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Luis Suarez has he lost it? again?

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Luis Suarez has he lost it? again? Empty Luis Suarez has he lost it? again?

Post by dondelero Wed 18 Jul 2012, 6:58 pm

Luis Surez is apparently claiming that he was in tears over the Evra affair.

He also claims that Man Utd were the ones wielding their power to keep him out of the Liverpool team?

Is there any sympathy for him?


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Luis Suarez has he lost it? again? Empty Re: Luis Suarez has he lost it? again?

Post by Liam Wed 18 Jul 2012, 7:01 pm

Think he should just let it go now. Everyone will have their opinion as to what happened. Liverpool fans will say Evra has made it all up and Suarez has been a victim of a witch hunt and been as he says, on the wrong end of United's 'political power'. Utd fans will accept the decision of the FA and believe Suarez with his past was simply caught out and punished accordingly.

Lets move one, its been done now. He's letting the club down again just as it was getting itself together and looking towards a bright future under Rodgers. I'm sure the media will be keen to blow this all out again and it will be interesting to see how Rodgers handles it.


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Luis Suarez has he lost it? again? Empty Re: Luis Suarez has he lost it? again?

Post by LivinginItaly Thu 19 Jul 2012, 8:00 am

If I am correct, these statements came from an interview he did with his national media, and could well be one of the first occasions they have had to ask him questions about the whole incident. However, I agree that it would be better for him to not talk about it, but just move on. Hopefully Liverpool's media relations people will be instructing him on how he should conduct himself in future with regards to this matter.


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Luis Suarez has he lost it? again? Empty Re: Luis Suarez has he lost it? again?

Post by Guest Thu 19 Jul 2012, 6:10 pm

Given it's one of the biggest talking points of his football career, I fail to see how he could reasonably avoid talking about it on TV. I suppose he can be considered a National Hero in Uruguay so he'd be hard pressed to turn down the interview in the first place. I agree that he does perhaps need some media training but in the great scheme of things, he's expressed an opinion that some will agree with and some won't.

As mentioned above, probably best to let it go and, when Liverpool face Utd, let's hope that Suarez and Evra shake hands and get on with the game. As an LFC fan I'd like to see them have a season that is free of controversy and long term injury for a change.


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Luis Suarez has he lost it? again? Empty Re: Luis Suarez has he lost it? again?

Post by GSC Thu 19 Jul 2012, 8:35 pm

There is a difference between playing down the incident and moving forward, and what Suarez said though. The best thing he could do is to just to leave it behind completely.

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Luis Suarez has he lost it? again? Empty Re: Luis Suarez has he lost it? again?

Post by LivinginItaly Fri 20 Jul 2012, 10:22 am

I wonder how many people will think that Alex Ferguson is wrong for mentioning the Suarez incident? Or should he also let it go, and move on?


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