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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Dolphin Ziggler
Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 29 May 2013, 1:12 pm

6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June - Live from the Copper Box Arena

Match One - PPV Punishment Match
Dylan Wright vs ??????????????

*Major 6CW Announcement*

Match Two - Fatal Fourway
Daniel Reilly vs Nate Nack vs Garry Grant vs Jack Hurst

*Ronster Celebration*

*Sermon from Reverand Edward Plague*

Main Event - Six Man Tag
Gazzy D/Alejandro Suarez/Blade vs Marty Helms/Mike Masters/DeMarcus Brown

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by x12x Wed 29 May 2013, 3:19 pm

The Copper Box Arena in London fills with boo's as CCClouds by He Is Legend begins to fill the air and the man who made his debut at last night's 6CW Retribution The Reverend Edward Plague appears at the top of the stage with a large grin across his face.

He slowly makes he way to the ring, laughing as he goes as the fans in attendance continue to boo the self proclaimed Saviour of the 6CW, he stalks the ring before snatching a microphone and stepping over the top rope, his intimidating frame covered by a large black robe.

As he paces the ring he drops the robe, the boo's get louder as he taunts the crowd with his laughter. He raises the microphone to his lips before addressing the crowd as well as the 6CW itself

“You boo me because it's what this company has told you to do, they have let the devil infect the core of this company...they tell you to dislike me because they see that I will be the chosen one to end this companies wicked ways...I am the slayer of demons...just ask Orthrus."

Plague begins to laugh in to the microphone again as the crowd's boo's become even louder

“People have asked why I didn't beat Orthrus last night when I didn't have the chance, why I didn't start my career in this company with a win but to the people asking these questions I say that I did win, I did beat Orthrus...I beat him within an inch of his matter how much punishment he inflicted on me, I kept coming back, I had the strength of the lord on my side and how did it end!? He lay in a pool of his own blood and I walked away...I walked away as a reward for serving my God...last night was not about victory or bragging rights it was about receiving punishment for my wicked past and sending a message about the future of this entire roster.”

“A lot of questions have been asked of me since I appeared before you and offered to deliver you from sanity has been questioned, my faith has been tested and people have claimed that I am a bad person, that I am evil...that I am lost..."

"...Well I spent five cold years “lost” in the wilderness being told that the voices in my head telling me to be a better person were “delusions” that I was a dangerous man and that I had to purge myself of those words, that I had to rid myself of those guiding influences...they told me that I was a bad person."

"They were the ones who needed help...they wanted me to ignore the words of our Lord, they were the ones that wanted me to disregard the ONLY thing that I cherished...they were the ones that wanted me to be were the bad people, NOT ME!"

"For five years I was made to feel like I was a freak, that I was the one who lacked moral guidance, that I was an evil man but when I looked around at the people trying to beat me down and destroy the things I love...I saw evil...and I see it in the faces, the minds and the hearts of everyone in this arena attempt to judge me? You attempt to stop me? You are rotten, you are evil and I am here to show you how truly sick you are."

The crowd begins to boo as Edward pauses for a second, scanning the audience, an evil grin appears across his face.

"You sit around and watch like romans waiting for the lion to be released...sadly for you...I am the lion tamer and I will slay the so called beasts you set upon me, I will destroy every person who opposes me and I will show you the error in your judgement...wether you like it or not."

"For I am the the personification of damnation
I am the creeping death
I am the end of evil"

"On the 5th of June The Brotherhood Of Plague gives you the guidance you need, I begin to purge the sin from your souls and I give you two choices..."

bow before me...or perish in the flames of hell.

The lights begin to flicker as Edward laughs in to the microphone, as the lights flicker the laughing doubles up and glitches becoming more manic. All of a sudden the lights plunge in to pure darkness for a few seconds and the laughing stops, as the lights come up the crowd gasp as Edward appears to have disappeared.

Last edited by xviperx on Thu 30 May 2013, 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : quick name change)


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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 29 May 2013, 11:28 pm

Land of Hope and Glory plays in the background as the camera focuses on Jack Hurst.

"6CW, consider this your warning shot. I have defeated the French and now I'm coming for every single one of you. This is the real sport of kings and I intend to prove my worth against every worthy and every worthless competitor in this company."

"I want to prove to you all that an English gent can take the world by storm with grace, poise and immeasurable ability. Do I sound confident? I have to, this is a world where we prey on the weakness of others."

"Daniel, Nate, Garry. May the best man win, and win I will"

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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by Blade Sat 01 Jun 2013, 10:18 am

HA: Man what a pay per view we had and that last man standing match was just of the hook Henry with Blade v Brown.

HE: I know Harold that was a sick match and who in the hell was that old man who was directing traffic Blade looked like he had the match won until they came out I mean the old man and Browns Goon's.

Suddenly the crowd in the arena gets all excited when I don't care about you rages out of the arena speakers and blade walks out on to the stage with his head still bandaged up from the wound he got in his match with Brown.

HA: Here he is the fans favorite surly he can't be 100% Henry?

HE: I agree Harold that was a brutal match he had last week and now he has to have a six man tag match including his opponent last night in Demarcus Brown.

The crowd cheers even louder as Blade holds his ribs and walks down the ramp tagging the fans as he goes then groggily walks up the steel steps and climb's into the ring grabs a microphone from the ring announcer and waits for his music to stop and for the fans to settle down.

Blade: You know last week was one of the most brutal matches I had in my career and if anyone told you that it was all fake just look at the state of my stomach.

Blade lifts his T- shirt to show a lot of bruises on his chest and his ribs.

HA: Man that looks bad.

HE: Indeed Harold, Blade took some punishment but gave as much as he got.

Blade: Now I should have won that damn match but Browny boy played the trump card when he new he was gonna lose he got his four campers involved and would you have it he won.

Brown knows he can't beat me one on one and he new he was gonna lose that match that's why the four happy campers and the old Camper decided to get involved.

The crowd in the arena boo's loudly.

HA: Hes right Henry, Blade was about to win that match until they got involved.

HE: Your right Harold, blade must be peed off right now.

Blade: and right now am pretty banged up but am hurt and not injured so that means that I can compete in this six man tag match and I will get my revenge on you Browny boy and I will get my hands on every single one of you Campers and take you out one by one.

The crowd in the arena start the lets go Blade chant.

HA: Blades in fighting mood Henry.

HE: But is Blade in is pretty banged up Harold can he hold up to his word?

Blade: So Brown and your campers that includes that old man who was barking out the orders you guys are put on notice you have got ya self a hit on you, You have put a target on your back and I am the bullet that's gonna hit that target so bring it on fella's bring it on.

The crowd in the arena starts to cheer loudly as Blade then struggles to climb up to the top turn buckle and poses for the fans.

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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Sat 01 Jun 2013, 3:13 pm

Backstage at the local live event, Mike Masters is shown walking as he looks set to get ready with a match with a local wrestler. However, he is quickly stopped by Timothy Allen and a cameraman.

TA: Mike Masters can I have a quick interview?

MM: Man why are you here, where's the hot blonde? Is she avoiding me?

TA: If you mean Christy James, she's not here today. Im on call.

MM: Well that sucks. Then go ahead I guess...

TA: So how are you feeling after your first PPV victory over Alejandro Suarez?

MM: Well Timmy for weeks now I've been showing these fans what Masters is all about. I've been showing off my impressive wrestling skills, I mean I think I've out wrestled and outperformed everyone of my opponents since I've been here in 6CW however I haven't managed to pick up that vital pinfall. But finally, finally I beat that high flying monkey at Retribution and now I can go on for bigger and better things because thats what I'm all about. So to some up how I'm feeling Timmy, Im feeling great!

TA: At Retribution, you also made an appearance in the match between Marty Helms and Gazzyd providing some assistance to Helms. Can you explain...

MM: Explain what? Whats to explain? I simply did what I had to do. Let's leave it at that.

TA: Ok. Now on Anarchy this Wednesday, you compete in a six man tag. Thoughts?

MM: You know its funny when you look at the competitors involved. I mean, you can label this match, The Team of Winners vs Team of Losers. Brown, Helms and myself where all victorious in our respective matches. So what makes anyone think that the Team of Losers will be victorious in their match against us? We will win, and I will steal the show because Im that damn good.

Mike Masters theme song hits the arena as his match looks set to begin.

MM: Well squirrel face, you hear that? My music is ringing around the arena, the fans are all probably on their feet so that means its time for me to leave and steal the show. Oh and I'm perfect and you're not! Hahaha

Mike Masters gives a smirk to the camera as he struts confidently to his match.


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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Sun 02 Jun 2013, 5:05 pm

The Mighty Mighty Nate Nack is sitting in the locker room finishing his hand wraps. He tears the tape with his teeth and smooths the ends out.

“So it's a fatal four-way this week,” he says as he looks up, eyes fixated on the camera. “Garry, I've already proven that I can beat you one, two, three in that ring. And Hurst, you make yourself sound tough by saying you “defeated the French”. Welcome to the club. Population: Me. The USA don't roll over like the French do, though. No, we fight and we fight mighty hard. You seem like a pretty good guy though, so I look forward to seein' what you bring to the table.

Now Daniel Reilly... you're probably the one I'm most worried about on this list. That was a mighty impressive win over Anonymous, one that I don't know I could have come away with. You were a past champion, and probably a future hall-of-famer. But don't you let that go to your head. If you think for one second you can take me lightly and waltz out of here with an easy victory, then I think it's about time for a Wake-Up Call.”

Nate Nack pounds a fist into his hand twice to test the wrap before looking back up into the camera.

“See ya Wednesday, boys.”


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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by Steel Sun 02 Jun 2013, 6:20 pm

The cameras cut to the backstage area Christy James and a camera crew are stood discussing potential scoops, The gathering suddenly look up as the sound of banging followed by profanities can be heard from further down the corridor, the assorted crew at once set off to investigate with Christy leading the way. As they turn the corner the source of the disruption can be seen, the familiar sight of a white hooded man beating his fists against a vending machine, the man then grabs the vending machine and begins to shake it from side to side, shouting even more profanities. Christy steps forward from the camera crew and attempts to interact with the hooded man.

CJ: Excuse me, I believe that is company property, I suggest you stop that at once before you do any serious damage.

The hooded man shoots a cold stare at Christy before turning back and fixating on the machine, he then takes a few steps backwards and charges shoulder first into the machine still to no avail.

CJ: Somebody please call security, maybe this thug will pay more attention as he is being escorted out of the building.

The hooded man give the vender one last blow and lets out a large sigh before glancing at Christy once more, he then begins to impose on Christy muttering under his breathe. The man then removes the bandanna covering his face revealing himself to be DeMarcus Brown.

DB: Maybe you ought to learn your place around here before barking out the orders like you own this joint, your nothing Christy the only reason you’re here is because of some pathetic link to the past and the fact you’ve spent enough money on products and surgery to make you stand out from the other hags who grace these halls form time to time, but between me and you Christy we both know what you really are a sheep in lambs clothing, who will do anything for her moment in the spotlight and I mean anything, I’ve lost track how many times I night I see you coming out of different superstars locker rooms and from what I hear you do more than just talking. Those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones or make idle threats. Besides that damn machine stole my quarter, yet another commodity of the company that doesn’t treat me with the respect I deserve, maybe I should launch that off a stage too, see if it isn’t more forthcoming than it is now, it’s put up more of a fight so far than that old dog Blade has ever done.

CJ: I suppose your pleased with you handiwork at Retribution, you could have killed the man.

DB: Blade knew full well what he was getting himself into so don’t blame me for that fact he was barely even able to walk out of that arena without help, he knew the rules and he knew what I was capable of, he was foolish and he learnt his lesson the hard way, the painful way. I doubt he will be in so much of a hurry to face me again, three time now we have faced man to man and on every occasion he has been left on his backside looking up at the lights, you really have to question whether that man actually has a brain behind the Neanderthal skull of his, evolution teaches us that if something persistently becomes serious concern to our wellbeing that we stop doing whatever activity it is causing us so much pain, for some reason Blade seems to have missed that lesson in life and unfortunately for him he is becoming an endangered animal, Soon enough there will be men with clipboards outside asking us to donate only two pounds a month to help feed, cloth and give him a safe place to sleep at night. Personally id much rather watch as he drives himself to extinction, something that will happen a lot sooner if he doesn’t stay the hell out of my way. I suggest this coming week Blade if you find yourself in the ring with me, you get that tag as soon as possible, or even better just run and hide and hope that I don’t find you, because from this point forward I run this this show, I have a man on every corner Blade and if you even look at me the wrong way, or I hear reports of you dishonouring my name, you may as well pick up the nearest implement to you and start digging your own grave, to save somebody else the hassle of having to do it for you. Now get the hell out of my way

DeMarcus then barges past Christy and the crew and turns the corner out of sight, the scene then begins to fade.


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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by The Last Outlaw Mon 03 Jun 2013, 1:56 pm

Marty Helms is seen walking backstage with his new Lights Out t-shirt and black combat pants with Outlaw down on leg. Timothy Allen can be seen walking towards Helms.

TA: Marty Helms, Can we get a quick word with you?

MH: Ok, Tim you may have a moment of my time. What is it you want to know?

TA: Well how about we start with your first PPV victory at Retribution?

MH: Well what a night that was TIm, I told you all that I would defeat GazzyD and that is exactly what I did. And can I add that the Masked Man turned up proving that it was not me behind the attack on Gazzy.

TA: That is true. We also saw Mike Masters come down to the ring?

MH: Let me stop you before you go any further thatn that Tim... Mike did come to ringside but all he did was watch me beat Gazzy. Gazzy calls himself the History Maker well at Retribution I showed that his career is nothing more than History. And at Aftermath this week I team up with Mike Masters and DeMarcus Brown two men who also won at Retribution two men who also love nothing more than winning and giving a beat down in the process... well ok Mike might prefer looking in the mirror but that is another matter.

TA: As you say you are in a Six Man Tag Match at Aftermath what do you think of your opponents and partners?

MH: Well as for my partners Mike and myself have proven how ruthless we are as a pairing then you add someone like DeMarcus Brown to the team and then you have a nightmare for the three men who we are facing... The three men who we that we all beat at Retribution. We all saw the DeMarcus Brown demolish Blade so I think it is more like three against two and a half as Blade can be nowhere near fully fit. Then We have Gazzy who is still not in the right frame of mind to be in a ring that leaves us with Alejandro Suarez who I know very little about but that doesn't matter because at Aftermath none of those three men will be causing anyone a problem in 6CW.

TA: Thank you for taking a moment to talk to us Marty.

MH: My pleasure Tim, at Aftermath I promise you GazzyD, Alejandro Suarez and Blade it will be Lights Out!

Helms gives the camera a sadistic smile before he turns away and walks off down the hallway.

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by Fernando Mon 03 Jun 2013, 9:57 pm

We go backstage to Orthrus walking through the back after his match with Edward Plague wiping the blood off his head

Tonight was the beginning of everything, You see you threw me 7ft in the air and i loved every Frak minute of it, We beat the living daylights out of each other neither of us bothered with pinning.

I had you beat when i bounced you skull 1st off the ringpost but i had no desire to end the pain there. Yet after a violent brawl you walked away like a coward

This isn't over Plague and until your buried 6ft under it never will be
When time comes you will be dragged into hell and left to rot as the soil covers your face and starts to suffocate you, your wonder why your precious god did nothing to stop it.

So enjoy the false prophecy whilst it lasts because the end is nigh and Im your judge jury and executioner Plague

Orthrus disappears around the corner as the cameras fade to black


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6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Wednesday 5th June

Post by Dr Gregory House MD Wed 05 Jun 2013, 3:32 am

Backstage at the arena, Christy James is shown approaching a party going on in a back room, a man is running around wearing a large sumbrero singing at the top of his lungs 'CHAMP-I-ON-EE!, CHAMP-I-ON-EE!, CHAMP-I-ON-EE!, OLE! OLE! OLE!'.

It's Ron, as well as the ridiculously oversized hat, he's wearing a black T-Shirt with the slogan 'Ronster- The Dream Continues 2013' but no trousers, only a pair of large grey boxers that flap as he jumps around, he's clutching a half empty bottle of tiquelia in one hand and half a sausage roll (most likely from Greggs) in the other.

Christy approaches Ron, having to shout over his singing to talk to him.


Ron stops and looks at her with a massive grin on his face

CJ- If it's ok with you Ron, I'd like to get some reaction on your win at Retribution

R- No problem at all Christy, excuse me for all the excitement, I've been celbrating non-stop since the Pay-Per-View, would you like some tiquila?

Ron holds the bottle up to Christy who shakes her head

R- Sausage Roll?

He holds up the half eaten pastry, Christy gives it a look of absoloute revulsion and shakes her head again

CJ- Just the reaction to your win would be great thanks

R- Suit yourself, Well you see Christy, Retribution was probably the greatest night of my life, at least since that night Kelly Brook's car broke down outside my local and she had to come in to phone a mechanic, She actually spoke to me do you know what she said?

CJ- No, what?

R- If you don't stop touching my bum, I'm going to phone the police!, but the way she said it you could tell that she loved it, anyways where was I, oh yeh, the greatest night of my life, At Retribution, I didn't just win a match, I didn't just get to remain in 6CW, I got the right to call myself a pro wrestler, next time someone tells me I'm not a pro wrestler I can go OI! F*** YOU! I AM A PRO WRESTLER!!!, because Christy that night was living proof that, in life and wrestling somethings are more imprortant than big muscles, and skill, and good looks, and ability, and knowing wrestling moves...

CJ- (quietly) and personal hygiene

R- ..what? Well some times heart, soul and will can be the most powerful things of all, sometimes a dream can be stronger than any fancy powerslam or moonsault, and I am a man who has a dream, and I will follow that dream, some me don't have the stomach for it, like that Ninja man on Britan's Got Talent, he had a dream shared by many up and down this land, to go and national television and decapitate those two Geordie Twits with a samurai sword, but they said no, how about you do a pineapple instead? Well I am a man who takes no pineapples in pursuit of his dreams, and if I had my chance I'd have chopped their heads clean off before you could say 'it's a yes from me'

CJ- uh, thanks Ron, I guess, many people have been questioning your win, saying it was only due to sympathic refereeing, do you have any comments on that?

R- Well I don't know about that, but tonight isn't a night for those sorts of questions, tonight is a night for a party, I've partied all week and tonight I'm going to go out to my fans and get the real celebrations started

Because I am the Ronster, and I am a professional wreslter!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go find some trousers

Ron exits the room, leaving Christy with a bemused look on her face

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