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Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation

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Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation Empty Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 13 Dec 2012, 9:29 am

When I was a teenager I used to love my horror films (My first girlfriend looked like the girl out of the exorcist but with a more cutting tongue!!)..I was brought up on the widely available American franchises...Halloween, Friday the 13th, Prom night, April fool's day, Black christmas..

However I got to talking to some guy in the gym one day (No it's not what you're thinking) and he said have you heard of Argento...I said Mate I'm not really into subtitles or dubbed foreign imports!! (unless they were blue movies of course!!) ..He told me just go and get a copy of SUSPIRIA and watch it...

Took his advice and never looked back!!...Wonderful atmosphere, beautiful use of colors and music by the brilliant Goblin!!!!..I could see in Suspiria how it influenced Carpenter in Halloween.....

From Profondo Rossi, Tenebre, Terror at the his Demons series and Phenomena (to a lesser extent) all full of atmosphere and near sadism!! (My one problem in Argento's work is he tends to go too far in his death scenes)....

Certainly looking at the latest cheap imitations of old classics such as Halloween 2, Friday the 13th, Elm street, Black christmas..It seems to me that current Directors have no idea about atmosphere, music, characterisation etc...The best horror films put the watcher in the role of potential victim!!! (making their fight..your fight!!)

Argento had it all..He was the modern day Horror-Howard Hawks and just as much of an innovator!!!

For those that like their horror movies......Just try a Suspiria or a Deep red (profondo rossi).....

Because If you haven't experienced this guy's work then you have sadly missed out....

Dario Argento a true master of his craft!!


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Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation Empty Re: Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation

Post by Adam D Thu 13 Dec 2012, 9:49 am

I like a bit of Argento myself - always a good score on the films too. The two films I remember with fondness from back in the day are the Bird with the Crystal Plummage and Tenebrae.

Which is the one where he plays a serial killer and you can only see his gloved hands from the camera position (it might be all of them!)

Adam D

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Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation Empty Re: Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 13 Dec 2012, 10:18 am

Deep red......Profundo rossi.......He always played them roles himself like in Suspiria when he grabbed the chick through the window...

Got taste Adam.....nice to see...

Shows how you can be wrong about some people.. Cool


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Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation Empty Re: Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation

Post by Adam D Thu 13 Dec 2012, 10:28 am

I am a huge 70/80s horror buff - will talk later as I need to go out

Adam D

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Age : 51
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Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation Empty Re: Dario Argento - The master of horror - Appreciation

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Thu 13 Dec 2012, 11:40 am

Some very good horror films made in the 70s/80s...unfortunately now emphasis is on the kill rather than the chase...

Here are some rare classics that I feasted on growing up....well worth a dig...

RITUALS....Four Doctors go camping in the Canadian wilderness (bit of a Burt Reynolds/voight rip off)...only to encounter a by one they all disappear stars Hal Holbrook..

BLOODY MOON - Stalk and slash movie by Jesus Franco..

The Slumber party massacre - Lot's of Holly Wilaboobie and then guess who the party pooper is!!!


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