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If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock

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If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock Empty If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock

Post by superflyweight Fri 15 Feb 2013, 9:40 am

It's Friday and I'm thinking of going to see the new film about Hitchcock so thought I'd list my top 10 Hitchcock films in order:

1. Strangers on a Train
2. Rear Window
3. Spellbound
4. North by Northwest
5. Vertigo
6. Notorious
7. The Man Who Knew Too Much (original version)
8. Psycho
9. The Lady Vanishes
10. Rope

Near misses for Suspicion, Dial M for Murder and The 39 Steps.


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If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock Empty Re: If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 15 Feb 2013, 10:27 am

The bad guy out of strangers on a train died tragically soon after (had mental issues)......He stole the film big style............

1. Suspicion - Fell in love with Joan Fontaine whilst watching it!! Grant is excellent and it's a real suspense builder....Studio ending a downside though..

2. The 39 steps - wonderful suspenseful film....Robert Donat is simply sensational..

3. To Catch a thief - Love the premise of a succesful jewel thief. Great performances and a great twist ending. Grant never was so call!!

4. Notorious - Grant again.......I like cool Cary....great story.

5. Psycho - One of the great horrors of alltime.

6. Strangers on a train.

7. North by Northwest. - Good stuff let down by weak lead lady.. mason great as usual.

8.The birds

9. Saboteur

10. The Lady vanishes...........

Jimmy Stewart couldn't stand the guy and I won't watch him.............


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If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock Empty Re: If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock

Post by superflyweight Fri 15 Feb 2013, 10:50 am

Some interesting stuff there, Truss.

I do think Hithcock had some trouble ending some of his films - the endings of North By Northwest and Suspicion stand out as being particularly poor. Then again, the ending of the Birds is brilliant and I'm a fan of the creepy ending to Psycho.

I kind of agree about Eve Marie-Saint in North by Northwest - Grace Kelly would have been much better in that role and Bergman had already shown what could be down with a similar role in Notorious. It's funny, because I fell in love with Marie-Saint when watching On the Waterfront and she clearly could play a vulnerable and conflicted character.


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If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock Empty Re: If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri 15 Feb 2013, 3:46 pm

Problem with Rear window..........Is that there is no suspense at the end.....

Killer is the killer and we know good ol Jimmy will be fine....


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If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock Empty Re: If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock

Post by Adam D Fri 15 Feb 2013, 4:19 pm

Apparently The Trouble with Harry was Hitch's favourite film.

I bought the box set years ago and it was the first one I watched and Frederick Forsyth (or was it Bill - the one out of Dynasty) was great in it. Very enjoyable romp!

Strangers on a Train is a great film and probably my favourite. Also enjoyed the remake of the Man who knew Too Much.

Rear Window is a masterpiece too.

Those 4 would be my faves.

Adam D

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If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock Empty Re: If it's Friday, it must be a list - Hitchcock

Post by Dass Fri 15 Feb 2013, 7:37 pm

1. Vertigo
2. Rear Window
3. Shadow of a Doubt
4. Notorious
5. The Wrong Man
6. Stranger on a Train
7. Rope
8. The Birds
9. Sabotage
10. Lifeboat

Unlike Truss I am a big Jimmy Stewart fan Smile


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