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Bob Foster v....

captain carrantuohil
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Bob Foster v.... Empty Bob Foster v....

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Wed 11 Jun 2014, 12:16 pm

the current light heavyweight champs Stevenson (super pimp) Kovalev (Cleverly destroyer) Hopkins (last of the summer wine)

1 of the best L/H in history and arguably the hardest hitting, how do you see him doing. I see him cleaning up with only Hopkins finding a way to frustrate Bob for a few rounds before waking up in the ring all alone with only the janitor for company.


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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by captain carrantuohil Wed 11 Jun 2014, 12:26 pm

At light-heavyweight, no-one beat Foster in his pomp; hardly anyone even extended him. His era may not have been the deepest in the storied history of the 175 lb men, but Tiger, Mike Quarry, Rondon and Finnegan are scarcely leagues below men such as Kovalev and Stevenson.

Today's two big names would be depending on landing the big pay-off shot to beat Foster; they're hardly going to be outboxing him. Apart from Eddie Vick, I can't remember a light-heavyweight putting Bob down, either. Over and above all this, of course, is the fact that Foster might be the hardest hitter in the entire history of the division - how do Stevenson and Kovalev fare when he hits them on the whiskers? Not great, I suspect.

As for Hopkins, I'm not sure that he would have been agitating too hard for a bout against Foster at this stage of his life. He might have been able to mess Bob around for a bit, but whether his chin could withstand the sort of artillery that disposed of Tiger and Quarry with a single salvo is another matter entirely.

The percentage call is Foster by way of KO against any of today's standard bearers at light-heavy.

Last edited by captain carrantuohil on Wed 11 Jun 2014, 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

captain carrantuohil

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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by 88Chris05 Wed 11 Jun 2014, 12:48 pm

Not sure if any Light-Heavy in history starts as an outright favourite against Foster, really. Some 50:50s, mind you.

Stevenson gets hit with lefts over the top of his lazy jab quite a lot. He also backs off people and lets the chances come to him. Don't see how he's going to have any success against Foster fighting like that. Puncher's chance for Adonis but think Foster gets him out of there inside four or five rounds.

Kovalev is a bit closer to Foster in terms of style than Stevenson is, but there lies his problem. Foster does the same things he does, but does all of them better. If Kovalev's performances so far are anything to go by he'll be holding the centre of the ring with Foster exchanging bombs - doesn't bode well. Foster inside four or five again, for me.

I'll give Hopkins the benefit of the doubt by saying that he only loses a wide decision without getting stopped. Canny and clever enough to take Foster's left hook away more than others could manage and to survive the hairy moments, but I'm not sure Hopkins could or would be aggressive enough here to impress the judges at all or mount any real attack of his own. Foster settles for a UD, but it's a pretty clear and dominant one, with Hopkins looking a bit beaten up at the end and maybe after visiting the canvas at some stage, too.

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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by hazharrison Wed 11 Jun 2014, 12:49 pm

I think Foster wipes them out. There's a reason Hopkins is still kicking about at 175.


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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by John Bloody Wayne Wed 11 Jun 2014, 4:29 pm

Hard to look past the light heavyweight Hearns against any of these. Unless Kovalev has some kind of cast iron jaw and endless stamina we haven't seen yet then their fight would be much like a truck hitting a train.

Stevenson appears to lack the punch resistance and stamina to really trouble Foster, while his preference for drawing counters on the backdoor would probably play into Foster's rangey hands.

Can see Hopkins refusal to engage along with his general savvy and smarts seeing him survive but not much else.

Get the feeling Roy Jones Jr's unorthodox athleticism and burst style could cause Foster problems, while Charles' all around brilliance can never be overlooked. They'd both be a left hook away from defeat at any time though.

Spinks may be able to match him physically.

John Bloody Wayne

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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by captain carrantuohil Wed 11 Jun 2014, 4:39 pm

The light-heavyweight Foster, I'm guessing, JBW?

captain carrantuohil

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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by 3fingers Wed 11 Jun 2014, 4:46 pm

Kovolev is yet to face someone in iran barkley or virgil hills league, never mind foster.

Its difficult to say how he'd fare because hes never faced a top class fighter, and probably never will. I suspect foster would ko him.


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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by milkyboy Wed 11 Jun 2014, 4:55 pm

Foster v spinks, Charles, jones. Tough calls.

Unless crusher or Adonis goes on to dominate the division for a good while knocking back all comers, with today's evidence there's nothing to suggest anything more than a puncher's chance. Despite foster being rock solid at light heavy, he was horizontal whenever he moved up.. Which suggests real bangers might have a shout if they catch him flush... Of course they have to land first.

I'd fancy Bhop to find a way to see the final bell and keep it ugly as usual.


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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by John Bloody Wayne Wed 11 Jun 2014, 5:12 pm

I was implying that Foster was a light heavyweight version of Hearns, though maybe not quite as good in my opinion.

John Bloody Wayne

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Bob Foster v.... Empty Re: Bob Foster v....

Post by catchweight Wed 11 Jun 2014, 5:53 pm

Hopkins is one of the most overrated fighters operating at the moment. No way he hangs with one of the greatest light heavyweights ever.


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