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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

The Last Outlaw
Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:12 pm

6CW Anarchy - Wednesday 24th April

Match One
Garry Grant vs The Ronster

Match Two
DeMarcus Brown vs Alejandro Suarez

Match Three
Blade vs Dennis Hart

Match Four
Daniel Reilly & Jerome Dubois vs Anonymous & Jack Hurst

Match Five
Nate Nack vs Orthrus

Main Event
Gazzy D & Roman Azrael vs Mike Masters & Marty Helms

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:10 pm

The latest 6CW house show begins, the big titantron shows the events that took place this past Wednesday on Anarchy. As the video finishes, the song, "Champion" hits and out comes Mike Masters to the suprise of the crowd. Mike Masters was not advertised locally however he made it to the show to address the audience. Masters slowly walks to the ring with a smirk on his face before jumping and sliding to the ring post while he taunts the crowd. Masters then grabs a microphone.

MM: You all seem suprised? You all seem suprised that Mike Masters is at your presence. To be honest I understand, it's hard to believe but 6CW didn't even advertise one if not the best talent they have on there roster. Unbelievable right? Well nonetheless I am here. But you wanna know who ain't gonna be here? GazzyD! Who know why? Because he's to busy searching for this masked man thats been attacking him. You know its hilarious how I fooled him into thinking it was me. He was so angry, and to make matters worse, I beat him. I beat him in the middle of the ring. That's right, the ref counted 1, 2, 3 and my hand was raised in victory.

The image is shown on the titantron of Mike Masters celebrating his first victory in 6CW.

MM: Take a look at that picture. Its perfection, its masterful, its Mike Masters the future of this damn business. Not the likes of Gazzy D who is a has been, he continue to focus on who ever is attacking him, whilst that goes on, I'll be on the rise. On the rise to the top of 6CW. On the next episode of Anarchy, me and Marty Helms will win. We have a good understanding, the same agenda to make it in 6CW. And that we will because were are damn good.

MM: Dean Andrews and Mr. Jones take a good look. I am what people want to see, just check the merchandise stands, the people are all over my section. My 6CW career starts now, and people remember, im perfect and your not! Hit my music!

Mike Masters poses on the top turnbuckle as he smirks at the audience. The camera then slowly fades out.


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by The Last Outlaw Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:58 pm

The latest 6CW house show is about to end when a video starts to play on the titantron. The video recaps GazzyD being attacked by the masked man it then shows GazzyD's attack of Marty Helms. The crowd who are cheering GazzyD's attack when Sirens hit to turn the cheers into loud boos.

Marty Helms makes his way to the ring gingerly.

MH: Now this truly is a suprise for you morons not only do you get the delights of Mike Masters as an unexpected guest tonight you get the Outlaw Marty Helms. (the crowd boos again louder than before.)
Now then I am here to talk about a certain GazzyD (Cheers can be heard from the crowd) Gazzy you had the nerves to come out and attack me because.... let me guess you think I am the masked man because he jacknifed you.

The crowd boos as a video shows the masked mans attack of GazzyD.

MH: Is that the best evidance that you have to pin that attack to me, now I know your head is not in a stable place right now but don't worry after Anarchy... after Mike Masters and nyself are finished with you there will be no need to worry about 6CW as you will be sat in a hospital bed recovering from the beating that you will recieve from the Perfect Outlaws.
Speaking of beatings I think I should leave these here for you Gazzy as I don't think I need these and the fact they should have been placed on your wrist after the last Anarchy.

Helms pulls out handcuffs from his pocket and drops them in the middle of the ring whilst smirking.

MH: I want you to have these handcuffs Gazzy as a reminder of who it is that gave the beating you can't remember because that is what will happen next time we are in this ring.

Helms drops the mic and walks up the ramp with the crowd split some booing and some chanting GazzyD's name

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:21 pm

The Mighty Mighty Nate Nack is sitting in his apartment working on a small home-gym machine. The phone begins to ring, which Emma Holland picks up while Nate Nack grabs a towel and wipes off his face and shoulders.

“Hello? May I ask who this is? Oh, hello Mr. Andrews. Yes, he’s here, I’ll pass the phone to him.”

She hands the phone off to Nate Nack, who sits on a chair.

“Hi Mr. Andrews. Yes, I’m fine. No, just a few bandages was all. You know how those injuries always look worse than they are. Uh huh. Yes. Please tell me I have a match next week. Really? Disappointed? How could I be? I know, and you don’t have to tell me twice. Don’t you worry, you won’t regret this. Yes sir, I’ll be there. Okay. Good-bye.”

He hangs up the phone and smiles at Emma. “Finally got a match!”

“Who is it?” she asked with a slight pause.


Emma glanced down, a look of worry clearly visible on her face.

“Don’t you worry, I’m gonna be—”

“Don’t worry? Oh, sure, let’s just forget about the fact that you’re the target for 3 people now, and one of them, the one you’re facing next, has more power than Andrews right now. Yeah, let’s forget that just about a month ago, losing to this man nearly cracked you. Sure, everything’s going to be fine. Just fine.”

Emma flops into a chair and puts a hand to her head.

“Are you doing this because you want to, or because you think you’ve got something to prove? All things considered, you had him beat at Absolution. It’s this Reverend fellow who’s really driving out crazy. And what’s to say that he or that critic guy won’t interfere again?”

Nate Nack looks at her stone-faced. “Do you want the truth, or do you want to hear what you want to hear?”

She looks at him, but doesn’t say anything as he continues.

“Yes, Orthrus, Plague, and Grant are all out for my head. And I can’t let this continue. There’s a time for talk, and there’s a time for action. I’ve talked long enough, and now I’m going to get in that ring and show them I’m not going to sit by and take their crap. Just being a good guy isn’t good enough anymore.

They want a fight, they want a brawl, they want a straight-up war, and I’m going to give them what they want. I’m doing this because I want them to know I’m going to stand up for myself. I’m doing this because if I don’t, it proves that they really can do whatever they want, and who’s to say who will be next on their list if I’m gone? I’m doing this because I need this, and so do the fans, and so does the company.”

Emma sighs and she stands up. “Just promise me you’ll leave that ring on your own two feet this time.”

“You got it.”


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by x12x Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:05 am

We are once again in the dungeon of Edward Plague, he peers in to camera with a blank expression on his face as the walls drip with what looks like blood, a sick smile appears on his face as he speaks to the camera.

"At Anarchy I showed this pitiful world that I was not a side kick or a stooge but that I was the leader, I was the conquerer and that I was the personification of damnation. I was accused of being nothing but words and scare tactics but Nate Nack found out the truth in the worst possible way, when he ended a broken man."

The camera cuts to flashing images of Nate Nack being driven in to the ground by Plague mixed with images of Plague screaming and praying, when the camera cuts back even more blood is on the wall.

"Orthus believes himself to be above the law, he believes his contract makes him untouchable but I showed him that he is just another minion with his neck in a noose, ready for me to kick away the chair that he felt was so stable."

Once again the camera flashes and even more blood appears on the walls of the dungeon.

"Members of the 6CW Roster, I have taken your best and reduced them to dust, if you follow me then you will be spared the same inevitable future but if you resist then I will tear you apart one limb at a time and leave your remains for the vultures..."

"...I am the Reverend Edward Plague and the end is nigh"

The scene fades to black with Plague's dead white eyes staring deeply in to the camera as the blood begins to almost run down the walls like a waterfall.

Last edited by xviperx on Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Blade Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:19 pm

We open the scene in the back stage area and the cameraman is walking down the corridor and comes up to a door on the right hand side and on that door it say Yarmouth Blade with a big red star above his name when the crowd see's this they give out a loud cheer.

Then all of a sudden the door swings open and out pops Blade to a huge ovation from the crowd he smiles into the camera at the crowds reaction.

Blade then talks into to the camera.

Blade: So Mr Brown did you really think you were gonna keep a good man down, Hell no never in a million years will you keep me down fella.You see i have this Knack of bouncing straight back up which am sure is gonna pee you right off.

Even your four guys can't get the better of me and I proved that last week when I came out with all guns blazing and hit anything that moved with my mate the hammer but the only regret I have is that I didn't get my hands on you and you ran like a little scared girl and let your boys take the hammering they deserved.

The crowd cheers at this statement.

Blade: If you even think about getting involved in my match with Dennis Hart then you will have a very big suprice in store for you and I will make sure that you pay.

Dennis Hart you have beaten me once before but that was a fluke and you know it this time round will be much different I am a changed man sure I play jokes and like to have fun but when the time comes to get in that ring then play time is over and fighting time starts.

You Mr hart are gonna know what its like to have a truck coming at you at 100mph I at this moment in time are the most dangerous man in this origination and you want to know why?

Well its because of Demarcus Brown and his four campers they have turned me into a monster that was inside of me just waiting to get out and now they have unlocked the door and unleashed the beast inside of me and that spells bad news for you Hart this time I will win and win well so you have been warned fella.

And with that the crowd in the arena cheers loudly as Blade the walks of camera shot down the corridor.

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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Steel Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:24 pm

The cameras start to film and we appear in the office of Dean Andrews there are framed newspaper clippings on the walls of the office detailing the rebirth of 6CW and its greatest achievement to date, a solid table antique table is the focal point of the room with a grand leather chair facing away from the camera with a poster of the next PPV taking pride of place directly behind it showing the faces of De Marcus Brown and Yarmouth Blade. A scratching noise can be heard but it is unclear where this noise is coming from, until the chair swings around revealing a figure dressed in a white hooded top, the man has a pocket knife in his hand and is running the blade back and forth along the leather arm discolouring the fabric. The man then looks up and looks directly at the camera then lowers his head once more, he moves the knife from the arm of the chair to the table and begins to carve into the wood. Without lifting his head the man bring an hand up to his mouth and pulls down a piece of fabric, the man the moves his hand to the side of his head and tilts his head to one side leaning against the hand propped up by his elbow on the table continuing to deface the antique with his other hand, the man then begins to speak again not looking up

DB: This company owes me and my fellow brothers an insurmountable amount of respect, we have helped put this joke of a company back on the map, are reward another match against a man we have already proven we are far superior to, why simply because the people who run this company are running scarred from the greater power that is the White Hoods, protecting they’re other assets from the oncoming storm, removing us from the limelight for no other reason but to build the careers of those with less fortunate talents than ourselves. You can try stifle are rebellion but we won’t be held back any longer, we shall bring 6CW its day of reckoning, starting at Retribution, No Holds Barred, the possibilities are endless and sick twisted games we have in store will shock this company to its core, no disqualifications, no backlash, no surrender, just honest brutal destruction. You want to cast us into darkness then we will bring the flames of hell itself to your very door and embrace in its chaos.

De Marcus stops carving and blows away some of dust that has gathered directly as particles begin to fall like snow.

DB: I would have pity for you Blade if you hadn’t brought this torment on yourself, you are an old dog that should have been put down the moment you were cast from you mothers teat, the runt of the litter a disgrace to the name mankind. At Retribution you shall feel my wrath and I will be done with you and I will rejoice that fact, no longer will I have to listen to your Ludacris claims of self-importance, you mean nothing to this company, you speak of greatness but this is only fabricated in your simple mind as those of us who know the truth look on and laugh at your expense. Nobody will miss you when you are gone, not even your own parents cared for you enough they saw the weakness in you at birth and did not want to bring dishonour to their name the best decision they ever made. When people do look back on your career the only thing they will remember about you will be, Yarmouth who? The jester of 6CW, the man foolish enough to enter the devils playground with the devil himself and was lucky to even escape with his life. There is no going back now Blade your path is clear, be warned the Yarmouth Blade who enter Retribution will not be the man who leaves I will strip every ounce of dignity, every memory of happiness and leave you nothing but a shell, a shadow of your former self, your only purpose to serve as a warning to other who may attempt to cross my path.

De Marcus stops carving and studies his work, flicking the blade back into its sheath and placing the item in his pocket.

DB: Enjoy you’re last few weeks Blade because the reaper his sharpening his scythe, he is not yet ready for you. This week we make acquaintance of another who would oppose us on our road to greatness, we are done fighting on the terms expected, we are the White Hoods we are anarchy and pandemonium, this company wants to put on a show for the world to see and we will bring our own brand of disorder to the table. Try and foil us once more Blade you may require assistance even entering the ring at Retribution

De Marcus then spins the chair around and the chair can be seen slightly reclined looking up at the PPV poster, the camera then zooms in on the Mark De Marcus has left behind which reads White Hoods, Honour, Condemn, Execute. The camera the picture then begins to fade.


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:30 pm

We hear the French national anthem "La Marseillaise" play as the camera pans down a street to stop at the figure of Jack Hurst.

"Welcome, one and all, to Jack Hurst's Guide to the nation of France! Our first sojourn shall be to the jewel of France, the city of romance that is Paris. Fluctuat nec mergitur - The motto 'It is tossed by the waves, but does not sink' - never has a phrase been more steeped in regret. If only this were a French Lost City of Atlantis."

The camera transitions to the image of The Louvre. Hurst walks into shot.

"Ahh, Musée du Louvre. The palace stands majestic behind an unnecessary glass pyramid which hinders a wonderful view to its ugly remains. You see, this is a problem with the French. They just love to ruin things. But of course, you have seen Dubois, you know this to be true. Our mere business is consistently ruined by his dirty presence."

"The French have a habit of showing off triangles as I welcome you know" The scene suddenly changes "To the Eiffel Tower".

"Just think, they gifted the Americans the Statue of Liberty but kept this rusting monument for themselves. Surely, never has their been a spot that made more people ponder the joy of jumping off, the descent and fall a sweeter journey than the walk back through Paris."

"As we stop in the parks nearby we many a couple enjoy a meal" Jack walks through the surrounding area. "I see a family picnic, little Antoine eating the legs of a frog, little Amélie sucking on a snail as their parents devour a recently killed horse. It was a scandal in England, the French remained jealous of our sweet filly feast."

As Jack is speaking three French men approach the Englishman.

French Fella: "Excuse me, we speak English and you are now our foe. We shall fight you"

Jack: "Why of course, let us rumble--"

French Fella "WE SURRENDER, WE SURRENDER" as quickly as they arrived they scurry away.

Jack: "Bravest Frenchman I ever did see. Join me next time on Forays into France as I brave the sights of Lyon. As in, they must be Lyon if they think this place isn't dirty. Or Marseille, as in, I Marseille this place is disgusting. Or what about Nice, the place that lies even in its name. Au Revoir!"

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Guest Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:24 pm

We're in the Copper Box in the middle of a weekly house show. Two up and coming stars are in the middle of a match in the centre of the ring

He: Looking at the show these two are putting on, I can safely say the future is bright right here in 6CW

Ha: You're not wrong there brother. We've been treated a real treat here tonight, it's hard to believe these two are just rookies

He: Well I can't see that being the case for long...Wait a minute....We wasn't expecting him here tonight

'Airplanes' starts to ring around the speakers as gazzyD walks out to the stage. He stares around at the fans and then continues walking straight down to ringside, tagging the outstrecthed hands of the fans. He slides in the ring interfering in the match. One of the competitiors confronts him


gazzys actions are met with a mixed reaction from the crowd as he grabs a microphone from ringside.

g: As much as it pains me to come out here tonight and interupt this show, it's time for me to get some stuff off my chest.

again, a mixed reaction spreads around the arena

g: You see coming back to 6CW was supposed to be a special time for me. While not quite a 6CW original, you can't deny that I've given blood, sweat and tears for this company. The company that I love. Coming back, was meant to be my triumphant return to the company that made gazzyD a household name.

However, it looks as if my history in this business has painted a big old bullseye on my back. The company was barely back off the ground when that night happened. That night that I don't have any memory of, save for waking up hours after being visciously assaulted.

I still don't know who it was who tried to make a name for themselves by attacking me, the history maker, the human highlight reel. But guess what? Congratulations you've done it. But before you go patting yourself on the back and celebrating, not only have you caught my attention and the attention of the 6CW universe, you've also transferred the target that was on my back, right onto yourself.

Ever since that attack, I've been distracted. Anything that has happened, a breeze sweeping past the curtain, a familiar face in the crowd, I've allowed it to play with my head. Well enough. It's time for me to get back to what I do best. It's time for gazzy to kick some ass. And this week it must be my birthday, because I got two cocky wannabes to take my frustrations out on.

The crowd are a lot more positive toward gazzy now

g: And it just so happens that both of them have at some point been linked to the attack on me which is going to make this all the more sweeter. This week yours truly, teams up with Roman azrael (huge pop from the crowd) as we take on Mart Helms (crowd boos) and Mike Masters (Huge boos).

Now no disrespect to Roman Azrael, the guys been really impressive, but the last thing I need now is more distractions. I have no problems tagging with you, but just make sure you don't get in my way, because I'm sick and tired of the distractions, I'm sick and tired of losing, I'm sick and tired of people calling me a has been.

I am not a has been, and I certainly don't like being called one by a never was like Marty Helms. Still just 28, yeah I've achieved a lot already, but believe me that is just a fraction of what I'll go on to accomplish in 6CW, and my path starts this week. Helms, Masters you may be young, you may be cocky, but I'm a former three time tag champion, a former heavyweight champion, undefeated at the grandest stage of them all. Don't think you can use me as a stepping stone.

The crowd are now chanting gazzy's name, getting behind him even more

g: I'm drawing a line in the sand (he drags his foot across the canvas drawing an invisible line) I dare either one of you to cross it, because if you do, I'll kick your ass, don't believe me? Try it and see, because seeing....

he throws the mic in the air

crowd : IS BELIEVING!!!!!

gazzy's music hits as he exits the ring and circles it tagging the hands of the fans before making his way back up to the stage

He: Gazzy showing a fire that we haven't seen since the night of his attack, it's good to see him back

Ha: It certainly is, but talking a big game is one thing, we'll have to wait till Wednesday to see if he is all talk or not


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Fernando Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:52 pm

We go outside the 6cw arena down an alleyway where Orthrus sits looking at the blood in his hands

You see Reverend you can bring your tricks to the party but they don't bother me, I have tricks of my own that have yet to be revealed...

You see when you cross me you will fall and your fate will be sealed into despair

When i get my hands around your throat im going to squeeze until you fall at my knees as the blood flows out your mouth as you become my next victim of the disease spreading throughout 6cw

Tonight will be an demonstration of this when i make an example of Nate Nack, All he's done since the PPV is whine like a little bitch that he should of won the contract.

You see tonight will be showing of what could of been for Nate as i batter him around the arena doing whatever i want whilst he has to play by the rules.

Tonight im going to dedicate my victory to Nate's skank of wife to show her what a real man is and what a loser Nate is.

At the end of the night 6cw will fall at it's knees as evil spreads through the arena and bath in it's blood


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by x12x Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:37 pm

We find ourselves in the darkened dungeon of The Reverend Edward Plague who can be seen sat in front of three flickering candles, as the flame's dance around sending the light slowly around the room The Reverend removes his mask and looks in to the camera. He begins to talk in a serious tone, becoming irate, his breathing deepens.

“Orthrus you claim to be a disease running it's way through the 6CW but you are mistaken...the only disease I see evidence of is the pride running through your thickens your blood and cuts off the air to your feeble makes you NEED revenge for the actions I was made to can't see the bigger picture and until you do, I will continue to tear you apart one piece at a time...I will continue to crush you in to the ground and I will beat you down until you beg to see the light.”

Edward's voice calms down as he focuses his words and begins to smile an evil smile directly in to the camera.

“Can you feel my words echoing through your head? Can you see the future I envision? Does it fill you with fear when you realise that you have no chance and that the revenge you crave like an addiction will be the end of you?”

Edward picks up a bloodstained bible and begins to quote

“Romans 12:19 “Avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath. For it is written vengeance is mine; I will repay saith the Lord”

He places the bible by the side of him and continues to talk directly to Orthrus

“Don't you understand? You live in my dominion and until you bow down before me and accept me as your saviour, I will punish you for every evil action you have ever taken and no golden contract can stop me.”

The Reverend's voice once again becomes irate and he begins to shout near the end of the sentence, rage covers his face

“I am the messenger in my world but in yours...I. AM. GOD.”

Breathing heavily Edward calms down before signing off

“If you are looking for the light, I am the flame of absolution but if you come to me looking for hell...I will burn you to the ground leaving nothing more than ash where you stand, the choice is yours...”

Edward lets out a creepy laugh as the candles flicker faster and then suddenly go out.

The scene fades out.


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Fernando Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:12 pm

We go backstage as Orthrus on a beam below the rafters of the arena..

You see Edward i do see the bigger picture and what you've been fed is lies that are wrong, You see your incompetent mind has blurred what is real and what is not, You may play your tricks but im the one who pulls the shadows from beneath your feet.

Orthrus stares down the camera

You see the future is not as it seems you can envision what you continue to be forcefed not reality, reality is that 6CW will be my playground and until you get that into your delusional head your going to slowly crack as the mind games creep into your skull forcing you down a road there is no return from

Orthrus puts a evil smirk on his face

You can sit and quote your bible but i believe in a higher power then god,You can claim to rule this place but everyone here bows down to Eurytion and eventually you will to

Blood starts to drip down across the chest of Orthrus

You enjoy your tricks whilst they last because once i get my hands around that throat of yours there will only be one end result......

The camera pans out to a man been hanged from the rafters bleeding from the mouth down onto Orthrus as the scene ends


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:08 pm

Nate Nack starts toward the ramp as "Unbreakable" plays over the speakers. He has a new shirt this time, a black background with a old-timey alarm clock in it. The hands point to the 10 and 2, but instead of numbers, the spaces read "my" and "time". The back reads "When can I schedule your Wake-Up Call?" in the same font as other shirt. Nate Nack is also carrying an aluminum baseball bat over his shoulder. It's painted gold with the name "Lil' Slugger" painted in silver.

He walks with a purpose, a serious demeanor, eye fixated on the ring. He climbs through the ropes and raises a hand to acknowledge the cheering crowd.

"I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to go wood or metal," he said looking at the bat. "I mean, wood is the good-old standard, it's tradition. It just feels right in your hands. But on the other hand, the aluminum just sounds so much better when you hit that sweet spot. That ping is just so satisfying. So I went with the metal. But that's neither here or there.

You're probably wondering why I'm here. Well, I've been attacked from behind by Orthrus, Garry Grant, and Reverend Plague. And with that many people targeting me, I figured I'd take the initiative this time. I'll wait here, and if any of you three feel like... talking tonight, feel free to come one down. You know what, if anyone back there in the locker room has something to say, we can talk it out too."

Nate Nack waits in the ring to see if anyone comes out.


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by x12x Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:35 am

(OOC: This takes place directly after Nate Nack's promo)

All of a sudden the lights in the Copper Box Arena go down, plunging Nate Nack in to darkness for around five seconds before returning, as the lights come back on a clearly confused Nate Nack raises his bat but then realises that he is still alone in the ring, he looks around and swings his bat, hitting the ground in frustration.

As he looks around the titatron begins to flicker in to life and the sound of laughter can be heard as the Reverend Edward Plague appears on the screen with an evil smile on his face.

"Just as I suspected, the caveman feels threatened so he resorts to swinging his club around to show that he's the "big man", to show that he isn't scared but to everyone watching....they just see a desperate man who holds on to his weapon like it's the air that he breathes because he knows that without it...he has even less hope of surviving."

The lights flicker again and lightning appears to hit the ring posts as Nate Nack staggers back, he once again tightens his grip on his baseball bat

"Last week I told you that your pride would be the death of you but still you come out and challenge a superior being, you come out and you believe that your pitiful weapons will stand a chance against you really feel safe?"

"Earlier today Orthrus called me "delusional" yet he still wants to go to battle with me...maybe you should tell him about the destruction I can create first hand...I would like to warn you that what you experienced was nothing compared to the pain I am willing...that I want to inflict on every last sinner here...

The tone of Edward's voice changes, his smile disappears as he delivers an ultimatum to the man he attacked last week

"You and Orthrus have been offered a choice..."

The titatron flickers once again and the images from last weeks show come up on the screen. Firstly showing Nate Nack being attacked by Edward Plague and then Orthrus choking and falling to the ground.


The titatron fades to black.


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6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Wednesday 24th April

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:04 pm

Angry, Nate Nack points the bat at the now blank titantron.

"Don't you dare lecture me about wanting to fight! That's why I'm here!"

He starts to pace around the ring, still yelling.

"When I was invited to 6CW, I was excited because I got to take on the best of the best, and yes, I knew there'd be conflict, but I also knew we'd do what we do best here in 6CW, and that's settle it in the ring."

A "6-C-Dub" starts to grow from the crowd.

"Great rivalries have taken place right here! But all you do is sit behind a screen and spout your nonsense about sinners and salvation or attack from behind.

I want to do battle with you because it's what happens at 6CW. I want to fight you because now I've got something to prove. You continually ask me if I feel threatened, if I feel safe, if I think I stand a chance. Hell yes I do! I'll take you on wherever and whenever, with or without weapons, 'cause that's what we do here in 6CW. We don't talk, we fight. So I've made my choice, Reverend, and it's not with you. You don't scare me."

Nate Nack motions to the bat on his shoulder.

"Think of Lil Slugger here as insurance. It's always good to have insurance, right? I don't think I need him around. I want him around. He's fun once you get to know him better. But that's besides the point.

You don't frighten me. What have you done besides come at me from behind my back? If you call me a coward, then you're just the pot calling the kettle black.

'But Nate, I'm being opportunistic' you might say. Yeah, sure. Spin the words however you want, but the fact still remains. Bottom line is this Plague: I'm here in 6CW to compete, and if you've got a problem with me, then we settle this how we do in 6CW. We fight in this ring.

And one more thing. I don't give a damn what Orthrus thinks about you. Really, I don't give a damn about the man, and I won't give a damn when I'm through with him on Friday."

Nate Nack drops the mic and starts to exit the ring and walk up towards the backstage curtain.


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Join date : 2011-06-21
Age : 37
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