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Too Many Forums

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Too Many Forums Empty Too Many Forums

Post by Reaper Fri 04 Feb 2011, 3:17 pm

Just looking down the site I can see a lot of forums with very few or no posts so should we merge some of the more unpopular forums together for example having an American Sports forum instead of seperate forums for Basketball, Baseball, NFL and Ice Hockey.


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Too Many Forums Empty Re: Too Many Forums

Post by Adam D Fri 04 Feb 2011, 3:36 pm

we may get to that stage but not at the moment as we are trying to attract people over by having segments for them.

You are tright that they seem a bit pointless, but everyone can help by:

If you spot a news article about a sport, please copy it across (with a link to the article)

Even if you dont like a sport (especially if it is a less populated section of the board), then having articles for people to comment on may attract others.

So basically, if everyone could try and post articles for discussion into various threads, I think that will get people talking thumbsup

Adam D

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Age : 51
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