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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by JJJohnson Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:13 pm

Live from the Elite Coliseum, Los Angeles
Start time: TBA

6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Sas10

Official theme song: "Light 'em up" by Fall Out Boy

Match 1
#1 Contender (Tag Titles)
Robin Reborn/Jack Hurst vs Wild Stallions

Match 2
6CW International Championship
Alexander Altair © vs Jimmy Phillips vs Jax Cutler

Match 3
Simon Cagero vs DeMarcus Brown

Match 4
Bam Sparkleston vs Jackson Black

Match 5
6CW Xtreme Championship
Edward Plague © vs Joshua

Match 6
Key to the Kingdom
Liam Wood vs GazzyD vs Vincent Costello vs vs Jerome Dubois

Match 7
6CW UK Championship
Daniel Reilly © vs Nate Nack

*Contract signing: JJ Johnson/Keith Leone

Main Event
6CW/EWF World Championships & Tag Team Championships
Enforcer/Max Adamson © vs Scott Harris/Mike Masters (c)

Last edited by JJJohnson on Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:52 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Enforcer Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:39 pm

The Elite Coliseum is packed and an E-Dub-F chant is filling the arena. The noise levels continue to build, until the crowd is cut off by 'Saturday Night' blasting through the sound system. The chants stop and are quickly replaced by boos, the crowd remembering how Enforcer sided with FEAR to try and end EWF.
Enforcer's music ends as he stands in the ring listening to the boos. He twice raises the mic to speak, only for the volume from crowd to increase forcing him to wait. After the second attempt Enforcer smiles to himself and begins talking anyway.
E: Now I remember why I was so eager to end EWF! I would say that you people give your country a bad name....but having spent quite a lot of time here I know that it's a fair reflection of the US of A!

Moronic, ungrateful inbreds, who wouldn't know real talent if it came up and kicked them in the face...

Enforcer rushes to the ropes and points at a fan in the front row who is waving his middle finger at E.
E: ...and if you don't pack it in you'll be finding out what that feels like a lot sooner than you think!

But I'm not out here to talk about you, I am here to talk about the most dominant man in professional wrestling. I am here to talk about the man who has been EWF Champion since October 2013. And the man who will become the longest reigning world champion in 6CW history, when I defend MY EWF championship at Scars & Stripes.

You see, things have changed. When I was in EWF I was held back by the fraud that is Daniel Magnusson. He pretends to promote a fair company with opportunities, but he held me down and stopped me reaching my full potential. Once I had ended his little company The Authority showed that they recognised talent and the EWF World Championship was mine...and has been ever since.

And that should be all the warning Scott Harris, Mike Masters and even Max Adamson need. I ended an entire wrestling promotion to make sure that I got what I deserved. I cost people their jobs and lost them their livelihoods so I could wear MY EWF title.  

If I am prepared to go that far they can be damn sure that I will do everything in my power to keep my belt in a match.

And I know that the easiest way to do that is by working with Max Adamson. We showed on Anarchy that when we're on the same page Masters and Harris can't live with us. We are the pinnacle of this industry at the moment and when we have to be we are unstoppable.

We were unstoppable on Anarchy.

Then we won.

Then we had no need to be unstoppable anymore.

Max, you were getting ideas about us being friends or allies. We are nothing more than business partners from the moment the bell rings until the match ends. I thought that message needed reinforcing at Anarchy...I hope you got the message!

Enforcer stands in the ring as the crowd continues to boo him.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by MtotheC Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:48 pm

Allen: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Tim Allen backstage here at the Copper Box bringing you the most up to date news from around 6CW. And let me tell you that the atmosphere here is electric as we move ever closer to Scars and Stripes.

And as always I have a top notch guest for you all, one of the four men who have the chance to walk out of LA with the Key to the Kingdom, please welcome my guest at this time Mr Vincent Costello…

The camera shot pans out to reveal Costello, his trademark look of contempt stares a hole through Allen

Mr Costello, you finally have your shot at moving into a position to regain the World Championship at Scars and Stripes, back on your old turf the Elite Coliseum, the place where it all began for you, any nostalgic emotions going into the PPV?

Costello scoffs at Allen’s line of question

Costello: There is nothing nostalgic about the Elite Coliseum for Vincent Costello and the only emotion I shall feel when I walk back through those doors is disdain. You see I don’t look back at EWF like it was the good old days, like it was some kind of golden era… because it wasn’t, it was a joke, that entire company from top to bottom was a stain on the wrestling world and its demise couldn’t have come quick enough.

Daniel Magnusson ran EWF into the ground, because he couldn’t do what was best for business, he couldn’t do what was needed to be done and he deserved everything he got and more. When you put your faith in the wrong people you get what you deserve… relying on the like of Mike Conrad, Jimmy Phillips, Thunder and the biggest joke in that companies history Liam Wood, they all got what they deserved… EWF closed for business…

A half smile cracks over the face of Costello as he appears to reminisce about the day EWF closed.

Allen: But Vincent, you were the EWF champion, do you not even feel some loyalty to Daniel Magnusson?

Costello: You’re kidding right? What’s the extreme opposite of loyalty??? Well picture that and times it by 100 and your still not even close to how I feel about Daniel Magnusson. He should have put his faith in something worth believing in, in something worth a damn, in something that commands respect…

Allen: Costello’s Law?

Costello: Your damn right, he should have come to me on his hands and knees begging for me to save his company, he should have written me a blank cheque but he didn’t have the foresight or the wherewithal to do what needed to be done.

And yet despite being known as one of the most inept business men to ever work in pro wrestling, he’s somehow back, here in 6CW yet again putting his blind faith in the wrong people. And of course Gazzy D is lapping it up like the emotional wreck he is, desperate for a pat on the back, bursting at the seams for someone, anyone to give him a reassuring smile and say well done Gareth. Well Gazzy, the perpetual failure that you are has found the perfect partner in Magnusson… together you can try… but ultimately you’re destined to fail. It’s written in the stars; Gazzy D and failure go hand in hand.

And I can’t wait to be there to see Magnusson yet again broken, beaten and penniless… I want to be there when it happens, I want walk in at the very moment he fails and laugh in his face.

Allen: Vincent this is a very clear statement that you oppose the uprising, does this mean you’re throwing your lot in with the Authority?

Costello: Look, Costello’s Law in this game for Costello’s Law, I will do what’s best for me and my agenda, I’ll admit that Jones is a good tactician and I respect that but just like Magnusson he too has failed to utilise me correctly, he too has failed to protect me and I will never forget that.

Allen: And finally, what’s your prediction for Scars and Stripes, how do you plan on defeating The Viper Liam Wood, the hall of famer Dubious and Gazzy D next week?

Costello: By rising above the mediocrity , you see I’ve known for some time now that there is an infestation here in 6CW. Everywhere I look, I see nothing but undeveloped, unevolved barely conscious… averageness. And most of these guys in the locker room are so convinced of their own superiority, so enamoured by their own ego that don’t even see the truth that’s staring them right in the face, plain as day…

Allen: And that truth is?

Costello angrily snatches the microphone out of Allen’s hand and addresses the camera directly

Costello: That Costello’s Law is the force here in 6CW, not the uprising, not the Authority… ME

And that’s why when I walk into the Elite Coliseum at Scars and Stripes and I win the key to the kingdom match I’ll be sticking two fingers up to Jones, Magnusson and all those phony LA fans because Costello’s Law will be back where it belongs… on the precipice of greatness, on the edge of glory and one step away from the greatest comeback story that has ever been seen…

Costello’s Law finds a way, always has always will!

Costello looking as intense as he ever has stares into the camera before saying…


He then shoves the microphone into the chest of Tim Allen and walks off camera


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by x12x Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:07 pm

The packed Elite Coliseum comes to life as End Seekers by Oh, Sleeper begins to blast from the speakers as the former EWF World Heavyweight and Television Champion the Viper Liam Wood walks slowly out on to the stage with a microphone in his hand. Viper proudly displays his first ever EWF T-shirt as he makes his way down towards the ring, tapping hands with the fans on the way down.

As Wood rolls under the bottom rope the fans in attendance start a “WELCOME HOME” chant causing Wood to stay in a seated position against the bottom rope with a huge smile on his face, Wood shakes his head and laughs almost overcome with emotion as he pulls himself up and begins to pace around the ring.

“Now THAT is a welcome back!”

The crowd cheers as Wood stands in the middle of the ring soaking in the attention of the fans, Wood runs his hand over his head and laughs at the fans reactions before speaking

“It's moments like this that make me believe in fate! I watched the doors of this company close, I watched a man lose something he truly loved and I watched evil win...I watched a virus spread through these halls and infect every living fibre of it...I watched that all happen even though I had put my body on the line to stop EWF Day Of Reckoning I lead Team EWF to victory over Fear, I helped save this company but it wasn't enough...”

The crowd boo as they remember the actions of Drake Calihan and Mr Jones in the takeover of EWF during the summer of 2013

“...Even though Team EWF beat still won...this company still got swallowed up by The Authority and everything I had thought for was gone...if you were to tell me during the merger between EWF and 6CW that one day I'd be back in this ring with Daniel Magnusson back in control I would have called you seems like you can never tell when a war is over though.”

“At this point in time we are close to getting things back to how they SHOULD be! Magnusson is back, The Authority are running scared and soon a true EWF Champion will be holding that belt...ME!”

Wood motions a belt causing a massive cheer before Wood continues to speak

“At Scars and Stripes I get the chance to move on from the past...I get the chance to regain who I am and there is nothing that can stop me doing that. Earlier this week someone I really care about told me that they could see the person I used to be...that the man I had become in 6CW was gone and the Liam Wood who made this company was standing in front of them...the man who lead this company and gave everything he had for it was back...It seems fitting that my first chance to regain a shot at MY World Title is in this building...I have never been more ready for war than I have in my life as I am now...”

“...Now Costello might see the match next week as him getting to rise above the his eyes he's facing nothing more than a has been, Max Adamson's errand boy and a man who's ego is the size of a small island”

Wood points at himself and smiles in to the camera causing the audience to laugh

“Costello believes that the Key To The Kingdom match is nothing more than a stepping stone, a mere inconvenience but I can guarantee that if he goes in to this match and expects nothing less than a war he's setting himself up to be see I'm out here to tell you that I am going to walk away with the win at Scars and Stripes BUT I do not expect it to be easy in the slightest...”

The crowd pop as Wood declares his intent

“ see, I have faced and beaten every single man in that match, I have taken each of them to their limits and shown them just how good I am but I'm not stupid...I know that the moment I turn my back on Jerome Dubois that he will use any underhand technique to get the win...I know that the moment he gets a chance Vincent Costello win hit me with the brass knucks like a little bitch and I know that the moment you underestimate Gazzy D then you'll find out why they call him the history see I know how much this match will mean to Gazzy the me he has gone through hell this past year and he probably see's this match as the turning point...I know just how hard this match will be but, I know that I am the man to pull off the impossible...I am the man who they try to keep down but as I have shown you just can't stop fate. One way or another I will be back at the top of that mountain and this is where my ascension begins”

Wood lowers the microphone as the crowd continue to chant for him, he paces the ring once again and looks up at the Scars and Stripes logo with a smile on his face

“During my time in this building fighting for EWF I showed the world just why I'm so confident in my Scars and Stripes I had the match of my career and I came out on top to defend MY TV Title, I made history in this company time and time again but as you may have seen...things got a little harder the moment I went to 6CW! The odds got steeper, the road blocks became more personal and I had to push myself further than even I thought possible...well at Night Of Glory, I put that all behind me and I restarted my legacy...I banished the demons and I looked forward with a smile for the first time since signing for Scars and Stripes I come back to the place that started it all and show the world that I am well and truly back to the man I used to be...I show the world that the Legacy is alive and well and I show the Authority that the EWF Title is coming home.”

Wood lowers the microphone and looks at the stage


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:18 pm

*Stronger blazes out around the arena

HA: Looks like Hurst and Reborn are set to join us

HE: Urgh, am I sick of those two. The manners of that gent and then his Tigger-like sidekick

*Out comes Reborn but not Hurst, Robin making his way to the ring alone.

HA: Looks like it's just your b-b-b-bouncing friend tonight, Henry!

*Reborn grabs a mic and stands in the middle of the ring.

RR: Considering the path I took in this business, where I'm from and where Scars and Stripes has taken us, well I guess its time for an EWF original to come out here and take the stage.

*The crowd pop and an E-DUB-F chant starts. Reborn encourages it on.

RR: Hell yeah E-DUB-F. I got onto the big time cos EWF took a chance on a young man who would fly through the air and take stupid risks before he even considered which suplex was the most effective and whether there were even 1004 holds to get on with.

I'm back where it all began, back in the EWF and back in the good ol' USA!

*U-S-A chant has its moment

RR: But I've got some business to attend to. Cos Robin Reborn wants some gold, baby! And this is the first step. We have been putting the message out there for weeks. Robin Reborn and Jack Hurst will take on the world, and we'll get the tag titles we deserve too. Well, those Wild Stallions have answered the call. And they better be ready for a wild night.

*Reborn moves to the corner and sits atop the turnbuckle

RR: You see, I'm the only one in that ring who really gets what the EWF want. The fans have their own ways, don't you?

*Reborn laughs and another E-DUB-F chant starts

RR: Yeah yeah, I get ya. They think I'm crazy back in the UK, but they don't know that taking risks and making memories was what this place was about. Sure, we all want to win and lose, but the world remembers the moments you create. Any time they tell me to think about what I'm doing, not to jump off this and not to fly down that, I think of EWF and I do it all anyway. Cos I believe


RR: I believe that


RR: Let's kick this on

*He stands atop the turnbuckle


*The crowd takeover and Reborn revels in the chant and being back home...

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by x12x Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:36 pm

The camera flickers on in a darkened room as the sound of a church organ can be heard playing quietly in the background, under the sound of organs a large familiar chant can be heard


As the camera pans among the darkened room the walls are illuminated by the dull light of a flickering lamp revealing various words scratched in to the wall but the camera is unable to focus long enough for the text to become readable. Suddenly the camera stops panning to reveal the bowing heads of Dylan and Cody Wright, their long black hair covers their faces as they look down at the plague masks in their hands, as the camera focuses on them it turns to static and for a split second shows the brothers as they once were before joining Edward in the Brotherhood. The static quickly changes back to normal as the brothers begin to speak.

BOTH: We are sorry for our failings Edward...

Dylan: We tried to save them...

Cody: ...but we were not strong enough.

The camera turns around to reveal the intimidating figure of Edward Plague, his face also covered in hair but his sick smile is still visible. Plague steps forward in to the light illuminating his smiling face, he lifeless eyes staring deep in to the camera as he cuts off the brothers.

Plague: Did I raise you to be fools?

Cody and Dylan look up with distraught looks on their faces, they stare up at Plague and hold back the emotion before answering their mentors question

Both: No Edward...

Plague smiles once again and laughs

Plague: Then you will know you never failed have failed no see, the world is full of people who live every day waiting for the sands of time to run out...hehehe...they live their lives for NOTHING and claim to be truly alive!

Edward's face contorts in to a scowl and his voice takes a serious tone

Plague: The men and women who die for what they believe are the ones who are truly alive even if it is for those few seconds before their eyes close...hehehe...we are not the men who fight for greed...hehehe...we are the ones who fight for the truth...hehehe...we fight for their soles in the hope that our message is see, you may have failed to impress the drones and the brainless who inhabit the corpse that is 6CW but what you achieved in those two meetings with the week and pitiful means more than personal success!

We are the ones who fight the good fight in the hope that the lost will be found...hehehe...we are the ones who look past the greed of gold and see the true meaning about control...hehehe...we are the ones who truly believe in life and when we are lucky enough to die for what we believe...hehehe...then we will truly see the meaning behind all the chaos

Cody and Dylan stand and hold the hands of Edward before dropping to knees in front of him

Dylan: Thank you for once again showing us the light Edward

Cody: Thank you for once again revealing the way...

Plague shakes his head and moves his hands away from Cody and Dylan

Plague: Stand on your feet brothers...hehehe...the days of you following other is over and it is time for you to lead by my is time for you to continue OUR have always known the have always seen the light...hehehe...I only helped you open your eyes but you were the ones brave enough to keep them open...hehehe...we have another who is desperately attempting to sew his shut...hehehe...we must save him and cut the strings once and for all...

Suddenly the chanting and the music in the distance come to a complete standstill causing Edward to grin a sick smile once again, Edward turns towards the door before looking at Cody and Dylan and speaking

Plague: Cody...Dylan...I think our guest has arrived

The three men walk through the doors with sick smiles on their faces as they enter a huge hall full of men, women and children dressed head to toe in white, each person is carrying a small ornate lamp and has their face covered in a plague mask. As the camera pans around the hall it reveals an altar that Edward has stood behind, Dylan and Cody join him either side and place their plague masks over their faces and Edward speaks again

Plague: Finally, you are home...

The camera spins around as the members of the procession begin to split down the middle creating a path to the front door of the hall revealing a familiar figure


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by DP Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:57 pm

Enforcer is stood waiting in the ring as 'Survival' hits the Elite Coliseum and the crowd explode into a pop as Scott Harris emerges onto the stage. He is wearing a hoody with the hood up, as per normal. He stands atop of the ramp, breathing in the atmosphere before reaching back and taking his hood down. He is looking at Enforcer as he removes 'THE SHARPSHOOTER' hoody, to reveal, to a big pop, an exclusive 6CW t shirt, emblazoned with the (now immortal) slogan "NEEDS MORE HARRIS!"

Harris throws the hoody into the baying LA crowd, before climbing into the ring. Not once has he taken his eyes off Enforcer, before shifting his gaze onto the EWF Championship belt. His music ceases and you can really hear the crowd chanting Harris' name as he continues looking at the belt.

A minute or so passes as Harris just looks at the belt before he snaps out of it and looks Enforcer dead in the eye. He raises his microphone to his mouth.

SH: Sorry, 'champ', I couldn't help but look at that belt and imagine how good it'll look when it's resting on MY shoulder.

The crowd pop again and Harris smirks.

SH: You see, it's funny that you were talking about EWF and FEAR or whatever it was and what you were saying at the time because with no due respect whatsoever, Big E, you're still spouting the same crap now! It would appear, that since holding that title, you've been stuck in a time bubble and everyone has moved on, evolved, grown even. Yet you've stayed the same, E.

And your supporters, people like my father might put that down to consistency or you being that damn good, but I'm not fooled. I see straight through that. You're set in your ways, you refuse to change because you're ignorant, arrogant! You think you're still at the centre of this universe, when really, your star is fading, your drifting away into the nothingness that you're so afraid to embrace.

And it's convenient that you claim that me and that idiot Masters can't live with you and Adamson, because we've certainly shown that assertion to be pure fantasy. You may have won the battle at Anarchy, admittedly, but it's all about the message we sent at the end: You backing away as your partner lay embedded in the wreckage of a table.

I don't believe in symbolism, hell, I can't say I buy into fate but I've just got this nagging feeling that Scars and Stripes will see the end of your title reign.

And I'd whisper this one quietly, so my Daddy dearest doesn't hear but I think you might just be looking at the man who will be ripping that title from your grasp.

And then, maybe just then, this company may finally have a World Champion it can be proud of. Because you're a disgrace Enforcer, a disgusting, low life of a World Champion and I think your time is running out.

And as these fans in this sell out arena scream that they need more Harris, I'm going to deliver on that. Because Scars and Stripes won't end with Mike Masters standing tall, it won't end with Max Adamson standing tall, it won't even end with your boring persona exuding your arrogant bile yet again.

It's going to end with me, stood in this ring, holding that title, breathing life into The Uprising and being the World Champion that this company needs and the World Champion that is my father's worst nightmare!

Because if you listen to these fans, Enforcer, they want more Harris! And trust me big guy, they're going to get it!!

Harris winks at Enforcer as the crowd cheer the final part of his address.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Guest Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:03 pm

Wood is still in the ring when the guitar intro from Limelight hits. The crowd go crazy as gazzy walks out to the stage. He drops to his knees and bows to the fans on both sides of the stage before jumping back to his feet and making his way to the ring tagging the hands of the fans

Wood smiles confidently as one of his Scar and Stripes opponents approaches. Gazzy reaches the ring and slides in grabbing a second microphone from the ring announcer. He holds it to his mouth but is quickly drowned out as 'gazzy' chants fill the arena

g: Sounds like evrybody is having a good evening

Again huge cheers from the crowd, gazzy jokingly clears his ears pretending he's been deafened by the very vocal crowd

g: seriously fans in the world.....*again huge pop from the crowd* Sorry Liam, I don't mean to interupt, but you know I was back there listening to what you had to say, and well.....................welcome back

This starts the crowd off chanting Welcome back Liam again and draws a quizzical look from The Viper

g: Listen I'm not out here to cause any problems, I mean there aren't any between us, seriously welcome back. I know exacly how this arena feels for you, being back in the Elite Coliseum were it all began for you. I know this because you see 6CW in general has exactly the same effect on me.

I know exactly how you will feel when your music hits and you walk out from that curtain heading into the Key to the Kingdom match, I know the goosebumps that will cover your arms, the hairs that will stand on end, the electricity that will be in the air because I feel that every time I step out in front of the 6CW universe.

The feeling that comes over you knowing that you're about to do something you love, something that will put a smile on each and every one of these guys faces, and who knows if you're lucky, you might just one day reach the top of the mountain, and at Scars and Stripes one guy in four has a chance to get closer to making that a reality.

But what interests me is that you're so sure you're going to win. Woah, hear me out. Liam, you're good...I mean you're really good. You've been doing this how long and you already have a CV worthy of a future Hall of Famer so there's no doubting your credentials, but you're talking about fate. Dude, from one professional to another, in this business fate is nothing but a cruel son of a b!tch.

When 6CW closed it's doors I thought my career was done, not even reached my peak and I was out of the game. But then I got that call telling me that it was coming back, and I thought it was fate. I thought it was fate saving me from getting fat on the couch, fate bringing me back to the best job a guy can ever wish for, and I was so sure that it was fate that I was going to come back and go straight back to the top of this company. How wrong I was, we all know whats gone on the last 12 months, beat down after beat down, embarrassment after embarrassment, screw over after screw over, and only now am I getting back to what these fans want to see....the history maker....the human highlight reel....Mr 6CW himself

gazzy paces the ring back and forth as the crowd loudly chant 6CDubx5

g: So please Liam, the worst thing you can do is go into this match thinking that fate has your back because the evidence shows it will more likely take a giant dump on you than see you through to victory. You know you don't have to rely on fate, I know you don't have to rely on fate......THEY KNOW you don't have to rely on fate. Liam you're one of the best I have stepped in to the ring with, and believe me I have been in the ring with the best of the best of the best, and you're up with them.

So with that said I think this is how it should go down at Scars and Stripes. We have Jerome Dubois, who cares if he's a Hall of Famer, I hated that guy in old school 6CW and I hate him now. I'll take care of the garlic smelling, baguette eating, bicycle riding clown, while you once again show the world that you're ten times the wrestler Vincent Costello will ever be. Then with them two out of the way, its me versus you. The two men who want to put the last 12 months behind them and get back to were they belong, the two men that when it comes down to it that every single man, woman and child are buying a ticket to see in this ring, and more importanty the two men that have the interests of this company at heart, the two men that want to see an end to this Authority BS once and for all

So what you say? Forget about fate, you come out doing what you do best and so do I and then when the dust settles, and all is said and done it's either you....or its me. The best man wins, and it's the beginning of the end for The Authority

gazzy drops the microphone to his side as the crowd start chanting, very much split between both gazzy and Liam as Wood mulls over the words of gazzy


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by x12x Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:54 pm

As Gazzy stands opposite Wood and the two men lock eyes Wood pauses with a confused look upon his face. The tension begins to build as Wood finally raises the microphone to his lips

“Now Gazzy, I understand why you came out here and I think if I was in your position I'd have done the same thing but let me make a few things clear about the Key To The Kingdom match at Scars and see that match is everyone for themselves and although I like the idea of taking out the trash so the good guys can settle it like men, we both know that we won't be getting rid of Dubois and Costello quite that easily and I have no intentions of teaming up with any of you in that match. I hope that you don't take that personally though because out of the three men I have to beat in this very'll be the one I almost feel guilty about...”

Gazzy looks at Wood with a shocked expression as Wood begins to pace the ring before continuing to speak

“...You see, the Key To The Kingdom for me isn't about me vs the Authority...It's not about me saving 6CW because I saved a company before and a few weeks later I had NOTHING to show for it...I might love 6CW and these fans but right now I have no horse in that race so if I have to beat Costello, Dubois or even you to get that can guarantee I'm going to be the man to do it! As I said before Night Of Glory was only just the start of what I'm about to create...this building saw me do it all but even it hasn't witnessed just how good I can be!”

The split in the crowd begins to lean towards Gazzy as Wood continues to speak about their future match, a smug smile crosses his face as he does

“Now maybe when I described this match, and me getting back to the top of the mountain as fate, well maybe I used the wrong word...the word I probably should have used is inevitability because that is what it is...when I lost MY EWF Title to Enforcer it was down to somebody else, I lost my rematch because of somebody else and then the Authority did EVERYTHING in their power to distract me from the fact that Enforcer can't measure up to the champion that I one day will said it yourself...I have the CV of a Hall Of Famer...I'm “one of the best” and at Scars and Stripes I'm planning to prove you right by winning that match, winning that key and sealing the fate of whoever is holding MY title...

...So maybe fate WAS the wrong word but when someone has my talent, my drive and my will...there is no stopping them...we've both had a year to forget and that's why I'm confused, I'm confused why you aren't out here telling the world how you're going to win at Scars and Stripes because when I hit rock bottom...I KNEW that it wasn't going to last...I KNEW that I would do what it takes to turn it around and I KNEW that if I didn't believe in myself then nobody else would and guys like Dubois and Costello would walk all over me...So thanks for the tips and the offer but I'm here to say that no matter how much I respect you for everything you've done for Scars and're just another obstacle in my way and you aren't going to be able to stop me...not even with the help of Daniel Magnusson.”

Wood grits his teeth as the crowd split once again

“So I'm sorry but I'm not going to forget about fate because when I stand in this ring I just know nothing can harm me...I won my first World Title here, I SAVED EWF here and at Scars And Stripes...I get the Key To The it fate, call it hope, call it whatever you want...I'll call it the future.”

Wood lowers his mic and stares across the ring once again at Gazzy as the chants between the split fans continue to get louder and louder.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by MtotheC Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:54 am

Billy Shaw is backstage at the Copper Box sitting in the Stallions locker room, he is intently focused on the TV, watching recordings of Robin Reborn and Jack Hurst’s previous matches in 6CW… When all of a sudden Ice Cold Nicky Cassidy burst through the door…

Yo, yo, yo, YO… Kid Cassidy in da house mother truckers… whose feeling me?

Big Jonny… what’s up playaaaaaaa?
Little Chrissy Chris… what crack-a-lacking?
J bizzy, what’s going down bra???

Billy Shaw: What the hell Nicky? Who are you even talking to?

Cassidy: I’m practising bro

Billy Shaw: Practicing? For what?

Cassidy: For the Scars and Stripes after party, that shiz is gonna be of the chizy… Ice Cold back in the States, back in the city of Angels, I’m gonna show you how we tear it up LA style.

Shaw: I think your forgetting about the small matter of our number one contenders match for the World Tag Team Titles??!! Those titles are why I got into this business; I grew up watching the Hardy Boyz, Edge and Christian and the Motor City Machine Guns and following in their footsteps is all I care about Nicky, not after parties, not my image or how white my complexion is… I want those belts around our waists, that’s why I’ve been here all day studying footage of Hurst and Reborn and I know exactly how to beat them.

Cassidy: And that’s why you are the brains and I am the eye candy, whilst you hit the books, I’ll hit the town, you do the homework and I’ll schmooze the fans, I’ll work the crowd and I’ll create the buzz… You know there’s a reason why the 6CW universe loves the Wild Stallion flex my friend… it’s because Cassidy brings the ice, Cassidy brings the flair and Billy Shaw brings the knowhow, the technique and the downright mad crazy skills that pay all of our bills.

Shaw: I don’t really understand what half of those things are Nick, but I guess you’re right to some extent anyway… whilst you’re doing what you love; playing up to the fans and getting the Wild Stallions name out there it leaves me to concentrate on the gym and scouting our opposition. You know maybe I should give you more credit…

Cassidy: It’s all cool, that why I’m the Broda and you are the young Luke Shawwalker, together there isn’t anything we can’t achieve. When it comes to go time… you know I’ve got your back, you know I’ll leave it all in that ring but outside of it, you’ve got your ways and I’ve got mine. All I ask is that when the hard work is said and done, you kick with me and let that hair down, let the drink flow and the girl’s blo…well you get what I’m saying!

Shaw: Sounds like a plan buddy… let’s do this… Wild Stallions for life?

Cassidy: For life broseth


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Guest Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:07 pm

gazzy smiles at Wood and sarts to speak again

g: Well said Liam, well said indeed, thats the hunger and the belief everybody here wants to see from you, none of that talk of fate rubbish. People pay to see the Viper, they don't pay to see somebody talking rubbish about how fate and destiny will win them a match. Thats the attitude that'll make you a legend

You already mentioned that both me and you have had bad years, that we both need this win to help put that behind us and finally get back on that ladder to the top where we belong, and I'm sorry if I'm not coming out and bigging myself up, I'm sorry if me not coming out here claiming that the Key to the Kingdom is mine to lose causes you confusion in any way. You see I don't need to do that. I don't need to come out here and big myself up. I don't need to stand in this ring and tell the world, tell you what you already know. Hell you already said yourself that the minute you underestimate me....well we all know what happens there

But if it makes you happy, if helps with the confusion, let me introduce myself......gazzyD, Key to the Kingdom winner

gazzy extends his hand which Wood sneers at and the crowd are completely unanimous in their support of gazzy for that split second

g: At Scars and Stripes, its not going to be fate, its not going to a belief, its just going to be the fact that gazzyD is the best man that is stepping into that match. I'm going to prove why Magnusson coming to me, and not you was one of the best business moves he could have ever made, and I'm going to do something you couldn't. I'm going to save a company that I love

gazzy throws his ams in the air and welcomes the cheers from the fans who are almost completely behind the History Maker


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by x12x Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:44 pm

Wood takes a step back almost shocked at the words of Gazzy as the arena hushes awaiting for him to speak again, the tension is clear as both men lock eyes neither wanting to give an inch

I didn't save EWF? Are you sure about that!? Look around you Gazzy and try to say it again without feeling like a hypocrite...look where we're standing right now and try to tell me that I didn't save this see the name may have gone but EWF is alive and kicking and that is because of what I sacrificed week in and week out in this Day Of Reckoning I was the last man standing for Team EWF...I am the reason that EWF WON the battle and I am the reason that Jones and his bunch of idiots like Heat and his forgotten brother couldn't get rid of us that easily...they had to act like snakes and we all know how that turned out...

...I am the reason for the clause that got Magnusson and Andrews back through the door at 6CW, I am the reason that EWF will never truly die and I am the reason that 6CW will beat the Authority...NOT YOU!

Gazzy looks at Wood with a confused look across his face as Wood begins to explain with a smug look across his face

You see because of me Magnusson is back here with some control and he might have forgotten that but it doesn't take a genius to see that without Team EWF's victory at Day Of Reckoning there would be no clause, there would be no Magnusson and there would be no instead of telling me how you'll be the one to save 6CW...maybe you should start by looking at the big picture and that is why I'm calling this match fate!

You see, when you have a man like me with the talent I possess there is just no stopping him...Jones tried holding me down and I broke free, Magnusson might not see me as his go to guy anymore but I don't need him too because I know what I have to do to get to where I belong and to rid this company of the people who are getting the chances that they don't deserve! I find it ironic that you can't see this as some sort of destiny though...the moment I left this building the walls started to close in and it all went down, over a year later when people are starting to see my comeback I'm back here to cement it...I'm back here to revive my legacy and I am back here to WIN and after I do...then I'm here to finish what I started in EWF...I'm going to save this company, I'm here to save the company that you claim to love...

Gazzy attempts to cut in obviously riled by the comment about him claiming to love 6CW but Wood quickly stops him and continues to speak

Now don't get me wrong, when I look at 6CW I see Gazzy're the man who has made history in this company and one day you'll be known as one of the best but I look back at this past year and I watched this company get taken over by Jones while you did NOTHING!

I watched as Jones used Orthrus and Plague to trick Andrews while you were too busy trying to get to the top, while you were too busy dealing with your own I know what that's like but the big difference between us is when I first came here I had no loyalties to this company, I had no reason to care as long as I was on the other hand, you should have stopped this before it even got started...instead you let Nate Nack and Drake get destroyed time and time again despite being 'Mr 6CW'...I watched as you HELPED Adamson win that belt...I watched as you LET him take advantage of you and I watched as he joined Jones and sadly Gazzy, part of that is on YOU!

So Gazzy...let me ask you this? Do you really think you can be the saviour you claim to be?


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Enforcer Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:01 pm

Enforcer glares at Harris with a look of disdain on his face.

E: Take a good look at my title, because this is the nearest you're ever going to get to it. You say that I have been stuck in a bubble and that I've been passed by? But I still hold the gold.

I may have stayed the same, but when you're as dominant as me there is no need to change. You and the rest of the roster can evolve and grow all you want...because no matter what you do, you won't be able to live with me.

You would need to have your very best day and I would need to have my very worst for you to have any chance. And I'm not planning on having a bad day, in fact I think Scars and Stripes will be one of my best. Not only will I walk out with MY EWF Title, I will have that bad boy over my other shoulder.

Enforcer points at Harris' tag team title belt.

E: You think you sent a message by putting Max through a table? I knew you were hard of thinking, I didn't realise you were hard of hearing too. I walked out on Max as the job was done, I had won my match and I had nothing left to do, so I left the ring. You may have sent a message to Max, but the one he got from me is the one he'll remember!

I only look out for one person Scott - and you're stood in the same ring as him. You can do what you want after matches if that makes you feel like you can play with the big boys, but at Anarchy I was victorious and the same thing will happen on Sunday.

The crowd starts to boo and Harris points at them and shrugs his shoulders, as if to tell Enforcer they disagree.

E: You think I give a damn about what the fans think?

You think I care if they are proud of their world champion? I wasted years trying to appease these leeches, no matter what you do they want a little bit more to bleed you dry. They will suck every ounce of life out of you - and when they've finished they'll forget you.

What this company needs is the best wrestlers holding the world titles and that is what it's got. The company doesn't need whining ingrates who want to get daddy's attention by acting the big man, it doesn't need upstarts who think they're ready for the big leagues...and it certainly doesn't need a poxy Needs More Harris chant!

With that a Needs More Harris chant builds around the arena, making Harris laugh and Enforcer look even more infuriated.

E: Just because they chant your name, like the trained monkeys they are, doesn't make you a champion. It just means...


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by TwisT Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:22 pm

The front door of Plague’s mansion is slightly open and the evil looking face of McCoy pokes out of the gap. The puppet’s head rotates from side to side, as if assessing the situation inside the building. He stops moving and then disappears from view. After a few moments, the door opens and the formidable figure of Joshua appears standing in the door way. Joshua stands stock still but then moves his neck from side to side before lifting his shoulders up and down. His bones click and the noise echoes around the hall making some of the children step back into the legs of the adults. McCoy smiles sickly and throws his head back and forth as if laughing. Joshua is unmoved, his hair covering his face and the only evidence that he is alive being the strands of hair bellowing forward as he breathes.

Joshua then grabs the door and slams it shut behind him. The boom is deafening and now even the adults take a few steps backwards. Joshua starts to walk forward along the gangway, his steps echoing around the hall and his head bowed. McCoy rotates his head, looking at the congregation as he passes and daring them to make a move. Plague and The Brotherhood look on as Joshua moves closer to them, his head still bowed and the tension filling the air. At last, Joshua gets to within a few steps of Plague. Instinctively, Cody and Dylan block the way and size up to Joshua. He stops, lifting his head and moving his eyes from one brother to the next. His mouth curls at the corners and he growls softly at them before speaking:

You are not worthy………of standing in my presence………Be gone………or be removed………

Plague places his hands on each brother’s shoulder and pulls them back. He then opens his arms out wide in a welcoming manner and goes to speak. However, Joshua cuts in, lifting a finger to his lips:


Plague looks slightly annoyed for a brief moment, before stepping back. Joshua glares at him and McCoy once again does his silent laughter movement. Joshua then turns his head and looks behind him. He stares at the congregation before returning to face Plague and shaking his head:

How can one man………amass such an army………of frightened souls?………Do they show you this fear………when you stand before them………or is it because they now know………that their fate is soon upon them?………

Again Plague goes to answer but Joshua simply walks past him and looks around the hall. He looks at the boarded up windows, tattered furniture and large cobwebs hanging from every part of the walls. The ornate lamps provide only ample light and the room is drab, decaying and dark. Joshua stops at one of the boarded up windows and peers through the crack. He begins to speak as he continues to look upon it:

Fear is something that can be easily………covered up………Shielded from the rays………we can hide our true feelings………beneath face paint and masks………There will be a time however………when the mask falls………Forcing the wearer………to confront a terrible truth………This truth may affect us………in many ways………For some we back away to safety………for others a misplaced act is used………in a desperate attempt to override………the real emotion………An act………that I can look at and know………fear is only a few layers away………An act………for example………like laughter………

He turns to look at Plague, his scarred face contorting into a snare. McCoy slowly turns his head to face Joshua, which makes the snarl vanish from Joshua’s face. He then walks up to one of the adults in the congregation. He snatches an ornate lamp and walks up to Plague. Cody and Dylan stiffen, but a glare from Joshua pushes them back. Joshua takes the lamp and holds it to the side of Plague’s face. Joshua moves his head slowly downwards so that he is only inches away from Plague’s. He uses the light, which is now shining brightly on Plague, to assess his opponent. He looks all around Plague’s facial features before speaking:

I look upon you and feel pity………Pity of a man so intent………to walk into the abyss………A man that has had………his mask removed………And the only comfort………he can cling to………is the sound of his own laughter………He knows………that he has been reckless………He knows………that he has bitten off more………than he can chew………He knows………that his suffering is sealed………with every conflicting chuckle………

Joshua suddenly chucks the lamp over his shoulder while still looking at Plague. The sound of breaking glass can be heard as the lamp smashes, followed by an audible gasp from the congregation. Joshua, still looking at Plague, smiles and then speaks:

The sound of masks falling to the floor………is music to my ears………You really must control………your orchestra………more carefully………The veil is slipping………and I see the confidence ebbing away………like the lifeless eyes I see before me………

Joshua turns towards Cody and the Dylan, who have now removed their masks and are angrily staring at back at him. Joshua tuts at them both and shakes his head:

Look at them………itching for a fight they can’t comprehend………You stare at me in anger?………Or looking at the cause………of your suffering?………Speak up children………What………Say………You?………

Cody and Dylan say nothing, as Joshua returns to looking down at Plague. He licks his lips while holding McCoy to the side of Plague’s face and nods his head slowly:

You realise now………that play time is over?………What you promised………has failed to happen………and now the conductor stares………disappointed eyes at you………I thought you would be more………much more………than the comedy act………I see before me………What a shame………that the facts have passed you by………Never have I been beaten………in the wrestlers fake world………Never have I submitted………in the federation of sheep………It is clear to you………that bringing me into………your group of weaklings………is something I refuse to contemplate………and am detested by the notion………To join you………To join this charade………Would only bring the curtain down………a lot sooner than I wish………I want you begging……pleading……suffering……safe in the knowledge that………your hopes………were only prolonged………for my own amusement………

He turns his back on Plague and stares at the congregation. Joshua lifts McCoy up with one hand so that they all can see and then addresses them:

You all………have had your death warrant………signed………When that fateful demise comes………is up to the conductor you look upon………The symphony you hear………the high pitched sound of screams………is a preview………of your own fate………and the fate of the man………you foolishly felt showed you the way………For the puppet………and his master………can only be connected as one………and outside influences………have no impact on them………mentally………or physically………For my blood can happily flow………and my bones receive a satisfying break………but the music will play and play………regardless of how you wish it to stop………I would give you a choice………a choice of walking away………but forgiveness and mercy………are words far out of the reaches………of my vocabulary………

He lowers McCoy slowly and turns round again to Plague. Joshua is breathing heavily and snarling:

I humoured you………by meeting you here………Consider it an exclamation………of intent………You may speak false promises………but I will clarify things………right now………You………the brothers………and the rest of your clan………need to finally take heed………So you can make peace………with whatever false God………you wrongly believe in………

He lowers his face to within inches of Plague’s and spits out his next words:

I will never………join with you………I will show………no compassion………And the Brotherhood………the idea you hold dear………will die at my choosing………

He stares into Plague’s eyes before stepping backwards so that the words can sink in.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Guest Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:46 pm

gazzy takes a moment, clearly thinking about the words of Wood before he speaks again

g: You heard me right sunshine. You may have won some kind of battle, but you see you were helpless to stop the war, a war that has raged on and now despite Mr Magnusson's presence here in 6CW it is still exactly that, 6CW.

I know we're in the home of EWF, and I know that although each and every one of these fans here tonight now fly the flag for 6CW, like you deep down their heart belongs to a company that no matter how much you look at it, no longer exists, and I know that may be a bitter pill to swallow but you see I still have a chance to do something about my company.

But you know, you do make some valid points. I mean after all I'm out here now sprouting my mouth about I'm the man who will save 6CW from The Authority, I'm Mr 6CW and yadda yadda yadda, and you're right. I could have stopped this. I'm part of the reason that 6CW is in the mess it's in now, did I make mistakes? Regrettably so, and there's not one day now that goes past that I don't dwell on it, but at least I'm in position to atone for my mistakes and that starts at Scars and Stripes. At the end of the day Max Adamson is wearing the 6CW title for one reason and one reason, I think it's only right that I'm the one to take that from him and with it the very thing The Authority lives for the most. And look at this way, with me turning the tables on Adamson, stalking him and making his existence a living nightmare, that leaves you to get some retribution of your own......Enforcer and the EWF Championship

Wood eagerly listens to the words of gazzy

g: Listen I respect everything you did for EWF, it almost makes me proud to see somebody who shares the same passion I have and I can't think of anybody more worthy of holding the EWF title than you, and like I've said a number of times, there's no doubting you're good and no matter how much I give at Scars and Stripes I know you're going to be right there pushing me to my limit and then some, but when all is done I will hold the Key to the Kingdom, because you are not going into the ring with somebody who as you say will one day be one of the best ever, you're stepping into the ring with somebody who is already one of the best ever, and I'm one of the best ever with a point to prove. Don't let the last 12 months fool you, form is temporary.....class is permanent.

And you know when I do win the Key to the Kingdom and have Max and The Authority constantly watching their backs. I won't just be gazzyD the History Maker any more, no no no, I'll be forever known as gazzyD....6CW saviour, just you wait and see, because seeing.......


g: Good luck Liam

gazzy drops his microphone and extends his hand to Wood waiting to see if he'll take it or not


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by MtotheC Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:40 pm

As Gazzy extends his hand to Liam Wood, ‘Killing in the name of’ by rage against the machine blares out of arena PA system, the two men turn towards the stage in anticipation of Vincent Costello’s arrival.  Boos fill the atmosphere inside the Elite Coliseum as Costello appears on the entrance ramp microphone in hand…

Costello: Settle down, settle down, I know this must be quite a moment for all you LA phonies, seeing Costello’s Law in the flesh once again, but believe I’m not out here to pander to you, your boo’s are like music to my ears. In fact the last time I was in LA I was watching the greatest team from the greatest city on earth; The New York Knicks play the Lakers off the court… there were a lot of boos that day too… disappointment is the hallmark of this city and come Stars and Stripes you will all continue to be disappointed as Costello’s Law walks out of this cesspit with the Key to the kingdom.

Now gentlemen, I can see you both standing there, fists all balled up, aggression pouring out of you, ready to lay your lives down for EWF and 6CW… THANK THE LORD FOR GAZZY D AND LIAM WOOD, the two shining white knights, here to deliver us from evil, here to protect and serve the good people of the 6CW universe. Well if you two are the great hope of this company we might as well slam the doors shut and bolt them closed right now.

Never have I heard such ego fuelled garbage in all my life, now I know the oxygen up on that pedestal you two have positioned yourselves on is thin and that you guys must be pretty light headed about now but the stink of delusion coming from that ring is unbearable. The bickering and school yard squabbling stops here… Costello’s Law is going to bring you both back down to earth with a bang, a reality check…

The key to the kingdom is mine and mine alone, and it doesn’t matter how much stock either of you put in fate, destiny or even saviours you can’t do a damn thing about it.

For months now the two of you have been a joke, Gazzy D nothing more than Max Adamson’s errand boy and you Wood… a jumped up little sycophant who’s put more crosses in the loss column than the Lakers!

Crowd: YOU SUCK X10

Costello smirks as he bring the microphone back to his mouth

But that being said I know that at Scars and Stripes we all go to war for the opportunity of a lifetime and while the two of you bicker over who gets to shine Magnusson’s shoes, Costello’s Law is ready and waiting to claim the spoils.

So listen up LA phonies, pay attention everyone watching home, but most of all Adamson…Enforcer, turn your TV’s up and take note… Play time is over, Costello’s law is about to turn everything you hold dear upside down and inside out… The key to the kingdom will unlock a new era here in 6CW not one led by the Authority or the Uprising but one single beacon of hope shining in the dark, one entity that will lead this company into its most prosperous age… Costello’s Law!


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by x12x Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:16 pm

Gazzy and Wood stand in the ring paused for a few seconds until Wood simply walks towards the ropes dropping down and rolling to the outside beginning to speak to both men

Now Gazzy, no disrespect but I we'll save the whole best friend act until AFTER our match at Scars and Stripes because although I may respect you, I'm not going to hide the fact that the moment that bell rings you and that so called man on the stage will be one and the same...on July 27th you'll both be guys I just have to beat, you'll be someone else standing in the way of something I want...

...Now don't get me wrong Gazzy, out of the three men I have to beat at Scars and Stripes you're the one I look forward to facing the most...Dubois is just out there to trick us in to thinking he's still got it and Costello like the hypocrite he is just needs to satisfy that massive least when it comes to Gazzy D he seems to be fighting for an actual cause but sadly I am not in the business of taking a back seat...not to a Hall Of Famer, not to Mr 6CW and especially not to some jumped up wannabe gangster who despite not caring what these fans think seems to try to get their attention more and more as they get bored of his act.

Wood turns towards Costello at the top of the stage and slowly begins to speak while walking up the aisle

Now Vinnie I think it's cute that you like to tell us about your daily life and I hope that you enjoyed watching the New York Nicks but how about we listen to my last experience in this City? The last time I stood in this City was Day Of was the night I won my EWF Title and the night I gave Mr Jones the biggest headache of his entire life...You see I won the title that you were too scared to actually fight for, I won the title that sealed the fate of the Fear Campaign and I become the first and only double champion EWF ever see while you're out here to irritate fans I'm here to do the impossible, I'm out here to make my mark and continue what I started when I walked through those doors!

You say you have never heard such ego fuelled garbage in your life so I assume you do the same as everyone else does when you talk and you stop listening because all I hear is how Vinnie Costello doesn't get the shots he deserves...all I hear is how it's unfair and everyone is holding Vinnie C's sad that this business isn't as easy as you need it to be right Vincent? It's not like you held the EWF Title or the UK title is it? It's not like you LOST both of those titles because you were too scared to actually stand for something once in your pathetic life...was it?

Wood reaches Costello and the two square up

Now you might think that Gazzy and I are poster boys of companies that just aren't good enough for you but you're looking at two men who come July 27th in this very building are going to expose you for just how hollow Costello's law is, how it's just an ego boost for you because Daddy didn't hug you enough and when that bell rings and I become the holder of the key, at least Gazzy will have some pride in what he was trying to achieve...

Wood drops the microphone and walks past Costello leaving his two opponents in the arena.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:36 pm

Robin Reborn wrote:RR: Yeah yeah, I get ya. They think I'm crazy back in the UK, but they don't know that taking risks and making memories was what this place was about. Sure, we all want to win and lose, but the world remembers the moments you create. Any time they tell me to think about what I'm doing, not to jump off this and not to fly down that, I think of EWF and I do it all anyway. Cos I believe


RR: I believe that


RR: Let's kick this on

*He stands atop the turnbuckle


*The crowd takeover and Reborn revels in the chant and being back home...

*The chant continues for 30 seconds and before the momentum can drop "Prince Charming" hits and the crowd pop as Jack Hurst comes out, a Blazer with big white stars on a deep blue background and bright red trousers.

HA: Well, Jack Hurst has certainly got himself comfortable in the U S of A!

HE: He looks like an idiot

*Hurst is throwing a microphone up and down in one hand, spiralling it up and down as he swaggers towards the ring. In the over he holds a bottle of champagne and two flutes. He stops as the reaches the steps.

JH: Looks like my tag partner here had a homecoming he just had to get to!

*The crowd pop again as Reborn gestures wildly with his arms for noise. Hurst laughs as he goes up the steps.

JH: Thought I'd bring the drinks.

RR: Well it ain't a party unless the bottles pop!

JH: Haha! Not quite yet, Robin. We have got business to attend to. We get that 1, 2, 3 and then we can spray Cristal all over the EWF originals in attendance...

*Another huge E-DUB-F chant kicks in. Hurst gets into the ring and the pair shake hands and hug.

RR: After party?

*Reborn turns to the crowd. Hurst then does the same and asks...

JH: After party?

*The crowd start a LETS GET DRUNK chant and the pair laugh together now.

JH: But ladies and gentlemen, we have got a match to win! And it's a big one. But I think you'll agree that what Robin started in EWF has carried on in this team. Cos we'll throw ourselves head first at and over anything to make a night of things. We might not remember how we did it the next day, but we go all out to get the job done.

RR: Yes boy! That's what I'm talkin' about! Let's show these Stallions how to really get wild, and follow my lead Jacky boy as we show them how to do it EWF style!

JH: Maybe it's where we are, maybe it's the jetlag, or maybe its that every damn fan in this building is stark raving bonkers, but I'm with you tonight on that one. We go out there and show them how the EWF taught you how to get by!

*The crowd pop once again

RR: Nicky, Billy, get ready to see two Red Arrows flying right down at you...

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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Marky Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:35 pm

E: Just because they chant your name, like the trained monkeys they are, doesn't make you a champion. It just means....

music "Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light..." music

(The crowd cheer at their National anthem being sung, a man in a crude Stars and Stripes suit walks out with a fake Abraham Lincoln beard and top hat concealing his identity. The man continues singing)

music "What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free..." music

...and the home...

...of the... that will be honoured and priviledged to witness the successful defence of the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship by MAX ADAMSON!!!

(The booing is overwhelming as Max Adamson reveals his identity, removing the top hat and fake beard, he stands arms wide, he opens his jacket to reveal the 6CW World Championship around his waist, he walks down to the ring and climbs inside the ring, smirking as the crowd boo and jeer him, and Adamson smirks at Harris)

Max: For those thirty seconds, I was stood at the top of the ramp, I had these people in the palm of my hand. And I was more over than "Needs more Harris" will ever be. That's how easy it is Scott, and that's how little these people really care about you. Enforcer's right, these chants do not mean you're in any position to take either of the World Championships held by Enforcer or myself... It just means you're the current flavour of the month. And when the inevitable happens, when this situation gets bigger than either you or your partner anticipated, and you inevitably let these people down... You'll feel down. You'll feel devastated. You'll have let these fans down, these fans who look longingly in your direction. And they'll be distraught. For a little while, anyway.

(Adamson leans back on the ropes)

Max: Then they'll do what they do to everyone. What they've done to me, to Enforcer, to every single person in this industry who's ever done something for the fans. The fans will move on. They are bloodthirsty sycophants, who feed on the good nature of people like you Scott. Do you think you're representing them? You're this working class hero who can show them all that their dreams are achieveable because Scott Harris can do it? As soon as you've failed, and you will fail as long as you're doing it for them Scott, there'll be this brief lull before they move onto their next "hero". Look at Nate Nack. Look at Liam Wood. Cast aside because they didn't win. And you'd better enjoy this week Scott, because when you and Masters can't co-exist, when you and Masters allow personal rivalry to affect your business decisions, and when Max Adamson and Enforcer become the new 6CW Tag Team Champions, you'll go back to the scrapheap.

(Adamson has to speak up to cover the boos)

Max: You know it, I know it, these people know it, even Enforcer knows it. These people will drag you down. Far be it for me to give you advice when you're about to compete for my title, but the sooner you realise that these people are the Kryptonite to your Superman, and that the "Needs more Harris" chants are gonna die down quicker than Uncle Rolf's reputation, the easier this whole episode will be for you.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by jeromedubois Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:31 pm

The scene opens of a shot of a large mansion house in Bordeaux where vineyards can be seen with men working along the vines cultivating the grapes. The camera zooms in as we see 3 pictures lined up on a table of GazzyD, Liam Wood, and Vincent Costello. Dubois makes his way into the room cigar in hand wearing white trousers, and a light brown jackets with a white shirt.

JD: Ah excuse me…As you can see I am getting prepared for ze moment dat everyone has been waiting for since me return…Redemption…You see I, le Phenomene Francais finds himself in a fatal fourway in a keys to ze kingdom match…Now ze winner gets a shot at cashing in on ze world title at any time, any place, any where…In oder words ze man who wins ze match becomes World Heavyweight Champion…A chance to validate my career, and to cement my legacy once and for all…But you see mes amis it seems, it seems dat Jerome Dubois has been put in an impossible situation as realistically I only have a 25% chance of walking out with ze Keys to ze title…I mean let us not forget I am facing Mr.6CW GazzyD, ze man who put EWF on ze map in Liam Wood, and….Merde what is his name…Marcel c’etais quoi son prenom?!

A voice is heard from another room.

M: Vincent Costello!

JD: Ahh mais oui, Monsieur Costello! And you see mes amis now just like every single other time I am seen as ze under dog…Hell I am an after dought! Zese 3 men have been speaking about ze match like a barely existed! But what zey fail to understand is dat I am far more present dan zey would like to acknowledge. You see mes amis I am ze little pony in ze background who no one gives a chance in hell in a horse race…But Mes amis ze pony is far cleverer animal dan ze horse…so while ze horse will run around ze track listening to dere owners, ze pony mes amis…ze pony will take ze shortcut straight to ze win! You see zis match…zis match was made for me…You have everyding you need in it…You have a certified 6CW future Hall of Famer in GazzyD, you have ze young up and coming challenger in Liam Wood, and den you have….you have…Marcel?!

M: Vincent Costello!

JD: Ah merde…One day I remember his name….But yes you have Monsieur Costello…who….who….who has pretty much done ze square root of zero droughout his entire career. While ze others….well ze others mes amis dey fit ze profile. I mean GazzyD, I ex tag team partner…No one knows him better dan me…Not even Angel! I was 5 time ze partner he was…So when it comes to facing GazzyD it is very very simple…He can’t beat me! I mean look at him now! He has clearly lost it, dere is nodding left dere ozer dan ze shadow of ze man dat he use to be. His win/lost record has been awful since his return, and ze only ding I can dink of dat he did successfully zis year was being Max Adamson Bitch! Which as soon as I am done with him at Scars and Stripes, Gazzy will become my little bitch as well!

But let us not forget den…Den we have Liam Wood…Monsieur I saved zis! I saved dat! If he is so could at saving dings maybe he should consider saving his own career because so far it has been one complete joke! From EWF, to 6CW we are in a completely different ball game! EWF was ze amateur…ze small time….here….here in 6CW zis mon ami…Zis is where legends are made! Zis is where legacies rise up from ze ashes, and we create moments…moments dat ze world will never ever forget for ze rest of dere life! What moment have you had? Hein?? You greatest achievement to fame so far was making me tap out 3 weeks which I didn’t might I add! Ze stupid referee interpreted my tap on ze mat as taping out when I was simply frustrated! No one has made me tap out! NO ONE! So don’t even dink dat dat will happen again! Because ze truth is mon ami…is come Scars and Stripes, I am going to show world exactly who you are….and dat is mon ami dat you are nodding more dan a second rate wrestler, from a second rate company…trying to cut out with ze men! While den we have……

Marcel once again intervenes

M: Vincent Costello!!!!

JD: What as he done?!

M: Je sais pas…

Dubois takes out his phone…

JD: Sorry hold on a minute…I will Wikepedia him.

Dubois is seen playing around with his phone.

JD: Ah merde!!!! Well I can’t say I am surprised!

The camera zooms in on Dubois phone where he was seen on google with “Vincent Costello” typed into the search bar, but found zero results, with “Did you mean Jerome Dubois?” appearing.

JD: Nevermind…All you 3 need to know is dat right now…right now you are all fighting a losing battle….Just like ze great Napoleon who outfought every single country in ze world using his wit, and intelligence I will do ze same! Because unlike ze 3 of you I do not need to make alliances, I can fight my own battle! But ze key difference is dat none of you are willing to sacrifice like I am willing to sacrifice! None of you are willing to take ze necessary steps to ensure your victory! While I…I Mes Amis…I Will cheat to win, I will Lie to ze referee to get you disqualified, and I will steal victories! I will do whatever it takes to get ze job done! Because at ze end of ze day it doesn’t matter how you win…a win is a win! And when I do win ze keys to ze kingdom….My eyes will be firmly planted on to one man….

As the camera zooms out a photo of Max Adamson is seen at the top of the table.

JD: Adamson…..


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by MtotheC Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:41 pm

As Hurst and Reborn continue to enjoy the party atmosphere inside the Elite Coliseum, the sound of James Brown ‘Living in America’ starts to blast out of the arena speakers...

Reborn and Hurst stare at each other confused as to the relevance of the music…

HE: What now!!!

HA: Look, look up in the rafters!!!

As the camera pans out it reveals Nicky Ice Cold Cassidy being lowered by a harness from the rafters of the Elite Coliseum. Dressed in Red, White and Blue, American style boxing shorts and red boxing gloves he reaches the canvas and unstraps the harness.

With James Brown still blaring out of the PA system he starts to dance around the ring, weaving in and out of Hurst and Reborn, shuffling his feet and punching the air. He’s singing ‘Living in America’ at the top of his voice.

HE: Not this loser… what the hell is he doing??

HA: He’s Apollo Creed brother! Come on get in the spirit, 6CW is here in the good ol’ U-S- of A… its Cassidy’s home country and he looks thrilled be back. Come on Henry….  music Living in America… music

HE: I think I’m gonna throw up!!

The music continues and Cassidy is now at ringside tagging hands with the fans, which are all singing and dancing along, Ice Cold can be heard shouting… ‘I WANT YOU, I WANT YOU” over and over again as he enthusiastically points towards Hurst and Reborn. Now back in the ring he jokingly gets in Hurst’s face and shouts…”COME ON BOY, ITS TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL”

The music ends and Cassidy motions to ringside for a microphone, the time keeper hands him a mic but due to the boxing gloves he drops it on the canvas, he tries multiple times to pick the mic up without success before he looks at Hurst like a lost school boys… he sticks out his arms and motions for Hurts to help him out, Hurts looks at Reborn before shrugging his shoulders acceptingly and helps Cassidy remove the gloves.

HE: What an idiot, this kid can’t even undress himself, what is Hurst thinking helping him.

HA: These two teams might be competitors at Scars and Stripes but there’s a mutual respect between them, something you wouldn’t know anything about!

Cassidy pats Hurst on the back and triumphantly raises the microphone into the air; the crowd go nuts…

HA: These fans are gonna blow the roof of this place for these two teams.

Cassidy: Firstly, right off the bat I wanna say how good it feels to back in the greatest country in the world!!!! USA, USA, USA, USA, USA

Crowd: The crowd go nuts yet again as the whole arena joins in with USA chant

HE: Cheap pop!

Cassidy: And not only that it feels incredible to be here in LA… the city of Angels.

Ice drops to the ground performing the splits before popping back up again.

Cassidy: And as you can see I have taken inspiration from one of the greatest fighters this country has ever produced…The Master of Disaster, The Kind of Sting, The Dancing Destroyer, The Prince of Punch, The Count of Monte Fisto… Appppppppolllllllloooooo Creed

HE: Are you gonna tell him or am I? Apollo Creed is damn movie character; I’ve always known this chump is a couple sandwiches short of a picnic.

HA: He’s having fun, just go with it.

Cassidy: But I know what you’re all thinking! There is one very important piece of this puzzle missing! So ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the former heavyweight champion of the world, the Italian Stallion… Rocky Balllllllllboooooooooa

HE: What the hell???

The theme tune from Rocky blasts out around the stadium as a rather reluctant Billy Shaw appear from behind the curtain dressed as Rocky Balboa, fake broken nose and all, he sheepishly makes his way down to the ring and joins the other three men.

An over excited Cassidy, looks at Shaw as if to prompt him.

Cassidy: It’s your line

Shaw gestures to Ice Cold that he doesn’t want to say it, but Cassidy enthusiastically eggs him on.

Shaw: Yo Adrian…. I DID IT!!!!

The crowd yet again go bonkers as all four men start to laugh

Cassidy: Jacky boy, Rob-Van-Reborn we came out here for two reason tonight, firstly to let everyone know just how much the Wild Stallions love America


As Ice goes to continue, Shaw cuts him off and interupts

Billy Shaw: And secondly to say that although right now it’s party time, right now it’s all fun and games but next Sunday night, the 27th July, in this very arena, at Scars and Stripes… The Wild Stallions are going to become the new number one contenders to the world tag team titles…

The look on Hurst face changes and the atmosphere turn serious.

Shaw: Don’t get me wrong we respect the hell out you both and I couldn’t think of another team in 6CW we’d rather face, but when the bell rings next Sunday night it’s all about getting the job done.

Cassidy: Yo, settle down Bill, settle down… this is a party after all… what do you say boys??? I know this mean little VIP bar in the city, crammed full of college girls… Shall we?


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:54 pm

As the boos continue to echo around the arena, "Champion" hits and Mike Masters makes his way out to a huge roar from the crowd. Masters comes out with a huge smirk on his face. Masters does his signature pose at the top of the ramp. As he brushes and sweeps his blonde locks, he grabs a microphone from his back pocket and addresses Enforcer, Adamson, Scott Harris and the 6CW universe.

MM: Oh boys boys mind if I join the party?

*Masters slowly makes his way down the ramp as he continues talking*

MM: You see I think you guys are forgetting who the hell I am. So much has been said about how me and Harris can't co-exist in that ring. You take notice of the little bickering we do yet you all forget that these same people who can't get along are still the 6CW tag team champions. Do you guys understand that? We don't get along yet were still the best tag team in this business. Now that speaks volumes.

*Masters gets to the ring and stands on the apron starring at his opponents*

MM: At Scars and Stripes, gentlemen we put it all on the line. Championships galore right? We will see new champions crowned. And let me tell you folks, that champion will be me. That's right, me, Mike Masters, The Masterful One, the show off will become a double champion at Scars and Stripes. The question is, which title will I be taking?

*The crowd pop as Masters finally gets in the ring. Masters straight away turns his attention to Enforcer*

MM: Hey Enforcer, shall I take the EWF title? I mean, I have been deserving of that title for a long time now. If it weren't for Harris's dear old bastard of a dad, you wouldn't be holding that title now would you? These people know it, and I know it. I ran circles around you, I showed the world what Masters is all about. Hell Big E, I should be thanking you, that was a huge stepping stone for my career. I got people talking, the fans began to take notice of who I really am and I came this close, this close to beating you but I got screwed over and over again. But Enforcer, I will make damn sure that doesn't happen again. But hey, hey maybe I might spare you Enforcer. This ain't me being cocky, it's me being me, I might just spare you and go after the 6CW champion.

*Masters turns his attention to Max Adamson who gives laughs off Masters threat*

MM: Yeah you keep laughing Maxi, but I didn't see you laughing when I pinned you in the middle of this ring a few weeks ago were you? You know what that was Maxi boy, that was destiny. Destiny Adamson. It is my destiny to win that title. It was almost like an omen, Mike Masters, future 6CW World Heavyweight Champion. You know Adamson, you and Enforcer have it easy. You guys have it really easy. While guys like me have to work my ass off, and carry the likes of Harris week in and week out, you can just click your fingers and a bunch of lap dogs will come running to rescue you. But you see, I won't let that happen, the Uprising won't let that happen, the 6CW universe won't let that happen because everyone wants you and Enforcer to crumble.

*A Masters chant begins to echo around the arena*

MM: Now you guys say we can't get along? Listen people say I have a big ego, but when two huge ego's like you guys combine together, it is bound to end in an explosion. At Scars and stripes, I will be walking away a double champion. That is of course if all goes to plan. What is that plan you guys ask? The plan is for you, Scott Harris to stay out of my way.

*Masters slowly turns his attention to Scott Harris as the crowd are split. Chants of Lets go Masters/Need more Harris echo around the arena*

MM: Stay out of my way Harris. Otherwise I will kick you around the face and this time, it won't be an "accident".


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Marky Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:11 pm

(Adamson takes offence at Masters' comments)

Max: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there Masters! Before you two worry about which one of you is Scooby Doo and which is Scrappy Doo, you can't seriously think that because you pinned me a few weeks ago, in a non title tag team match, where the referee GazzyD had physically assaulted me just before you pinned me, that now you're "destined" to beat me and take MY 6CW World Championship?

(Adamson smirks as he continues)

Max: I talk a lot about destiny Mike, destiny is me being the only man in history who's won the 6CW World Championship in both the old and the new 6CW, destiny is me being the only man EVER to walk into a Night of Glory pay per view event as the 6CW World Champion and leave that event STILL the 6CW World Champion. It was my destiny to do these things, and it was my destiny to lead the Authority as it's Champion.

(Adamson looks at Enforcer)

Max: Yeah I said lead.

(Adamson looks back at Masters)

Max: It however is not my destiny to let this precious championship leave me at this time, or at any time, and especially to you or your partner at Scars and Stripes. There seems to be this theory that non title wins mean something. I admit, you pinned me in a non title match a few weeks ago, regardless of the circumstances. So? Scott Harris pinned Enforcer a few weeks ago in a non title match. So?

(Adamson laughs to himself as he continues)

Max: Open your eyes Mike, they meant nothing. Actually, they meant something, specifically that you two have now put yourselves into a position where you will have to put your money where your mouth is, and when you two realise that facing Max Adamson and Enforcer when the title is on the line is a vastly different proposition to facing either of us in non title matches, and when you two lose your 6CW Tag Team Championships as a result, you'll realise exactly how little that pinfall over me meant. Except maybe in 50 years time, when you can gather the grandkids around you, and tell them the story about how you once pinned the legendary Max Adamson in a meaningless match. I assure you, neither you or your partner will be telling a story about how you won the World Championship. It's not your destiny to win this Championship, because it's my destiny to remain Champion!


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by x12x Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:22 pm

As Joshua stands tall in front of Plague a sick smile covers Plagues face as he begins to walk around the large hall. As Plague walks he touches the heads of the members in attendance, one by one they begin to sit down taking their queue from Edward. Edward begins to speak with a huge smile across his face, his eyes locked on Joshua and McCoy at all times.

Fear?! are mistaken my brother...hehehe...this is no home of horror...there is no...fear see, fear is the tool of the weak and the is the weapon of those of fake see fear is a construct of control and that is not what I have done to these people...hehehe...these people are free to leave if they wish but they stay because it is a home of is a home of is a brotherhood...I am not a leader or a follower...I am just the man who who helped them all open their eyes to the cruel world they live in...hehehe...I was just the man who allowed them to finally breathe for themselves but I do not control these, I did not raise a congregation of sheep to live in world of wolves.

These men, woman and children may look up to me but I do the same to them...hehehe...they have been brave enough to cut the strings holding them up and have found the power to walk free for the first time...hehehe...they are no longer...weak, pathetic...puppets...

Edward's smile grows as a disgruntled look crosses the face of Joshua at the mention of puppets. With every member of the congregation sat down in their chairs Edward returns to standing in front of Joshua who is still scowling. Edward gets in close to Joshua and begins to whisper

So what say you? Will you punish me for being a man who knows complete freedom as an act of jealousy...hehehe...I welcome it Joshua...hehehe...I welcome it with open arms in the hope that you will experience just a few seconds of freedom from the demons you so openly carry around with you.
It is for those reasons that I...pity...YOU! You talk of comprehension yet you understand are a hypocrite condemn me for leading these people yet you ask the permissions of a worthless doll, you speak of control yet you have NONE...hehehe...but it is for that very reason I wish to save may not ever join us here but I will set you free...hehehe...I will show you where your aimless intentions should lie...hehehe...I will show you that we are one and the same and you may deny our brotherhood but we were born, raised and live in a world that would burn us at the stake for what we believe...

Plague steps back and becomes more animated, the smile on his face even sicker than before as Joshua looks on, the camera looks at Cody and Dylan who are stood with adoring looks on their faces as they take in every word Plague has to say.

...You, the man who lives to hurt the ones around him...hehehe...and me...hehehe...the man who knows who should truly be punished in this see, your anger is your greatest weapon but also your biggest downfall have become what THEY wanted you to be all along...hehehe...the brain dead monster doing the willing of the weak...hehehe...your brain full of their lies believing every word they say about me...

...He's a mad man...
...He's out of control...
...He's a brainwasher...

...The people who hate what I have created claim that I have failed...hehehe...but you will see that this Brotherhood has only just will see that what I have created will live long after I am gone and will spread like a plague through the veins of this may claim that I am a liar but we here will have the last laugh as your eyes are torn open and you are forced to look at the world you live will no longer play their fool and you will destroy their will remove their false idols and you will know the true meaning of Brotherhood as they fall to their knees before us.

At Scars and Stripes you will be set may have plans for punishment and bloodshed and although these things will happen...hehehe...they will not change a can make us can make us feel can break out bones but after all is said and done we will still breathe...hehehe...we will still live....hehehe...and we will still be a brotherhood.

So join us or not...hehehe...we WILL set you free.

Plague begins to walk back slowly before bowing his head awaiting Joshua to reply


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by TwisT Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:03 pm

Joshua growls angrily and steps forward towards Plague as if ready to hit him. He stops suddenly, as McCoy turns to face him. Joshua's face changes from fury to calm and then a slight smile forms across his lips. He slowly walks away towards the alter and carefully sits McCoy onto it. Plague and The Brotherhood watch as Joshua turns to face them. He spreads his arms out wide and snarls:

Here you see...........a free man...........but your fate...........stays the same...........

Plague starts laughing and clapping his hands with glee. Joshua ignores him and walks over to the boarded up windows. Suddenly he gives the wooden planks an almighty headbutt, shattering them and making pieces of wood fall. His brow is already seeping blood, as he carefully picks up one of the splintered planks. He walks towards the congregation and picks out one of the seated children. The people do not move as he stands over the child. Then, without warning, he slams the wooden plank in the adult seated next to the boy. He yells out in fright, forgetting his place, and tending to his now bleeding parent. Another adult stands up to confront Joshua, but he is simply brushed aside with a huge uppercut. The congregation gets more and more frantic as Plague looks on open mouthed. Joshua nails a few more adults with uppercuts before stopping. He snarls at those still in front of him, forcing them to be seated. Joshua then takes the plank of wood still in his hand and drops it loudly to the floor. He turns quickly and strides right up to Plague, getting right in his face:

Brotherhood?...........BROTHERHOOD?!...........All I can see is victims...........mindlessly set up for me to deal with...........If you wish for this be enternal...........If you wish the story...........never to end...........Then continue to line the fools up...........Oh the Brotherhood will live...........I will make sure of it...........For a brain dead monster...........only thrives without purpose...........And yet I DO have purpose...........I will make an example of you...........

He points to Dylan and Cody:

And you...........

He turns to the congregation:

And anyone tired...........of a painless way of living...........

He turns to Plague again:

I will destroy the heroes...........those that seek applause...........and they will know their time is up...........when they remember what damage...........I did to Edward Plague...........They won't mention me...........They will try and forget me...........But their time will come...........when my shadow covers their heart and soul...........You are wrong to say I have no control...........because I know when to stop...........and enjoy...........

He places a hand on his head and soaks up the blood on his palm. He then pushes his hand onto Plague's chest and holds it there. Softly, Joshua begins to speak again:

This is the one thing...........I will ever share with you...........My victims...........will be my own...........My nightmares...........will be my own...........The suffering caused will my hand...........Your death sentence my hand...........

He removes palm and leaves a handprint of blood on Plagues chest. He then walks over to McCoy. Joshua picks him up, but this time speaks with his back to Plague:

I can set free...........All that I am...........and all that I defined in a few...........choice...........words...........

He cocks his head to the side, as McCoy pops up from behind his shoulder: my call to action...........and all else will my choosing...........

McCoy smiles sickly as Plague looks on.

Last edited by TwisT on Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by DP Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:05 pm

Harris is leaning in the corner, watching what is going on around him. Adamson finishes his retort to Mike Masters and Harris takes the opportunity to jump back in.

Harris: Are you all finished?! Are you done?!

See, I thought it was bad being on the receiving end of Enforcer's bland wall of crap but then shock horror, he got eclipsed by Max 'I love myself' Adamson!! And you know, there's only so much egotist a man can take but then, oh boy, we get treated to the appearance of my esteemed partner here! And the ego stakes got shoved into overdrive!

So please, let me try and bring a bit of reality to proceedings! Because if I hear one more fabricated piece of crap exit one of your mouthes, I don't think I'm going to be held responsible for my actions!

You see, I've had enough of people like Max Adamson and Enforcer using their elevated egos and backing to think that they have the right to storm around this place doing what they please. I'm fed up of people like Max Adamson thinking that they can use the word destiny so easily, like they have the right to!

But the thing that irritates me the most? People like Mike Masters.

Who the hell are you to tell me to stay out of your way?! Who are you to make threats?! Who the hell are you to assume that I'll just comply with your delusions of grandeur?! Because no matter how much you've played it through in your head Mike, that just will not happen!

Because in a match with so many ego's, it's evident that I'm the anomaly in this equation. The three of you have contested the big stage, you've all had your chances in the big matches, people know what they're going to get. They've seen all the Gringo Killers, the Gores, the Facechecks that they need to see. What they haven't seen, is what happens when someone takes their chance, when a Shot in the Dark comes to full fruition!

This is my first PPV Main Event, my chance to shine and the beauty of this, is that nobody, not even me knows how it's going to go down. I could clam up and put on one of the most forgettable wrestling performances ever seen... I could bottle it on the big stage in front of this sell out crowd and forever be resigned to propping up the rest of the card. My father could fulfil his wildest wet dream and sign my P45 and hand it over to me...

Or, I could go into that Main Event and put on a masterclass. Do what I was put on this planet to do: Wrestle on the grandest stages, excel with the tools entrusted to me! And hell, we all know that I'm capable, don't we? Who'd want to try and out wrestle the man that knows all the holds in the book, a man who has an answer for every question asked of him, the man that could take either Max Adamsons or Enforcers moves and turn them into something that could have them seconds from tapping out!

You see, I'm the unknown in the this equation and doesn't that just scare the life out of you two?! Enforcer knows after all, because despite Max saying it doesn't matter, you threw everything you had at me on Aftermath, didn't you champ? I looked into your eyes and I saw a man who just didn't know how to finish his opponent off. You were beaten fair and square by the better man and I can tell that it's damaged you, that you're worried that it could happen again!

And it might, it might well happen but that's what's so wonderful about this match. Nobody knows what will happen!

But regardless of all of that, I damn well promise that I'm putting everything on the line. You're getting every ounce of 'The Sharpshooter' and even if I don't win, people will be talking about me at the end of Scars and Stripes regardless. Because this is just the beginning of Scott Harris' tenure in the main event and hopefully, just hopefully, the next time I'm there, I'll be holding one of those two World Title belts. Because I am good enough to hold one and you all know it!


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by x12x Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:06 pm

As Joshua stops talking Plague quickly rushes forward but as Joshua braces for retribution Plague simply brushes past him and to one of Joshua's 'victims', he quickly drags him to his feet and brings him to a spot in front of the alter...the light from the man's lamp illuminates the face of Plague as a sick smile covers his face. Plague turns to the man and places a hand on his shoulder

“Remove you mask Brother”

The man hesitates at first but slowly but surly takes away the mask revealing his face, his hair is a medium length but manages to cover his face as he looks down at the ground, the man seems shaken by the experience and remains quiet as Plague continues to speak to him ignoring Joshua

“Are you in pain Brother Steven?”

The man doesn't reply but looks up at Joshua and shakes his head in defiance, Joshua simply smiles as he see's through the young man's lie as does Plague

“You must be honest when we speak...this is a house for I ask again...hehehe...are you in pain?!”

The man looks down almost ashamed before looking at the wound caused by the broken plank before looking back up and nodding, admitting to the pain that he is in. Once again Edward speaks to the man in a calm and comforting pain

“Now let me ask you something else...hehehe...and honest at all times as the moment we lie our eyes close once again...”

“...Does the man before you fill you with fear?...”

The man hesitates for a second before shaking his head, this time though it is clear that he is not lying, Edward turns his head to Joshua and McCoy and grins before continuing

“You see can hurt can make promises of death and pain...hehehe...but you will never take away the things that make us human...hehehe...what you just did was an act of was a last ditch attempt to get a reaction from my brothers and was a weak attempt to get was failure.”

“While you played the role of the monster perfectly...hehehe...we saw the petulant child throwing his toys from the pram desperate for see, I showed these people that pain is tempory and is a necessary sacrifice when discovering just how cruel this world can is an act of the broken and the blind...hehehe...which are you?”

Joshua goes to speak but Edward simply turns back to the man he brought forward

“Now I ask you this Steven...”

The man looks up at Plague and listens intently ask Plague begins to reel off questions

“...Although you bleed...hehehe...will you heal? Although you feel pain...hehehe...will it last forever? Does your heart still beat and do you lungs still breathe? Do you still look at the sky and see the light through the clouds? Do you still want to keep your eyes open?!”

The man pauses and nods once again with a smile forming over his face as Plague turns back to the congregation who are still attending to the people that Joshua attacked

“If the answer to those questions is yes then you have shown Joshua just what he is dealing with...”

Plague quickly spins and comes face to face with his future opponent

“ can break my bones...hehehe...but you will never break OUR spirit no matter how hard you try...hehehe...your desperation betrays you leaves you vunerable like an open wound...hehehe...the longer you stay like this the more the infection spreads...”

Edward once again spins around and stretches out his arms looking in to the sky

“...So throw away your wooden idols...hehehe...cut the strings and begin to walk on your own two feet...hehehe...we are the cure Joshua...hehehe...but we can also be the disease!”

Suddenly every single lamp in the room goes out and the sound of smashing glass can be heard all around the room leaving the room in darkness, after a few moments a single lamp lights up on the stage revealing Joshua stood alone in the empty hall way, the Plague masks littering the seats that were once taken up by members of the congregation. As Joshua looks down before him a special wooden Plague mask wrapped tightly in string is revealed, the mask itself has burn marks across it and ash is blown from parts of it as a gust of wind runs through the now exposed window


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by TwisT Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:13 pm

Joshua carefully picks up the wooden mask with his free hand and inspects it. He notices the burn marks and grits his teeth. McCoy is faced downwards as if looking at it as well. Joshua slowly unwraps the string and lets it dangle free in front of him. McCoy eyes it up and down while Joshua snarls:

Give them enough rope………and they will hang themselves……….

Joshua places the string in his pocket and stares back at the wooden mask. Suddenly he gives it a huge headbutt that destroys the mask on impact. The mask falls to the floor in pieces and Joshua kicks them across the floor. He then stares at the open window and nods his head:

The fall from grace……….for Edward Plague……….will be very fitting indeed……….The fall from height……….as he sees the light……….will be the start of the pain……….Oh the music will play……….and the symphony continues……….until no one is there……….to hear the beat……….All that will be left……….will be pleading eyes……….deaf due to their screaming……….

He starts to walk down the hallway to the door as the camera focuses on his back. We can make out him speaking the following words:

Magic is for imposters……….and it is time for Plague……….to face reality……….I will enjoy this……….as the whole world screams……….at this horrific preview……….Plague is the first……….I will be the last……….And in between……….suffering reigns……….

He opens the door with his free hand and steps outside, shutting it loudly as he goes.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:57 pm

MtotheC wrote:
Shaw: Don’t get me wrong we respect the hell out you both and I couldn’t think of another team in 6CW we’d rather face, but when the bell rings next Sunday night it’s all about getting the job done.

Cassidy: Yo, settle down Bill, settle down… this is a party after all… what do you say boys??? I know this mean little VIP bar in the city, crammed full of college girls… Shall we?

*Hurst and Reborn stand their ground for a moment...

HA: You know Reborn can't turn down a wild night

HE: That guy probably thinks 6 bottles of champagne before the PPV is a good idea, some sort of calculated risk

HA: And Hurst, like Shaw, will have to control his partner

*Hurst lifts the mic to speak but Reborn steps across him and face to face with Nicky Cassidy.

RR: Nuh-uh, Nicky, I won't disrespect this crowd like that and I won't disrespect the innovative brilliance of EWF like that. This isn't a game to me, this isn't a game to Jack, this isn't a game to the Red Arrows. You're gonna need to get your head together for one night, Cassidy, if you are stepping into a ring with us.

*He jabs his finger into Cassidy's chest...

RR: Anything less than everything you've got and we won't only beat you, we'll end you.

*Shaw steps towards Reborn and Hurst steps in his path. The two square up and the crowd explode with "fight, fight, fight!" chants

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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:42 pm

(Timothy Allen has been joined backstage by the members of Bad Intentions and their manager, Glory. The production team are still busy in the background, making arrangements for the pay per view, but Allen is determined to get an interview with the new recruits)

“My guests at this time are Confidence Carter, Justice Porter and the manager of Bad Intentions; Glory. I’d like to thank you all for agreeing to this online exclusive interview”

(Glory smiles seductively and bats her eyelashes, causing Allen to blush slightly)

“I’d like to talk to you first of all about the events of last week. It seemed, for all intents and purposes, as though a match between Bad Intentions and JJ Johnson and Keith Leone was set in stone for the upcoming Scars and Stripes event. But a last minute decision from Mr Jones ended any likelihood of that happening. Can you explain to us why?”

(Porter and Carter continue to stare at Tim Allen as Glory takes a step closer)

“Mr Jones made an executive decision, one that benefits The Authority, and we were happy to follow his lead. Don’t get me wrong, Tim, is it ok if I call you Tim?”

(Allen nods his head, clearly taken in by Glory’s beauty)

“We wanted that fight with Leone and Johnson, we wanted such a high profile contest to show the world what we can do and why we are going to be the best tag team this company has ever seen. We were more than confident of putting those two has-beens out of their misery but we are also indebted to Mr Jones for signing us to 6CW and giving us our opportunity; if he wants us to focus our attention elsewhere then that is exactly what we are going to do”

“And where does Mr Jones want you to focus your attention?”

(Glory giggles, playfully, and pinches Tim’s cheek)

“Now that would be telling, Timmy, and we wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise for anyone. Mr Jones knows exactly what he has at his disposal when it comes to Justice Porter and Confidence Carter, he knows that if there is a job that needs doing, these two men are his best bet for making it happen. Our new task is more important than digging the graves of two former world champions, it is our duty to protect the future investments of The Authority.”

“Bad Intentions are not signed to a match this coming Sunday, are you disappointed that you cannot make your pay per view debut?”

(Allen holds the mic to Porter and Carter but Glory places her hand up to the mic and draws it back to her mouth)

“We’ll be in Los Angeles this Sunday and although we are not officially signed up to compete that doesn’t mean that you won’t be seeing us on your television screens. The fans are paying top dollar for this event and they want to see the very best, that is exactly what they are going to get. We could have a match, we could have jumped straight in with any tag team on this roster and squashed them back into obscurity but we have a different agenda right now and we will ensure that our presence is felt at Scars and Stripes.”

“Is Mr Jones worried at all by the growing nature of the Uprising? There has been a lot more success for 6CW since the return of Daniel Magnusson and Dean Andrews, how does The Authority plan on counteracting that?”

“You’ll have to go and see Michael about that, Tim, because that is his business and it is not my place to comment on it. But I very much doubt he is worried, he has controlled this company for the last year without fault, but he is more than aware that the Uprising is gathering momentum. Why else do you think we are here? Michael needs soldiers and supporters that he can rely on, he needs an army on the frontline, and that is exactly what we can provide”

(Carter and Porter put their fists together and nod their heads, pulling their “Ghost” balaclavas over their mouths)

“Just quickly before you leave, how long do you think it will be until we see Bad Intentions making a foray into tag team competition? The division is really heating up at this present time, would you like to be a part of that?

(Glory laughs, almost scathingly, and leans in close to Timothy Allen)

“Bless you, Tim, you really think that is a “hot” division right now? Those teams that are currently scrapping it out for a title shot are only relevant because as of yet they haven’t had to step in a ring with us. The moment we set our sights on the tag team titles, we will win the tag team titles and there won’t be a single thing that any of these other “teams” can do about it. When the time is right, you will see what dominance really looks like and then you can forget about the Wild Stallions or Reborn and Hurst, because the only names that will matter are Justice Porter and Confidence Carter, the true 6CW Tag Team Champions.

(Justice Porter and Confidence Carter barge past Timothy Allen as Glory plants a kiss on his cheek and then follows her team out of the picture. Tim Allen is left alone in the makeshift interview area before taking a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbing his head with it)


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Guest Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:58 pm

The camera cuts to the backstage area where there is some commotion around one of the entrances.

Security: Listen sir, without any ID we can’t let you into the building.

???: Seriously, have you not been watching a television for the past month, because right now I’m one of the biggest things going around.

Security: That’s great sir, but without any proof of identity you aren’t getting in.

???: Ok now you listen, if you don’t get out of my way right now I swear…

Just as the argument starts to get louder Timothy Reynolds walks into shot, seemingly intrigued to see what’s going on.

TA: Excuse me gentlemen, I can vouch that this man is a part of the 6CW roster.

The security guard now walks fully into shot and looks begrudgingly at Allen before motioning to the door as Keith Leone then walks up the steps and eyeballs the guard before walking on past. Leone and Allen walk in silence for a few paces before Allen speaks.

TA: Forget your ID? Don’t worry it happens to the best of us.

Leone stops dead in his tracks and glares at Allen before reaching into his pocket and producing his 6CW ID. Allen looks confusedly at Leone before Leone speaks.

Leone: First of Allen, don’t talk about the best of us to me, because I’m the best around here. Secondly I shouldn’t have to show off my ID to get into a show, I never have before. I wonder if the local boy has been calling in some favours for a certain PPV.

TA: Are you seriously suggesting JJ Johnson has paid guys off to try and inconvenience you going into a contract signing?

Leone: Hey, I know it’s a little paranoid but after what we’ve seen from JJ over the past few weeks, I think everyone is beginning to see the true colours of one Mr. Johnson.

Allen shakes his head whilst smirking before looking back up at Leone and seeing his cold expression Allen calms himself.

TA: Well seeing as you and I are here, why don’t we have a little interview here? I mean how does Keith Leone feel walking into JJ Johnson’s house?

Leone: JJ Johnson’s house? This may be JJ Johnson’s arena but 6CW is still my federation. I took this federation from the cute little underground federation that it once was to a worldwide force. As much as this is being booked as JJ’s home PPV, he is still out of his element. He’s going to walk out to a hero’s welcome at Stars and Stripes and I’m likely going to face one of the most hostile crowds I’ve faced since I walked into Dublin to beat Dicey Reilly into a bloodied mess. But when I’m out in that arena I’m going to thrive, because once again I’m going to be at a 6CW PPV. Hell the adrenaline rush is already kicking in now, that feeling of anticipation as you count down the days and hours until you’re walking into that arena. Then that roar from the crowd, good or bad, it’s going to fuel my emotions even more. If these fans want to boo me for reminding their hometown hero that he isn’t a god, so be it, I encourage them to try and put me down. Because you just have to look back through the history of my career to see I’m very good at rising up against insurmountable odds. These fans will bay for my blood, they’ll see it as a modern way of throwing the Christians to the liones, because there is no way some lowlife like Keith Leone can even stand in the same ring as JJ Johnson for a simple contract signing. But those same fans are going to be silent by the end of the show Tim, and I don’t even have to lay a finger on JJ to do it. I’m simply going to pull down the curtain that has been hiding the real JJ Johnson, and these people aren’t going to like what they see.

TA: This rivalry between the two of you has certainly been heating up as of late, and yet the two of you have still barely competed in the past 9 months and 2 years respectively. Do you think that’s going to be a hindrance to the two of you, not knowing what condition you or your opponent is?

Leone: I think the past two shows have shown much more than you think they have. I’ve currently got two wins I’m riding high on and sure, they weren’t most impressive, but I got the job done. Then hell, when I’m finally given some real competition who knows how much I’ll improve. All I’ve done in 9 months is take a broken and battered body and rested it up, there’s no more niggling injuries, no worrying sounds when I try and move certain joints. I’m fresh and ready to go, and I’d hope for his sake JJ Johnson is too. Sure he’s had surgery which means he is now still able to walk, but any true wrestler would not have let that fact stop him from training at the earliest given point. I mean he certainly wasn’t afraid to claim he wanted to face me in his first match back, though we now know his word is worth nothing. It didn’t stop him running out to take on Bad Intentions, even if they had already been worked over in a match by me. Hell, anyone worried about JJ’s condition needs to remember that JJ Johnson signed a contract to wrestle in 6CW. There are men who built this company who gave their blood, sweat and tears to build it from the ground up. A man who I have despised in the past, Dicey Reilly, dramatically shortened his career in order to make sure this company survived, so I have no sympathy with someone coming back too early. JJ Johnson should never have expected an easy ride coming into 6CW, because he always had the risk of running into a guy like me.

Now JJ, I want to know if it’s all beginning to get real for you yet, because it’s certainly real for me now. Last week we’re given a date for our match, this coming show we sign the contract, I mean every little piece of the jigsaw is falling into place. I just hope for your sake your feeling ready for what’s coming to face you for the next 2 months, because no horror that you’ve faced before can match what I’ll bring to the table.

Keith Leone smirks as he then turns away from Timothy Allen and walks away up the corridor as the camera then cuts away.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Crimey Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:01 pm

*Michael Hathaway is stood backstage, he looks remarkably calm as adjusts his tie and slicks his thick grey hair back. Tim Allen stands beside him, wearing a 6CW shirt and is holding a microphone. Jax Cutler's massive frame steps into shot behind Michael Hathaway, the camera has to slightly zoom out to fit him all into frame as his shoulders are so wide.*

TA: Mr. Hathaway, Jax Cutler is now coming up to his second pay per view and while his early 6CW career went unbelievable well there is a feeling amongst 6CW that perhaps Jax Cutler does not live up to the hype, that his early promise has been found out. What would you say to such critics?

MH: Well normally I wouldn't address those of such little intelligence, but since you insist. What I would say to those people that doubt Jax Cutler is to tell them that they should bow down to the knowledge of those smarter than them, of those wiser than them of those BETTER than them. If I tell you that Jax Cutler is the best athlete in wrestling today, you damn better believe that because I am not in the lying game, I am not in the misleading game...I am in the results game. There is no advantage in me saying Jax Cutler is the best if he isn't, it doesn't give him an edge, he doesn't need that edge. I tell you that Jax Cutler is the best because I feel it right to put the world on notice that The Main Event has arrived.

Now I am not going to be so naive as to say that Jax Cutler's form has been spectacular. 

*Jax Cutler grits his teeth behind Michael Hathaway.*

MH: No, it's been good, he's shown time and time again that nobody here can match his athleticism, nobody can match his raw talent, it's ruthlessness that needs to change. It's natural that when somebody of Jax Cutler's sheer talent arrives on the scene that immediately people are put on notice, first few matches set the scene that this is somebody special, this is somebody that needs to be prepared for. Unfortunately for us the 6CW roster has a special way of dealing with Jax Cutler and it's to retreat into their shells, when a 6CW wrestler steps into the ring with Jax Cutler they don't try to fight him, they don't try to go toe to toe with him, they cower and they try to survive! Jax Cutler is too honest for that, he didn't expect that, he thought 6CW was supposed to be the company of kings, he thought that the rest of the roster would be like him and relish the challenge...this is not the case, these guys, they aren't interested in being the best sportsman, they want to win. Jax Cutler is this close (Michael Hathaway holds his fingers millimetres apart) to discovering that side of his game and then...and THEN, 6CW will have its Main Event.

*Tim Allen is about to speak, but Michael Hathaway cuts him off.*

MH: No, I am not interested in your benign questions. Your opening question was so poor, so ridiculously boring that I don't need you, your questions are not useful, I can do it better on my own.

*Tim Allen, defeated, scuttles off.*

MH: At Scars and Stripes, Jax Cutler wins the title he should have won at Night of Glory, he puts Alexander Altair to bed, he wipes The Talent off of the map and he gains his first of many championships in this company. I want to make it clear that these aren't boasts, these aren't empty promises, this a prophecy. Jax Cutler is sick of not hearing his name shouted out after every match, he's sick of not being at the top of the Power 5, he is sick of not having a championship belt over his shoulder. And now the greatest mind in wrestling and the greatest athlete in wrestling have finally got a solution to these problems and Jax Cutler is going to ascend to glory in seven days.

Jax Cutler hasn't been around long, I haven't been around long and yet our names, they're household names, people are tuning in every week to see us. The reason for that is people recognise talent when they see it and at Scars and Stripes that will be recognised in the form of a championship!


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Cagero Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:18 am

Exactly Like Me...

So I lost?


Did I get pinned?


So does that by any right mean I lost? I mean, typically the one that loses is the one that gets his shoulders pinned to the mat, correct? Well, one would think so. I know that I didn't win, although that’s not really what I’m going for, but here’s the thing; I don’t lose. I don’t get my shoulders pinned to the mat, especially by people whom I’m better than. Don’t really believe that I’m better? Well I am, whether you like it or not, really. It’s not really an argument here, and I’m not looking for a fight. I state facts, and it’s irrelevant whether or not you agree with said facts… Because they are facts; proven, tried tested and true. God to honest, honest to God facts – there isn't anything that is really hard to believe about this.

Now, now; don’t do having a hissy fit like DeMarcus over there. I really had nothing against the guy, but he had something against me… Not that it’s a problem having something against me. He could have been a good little boy about it, and took out his frustration on the matter by masturbating in his room… BUT NO! He had to go and interfere in what I was doing; he had to take the win away from me. There are many things you don’t do in life – those no-brainers that you abide by for the basic things in life.

It should be the first F’n rule.

Don’t urine me off.

Or more importantly, don’t think you’re on my level.

Because you aren't.

Or maybe you are?

I guess we will see, won’t we?

I guess you get a different side of Simon Cagero today – a new taste of the greatest flavor that you will never have.


A window to the world outside; feeling safe and unworried, for I am secure and free of doubt... Free of the critics who wish to judge and ridicule... I'm free, for once; I'm completely free from all of that; maybe I can get some sleep; I'm lucky if I've had four hours in the past week... But there's so much to think about; the world outside, the lush green grass... The good people who mean no harm... My former wife, and of course my child... She has a thing for gems, my former wife Angyllica does, I mean, our daughter's name is Ruby... Yet I've never seen her... She apparently has those fiery red locks that made me fall in love with in Angyllica... I wish I could see them, but that would mean stepping outside these doors, making my presence known... I couldn't do that, for that would certainly break down my own sanity...

Face it Simon, you're a coward, you can't even face the love of your life; is there a reason for that? Face it, Simon, you're a Cat, you can't even step outside these doors. What kind of man are you? You aren't a man; you're far from it....

Yeah, I know... I'm a coward, and I can't do anything about it... I want to, oh how I do, but I can't, I can't do a damn thing about it... I am who I am, and I will never change it; no matter how much sex, drugs or alcohol control my life... The Silence always will consume me...

The Silence Consumes me while my lack of sanity keeps me on the edge, you know that, and I know that; it's just a fact... How can we deny such things, when we know that it's pure, unsolicited truth? How can I argue with something that is fact, not fiction? I have to face it, I'm noting...

F’n right you're nothing, Simon, you're a coward. Your wife even thinks so. Mm, I bet she'd rather do me...

What are you talking about? She loves me...

No she doesn't, you Frak idiot, she ran out on us because you’re crazy,  that, and she wanted me to do her, it's just plain fact; whether you want to admit it or not, you can't deny the fact that I'm the man sausage of these operations...

But... I get to enjoy it...

Exactly, Simon; you're learning, good job!

Yeah, I begin to think, maybe you're right; this window is more than enough to hold me; I don't have the balls to break free, and so I allow the Silence to consume me, to Silence me...

And that's where I come in, to Break that very Silence you cannot, and Silence those who imprisoned you. Face it, Simon, you need me...

Yeah... I need you.... I place my hand on the cold window, looking longingly at the outside... I feel unwanted, like the whole world forgot who I was, my name, and my legacy... Everything...

So it's your fault you sit in your one bedroom apartment, down the street from your Frak house, and cry. Why don't we go right now? Why don't we go over there and make things right? You know it would be better for both of us, if you got up off your ass, Simon, and confronted her, you confronted Angyllica, and you confronted your newborn daughter. Come on Simon, there's nothing to lose...

No, I can't...

Why not? You aren't going to achieve anything from sitting in this Frak desolate place, Simon, get up off your ass and go, NOW...!

No, it's too hard for me to do something like that... What if she doesn't love me anymore...? She was going mental looking for you, man! What the hell...!


No buts, you Frak coward, now get your ass off this chair, march across the living room, get your jacket on and get your ass over there. I bet she's sitting at the kitchen table right now, sipping on some sort of coffee or something. Remember that, Simon? The times you spent together, not saying anything, but spending the time. Don't you miss that, Simon? Don't you miss her? To tell you the truth, Simon, I thought you were better than that...

Well you were wrong, everyone was wrong about me; I don't have confidence, I don't have anything that the people look up to me for... I am nothing... I am Silenced...

cowpat, Simon, you're not Silenced, you're THE ONE AND ONLY SIMON CAGERO. Don't you forget it, you Silence those who dare to step up, who DARE get in your face, and dare to FORCE you to conform. Cut the Poopie, Simon; we all know you're faking it...

But I'm not faking it, as I turn away from the window, hanging my head in shame. I'm a failure, and everybody knows it. How the hell are people supposed to look up to me, if I keep leaving them? How the hell am I supposed to be a good father if I can't even stick around for my wife to give birth? Look at me, man; I just turned 39... Thirty nine years old. What the Frak have I been doing all my life...?

Kicking ass and taking names, of course...

NO! I haven't; all I've been doing is letting people down. They'd be stupid to look up to me. They'd be f’n stupid, look at me.

Here, I'll look in the window again, so you can see my god damn reflection.

What the hell do I look like to you...?

Perfectly normal; and hey, nice hair...

HELL WITH THAT! I'm a tired old man... All I want to do is settle down with her, and live my life... But it looks like I won't be living that life any time soon...

Time... I have less and less of it coming to my aid; my life is running short, and my patience is wearing thin. I'm at a point where I must decide one or the other; to live a life of love with my wife and kid, or to live in solitude and forever regretful... And for some reason, to which is beyond me, I want to live in solitude... I don't want to be a bad father; nor make any more mistakes; I know I'm going to make them... It would be a great way to stop myself... It would make it so I don't have to face my former wife's beautiful face...

Beautiful and understanding face, Simon – she has nothing but love for you, and always will, why don't you see that?

I look around the desolate apartment, to which reminds me of my heart... I have nothing; and with nothing in my heart I feel nothing; I am nothing.... Always coming back to that fact, time and time again, I am reminded of the failure I really am... And will always be.

Always... Destined to be a failure; a failure for life... How can I even stand on my own two feet? In this room, I feel alone, more than ever before. Nobody seems to trust me, nobody ever liked me... Oh woe, woe is me; how can this be? How can I go on like this, in a prison of my own; living my lie...? How am I to go on, to live; to love? As I stand in this room, I cannot see; but it's as clear as day...

Shut the hell up, Simon, you emo faggot; there's no reason to act like this, its complete cowpat. Seriously man, what can you make yourself live for? You can live for love, if you like that Poopie; live for regaining the lost love of your wife, even though it was never lost. Hey, whatever floats your boat, my man.

Yeah... I could work for her love; instead of begging, it would make a lot more sense.

Thank you my friend, for lighting my path; you truly are something astonishing... To think, I had given up, on life and everything else, and now you have given me a purpose. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. But as for now, I must walk over to my bed; for it's time to work – the thoughts have ended, and now the threats must fly...

Go get 'em Simon, have fun…


I look at my bed with a little bit of envy – what I wouldn't give to lay down for just a few minutes… I know it wouldn't fly though. I have stuff to do, places to go, and things to see… Okay, maybe not so much on the third one, but it causes me to turn away from the bed. I release a sigh, and walk toward the window. I close the curtains, and dim down the lights. I sit in the solitary chair in the corner of the room, covered in almost complete darkness… A different side of Simon… Slow and methodical, something you haven’t seen before.

Simon: “For too long, people have believed in me – far beyond my capabilities…  You look on, mostly in awe at what I do; all for naught, all for your own self-worth… Bring me up to your level you scream… If only I could, confidence only goes so far… Suck the life out of every living being, without thanks, without giving back… Judging when failure happens, if only it wouldn't happen so much… He is beyond our touch, beyond our reach… What is a person to really do? What am I to do, to wander lost in a sea of lies that you all have created… In an ocean of hate that you all spew… I am wrong with the world? Some people wish that they could blame someone else – and they would try. Unfortunately, I am far from it.”

I bow my head in shame. At least I’m the one that has come to this realization.

Simon: “It’s never anybody’s fault, is it? People don’t kill people, guns kill people – just as spoons or the fast food industry make a person fat, or alcohol makes the decision to get in and drive. Nobody can take responsibility for their own actions, and nobody can own up to what has been done. The church saying you will not have afterlife, and the atheists calling them names… Everybody believes they are right, in their own little sense of the world, everyone believes that their beliefs are law… They don’t see how truly insignificant they truly are… Maybe it’s my fault they don’t have ambition? Maybe it’s my fault that their jealousy grows so intense that they have to attack me?”

I breathe in deeply through my nose, and exhale through my mouth… I’m still looking downward.

Simon: “Maybe they don’t know what the hell they’re doing.”

I shrug my shoulders before finally raising my head. I slowly scan the room.

Simon: “That has to be it… It’s nobody’s fault, after all…”

I roll my eyes, a little. It annoys me that nobody owns up to anything.

Simon: “Just like DeMarcus Brown probably won’t take responsibility for what he did… Everyone saw it, I really had no interest in what he was doing, I just wanted to face the people that I had been sent out to face… I would have won, too.”

I stand up, out of the chair.

Simon: “But that’s okay, because I know who should have won… And I know that the fault lies with DeMarcus.”

I turn up the lights slightly.

Simon: “Of course, he will say that the fault lies with me… Impossible considering the outcome – I did not ask to be speared. I was simply doing my thing, exactly what I was supposed to do, unlike DeMarcus…”

I shake my head, as I walk over to the window.

Simon: “I will, however… Commend Mr. Brown on what he has accomplished.”

I pull open the curtains violently, almost knocking the rod off.

Simon: “He is the very first person in the 6CW to actually grab my attention.”

I place my hand on the window, looking out.

Simon: “So now that I have yours, DeMarcus, shall we get…?”

I tilt my head slightly, albeit looking a little maniacal paired with the grin that crosses my features.

Simon: “Wasted?”

I clench my hand that’s against the glass.

Simon: “Waste Some Money, Waste Some Time… Waste a Little Bit of your M-Fing mind? Take you for a little ride… Perhaps show you what we hide; the world itself it bleak and dim, you’re the man that caused him. Erased all hope from this place, Cagero writing Wasted upon your face. Time and time, and time again, this isn't the beginning, perhaps of the end?”

I give the glass a little tap, as I turn away from the window.

Simon: “That’s what I don’t understand.”

I stop, and walk into the washroom. Time seems to stand still, as the sound of a zipper emanates throughout the world. Of course, this is followed by a distinct hissing sound.

Simon: “You could have left me alone, and gone on your merry little way.”

Me, showing about how much I care about him.

Simon: “But you didn't want to. You had to stick your nose into something, and make me notice. You had to… And why? Do you have some supreme sense of justice? Just because I go around and say I’m better than you isn't really a reason… It’s like blaming McDonald's for making people fat, or blaming Hooters for men all over the world liking big titties… It just doesn't make sense, DeMarcus – your logic, I mean. Sure, you may not believe that I've earned my stripes, so to speak, but so what? So what if I haven’t earned my stripes. What I say is my belief, and mine alone. I don’t go around believing what you say as the Frak Gospel… And you shouldn't take what I say as it either.”

Shake-shake… Flush.

Simon: “Case in point, mind your own business.”

I wash my hands, and walk out of the bathroom. This is why I love living on my own; I can do things like this. Door open; everything open.

Simon: “Because now, you have probably made the biggest mistake of your entire career.”

I wipe my hands on my pants, as I make my way across to the window again.

Simon: “And yeah, I get it. I’m an old man, but that doesn't stop me, not in the least. I've faced bigger, more intimidating Poopie than you and come out on top. I've stolen victory from the jaws of defeat, as well… What say you, DeMarcus? What have you done recently to make people take notice? I mean, besides make career suicide by interfering in what I’m trying to accomplish here.”

I lean my back against the window.

Simon: “I see what you’re doing here, DeMarcus.”

I tap my temple; I’m a pretty smart feller. Better not get the letters crossed.

Simon: “Trying to use me to catapult your career to unseen heights.”

I run my hands over my face. These kinds of people annoy me quite a bit.

Simon: “And it’s funny, you aren't the first one to try… Probably won’t be the last, either. You’re all the same. Think you’re some sort of justice… Like the guy going slow in the fast lane, but ultimately we all know that sooner or later you will cause an accident. You will hurt the people you love the most.”

I sigh, and pause, before turning back to the window. Looking outside again at the busy world pass me by.

Simon: “I know this, because that was me a long time ago.”

I run my hand down the window slowly, while I blink a few times to get my bearings.

Simon: “Surprised? What changed in me to become the bad guy, right? Maybe it was some sick and twisted point of view that I had? Nah, people are selfish… I learned this the hard way. People want to go about their things on their terms; everything has to be their own God Damn Terms… Nobody wants to bend, nobody wants to stagger. But remember boys and girls, I’m the bumhole here. I’m the bumhole because I want to cooperate, because I want to stand tall, differently than the rest. So yes, hate me… Loathe me…”

I close my eyes, as I change my voice a little deeper.

Simon: “Silence Me…”

I speak very slowly, as my expression changes to almost one of anger.

Simon: “Go Ahead… Silence Me…”

My breathing becomes ragged.

Simon: “Become the hero you want to become, DeMarcus. Crush the evil Simon Cagero; do it, and see how many people will be proud of you. I can bet you that you will feel just as empty as when you started, perhaps a little more so. So do it DeMarcus Brown – show your pride for who you are. Crush the antagonistic Simon Cagero. Make him scream, make him weep… Make him agonize… Become his Silence that he has long craved…”

I open my eyes suddenly, looking at my faint reflection in the mirror.

Simon: “So you can become the hero that nobody cares about.”

I place my hand over my heart.

Simon: “And eventually, become exactly like me… Alone… Silenced…”

I clench at my heart.

Simon: “Pity for you, I've lived in it so long that I know what to do.”

A beat.

Simon: “BREAK IT!”

I scream out.

Simon: “Break The Silence…”

I barely whisper.

Simon: “And only then, will people recognize what I am. You included.”

I shake my head, as if waking up from a dream… I hope it wasn’t what I hope it was, otherwise I might fear for what 6CW has in store… It’s supposed to be about Simon Cagero, not anybody else. I’ll be damned if I let anybody else have their day…

Myself included.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:13 pm

As Hathaway finishes talking a loud yawn can be heard off screen

??: And they call me boring!

Alexander Altair walks into shot, the International Championship slung across his shoulder. Altair is dressed in a grey suit and red tie, sunglasses sit atop his freshly shaven head, he turns and looks Jax Cutler up and down with an unimpressed sneer he raises his eyebrows

AA: You expect me to cower in fear of this?

Hathaway goes to speak but Altair places a finger on his lips

AA: You have done enough talking for today now is your time to listen, I presume your 'client' is not deaf as well as dumb?

Cutler growls as Hathaway places a hand across his chest and Altair smiles

AA: Ooh, touched a nerve. Captain caveman does understand the queens tongue then. I was beginning to think we had another Kamala on our hands, I was expecting him to start slapping his stomach any second

Hathaway shakes his head unimpressed

AA: I'm sorry Michael, have I lowered the tone. Is a man of your obvious intellect offended by my words. Would you prefer I plajourised Chaucer or perhaps some Shakespeare. Is that what you would consider acceptable?

Hathaway and Cutler stare straight at the champion

AA: You stand there and you spout your diatribes like the words have an affect on the outcome in the ring. I can commit to a lingustic joust anytime you like Hathaway but the fact of the matter remains, your words, these sentences that we compose make not one jot of difference

You do not scare me with your words anymore than your client can intimidate me with a grunt or a flex of his pecs. Nor a claim from Jimmy Phillips that this is his year. It is all conjecture, an attempt to misdirect people from the truth

The facts............the only thing that matters

When all is said and done, there is only one winner. One man who will reign supreme, one man who stands tall

The International champion

Alexander Altair!!!!!

Altair walks out of shot as Hathaway and Cutler look on

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Steel Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:02 pm

Gangsta Rap suddenly begins to play across the arena heralding the arrival of DeMarcus Brown, most of the fans seem pleased at the arrival of Brown where as some remain unsure. DeMarcus walks out from behind the curtain in his usual all white attire, he takes a few steps forward before surveying the crowd and taking in a deep breath.

Harold: DeMarcus will go one on one with 6CWs latest acquisition Simon Cagero at Scars and Stripes, the two seem be having disagreements as to which of them is destined for the greater future in 6CW

Henry: Well I will say DeMarcus certainly seems to have more time on his hands to make his mark, but that could just make Cagero all the more desperate, he certainly has proven to have what it takes so far.

Brown swaggers down to the ring, he stops by the announce table to pick up a microphone, before rolling into the ring and taking up his customary position on the turnbuckle, he waits patiently for his music to fade before removing his bandanna and lifting the microphone to his lips.

DB: Simon Cagero…. Simon Cagero is this really what has become of me, trading insults with the new guy in the hood, who thinks he is better than what 6CW already has to offer. Sometimes I look back at my actions and I have to question myself, why did I even get involved with this guy, why could I just not let his remarks go idly by, he would only make a fool of himself when he failed like the others before him, but no I felt the need to remind him that he was yet far from the top with many a man in his way. Now look where it has got me having to face off against him at Scars and Stripes, great work DeMarcus you’ve wasted a whole lot of time on this nobody, when you could have been doing something far more productive.

DeMarcus shakes his head

DB: Now don’t miss understand me here, that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy beating this guy to within an inch of his life, I’m just saying it didn’t really need me to be the guy to do it, he would have wound somebody else up the wrong way soon enough anyway. I want Cagero to know that this isn’t personal between him and I, I would no doubt have done the same had anyone else been in his position that night, quite frankly I find the guy tedious I wouldn’t normally pay him any attention. But what I won’t stand for is somebody trying to use me as stepping stone, trying to take a place I fought tooth and nail for, we didn’t all have it so easy as you Cagero, I had to fight for my contract and I earned it, I didn’t have it handed to me like you did, so maybe I do resent him a little for that, maybe that’s why I speared him straight out of his boots last week.

DeMarcus sniggers to himself

Harold: If DeMarcus doesn’t believe this is personal, he doing a good job of making Cagero think it is

Henry: What you mean you wouldn’t normally spear your own partner into next week?

Harold: There are times Henry when I may have considered it

DB: I listen to this guy speak and half the time I struggle to understand what the mumbo jumbo that falls from it, I may have spent far too much time in my own neighbourhood, so may call it sheltered other would call it pride, in truth it’s probably a bit of both. But I wish somebody would please explain to me what this guy barks on about, He keeps inviting people including myself to get wasted with him, now I’m not unfamiliar with kicking back with a few beers with my homies, but I fail to see what any of that has to do with wrestling. Heck maybe that’s why I don’t understand him maybe he is indeed wasted all the time, the guy may be so inebriated even he isn’t conscious of what’s happening around him, somebody needs to sober that guy up and make him realise the trouble he finds himself in, before he has to drink more to cope with the pain.

Demarcus climbs down from his perch and looks around the arena.

DB: What I think you also need to realise Cagero… is I’m not doing this to be the hero you presume I want to become, DeMarcus Brown is no man of the people I couldn’t care what happens to any of them and I never have, the fact that sections of them have started to cheer my name confounds me, I do what I do for myself and myself alone, maybe I am just the lesser of evils around this place and that’s why they flock to me, but don’t think for a second in some way I’m doing this to appease them, as I’ve already stated I’m not entirely sure myself why I am doing this, I’d rather not me, but it seems I’m stuck with you as much as your stuck with me. So I have to make the most out the situation I find myself in and hopefully something more illustrious will come out of it, I’ve been told so many times that’s there’s a reason for everything, but at present I haven’t been shown one other than my own stupidity and that’s something I plan on making amends for at Scars and Stripes, I’ve got some red on my copybook that I need rid of. See you Sunday Cagero where hopefully I will be done with you.

Gangsta rap then begins to sound once more, Demarcus throws the microphone to one side and makes his way out of the ring.

Harold: There we go brother, a simple explanation from Brown of what will occur this Sunday

Henry: Indeed Brother, but how many times has DeMarcus foretold what will happen and that not been the case, I guess where about to find out

DeMarcus then makes his way behind the curtain as the scene fades


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:40 pm

Scott Harris and Mike Masters look eye to eye as Adamson and Enforcer watch on.

*Masters begins to grin and then releases a slight chuckle before raising his microphone*

MM: Hey you know what Harris, you're right. You're right that people will be talking about you regardless of the outcome of our match at Scars and Stripes. And you wanna know what everyone will be saying? They will be saying that Harris failed. Need more Harris? No, more like go away Harris. Look at this, look at these people, you've got people talking. You've built up almost a revolution, a "Need more Harris" revolution and as ridiculous as it sounds, you've got people talking. But what you fail to realise is when you don't win at Scars and Stripes, these people will turn on you. But lucky for you, I will come to your rescue because I will single handlely get the victory for our team like I've done for weeks, even months and you will maintain that tag team title that you hold oh so proudly...I hope. You see the man that supposedly knows all the holds in this made up book of yours has been outshined by the Masterful one for weeks now. Unfortuntaly for you, you won't win either of the 6CW or EWF title at Scars and Stripes. That accolade will come to me.

MM: You see me and you are in the same boat. We've never held a singles title in this company. To say that we know that you're good enough to win the belts this Sunday is an overstatement. I mean who cares if this is your first chance at a title. If anything, this shows you're the weak link and lack experience. Whereas I already have main event experience.

*Masters turns his head to Enforcer*.

MM: I've faced a champion and I came this close to beating ole Big E. But you see the weasel also known as Daddy Jones to some snooped his nose in and screwed me out of my opportunity. Now I may be sounding like a broken record here but I will never ever forget the beatings and the screwjobs that were handed to me. I am too damn good to let another chance slip away. Which is the reason why...

*Masters looks back at Adamson*

MM: I feel it is my destiny to become a world champion. You know what you may think that pinfall I had over you is meaningless but to me, well to me that's the biggest confidence booster I can think of. To think, I pinned the 6CW world heavyweight champion? That speaks volumes to me. Your ego may not understand this, but it means a lot to me. I mean don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from Maxi I do. You're an intelligent lad. But you're not perfect like me, you have your flaws, you and Enforcer aren't really the perfect match are you. I mean, your both fighting for the attention of Mr. Jones right? Or am I wrong? Oh wait, let me ask, which one of you is the top dawg in the Authority? You wanna know my flaw? Well to me, my only flaw is the bald headed fella standing beside me. Like I said before, as long as he don't get in my way, I will become a double champion. Now I hope the fact we will remain tag team champions doesn't irratate you too much Harris.

Harris and Masters go face to face once again as Adamson and Enforcer continue to look on.

HE: It looks like the champions are gonna implode.

HA: While Enforcer and Adamson look on at the tag team champions.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Enforcer Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:56 am

Enforcer and Max share a look as Harris and Masters trash talk each other face to face. The two world champions shrug and climb out of the ring, standing at the bottom of the ramp looking at the tag team champions.

E: Please don't let us stand in the way of you two fighting it out, carry on by all means! You two can't co-exist and that is why neither of you will be leaving Scars and Stripes as the EWF World Champion!

Max looks away from the ring and stares at Enforcer.

Max: Or the 6CW Champion, I think you forgot to add!

E: I didn't forget anything Max, neither Harris or Masters will be winning MY title on Sunday!

Adamson takes his 6CW title and holds it up to Enforcer. E follows suit and raises his title as the two champions practically go nose to nose.

Ha: These two pairs are supposed to team together on Sunday, how on earth can either pair hope to co-exist and get the important win for their faction?

He: Max and Big E are having a minor disagreement, I'm sure it will all be sorted out on Sunday! Harris and Masters on the other hand are set to explode!

Ha: You must be watching something different to me, Enforcer and Adamson look just as ready to fight each other as their opponents in the ring do!


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Marky Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:26 pm

(Adamson lowers his 6CW Title having kept his stare on Enforcer, he slowly turns to Masters and Harris and speaks)

Max: Regardless of which one of Enforcer and myself claims to be most likely to retain, there's one huge elephant in the room that guarantees you two cannot co-exist against us. See, for Max Adamson and Enforcer to be happy, it doesn't matter one jot which one of us gets the pinfall. If I pin either of you, we both become double champions. If Enforcer pins either of you, we both become double champions. There is clearly no way that both Masters and Harris will leave Scars and Stripes happy. Both of you like being Tag Team Champions, that much is clear, but both of you have this overwhelming desire to become World Champion. And even in the worst case scenario for us, one of you will fail.

(Adamson smirks as he continues)

Max: And it's that fear of failure that will eventually lead to your downfall. Even if one of you hits your finishing move on one of us, will your partner allow you to get that pinfall knowing they would fail in their own personal mission? You would have to ask yourselves, "would I stand and watch my partner become World Champion at the cost of me winning?"

(Adamson looks down at his 6CW Championship and carries on)

Max: And the answer is a resounding "NO". Mike Masters and Scott Harris are a hell of a tag team, but both of you are incredibly selfish. Not that that's a bad thing, I'm selfish, Enforcer's selfish, that's why we're here as World Champions. But I'll say it again. There is no way whatsoever that either of you will allow the other one to actually win the match. Masters can blame Harris, Harris can blame Masters, but this isn't actually a tag team match for you two. It's a tag team match for Max Adamson and Enforcer, but the reality is, it's a three on one handicap match for you two. You can't trust each other, and you won't trust each other. And you're looking at the two most likely candidates to capitalise on your mistrust. So when all the dust has settled, you two can bemoan each other and Max Adamson and Enforcer will stand tall as the New World Superpowers, as the 6CW and EWF World Champions, and as the NEW 6CW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!

(Adamson raises his Championship again and Enforcer does the same as the crowd boo)


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by JJJohnson Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:28 pm

*There is a huge crowd gathered outside of the Elite Coliseum as black Bentley Continental pulls up to the curb. The noise is growing and the people are going wild, flashbulbs dazzling even in the bright sunlight, and then the front door of the car opens, JJ Johnson stepping out.

Crowd: JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ!

*JJ Johnson, dressed in jeans and a white vest, beams with pride as he looks out at the gathered fans. He whips off his sunglasses, surveying the scene, and then he nods his head before jumping up onto the roof of his car. Timothy Allen can be seen pushing his way through the hoard of fans, his camera crew following him. JJ continues to work the crowd and then he raises a lone arm in the air, an action that is returned by several of the onlookers.

Crowd: Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back x10

*JJ continues to walk along the roof of his car and then he spots Timothy Allen trying to wait in line for an interview. JJ beckons Allen forward, drawing a big grin from the announcer, but then he bends down and snatches the mic from Timothy’s hand.


*Crowd pop

JJ: No, no, no…we can do better than that…..LOS ANGELES…

*Ultra pop from the audience.

JJ: I can feel it, coursing through my veins, and I can see that each and every one of you can feel the exact same electricity….it is flowing, it is raging, ladies and gentlemen JJ Johnson is live downtown LA, JJ Johnson is back home!

*More screams from the crowd

JJ: Born and raised in this very city, the city of Angels, the city that has produced more stars that the goddamn solar system….It has been a long time, a long a55 time since JJ Johnson could proudly stand in front of the PLAYAS…

Crowd: PLAYAS!

JJ: And those oh so sweet PLAYARETTES…

*The women in the crowd go wild

JJ: But here I am, acting like we never missed a day…never missed a step….you could be forgiven for thinking this is 2009 and JJ Johnson and the people just became the most talked about subject in the history of professional wrestling…

I’d like to thank each and every one of you for coming out here today, representing like only homies like us can…showing the world that the Franchise is back in business, we snapping necks, we cashing cheques….we straight up ballin’ on this badboy and we ain’t gonna stop….because this right here is a party….the return of JJ Johnson to his home town means this festival ain’t shutting down for nobody….we just getting started…ain’t that right?


JJ: That’s exactly what I be talking about….now I’m afraid to say that although we back in the Motherland this weekend, you ridiculously beautiful people ain’t gone see JJ Johnson wrestle a match…

*The crowd boo

JJ: I know, I know…believe me I get it, I hear that disappointment in yo voices and I know, oh I know how y’all feel…..but JJ Johnson, hell I got to be respectful, as much as I want to perform for all of y’all….there is a little boy somewhere in that building whose a55 might just swallow up his panties if JJ Johnson so much as tried to breathe on somebody in the middle of that ring…

*The crowd boo and there are some audible “Leone Sucks” chants from the very pro JJ Johnson crowd

JJ: So sorry to say that this Sunday all I got to do is march down to that ring, pick up a pen and place my delightful John Hancock upon a piece of paper….I got to dot the “I”s and cross the “t”s but you can rest assured that even a little act like that….JJ Johnson gone do it a damn sight better than anyone ever done before…

*The crowd continue to go wild.

JJ: Because to stand in the middle of that ring on Sunday, even for a short amount of time, it is going to be an event that you do not want to miss….JJ Johnson on one side…Keith Leone on the other….we making this sumbitch official….get out those diaries people and you get this down because September 17th 2014 is a date y’all need to remember….Beachfront Brawl…live in the upside down land of Sydney, Australia….the night that JJ Johnson laces up his mega size 15’s….”Remember the name” hits the speakers….we got thousands of fans on they feet…the intensity, the electricity, the atmosphere is like never befo…JJ Johnson arrives in the aisle, he’s got the look of a killer in those eyes….he’s through the ropes and he is face to face with a man, one of the best ever, a man who wants to beat me and prove that he is, without a shadow of a doubt, the biggest star in this industry today…

But then JJ Johnson, in all of his wisdom, he pulls out a mega, jumbo, jar of KY Jelly….he passes it to Keith Leone….Leone’s eyes widen in horror, reality begins to set in, as he instinctively pulls down his trunks….he slides his French knickers to the side and he lubes up that a55 crack like we are going exploring for lost miners….he doubles over, realising that he may just have made the biggest mistake of his life, as JJ Johnson takes one size fifteen, gives it a polish, and he rams it so far up Keith Leone’s a55 that he’s gone think “Foot and mouth” just went global again…

*The audience continues to chant JJ’s name, struggling to contain themselves.

JJ: This all started off as one of the most highly anticipated matches of all time, sure as hell I came back to win but I respected Leone because he is quite frankly a world class athlete….but Keith wants to talk trash, he wants to flap his gums and wag his tongue, but that boy don’t know that throwing down a mic-time gauntlet with JJ Johnson be like trying to adopt more Africans than Angelina Jolie…

If he wants to talk ill of me, run his mouth about me, then I sure as hell hope he got the balls he claims he does because you drawing the battle lines, son….I’ll talk as much as you like, we can get separate little podiums and we can throw all the insults around that makes you smile like you just ejacced in your pants…

Or you can shut your damn mouth, realise that you stepping into the Lion’s Den, and let your actions speak louder than words….every little drop of verbal vomit that drips from your mouth is an extra second of a55 whooping that JJ Johnson is gone inflict upon you….right now the clock is at around 3 minutes, 8 seconds….but you keep hollering and JJ Johnson gone make the beating of a lifetime last exactly that…

Now I gotta get my a55 in this building….apparently they need pictures and video footage to hype the pay per view and JJ Johnson naturally just the best looking man on this roster….the rest of these fools be cracking mirrors and scaring children….but I’ll see y’all this Sunday….until then….stay stuntin’ Los Angeles…

*JJ then beckons the camera in close

JJ: And Keith…remember to pack an extra diaper….I’m coming for you homie!

*The crowd go crazy as JJ throws the mic down to Tim Allen and then he jumps off the roof of the car. He walks towards the fans, pausing to interact and sign autographs, as the scene ends.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by AberdeenSteve Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:03 pm

"So, the powers that be have finally seen the light. At Stars & Stripes, Jackson Black gets the opportunity to exact his revenge on the bane of his existance."

The camera cuts into the backstage locker room area with Jackson Black stood in front of a camera, dressed in a black Jackson Black wrestling t shirt with his hair slicked back and beard sitting neatly.

"I have stripped myself back, I need all of the 6CW universe to know what Bam Sparkleston is capable of. I returned to these famous parts with a spring in my step, a point that needed to be proven. But when I returned, I didn't except what I faced.

Since the day I stepped back into this building, I have been taunted, I have been abused, I have been victimised. Jackson Black has be on the receiving end of a hate campaign. The fact that I have not been able to truly show my potential is down to one 'thing' and one thing only, Bam Sparkleston. With every corner I turn, he is their. He is a god dam embarrassment to the art of professional wrestling. Yet, I find myself letting him get under my skin.

Over the last month or so, Bam Sparkleston has caused me problems. He has cost me matches. Dammit, he even got me attending fat fighters. I have become a mere shadow of the god that everybody in this company knows I am. I have had the sleepless nights, I have had those long days where I wonder what sort of man I have become. But Jackson Black didn't become the holder of many championships around the world by allowing cretins like Bam Sparkleston get the better of him.

Thoughts have creeped into my head, thoughts of a bloody Sparkleston laying unconscious in the middle of the Elite Coliseum. Jackson Black is stood over him, a sinister smile on his face after the beating that he has just handed out.

Bam, when you decided to choose me as the pawn in your latest game of Crazed Stalker you were naive. You were naive to believe that I would just roll over and play. You have made this obsession personal, you have interfered in the one obsession that Jackson Black has.. To be a wrestling god. People of that stature do not lose to chumps like DeMarcus Brown or Hobo. People of MY stature beat those guys but when fate, and when I say fate I mean a total head case, gets in the way it sometimes impossible to stop the slippery slope I have found myself on.

But at Stars and Stripes you will see the Jackson Black of old, the one that destroyed everything in his path. I am going to rip Bam Sparkleston limb for limb. I am going to put him in submission holds until the thousands in the Elite Coliseum here his joints pop.
There will be nothing left of Bam Sparkleston except a pile of broken limbs and his dam cell phone.

This wrestling god is in the mood to do some damage. I intend to juggernaut through Bam Sparkleston and where this juggernaut will stop is unknown. But I can ensure you, once Bam Sparkleston has been dispatched I am going for the top. Jackson Black belongs at the top, perched on his seat of power.

Bam, gods may be worshipped but when you sin like you have it was only a matter of time before redemption was due. Stars and Stripes is your time for redemption Bam, and the payment for your redempmtion... your career."

Jackson looks menacingly into the camera before it fades away.


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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Kurt N. Jurqa Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:40 pm

The camera cuts to a backstage locker room where Bam is sat surrounded by pictures of Jackson Black, he looks longingly at the one he took where Jackson Black was reaching out from the ladder and smiles, a tear slowly rolls down his cheek.

Bam: Ermahgerd! Just one month ago, just one month since since sweet Black was inches away from becoming the champ, fingertips from glory and stupid me, STUPID ME went and ruined it!

The camera looks down at Bam's lower arms and can see they're wrapped tightly with bandages but dried blood can be seen through them.

Bam: I just wanted to catch his spot of fame, that second where he became immortalised and I got caught in the moment, I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry! My hero, the guy that adorns these walls, that I've travelled halfway across the globe to cheer on week in week out despises me, wants to inflict pain upon, wants to rid 6CW of me!

Bam begins to cry even more now and begins to rock back and forth in front of the photos, he gets out a pair of scissors from a drawer.

Bam: he hurt me last week, assaulted me and inflicted physical suffering upon me, I could sense all his hatred was aimed at me. Those beatings though meant nothing, those fists raining down upon me drew no pain, those kicks to the ribs left me sore the morning after but the real pain came from inside, knowing Jackson wanted nothing more but to never see me ever again.

Bam lifts up his scissors and plunges them through the eyes of Jackson Black on a close up photo.

Bam: Well perhaps the worm has turned, perhaps it's time Jackson Black realised that Bam Sparkleston is not just some sycophantic kid fawning after his idol. That Bam's been learning his trade, studying each and every move you've ever done, I know you Jackson, I know your moves before even you do, you may be the superior wrestler but I know two things, how to take a beating and how to dodge a beating, so come Monday night you can kick the living hell out of me, you can attempt to rid the world of Bam Sparkleston but I'll keep getting up, I'll keep fighting back, and I'll show you exactly why you were wrong to dismiss me.

The camera pans around the room and every photo of Jackson has had its eye gouged out or his head removed, it fades to black as Bam begins to giggle to himself.

Kurt N. Jurqa

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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by DP Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:29 pm

There's a charged atmosphere as the four men stare one another down. Each of them looks to the other, Harris slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.

SH: You know what grinds my gears?!

People trying to second guess what's going to happen on Sunday. Max, you seem to think you've got this all sussed out, that you're in control of your 'destiny'. It's the same with Enforcer, too. You think you have it all worked out, that this match is as simple as ABC.

But deep down, when you leave this arena and you sit in your dressing rooms when the cameras aren't on you and all you have is your thoughts to keep you company, you'll start to do the one thing that puts you at risk the most, you'll start asking yourself questions.  You'll start to think. And I know, that sounds stupid in theory but you'll start to wonder what will happen in this match. You'll ask yourselves what happens if you lose, what happens when you lose everything... And that's when the slippery slope begins. You'll begin to convince yourselves that you're favourites to win this match, that there is no worst case scenario to worry yourselves about, that everything is under control. And the more you convince yourselves that you have nothing to worry about the larger the fall from grace will be, the harder the landing will be when you hit rock bottom.

I look at you both now and neither of you know how this match will go down.

Harris smirks.

SH: And doesn't that uncertainty just scare you both to death! Because not only does the loser lose his World Title, he loses the respect of The Authority, he'll lose the backing of my father. He'll be cast adrift into nothingness, where nobody will be there to pick you up, nobody will care a jot about you. And I honestly don't know which one of you I'd rather see it happen to!

That fear of failure, you spoke of Max, it does apply to me and this moron stood to my right, but it's amplified ten fold onto you guys. It's the case of who will screw the other. But it's more than a fear of failure, it's the fear of the unknown that will inevitably cripple one of you!

Harris turns to Mike Masters.

SH: And don't worry Mike, I haven't forgotten you.

You're damn right. I've created a movement, for some reason, these fans, these wonderful, independent people have seen something in me and they've bought into it. They've invested themselves in a wrestler! Not a show pony, not an attention seeker, an honest, hard working guy who wants to do what he loves. And as long as those values, those core beliefs remain at the forefront of what I do, then I trust them enough to not go anywhere!

I am blessed and I'm honoured to have these people chant my name and as long as that's the case, I'll continue to perform for them, fight for them!! Because you're damn right, Michael, these people are creating a Scott Harris inspired movement. I'm making them believe that this Authority can be beaten, that my old man will one day be gone from this company... And if I have to be at the forefront of this movement, then so be it.

Bring it on.

I can't guarantee anything about Scars and Stripes, apart from that I'll do my damndest to win the match, to become a World Champion. And if that means that we cross paths or come to blows, then we'll cross that bridge. But I sure as hell don't intend to lose this Tag Team Championship either! We're the best team this company has to offer but being honest, I'd hate to see you win one of those World Championships, whilst I sit by and watch. Read into that what you will. I'm just in this match to win, pure and simple.

But there's one last thing you guys need to remember, one thing that you need to keep in your heads for this match. There are three little words that these people will keep chanting, that will reverberate around The Elite Colosseum and then The Copper Box until the day I retire. Three words that act like a shot of adrenaline in my veins, three words that will plague The Authority until they up sticks and disappear. And I look at you three and you all know, you know what they are, we all know!

And it'll drive you insane because it just won't stop. The one thing that will derail The Sharpshooter will be these people's silence. Because whilst these three words are continually chanted and screamed everywhere we go, it means that you're not fighting Scott Harris on his own.

You're going to have to defeat a whole damn army!

The crowd pop. Harris looks around the packed arena.

SH: And I want you all to scream them out, let Max and Enforcer know what they're up against! That not only are they fighting Scott Harris, they're fighting against honour, belief, faith, absolute unconditional support! That wherever they go, those three words will haunt them.

Harris directs each of the following three words at the three other men. He starts quietly before progressively getting louder till the crowd are behind him in unison...

SH: Needs. More. Harris!


SH: See you Sunday.

'Survival' plays and Harris shares a tense staredown with Masters, before exiting the ring. He reaches Max and Enforcer at the foot of the ramp, stopping and looking at each man and then to their respective titles.


Harris looks at both men and just about audible is what comes out of his mouth...

SH: Like it or not, that's what these people are going to get.

Harris pushes past his two opponents and makes his way backstage as his music ceases and it hits home just how loud the LA support is for him.



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6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Presents SCARS AND STRIPES Sunday 27th July 2014

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:59 am

Tim Allen approaches the outside of a dressing room with a sheet of paper that reads “Nate Nack” on the outside. He goes to knock on the door, but sees it's cracked open. As he goes to push it open, he can hear the voices of Nate and Emma on the inside.

“Nate, I just wish you'd be more appreciative of this chance.”

“Appreciative? I came here to fight, to win, and to earn my chances, earn my titles. I didn't earn this. I'm getting it handed to me, all for the sake of some sort of plan. I want to take down the Authority as much as anyone here, but I can't help but feel like I'm getting looked at like a pawn with all this talk behind my back.”

“You're wrong, Nate. This isn't a game, there is no secret plan. We're trying to take back 6CW, and you're helping lead the charge. And I think you're being hard on yourself. You've had a lot of chnances, and what has happened each time? You've been screwed over, you've had the rug pulled out from under you, and you haven't had a fair chance. Now,  Andrews is trying to right things by giving you the fair change you deserve.”

“And why wasn't it against Adamson? Why am I not getting the 6CW title shot?”

“So when the gift is a 6CW title shot, it's okay? Don't give me a UK Title shot, but by all means, hand me the 6CW title. Is that really what you want?”

There's a pause, and then a sigh from Nate. “No, you're right.”

“You're going to go out there, and you're going to fight. And you're going to win. Because it's what these people deserve, and it's what you deserve."

“I'll do it. I'll do it for me. Not for Andrews, but for me.”

Tim Allen finally decides to push the door open and poke his head in. Nate is sitting on a chair in his ring gear, while Emma is leaning against the side of a cabinet. They both turn and look at Tim.

“Sorry for interrupting, Nate. Can we get an interview with you before the show?”

“Yeah, I'll be right there.”

Nate stands and stretches his arms out. On his way out, he turns back to Emma.

“Emma... for the record, I'm still not comfortable with this.”

He leaves the room, and Emma sighs and shakes her head.

“Go get 'im, Nate.”


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