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Has Simon Cowell actually done good for music

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Has Simon Cowell actually done good for music Empty Has Simon Cowell actually done good for music

Post by Fernando Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:47 pm

Before you leave and immediately go what the Frak is he on about consider this

For year after year when Pop Idol was around he's act dominated the chart but as the years have gone and people have grown fed up of it. We've had a series of battles for Xmas no/1 with protesting songs. Yet nowadays people go out and purposely go for better music instead of the crap that they've previously gone out for. People like Adele/Ed Sheeran have come through and people like Bieber/1D/The Wanted are restricted in the teenagers.  

Bands like Kings of Leon have had their day in the spotlight and through progession people with talent are actually starting to make their way to the top with the likes of Emeli Sande/Imagine Dragons/Ed Sheeran etc.

So whilst he may have had a negative effect for a few years, just through natural hatred of him music is headed for a better place.


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Has Simon Cowell actually done good for music Empty Re: Has Simon Cowell actually done good for music

Post by super_realist Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:48 pm

What he does, as hateful as he is, is keep the general public who don't really like music , but like being told what to listen to which is always formulaic, lip synching, talentless morons doing covers of old and bad songs away from more credible, rare and less popular genre's and acts.

Incidently, never seen the attraction in Adele even if she is considered to be a more credible talent than the usual soul-less drivel pedalled by Cowell and his cretinous little leprechaun sidekick.

Surely though, drivel like Pop Idol and similar 1970's style "talent" shows have had their day. These "winners" are famous for precisely a week before they are completely forgotten.


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Has Simon Cowell actually done good for music Empty Re: Has Simon Cowell actually done good for music

Post by kingraf Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:35 am

Adele - Still don't understand why people think she should be classed as soul, that's an insult to the soul singers gone, and the few remaining. She's just a little depressed is alls.

As for Cowell, not every act he has peddled is a lip-synching soulless destroyer of worlds. But ultimately I think he has done well for music. Still can't stand OneDirection, but they and bands of their ilk have their place in music. I'd rather have my 10-year old sister listen to that, than Adele's semi-comatose depression

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