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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by GSC Thu 13 Sep 2012, 1:50 pm

His contract runs out this year and hes apparently asking for Larry Fitzgerald type numbers (16.1m), which the Pack can't afford. Were it to happen (unlikely) Miami makes the most sense, no WRs, owner willing to write cheques, former OC as HC, 2 2nds.

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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty Re: NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by Pr4wn Thu 13 Sep 2012, 2:19 pm

No way he's worth that kind of money even if the pack could afford it!


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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty Re: NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by GSC Thu 13 Sep 2012, 2:37 pm

Nature of the beast, every top FA asks to be the highest paid at their position

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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty Re: NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by twelve283 Thu 13 Sep 2012, 3:08 pm

I'd offer a 3rd round pick. MCL sprain, rib injuries, groin + other problems lately. Bring him in for the year and evaluate health, production and take it from there.


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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty Re: NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by Derbyblue Thu 13 Sep 2012, 4:00 pm

I think Packers could afford it, but it's more sensible not to pay it as Matthews and Raji are out of contract either this year or next? Plus Nelson isn't anywhere near as expensive as that, and would still have plenty of weapons for Rodgers without Jennings.

Dolphins would seem to me to be the team that would make that offer, Haslam has said he's willing to spend though so maybe that would be a trade he would consider trying to force, or could just wait until he's a FA. Don't think they would take a 3rd as they'd get as compensation, but a 3rd and a late bonus pick or a 2nd would probably get it sorted.

GSC wrote:Nature of the beast, every top FA asks to be the highest paid at their position
Mike Wallace will probably be asking for a big pile of money too.


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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty Re: NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by BamBam Thu 13 Sep 2012, 4:14 pm

He's nearly 29 years old, I don't think that he is worth anywhere near the money that Larry Fitzgerald got (then again neither was Fitz tbh). He has never shown himself to be as dominant as Megatron or Fitzgerald have been at their best, I would put him in the second tier of receivers, albeit at the top of that tier.

Looking at the Packers, they would still have Nelson, Jones, Finley etc, and Randall Cobb has shown flashes of real talent. They usually make good draft picks, so I can see them taking a raw receiver later in the draft next year and turning him into a top quality player, just as they have done with all their guys. If the Dolphins offer them a second round pick, probably going to be a top 45 pick overall, then I reckon Green Bay will bite their hand off


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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty Re: NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by Derbyblue Thu 13 Sep 2012, 4:39 pm

bambamwillis wrote:He's nearly 29 years old, I don't think that he is worth anywhere near the money that Larry Fitzgerald got (then again neither was Fitz tbh). He has never shown himself to be as dominant as Megatron or Fitzgerald have been at their best, I would put him in the second tier of receivers, albeit at the top of that tier.
Difference is Fitzgerald is/was Arizona's only good player can you imagine how poor they would be if they didn't resign him? Plus I don't imagine their fanbase would be overly excited about the prospect of going to watch them with Fitz not on the pitch would be franchise suicide, Green Bay have one of the top QBs around plus plenty of other receiving options.


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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty Re: NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by Number-25 Thu 13 Sep 2012, 5:10 pm

Jennings is good, but he's no Larry Fitz. If he wants that kind of money then the Pack should move on from him and take what they can get.


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NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd Empty Re: NFL Exec thinks Jennings could be had for 2nd

Post by GSC Thu 13 Sep 2012, 6:05 pm

Fitz only had 1 market.

Jennings has 32 he can leverage

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