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Kay Fabe
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Post by ManofSteel Fri 21 Dec 2012, 4:42 pm

New to the board but thought I would put up a little topic of discussion before the festive period.

We are fast approaching the "biggest" match in the WWE calender and it has all the makings of being a classic.

Simple really, who is going to win the 2013 Royal Rumble?

With Punk, Rock & Cena likely to dominate the WWE Title scene, does that point to Cena winning the Rumble to get involved with the other two?

Or will the focus switch to the uncertainty of the World Heavyweight Championship scene where anybody could be involved?

I cannot see Big Show being the champion going into Wrestlemania, although it would give someone a good rub to go over a dominant champion. I actually think Sheamus will re-capture the championship at the Rumble and therefore will need a challenger at Mania.

So my tip, is heel Randy Orton to win this years RR match.

What do you guys think?


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Post by VDT Fri 21 Dec 2012, 4:54 pm

I can only see Cena winning and The Rock winning the title setting up "once in a life time" 2 at WM! Leaving Punk to face Taker!

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Post by Kid Vicious Fri 21 Dec 2012, 4:58 pm

I think there's a few candidates but it will revolve around Punk retaining or not. We're assuming he's facing the Rock right? If Rock wins, Cena is an obvious candidate. It wouldn't surprise me if they kept it that simple. Of course Punk could retain and Undertaker return to set up their much speculated WM match. Randy Orton is meant to be headed towards another monster push so he's a definite possibility. Dolph Ziggler could get the nod too to set up a possible unification match. Ryback? Maybe, although I think he'll take out 10 people and then get dropped by he's potential Mania opponent. Also, Christian is due to return..

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Post by ManofSteel Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:06 pm

Perhaps Cena and The Rock faced off without the championship on the line, is that viable?.

I just think a 500+ day reign of CM Punk vs The Streak could be huge, and would really have that aura of "will he take the streak".

I know plenty can change between now and then but Ryback, whilst impressive, isn't ready to contest a Mania world title match.

I see Sheamus vs Orton for the WHC and therefore think one of them will win the Rumble.


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Post by TheCultOfPersonality Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:10 pm

I'd like to see a returning Randy Orton turn heel during the rumble and win. I think this year, there is a limited amount of contenders. Those contenders are Sheamus, Cena, Randy Orton or Ryback. These four are the only four superstars I can see winning. Unless, WWE manage to pull a superstar and finally make a younger star suprise everyone and win the rumble. Or a returning superstar could win, Im thinking along the lines of The Undertaker or Brock Lesnar.


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Post by Kid Vicious Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:17 pm

Rock vs Cena doesn't need a belt, but "Once In A Lifetime 2" is an insult to the intelligence of even Ashley Cole. At least a strap would give reason to the match. Personally I'd prefer to see it as a triple threat instead.

What about Brock Lesnar? Where does he figure? Who will he face go on to face at Mania? Will they set the groundwork at the Rumble? I hope they see sense to not make another match with HHH. What about using him against Ryback?

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Post by ManofSteel Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:21 pm

Don't tend to read the dirtsheets too much, because I like to stay away from spoilers as best I can but I did read that Triple H and Lesnar is an absolute definite for Mania and that Hunter does not want anybody to touch that match. I really hope that is not true but seems to be the case right now.

I agree that "once in a lifetime 2" is an insult and I would prefer a triple threat match myself but does not seem likely.

Could a Ziggler vs Taker match get anybody interested?.


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Post by Hero Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:27 pm

I could see Ryback winning myself to then go onto to go over Big Show at Mania.


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Post by Kid Vicious Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:34 pm

Dammit HHH! Does anyone want to see that? I'd prefer to see the guys from yesteryear put over some new blood. Brock could be a massive scalp for Ryback.

I've had a thought. Rock wins title. Cena wins rumble. Heads to Wrestlemania. Rock wins again. Crowd marks cos "I thought he's leaving again aint he?!" Then Dolph arrives, cashes in and beats him for the title. Rock takes his hiatus, and then they realise the clerical error of him cashing in on the wrong belt. An injustice. Shield still going strong get involved. Dolph vs Ambrose feud. Belt gets held up for a summer tournament which is used to confirm the main event status of Ryback who then goes on to feud with Orton over the summer.

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Post by Bull Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:50 pm

Chris Jericho to then face Dolph Ziggler for the title or Rock after Punk beats him either via Shield or cheating hence leading towards Rock v Punk at Mania


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Post by NickisBHAFC Fri 21 Dec 2012, 5:57 pm

A few possibilities i recon

John Cena to win - Leading to him vs the rock part 2

Ryback to win - Leading to him vs Big Show

Chris Jericho to win - Leading to him vs Ziggler


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Post by Kay Fabe Fri 21 Dec 2012, 6:02 pm

I'd like to see Ryback go over the Big Show at WrestleMania but only for the Title, The Giant looks like an absolute beast at the moment and beating him will mean something...however should he lose hos title before Mania he'll lose that unbeatable aura he's now got so beating him then means very little, beat him for the strap and it makes a big statement

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Post by Kay Fabe Fri 21 Dec 2012, 6:04 pm

The only thing I'd say is a nailed on certainty is Jericho won't be winning it, not if the WWE still respect that match and their roster

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Post by JoshSansom Fri 21 Dec 2012, 6:36 pm

My guess at a Mania card now would be:

Cena v Rock (WWE Title)
Sheamus v Ziggler (WHC Title)
Punk v Ryback
Lesnar v HHH
Tzker v Orton

Can see Sheamus beating Show but then Ziggler cashing in before retaining in EC and facing the pasty Irishman at Mania.

I think that Cena wins the Rumble to face Rock at Mania and Punk has to do the job to Ryback - it seems like logical WWE booking given that they want to push Ryback and he has lost a number of times to Punk.

HHH v Lesnar... meh

And can see Orton v Taker whereby Orton will start as a face but turn after losing to Taker, decimate him and then go onto be No. 1 heel on Raw if Punk takes some time off


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Post by Crimey Fri 21 Dec 2012, 8:05 pm

I don't want to see the Rumble match going to the World Heavyweight Title again as the last few Rumbles for me have totally flopped afterwards because of the winner going for the WHC and the match naturally not being in the spotlight.

I think Cena will win to set up Rock vs. Cena for the title, or Rock vs. Cena vs. Punk for the title.


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Post by ManofSteel Fri 21 Dec 2012, 11:32 pm

Are we presuming that The Rock vs CM Punk would go on as the main event or the Royal Rumble?.

Because could we see Rock or Punk winning the Rumble depending on who loses in the championship match?.

I know in the land of the WWE things can change very quickly but right now it seems to me that Ziggler is just starting a programme with Cena/AJ/Big E Langston and it would be pretty poor to see that just fizzle out because Cena needs to go and do the whole Rock thing.


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Post by crippledtart Sat 22 Dec 2012, 7:12 am

I think it's exactly that - something to occupy Cena during his pre-Rock lull.

The Smackdown champion is presumably going to be Show or Ziggler at Wrestlemania. The most likely challengers are Sheamus, Orton or Ryback. Of those three, I think Sheamus is the outsider because he's already feuded extensively with Show and Ziggler. Orton is a risk due to his two strikes, and has probably reached his ceiling in many ways. Ryback is the hot new babyface act they're desperately trying to get over. Cena to win the Rumble seems too obvious, but another potential problem with it is that there could be a fan backlash. A Ryback win would establish him as a legit star, and it would be an organic way to set up Show vs Ryback, which is probably the match that Vince McMahon would find the most exciting involving those five. Plus it gives them the excuse to keep the belt on Show and thus the title change would have more impact. For me it's Ryback to win the Rumble, and challenging Big Show. I think that makes the most sense in all respects.


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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sat 22 Dec 2012, 10:28 am

Presuming that as ever we have Rumble on last then in theory we could have The Rock or CM Punk win the rumble. I'm not sure either man will, but WWE made it very clear last year that they had changed the rules to allow people who have wrestled in matches that night the chance to enter.

One of those two thus joins a contender list of Cena, Ryback, Orton, and then three less likely are Ziggler, Lesnar and Taker. On the outer ring of that big group I think you have Barrett and The Miz. Theres also a possibility of any member of The Shield (mainly Reigns or Ambrose, I dont think Rollins is impressive enough yet), or possibly Big E Langston (seems doubtful as he is playing a bodyguard role).

They could of course make this the first win, and the victory that earns a contract, for Brad Maddox. That'd be funny

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Post by Kay Fabe Sat 22 Dec 2012, 10:35 am

When was guys who Wrestled in matches not allowed to enter?

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sat 22 Dec 2012, 10:44 am

Was it not that those in the title match(es) were not allowed to enter the Rumble in days gone by? I just remember them making such a fuss about it last year

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Post by Hero Sat 22 Dec 2012, 10:51 am

Yeah they did go out of their way to state it could happen last year.


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Post by Kay Fabe Sat 22 Dec 2012, 10:59 am

I always remember Owen Hart turning heel on Bret in the Tag Title match in 94 then Bret winning the Rumble...well joint winning

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Post by Guest Sat 22 Dec 2012, 11:07 am

Kay Fabe wrote:I always remember Owen Hart turning heel on Bret in the Tag Title match in 94 then Bret winning the Rumble...well joint winning

Remember the 92 Rumble Gaff when Piper entered after winning the Intercontinental earlier on in the card? I watched that again the other night and Pipers entrance was EPIC!! Great times.


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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sat 22 Dec 2012, 11:07 am

I meant the main event title matches like WWE or WHC, not that I made it at all clear in my post by just saying matches. Last year was the first when every superstar was allowed to enter (I believe), think it was added last year to get some star names to what was a lightweight rumble

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Post by Bluebird_ccfc Sat 22 Dec 2012, 1:33 pm

I think The 2012 rumble was billed as 'anybody and everybody can enter' which was why you had cole, king, bookahhhh and everybody else and their donkey entering.

Having said that why didn't the everyone in the crowd jump in the ring at 2 min intervals seeing as anybody could enter?... Probably to do with insurance, grrrr insurance always ruins the fun.

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Post by Kay Fabe Sat 22 Dec 2012, 2:29 pm

Ahh right, I didn't realise you meant World Title matches, still a bit of poetic licence from the WWE though, Angle was in a World Title match and the Rumble in 05 and Ziggler and Orton were in the Title matches and Rumble in 2011

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sat 22 Dec 2012, 2:57 pm

They just love to lie WWE. I guess they meant first time ANYONE could be in because in those years they had a secret rule we didnt know about that stopped some people entering.

I was gutted, I was meant to be entry number 20 but Michael Cole jumped up before I could make my entrance.

I'd love to see Punk win it, having inevitably lost to The Rock. Then they can either have a rematch or have Cena involved in a triple threat some way (Elimination Chamber win or most purple clothing number one contender spot).

It would give Punk something huge, it would bring back some credibility to the Rumble and in turn make Punk look great and cement his legend further.

Should be a good one this year, enough interesting possible winners and the buzz from the Rock v Punk match should make the night special.

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Post by Crimey Sat 22 Dec 2012, 7:44 pm

They could of course make this the first win, and the victory that earns a contract, for Brad Maddox.

Awfully, the logic of this story happening actually works.


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Post by jeromedubois Sat 22 Dec 2012, 8:20 pm

Well according to the Wrestling Website the current plan is as followed "Apparently"

Punk vs Taker

Lesnar vs HHH

Sheamus vs Orton

Rock vs Cena as the 4 main event matches but as with everything and as with the WWE things change on a weekly basis but as posted on this is the current program


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Post by NickisBHAFC Sat 22 Dec 2012, 9:22 pm

The card does seem to get better and better every year. Although i really don't see the point in a rematch between Lesnar and HHH.


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Post by jeromedubois Sat 22 Dec 2012, 10:31 pm

The Lesnar vs Triple H match is by far the most sure thing and a guaranteed match. The Sheamus vs Orton they hope to do. Cena vs Rock is still up in the air as is the Taker vs Punk


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Post by The Awesome Giz Sat 22 Dec 2012, 10:45 pm

Clearly Cena, Rock, Lesnar, Taker, Triple H and Punk, will all face one another in some form or another. Makes for a great card chuck in Orton, Sheamus, Kingston, Barrett, Ryback plus the rest, hopefully a cracking luchador match between Rey and Sin Cara. Can't complain much.

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Post by Kay Fabe Sat 22 Dec 2012, 11:23 pm

I really hope they don't go with Punk/Taker, Punk is on one helluva role but Taker won't work past WrestleMania, that's just how it is now and everypne seems to be accepting of that, so that means the only logical way to book this goes out the window. For me the only way Punk would have looked like a guy who could win it is if he was Champ, having a 500 day Title reign and convinces Taker to put his career up for a shot at the title, then and only then would I believe that it's possible, however, Taker won't work after Mania so he won't be able to defend/drop the belt, this means Punk drops before Mania, that means its likely he drops to Rock at the Rumble and then loses his re-match inside the Chamber at the next PPV.

So from going to a guy with a 500 day World Title reign we go to a guy who wouldn't have won a PPV match since November and one who hasn't won one clean since around August going against the streak, it'd been a psychological mis-match

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