has any clue whats going on here.........NSFW!!

The crowd cheer as Bam hits the double knee to the head of Bam knocking back to the mat




Ha: He got him, Jax has won


Bam looks to the heavens before realising that Hathaway was the one that put the foot on the rope. Hathaway smiles smugly at ringside but his complexion quickly changes as Bam exits the ring and gives chase. Hathaway runs a full circle around the ring before sliding inside, Bam follows


He: Not the referees fault that Bam can't keep focused

The crowd aren't happy as Jax tackles Bam to the ground and begins to unleash a flurry of punches on him. He gets up and drags him to his feet and sends him flying with a belly to belly suplex, and then lifts him again and sends him flying with a T Bone suplex.

Cutler drags Bam back to his feet and pushes him up against the ropes, he Irish whips him across to the opposite ropes





He: How on Earth did Bam kick out

Ha: You sold him short, this kid is nothing but heart

Bam shows the first sign of emotions as he hits the mat in frustration. He gets to his feet and he motions for Bam to do the same. He kicks him in the gut and rips him through the air before driving him down to the mat with a powerbomb and he drops on him again for a cover



Ha: Shoulder up again from Bam, what resilience

He: I don't know how he is doing this. He's definately crazy

Jax angrily lifts Bam from the canvas and wraps his arms around his waist and lifts him into the air into the bearhug. He shakes him from side to side as the life quickly fades out of Bam. The official positions himself in place for the submission but Bam looks to be out of it. The official raises his arm high into the air and it drops straight away, he raises it a second time and same again, drops straight back to his side

He: One more and this is over...IT DROPS


The fans are cheering Bams name as his arm shoots back in the air. It shakes back and forth feeding off the energy from the fans before he starts to punch down to the temple of Jax. Jax tries to apply more and more pressure but Bam is persistent in his attack

Ha: Bam is free, I don't know how he does is he still in this?


Bam gets free and bounces off the ropes only to run into a big boot from Cutler which knocks Bam back down. Jax lifts him up and throws him across the ring sliding him gut first into the steel ringpost. He looks on happy at his destruction and he waits for Bam to pull himself to his feet

He: SPEA.....


Bam side steps the spear attempt and Jax goes shoulder first into the steel ringpost. He staggers out holding his shoulder and he turns to face the centre of the ring


He: Where's he going?

Ha: He's heading to the top rope, these fans urging him on.........PUKING RAINBOWS! BAM IS GOING TO BEAT THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION




He: Not yet he isn't

Bam holds his head in his hands and pleads for a three count. He gets back to his feet holding his rib area before exiting the ring to the apron and climbing to the top rope again

Ha: Is he feeling froggy again? He's already hit one for a near fall, a second may just do it

flashbulbs go off all around the arena as Bam soars through the air

Ha: Ouch


Replays show Bam going for a second frogsplash and Jax rolling out of the way, then as Bam gets to his feet Jax destroys him with the spear. Cutler doesn't even consider going for the pin but lifts Bam off the mat and kicks him in the gut, he positions him between his legs but then drags hm through the air





ding ding ding

The official signals for the bell as Jax gets to his feet. He lifts Bam back up and throws him out of the ring. The official grabs his title from ringside and Hathaway rips it from his grasp and presents it to his client before they leave the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd

Ha: I think judging by Cutlers post match reaction he expected Bam to be an easier foe than he proved to be

He: I'll give credit were its due, Bam proved to be a brave and resilient opponent tonight, but he's also stupid. Given the beating he took from Black to subject himself to that tonight, his career won't last long

Ha: Bravery and resilience can be the making of somebody Henry, and this kid has it by the bucket full

Bam comes to at ringside and slowly makes his way back to backstage as the fans cheer him on

Match result: Jax Cutler via pinfall
Match time: 8 minutes, 33 seconds


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:08

Christy is backstage, dressed divinely, mic in hand

CJ: My guest at this time...Jimmy Phillips

*Jimmy walks in nods, signalling for CJ to start

CJ: Jimmy, another night of nearly but not quite...your year hasn't kicked off quite yet, has it?

JP: No, Christy, it hasn't. No use skirting around the fact that I promised to deliver something great and so far I have failed.

CJ: Time to pick yourself up and go again?

JP: If I didn't have that drive then I wouldn't even show up. I'm an all in kinda guy.

CJ: You'll need to be tonight. XTreme Championship number one contender's match against an equally as angry DeMarcus Brown...

*Jimmy smiles

JP: Yeah, I think this is going to be therapeutic for the both of us. A weapon in hand and a target to hit; that's the first thing you want after a bad night at the office.

CJ: The Year of the Talent isn't over yet, Jim, still 5 months to go

*Phillips smiles again

JP: I know kid, I know. Maybe it needs to get XTreme before it really begins.

CJ: Thanks for your time.

*Phillips gives her a kiss on the cheek before walking away


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:12

(The camera faces Daniel Magnusson as he sits at his plush office desk. The backs of two other men are seen sitting upright in chairs and with their gaze facing each other. Magnusson places his fingers together and rests them on the desk, before breathing out wearily. The camera zooms into his face as the 6CW co-owner starts to speak in hushed tones.)

DM: Firstly, I want to thank you both for agreeing to come see me........and each other. I know that issues have now come to a head since Scars and Stripes. I also know that away from the TV cameras the pair of you have been, how I can put it, confrontational backstage. With the increased media attention we have been getting lately, I want to be sure that publically we run a happy ship. This is why, privately and face to face, I have asked you to sit with me now.

(He leans forward and addresses the two men.)

DM: Now…….who would like to speak first?

(The camera pans to the side and we see Mike Masters and Scott Harris seated in the chairs. They are still looking at each other, as if goading the other man to make a move first. Magnusson darts his eyes from left to right, before sighing again. He covers up his eyes with one hand and leans on his elbow on the desk.)

DM: Do you know what I can’t handle the most? Not the fact that you two came to blows during that match. Or even that you lost the tag team titles. It is the fact that I have been questioned by unknowledgeable idiots for having faith in you two.

(He looks up and his eyes again move from Masters and Harris, desperately trying to see any kind of acknowledgment. The former tag team champions seem in their own little world however. Finally Magnusson has had enough and slams the desk hard with his hand. The noise at last wakes up the two wrestlers, who turn their attention to him.)

DM: Let me tell you something real clear! I will NOT have my decisions questioned!

(Harris stiffens in his seat and turns away. Masters smirks and starts to speak.)

MM: It was never going to work out. You were dreaming Daniel. Daddy’s boy over there was intent on screwing us all over. It’s in his blood remember.

(Harris turns around and laughs.)

SH: I think you did enough screwing over yourself! We make the pin and we are still tag team champions. But your ego got in the way of the better man, who was proving it again and again.

MM: I would rather lose than see you wearing another championship belt. You have rode on my coat tails for too long and I wasn’t going to let you worm your way in and steal the glory again. Anyway, you aren’t interested in teamwork…….teamwork would have allowed his partner to get the win when the opportunity came.

SH: Partner? Sorry I don’t see any partner here. I just see bulls***.

(Magnusson gets out of his seat loudly and the two men stop their bickering. He stands with his back to them and starts to speak.)

DM: I thought you two had some sense. I hoped you two would realise that for the Uprising to succeed, we need to show we were on the same page…..

MM: How can we do that, when we have an Authority spy in our ranks?!

SH: Oh shut the f……


(Magnusson turns round and places both hands on his desk. He speaks calmly even after the eruption, but has some degree of menace to his tone.)

DM: One of the benefits of being an owner is, that come show day, I don’t have to do anything more than smile, have my photo taken and greet the fans. But that doesn’t mean I have time to babysit two retarded children…….

(He sits down slowly and addresses the two men.)

DM: This is what we are going to do. You are both going to cut the macho talk and rediscover how you two became tag team champions in the first place. Hell, we are going to go right back to when you first became a team! Then……and only then…..are you two going to leave this room.

(Harris goes to speak but Magnusson cuts in)

DM: And if you don’t like it……you may leave. But you wave goodbye to your careers in the process. Do I make myself clear?

(Harris and Masters say nothing as the camera pans round to the original position of facing their backs. Magnusson takes yet another sigh as the scene fades.)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:16

Match 4
#1 Contender (Xtreme Championship)
Jimmy Phillips vs DeMarcus Brown

“Cold Ash” booms out to a tremendous reception as the action returns to ringside. Jimmy Phillips bursts through the curtain, a determined look on his face, and he walks from one side of the stage to the other, drinking in the atmosphere.

HA: The following contest will crown the next contender to Edward Plague’s Xtreme Championship…big prize on the line here…

HE: Is it a prize? Facing Plague is more like a curse if you ask me…

Phillips hauls his hooded top into the audience and then he walks down the aisleway. He leaps up on the apron, sending pyros shooting from all four turnbuckles, and then he climbs through the ropes…

HA: Jimmy Phillips has found himself on the periphery of winning championship gold more than once this year but as of yet it keeps eluding him…

HE: It’s his own fault for harping on about that “Year of the Talent” rubbish…we are eight months in now and he still has nothing to show for it…

HA: Phillips has made a very bold claim, he is confident in his abilities, but right now luck just will not go for him….

Phillips bounces off the ropes, warming himself up, before “Gangsta Rap” echoes out to another solid reception from the 6CW crowd. DeMarcus Brown, wearing his usual hoody and bandana, walks out onto the stage…

HA: DeMarcus Brown is another man whose form is leaving a lot to be desired right now….he just can’t catch a break…

HE: I used to like Brown but he lost his killer instinct somewhere along the way…he lost against Cagero at Scars and Stripes and right now he is hovering around the lower rungs of the success ladder…

HA: Brown spent a few months out of action following injuries sustained against Ojore in an Xtreme Championship match…could this division be his ticket back to the big time or is he making a foolish mistake by returning to the place where it all went wrong for him last time?

HE: These guys need a break so I guess they need to take whatever chance comes their way….not many people want to step up and challenge Edward Plague, but it is a shot at championship gold whatever way you look at it…

HA: Phillips and Brown may not be having a great of it right now but neither will back down from a fight….that goes for tonight and whoever goes on to challenge Plague…

Brown climbs up onto the apron and steps through the ropes before getting right in Phillips’ face. Both men rub heads and the referee is forced to separate them before giving the signal for the bell to start the match off…

HA: This will be a hard-hitting fight…neither man knows the meaning of a “backwards step”…

Brown and Phillips instantly lock-up and try to win the test of strength. Phillips begins to back Brown up but then Brown comes forwards once more. They swap the advantage for nearly a minute and then Brown manages to pull JP forwards and knees him in the stomach…

HE: Brown was raised on the streets, he is suited to a street fight environment…

He clubs Phillips across the back and forces him to the ropes before unloading with a barrage of left and rights. He grabs JP’s arm and whips him across the ring, lowering his head for a backdrop as Phillips comes back…

HA: Nice athleticism from the “Talent”…

Phillips hurdles Brown and runs off the opposite ropes before returning with a flying shoulder tackle, knocking his opponent down. They get back up and Phillips lands with thunderous right hands before he whips Brown off the ropes and sends him flying with an overhead suplex as he comes back…

HE: Jimmy Phillips has put a lot of pressure on himself with the whole “Year of the Talent” schtick, he needs to start backing it up…

Brown gets back to his feet and Phillips tries to lift him up onto his shoulders but Brown drops behind and shoves JP off the ropes before flooring him with a boot to the face as he returns…………..1………………2………….shoulder up. Brown clubs JP across the back and pulls him up before lifting him into a suplex…Phillips floats over the back and counters with a schoolboy…………..1…………………….2……………kickout!

HA: These two men are desperate to prove their championship credentials but the 6CW roster is so talented right now that you have to take the opportunity when it arises…

They scramble back up and Phillips tries to time Brown into a “Touchdown” but Brown elbows his way free and then scoops JP up on his shoulders….


Phillips drops off the side and he counters with a Russian leg-sweep………….1…………………….2…………shoulder up. Phillips pulls Brown and tries to flip him up for a powerbomb but Brown drops out front and lands a huge uppercut, sending JP staggering into the corner. Brown then sprints in and crashes into Phillips with a spear/shoulder thrust…

HA: That just drove all the wind out of Phillips….he really felt that…

Phillips doubles up, struggling to breathe, as Brown lifts him up onto the top rope. The crowd watch on with anticipation as Brown climbs onto the ropes and looks for a superplex…

HA: This could be about to get painful for Jimmy Phillips…

Phillips launches forward and he head-butts Brown in the face before landing brutal hooks to the body. Brown tries to fight back but Phillips shoves him in the chest, sending him flying back down to the canvass…

HE: Phillips just outfought DeMarcus Brown, shocker….

HA: Now he is airborne….

Phillips launches himself from the top rope and he wipes Brown out with a solid lariat. Brown staggers back up and Phillips lifts him onto his shoulders and nails a fireman’s slam (Attitude Adjustment)…………………….1………………………….2……………….Brown gets his shoulder up!

HA: Phillips looking to take control now…

Brown gets back up and Phillips scoop slams him back to the deck before bouncing off the ropes and returning with a big leg-drop……………..1………………..2……….shoulder up. Phillips waits for Brown to start standing and then he runs off the ropes…


Brown ducks the clothesline “from hell” and he waits for Phillips to turn back around before smashing him into the mat with a spinebuster……………1………………….2……………shoulder up. Brown beats his chest and makes his way to the corner, motioning for JP to get back up…

HA: Brown knocks he has a chance here….he’s locked and loaded…..DRIVE BY!

Brown comes rushing across the ring for the spear but Phillips drops his shoulder and counters with an explosive Samoan drop……..
……..shoulder up!

HE: These guys are tearing strips off of one another…

HA: Great, physical, match up…

Phillips gets up and he stalks Brown, a look of deep determination on his face, before nodding his head and drawing his opponent in…


Brown reacts with a solid knee to Phillips’ stomach and then he hauls him up on his shoulders, spinning him around….


Phillips kicks and squirms before falling off the back. He tries to pull Brown into a full nelson but Brown rushes backwards and squashes his opponent in the corner. Brown stumbles forwards, catching his breath, and then he sprints off the opposite ropes…


HE: Phillips didn’t see it coming…

Phillips’ head smashes off the mat in a whiplash effect as Brown runs right through him with the spear…
…………thr-shoulder up!

HA: Phillips kicked out… word he wants his shot at the title…

Brown looks up and he stares at the referee with disbelief. The official holds up two fingers and receives a verbal bashing from DeMarcus Brown. Brown then gets back to his feet and he spits on the ground as he waits for Jimmy Phillips to stand…

HE: Phillips may want a title shot but it is Brown who is closing in….this one is all but over…..BROKEN HOME!


Brown launches Phillips into the air for the F-5 but Phillips somehow lands out on his feet and quickly runs the ropes before returning with a thunderous clothesline…


Crowd: This is awe-some x5

HA: This is two superstars in their prime, battling with everything they have got….great match…

It is Jimmy Phillips’ turn to roll over and look at the referee in disbelief. The crowd are going wild as JP and Brown try to get back up…

HE: They are hauling the kitchen sink at one another….there can’t be much left…

*Crowd roar

HA: Oh my…

Suddenly, Joshua comes walking out from the backstage area. His long dark hair covers his face, hiding his expression, but his walk to the ring signals that he means business. Joshua climbs up onto the apron and steps over the top rope before shoving the referee to the ground…

HE: What is he doing out here?

HA: I guess Edward Plague wants a message sent to the pretenders to his throne…

The referee quickly starts calling for the bell but Joshua doesn’t care. He waits for Phillips to turn around before destroying him with a chokeslam and then delivers the same fate to DeMarcus Brown…

HE: Joshua is destroying anything that moves…

Joshua stands in the middle of the wreckage and then he backs away to the ropes and falls over them to the outside. He doesn’t even give the ring a backwards glance as he walks back up the ramp…

HA: Joshua just came out here and wrecked everything in front of him….what a statement…

HE: But who gets the title shot?

HA: Neither, the referee threw the match out when Joshua got involved….the Xtreme Division is wide open…

HE: Phillips and Brown are not going to be happy…

HA: Edward Plague is quickly making his presence felt in 6CW….the wrath of The Brotherhood is becoming a real threat…and Joshua is the main weapon in their ever growing arsenal…

The referee can be seen checking on DeMarcus Brown and Jimmy Phillips as the action is taken backstage.

Match result: No contest
Match time: 5 minutes, 13 seconds


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:18

(The camera cuts to the backstage area where the hooded figure of Keith Leone can be seen entering the building. Leone seems to be skulking slightly and looking around the corridor, seemingly trying to catch site of someone as he walks. Finally Leone seems to grow tired as he throws his kit bag to the ground before just staring down at it before he begins speaking.)

Leone: Did I go too far last time out? Am I really that kind of guy?

(There is a pause for a moment before Leone kicks his bag with a great amount of force, sending various parts of wrestling gear and paper-work everywhere. )

Leone: Well I think that no answer will ever match that as a look into the psyche of Keith Leone really. Now I admit I have a bad track record with doing what’s “acceptable” in terms of building peoples aggression, I mean Dicey Reilly will attest to that.

My question is why is it in JJ’s eyes unacceptable for me to mention his family when he’s putting them through more distress than I am. I only used them to prove a point; I’m not the guy who has them afraid every time they turn on the television in case they say the breaking news of JJ Johnson being crippled in the wrestling ring. It certainly takes a level of selfishness to do everything that JJ has done, a level that I certainly have never been able to attain even at my most egotistical.

When JJ Johnson came back he had the red carpet rolled out for himself, he made sure every wrestling reporter was watching his every move. If it was any more self-indulgent I wouldn’t have been surprised to hear about JJ Johnson having an operation to remove a few ribs so he could perform… well you get the gist of it. At Scars and Stripes JJ, you got mad because I did what I do best, differ from the norm, dare to not tow the company line, and you got scared that your angelic appearance may have been tainted.

Suddenly you realised the entire company wasn’t queuing up to kiss your feet, and one member in particular was hell bent on destroying the illusion you have created.

(Leone smiles)

Leone: Though I can’t really blame you, hell, even in your own backyard people were still cheering for me, imagine that JJ, some of your own “guys” were as happy to see me as they were to see you. When I walked into Dublin, Dicey Reilly’s fans were ready to tear me limb from limb, as was he coincidentally, something I don’t think you’re capable of, but I digress.

Now does that simply mean I have a huge American fan base, or maybe it has something to do with people starting to see the genuine mind-set of JJ Johnson?

The JJ Johnson who doesn’t care who he hurts both physically and emotionally to get another five minutes of fame, the JJ Johnson who needs all of the attention like a spoilt six year old. Face it JJ, from the moment we set foot in the ring with each other for the first time, you knew I would pull the walls of your little charade down.

Now you have a choice to make, do you try and lie to the people once again to get yourself “beloved”, or do you try and win over the fans the right way by showing yourself to be the best. It’s all up to you now, but I have a horrible feeling I know which was you’re going to go.

(Leone walks around the corridor now moving some of his belongings with his feet back towards his bag, not using much effort though. When Leone seems satisfied he then speaks again.)

Leone: But don’t worry JJ, this week you get to do what you love most, run your mouth inanely for a few minutes whilst people are forced to listen.

Maybe though you’ll find commentating more of a thrill than you thought it was, I mean there is every danger that your return could be over before it even really began when we clash at Beachfront Brawl.

(Leone sighs)

Leone: But quite frankly I’m tired of talking about you, now I want to talk about a real legend of this company. I want to talk about a man who gave his all for this place, who built it up brick by brick, the man who shed blood, sweat and…

I’m sorry I can’t do this with a straight face. Jerome Dubois, the newest member of the 6CW Hall of Fame, the man who proves that if you hang around long enough in a place they do eventually call you a “legend”.

I mean really, when the hell did a guy like Dubois become a 6CW great?

All you’ve done throughout your career is jumped from one guy to another, leaching off of their success. Gazzy D, Cobra, Perfect Jack, hell even some pretend Satan worshipper, the list goes on and on……..

I will slate JJ, but at least I respect him for what he’s accomplished, but it’s not quite the same when we look at you is it?

But the best part of all of this is I remember what you said when I first came back to 6CW. Something along the lines of kicking me back into the shadows where I belong I believe it was?

Well it’s time to see if you can do just that, which is of course assuming it’s not just another Jerome Dubois statement that he knows full well he can’t pull off.

Now I know this is all a bit harsh on you Jerome, I mean you did almost manage to win at Scars and Stripes, well kind of, sort of, maybe if the other three guys were blindfolded at least……….. But hey at least you were there Jerome, and you can once again bask in someone else’s glow at Aftermath when you step into the ring with a real legend of 6CW. Though even with all of my disdain for you Jerome, I want you to know that whatever happens in that ring isn’t entirely personal; I just have a special guest watching that I want to make a good impression on. Now if you excuse me, I have some clearing up to do.

(Keith Leone turns from the camera and starts to repack his bag as the camera cuts away.)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:20

*Timothy Allen is backstage, the tuxedo shorn and a normal suit now his choice of clothing.

TA: My guest at this time...Jackson Black

*Black walks over. Allen offers a hand but Jackson completely ignores him.

TA: A big win at Scars and Stripes, finally showing that you really can beat Bam Sparkleston

JB: Who ever really doubted that? I'm Jackson Black, the rust is shaken off and now the pain follows.

TA: The pain follows?

JB: It's a warning, Timothy. Don't let me be seen as a merciless man. I'm giving everyone in this building due notice. Jackson Black is on the warpath.

TA: And where does that path lead you?

JB: Titles, championships. And there's a few around here I think are being held by men that don't deserve them

??: I hope you don't mean my client, Mr Black, or we'll be having issues.

*The voice comes from off screen, and Black turns as the camera does to see a smug Michael Hathaway standing with Jax Cutler by his side.

JB: I'd suggest you keep out of my way; your boy doesn't wanna lose that before he even fits it around his waist.

*Cutler steps forward and, for once, Hathaway doesn't stop him. Allen runs away. The pair of Cutler and Black go face to face.

JC: I'm right here.

*Black smiles

JB: It's like that, is it Cutler? Let's see how far the boy wonder can go.

*Black jabs a finger into Cutler's chest.

JB: Target acquired.

*Black turns and walks away, Hathaway putting a hand on Cutler's shoulder to stop him moving forward.


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:22

(The camera comes back to the door of Daniel Magnusson's office as heated voices are heard inside. The door opens and we can see Harris and Masters standing a few feet apart and pointing to each other aggressively. Daniel Magnusson is sitting at the desk with his head in his hands, as Harris and Masters continue to argue.)

SH: When are you ever going to see sense?! You cry about being screwed so many times that it is getting repetitive and boring!

MM: Like "Needs More Harris" you mean?! No one needs you Scott! Even your father wishes he came into a sock when he stares at you!

SH: You think I give a damn what he thinks?! If you are concerned about him so much, then maybe he should adopt you! Another baby to add to his collection!

(Daniel Magnusson slides back his chair noisily and then two men look at him. Magnusson starts to stand leisurely before looking at the two men with a mock look of confusion.)

DM: Oh I am sorry, was I interrupting you two? There doesn't seem to be much point me being here and, come to think of it, there doesn't seem to be much point you being here either. We have increased our roster already with someone with a bit of class and passion. Someone ready to fight for the 6CW cause. But when I look at who I thought epitomised everything that 6CW was about, all I see are two new candidates for early P45's. If you two are the future of this company, then I would rather sell up now because frankly I can do without this crap every week.

(Masters and Harris look at Magnusson open-mouthed before slowly sitting down. Magnusson moves around his desk and goes to the door. As he reaches it, he stares back at the two former tag champions.)

DM: I am not in the mood to give you two an infinite amount of chances. As much as you both think you are the big men of 6CW, I tell you now that when it comes to me, you are small-fry. ARE going to sort this out between you. Because the way I see it, both of your careers are in jeopardy. And I don't think that either of you are stupid enough to blow it all over this.

(He opens the door and walks into the corridor, slamming it shut as he goes. He then looks at the ground and sighs deeply. After a few moments of him standing there, some footsteps are heard.)

??: That bad.....

(Magnusson turns to see GazzyD in the corridor.)

DM: Nothing I can't handle. How are you feeling now? Taken on board what I said?

(Before Gazzy has a chance to answer, the sound of shouting can be heard within the office.)

DM: Give me strength.......

(Magnusson opens the door wide and the camera focuses on Harris and Masters trying to strangle each other over Magnusson's desk. Gazzy and Magnusson rush in and pull Masters and Harris apart. Both men struggle to contain the two former partners as they try to get at each other. The camera leaves the room, with Harris and Masters barely being held by Gazzy and Magnusson, as the scene fades.)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:27

Match 5
Keith Leone vs Jerome Dubois
On commentary: JJ Johnson

HA: Welcome back to ringside folks and we have a very special guest out here for our next match…

*The cameras show JJ Johnson taking his seat at the announce table and the crowd is going wild.

JJ: Wassup, Harold….don’t look at a player like that, Henry, likely to slap that wonky eye straight…

The cameras then pan up the ramp as “Beat the Devil’s tattoo” booms from the speakers. Red, white and blue pyros erupt into the air before Jerome Dubois strides out onto the stage, a smug expression on his face.

HA: We heard from Jerome Dubois earlier tonight, clearly very disgruntled that he is being overlooked right now…

HE: I hear him….he is a hall of famer and yet he is brushed to the side for guys like Anthony Grace, people that can’t even wrestle…

JJ: The boy done wrestled pretty well earlier tonight, Henry, don’t be hating on the guy….Dubois needs to stick his dummy back in and quit whining….all he needs to do is perform inside the ring and people gone take notice…but you run your mouth and people gone get tired of you pretty quick…

Dubois lowers his blue robe to the floor and sneers at the fans as he walks around ringside. He then pauses in front of the announce table to stare at JJ Johnson.

HA: There have always been a lot of rumours that you and Dubois don’t get on, JJ?

JJ: Dude is from France…his a55 smell like garlic, he sounds like Pepe Le Peu and he got a face that makes folk want to stay indoors….then he looks at a homie like me and I guess he realises that God must really not like him…I don’t really care about the guy but if he wants to hate on me, all power to him…

Dubois shakes his head at JJ and then climbs up onto the apron. He wipes his feet before stepping through the ropes and walking to the centre of the ring. “Limowreck” then shatters the airwaves and the crowd goes wild…

HA: And another man who doesn’t have the best opinion of you….your opponent for Beachfront Brawl…Keith Leone has been on a solid form since he returned to 6CW….

JJ: And that isn’t a surprise…Leone is a world class superstar, he can be out of the ring for years and he will come back and go to town on 99% of the roster…but JJ Johnson resides in that 1% that Leone can’t just turn up and whoop a55 on…he talks big and he is saying a lot but come Beachfront Brawl the talking will stop and he will look into my eyes and know, I’m taking him to school…

Leone appears on the stage, his trademark hood covering his head, and then he unzips his jacket and launches it into the crowd. He raises his head and grins before starting to make his way down to the ring…

HE: Leone has his mind focused on Beachfront Brawl, obviously, and that is going to play right into Dubois’ hands tonight…

JJ: Leone takes Dubois like a fool then he’s in for a long night, Dubs is no mug, but as much as I know Leone is thinking about me and him, he is a professional and he will not be taking this match lightly…

Leone climbs up onto the apron and he glares over at JJ Johnson before he steps into the ring. The referee keeps both superstars apart before he gives the signal for the bell to start the match…

*Crowd boo

HE: Slapped the taste right out of his mouth…

Dubois slaps Leone right in the face, drawing boos from the audience, and then laughs at his actions. Leone staggers backwards, stunned, but then he whips forwards and delivers his own slap, sending Dubois staggering away…

JJ: Dubois damn near lost a tooth…that’s what I am talking about…

HA: Leone not about to stand there and let Dubois slap his face…

Leone follows up with a barrage of right hands and then he grabs Dubois by the arm and sends him across the ring. Dubois comes back and Leone launches him into the air with a backdrop…

HA: Leone starting off quickly….

Dubois gets back up and Leone chops at his chest, reddening the skin, before throwing his foe to the corner. Leone starts to unload with rights and lefts, drawing a huge roar from the crowd…

JJ: Leone getting worked up over a slap, boy lets his emotions slide with me and I am taking him out…

HA: Are you worried that you won’t have had any match time before Beachfront Brawl?

JJ: You talking to the Franchise baby, I’m always ready to ride…plus Leone damn near got his period when I mentioned having another fight before him…

Dubois stumbles from the corner and Leone whips him off the ropes before decking him with a dropkick as he returns. Leone quickly rolls back on his feet and grabs Dubois’ legs…

HA: Sharpshooter…

Dubois flails and then kicks out with both feet, sending Leone flying across the deck. They both get back up and Leone charges at Dubs but the Frenchmen sidesteps and pushes Leone into the turnbuckle before nailing a back suplex……………1…………………..2………….shoulder up!

HE: Now Dubois has his opening…

Dubois slams elbows and punches into Leone’s back before wrenching him up and he flips him onto his shoulders…


JJ: Don’t get too excited, playa…

Leone kicks his legs and drops off the back, countering with a snap neckbreaker……….1…………….2……..shoulder up. Leone gets back to his feet and he smirks as he beckons for Dubois to stand…

HA: Leone looking for a quick finish…

JJ: Man be getting crazy…

Leone looks to launch forwards with his patented superkick but Dubois ducks under and quickly runs off the ropes, returning with a hard-hitting spear…

HE: French Connection….Leone is done…

…….shoulder up!

JJ: Dubois is no fool, former world champ…you take him lightly and you gone know about it…

Dubois taunts the fans and then he pulls Leone up and tries to lift him into a suplex. Leone is able to float over the back and he tries to counter with a German suplex but Dubois, on the blindside of the referee, flicks his heel up and catches Leone below the belt…

HA: That should be a DQ…

HE: Referee didn’t see it…Dubois showing his experience…

Leone staggers away, winded, and Dubois laughs and then drills him with a sit-out side-slam…


…….Leone pushes his shoulder off the mat!

HA: Leone not having it all his own way here….he’s struggling to find a solid groove…

Dubois voices annoyance to the referee about a slow count and then he stomps down on Leone. He pulls Leone up and slams him to the mat before jigging on the spot and then twirling into an elbow drop……………1………………2……..kickout!

HE: Dubois is growing in confidence, Leone should be worried…

Dubois pulls Leone up by the head and he yells “Vive le France” before he flips Leone up on his shoulders..


Leone slams punches down into the head of Dubois before he rolls down the back into a pinning combo…………….1………………….2………………shoulder up. They get back up and Leone lands a kick to the stomach and follows up with a double armed DDT…

HA: Dubois just got planted…

JJ: Got to love those DDT’s…


Leone pushes himself back up and he quickly makes his way over to the ropes. He starts to climb his way to the top, his eyes now locked on JJ…

JJ: No point in looking at me, playa…

Dubois is able to get up and he swipes Leone’s feet, crotching him on the top. Dubois then climbs onto the ropes and delivers stiff chops to Leone’s chest before pulling him off into a superplex…

HA: Dubois may be about to pull off a huge win….

HE: Then nobody will be able to deny him from the opportunities he deserves…

Dubois crawls over and covers……………….1………………….2………….shoulder up. Dubs punches the mat, annoyed, but then he gets back up and pulls Leone into a front face-lock…


Dubois tries to lift Leone up into a “go flasher” but Leone kicks his feet and then he spins free and boots Dubois in the stomach…

HA: Piledriver!

JJ: Might do it…

…….Dubois kicks out.

HA: Leone was close to finishing it right there…

HE: Dubois has plenty left, he won’t just wilt…

Leone gets to his feet and he waits for Dubois to rise before he lifts him up on his shoulders and turns him around…


Dubois jams his thumb into Leone’s eye, blinding him, and he scrambles off the back. He then boots Leone in the gut and drills him with a powerbomb…

HE: Garlic Bomb…Leone is done..

……shoulder up!

JJ: Leone is a tough son of a gun…

HA: His history in this company proves that…not even the might of Genesis could keep him down…

Dubois pushes past the referee and climbs out onto the apron. He taunts the fans and then climbs to the top rope, waiting for Leone to get back up…

HE: Dubois setting him up….MISSILE DROPKICK!

Dubois knocks Leone back down with the missile dropkick and he quickly scrambles over to cover him…………..1……………….2……………shoulder up. Dubois stands back up, his chest heaving in and out, and he pulls Leone up before lifting him up on his shoulders….

HA: Powerslam…

Leone drops off the back and he pushes Dubois into the turnbuckle before launching him into a bridged German suplex as he comes back..
……shoulder up!

JJ: Leone proving his toughness, I’m glad to see that…

Dubois stumbles back up and Leone lifts him into an inverted atomic drop before suplexing him back to the mat. The crowd cheer as Leone points to the top rope…

HA: Leone ready to fly…ELBOW DROP!

The crowd applaud as Leone soars from the top rope and plants his elbow into the heart of Dubois…………….1……………………..2……………Dubois just gets his shoulder up. Leone crawls to the corner, uses the ropes to help himself up, and he waits for Dubs to move into range….

HE: Be careful, Jerome…

JJ: Frenchy may be about to lose his head…


Dubois ducks out of the way of the superkick and Leone is somehow able to control his leg in midair and stop himself from kicking the referee in the face.

HA: That was a whisker away…


JJ: Leone stalled….

Dubois is able to take advantage and he boots Leone in the gut before drilling him with the “dominator” powerbomb…


*Crowd cheer

HE: Huh?

JJ: Boy got balls after all (laughing)…

Dubois is beside himself, frantically slamming his hands into the mat and gesticulating to the referee. The official tells Dubois it was a two count but the Frenchmen gets to his feet and pushes the official…

HE: This is the kind of disrespect Dubois has been talking about….these officials aren’t competent enough to make a damn three count…

HA: The referee did his job, Dubois is just struggling to get his job done…

Dubois spits on the floor, clearly disgraced, and then he moves back towards Leone. Leone is clearly dazed as Dubois rags him back up to his feet and lifts him into the air…

HE: This will finish it…..


JJ: Ball-game!

Dubois looks for his “fortune” finisher but Leone is able to float over the back. Dubois quickly turns but is nailed by a superkick right to the jaw…

HA: Just like that…


HE: Nooo, what a travesty of justice…

HA: Keith Leone proves once again that he can get the job done….not his best performance, Dubois controlled large parts, but when all was said and done he picks up the “W” and continues his impressive streak….you enjoy that, JJ?

JJ: I seen a lot tonight….I agree that Leone did what he needed to, he got the win and that is what counts…but if he performs that sloppily against me at Beachfront Brawl then he ain’t gone be so lucky…

The crowd are cheering as “Limowreck” blasts from the speakers and the referee raises Keith Leone’s arm in victory. Leone makes his way over to the turnbuckle and he climbs onto the ropes, celebrating his win, whilst staring down at JJ Johnson…

HA: The time draws ever close, only five weeks now until a matchup for the ages….Keith Leone vs JJ Johnson…

HE: Things are getting pretty intense between these guys…

The crowd roar louder as JJ takes off his headset and stands up. He and Leone continue to stare at one another as the scene goes elsewhere.

Match result: Keith Leone via pinfall
Match time: 7 minutes, 48 seconds


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:32

(Alexander Altair is stood backstage)

AA: Not you again, is this some kind of joke?

(The camera shows Brian holding a microphone, he is wearing knee length tailored shorts and a red Superman t-shirt, he appears more relaxed than previously but his stutter is still prevalent)

B: Www…………whaddya mean?

(Altair appears unimpressed)

AA: Whaddya mean. A stutter and bad grammar, you really are an obvious candidate for interviewer of the year aren’t you

(Brian smiles and pushes his wide rimmed glasses back in place)

B: It’s what you call a learning curve Mr. Altair. Apparently I need to start at the bottom and……..

AA: Are you trying to wind me up. Are you saying I am the bottom?

B: Nnnnnnn……… That’s nnnnn……..not what I mmmm………meant

AA: And what did you mean. Are you insinuating that now I am no longer a champion that I am back down to the bottom rung?

That I am somehow no longer relevant?

Seems to me my bad luck started the moment I met you Bbbbbbbrian, perhaps if I removed you then I would see a dramatic upturn in fortune

(Brian smiles nervously)

B: Mmmm……..maybe I am your kryptonite?

(Altair stares intently at the interviewer)

AA: Pardon?

B: Like you’ve lost your powers, like Sssssssss…Superman. You know?

(Altair appears lost for words for a second as Brian looks hopefully)

AA: How about we agree you keep quiet and just hold out that mic?

(Brian nods)

AA: That’s better.

The fact of the matter is I was robbed on Sunday evening and my property was callously stolen from me by an unscrupulous, undeserving neanderthal.

Let me take the opportunity to serve notice to Jax Cutler. You enjoy your moment in the spotlight because it will not last very long. Mark my words!!!

B: And tonight?

(Altair shakes his head annoyed at the interruption)

AA: Tonight we take care of Authority business!

(Altair pushes the microphone away and strides out of the shot which returns to Brian who slicks back his hair and pushes his glasses back against his nose)

B: He’s no Superman


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:34

(Timothy Allen is backstage with Bad Intentions with Justice Porter towering over him. Confidence Carter and Glory are either side of him and he begins, somewhat nervously, speaking into the camera.)

TA: Folks, I am backstage with Bad Intentions and their manager Glory. A team that had a huge effect on the outcome of the Scars and Stripes main event. Let us see what they have to say.....

(He turns to Glory and carries on speaking.)

TA: Glory, a straight question for you that demands a straight answer. Does your team feel guilty for leaving Enforcer for dead and responsible for him losing his EWF championship?

(Glory flicks her hair to the side and stares at Allen).

G: Why? My team went out there to do a job and they did it correctly.

TA: But surely your job, as you so put it, would have been to protect both Enforcer and Max Adamson? It appears you only protected the latter.

(Confidence Carter turns Allen around and snatches the microphone from him.)

CC: What you trying to say?

(Allen looks even more nervous as he has to resort to speaking into his own microphone from Carter's hand.)

TA: Well, you and your partner both seemed quick to help one of your Authority stable mates. But the other was left to the hands of Vincent Costello.

(Carter glares at him.)

CC: We had instructions and we carried them out. The outcome don't matter. We did our best, like we always do.

TA: But........

(Glory takes the mic from Carter and stands in front of Allen while facing the camera.)

G: But nothing! You think I or Bad Intentions failed at your little PPV?! We never fail, we always succeed. From where I was standing, my team came out of Scars and Stripes looking as dominant as they have always done.

(She thrusts the mic into Allen's hands.)

G: Interview over.....

(She beckons Carter and Porter to follow her out of shot and Carter does so. However, Porter is still standing behind the interviewer and places his hands on Allen's shoulders which makes him jump. Porter then leans in and looks into the camera.)

JP: Actions speak louder than words......

(He taps Allen's shoulders a few times with his massive hands before striding out of shot. Allen looks bewildered as the scene fades.)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:36

*Daniel Reilly is walking along the corridors of 6CW with Hernandez, deep in conversation.

HA: Look at those two, smug as can be.

HE: Two men of genius, Harold, I didn't think you'd recognise such a thing

DR:...The guy isn't good enough; it's a bit embarrassing he held a world title. But now I've knocked him off I suppose I better fill the boots of that other worthless former champ and knock Costello off his perch too.

MH: One step at a time, Daniel.

*Hernandez stops. He hits his hands against his pockets.

MH: Go on ahead to Jones, I'll meet you there.

*Reilly smiles

DR: Sure, run back. Keys or phone?

*Hernandez is walking away and Reilly has a chuckle before walking on. He rounds a corner and turns straight into a clothesline

HA: Oh my! Someone's near enough just taken Reilly's head off!

*The camera pans up and Nate Nack is standing above Reilly.


*Nate pulls Reilly up by the hair, but doesn't expect the rake to the eyes. Reilly starts throwing punches before Nack explodes forward at him and the pair go flying into the wall.

HE: Somebody stop this brute, attacking the champ from behind should be sackable offence!

*The pair stumble to their feet, Nack getting there first but just as he's about to strike he gets kicked in the gut by an arriving Alexander Altair

HE: Thank goodness, what a great move!

*The pair start to work over Nate. They knock him down to his knees and Reilly turns to get a chair. As he finds one, Nate fights back and takes Altair down, only for the chair shot from Reilly to slow him.

DR: You had your shot, big man, now it's over!

*Reilly lifts the chair over his head but gets hit by a spear from the side. GazzyD gets to his feet as Altair does and the pair trade blows before Altair pushes him away and grabs Reilly. The pair retreat, shouting as they go

AA: You'll get yours, chump!

DR: From Max's bitch to ours!

*Gazzy shakes his head and helps Nate up.

NN: Thanks man, there's always a trick with them

GD: Tell me about it, I've been up and down that Authority ladder fighting every step but they always pull out something new.

HA: Wow, what was that about. Clearly Nate wants to send a message to Daniel Reilly that this isn’t over between the two of them. I never expected that kind of a move from the former 6CW champ

HE: It’s a coward’s move. Nate knows Reilly has his number so he has to try underhand tactics. It’s disgusting. But I wouldn’t expect anything left from the Uprising. No class

HA: Whatever it was those four men will be in action against one another later this evening and what a way to whet the appetite

*Nate and Gazzy shake hands as the show goes to commercial.


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:41

Match 6
Bad Intentions vs Mike Masters/Scott Harris

HA: Our next match up has all the ingredients for an explosion to happen…..this is personal…

HE: Any match which pits members of The Uprising against members of The Authority is going to be a war…

HA: But this has even more flavour to it….don’t forget that Bad Intentions are the reason that neither Scott Harris or Mike Masters walked out of Scars and Stripes as a world champion….

HE: Wrong answer…they are one of the reasons, don’t forget Masters and Harris cost each other world titles on several occasions on that one match….they couldn’t even see past their own egos….Bad Intentions just did what they had to do, they did their job…

“Indestructible” roars from the speakers and the crowd boo furiously for the arrival of The Authority’s henchmen. Confidence Carter, face hidden by a trademark balaclava, makes his way down to the ring through the audience. Justice Porter, flanked by the beautiful Glory, marches out on the stage…

HA: I’ll admit these two guys are very talented….and since they joined The Authority, things have become harder for The Uprising…

HE: These guys are destined for greatness, future tag team champions without a doubt….they showed in five seconds at Scars and Stripes that when they work in tandem, they will take care of anyone…Masters and Harris didn’t even know what hit them…

Carter and Porter climb into the ring and they go head to head before pushing each other in the chest to psyche one another up. Glory applauds from the outside and shouts instructions before “Champion” booms out to a huge ovation…

HA: Mike Masters is as upset as anyone about the way things went down at Scars and Stripes…

HE: He screwed up again, just like always….Andrews and Magnusson should be ashamed of themselves though, it was obvious that Masters and Harris couldn’t put their egos aside…they haven’t liked each other for months…

HA: It was a mistake, we know that now, and it has set the Uprising back a step or two…now is the time for a retaliatory strike….Harris and Masters need to get on the same page…

HE: Fat chance…

Masters leaps over the top rope and he glares at Carter and Porter before “Survival” echoes out and the crowd roar once more. Scott Harris walks onto the stage, lowering his hood as he does, with a thunderous look on his face. He starts to make his way down the ramp…

HA: Harris was so close to screwing up The Authority’s plans more importantly his father, Mr Jones, plans….his opponents tonight are a key reason why that didn’t happen, I am sure Harris has revenge on his mind…

Harris runs up the steps and quickly makes a beeline for his opponents. The referee tries to hold Harris back but he can’t stop Mike Masters jumping across and forearming Justice Porter in the face…

HE: That isn’t fair…

HA: Nothing is going to be fair in this one….I’m expecting a fight…

Masters and Porter continue to trade off with punches as Harris suddenly storms in and takes Carter down by the legs. Harris is driving down with big punches as the referee tries to get some control over proceedings…

HE: Control this idiots, referee…

Harris is pulled away to the corner as Mike Masters takes up the mantle for his team. The bell sounds and Masters dropkicks Justice Porter into the corner before running in and diving against him with a huge splash. Masters stands on the ropes and lands punches to Porter’s head before dropping back into a monkey flip, sending Porter flying to the middle of the ring…

HA: Mike Masters starting out with a real purpose…

Masters then springs back onto the ropes and floats over with an elbow to Porter’s chest……….1……………2……….shoulder up. Masters pulls Porter up and snaps him into a suplex before climbing onto the apron and vaulting back in with a leg-drop………………..1………………2………..kickout!

HE: Three times now Masters has had a shot at the world title and three times he has failed….yet still people talk about like he is a class act, the facts and figures do not lie…

Porter gets up and Masters lands hard chops to his chest before looking for an Irish whip. Porter uses his power to reverse but Masters ducks a clothesline on the return before running the opposite side…

HA: What a forearm…

Masters flies in and clatters Porter in the mouth………………1……………………2……………shoulder up. They get back up and Masters nails another dropkick before running against the ropes…

HA: That was a cheapshot…

HE: Teamwork…

Confidence Carter leathers his boot into Masters’ spine as he runs against the ropes. Masters staggers away and Porter spins him into the air with a huge “sky high” powerbomb…

HA: Masters just got broken in half…

1……………….2…………..Masters kicks out. Porter lets out a roar as he stands up and begins to stomp on Masters’ chest…

HE: Justice Porter is a monster of a man, give him any opportunity and he will break you into pieces…

Porter hauls Masters up by the hair and he slings him against the ropes before knocking him down with a heavy clothesline. He then makes the tag to Confidence Carter….Carter quickly springs over the ropes and lands with a rolling plancha…

HA: And alongside Porter’s power is Carter’s speed….a formidable team…

Masters gets back up and Carter lands quick kicks to the legs and then a leaping heel kick that puts MM down again. Carter then sprints off the ropes and returns with some “rolling thunder”…
………..shoulder up!

HE: Carter can hit you from any angle….his feet are deadly…

Masters stumbles back up as Carter climbs out onto the apron and then springboards back in with a hard knee to the jaw…
……Masters kicks out.

HA: Confidence Carter is a born performer, he is loving this…

Carter taunts the crowd, a huge smile on his face, and then he pulls Masters up and nails a suplex. He swivels his hips and drags Masters up again into a second suplex. He holds his hand in the air and motions for one more time before pulling Masters to his feet…

HE: Carter is stealing the show right now…

Masters is somehow able to float over the back of Carter and he nails a zigzag neckbreaker out of nowhere. The crowd are cheering as Scott Harris wills Masters over to make the tag…

HA: Mike Masters needs to take a backseat, re-charge his batteries….

HE: He won’t tag out…he is too much of an egotist…

Harris is reaching forwards for the tag but Masters then gives him the finger and kicks up on his feet. There are some boos from the crowd as Masters pulls Cater into the middle of the ring and hooks his arms…

HA: This could be a big mistake from Mike Masters, he needs the pay-off….GRINGO…

Carter is able to shove Masters away to the ropes and Justice Porter runs along the apron before nailing a huge, jumping, Superman punch to the jaw. Masters staggers back and walks straight into a running Green Bay plunge from Carter…

HE: And that is exactly the reason why Harris and Masters should never work together….when will they learn…

HA: Mike Masters just brought that on himself, granted…

1……………….2……………….Masters gets his shoulder up. Carter stands and he rakes his boot in Masters’ face before making the tag to Justice Porter. Porter quickly rags Masters up and lifts him into a powerbomb position as Carter springs off the top rope with a knee drop…

HE: Masters just crashed and burned….

Porter kneels into the cover………..1……………….2……….shoulder up. Porter flicks his hair from his face and smiles as he stands up and kicks Masters on his stomach, applying a camel clutch…

HA: Now Porter is just trying to wear Masters down…Bad Intentions doing a good job…

HE: It isn’t hard, Masters isn’t using his partner so it may as well be a handicap match…

Masters yells in pain but refuses to quit as Porter pulls back on his head, sending pain right down the spine of his opponent. Porter glares at Scott Harris and trash talks him whilst landing brutal crossface punches to Masters’ face at the same time…

HA: Mike Masters is really taking a beating here…

Masters tries to stand up, battling against the submission, but Porter merely takes a step back and shoves his opponent into the ropes, drilling him with a spinebuster as he comes back. Porter then points at Harris and mimes breaking something…

HE: Porter wants Harris in there, he wants the tag…

Masters, clutching his spine, tries to stand up but Porter grabs him by the hair and lands continuous punches into his spine, using his hair to hold him in place. Masters drops down to his knees and Porter backs into the corner, beckoning his opponent to stand back up…

HE: Porters knows this is just a matter of time now, Masters is ready for the taking…JUSTICE IS SERVED!

Porter bursts from the corner and looks for his brogue kick but Masters is somehow able to duck under and he lands a superkick out of nowhere. Masters stumbles to the ropes and Harris makes the blind tag off his back…

HA: Scott Harris not waiting for Masters to make the decision…

The crowd roar as Harris storms the ring and clatters Justice Porter with a clothesline. He connects with a second one and then he ushers Porter up and hauls him through the air with an overhead belly to belly suplex…

HE: Stop him…

HA: Harris exploding onto the scene…

Confidence Carter tries to springboard in on the blindside but Harris swivels around and catches him, throwing him with an overhead suplex upon landing. Porter gets back up and Harris connects with a t-bone suplex and then does the same to Confidence Carter…

HA: Scott Harris has had ten days to think about how these two men cost him the world title….now it is all coming out…

Porter gets back up and Harris locks his hands around his waist. Porter reaches out and tries to hold onto Confidence Carter but Harris shows his strength by nailing a double German suplex…

*Crowd cheer

HA: Even Glory looks worried…

Glory’s smile has disappeared on the outside of the ring and she now loos concerned about what is happening. Harris clotheslines Carter over the top rope and then he beckons Porter back up and snaps him down with a pendulum backbreaker….

HE: Don’t let it end like this…

HA: Porter is in trouble…SHARPSHOOTER!

The crowd roar to life as Harris grabs both of Porter’s legs and he starts to turn him over onto his stomach. Porter tries to scramble for the ropes but Harris drags him back to the centre of the ring and sits right down into the submission…

HA: Porter has nowhere to go, he is in big trouble now….it is only a matter of time…

HE: Hold on, Justice…

Porter is howling in pain and trying to reach for the ropes but his efforts are proving futile. Harris really sits into the hold, applying excruciating pressure and the referee is down at Porter’s side, asking him what he wants to do…

HA: Porter can’t hold on, he’s going to tap…

There are wolf whistles from the crowd followed by boos as Glory pulls herself up on the apron, revealing the underneath of her very short skirt. She begins to wave her arms, grabbing the attention of the referee…

HA: She has no business up there….get her down ref…Porter is tapping out…

The referee gets up and walks to the ropes as Porter begins to tap his hand to the mat. The crowd are booing furiously as the official has his back turned to the action.

HE: He can’t call it, he doesn’t see it…

Harris releases the submission, fury on his face, and then he starts to walk over towards Glory. Her eyes widen in shock and horror as Harris grabs her arm…

HA: Now she is going to pay…

HE: Take your hands off her…

Glory tries to struggle against Harris’ grip but she can’t escape. Confidence Carter rolls into the ring and he nails a corkscrew roundhouse kick to the back of Harris’ head, sending Glory tumbling to the outside…

HE: That distraction worked beautifully…FATE!

Harris staggers around and Carter plants him with a “twist of fate” before rolling out onto the apron. Justice Porter slowly crawls across and drops an arm on Harris’ chest…

HA: Not this way…



HA: Masters to the rescue!

The crowd go wild as Masters jumps in and saves Harris just in time. Confidence Carter is leaning on the apron, shocked, as Justice Porter tries to crawl over and tag out…

HE: Keep your cool guys, you’ve got this…

HA: Masters hates to lose…

Carter tries to storm the ring to attack Masters but MM ducks under him and then springboards onto the ropes…


Masters kicks Carter right out of the ring and then he pulls Justice Porter up and positions him in the middle of the ring…


Harris staggers back up and he grabs Masters by the shoulder and spins him around. They go toe to toe and Harris seems to be ordering Masters from the ring…

HE: I can’t believe these guys, arguing again…

HA: Harris is the legal man and he wants Masters out…cmon guys, sort it out…

Harris and Masters start pushing each other in the chest, angrily jabbing at one another. Masters grabs Harris’ face and he shoves him away…

HA: Whoah this is getting out of hand now…

Masters aims to turn away when Harris grabs him by the hair and spins him back around and he head-butts him in the face. Masters staggers back, blood coming from his lip, as Justice Porter gets up and rushes in…


Harris dodges the brogue kick but Porter lands on Masters and kicks him right out of the ring. Harris takes advantage and grabs Porter’s arm…


The crowd cheer as Harris pulls Porter away from the ropes and nails him with the Olympic slam…

HA: Harris gets it…


Confidence Carter nails a 450 foot stomp from the top rope, driving right down into Harris’ spine and breaks up the pinfall. Carter then helps Porter back up and they stalk Harris….

HA: Scott Harris is in a bad way…he has no idea what he is facing…

HE: If he and Masters could get along then it wouldn’t have to be like this…

Harris stumbles up and Porter nods his head before lifting Harris over his shoulder, allowing Carter run in and nail the leaping cutter (3-D)…


HA: Write this one off…


The referee’s hand hits the mat for three and the crowd boo as Justice Porter and Confidence Carter celebrate their victory. Glory climbs into the ring to join them, sharing a very passionate kiss with Porter…

HE: When the Authority wants a job done, these are the go to men….Justice Porter and Confidence Carter have taken care of Scott Harris and Mike Masters for the second time in two weeks…

HA: And the problems between the former tag champions are growing…this has to be a serious concern for The Uprising…

HE: As long as Andrews and Magnusson put their faith in them I guarantee they will fail…The Authority and Mr Jones must be smiling and laughing….serious issues in the Uprising camp…

Porter and Carter follow Glory from the ring and into the aisleway. Scott Harris is kneeling on the mat, holding his head, as Mike Masters rolls back into the ring, blood leaking from his lip.

HA: We need security down here….

HE: Too late!

Masters suddenly runs into Harris and tackles him to the ground, raining down punches to any part of the body he can reach. Harris is able to reverse the positions and he lands punches of his own as Daniel Magnusson, Dean Andrews and a hoard of referees storm the ring…

HA: This is turning nasty….Harris and Masters were the tag champions for crying out loud…

HE: But they never liked each other, never trusted each other…the tag titles kept them together but now all the hatred and animosity is seeping out…

Andrews manages to grab Masters under the arms and pulls him away but MM continues to kick out. Magnusson stands over Harris, a look of pure fury on his face…

HA; Daniel Magnusson has been trying all night to sort this out between these two…

HE: Maybe now he will finally realise that as long as Harris and Masters are on the same team, The Uprising will never, ever, succeed…

Magnusson: Get the hell back to my office now…the two of you will be lucky to have a goddamn job by tomorrow morning…

Masters is forced out of the ring and surrounded by referees but he continues to try and push forwards and continue the fight. Harris is being held back by Magnusson but his eyes are on his former partner, anger oozing out…

HA: This one is far from over….I have no idea where the hell Magnusson, Andrews and the Uprising go from here…

Match result: Bad Intentions via pinfall
Match time: 8 minutes, 55 seconds


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:46

(Timothy Allen is backstage and the camera pans out to show Liam Wood and Emmy standing beside him. Allen turns to the camera and begins to speak.)

TA: Ladies and gentlemen, accompanied by the beautiful Emmy, my guest this time is Liam "The Viper" Wood.

(Wood says nothing but places an arm around Emmy and nods his head towards Allen.)

TA: Liam, tonight you take on Jackson Black. How are you feeling after narrowly losing out to the Key to the Kingdom at Scars and Stripes?

LW: I am feeling fine Tim. Sure, I am disappointed about not coming away with another W at Scars, especially when things were going so well for me after Night of Glory. But the will to win is still burning inside me. Scars was a blip in my career but I have come back stronger from worse things than that. I have proved time and again I have what it takes to be part of the elite and I deserve to be part of that main event scene. Just a matter of time Tim, just a matter of time......

TA: Jackson Black was focused, brutal AND victorious at the PPV. Could you not have a worse opponent on the back of a big energy draining loss?

LW: Jackson Black is the BEST opponent I could have. There is no point saying the real Liam Wood is going to be on show unless I am against someone that is on form. Black is just the man for The Viper to prove his main event credentials. The REAL Viper.

(Allen nods wisely, before turning back to the camera.)

TA: Liam, I have to ask you about Vincent Costello. That shadow still looms large in both of your lives, regardless of what happened at Night of Glory. And now, he is the EWF champion. Surely, in your quest to be back in the main event scene, the two of you will have to go toe to toe again?

(Wood pulls Emmy closer, half in comfort and half in protection of her. He thinks awhile before speaking. His tone is harsher and louder as the words fall out.)

LW: Costello's climb has not passed me by. And I haven't forgotten about what he did to Thunder or Emmy.

(He gives her a brief look and Emmy smiles awkwardly. Wood then turns back to Allen with an angry look on his face.)

LW: Costello likes to keep on with this death wish. At Night of Glory I beat him to a shade of nothing and still had room for more. But........he keeps on trying to annoy me as if the first beating wasn't enough. If he wants to keep pushing then that's fine. Sooner or later he will take things so far, that there will be no other option for me to beat him again and take that title while I do it. So Costello can keep on and on and on. I proved he was nothing at Night of Glory. And I will happily prove it as many times as he wants.

(Allen nods again and turns back to the camera.)

TA: Ladies and gentlemen......Liam Wood!

(The cameraman signals that the interview is over and Allen thanks Wood and Emmy before going out of shot with the crew. Emmy turns to Wood, as he slowly calms down.)

Emmy: You ok?

(Wood snaps out of it and gives her a half smile before nodding. Emmy kisses him on the cheek and squeezes his arm.)

Emmy: Good luck......I will see you later.

(She kisses him again on the cheek but longer this time. Wood hugs her strongly before turning and walking away. Emmy takes a deep breath in before walking off in the opposite direction.)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:49

(Mr. Jones is backstage, he stops in the corridor, pausing for a second he knocks on the dressing room door, pushing it open without an answer he sees Max Adamson sat with his back to him. Adamson is watching and rewinding the footage from Scars and Stripes at the point where he pinned Harris. Jones coughs and Adamson turns)

MJ: For a brief second we had it all

(Adamson smiles)

MA: A new world super power was born.

(Jones nods)

MJ: What went wrong?

(Adamson shrugs his shoulders)

MA: Just one of those things, can’t be helped. But hey it’s not like the Uprising benefited. We are just as strong and now we’ve got these babies

(Adamson taps the Tag Title belt draped across the chair in front of him)

MA: Don’t worry boss. It’s a blip, nothing more. Trust me, when have I not got what I wanted? E will get his title back, everything will go back to the way it should be. You have nothing to worry about

MJ: Have you seen him, heard from him?

(Adamson shakes his head)

MA: It’s not like we were ever tight anyway. Enforcer needs time to get over the loss, but when he does he’ll be back, he knows which side his breads buttered.He’s not stupid

(Jones smiles nervously)

MJ: If he arrives, you let me know. I want to try and speak to him before the Main Event, try to explain. He needs to know this was never planned. There are a lot of people that want to disrupt what we have; there are a lot of people that would benefit from The Authority no longer being at the top of 6CW.We need to show strength in numbers, more now than ever

(Adamson mockingly places an arm around Jones)

MA: You’ve always got me boss


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:52

Match 7
Liam Wood vs. Jackson Black

HA: Welcome everyone to our next match! Liam Wood takes on Jackson Black.

HE: It is a clash of two men that had different conclusions to their matches at Scars and Stripes.

HA: Whereas Wood came close, but ultimately lost in the Key to the Kingdom match, Black absolutely decimated Bam Sparkleston.

HE: Now THAT was my PPV highlight!

“Watch me shine” blasts out over the speakers and Jackson Black marches out onto the stage. He seems really focused and pays no attention to the booing crowd. He quickly gets to the ring and rolls under the ropes, before stretching in the corner.

HE: This is the Jackson Black of old. On his day, not many guys can deal with him.

HA: It is true that Black looks to have the anger back in his eyes since dealing with Bam.

“Endseekers” blares out of the speakers next and the crowd start cheering. Liam Wood comes out from behind the curtain and laps up the crowd’s attention. He takes his time to walk down to the ring, where Black has his eyes firmly locked on his opponent. Wood climbs onto the apron and steps through the ropes as the crowd continue to cheer.

HA: What a match this could be! Hold onto your hats folks!

The bell rings and the two men lock up. Wood gets the upper hand and pushes Black to the corner. He hits Black with a few stiff right hands before whipping him to the other corner. Black reverses and Wood rebounds of the pads front first. Black runs in and tries for a rebound clothesline, but Wood ducks it. When Black comes back off the other set of ropes, Wood hits him with a dropkick. The crowd watches on at the furious pace of the match, as Black is quickly on his feet. Wood goes for an armdrag but Black blocks it and slams him down to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. He then hooks the leg.



Black gets Wood back up and whips him to the ropes. On the rebound he boots Wood in the gut, before running and hitting a legdrop on the back of Wood’s head. Wood goes down hard and Black immediately goes around to his opponent’s legs and tries for an ankle lock. However, Wood twists round and pushes Black back with the sole of his boot. He then flips back up to his feet and brings his opponent’s head down to the mat with a snap DDT. Black sits up after the move and Wood steps forward and hits a somersault neckbreaker. He then scrambles over for the pin.



Wood is up again and gets Black up to a vertical base. He goes around to the back of his opponent and tries a full nelson. However, Black wiggles free, gets to his knees and sweeps Wood’s legs away from him. Wood goes down and Black is up and already rebounding off the ropes. He dives forward and hits a evil looking knee drop into Wood’s head.


Black beckons Wood to get up as he waits in the corner. As Wood does so, Black steams in and boots him in the stomach. He then hits a brutal looking northern lights suplex which he makes into a pin attempt.



Black gets up looking peeved and gets Wood up. He whips him to the corner and follows up quickly with a big forearm to the head. He then lifts Wood up to the top of the turnbuckle pads. Black hits a high kick to the stomach of Wood, who just sits there dazed. Black then goes up and hooks Wood’s head under his arm. He signals to the crowd that it is over before going to lift Wood up.



Black tries to lift Wood over his head but Wood manages to push him off the turnbuckle. As Black lays there, Wood starts to stand, before leaping off the pads with an elbow drop. The flashbulbs go off as he lands on Black with authority before hooking the leg.



Wood shakes his head in frustration. He gets up and whips Black to the ropes. He tries for a flapjack but Black reverses it and sends Wood back off the ropes. He then grabs Wood by the back of the head as he comes past him and rams him into the turnbuckle pads. Wood head nearly explodes after the impact and Black hits a massive T-Bone suplex. Wood bounces up after the impact and lays on the mat spread-eagled. Black gets up and immediately goes over to his opponents legs.



Black goes to grab Wood’s legs quickly. Wood is furiously shaking them from side to side, to try and make Black release his grip. However, Black has tight hold of his opponent’s ankles and is soon twisting him round in the Texas cloverleaf position. Wood is still fighting, but is powerless as Black hunches down and gets the submission hold locked in. Wood yells out in pain but furiously shakes his head when the referee asks him if he would like to submit. Black arches backwards to increase the leverage and Wood yells out louder. He tries to move forward but Black keeps pulling him back.



With the fans cheering him on, Wood starts to crawl over to the ropes, pulling Black with him. Black tries to put the brakes on, but Wood still inches his way towards the ropes. The official is with him every step of the way and is watching for any movement of hand pounding canvas. Wood is now only a few feet away and reaches for the ropes. Black is trying desperately to pull Wood back to the middle of the ring. Woods fingers are now millimeters away and the official gets ready to break the hold.



As Wood is about to grab hold of the ropes, Black suddenly releases his legs and sprints forward. He rebounds of the ropes, runs forward and drops a vicious elbow drop to the back of Woods head. The crowd boos heavily as Black gets up and simply stares intently at Wood.



Black lifts Wood back up and starts hitting him furiously with kicks to the head and the body. Wood covers himself up in vain but he is soon brought to his knees by the sheer force of the blows. Black then takes a step back and kicks Wood viciously on the side of the head. Wood goes down to the canvas looking concussed and Black angrily retorts to the booing crowd.


Black finishes shouting at the crowd and heads over to the corner. He quickly climbs up it, gives the crowd the middle finger before flying off backwards.




Black looks on aghast as Wood somehow gets his shoulder up after the pin was made. Black just can’t believe it and starts to argue with the referee. Wood is slowly shaking his head and crawling on the mat, trying to get back to his senses. Black sees him crawling, so gets up quickly and goes over to him. He lifts him Wood up and then boots him in the gut. He gets Wood in a suplex position and attempts to lift him up.


Black tries desperately to get Wood up but The Viper fights back. Suddenly, Wood reverses and sends Black backwards over his head with his own suplex. The crowd cheers as Wood giddily gets to his feet. Black is up quickly after the suplex and runs towards his opponent, trying for a clothesline.


Wood blocks the incoming clothesline and throws Black into the air. As Black falls, Wood catches him with a strong knee to the face. The Copper Box erupts as Black goes down seemingly out cold. Wood has to catch his breath after the move as he is still feeling the effects of Black’s assault. Slowly he crawls over and collapses on top of Black. The official starts to bang the canvas.



The crowd holds their heads in their hands as Wood rolls off looking dejected. The two men are down and breathing heavily as replays show just how close Wood was to winning. Somehow Black gets his shoulder inches off the canvas, but enough to break the count. Wood at last gets to his feet and looks around the crowd, who are still cheering him on. He looks at Black, before striding over and sitting on his back.


Wood has the submission finisher locked in and arches backwards while holding Black in a full nelson. This time Black is the one that yells in pain and he looks close to submitting right away.


Suddenly the arena screen comes on and shows the Emmy walking in the backstage corridor. At this, Viper releases the hold and walks over to the ropes. He watches intently as the scene plays out.
Emmy is still walking backstage with a nervous look on her face. She looks over her shoulders a few times and quickens her pace. She obviously feels uneasy as her footsteps echo around the corridor. At last she comes to a door and she carefully pulls the handle down, trying to not make any noise. When the door creaks open, Emmy winces at the sound made. Opening slightly ajar, Emmy peers in to what we can see is a dressing room. She pops her head out and looks up and down the corridor a few times. Then, taking a deep breath in, she enters the room and closes the door behind her.

HA: Well that was eerie……what was wrong with Emmy?

HE: Hang on, it hasn’t finished………

As Wood continues to watch the screen, whiling holding the ropes tightly.
As the camera continues to focus on the door that Emmy walked in, the camera starts to pan out very slowly. We then see a smiling Vincent Costello looking at it with eyes wide. He takes a few steps forward and places his hand on the door handle.The crowd looks on nervously as the arena screen goes black.



With Wood just about to dive out of the ring, Black comes up and hits him with a bridged German suplex. Wood’s shoulders hit the mat and the referee starts to count.




As the official counts three, Black releases his grip and holds a hand up in celebration. Wood quickly rolls out of the ring and starts to sprint up the aisle. The referee holds Blacks arm up higher to signify the win, but all of the crowds eyes are on Wood as he bursts through the curtain. Black looks on annoyed before snatching his arm away from the bemused official.

HA: Black wins a hard fought battle……..but now everyone wants to know just what is about to happen to Emmy

HE: Wood won’t make it…….

Match result: Jackson Black via pinfall
Match time: 6 minutes, 50 seconds


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:53

*The camera switches to backstage as a frantic Viper sprints down the corridor, reaching the locker room he bursts through the door

LW: Costello, you son of a ……………….

*Wood stops mid sentence as the camera shows the room empty except for Emmy sat happily texting on her phone; she lifts her head surprised by the interruption

E: Liam, aren’t you supposed to be in a match?

*Wood is breathing heavily, the veins in his neck pulsating at a rate of knots

LW: But, I saw………….Where??????

*Emmy looks confused

E: Liam, calm down, you’re scaring me, what’s the matter?

*Wood walks towards his girlfriend, pulling her into an embrace, he holds her tightly in his arms as the camera fades


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:57

(Dean Andrews is sat backstage in his office, the door slowly opens and Andrews smiles as he sees Nate Nack’s fiancée Emma stood at the open doorway)

DA: Emma, what do I owe the pleasure?

(Emma appears nervous, looking over her shoulder before quietly closing the door)

E: Is this a safe place to talk?

(Andrews chuckles)

DA: What, do you mean are we bugged? I haven’t seen Andy Coulson near the arena for months so I think we are good to go Emma, why, what’s with the secret squirrel behaviour?

(Emma doesn’t react as she stands over the desk)

DA: Please sit, we are friends. Aren’t we?

(Emma softens slightly)

E: You know we are Dean, and that’s why I am hear, we need to talk. You’ve seen Nate, he’s not himself and frankly you aren’t helping with just handing him title shots wanting to be Mr. nice guy keeping him on side. You know what he’s like he doesn’t want favours, he needs to feel like he is deserving of every opportunity, he isn’t a charity case

DA: I don’t think that. It’s just, you know………

(Emma looks sheepish)

E: Of course I know and that’s exactly why I needed to talk to you. You’re trying too hard Dean. He knows there’s something up, he’s not an idiot

(Emma looks at her feet avoiding eye contact with Andrews)

E: You promised he’d never find out!

(Andrews steps out from his desk)

DA: And he won’t. I promise. What happened was a mistake. We both know that and I will do anything to make sure Nate doesn’t find out. He’s too important to all of this

(Emma looks up at Andrews)

E: Why did this have to get so complicated?

(Andrews pulls Emma into his arms and the two share a moment. Emma pulls away)

E: You need to fix this Dean. You need to make sure he never knows what happened

(Emma rushes out of the door as Andrews looks on)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 8 Aug 2014 - 23:58

(Mr. Jones is walking back and forth backstage, checking his watch every few seconds he appears highly agitated)

??: Something the matter Michael?

(Jones turns and stands face to face with Daniel Magnusson. The former owner of EWF has a beaming smile as he revels in Jones high stress levels)

DM: You seem a little on edge, something bothering you?

(Jones shakes his head and again checks his watch)

DM: Anything I can help with. Is it the pressure getting to you? Maybe you’re not cut out for this business Michael. Perhaps you should consider taking on a lighter load, stepping back a little?

(Jones narrows his eyes)

MJ: Must I engage in this inane past time. Do you really expect a rise out of me Daniel? What could you possibly hope to achieve from this back and forth?

DM: Nothing, yet. But soon you will realise that we aren’t going anywhere

MJ: Neither am I!

DM: Then you will have to get used to the feeling of defeat Michael because we will continue to break apart your monopoly until you have nothing left but a piece of paper with your name on it

MJ: Which is all you have now

DM: We’re just getting started Michael. Look how much we have achieved already. We have had your number for months and months and you have had no way to stop us getting what we wanted, all the high powered lawyers, the security operation, surrounding yourself with hired lackeys and still we are here, still we are watching your every move, we are only getting started Michael.But you, your journey has nearly reached its conclusion

(Magnusson grins once more as he walks out of shot)

DM: Enjoy the rest of your night Michael, I know I will!!


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 9 Aug 2014 - 0:11

Match 8
Daniel Reilly/Alexander Altair vs. Nate Nack/GazzyD

Back from commercial and Daniel Reilly and Alexander Altair are already in the ring waiting for their opponents

RA: And their opponents, first hailing from Omaha, Nebraska

“Unbreakable” shatters through the speakers and the crowd roar as Nate Nack comes marching out on the stage. Nack looks supremely focused and he beats his chest before making his way down the ramp…

HA: Nate has been somewhat conflicted over the past few months. He has always carried the fight to the Authority and some believed Andrews should have selected him to spearhead their campaign instead he has found him in an unfamiliar and sometimes unwanted role

HE: Regardless of that he still couldn’t get the job done, mighty mighty Nate Nack just wasn’t up to the task

HA: Don’t write him off Henry, many have tried to do that since the rebirth and still he stands strong, fighting for what he believes in

???:And his partner, from Manchester

“Limelight” booms out to the biggest ovation of the night…

HA; 3,000 fans on their feet for GazzyD…

HE: Losers…no wonder they like Gazzy, he has been nothing but a loser since 6CW re-opened its doors…

GazzyD leaps through the air, appearing through a cloud of pyrotechnics, and then spins on the spot as the fans scream his name. He beams as he makes his way down the ramp, slapping the hands of his loyal followers…

HA: And speaking of troubled times. Gazzy has been through the ringer for the last couple of years and as we saw earlier he had questioned his future in 6CW but as you can see from this response and the overwhelming show of support from Daniel Magnusson he has a big part to play in the direction of 6CW. Something these fans are over the moon about

HE: Idiots!!

Gazzy and Nate shake hands as Altair and Reilly discuss tactics

The bell rings

HA: And it looks like Nate and the UK Champion will be getting us underway

Reilly and Nack circle one another and then launch into a lockup. Reilly quickly places Nate into a side headlock but the former 6CW champion tries to counter with a back suplex. Reilly kicks his legs and lands back on his feet before hip-throwing Nack to the ground and into a seated sleeper. Nate squirms free and back onto his knees before driving several elbows into the side of Reilly gut…

HA: Reilly may have got the win at Scars and Stripes but as Nate showed before the match he still has plenty of fire left in him…

Nate breaks free and runs off the ropes but Reilly sidesteps him on the comeback and slings him over the top rope. Nate holds onto the top rope and keeps his feet on the apron; he quickly takes to the top rope before jumping off with a double axe handle to the UK champion’s head…

HE: Nate is past it and Daniel Reilly will prove that tonight

Nate spins him into a neckbreaker



Nate pulls Reilly up and lifts him into a suplex before rolling into the corner and tagging in Gazzy…

HA: Gazzy still experiencing mixed fortunes in 6CW. This crowd are willing him to find the form we remember, maybe tonight is the turning point

Gazzy hops over the top rope and he waits for Reilly to get up before scooping him into a pendulum backbreaker



………………shoulder up.

Gazzy rolls Reilly on his stomach and drives knees into the spine before trying to pull him into a camel clutch…

HE: Gazzy should have gone with his gut instinct and quit whilst he had the chance…

HA: Well so far he is showing he still has a lot to give …

Reilly fights against Gazzy’s’ grip and manages to turn out on his back before kicking out with both feet. Gazzy rolls back across the ring and then gets back up and sprints toward his opponent…

HE: What a powerslam!

Reilly spins Gazzy around and slams him into the mat




Reilly drops two elbows down into Gazzy’s chest and then he pulls him up by the head and punches him back into the corner…

HA: Reilly showing the mean streak that these fans have both loved and hated in equal measure over the years…

Reilly tags in Altair and the former International Champion quickly takes his turn to batter Gazzy in the corner with brutal shoulder thrusts. Altair then grabs Gazzy’s arm and whips him to the opposite corner before beckoning him out and drilling him with an urange backbreaker…

HE: Altair has already been written off by a lot of people, the guy has huge talent and he will get back what is rightfully his …

Altair then drags Gazzy back up and hooks his arms before flipping him into a sit-down powerbomb



…………………shoulder up.

Altair smashes hard clubbing punches into Gazzy’s back before launching him back to his feet and up into a pumphandle position….

HA: Altair has been very impressive so far, he hasn’t given Gazzy a chance to get started ….

Gazzy suddenly drops behind Altair and hooks his waist before delivering a tremendous bridged German suplex…

………….shoulder up!

HA: Great agility from the veteran….

Altair swings wildly with a right hand but Gazzy dodges it and scores with a back suplex before going for another quick pin




Gazzy picks Altair up to his feet and then lands with a snap suplex before rolling into the corner and he heads to the top…

HE: What is that idiot doing up there…

HA: Taking a risk….

Gazzy stands up high on the top and looks down at Altair before propelling himself into a frogsplash….

HA: Reilly pushed him…

HE: No he didn’t….you are seeing things…

The replays show Reilly giving Gazzy a nudge off the ropes and crashing over Altair into the mat. Altair makes his way back up and he grips Gazzy in a full nelson before slamming him down into the mat



…………………shoulder up!

HE: See, The Authority starting to work together and the competition just doesn’t measure up….

Reilly tags back in off Altair and climbs back into the ring. He uppercuts Gazzy in the stomach and then whips him off the ropes and drops him with a clothesline as he returns. Gazzy stumbles back up and the UK champion scoop slams him into the deck before backing into the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope….

HA: Solid fist drop from the Champion…is it three?



Gazzy kicks out!

Reilly pulls Gazzy back up and he drives a knee into his stomach before pushing him back against the ropes and whipping him across the ring. Gazzy comes back and he leapfrogs over the bended head of Reilly before rushing off the opposite side…


Reilly spins Gazzy around on the comeback but the human highlight reel lands out on his feet and scores with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Gazzy then lets the king of the streets back up and grabs a hold of his arm…

HA: Great Strength

HE: Great reversal!!

Reilly jumps out of the side of an Olympic slam and then kicks Gazzy in the stomach before dropping him with a stiff DDT



……………shoulder up.

Reilly rolls onto Gazzy and blasts him with heavy shots to the face before the referee is forced to intervene…

HE: Teach him a lesson, ….keep him down… make him wish he’d never changed his mind

Reilly looks at the referee with anger before stomping down on Gazzy’s chest. The UK champion then goes to the corner and he begins to climb back to the top rope…

HA: Reilly loves to land that big leg drop …

HE: And that will end Gazzy and Nate’s chances….


Gazzy quickly launches back to his feet and he runs up the ropes before delivering an astonishing overhead suplex from the top rope. Both men crash down to the mat with real impact…

HA: Tremendous from Gazzy, that’s the man we know and love…

HE: Ahhh…

Nate Nack and Alexander Altair are both calling for tags from their respective partners as Reilly and Gazzy struggle to get across to their corners. The crowd is willing Gazzy on and the 6CW legend is able to dig just that little bit deeper…

HE: C’mon Daniel….


Reilly gets the tag just as Gazzy jumps across and slaps Nack’s outstretched hand. Nate quickly springboards onto the ropes and flies across with a Superman forearm right to Altair’s face. Altair gets back up and Nate dropkicks him to the deck before welcoming him up again and flattening him with a short arm lariat



…………………..shoulder up!

HA: Nate Nack has so much pent up frustration here….he wants The Authority to pay…

Altair is back up on his feet and Nack lashes chops into his chest and then attempts a whip to the corner. Altair uses his momentum and he reverses before following Nate into the corner…

HE: Squash him…

Nate moves out of the way and Altair runs chest first into the ropes, sensing the opportunity Gazzy rushes across the ring and runs up the ropes, twisting back off with a corkscrew take-down on Altair. Altair stumbles back up and Nate hits him with a big boot



………………Altair just manages to get his shoulder up.

HA: Great team work form the Uprising….the former International Champion is really struggling…

HE: Don’t be so stupid…

Nate lashes kicks into Altair’s legs and follows up with punches. He then tries for an Irish whip but again Altair reverses and sends Nate across the ring. Nate bounces off the corner and Altair runs in with a knee to the gut knocking the wind out of the former 6CW champ who slumps down onto one knee

Altair lets out a roar and then clatters him with a running punt to the face, Nate’s head slams back violently off the mat and Altair covers…



Shoulder up.

Altair pulls a groggy Nate Nack up and traps him against the ropes as he tags Daniel Reilly back into the mix. The UK champion drives punches into Nate’s kidneys before pulling him around and lifting him into a gutwrench gutbuster



HA: Nate kicks out. So much fight in this young man

As Nate stands up gingerly Reilly backs against the ropes and returns with a stiff punt to the spine before following up with a legdrop



………………shoulder up!

HE: Nate is now getting what he deserves…

HA: Careful. The Authority has tried for nigh on a year to get rid of this kid with no success….

HE: Let’s hope tonight is their lucky night

Reilly lifts Nate up into a suplex and then slams him down on his chest before he heads to the corner again. Reilly gets to the top and pushes his hair from his face before diving off, landing a huge frog splash

HE: Game over…




Gazzy tries to drum up support for Nate as Reilly makes his way to the corner and crouches down. He waits for Nate to stand up and then he moves toward him…

HE: RKO!!!

Nate crunches a big boot straight into Reilly’s face as he comes rushing in. Gazzy calls out for the tag but Altair comes storming into the ring and drives a heavy knee into Nate’s temple…

HA: That no good….

The crowd boos furiously as Altair laughs and exits out onto the apron. Both Reilly and Nate are slow to get back to their feet but eventually they rise and Reilly lifts Nack up on his shoulders…


Masters drops behind and he grabs Enforcer’s arms before turning him around


Nate falls to his knees and manages to make it over and cover




Reilly manages to get his arm in the air. Nate is breathing heavily as he tries to make his way over to his corner and tag in Gazzy …

HA: Nate doing the right thing, this match is there for the taking if he can get to his corner

HE: Not if Reilly makes the tag first….

Nate is the man to make the first tag and the crowd cheers as Gazzy vaults back into the ring. Reilly is just reaching out to tag in Altair when Gazzy grabs his legs and pulls him back into the centre…


Enforcer tries to battle against Gazzy but he has the submission hold locked in tight…

HE: This isn’t good….

HA: Gazzy is a submission expert….

Daniel Reilly is back in the ring and he clatters into Gazzy from behind, breaking up the submission. The referee warns a grinning Reilly and escorts him from the ring as Altair and Gazzy get back up to their feet….

HA: Reilly really bailed Altair out there….

HE: They are a team, that’s what you would expect

Altair boots Gazzy in the stomach and whips him to the corner before following in for a splash. Gazzy battles back to his feet up and he kicks Altair in the face before running at him for a shining wizard….

HE: The Authority are too smart to get caught like that…

Altair sidesteps and pushes Gazzy across the ring before bouncing back against the opposite ropes and meeting him in the centre with a huge spear. Altair then rolls across and tags Reilly back in…

HE: Let the beat-down commence…

Reilly grips the top rope and waits for Gazzy to get back up before sling-shotting himself back in with a solid clothesline to the throat. Gazzy gets back up and Reilly drills him with a Samoan drop




HE: Reilly and Altair showing great teamwork ….Gazzy taking a pounding…

Reilly drags Gazzy by the head and lifts him up for a jack-knife powerbomb but Gazzy is able to synch in a head scissors choke hold whilst in midair…

HE: No, this is bad…

HA: Gazzy is such a wily veteran, never count him out he is dangerous in every situation….

Reilly is really struggling against the submission as he tumbles down on his knees as Gazzy tighten his legs. The referee is asking Reilly if he wants to quit but there isn’t enough time as Altair gets in the ring and stomps down on Gazzy’s head…

HA: Something needs to be done about this illegal interference…

Nate Nack comes storming into the ring and he clatters into Altair before starting a brawl between the two of them. Altair knees Nate in the stomach and tries to lift him into a powerbomb but Nate powers out and hits Altair with a running clothesline that takes both men over the top rope to the outside…

Altair gets up and he tries to tackle Nate on the outside but he is drop toe-holed down and his face slams against the steel steps. Nate makes his way back up onto the apron as Gazzy pulls Reilly into the centre of the ring…


Reilly elbows his way free and then scoops Gazzy up on his shoulders for an F-5. He spins Gazzy around but he drops off the back and nails a dragon suplex and covers



……………shoulder up. Both men get back up and Gazzy ducks under a clothesline and explodes with a snap suplex….

HE: Get up, Daniel…

HA: Gazzy has Reilly in all manner of trouble….FROGSPLASH!

Gazzy makes his way to the top rope and then he comes diving off with a huge frogsplash to Reilly’s chest





Gazzy looks stunned as the referee tells him it was a two count; he springs back up and drags Reilly into the middle of the ring….

HA: The ankle lock may be enough…

Reilly kicks upward with one huge boot and nails Gazzy under the chin, sending him back into the corner. Reilly sprints in for a spear but Gazzy rolls aside and sends Reilly into the ring-post…

HA: Gazzy got the tag….Reilly is in danger….

The UK Champion staggers away from the corner as Nate jumps from the top rope with a missile dropkick to the chest..

Nate gets to his feet and he grabs Reilly by the arm and tries to drag him up into a standing position…

HE: Reilly needs some help…


Reilly pushes Nate away to the ropes and then runs at him but the former 6CW champion pulls down the top rope and sends Reilly over and crashing onto Altair on the outside.

*Crowd cheer

Reilly and Altair get back to their feet.


Gazzy runs to the top rope and he flips over the top into a suicide senton that knocks both Reilly and Altair to the ground again. Gazzy then picks Reilly up and he dumps him under the bottom rope before climbing the turnbuckle

HA: Reilly’s a sitting duck….450…

Altair scrambles back up on the apron and he grabs Gazzy’s’ foot attempting to pull him down. Gazzy shakes free and he kicks out at Altair, sending him staggering away, Reilly gets back up and he slams Gazzy down off the top…

Reilly stalks his man begging for Gazzy to get back up to his feet before he rushes at him…


Gazzy rolls out of the way as Reilly moves in, as The UK Champion turns Gazzy pushes him into the ropes before jumping up into a dropkick as he returns…

HE: Reilly knew what was coming…nice try, sucker…

Reilly catches Gazzy’s legs and drops him on the back of his head with a modified power bomb



Reilly drills Gazzy but doesn’t notice Nate climb into the ring.



Nate spins Reilly around




……………. Altair breaks up the pin.


HA: GAZZY D!!!!!!!

Altair lifts his head after breaking the cover just as Gazzy propels himself forward with a thunderous spear

The crowd is on their feet


With Gazzy and Altair lying prone in the ring. Reilly is the first to recover; lifting Nate to his feet he takes a step back sizing up his opponent

HE: This is how he defeated him at Scars and Stripes

HA: Not this time!!

Nate’s eyes widen as he clears his head he sidesteps the incoming Reilly, the champ turns on his heels and Nate attacks like a wounded lion






The crowd leap to their feet as the referees hand hits the mat for the third time

HA: What a match, what a win for the uprising

All four men are dead on their feet in the ring as the winners are announced




Nate who is upright, pulls Gazzy to his feet and the crowd salutes the two 6CW superstars



Match result: GazzyD and Nate Nack via pinfall
Match time: 12 minutes, 49 seconds


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 9 Aug 2014 - 0:13

(Mr. Jones is backstage with Mr. Hernandez before the Main Event)

MJ: Well, any news?

(Hernandez appears nervous)

MH: Not a dickey bird boss. I’ve tried everything, phone, text, email. I’ve had people checking the hotels he normally stays at, the local bars, even the ice rinks in London. Nothing. Could he have stayed in America? He might not even be in the country

(Jones shrugs his shoulders)

MJ: We can’t just forfeit. I will not lose anything else. I have worked too damn hard for this

MH: But what can we do boss. Max is good but can he beat them on his own, we aren’t allowed to put in a replacement

(Jones scowls)

MJ: Say’s who. This is still half my company and if I want to change the rules then who is going to stop me?



What are you looking at?

(Hernandez has turned and is looking at a video screen, the camera peers over his shoulder to show Enforcer striding through the backstage area. The crowd pop as the former EWF champion stares straight ahead)

MH: He’s here

(The scene fades as Jones stares intently at the screen)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 9 Aug 2014 - 0:16

(Elsewhere backstage the Red Arrows;Jack Hurst and Robin Reborn are stood ready for the Main Event unaware of the recent events)

RR: You think he’s gonna show?

(Hurst smiles)

JH: Whether Enforcer graces us with his presence is inconsequential Robin, I heeded your words this past week. We have shown the world we mean business, the new breed are coming

Now is our chance to shine, this is our moment

(Robin is bouncing back and forth)


JH: How insightful of you but yes, YOLO indeed

(Reborn slaps his partner on the chest)

RR: I think you know what this means

(Hurst closes his eyes)

JH: Do we have to?

RR: Oh yes my brother from another mother, say it with me….

(Hurst rolls his eyes)

RR: How does it go?

(Hurst starts quietly)

JH: I believe…………….

RR: Pardon, I didn’t quite get that!

(Hurst repeats a little louder)

JH: I believe…………..

RR: There not even gonna get that in the cheap seats, come on do some of that town crier shizzle you Brits love

(Hurst shakes his head but clears his throat)


(Reborn is jumping around excitedly)

RR: Didn’t that feel good...Hallelujah...

(Hurst smiles as the whole arena are chanting)





JH: Let’s go do this

(The two Hi-5 as the camera goes ringside)


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 9 Aug 2014 - 0:22

*An announcement appears up on the screen in front of the audience. Press clippings and social media reactions to the news are floating underneath.


HA: There you have it folks....that news broke just moments ago, tonight is the last night for 6CW in the iconic Copper Box. We have been informed that due to increasing demand for tickets the decision has been made to upgrade to a more purposeful arena.

HE: There have been so many great moments here in the Copper Box but this is great news....I have no doubt that 6CW is going to take the roof off of Wembley Arena in ten days...

HA: Attendances will go from 3,000 to 12,500 overnight, this is a huge moment for the fastest rising promotion in this business today....thanks for the memories Copper Box but it is onwards and upwards for us...Wembley here we come.

*A huge chant of "Wembley" rings around the Copper Box as everyone prepares for the main event.


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6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 8th August 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 9 Aug 2014 - 0:24

Main Event
6CW Tag Team Championships
MaxForce © vs Red Arrows

HE: So Enforcer is here?

HA: He’s here but my word he does not look in a good mood…

HE: As long as he knows that The Authority are still best for business, what happened at Scars and Stripes was an accident…

HA: I have no idea what Enforcer is thinking right now, nobody has heard from in since he lost the EWF Championship…

Ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the 6CW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!

*Crowd pop

The crowd begin to go wild as “Prince Charming” sounds of from the speakers. There is a flash of pyros and then the music morphs into “Stronger” by Kanye West and the reaction from the audience grows…

HA: No guesses for who the 6CW Universe is backing tonight…

HE: Who the hell cares? These guys knocked off a couple of B list teams to get here, now they are in the big leagues and you are going to see that they don’t belong…

Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger………….weighing in at a combined weight of 445 pounds……Jack Hurst, Robin Reborn……the Reeeeeeeeeddd Arrrrroooooowwwwwsssss!

Robin Reborn bounces out onto the stage to join Jack Hurst and they high five before making their way to the ring. They stop to interact with the fans around ringside and then they climb up onto the apron…

HA: The Arrows earned this title opportunity by defeating the Wild Stallions in one hell of a match at Scars and Stripes….this is certainly their biggest test to date but they look confident…

HE: That is because they have no idea what is around the corner….they are in the ring tonight with two of the best in the business, not only the tag team champions but also the current 6CW Champion….

HA: I’m sure Reborn and Hurst are well aware of that…but these two youngsters are not intimidated, they believe this is their night to announce themselves…

Reborn and Hurst talk tactics as “Radioactive” blasts and the fans begin to boo right into the rafters. Gold and green pyros explode into the air as one half of the tag team champions makes his entrance…

Ring Announcer: And their opponents….first, from Perth, Australia….weighing in at 296 pounds…..he is the 6CW World Champion and one half of the current, reigning and defending 6CW Tag Team Champions….Maaaxxxxx Addddaaaammmmmssssoooonnn!

Adamson stands on the stage, a smug look on his face, as he holds his world title and tag title belts up in the air. He brushes off the negative reaction from the crowd and swaggers to the ring…

HA: Adamson looks extremely confident considering he hasn’t seen his partner since Scars and Stripes….

HE: Because Max knows that Enforcer, although hurting right now, knows The Authority is where the power is…Enforcer is of course going to be upset about losing the EWF Championship but his best chance of getting it back is to bury the hatchet with Mr Jones…

HA: I don’t know if Enforcer can take any more of Jones’ bull(beep)….first there was the incident with Max at Night of Glory, now Scars and Stripes….it is becoming quite frequent…

HE: Stop stirring…

Max makes his way around the ring and then up the steel steps. He climbs through the ropes and then holds his belts up again, smirking over at the Red Arrows…

HA: And now we wait…

There is a growing excitement in the crowd, the atmosphere is electric, and then “Saturday Night” booms out to a huge ovation from the audience. All eyes turn to the stage as red pyros burst high into the air…

Ring Announcer: And his partner….from Cardiff, Wales…………weighing in at 295 pounds….the other half of the 6CW Tag Team Champions…..Ennnfffffoooorrrrcccceeeerrrr!

HA: Enforcer was EWF Champion since October last year, his ten month reign ended at Scars and Stripes because his Authority teammates where too interested in protecting Max Adamson….they left Big E to fend for himself…

HE: It was an accident, Enforcer surely knows that…

Enforcer walks out on the stage, his eyes blazing, and a tag title belt over his shoulder. He ignores the reaction from the fans as he makes his way down the aisleway and then climbs up into the ring….

HA: Max seems pretty pleased to see his partner…

HE: Of course he is, there is no hard feelings….

Max is grinning at the Red Arrows as Enforcer steps through the ropes. Big E looks at Max and then nods his head, a signal that draws boos from the crowd…

HE: You see….Enforcer doesn’t blame Max, this is great…

HA: Surely Enforcer can’t be that stupid….The Authority don’t give a damn about him…

Enforcer walks into the middle of the ring and he glares at both Robin Reborn and Jack Hurst. There is a long stare-down between both teams as Enforcer holds his tag title in his hands…

HE: Reborn and Hurst are in for a massacring now tonight….Enforcer is going to take all his frustration out on them…

*Crowd pop



Enforcer suddenly whirls around and smashes his tag title belt right into the face of Max Adamson. Reborn and Hurst look stunned by Enforcer’s actions but Big E merely throws the title belt on the floor and leaves the ring…

HE: No….no this can’t be happening….

HA: Your damn right it is….Enforcer has seen the light, he’s had enough….The Authority have gone too far and now we know exactly what Big E feels about what went down at Scars and Stripes…

HE: But what about the tag titles?

HA: Somebody wake Adamson up and tell him to kiss them goodbye….amazing scenes here at Aftermath…

Crowd: Let’s go Big E x10

HA: Enforcer just made one hell of a statement…

Enforcer glances back over his shoulder and then he disappears into the backstage area with an angry smirk on his face. In the ring, Robin Reborn and Jack Hurst are looking at one another…

HA: This is your time guys, this is your chance…

HE: This isn’t right, this match can’t happen…

HA: Your damn right it can…

Adamson is trying to stand, swaying from one side to the other, and Jack Hurst spins him around and lifts him onto his shoulders…

HE: I don’t even want to watch…this is disgusting…


The crowd are on their feet as Hurst plants the kick right into Max’s stomach. All eyes then turn to Robin Reborn, who has leapt up onto the top rope…

HA: We promised a main event to remember but not even we expected this….SHOOTING STAR PRESS!

Reborn lands the high-flying move across the prone chest of Max Adamson. He then hooks both legs as Hurst counts along with the crowd…

HE: We need back up here….

Bad Intentions, Daniel Reilly and Alexander Altair explode through the curtain and rush for the ring…



The referee’s hand hits the mat for a third time and Jack Hurst quickly drags Robin Reborn from the ring as the rest of The Authority storm inside.

HE: What have you done, Big E?

Ding ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen here are your winner……and NEW 6CW Tag Team Champions…….Jack Hurst, Robin Reborn…..The Reeeeedddddd Arrrrrrrooooowwwwwsssss!

HA: The Arrows have done it, they are the brand new tag team champions….there is going to be one hell of a celebration tonight….

HE: This is disgusting, no way would those chumps ever have won if it wasn’t for Enforcer….why has he thrown it all away?

HA: The Authority are responsible for Enforcer losing his world title, I guess payback really is a b1tch!

The referee rolls from the ring to hand the tag title belts to their new owners. Reborn and Hurst are hugging, howling in delight, before Reborn climbs up onto the security railing and dives into the crowd…

HA: What a moment for these two young superstars….

Jack Hurst is laughing as he climbs over the railing and into the fan section. He poses for pictures and celebrates with his fans as Robin Reborn can be seen crowd surfing….In the ring, Max Adamson is being helped up by Reilly and Altair…

HE: This has not been a great night for The Authority…

HA: They may have had great success at Scars and Stripes but tonight it has all backfired….the Uprising are back in the game….cracks are forming, huge Enforcer size cracks in the armour of The Authority…

HE: Mr Jones is not going to be happy about this at all….Enforcer has a lot of explaining to do…

HA: Jones would be wise to cut Enforcer a wide berth, I don’t think he wants to aggravate him anymore than he already has….this match tonight, this result, is going to have some serious repercussions on the landscape of 6CW…the winds of change may be upon us, Henry…

HE: Don’t talk stupid…it is one blip, next week you will see what happens when you screw with The Authority….

Adamson is helped from the ring and he looks furious as he boots at the security railing. Bad Intentions turn back around to watch the Red Arrows celebrating in the crowd…

HA: But take nothing away from Robin Reborn and Jack Hurst, huge congratulations….this evening belongs to them…we are out of time folks…...what a way to end our final broadcast in the Copper Box...goodnight everyone!

The show goes off air with Reborn and Hurst still celebrating in the crowd, huge grins on their faces as they pose for pictures with their brand new title belts.


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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