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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Mon 7 May - 21:01

Floyd v Pac or Floyd v Martinez.

I feel Martinez is being overlooked. He is p4p number 3 in the world. I think it is obvious that he will come down to 154lbs. Has won his recent fights in style. Barker pushed him but he ended it quite easily. I think if he met Floyd it would be the 2 best skillfull fighters today coming together a real pick em but Manny would provide more entertainment considering his style and the history between the 2.

Martinez can provide Floyd with real problems, not as easy to hit as Pac but Pac would be relentless. The top 3 fighters no doubt.


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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by Sugar Floyd Louis Mon 7 May - 21:13

Floyd v Martinez... if there's a chance of Floyd losing and being pushed to the limit it's in the higher weights. I honestly think Floyd v Pac would let down so many people, it wouldn't be a huge test for him.

I don't even think Manny gives Floyd a tough a fight like Cotto did on Saturday.

Sugar Floyd Louis

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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Mon 7 May - 21:17

Can't agree there, lets not forget Manny and Floyd have bad blood so I do not see Manny coming into that fight and not giving Floyd a serious test although I think Floyd would beat him on points. Grueling fight for sure but Floyd just edges it. A lot of pride is at stake in that one.

Martinez v Floyd would showcase boxing skill at its best but with both fighters adept at not getting hit I do not imagine it would be an exciting fight.


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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by 88Chris05 Mon 7 May - 21:19

Still a no-brainer for me. Floyd-Manny remains a better match up than Floyd-Sergio, and certainly the one I'd rather see (and that's not even mentioning the fact that Mayweather won't want to go anywhere near Martinez).

Anyhow, it seems a little fashionable these days to say that Mayweather-Pacquiao wouldn't really be that significant, that there are better fights out there for Mayweather, that it doesn't really matter if it never happens and so on. Yes, we're all sick of the ongoing saga. But that kind of backlash, I feel, is simply a case of people trying to overcompensate for how short-changed we've been in the farce which has been Manny-Floyd.

Pacquiao is a better fighter than Martinez. He's been considered a real threat to Mayweather's pound for pound supremacy, whereas Martinez never has. Manny and Floyd have been circling around each other for three years, largely in the same weight class, while Martinez has only been on the periphery of either man's radar.

Mayweather-Martinez would be a very, very good fight, please don't get me wrong. But as things remain, I really don't see how anyone could want to see that bout ahead of Mayweather-Pacquiao, particularly as there is a desperate need to have a line drawn over that particular issue.

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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by Sugar Floyd Louis Mon 7 May - 21:20

Actually sorry I misinterpreted this thread.... for the sake of boxing.... 100% Floyd-Manny. Provided Manny gets past Brad the stock will be raised for this fight again.

But don't you think Martinez is more likely to defeat Floyd than Manny?

Sugar Floyd Louis

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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Mon 7 May - 21:34

Absolutley Matinez has a better chance then Manny as his style would frustrate anyone.

chris I think that Martinez has been overlooked in the whole p4p debate stateside.


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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by 88Chris05 Mon 7 May - 21:45

ONETWOFOREVER wrote:chris I think that Martinez has been overlooked in the whole p4p debate stateside.

Perhaps he has, but surely you wouldn't claim he's a better fighter than Manny? I like Martinez a lot; I wish we had a few more characters and fighters like him in the sport right now. He's an excellent fighter. But Manny is an exceptional one.

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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by Sugar Floyd Louis Mon 7 May - 22:35

Chris... I'm with you, I'd have Ward above Martinez in the P4P stakes. Martinez is very very good though.

Sugar Floyd Louis

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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by Rowley Mon 7 May - 22:47

Chris is absolutely bang on in virtually every word he says. Think as fans we are either so sick of the ongoing nonsense around Manny and Floyd or so embarrrased by what is their shameful inability to strike a deal that we have almost rationlised it in our minds as it being no big deal or something that does not matter either way, understandable but so very very wrong.

We hear so often boxing is dying, UFC is taking over, the sport is on its last legs etc etc. However in Manny Floyd we had a fight which would break all box office records, could sell 100,000 tickets if in the right venue, would be a global event and genuine news on both the back and front pages, and just as importantly for the right reasons. As tough a challenge for Floyd as Martinez would be a fight against him would do none of these things, because rightly or wrongly outside of the sport of boxing he means the square root of sod all to the bloke in the street.


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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Mon 7 May - 23:01

Very true rowley but in terms of pure boxing it would be a very interesting fight For me Manny v Floyd would be exciting but in terms of a pure boxing event we will learn nothing.


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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 7 May - 23:02

Disagree.......I'd rather see Floyd vs Martinez............

Don't see apart from the money factor how a manny fight really helps Floyd.....

Marquez has taken the gloss of a Manny victory and we all know if it goes 12 that Manny gets the decision........

Agree that Boxing is dying on it's ass...only have to see that by coming on here.....a majority of the quality posters seemed to have left........

Think however the sport is too far gone for re-invigoration......

The inmates have taken over the asylum....


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Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing? Empty Re: Which would you rather see for the sake of boxing?

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Mon 7 May - 23:12

Well said Mr McMurphy.


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