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How BAD are Phillips and Priestland?

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How BAD are Phillips and Priestland? Empty How BAD are Phillips and Priestland?

Post by RogerLewis Sat 24 Nov 2012 - 18:40

I challenge anyone to not agree with me now!

I swear the two of them are responsible for all 3 All Black tries so far.

Priestland pointlessly kicks all his possession away, then when he runs he knocks on. THEN to kick two penalty touch finders dead is ABSOLUTELY CRIMINAL.

Phillips is ABSENT at the ruck half the time. He is so slow and has made way too many selfish decisions he is a complete fool.


Posts : 407
Join date : 2012-10-29
Location : South Wales

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How BAD are Phillips and Priestland? Empty Wales 10 - 33 Priestland & Phillips

Post by RogerLewis Sat 24 Nov 2012 - 19:10

Those two numpties in the first 55/60 minutes don't deserve regional rugby let alone international.

If you watch the replays you will see that those 2 clowns gave the pointless possession away to NZ or lost the ball to lead to all their tries. Not to mention all the aimless kicking away of possession and TWO missed penalty touch kicks.

The game was a hell of a lot closer than the score suggests. Shame.


Posts : 407
Join date : 2012-10-29
Location : South Wales

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