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WWE and their rubbish

SugarRayRussell (PBK)
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WWE and their rubbish Empty WWE and their rubbish

Post by bretmeharty Fri 08 Apr 2011, 10:42 pm

So I've just got in from having a few and I turn on smackdown and what do I find an 8 man elimination tag match, the same participates that had a one fall match at wrestlemania which lasted all but 2 mins. SO why should I pay 15 quid for that show when its on free TV "5 days later".

Not to mention million other things that are wrong with the long term planning or their character or storyline development. The way things are right now i'm 99% i'm not going to bother watching it again. The reason why most of us watch it is because we are fans of wrestling and this is the only mainstream product around so we have no choice but im willing to forego my wrestling fix then put up with this!

Hell even the owner wants nothing to do with wrestling so why should we?!!!!

Last edited by Y I Man on Fri 08 Apr 2011, 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : chill with the language pls Bret)


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WWE and their rubbish Empty Re: WWE and their rubbish

Post by SugarRayRussell (PBK) Fri 08 Apr 2011, 11:25 pm

SugarRayRussell (PBK)
SugarRayRussell (PBK)

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WWE and their rubbish Empty WWE and there rubbish

Post by Luke Sat 09 Apr 2011, 1:58 am

To be honest, i stopped watching regular last year, after watching Cena run through
Nexus and Mysterio v Del Rio for the upteenth time.
I got fed up of watching more talking than matches, the same matches over & over
again, only one good match every couple of weeks, wrestlers phoning in there
performances, lazy story lines, and add breaks during matches.
The way wwe treat there mid carders shows the problems to me, a quick push out
of nowhere, thendropped back into no mans land. Instead of slowly buildingup the
characters, till webelieve that they could/should be pushing for main events.
The Daniel Bryan, Miz Micheal Cole story was excellent, told well, well paced and
moreimportantly beliveable, but this was/is the exception. Normally wwe, either
beat us to death with a goodstroy, or drop it after a few weeks to go back to the
tried and tested.
AAnd unfortuunatly i don't think it will change soon.

Semi rant over

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WWE and their rubbish Empty Re: WWE and their rubbish

Post by Kay Fabe Sun 10 Apr 2011, 11:57 am

Did you really pay your money for The Corre match tho? Its nothing new, i remember Austin losing the title to Kane only to win it back next night on RAW

Kay Fabe

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WWE and their rubbish Empty Re: WWE and their rubbish

Post by Jammy31 Sun 10 Apr 2011, 12:37 pm

The one thing that I'm getting fed up of is the fact that the Corre seem to ruin every match they are in. Just as they are about to lose a match fairly or even win by a small margin then BAM! they decide it'll be better to get themselves DQ'd. What's up with that?

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WWE and their rubbish Empty Re: WWE and their rubbish

Post by talkingpoint Sun 10 Apr 2011, 2:34 pm

WWE does have a lot of inherent problems, especially with its mid carders and long term planning. However I felt I got my money's worth out of wrestle mania this year because all the matches I wanted to see (i.e. paid to watch) were geniunely brilliant and very entertaining. CM Punk v Orton was worth £15 alone let alone the Cody Rhodes v Rey Mysterio match that punched above its weight and produced a knock out as well as the Taker/HHH NHB which had some awesome spots in. Yeah it was disappointing to see the Corre buried and the fact that Ziggler & Morrison didn't really get any match time but I got value for money for what I paid for.

My hope is that come WrestleMania 28 next year Ziggler is in one of the world title matches, Sheamus gets a meaningful feud/title match and Punk gets a title match (don't want him to face Stone Cold with the very predictable conclusion of the Stunner and beer pouring humiliation of the straight edge Punk - Punk's been buried enough).


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WWE and their rubbish Empty Re: WWE and their rubbish

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Mon 11 Apr 2011, 9:03 am

Jammy31 wrote:The one thing that I'm getting fed up of is the fact that the Corre seem to ruin every match they are in. Just as they are about to lose a match fairly or even win by a small margin then BAM! they decide it'll be better to get themselves DQ'd. What's up with that?

Maybe they're going for a modern day Kamala / Missing Link style gimmick where they 'don't understand the rules of wrestling'. The Corre should get themselves a Kim Chee style handler and the commentators could harp on about how they don't know the rules, hence all the DQ finishes.


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