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King Kenny - Time To Remove The 'Caretaker'?

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King Kenny - Time To Remove The 'Caretaker'? Empty King Kenny - Time To Remove The 'Caretaker'?

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Thu 03 Feb 2011, 5:08 pm

Ever since he returned to the dugout at Anfield, King Kenny Dalglish has pretty much done and said all the right things as far as Liverpool Football Club is concerned. The lift that he's given the club is amazing, and from a position of utter doom and gloom earlier in the season, we now have some of the more optimistic/deluded fans proclaiming that Champion's League qualification is not outwith the realms of possibility.

Whilst a top 4 finish is a bit far fetched, it just goes to show how much of a boost has been given to the supporters and the club with King Kenny in charge. So my question is why not quit with the pretence and just appoint him as permanent manager? Let's face it, even if we went on an horrific run that culminated in us narrowly avoiding relegation there wouldn't be many calls for the King to be dethroned. It would take an enormous pair of brass balls for FSG to part company with Dalglish, as the majority of fans would clamour for him to be given more time.

Given the way they've backed him in the latest transfer window, it appears that FSG are preparing for life with Dalglish at the helm, so should they just come out and say "Yes, Kenny's our man" and offer him a 3 year deal, or should they wait until the end of the season to sort it all out?


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King Kenny - Time To Remove The 'Caretaker'? Empty Re: King Kenny - Time To Remove The 'Caretaker'?

Post by DJ Legless Thu 03 Feb 2011, 8:27 pm

Toatlly agree as it seems a little bit weird to give a caretaker manager over 60 million to spend. What would happen if they didn't offer kenny a contract and the new manager didn't rate carroll or Suarez. To me I think he will be there long term but as you said just come out and say it.

DJ Legless

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King Kenny - Time To Remove The 'Caretaker'? Empty Re: King Kenny - Time To Remove The 'Caretaker'?

Post by paul815 Fri 04 Feb 2011, 8:50 am

While i'd love to see King Kenny as permanent manager, i'm not sure the owners do. People are saying they gave him 50 odd million to spend, but in reality we sold Torres and Babel and made a slight profit! I cant help feeling the owners are simply holding out for the special one, watch this space!


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