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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Daniel Reilly
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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by jeromedubois Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:24 pm

6CW Aftermath, March 27th 2013

Live from the Copper Box Arena on ESPN.

Match One

GazzyD vs Marty Helms

*Critics Chair with Nate Nack

Match Two

Mike Masters vs Jack Hurst

*Update on Ron

Match Three

DeMarcus Brown vs Roman Azrael

Match Four

Alejandro Suarez vs ??????

Main Event

Blade vs Orthrus

Last edited by jeromedubois on Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by x12x Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:02 pm

The sound of O'Fortuna begins to fill the arena as the lights begin to dim and flicker like lightning, confusion engulfs the 6CW fans in attendance as this isn't music they have heard before at any of the events, as O'Fortuna reaches it's peak a sadly familiar figure appears on the screen of the titatron.

As the crowd remember the person they see a chorus of deafening boo's engulfs the arena, almost drowning out the theme music of the man in question. The boo's rise from all edges of the Copper Box arena, the hate the crowd feel is still fresh as only last night this was the man who cost Nate Nack his shot at the “Golden Contract”, handing it to the monster Orthrus. Unfazed by the hate being thrown at him, the hooded figure is still wearing the Plague mask that he wore to screw the rightful gold contract owner Nate Nack. The boo's continue as the mystery figure begins to speak in a low, eerie tone.

“Congratulations puppets, you've acted just as I predicted you would! Too short sighted to see the error in your judgement and you boo the man who is here to free you...”

The boos become even louder, this man is earning himself no friends but it seems as if that wasn't his plan in the first place.

“...but I am not here to talk about “our” plans as spoon feeding troglodytes is not in my forte and a mind of greatness such as my own has better things to focus on...I am here for a great purpose and slowly but surly even the weakest of minds that inhabit this cesspit will realise that there is only one way, one hope and I am it!
I have watched this “business” claim the your minds and force you to bow down in front of these false idols but I am here to save you from yourselves and your poor choices...and I will do this wether you like it or not.
Absolution was a preview to you all and the remedial minds in the locker room that their time of ill gotten gains is over and that sooner or later they will face their judgement as we all will.”

The man pauses, taking in the boo's as he signs off his speech.

“My name is The Reverend Edward Plague, I am the bringer of the light in this darkened world, I am a Martyr and will be punished along my path but I hold no fear of pain or hatred as I have been given a mission from the highest of powers and I will complete it...even if I have to create bloodshed and destruction on the way.”

The Titatron goes changes back to the 6CW as the boo's continue to rain down from the crowd, O'Fortuna plays out as the scene fades to black.


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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:13 pm

Cameras are rolling backstage at the end of 6CW Absolution. Tim Allen is walking next to the cameraman, muttering about finding Nate Nack for an interview. He starts down the locker room hallway when a voice is heard.

“Dammit... Dammit dammit dammit!”

A loud crash is heard, followed by a round of loud bangs. Tim gives the cameraman a worried look followed by a finger to his mouth, silently telling him to keep quiet. Together, they creep over to the room and poke their heads in. A bench is overturned, thrown aside leaning against the wall of the room. Nate Nack is leaning on a locker that's dented in 3 different places. A small pool of blood is forming on the ground from his bleeding hand, presumably from punching the locker.

Tim looks back at the cameraman and shakes his head, motioning that they should quietly leave.


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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Hero Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:12 pm

A small screen appears about 2/3rds of the way down the titantron with a man wearing the Guy Fawkes mask. Another screen appears on it higher up and on the right hand side with a younger female wearing the Guy Fawkes mask, another with a child wearing one, another with an elderly man, and it continues until the titantron is full of faces staring down, 36 in total.

‘We are Legion!’
‘We do not forgive’
‘We do not forget’
‘Expect Us!’

All in unison speak the phrase and it plays through the speakers.

‘We are here
We have arrived
Yet we never left
We watched
We waited
We acted
We interrupted
We interfered
And we raised questions

Daniel Reilly

Friend? Foe? Ally? Enemy?
Why did we intefere?
Where did we come from?
What was our motivation?
When will act again?
Who are we?

We cannot give you answers Daniel
We can only provide you with more questions

We want you to question
We want you to query
We want you to strive for knowledge, for answers, for understanding, for completion, for resolution.
We will be waiting, we will be watching and we will be expecting you!


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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Daniel Reilly Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:01 pm

There is a soft murmur among the crowd as the fans discuss the Anonymous video, when 'Broken Dreams' kicks in and boo's surround the arena in huge volumes. Golden sparks begin to fall from the titantron as Daniel Reilly steps out, and slowly strolls to the top of the ramp, where he stands and stares around the arena, no emotion on his face. He begins to stroll down to the ring and rolls in, grabbing a microphone from ringside as his music cuts and the fans boo's grow.

DR: I must admit that I am both amused, and intrigued, as to why anyone on this earth would decide to attempt to play mind games with the master of mind games. Maybe you're attempting to show signs of bravery, or maybe, and this is the more logical explanation, you are just that damn stupid!

You see Anonymous, or whatever it is you call yourself, I'm not sure if you saw my little bit last week when I came down and spoke about how all these new guys come into 6CW, and the first thing they do is try to pick a fight with me, knowing that defeating me will send them to heights there little brains can only dream of.

Last weekend, at Absolution, that weasel Ron was the latest in a long line of guys trying to become the top dog by toppling the king of this business. As you were...kind... enough to come along at the end of the match, I am sure I am correct in saying that you saw my demolition of that overweight idiot, and sent out a huge message to the excuses that sit down in that locker room backstage.

Now, don't get me wrong, you did what you quite clearly meant to do. You came along and you created questions. I would be lying to you if I told you I didn't go to the back and wonder to myself why you decided to make your debut when you did. But you see, Anonymous, whilst the rest of the wrestlers here may share a single braincell between them, I am smart, and I understand your intentions.

Just because these clueless fans are scratching there empty heads, desperately trying to solve the puzzle you threw towards them, I alone have the answers to the many questions that you have raised.

See, I know exactly why you debuted when you did, it was a very clever move. Now let's break it down a little shall we? During the Pay Per View, when would the ratings be at the highest? During a GazzyD match? No chance! During the so called Golden Contract match? Wrong again! No, the ratings are at the highest when Daniel Reilly stands in this ring. You decided to show yourself when you knew the world would be watching, and some would say that was a very good business plan.

I for one will not hold a grudge over that, but I will warn you that I am the most dangerous man in wrestling, and whether there is one of you, or one thousand of you, I am not a man to be crossed. I end careers, and you wouldn't want yours to be ended before it was a chance to begin.

So you've had your fun, you've got the world trying to work out your questions, but if you try anything...funny...then don't think I won't personally make you my problem. Because problems are there to be solved, and I will solve you, Anonymous. Now if you would, go back to playing with your jigsaw puzzles, or whatever it is you do, and be about your business. Good day, gentlemen.

Reilly smirks into the camera.

Daniel Reilly

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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Blade Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:45 pm

The crowd start to get all excited when the titron fizzes into life the fans can see a pack of wolves hunting a dear in the wilderness there's a fast blizzard coming down in the mountains.

The dear is running for his life as the wolves chase after him a voice over can be heard in the background.

VO: At first there was one and now there is many they wound there prey and they pounce when the time is right.

The video package shows the wolves attacked the dear and bring it down to the ground.

VO: But there is one man who can make the difference between life and death, The one man that can take them all out and his name is.......

The video package goes dark and then one word appears on the titron in big red letters and that name is "Blade".

The crowd suddenly goes wild as I don't care about you by Fear rages out of the arena speakers red and white pyrotechnics race off into the rafters and then Blade comes out onto the stage arms raised high as the fans then cheer as Blade races down the ramp and tagging fans on either side of the ramp and then slides into the ring.

Blade the takes in the reception from the crowd and moves his arms up and down as if to bow to the fans and they go even louder Blade then grabs a microphone from the ring announcer and waits for the crowd to settle and for the music to finish.

Blade: Man this house crazy tonight, You guys are just of the hook.

The crowd takes it up a notch.

Blade: Now what a match I had last week with De Marcus Brown last week.

The crowd boo's loudly.

Blade: Yeah I know what you mean guys that guy is just plain and nasty he tried to take me out of the match and attacked me from behind of course hes gonna say he had nothing to do with it but we all know he did don't we?

The crowd shout hell yeah!

Blade: Damn straight he did guys and you know what even though the Docs said that I couldn't compete I went ahead anyways and got the job done.

The crowd cheers loudly.

Blade: But then after I defeated Brown we had four of his cronies come out from the back and batter me to an inch of my life with steel pipes and then through me into the ring like a lamb to the slaughter for Brown to finish me off but did he finish me off?

Crowd: Hell no!

Blade: Your damn straight he didn't and now this little chappy in not a happy camper you see Blade that's yours truly is still standing in this very ring yeah am banged up but that doesn't bother me hell I took and bang to the head and got split open and I still got the job done Brown my friend you have started a war and not even you can finish this war and whats with the W sign you guys were doing the only thing I can think of is that you were doing the...... Hang on how can I say this in the PG era ah yeah I know the W sign is what rhymes with camper.

The crowd then start the Campers chant.

Blade: Now on to this weeks main event and I face Orthrus you my friend have caught Blade in what we call a peed of mood after been attacked fro behind and getting smashed in the head and then having a hard fought win and then getting jumped upon by the campers well you have a man that is on a mission to rid the scum from 6CW and it starts with you Orthrus.

The crowd cheers for Blade.

Blade: Orthrus you my friend are gonna get the biggest beating that you have ever had, You may friend are gonna get busted open just like I did last week and you are gonna taste your own blood just like I did and if the Campers want to get involved then I will be ready for them too and give them a taste of there own medicine.

The crowd then cheers as Blade then gets out a pipe from the back of his trunks and waves the pipe in the air as I don't care about you rages from the arena speakers and Blade then climbs the top rope and poses for the fans trash talking and pointing to the steel pipe.

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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by JJJohnson Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:21 am

*Roman Azrael is on site in the backstage area of the Copper Box, joined by Timothy Allen.

TA: Roman, thanks for doing this interview. I wasn’t sure if we would be able to convince you but…

Azrael: I admit that I haven’t interacted as much as I would have liked, but I am still coming to terms with my new found freedom, it may take a little time to adjust.

TA: It certainly seems like you are adjusting just fine. A huge win for you at Absolution, where you were crowned victorious in the battle of the new breed so to speak, do you see that as springboard to bigger things?

Azrael: Aslong as I am in the professional wrestling business, it will always be my aim to be considered within the elite of any roster. I applaud and respect each and every opponent that I have faced so far, but on my best day I knew that it would be me who triumphed over all others.

I was on the brink of ultimate glory before injury took it all away from me, now I can slowly piece back together the fragments of life that once belonged to me. I am confident that the win I claimed at Absolution is the start of my rise here in 6CW.

TA: Are there are any short term goals? Long term aims?

Azrael: Short term is all about continuing to build my confidence, get myself back to where I expect to be. Taking each match at a time and hopefully adding plenty of wins and experience to my portfolio. Without wanting to sound arrogant, because that is not a trait I excel in, the long term aim is to be accepted as the best all-round competitor in 6CW today.

I’ve seen the videos, I know what it would take to be considered an all time great of this company, but I have the belief that I can, one day, reach those heady heights. There isn’t a limit to my aims, not even the sky can hold me back….I want to reach the summit of this mountain, and ideally I would like to get there sooner rather than later.

TA: Next time on Anarchy, you are booked in to face DeMarcus Brown… he an opponent you are familiar with?

Azrael: I have taken the time to study each member of the 6CW roster, I believe that any superstar with aspirations of being a champion would have to do the same. Brown is certainly an exciting prospect and I look forward to battling him

TA: You do? Not many people saying that right now…

Azrael: But those people are merely looking at what he is capable of and not appreciating the challenge that he presents. After spending so many years in the wilderness, wondering if I could even fight again, I learned not to fear any man…..because life is too short to be caught up on such emotion.

Brown is a dangerous opponent, but in order to get to the top he is the sort of superstar that I must tackle head on and ultimately defeat. I have no doubts about how talented he is….but I also believe I have exactly what it takes to put him down, whether for a pinfall or a submission….either way the results are the same.

TA: But surely you saw what he did to Yarmouth Blade? Are you not concerned about the masked gang attacking you like they did Blade?

Azrael: The scenario has crossed my mind, I would be a liar if I claimed otherwise. Seeing Blade brutalised brought flashbacks of the most harrowing point of my life, but I refused to be forced back into my shell. I know exactly how it feels to be attacked like that for no reason…..but that doesn’t mean you should lock yourself away from the world and hope it never happens again.

You need to confront your worst nightmares….and if that is what I have to do when I face DeMarcus Brown, then that is exactly what I will do.

For me this is the beginning of a very new chapter in my life…one that will define my entire career. And I am not going to watch it disappear down the drain like I did for the last three years… is now or never for me, there is no looking back.

I’m either going to shine or I’m going to crash and burn….but when this is all done, we will all have our definitive answer!

*Azrael bows respectfully at Timothy Allen before turning away and making his way out of the camera shot.


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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by The Last Outlaw Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:04 pm

The cameras head backstage were Marty Helms is seen pacing the locker room.

MH: At Absolution Roman Azrael picked up the win that should have been mine, he stole what should have been my crowning moment so far in 6CW. Before Absolution I told of the darker side of me that will be unleashed from within and so far I have not let that dark side out fully until now. Absolution was a time to shine, a time to kick start my career here in 6CW but that did not happen but now is the time i will put all of that right.

Helms sits himself down on a chair that is in the middle of the locker room and starts to sway back and forward with a crazed look in his eyes.

MH: GazzyD unfortunately for yourself you will be the first person to witness first hand the brutality and sheer destruction that I truly am capable of. You will feel all the rage that is locked up in me, you will feel a pain unlike any other that you have felt so far.

Gazzy I will mark the begining of a new era within 6CW, the era of The Last Outlaw Marty Helms against you and I will make an example of the destruction that is about to spread throughout the landscape of 6CW

The camera focuses on Helms' eyes which are now look wilder and more crazed. Helms' voice can be heard

MH: Fear the Outlaw!!!

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Steel Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:48 pm

The cameras begin to roll and we are at a packed copper box arena, the camera zooms across the arena as the 6CW opening video play on the titletron, The camera shows loyal 6CW fans all on their feet waving banners of support and screaming for their favourite superstars, suddenly the arena is cast into darkness and the opening montage stops playing on the tron and is replaced by a pure white screen, the sound of canister shaking can then be heard and the canister appears on the screen and begins to move leaving a trail of black paint behind it, spelling out first the letter W followed by the letter H, as the canister finishes off the H Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It begins to blare out of the arena speakers on the highest volume possible, some of the crowd can be seen covering their ears. De Marcus Brown steps out from the behind the curtain and the unmistakable sound of boos can be heard fighting against the music. Brown is wearing his white hoodie with matching bandana covering his mouth and grey sweatpants, he walks to one side of the stage and cups his ear before shaking head, he then repeats the same gesture to the opposite side of the stage.

Harold: My god this sound is deafening, who on earth is controlling the speakers.

Henry: What???

Harold: I Said Who Is Controlling The Speakers!!

Henry: You Got Some New Sneakers Yesterday

Harold: Forget It

De Marcus then begins to cockily swagger his way down to the ring, he keeps rubbing his ear and cupping his hand; although his mouth his covered his eyes show a look of delight. De Marcus makes his way around ringside picking up a microphone from the announce table before rolling into the ring, he walks around each turnbuckle before choosing to sit atop one facing up towards the ramp. De Marcus waits for the music to fade out much to relief of the crowd, before removing the bandanna, he taps the microphone but sound can be heard, he tries talking into it but again no sound, he then drops down from his perch and walks closer to the announce table pointing it towards a speaker as huge static sound can be heard across the arena which has the crowd covering their ears and screaming in pain. A smile comes across De Marcus face and he beings to laugh.

DB: Now that’s better

De Marcus then returns to his perch and looks around the arena, as the crowd show their displeasure at this presence, De Marcus then remove two yellow ear plugs form his ears and flicks them at a nearby audience member.

DB: Wow, what is wrong with you people tonight you’re the quietest I’ve ever heard you, I thought 6CW fans were some of the loudest in industry, you could have heard a pin drop in here.

Harold: Is he joking an aeroplane could have landed in here and nobody would have known

Henry: Are you blind as well as deaf? Besides look at his smug face, it’s clear De Marcus or one of his gang of mercenaries is behind it he’s tormenting them.

Harold: And us, what have we done?

DB: How else do you expect the performing monkeys you cheer for to dance if you can’t even create an atmosphere? Me I couldn’t care less if you were here or not, the only real joy I get from you is seeing the look of anguish and tears on your faces as I cut down your so called hero’s, even then I can only bare to stare at your grotesque faces for a short period, I don’t want to catch anything if I stare too long.

The crowd begin to ferociously boo Brown and he just sits a smiles.

DB: Well I suppose that’s a start, besides I’m done with you now go by yourselves another horse dog and another crappy GazzyD t-shirt. I want to start by addressing my “loss” at Absolution, it been brought to my attention that a certain Yarmouth Blade has been running around backstage yelping on about how he slayed the big bad wolf, how he knew in his heart he always had it in him, how he refused to give in in the face of adversity. What I say Blade is you realise thousands of people watched as I beat your sorry ass all around the ring numerous times, it’s no good overselling your victory nobody’s going to believe you, sure they may humour you but deep down they are thinking the same thing I am that you’re a deluded old fool who should have hung up the towel a long time ago. No the reason you won Blade and the only reason, was because of some pretenders who thought it cool to dress like me, who played a little game with me to distract me from what really mattered, then you were able to sneak up behind me and play your hand, I say touché Blade I didn’t think you could teach an old dog new tricks, clearly that’s a false statement.

Henry: Is he seriously suggesting that Blade was behind the men in white, does he take us for fools.

Harold: I can see why he would think that of you

DB: The most genius part of your plan though Blade was to fake the beat down after, to make it look legit to sell your whole charade to the masses in attendance, who then would think you behind this plot, I also give it to you, you knew that given my nature I would look to take some swift vengeance if given the opportunity and that sold your story even more. It didn’t take long afterwards Blade for me to work out your little game, there was no other way that you could match me Blade not strength, not agility most definitely not talent, but I didn’t see the little devious devil scheming on your shoulder. Well played. I don’t even care that nobody here is likely to believe the truth I speak, what I want you know you old dog is seen through the lies, next time I won’t be as easily to duped and then you will receive the punishment you had due at Absolution, you can’t stop the inevitable you can only delay it.

A few Yarmouth Blade chants break out amongst the fans, DeMarcus just sits and sniggers

DB: It seems however that the board are fed up with me outclassing my opponent every week and deem it fit to give Blade the break he is so longing for, so have decided to throw me a new toy to play with, a chump who beat three other chumps at Absolution who now thinks he is the new saviour of 6CW, some advice my friend 6CW was already saved the moment I stepped through those curtains, the moment my name was the name on everybody’s lips, the hottest most aggressive commodity to grace the squared circle, the moment my name started to spread 6CW got its redemption, it once more become relevant. So I’m searching my brain only I’m struggling to even remember your name false messiah, never the less whatever your name is it won’t matter after I’m done with you come Anarchy your name is not likely to be mentioned ever again, it seems I need to get my hands dirty was more and remove the pretenders to my crown.

De Marcus throws the microphone across the ring and stands on top of the turnbuckle making the W sign above his head, as Gangsta Rap begins to play once more and the crowd show their animosity towards him.


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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Fernando Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:51 pm

The lights go down over the 6CW eventually come up with a flooded red light and "Hell" blares over the system

HL: It looks like we're about to hear from the Golden Contract winner himself

Orthrus walks down the ramp with an evil smirk on his face and takes a walk round to the announcers table and takes Henry Lloyd's headset and grabs a mic from ringside

HL: Well there Henry that's his 1st example of what the power crazed monster can do with no consequences.

Orthrus climbs over the top rope into the ring mic in hand and puts the headset on

You see ive taken the headset because i want everyone at home and those morons in the back to hear what ive got to say as well as them inbreds here in the audience and our beloved moron of a boss Dean Andrews

At Absolution i took possession of something that nothing else here possesses and that is a guaranteed job for the next year being able to do what i want when i want.

Nate Nack said that when midnight stuck my "Fairytail" was over, Yet when Midnight struck on Sunday the sky turned blood red and a new hell has begun to reign over 6CW

For the next year there is nothing anyone in this company can do you can't fire me, you can't disqualify me so when the year is up 6CW will be molded into my image

HL Can you imagine what he has instore for a 6CW in his image

And you all have one man to thank for this the idiot that is Dean Andrews, You thought you could influence the outcome of the match by punting me to get your beloved Nate into prime position to be your lackey.

It didn't work out like that though did it Dean, You never though that maybe someone other then you had plans to influence the outcome?

That's why you in your foolish ways will always be the the downfall of this company. You put your money on the golden boy of the company yet when all was said and done you lost like the loser you are Dean.

The next year will be a living nightmare for you Dean and this is only just the beginning.

Tonight will be an example and a glimpse of what is to come for 6CW when i take on Blade, You threaten me with your steel pipe yet you can't use it but i can

Orthrus smirks

You see Blade you will always be a failure in this company a joke to all but a savior to the fans, Yet when the night is over your skull will be caved in and the crowd will be forced to watch the blood drain from your skull as i stand over you victorious.

So 6CW Welcome to hell enjoy the ride it's going to be a nightmare for one and all....


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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:16 pm

Camera cuts to an empty room with a stool in the middle.

"Is this thing on" heard off camera.

The shot shakes and Jack Hurst comes round from behind the camera to sit staring directly into the lense.

"A-ha! 6CW, I come to you cap in hand today with a small request. Management have again got me tangling with this Masters fellow. Now, master Masters hasn't mastered anything, to me it is a mystery that mister Masters could be even named this way. It must be a mistake, for it would be a mystifying thought that this mister, this Masters fellow, a man who may or may not be on the run from the law, might be able to match me in might in a match in the middle of that ring. So, might I ask of you all to bring banners to stop this travesty happening again. I will master master Masters might, and might we then bring this to an end?

You follow? Grand, see you all soon."

"Now, how do I turn this thing off"

Cuts to black

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:39 pm

Tim Allen is walking through the corridors of the Squire's Square apartment building. Following him in a camerawoman and assistant dressed in 6CW Polo shirts.

“I've got to get this interview or the boss'll have my head on a platter. Especially after how the Pay-Per-View turned out...”

He looks down at a piece of paper with the number 713 written on it. He checks the door to his right: 713. After straightening his tie and smoothing himself out, he nods to the camerawoman and knocks at the door. There's a moment of silence before they hear footsteps. The door opens, and Emma Holland pokes her head out.

“Hi,” says Tim, “I'm--”

“I know you,” whispers Emma, “you're Mr. Allen, from 6CW.”

“I guess my reputation proceeds me,” he says to the camerawoman, who gave him a slight roll of the eyes.

“Nate's barely been out since he lost that match,” Emma continues. “He makes an appearance, shows up at an event, but after that he comes home and locks himself up. You gotta help me here.”

Tim nods his head and walks into the apartment. The four of them walk over to the living room, where Nate Nack is watching a replay of his match at Absolution.

“Nate, Tim is here for an interview,” she says.

“Shouldn't you be looking for Orthrus, or how about that Reverend fellow?” Nate coldly replies without turning around. “Or does everyone really enjoy my suffering that much?”

On screen, he sees the lights go out and come back on. The ladder is leaning against the ropes and Nate is lying motionless on the mat. He tosses an empty beer can at the TV in disgust. As he does, Emma grabs the remote and turns the TV off.

“Dammit Nate,” shouts Emma, “I've been quiet about this long enough. Did you even listen to the crowd boo after the match? Do you hear them cheering when you go out there? The people don't want to hear you boo-hoo about what happened, they want to hear that you're mighty mighty ready to get back out there, that you're ready to take this anger out, not wallow in it! Now you've been cooped up in here since then, and frankly, I've gone from worried to just plain peed off. Mr. Allen came all this way to hear what you had to say because that's what the people want. Are you going to tell the people what they want to hear, or not?”

Nate pauses. Emma and Tim are waiting for a response from Nate. After a moment, Nate takes a sip of another can of beer.

“You know what? I've got nothing to say to you, Tim.”

Emma starts forward to confront Nate, but he stands and looks straight into the camera.

“I've got something to say to you, Reverend.

Now I thought I was a mighty mighty nice guy. I didn't attack no one, I didn't betray no one, I didn't give no one what they didn't deserve, and I don't intent to start now. Because I, Reverend, am a man of my word. You didn't just cost me the Golden Case that night, you cost me more than that. But you know what? She's still here. I'm still here. You didn't get rid of me. You almost had me, but you didn't finish the job. And that's what you're going to regret.

Now just like I am a man of my word, I'll assume you are as well. And yeah, I heard your big speech about “saving us from ourselves” and purging this world from sin, or whatever. But you also called yourself a martyr. And you know what happens to martyrs, right? They die. You said it yourself, that you'll be punished along your path. And if you're trying to set yourself up for death, then I'll be glad to oblige it. I mean, I don't want to make a liar out of you, do I?

If you really want to “save” 6CW, Reverend, then the path starts with me. Fight me, April 10th, one-on-one. I'll be expecting your answer Wednesday. I'll be mighty ready for you and mighty willing to give you just what you deserve.”

Tim gives a little smile to Nate Nack, and then to Emma.

“Well I think that's good,” he says as he motions to the door. “I guess we'll be on our way back then. Thanks for the words, Nate.”

“Hey,” bellows Nate Nack before they can get out. Tim and his crew look over, a bit wary of the man. Sure enough, though, he cracks a smile. “It's the Mighty Mighty Nate Nack. Surely you should know this by now.”

They laugh, and then open the door.

“All right, Mighty Mighty Nate Nack. Good-bye.”

As the crew leaves the apartment, they can hear Emma's voice through the door.

“There's the Nate Nack I know. Now, you said something like 'she's still here' when you were talking. What did you mean?”

“I'll have to explain that later. Right now, I've got some matters to attend to..."


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6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath! 27/03/13

Post by Blade Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:06 pm

The scene goes back stage when the crowd cheer loudly as they see Blade in the parking lot guiding a huge lorry which is backing up to the entrance a voice can be heard from the lorry "This vehicle is reversing." going over and over to till the lorry comes to a stand still the driver gets out of the lorry and walks round to the back where Blade is waiting all excited.

Driver: You really do want this don't you Blade?

Blade: Hell yeah man this is gonna be great.

Driver: OK on your head be it.

HA: What the hell is this about then Henry?

HE: I have no idea Harold but looks like where just about to find out.

The driver then presses the green button to let the tail gate down jumps on the tail gate and lifts it back up and then a loud trumpet noise come from inside the lorry.

Driver: Whoa there boy take it easy.

HA: Who or what is that driver talking too?

HE: OH my god Harold only in 6CW, A bloody elephant!

The crowd in the arena cheers loudly as the driver bring out the Elephant on to the tail gate and drops it down to the floor hands a rope to Blade who then takes the Elephant into the arena as the crowd cheers loudly fans rushing to the barricades to get a closer luck at the huge beast Blade has a huge smile on his face walking the huge beast up to the ring ties it to the ring post and gives the elephant a sugar cube the elephant strokes his trunk all over Blades face as if to say Thank you and Blade just laughs at the elephant and pats it on his side and then grabs a microphone that was waiting for him on the steel ring post.

Blade: Hey everyone meet Daisy, Daisy this is the 6CW universe.

Daisy lets out a huge trumpet noise from her trunk as the fans all shout "Hello Daisy".

HE: This is really a first for 6CW a bloody Elephant right here at ring side.

HA: She really is a beast of a animal first time I have ever seen an elephant up close and man I wouldn't want her to sit on me.

HE: Why yo let you wife sit on you.

HA: Less of that Daisy is no where near as big as my wife.

HE: I can see you getting kicked out tonight if you carry on like that.

HA: You started it!

Blade: You all may be wondering why I have brought out this Elephant to the ring well I shall tell you this animal represents my opponent tonight a huge monster that is Orthrus but you know me I never give up hell he could even smack me over the back of the head and try to take me out of the match and I still come out on top.

HA: Blade referring to Demarcus Brown attacking him last week.

HE: And what a fight he had a great win by Blade which propelled him into the main event for this weeks match against Orthrus.

Blade: Hell you can even attack me after the match that I just won and hit me with all your might with some steel pipes and I still come back to haunt you so I tell you this if your gonna finish me off then do it properly or it may come back to bite you on the ass.

The crowd gives a loud cheer for Blade.

HA: That attack from those four men was just disgusting and Blade must be really peed about it?

HE: And they obviously new Demarcus Brown with that W sign they made at him before they attacked Blade, Oh my word what in the hell is that smell?

HA: Henry I think that Daisy has just left a little present for you?

The crowd then make a groaning noise as Daisy does a great big poo right next to the crowd of fans that have gone to the barricade and then Daisy turns round lifts up her tail and starts to wee all over the crowd as they rush for cover one of the fans just stands there opens his arms out and gets full force of the wee all over his body as Blade just stands there and laughs at the man.

Blade:My god man what is wrong with you I hate to be your bird mate and what your sexual fantasy's are may be you should make a animal farm 3.

HA: don't tell e blade has watched those, They are horrible films.

HE: And how do you know about them Harold?

HA: Erm Blade told me about them.

HE: Yeah right, Your disgusting.

Blade: Now you that pile of crap right there just below that big ass of Daisy that right that is what Orthrus and he is also full of it, You my friend will not have a chance against me cos I am gonna kick the living crap out of you cos I am one peed off man and this man is gonna be the winner of this match and like I said earlier on this evening if the campers gang try to get involved then good old Daisy and me will kick the crap out of you too.

Speaking of which Daisy my girl you have done well tonight, we have had great times together in the back of the lorry was the best ride of my life but it all must come to an end and now I must leave you in the capable hands of Orthrus as you Daisy are my gift to that monster of a man you my dear have got to let me go and we must go our separate ways so I bid you farewell my love.

HA: Henry you don't think that Blade is leaving this monster of a beast out here cos the smell is just disgusting?

Harold looks round at Henry who now has a close peg on the end of his nose.

HE: I don't know does it smell in here but yeah it does look like Blade is leaving Daisy out here.

I Do what I want by Fear rages from the arena speakers as Blade taps Daisy oh her trunk and then laughs at the man covered in wee he is now all on his own as the fans can't stand the smell of him Blade continues to walk up the ramp as he laughs at the pile of poo the elephant has left and tags fans and the scene then goes to a chimerical break.

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Age : 52
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