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Cobra Empty Cobra

Post by Reaper Sun 07 Oct 2012, 21:28

Name: Fernando 'Cobra' Chavez
Nickname: The Shining Light

Age: 22 (04/12/1989)
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 260 Pounds
Hometown: Tijuana, Mexico
Class: Face/Tweener/Heel:
Gimmick: Knows he's good and isn't shy about telling everyone about it.

Personality: Very confident which can border on arrogance, very much a love/hate character.

Entrance Music: 'King of the Stereo' by Saliva

Entrance Details: Green, white and red pyros explode on the stage. The name 'COBRA' flashes across the screen as 'King of the Stereo' by Saliva kicks in. Cobra walks out onto the stage and down to the ring, exuding confidence.

Finishing Move 1: Snakebite (Spinning Impaler)

Finishing Move 2: No Known Cure (Double Rotation Moonsault)

Trademark Move: Viper Strike (Buzzsaw kick to standing or seated opponent)

Submission Move: Boa Constrictor (Dragon Clutch, can also be used as a finisher.)

Highflying Move: See 'No Known Cure'.

Five - eight common moves: Martial Arts Kicks and Strikes variations
T-Bone Suplex
German Suplex
Angle Slam
Muay Thai knee strikes to opponents face
Springboard cross body block
Spike ddt
Tiger Bomb
Swinging Neckbreaker
Chokeslam into backbreaker
Running European uppercut
Top rope double knee drop
Running Big Boot
Roaring elbow
Death Valley Driver
Snap suplex
Inverted DDT
Running STO
Reverse STO

Taunts/Catchphrases: N/A

Match Tactics: Clean

Match Style (Pick three): MMA, mostly stand up with a few submissions. Occasional high flyer, Cobra is very agile for a man of his size.

Weapon of Choice: Singapore Cane

Specialty Match: TLC/Ladder match

History: Former Drug Cartel member during his teens in Mexico, escpaed from that life after a spell in prison. From there he went to Japan to train to be a wrestler and made his pro debut at the age of 17. Since then Cobra has won multiple titles all over the world including the TAW and CWC World Heavyweight Championships.


Posts : 113
Join date : 2011-01-27
Age : 31

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