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Trapp to announce the squad live

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Trapp to announce the squad live Empty Trapp to announce the squad live

Post by 6oldenbhoy Mon 07 May 2012, 3:14 pm

Trappatoni will announce the squad live in 20 minutes or so. You can follow it live

There are strong rumours that McClean will be included, at the expense of Fahey or Hunt, and James McCarthey will also miss out, with Paul Green being selected instead. Again there is thought to be no place for Wes Hoolahan, even though he had a great season with Norwich.

I'd be dissapointed if both James' didn't go, but Trapp favours the guy's who helped played in the qualifiers.

there are also rumours one very senior player has ruled himself out due to peraonal reasons. Anybody heard who this may be?


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Trapp to announce the squad live Empty Re: Trapp to announce the squad live

Post by 6oldenbhoy Mon 07 May 2012, 3:35 pm

Squad has been named:

Given, Westwood, Forde

Dunne, O'Shea, St.Ledger, O'Dea, Ward, Kelly

Foley, Whelan, Gibson, Andrews, Fahey, Duff, McGeady, Hunt, McClean

Keane, Doyle, Cox, Long, Walters.

STANDBY: Randolph, McShane, Green, Coleman, Keogh

I thought Coleman would have made it, although I'm delighted McShane and Green didn't.

McCarthy withdrew from selection as his father is battling cancer.


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Join date : 2011-02-18

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Trapp to announce the squad live Empty Re: Trapp to announce the squad live

Post by westisbest Wed 09 May 2012, 12:30 pm

Shame Clark didnt make.

Was never going to happen, but would have liked to see Ireland there.


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