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Good Golly I'm Olly
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Create-a-wrestler Empty Create-a-wrestler

Post by JJJohnson Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:37 pm

Simple and yet something that may spark a little debate on here:

Obviously we are all wrestling fans and many of us have witnessed at least two different eras in WWE alone, some of have been around to watch from the very beginning as well as other products such as TNA, ROH, Chikara,WCW, ECW etc. We have seen certain characters come and go and during that time we have been able to forge our own favourites and decided who we really don't like.

Perhaps our favourites made it to the top, or maybe there were a few superstars along the way who didn't make the cut and you just couldn't work out why. Perhaps there were certain superstars who did go to the top and you just never got what they were all about.

We all like to give our interpretation on how storylines should play out, but here is a different scenario for you:

What sort of character do you believe would be a major hit in the wrestling world?

You can go into detail, describe their appearance, their style, gimmick and how exactly they would get over in a certain promotion or you can just give the basics. Just thought it would be interesting to see what people could see working in a wrestling promotion.

As a guy that runs an e-fed (EWF on this site if you are looking for a cheap plug haha) I see guys creating plenty of characters that people think would work in professional wrestling. But I thought I would make this a topic on the wrestling board instead.

If you had to create a wrestler to become a star, what route would you take?


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:46 pm

Good Golly I'm Olly
Good Golly I'm Olly
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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by JJJohnson Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:46 pm

Elaborate would porn help you to make a star in wrestling.

Just a Val Venis rip-off?


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:48 pm

Well if I was a Diva it'd certainly gain me more male fans!
Good Golly I'm Olly
Good Golly I'm Olly
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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by JJJohnson Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:50 pm

But do you really believe that would make a Diva a real star? They would have five minutes of fame and then disappear. I've lost count of the amount of Divas that get naked for magazines and then we never see them again.

How would you make said diva relevant? How would she be able to measure up with the likes of Chyna, Lita, Trish Stratus, Kong or any of the legendary Japanese female wrestlers?


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:52 pm

JJJohnson wrote:But do you really believe that would make a Diva a real star? They would have five minutes of fame and then disappear. I've lost count of the amount of Divas that get naked for magazines and then we never see them again.

How would you make said diva relevant? How would she be able to measure up with the likes of Chyna, Lita, Trish Stratus, Kong or any of the legendary Japanese female wrestlers?

I'm thinking a backstage interviewer route will be the greatest use of the talent
Good Golly I'm Olly
Good Golly I'm Olly
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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by JJJohnson Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:54 pm

You think there is a niche in pro-wrestling for an attractive female interviewer who does porn? I can't say I am completely with you on that bit each to their own I guess.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:57 pm

Needs a little tweaking here and there, but it could take off with the right backing. Never say never
Good Golly I'm Olly
Good Golly I'm Olly
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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by JJJohnson Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:58 pm

In WWE? Or another promotion?

I don't see it catching on in the PG era.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by JJJohnson Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:59 pm

Take for example the character that I have used in e-fedding for many years....JJ Johnson.

Now JJ Johnson is an African-American born out of Compton, Los Angeles. He was raised by the streets to be a tough, straight talking fighter with the determination to push himself above and beyond the competition.

After losing his mother and father at an early age JJ was "adopted" by a gym owner, who trained JJ to fight and channel his aggression into something worth while. JJ abandoned his street life and developed his abilities in boxing and wrestling, making him a dangerous competitor.

JJ's look would be based around the rapper T.I and his size would similar to the Rock (circa 2000) muscular and yet athletic. JJ would have a brash, in your face arrogance that I believe would appeal in the attitude era and he would be edgy enough to appeal to all demographics. Whilst he is primarily a face, there would be the opportunity to switch, and the roughness of the character would allow him to adapt in different storylines.

Apart from the Rock I don't think the WWE have ever gotten behind an African-American (And he isn't even properly black) star but I believe that it could easily be able to pull it off.

I also believe JJ would be perfect foil to work with a character like John Cena. He would take Cena back to his roots and force him to show a side to his character that he has tried to hold back for so long. I think Cena needs a defining feud with a star that will take him beyond his limits, make him adjust his character and dare I say it, make the fans warm to him.

Cena may have had "great" feuds with Edge, Orton and Punk but at the end of it all he came out on the other side exactly the same. I believe a character like mine would define Cena and cement his place at the top table.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by RinoGattuso Fri 28 Jun 2013, 5:03 am

You need yer hole.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MIG Fri 28 Jun 2013, 9:22 am

Stop trying to force e fedding on people.

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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by JamesLincs Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:00 am

african american?


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:32 am

MIG wrote:Stop trying to force e fedding on people.

Calm down - it's not like he raped you with an e-fed

It's not like he Fritzeled you up in his basement and forced you to have his baby e-fed characters

Just don't answer Laugh

I don't see a market for Olly's character.

I'd create a Chinese nihilist with a huge chip on his shoulder regarding the western world (but not in a terroristy way), apalled at the culture of a massive wrestling company whilst simultaneously apalled at himself for having to conform to operate within it in order to make the world appreciate his talent. Emotionally complex, proud of his roots but would prostitute himself to this company in order to escape them. Unsure of why he even wants a world he hates to appreciate his talent?? Ripping off a the Tibetan/Shaolin monk look, with a kung-fu strike attack fighting style. He'd probably hate that character JJ suggested.

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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MIG Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:38 am

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch wrote:
MIG wrote:Stop trying to force e fedding on people.

Calm down - it's not like he raped you with an e-fed

It's not like he Fritzeled you up in his basement and forced you to have his baby e-fed characters

Just don't answer Laugh

I read a post promoting e fedding on here a while back so I checked out the e fed section..........I would have preferred to have been raped than read what I read on there.

Sheep Champ
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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Guest Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:39 am

Each to their own Smile


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by JJJohnson Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:43 am

The thread is about making a wrestler you believe would be a success in the real wrestling world, i am not asking you to join an e-fed, i merely used my e-fed character as an example.

I like that idea Demon,i think your character would have the ability to become a arch-nemesis to mine. May sound crazy but imagine if your wrestler had a mute brother?

Could be a deadly duo,a definite money maker for WWE.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:44 am

MIG wrote:
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch wrote:
MIG wrote:Stop trying to force e fedding on people.

Calm down - it's not like he raped you with an e-fed

It's not like he Fritzeled you up in his basement and forced you to have his baby e-fed characters

Just don't answer Laugh

I read a post promoting e fedding on here a while back so I checked out the e fed section..........I would have preferred to have been raped than read what I read on there.

You wouldn't though would you.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Bull Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:45 am

MIG wrote:
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch wrote:
MIG wrote:Stop trying to force e fedding on people.

Calm down - it's not like he raped you with an e-fed

It's not like he Fritzeled you up in his basement and forced you to have his baby e-fed characters

Just don't answer Laugh

I read a post promoting e fedding on here a while back so I checked out the e fed section..........I would have preferred to have been raped than read what I read on there.

Preferred to have been raped?

you have problems maybe you should go to a psychologist.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MIG Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:48 am

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch wrote:
MIG wrote:
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch wrote:
MIG wrote:Stop trying to force e fedding on people.

Calm down - it's not like he raped you with an e-fed

It's not like he Fritzeled you up in his basement and forced you to have his baby e-fed characters

Just don't answer Laugh

I read a post promoting e fedding on here a while back so I checked out the e fed section..........I would have preferred to have been raped than read what I read on there.

You wouldn't though would you.

Depends who's doing the raping I guess.

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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri 28 Jun 2013, 10:55 am

JJJohnson wrote:The thread is about making a wrestler you believe would be a success in the real wrestling world, i am not asking you to join an e-fed, i merely used my e-fed character as an example.

I like that idea Demon,i think your character would have the ability to become a arch-nemesis to mine. May sound crazy but imagine if your wrestler had a mute brother?

Could be a deadly duo,a definite money maker for WWE.

Could work... for a bit.
There's only so much you can do with a mute.
e.g. Kane. (What happened to his voice to make it normal? Couple of spoons of Veno's?)

I like supernatural characters.
There's not enough supernatural characters.
Was the Boogeyman the last attempt?

Maybe that Wyatt family could be classed as supernatural-ish.

Take, Kane, The Brood - love all that. So I'd probably create another supernatural character.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Marky Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:00 pm

MIG wrote:
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch wrote:
MIG wrote:
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch wrote:
MIG wrote:Stop trying to force e fedding on people.

Calm down - it's not like he raped you with an e-fed

It's not like he Fritzeled you up in his basement and forced you to have his baby e-fed characters

Just don't answer Laugh

I read a post promoting e fedding on here a while back so I checked out the e fed section..........I would have preferred to have been raped than read what I read on there.

You wouldn't though would you.

Depends who's doing the raping I guess.

That's the thing. If you enjoy it based on who's doing it, it becomes consensual. Doh


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Crimey Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:01 pm

It is legally impossible for man to be raped.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Marky Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:04 pm

Crimey wrote:It is legally impossible for man to be raped.

For an Admin, that's an amazingly ignorant thing to say Laugh


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Crimey Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:07 pm

Well for a woman to r*** a man I should say.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by Marky Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:12 pm

Even then. Spiked with Viagra, or using objects the wrong way up the one way street.


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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:41 pm

Someone just deleted my post!

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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:44 pm

And why?

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Create-a-wrestler Empty Re: Create-a-wrestler

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:58 pm

I already know why


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