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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Henson sacked by Blues

Post by HERSH Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:35 pm


Shame really.

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:37 pm



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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by 3rdGrandslamCame Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:47 pm

Scapegoat for what? Being a T**T and getting drunk and abusive again?!

Please can this moron now go back to Bridgend and never appear on TV or a rugby field again!


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:52 pm

For the Poopie performances this year. Just get rid of Henson to seem like they are doing something right and every things ok. To me it seems like they were just looking for a reason to get rid of him. It's obvious that Burnell and Baber especially didn't like him from the get go. Selecting Parks, Sweeney, Gavin Evans, Daffyd Hewitt ahead of him, you've got to be having a laugh.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Bathite Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:54 pm

Great news, haven't heard or read an article about Henson in a while, was wondering if people still had an opinion on him. Can't wait to hear it all over again. Yawn


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by 3rdGrandslamCame Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:56 pm

gowales wrote:For the Poopie performances this year. Just get rid of Henson to seem like they are doing something right and every things ok. To me it seems like they were just looking for a reason to get rid of him. It's obvious that Burnell and Baber especially didn't like him from the get go. Selecting Parks, Sweeney, Gavin Evans, Daffyd Hewitt ahead of him, you've got to be having a laugh.

I wouldn't even care if the whole story was fabricated and Baber and Burnell just hated Henson.

The Blues should never have signed the idiot. He fell out with his team mates in Swansea and instead of being a man he did the dirty on them and did a runner. Then he stuck 2 fingers up to Saracens and caused even more carnage in Toulon. He is a walking trainwreck. Not even the Dragons or Sale Sharks will touch him with a bargepole.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Bathite Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:58 pm

3rdGrandslamCame wrote:
gowales wrote:For the Poopie performances this year. Just get rid of Henson to seem like they are doing something right and every things ok. To me it seems like they were just looking for a reason to get rid of him. It's obvious that Burnell and Baber especially didn't like him from the get go. Selecting Parks, Sweeney, Gavin Evans, Daffyd Hewitt ahead of him, you've got to be having a laugh.

I wouldn't even care if the whole story was fabricated and Baber and Burnell just hated Henson.

The Blues should never have signed the idiot. He fell out with his team mates in Swansea and instead of being a man he did the dirty on them and did a runner. Then he stuck 2 fingers up to Saracens and caused even more carnage in Toulon. He is a walking trainwreck. Not even the Dragons or Sale Sharks will touch him with a bargepole.

Couldn't agree more, how many chances does one guy get? Ruined them all and has proven consistently to upset team mates and coaches, so in my book - good riddance!


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by bluestonevedder Mon 02 Apr 2012, 2:58 pm

He really is a complete idiot. nice one again Gavin. He's got so much talent, but he just abuses it. Would be surprised if another team came crawling to him.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:00 pm

Hes never upset coaches.
Funnily enough the only coaches he's ever had problems with are two of the most incompetent pro rugby coaches i've ever seen.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by formerly known as Sam Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:02 pm

He'll be off to the Rebels to replace Cipriani next.

A phenominal waste of talent, he's clearly a talented player and a nice enough bloke when sober but a complete moron when drunk. Shame someone with a strong head coach won't take him on as the likes of Cockerill or Mallinder would break him into shape, no chance of either Tigers or Saints touching him though Sale would be a great move for him. I'd assume Diamond doesn't fancy trying to control Cips, Henson and Powell at the same time (Powell soon quietened down at Sale though).

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Henson's Sacking

Post by laughinggasman Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:04 pm

So Gavin has been sacked by the Cardiff Blues for his behavoir on the flight back from Glasgow. What a waste of talent. I know I am a biased Welsh rugby fan but Gavin Henson is one of if not the most talented player of a generation and one of whom Wales have genuinely missed despite recent success. Sadly it looks like he will be remebered as one of those sad losers who spends his life doing reality TV shows.
Speaking to people from the Bridgend area where he grew up few seem to have a good word for him and say how arrogant he was. Sadly it seems that he hasn't changed. I know he has had his injury problems but this is no excuse. Crying or Very sad

Merging this with the existing thread


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Guest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:04 pm

Official Statement from Cardiff:

Following a management meeting on Monday morning Cardiff Blues can confirm that Gavin Henson has been dismissed with immediate effect

Speaking of the decision Cardiff Blues CEO Richard Holland said,

“The Cardiff Blues management have discussed the matter at length but have acted swiftly since the incident occurred on Saturday morning.”

“Gavin admitted himself that his behaviour was totally unacceptable and the immediate termination of his contract sends out a clear message that behaviour like that will not be tolerated at the Blues.”

“We have a duty to our supporters and sponsors to protect the good name of Cardiff Blues and those associated with our brand.”

“Gavin Henson is obviously a talented rugby player and it’s unfortunate that his career at the Blues has ended this way.”

“However, we would like to thank him for his service and wish him the best of luck with his future career.”

Cardiff Blues have no further comment to make on the matter and will not be accepting interview requests regarding the matter.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by HQ matt Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:10 pm

anyone know what he did?

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by therealdeal0_5 Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:13 pm

I hear Tonyrefail 3rd's are looking for a decent 10 on saturday and are offering a bag of pork scratchings and two flagons of Bow so Henson's deffo considering playing for them!!!!


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Gavin - A tragedy of yet another wasted talent.

Post by Portnoy Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:41 pm

Some careers become foreshortened by injury or medical/clinical necessity - like Matt Hampson, Jonah, Thom Evans etc. etc.
Some like King Barry and Bjorn Borg retire voluntarily too early and thereby deny the public of a greater career.

But to my mind the saddest of the wasted talent are the seemingly self-destructing ones in the mould of George Best, Maradonna, and Gav himself.

Who knows hat the cause is is anyone's guess - a mixture of genetic, early-developmental environment, peer pressure, media influences - any other you care to name - but it is at the end of the day, still a tragedy for the player and the public.

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Morgannwg Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:45 pm

HQ matt, he threw some ice cubes on the plane when drunk. Probably wasn't the only one fooling around but as mention Laurel & Hardy have had it in for him all season which makes me wonder why would they sign him just to further halt a rugby career he was trying to rebuild. Remarkable comments made by a Blues fan on Facebook that sums it all up:

" 'We have a duty to our supporters and sponsors to protect the good name of Cardiff Blues and those associated with our brand.'

I look forward to the immediate sacking of the coaches as well then, because they've done more damage to this brand than some drunk ever could. Allowing players to go out drinking one WEEK before a vital HC game (and after putting in an appalling performance that very day) is nothing short of scandalous."

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Glas a du Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:50 pm

@LeCase23: @PeteBorlasey wasn't bad at all. Been blown out of proportion. Club are just amateurs dealing with things

Casey Laulala tweet.
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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Morgannwg Mon 02 Apr 2012, 3:51 pm

Poor Casey. No matter. He will soon see how a professional club is run when he starts next season with Munster.

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Guest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:07 pm

Glas a du wrote:
@LeCase23: @PeteBorlasey wasn't bad at all. Been blown out of proportion. Club are just amateurs dealing with things

Casey Laulala tweet.

I saw that Glas. Great quote. Certainly makes things a bit more interesting.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by formerly known as Sam Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:15 pm

Sounds like the divisions are running deep at the Blues.

“We have a duty to our supporters and sponsors to protect the good name of Cardiff Blues and those associated with our brand.”

There in lies the reason he was signed then, try and promote the 'brand' in the eyes of fans and sponsors during an average season marred with hints of financial issues. As soon as this failed to happen they've dumped him because he hasn't generated the PR they would like. It's interesting to note that the clubs who run most effectively as businesses don't go in for gimmicks, they build a sustainable team first and then add on the rest around that team as time goes by, re-investing the profits as they arise.

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Guest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:34 pm

Couldn't this have joined the other articles Port. I'm all for offering an opinion on it, but you aren't short of places to do it on.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by cabbagesandbrussels Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:46 pm

Best, Marradonna.....and Gavin Henson....

That's the funniest article I've ever seen on here!!!


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by dogtooth Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:50 pm

gowales wrote:Scapegoat...

i dont think the bumbling b's are that clever.

pretty fed up with the blues now. this is the latest piece of bumbling nonsense. *headslap*. henson has been royally dick3d around by the blues, and now he's been shat on from a great hight (no pun intended)

the blues had a responsability to bring gav along. they kept him in the shade when they should have been getting him up to speed.

ego is a big part of all this. the bumbling b's couldnt handle the fact that gav has a higher profile than they do. if they had half gav's quality they might make pretty decent, second-rate coaches.

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:09 pm

I've heard a rumour that the Blues couldn't afford to play him for the rest of the season due to their catastrophic cash issues and have been looking for an excuse to get rid of him for some weeks.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Liam Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:12 pm

One, what were the management thinking by letting the players go out and drink after what was probably the worst performance they have put in all season, especially just a week away from the biggest game of the season.

Two, Baber and Burnell have hardly given him a chance to redeem himself and give him a run in the side. He's played the majority of games at 15, where we all know he can do a job and nothing more, probably the reason why most people think he's been poor when playing. He's had a couple of games at 12 where he's shown glimpses of what he's capable of and simply needed a string of games under his belt. B and B haven't given him the chance, clearly some ego issues between the two parties. Gavin must have been deflated time and time again to not be included even in the match day 22, when people like Sweeney, Parks, Evans and Hewitt were all getting in ahead of him. He said he just wanted to get back to playing rugby, Blues didn't allow him to, surely denting his confidence and quite frankly proably de moralised him, and who can blame the guy.

Three, The Blues can act all high and mighty and take the moral high ground, but the fact is he was brought in as a PR stunt in order to increase merchandise and in their crazy world, crowd numbers. They knew what they were getting themselves in for, but ignored his rugby and used him as a PR magnet rather than as a rugby player.

Four, Gavin himself has once again let himself down. We can all get frustrated, but the fact is he should recognise that he has a history of getting into trouble after consuming alcohol, but, obviously he isn't the sharpest tool in the box and unfortunately he's let himself down. Again. Although as much as I think he should take responsibility for himself, he really should have been advised not to drink on the plane, someone should have had stern word with him because the guy is incapable of discipline, unfortunately.

Complete mess, sums up the Blues really. They couldn't wait to get rid of him after knowing their PR stunt has failed, and Gav gave them a reason to throw him out of the region. Blues will get stuffed in the Aviva, their best players will leave, the squad players like Evans and Hewitt are not up to it, its doom and gloom for the Blues, and if something drastic isn't done, the region will go down the swanny. Great stuff furious


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Looseheaded Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:18 pm

According to @Pontypridd RFC he's signed with them until the end of the season. Hopefully he'll get more than one game in a row before that and he'll have a team to train with over summer or until he resigns with someone else.. (not sure how many matches they have left)


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:21 pm

Good on ya Ponty clap


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:29 pm

Apparently it was an April fools joke put out by Ponty, Loosehead. We've been had Laugh


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Glas a du Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:30 pm

That was an April Fool on Twitter yesterday as they had to point out themselves on Twitter today.
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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Portnoy Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:34 pm

All incomplete individuals with ultimately disappointing characteristics which will forever cloud whatever sporting success they achieved. And you can add Gazza to that list.

There have been some (e.g. Rooney imo) who have been snatched from the edge of an abyss.

Next in line? Cipriani in Manchester?
Doesn't bode well to me.

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Looseheaded Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:37 pm

Well now I just feel like bit of a Tinkywinky


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Glas a du Mon 02 Apr 2012, 5:42 pm

It's OK I had Ponty fans gloating at me on Facebook, until I pointed out the date.
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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by majesticimperialman Mon 02 Apr 2012, 6:02 pm

Before this story even broke i was about to ask if Gavin Henson would ever play again for Wales?

I guess now that this has come out, the answer seems to be a big FAT NO.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by sirtidychris Mon 02 Apr 2012, 6:50 pm

Sorry don't mean to rubbish your article but maradonna and george best are still regarded by some as the best footballers that ever lived, and despite all the massive character flaws and drinks and drugs problems are still hugely respected in their sport for the magic they brought to pitch.

Gavin Henson used to be a talented rugby player but would never make anyones all time XV, not even a NH or Wales all time 15....he made a name for himself during the six nations then was repeatedly rammed in our faces by the tabloids because of his marriage to church....his publicity was bigger than his talent.

He isn't a sporting genius, has never played a world cup and doesn't have any crippling addictions to excuse his behaviour...he's a petulant child, self obsessed with an over-inflated least maradonna, gazza and best were respected by thier peers even with thier problems... henson however ignites widespread dislike wherever he goes.

What happened to gazza and best makes me feel a bit you say perhaps tragic...With henson i feel indifference with a touch of anger for the media coverage this goon still commands.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Guest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:24 pm

majesticimperialman wrote:Before this story even broke i was about to ask if Gavin Henson would ever play again for Wales?

I guess now that this has come out, the answer seems to be a big FAT NO.

Thank the Lord the story came out then, as it's saved you a pointless article hasn't it. The answer then, as it still is now is who knows. Everybody wrote him off after Ospreys and Toulon etc and he still is thought of enough to have made the 6 Nations squad this year.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by majesticimperialman Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:51 pm

Risca Rev wrote:
majesticimperialman wrote:Before this story even broke i was about to ask if Gavin Henson would ever play again for Wales?

I guess now that this has come out, the answer seems to be a big FAT NO.

Thank the Lord the story came out then, as it's saved you a pointless article hasn't it. The answer then, as it still is now is who knows. Everybody wrote him off after Ospreys and Toulon etc and he still is thought of enough to have made the 6 Nations squad this year.

"Risca Rev"

Who in their right mind is (GOING TO EMPLOY HIM?)

Surely he has burnt all his chances with any team in Wales?

So answer me that then, WHO WILL TAKE HIM ON?


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Cymroglan Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:56 pm

Maj all he has done is chuck a couple of ice cubes it's not the crime of the century. We have clubs keeping hold of players who have done far worse on and off the field.
The Blues have used this as a excuse to get rid of him due to their financial crisis rather than anything to do with trying to claim the moral high ground


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Shifty Mon 02 Apr 2012, 7:59 pm

gowales wrote:I've heard a rumour that the Blues couldn't afford to play him for the rest of the season due to their catastrophic cash issues and have been looking for an excuse to get rid of him for some weeks.

That what my idea also, it's no secret their in real trouble and need to cost cut to stay alive. Henson's sacking is a shame he has started to show signs of being a good player, but the Blues haven't used him properly and can't afford him.

Saying that Henson has had a lot of chances and always seems to find a way to bite the hands that tries to help him and feed him. It's hard to have sympathy for him.

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Glas a du Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:06 pm

The Scarlets
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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:08 pm

I could see him at the Ospreys and i hope that Cuddy and Tandy get in contact with him. He still has a lot to offer and judging by the tweets, most of the Ospreys players respect him.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Guest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:09 pm

majesticimperialman wrote:"Risca Rev"

Who in their right mind is (GOING TO EMPLOY HIM?)

Surely he has burnt all his chances with any team in Wales?

So answer me that then, WHO WILL TAKE HIM ON?

How do I know? How do you know somebody won't? Firstly, you are familiar that there are clubs outside of Wales yeah? Some clubs with strong management could sort him out. Not that he needs too much sorting. You have absolutely no idea what he's done. Even Casey Laulala said it was a silly move by the Blues management. Secondly, you know he could feasibly play for say a Swansea or somebody and then show he is worthy of a professional contract that way. He's only really burnt his bridges at Cardiff and Ospreys. In theory he could play for the Dragons or the Scarlets. Dragons were interested before he went to Cardiff and still really could do with cover in the backs.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:11 pm

Risca, now that Holley and Johnson have left. I think he could go to the Ospreys


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Guest Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:12 pm

gowales wrote:I could see him at the Ospreys and i hope that Cuddy and Tandy get in contact with him. He still has a lot to offer and judging by the tweets, most of the Ospreys players respect him.

Well yeah he could go back to the Ospreys now people like Johnson have gone. I wondered whether Andrew Hore might still be a problem.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 8:12 pm

True, Hore does seems like a bit of a Tinkywinky


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by dogtooth Mon 02 Apr 2012, 9:21 pm

gowales wrote:I could see him at the Ospreys and i hope that Cuddy and Tandy get in contact with him. He still has a lot to offer and judging by the tweets, most of the Ospreys players respect him.

can you post some? or a link. i cant seem to get on with twitter.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 9:23 pm

Ryan P Jones ‏ @RyanJonesOnline
No idea whats happened but wish the Henson headlines were about his rugby, at his best probably the most gifted player I've played with!

Cai Griffiths ‏ @CaiGriffiths
I bet you this Henson thing will get bigger than @DylanHartley biting incident and @Calumclark89 breaking someone's elbow. #PressFieldDay


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 9:25 pm

Interesting comments by Lyn Jones (ex Osprey coach)

"He's a gentleman, he's very polite and - make no bones - he's no different to lots of young rugby players," he told the BBC.

"They could have dealt with it in several ways. They could have even invited Gavin in today to explain himself and his mitigation but he wasn't invited in - he was sacked on the spot.

"They could have had a one-match ban, they could have fined him, they could have done several things but they decided to make an example of him."


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by gowales Mon 02 Apr 2012, 9:26 pm

But Henson's former coach at the Ospreys, Lyn Jones, told BBC Sport: "For Gavin to be hung out to dry like this is inexcusable.


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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by dogtooth Mon 02 Apr 2012, 9:26 pm

thanks gowales.

the guys on scrum v last night spoke as if everyone has had enough of him, but i bet it's only the bumbling Bs that have, because their fragile little egos could bare to be around a true rugby star

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Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow Empty Re: Gavin Henson sacked by Cardiff Blues for 'unacceptable' behaviour on flight from Glasgow

Post by Cardiff Dave Mon 02 Apr 2012, 9:37 pm

formerly known as Sam wrote:Sounds like the divisions are running deep at the Blues.

There have been for many years.

Cardiff Dave

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