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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 02 Aug 2013, 9:50 am

Have this cynical feeling that when a Director says this was the cut he wanted to get out and he's HAPPY now..It's mainly BS..and he wants dollars for reissuing a DVD.........Hate being this cynical..It's just me..

However most I've seen are no better than the original and If anything slow the film down........and add zilcho..

Alien  -  I prefered the Captain's demise to be when the Alien shouted boo down the shafts at him.....Totally unnecessary and spell breaking seeing him cocooned.........and the other scenes like Brett's death was overkill........and other scenes added nothing

Halloween 6 - Was even worse than the normal cut.........Although more Donald Pleasence was a bonus for sure.......

Bladerunner - Yes he changed the ending which was a blessing.............But it didn't add anything...

Any Director's cuts that are better than the original ones..?...or is it just crude money making garbage..

Last edited by TRUSSMAN66 on Fri 02 Aug 2013, 9:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ..)


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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Fri 02 Aug 2013, 10:11 am

Ted unrated.

Nothing special really blink and ypu miss it stuff.

Thing is you have to watch the WHOLE MOVIE....AGAIN before the ''added extras'' are introduced.


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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by Stella Fri 02 Aug 2013, 10:37 am

Crude money making sums it up.

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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by Dass Fri 02 Aug 2013, 10:58 am

Depends on the directors cut in question, some are just additional minutes others have a profound change on the pacing/mood of the film. Some directors have had to cut things due to timings others because the studio didn't want certain aspects shown.

Kingdom of Heaven is a far better film for the inclusion of the missing 45 minutes, it changes the feel and mood of many of the story lines in different ways making for a far more complete movie.

Others that have been improved by directors cuts include Almost Famous, Payback (possibly depending on what you like) and Leon (despite the somewhat interesting nature of those extra 20-25 mins). That's obviously ignoring some of the blockbuster titles that were improved for by director's cuts.


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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by Guest Fri 02 Aug 2013, 12:30 pm

Leon - improved
Apocalypse Now Redux - that scene where they're having dinner with the French family...WTF?!?!?!


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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 02 Aug 2013, 1:43 pm

I'll check Leon out....sometime..


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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by Rowley Fri 02 Aug 2013, 2:53 pm

The Apocolypse Now additions are just plain odd. Has anyone seriously watched the original and thought "good film but could do with an extra 45 minutes" Thought not.


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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by Dass Fri 02 Aug 2013, 3:01 pm

No I haven't but I can say the same about many films yet they are still improved for the extra scenes. Apocalypse Now is such improved for the additions though thats not to say it ain't a fine film without them.


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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by TinRibs Fri 02 Aug 2013, 4:07 pm

DAVE667 wrote:Leon - improved
Apocalypse Now Redux - that scene where they're having dinner with the French family...WTF?!?!?!

I was going to mention Apocalypse Now Redux. I've only been able to watch it once due to the fact that I can't be arsed to watch the dinner scene, it slows things down way too much. Really prefer the original version.

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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by jimmyinthewell68 Sun 04 Aug 2013, 12:26 pm

the lord of the rings films . not really directors cut but added scenes make the films better . love watching extra footage . same with aliens


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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by welshy824 (new) Sun 04 Aug 2013, 7:07 pm

king Arthur directors cut is much better, it gives a much more rounded story to the film

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Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ??? Empty Re: Director's cuts - Are they completely pointless ???

Post by Mr Bounce Wed 07 Aug 2013, 8:22 am

Aliens is so much better in the Director's Cut version. Most people seem to forget that the original cinema and video/DVD releases did not have the sentry guns or the part where you see the settlers on LV-426, and importantly, Newt's family.

SO much better than the original release.

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