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Being accused of 'Roid abuse - Really flattering, or downright insulting?

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Being accused of 'Roid abuse - Really flattering, or downright insulting? Empty Being accused of 'Roid abuse - Really flattering, or downright insulting?

Post by kingraf Sat 10 Aug 2013, 7:52 pm

Back story - A few years ago I was a wee lad... 5'8, 150lbs... And not a prize-fighter 150lbs, either. Mind you I was pretty happy about it, as I was 4'11 144lbs at 13... so basically I went from being a short fat kid to a medium-height average kid. This was in 2010. In 2011, everything changed. The catalyst for this change was two-fold. 1) I started training with a Zambian guy who on reflection, wasnt that big, but at the time seemed a monstrosity.
2) I became eligible to play first team rugby and basketball at school, which allowed me more access to the state of the art gym the school was gifted by Brazil during the 2010 World Cup. Long story short, I shot up to 5'10 175lbs in about five months, on a diet prescribed by the school dietician. My quite sudden "explosion" led to rumors circling from the uninformed masses. I paid this no mind, and in fact tried, in vain, to use these rumors as a pick-up line (Girl asks if steroids really shrink the junk, I tell her to come see for herself). Things came to a head during biology, when, during a lesson on the musculature system, my biology teacher basically alleged I was on roids -The speech went something to the effect of "The human body is a very fine tuned system, This is why George* has gotten so big having trained for five years. But when you see a person like (me), who has exploded in a short time, while walking home from school, then you have to worry about what they are putting in their bodies". Being the Biology teacher who had won a national/ City award (cant remember which) her word was law, and I spent the last two years of my high school existence under a shadow of sorts. This highly annoyed me as George* had actually confided in me that he once took some 'roids, and failed the subsequent drug test (All first team players had to sign up to get tested. I played first team cricket, tennis, rugby, and basketball, so I was tested year-round - urine only, mind.). I bring this up because a friend of mine still at the school, told me today that the Biology teacher basically re-iterated what she said about me two years ago, only more intensely, as I went from 175, to 195 this year, while George stays the same. It got me thinking: are steroid allegations directed at you a sign that youre progressing quickly, or pure BS?

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Age : 29
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Being accused of 'Roid abuse - Really flattering, or downright insulting? Empty Re: Being accused of 'Roid abuse - Really flattering, or downright insulting?

Post by J.Benson II Mon 12 Aug 2013, 2:36 pm

Most guys who've been training and made good gains will probably get the odd steriod question thrown at them. Most are done in jest and made by people with little knowledge of bodybuilding. You should probably take it as a compliment as it indicates the progress you've made.

Teenagers like yourself tend to make the best gains (compared to lets say a man in his 30's) as your hormonal levels are at the highest they'll ever be and the fact your growing naturally too.
For instance, even if you hadnt trained at all, you would still be significantly bigger and stronger at 18 then you were at 15.

For your teacher to allege you have used drugs is irresponsible of them especially if the teacher has little knowledge of bodybuilding.

During the last decade or so, I've met numerous people involved the bodybuilding industry (including NPC and NABBA competitors) as well as numerous powerlifters. I can now pretty much tell if someone is using drugs or not just by looking at their physique. I can even give a decent guess at what drugs they may be using. The leaner someone is, the easier it is to tell.
Its also worth pointing out that some guys who claim "drug-free" are anything but.
I know dealers who've sold gear to guys who have competed in natural shows. Rolling Eyes 

J.Benson II

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Join date : 2011-02-26

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Being accused of 'Roid abuse - Really flattering, or downright insulting? Empty Re: Being accused of 'Roid abuse - Really flattering, or downright insulting?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 15 Aug 2013, 5:48 pm

Take it as a compliment Mate..........Means you are doing something right..


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