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Enforcer (Enforcer)

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Enforcer (Enforcer) Empty Enforcer (Enforcer)

Post by JJJohnson Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:32 pm

Enforcer (Enforcer) Enforc10

Name: Enforcer
Nickname: E, The Big E
Height: 6ft 4
Weight: 295lb
Age: 28
Class: Heel
Date of Birth: 18th February 1985
Catchphrases: "You will be Enforced"

Wrestling Type: Powerhouse

Appearance: Built solidly, with gelled brown hair just above the shoulders.
Attire: Jeans and a T-Shirt, will usually wear an ice hockey shirt over the t-shirt.

Entrance Music: Saturday Night (Alright for Fighting) - Nickelback
Example of Entrance: Stands at the top of the stage looking at the crowd and/or opponent for a while, before striding to the ring ignoring the fans.

Finishing Move: Face check (forearm smash to the face)

Common moves: Big boot, spear, knee drop from second rope, closed fist punches, DDT, flying shoulder charge, Jackhammer suplex,

Submission moves: Bow & Arrow

High Flying moves: Moonsault used occasionally

Hope to accomplish: Feels that he has accomplished everything he needs to, but is looking for a challenge and people to take out.
Short Term: Settle existing score with Hero
Long Term: To become the dominant force of EWF

Wins/Losses: Debut

Before Wrestling: An ice hockey enforcer who was banned from all leagues due to excessive roughness and fighting. Having spent a while bare knuckle fighting Enforcer moved onto the world of professional wrestling.

Wrestling career: A hardcore, tag team and world champion in 6wf Enforcer was part of Dynasty and Trash TV. Having debuted with the Dynasty as a heel henchman, Trash TV made Enforcer a top star and established him as a fun loving face, the dissolution of Trash TV turned him into an angry bitter heel who took his frustrations out on all who he felt responsible. Eventually leading to him leaving 6wf.

Post 6wf: Enforcer managed to get his ban rescinded from ice hockey and went back to that, however he kept accumulating bans and other fighters refused to face him. He decided that a wrestling organisation would be the best place to go as people can't refuse to fight.

Success/Failures: A lot of risk taking caused injuries

Strengths/Weaknesses: Strength is his strength and determination to inflict pain and become dominant. Weakness is the one track mind of seek and destroy, can be blindsided or taken by surprise when focused on a goal or opponenet.

Motivations: To be dominant.


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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