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The European Cup

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The European Cup Empty The European Cup

Post by Stella Tue 20 Mar 2012, 9:22 am

What are people's opinions on the European Cup/Champions League?

Is it easier to win now or back in the 70's/80's?

Obviously the main difficulty 30 years ago was that you had to win your league to gain entry and it was a cup competition, although two legs up to the final and therefore one bad game could see you go out or in big trouble.

Now, well finish fourth in your league and you are in the hat and once past a half decent team from Bulgaria, the group stages are yours. The problem you have now are improved teams from across Europe, a small league system and then a cup style knock-out.

Teams like Bayern, Ajax, Liverpool and even Nottingham Forest defended the title, something that hasn't happened since Milan won it in 1989/1990. Even Barcelona have failed thus far.

For me, it's easier to get in but harder to win. All respect to Forest but a team built on a shoestring even by the great Cloughie wouldn't retain the CL nowadays.


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The European Cup Empty Re: The European Cup

Post by lorus59 Tue 20 Mar 2012, 9:34 am

Clough couldn't control today's players as he did in his day. The players now have too much power. I agree getting into the Champions League is much easier now but to win it you need to be very good (Barca) or very lucky (Porto 2004/Liverpool 2005).


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The European Cup Empty Re: The European Cup

Post by two_tone Tue 20 Mar 2012, 2:49 pm

Clough would be sacked a lot more frequently as well, can you imagine him with the likes of Abramovich as his boss! Sparks would fly...


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