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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 13 Dec 2012, 9:47 pm

1. Superman 2
2. Superman
3. Incredible Hulk (Tv movie with Bixby)
4. The X men
5. Iron Man
6. Wolverine
7. Batman returns
8. X men 3
9. Spiderman 2
10. Conan the barbarian.


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Crimey Thu 13 Dec 2012, 11:02 pm

I can't believe you haven't put a single Christopher Nolan batman film which for me are head and shoulders above the rest.

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins
4. X2
5. X-Men
6. Spiderman 2
7. Tim Burton's Batman
8. Iron Man
9. Spiderman
10. X-Men First Class

Not a fan of Superman at all and haven't seen any of the Avengers movies, or the ones in that universe (bar Iron Man) or The Amazing Spiderman


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Guest Fri 14 Dec 2012, 7:57 am

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Avengers
3. The Dark Knight Rises
4. X-Men First Class
5. Superman
6. Batman Begins
7. Thor
8. Iron Man 2
9. The Amazing Spiderman
10. Hulk


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Nakatomi Plaza Fri 14 Dec 2012, 8:59 am

1. X-Men First Class
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman Begins
4. Thor
5. Spiderman
6. The Dark Knight Rises
7. Iron-man
8. The Avengers
9. X-Men
10. Superman 2

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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by The Womble Fri 14 Dec 2012, 9:19 am

I can't grasp this concept that the Nolan Batman films are the 'greatest' ever. Yes they are very good films but they are not the be all and end all. I can fully understand if someone doesn't list them in their own top 10 of favourite superhero movies. If you're not a fan of Batman you're not going to particularly like the films. Tim Burton's Batman is better than any of Christopher Nolans.

My own top ten would be:

1. Superman The Movie
2. Batman
3. The Avengers
4. Iron Man
5. Superman 2
6. The Dark Knight
7. The Amazing Spiderman
8. Flash Gordon
9. X-Men First Class
10. Batman Begins/Superman 3 (tied)

Last edited by crazygangwomble on Fri 14 Dec 2012, 9:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling error)
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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Guest Fri 14 Dec 2012, 9:24 am

The first Batman movies were just terrible. Nolan at least utilised every character in his films and gave them their own identity and purpose. Had it not been for Nicholson in Batman, it would've been a total write off.


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by The Womble Fri 14 Dec 2012, 10:03 am

See, I love Tim Burton's Batman. I know a lot of people complained that it was too dark but I liked that aspect. It was quite psychological! I thought Michael Keaton was fantastic as Batman and everyone knows how good Jack Nicholson was. Don't get me wrong I do like the new Batman films, I just don't love them like most people do. I prefer Tim Burton's.
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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Guest Fri 14 Dec 2012, 10:42 am

I did like Batman. Yes I agree Keaton was a good casting decision. I am still un-decided whether Burton was the right choice to direct. We had Batman and Joker. The fact Kim Bassinger had more of a role in the film than the pure chap playing commissioner gordon was quite criminal. I think Nolan broke all the barriers in terms of story telling. I don't think he made the 'darker' aspect his own, no Burton was already there in that aspect. Also we need to consider that Batman was made in 1989. Special effects had not quite caught up to standards they are these days. The fact the franchise got worse post Keaton does demonstrate how good he was in the role. Bale for me has carried the role much better because the balance of Bruce Wayne the man and Batman was brilliant. Keaton seemed just a tad too reserved as Bruce Wayne.

As you say each to their own. I think however Nolan has changed the landscape for story telling in superhero films. Look how different Iron-Man 3 will be compared to the 2 predecessors. Directors and screenwriters will start to read from the Nolan hymn sheet.


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Crimey Fri 14 Dec 2012, 10:43 am

I think Tim Burton's Batman is good, but it doesn't even seem that dark after the Nolan films which dragged Batman into the 21st century and I think reinvigorated the superhero franchise when it looked like it was about to die again with films like Hulk, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Ghost-Rider all dragging superhero movies through the mud.

I think there is naturally a backlash against the films, as there is with anything so popular, but I honestly can't think of any other superhero film that has actually given me shivers when I watched it.

I also think it depends on age, as for people a bit older than me, they'll prefer the earlier films like Superman and Tim Burton's Batman because that's what they grew up with and that's what they consider to be superhero films. I'm really not a fan of Superman who as a superhero isn't all that interesting. I also think the legacy of Tim Burton's Batman with each sequel being worse than last has tarnished the original. I also think that Heath Ledger's Joker blows Jack Nicholson's out of the water, it's a shame that he died (other than the obvious reason why), because I hate the fact that people use that as an excuse for why Ledger's Joker is considered so good, I believe it'd be just as praised if he was alive today.


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by The Womble Fri 14 Dec 2012, 10:56 am

Crimey wrote:

I also think it depends on age, as for people a bit older than me, they'll prefer the earlier films like Superman and Tim Burton's Batman because that's what they grew up with and that's what they consider to be superhero films. I'm really not a fan of Superman who as a superhero isn't all that interesting. I also think the legacy of Tim Burton's Batman with each sequel being worse than last has tarnished the original. I also think that Heath Ledger's Joker blows Jack Nicholson's out of the water, it's a shame that he died (other than the obvious reason why), because I hate the fact that people use that as an excuse for why Ledger's Joker is considered so good, I believe it'd be just as praised if he was alive today.

You're dead right there Crimey, it does depend on age. I do prefer the earlie superhero films when they weren't making a different one every 6 months. On the flip side though, I do love the modern stuff. The Avengers was brilliant and X-Men first Class is a fantastic film, one of the better modern era super hero films. To me though, Superman The Movie is still the best. The special effects for that film made in the mid to late 70's is out of this world and the casting was genius.
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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Guest Fri 14 Dec 2012, 11:14 am

Tim Burton was darker before Nolan. It was only when Keaton left the role that when Kilmer came into and started coming out with silly quips which took away from the character. Burton tapped into Batman and the darker side. Nolan only seemed to enhance it.

Superman for it's time was a stunning adaptation. The first half hour is brilliant. Superman for me is interesting, it is just the sequels that followed were nowhere near on par with the original. The recent reboot was cack. This is where I think Snyder will have more success with it because he is working with the same companies as Nolan did and I think they will continue in the same mantra as the Nolan Batman films.

Yes it does depend on age, but I still think when you watch films and consider the year they were made helps give you some perspective of how good it is and executed. Superman made in 1978. That is quite a pull off in my view.


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Crimey Fri 14 Dec 2012, 11:46 am

I just don't connect with Superman in any way, obviously it was one of the very first superhero films I saw, in fact, I think it was probably the first, but I've always disliked Superman. I think while the upcoming Superman film will probably be quite good, but I'm just not sure the character is as interesting as Batman, or Spiderman or the X-Men.


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by Guest Fri 14 Dec 2012, 11:57 am

I think with Superman was that Clark was never seen on his own. He was always with Lois or one of the other reporters. Superman kicking ass and stuff is all good if their is a life away from the cape and I think the past films never really dealt with that at all. I think that is why Batman has more appeal because their is a life away from the cape he can call his own. In the Superman films we never saw much of Clark if anything like a flat or a house and that is why I think sometimes many struggle to connect. Superman was great with him growing up, but beyond that it didn't help with him becoming his own man and what he was like alone with his thoughts or something. This is why I am excited about the the re-boot because I live in hope that they can expand on Clark and develop a life for him away from Superman. Current films like Spiderman, Iron Man, Batman actually get the individuality spot on with the hero and the person being separate entities if you will. Peter Parker struggling with being so young and powerful and not being able to balance the life as an ordinary person and crime fighter. Bruce Wayne dealing with being a crime fighter and a person and the fight of maintaining his principles as a person and crime fighter and the problems it can cause if people close get caught in the crossfire. Tony Stark dealing with being a hero and still being the playboy he was before. Maturity in someways and not being able to fully handle the responsibility of being both Iron Man and Tony Stark. I live in hope that Man of Steel becomes the film that Superman deserves.


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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by The Womble Fri 14 Dec 2012, 12:12 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:1. Superman 2
2. Superman
3. Incredible Hulk (Tv movie with Bixby)
4. The X men
5. Iron Man
6. Wolverine
7. Batman returns
8. X men 3
9. Spiderman 2
10. Conan the barbarian.

Trussman, Can I ask why you favour Superman 2 over the first one? I'm not knocking it, both are fantastic films i'm just interested. Not many people prefer sequels to firsts.
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Your Favorite superhero movies!!!! Empty Re: Your Favorite superhero movies!!!!

Post by The Womble Fri 14 Dec 2012, 12:26 pm

You make some good points Legend, with Superman it is always about the hero and not about the man behind the hero. I was a fan of the Smallville series because that looked at Clark Kent. I really hope Man of Steel develops the characters of Superman and Clark Kent as 2 seperate entities. The trailers make it look awesome.

Crimey, I don't think it has helped peoples perception of Superman in recent times in that there hasn't been a decent Superman film since 2 (even though I love 3 - guilty pleasure). That was in 1980/81, and all through the 90's and 00's it was all Batman and Spiderman. I think Superman fell off the radar a bit and people of your age haven't seen Superman at his best. Hopefully, next years films will alter peoples perceptions and make him a bit more 'cool'.
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