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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

Adam D
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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime. Empty Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 05 Apr 2013, 11:41 am

In terms of gross....number 1 movies and critical reaction.........These two are pretty much ahead of the game and on most Movie sites and lists they are pretty much interchangeable but still at the top..........

Probably like more Hitchcock's than Spielberg movies but then again I like thrillers..............Then again Saving private Ryan and Schindler's list were works of art.................

Spielberg nailed more than one genre...............ET, Jaws and Schindler and nailed them good..........

Spielberg tends to be number 1.............

and I agree.................


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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime. Empty Re: Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

Post by Adam D Fri 05 Apr 2013, 11:53 am

Interesting pick of two to go against each other..

For my money, Spielbergs films have a better quality of production values about them - Hitchcocks often looked (and were) shot on sound stages.

However, I think Hitchcock had a better consistency to his films. Yes there were a few stinkers but generally, they are all very watcheable.

Spielberg has made some great blockbusters and critically acclaimed films but for me has made some revered films that just arent that good (Saving Private Ryan is truly awful in my opinion).

Having said all of that, I prefer Spielberg for a simple reason - when he makes good films, they are masterpieces.

ET and Jaws are just as about perfect as you can get. Close Encounters is incredible. The first three Indy films - amazing. Even his light hearted Catch Me if You Can is immesely watcheable.

I can give the majority of his blockbusters a miss (Jurassic, Minority, War of the worlds etc) but overall I think he has the higher quality when he gets it right.

As for Hitchcock, I am a huge fan too (faves being rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, the Man who knew too Much and Strangers on a Train) but they dont have that same wonderment that beardy has.

Adam D

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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime. Empty Re: Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 05 Apr 2013, 12:02 pm

Think pulling Jaws off is probably the best victory on his record..........

and thank goodness we didn't have CGI back then..........


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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime. Empty Re: Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

Post by Rowley Fri 05 Apr 2013, 12:10 pm

Would probably go with Spielberg. My own personal favourite is Scorsese but when I think of the difference between him and Spielberg I always think Spielberg could make a film like Goodfellas but I am not sure Scorsese could make a film like ET or War of the Worlds.

My thinking is similar with these two, at his best Hitchcock was a master of his craft, films like Rear Window and Vertigo are absolute classics of their type but could you see him making a childrens film or something similar. Spielberg just has so many strings to his bow, can make children’s films, special effects blockbusters as well as heavyweight drama films. Do find some of his work veers towards the sentimental but his variety and adaptability are almost without peer to my mind.


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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime. Empty Re: Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

Post by superflyweight Sat 06 Apr 2013, 2:00 pm

I'd have to go for Hitchcock. Slightly higher highs and fewer and not so bad lows.


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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime. Empty Re: Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

Post by azania Sat 06 Apr 2013, 2:12 pm

Hitchcock's fims bore me. Spielberg by a distance.


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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime. Empty Re: Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

Post by Stella Mon 08 Apr 2013, 10:59 am


Like another poster mentioned. Can be diverse and at the same time brilliant.

ET (Not a massive fan)
Close Encounters
Raiders Of The Lost Arc
Jurassic Park

And a few others are all classics.

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Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime. Empty Re: Spielberg vs Hitchcock - For the best director of alltime.

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