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The NFL lockout you're not hearing about

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The NFL lockout you're not hearing about Empty The NFL lockout you're not hearing about

Post by GurTPL Fri 22 Jun 2012, 2:23 pm

'Lo all, wrote an article for The Pulling Linemen about the NFL lockout that's going on right now, that seems to be hardly reported anywhere - the lockout of the NFLRA (Referees Association). Hopefully the mods won't mind a sliiiiiiiight bit of blog-whoring, so please do check out the article here:

Save the Zebras


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The NFL lockout you're not hearing about Empty Re: The NFL lockout you're not hearing about

Post by GSC Fri 22 Jun 2012, 3:31 pm

I heard about it, I just don't care that much. The refs will cave sooner or later

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The NFL lockout you're not hearing about Empty Re: The NFL lockout you're not hearing about

Post by GurTPL Sat 23 Jun 2012, 11:05 am

Maybe - but remember most of them have other jobs too. Besides, the point is that if the referees cave after week two of the regular season, that's already too late - if a single game's outcome is determined by a bad call from a replacement official, even in week one, that ultimately makes the difference between a team making the playoffs or missing the post-season, then the lockout has thrown the entire 2012 NFL season off-kilter.


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The NFL lockout you're not hearing about Empty Re: The NFL lockout you're not hearing about

Post by GSC Sun 24 Jun 2012, 12:17 am

Thats just being melodramatic. The incumbent refs have blown calls before numerous times.

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The NFL lockout you're not hearing about Empty Re: The NFL lockout you're not hearing about

Post by thunder and lightning Sun 24 Jun 2012, 12:03 pm

Graeme Swann's Cat wrote:Thats just being melodramatic. The incumbent refs have blown calls before numerous times.

This. Plus with the new rules regarding reviewing pretty much every play it's going to be pretty tricky, even for less experienced refs, to mess things up.

thunder and lightning

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The NFL lockout you're not hearing about Empty Re: The NFL lockout you're not hearing about

Post by GurTPL Fri 24 Aug 2012, 7:19 pm

thunder and lightning wrote:
Graeme Swann's Cat wrote:Thats just being melodramatic. The incumbent refs have blown calls before numerous times.

This. Plus with the new rules regarding reviewing pretty much every play it's going to be pretty tricky, even for less experienced refs, to mess things up.

Still so confident they won't make much of a difference, now that it looks like we'll be stuck with the replacements heading into the regular season?


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