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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Engel Harlequin
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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Engel Harlequin Sat 11 Feb 2012, 11:24 am

All over the news and from pundits, we hear that they and the people want Redknapp as England Manager. But what are his actual credentials?
He goes from club to club spending big on already reasonable squads and then being touted as overachievers. Mourinho did exactly the same, the difference? He does it at big clubs, he can handle the ego's and knows his tactics. If the credentials needed for England Manager relied on taking tin pot clubs as far as they can go then the shortlist would be like this:

Hodgson: Okay so he failed at Liverpool, but has vast football experience from around Europe and was very successful as an international coach. Has to be favourite.

Steve Mclaren: Oh wait, we had him...he failed.

Harry Redknapp: Great man manager, but no international experience, by all accounts not as tactically proficient as people would like to think, and his experience beyond the English game is lacking.

So Hodgson tops the list...the problem? Will the players and more importantly the press respect the man that supposedly failed at Liverpool (He did the best he could with the squad he had, Daglish did no better, and is imo underachieving with the money he has spent. If Hodgson had lasted a full season and got the same money he would have turned Liverpool into a top four team in my opinion).

So realistically, what credentials would you need to be England manager in this day and age?

Tactical awareness that can be translated to the team in a way they understand, Man management skills, experience in various cultures and experience of success at big who to choose?

Mourinho: Success at Porto, Chelsea, Inter, and competing in a tough duel between two top teams in La Liga. He has experience in English football, and can build a strong siege mentality within a squad, so he doesn't have his teams entertaining but he is a winner and can handle the media.

Benitez: Great tactician, with experience in English football and a great tournament manager. Would be an excellent choice but not always great in media situations.

Alex Ferguson: Probably wouldn't take the job, but a world class manager with vast experience in managing a successful team, could turn England into winners.

Look at that, all foreigners, and this is the problem with English football. Apart from Hodgson (who would be in my shortlist if it wasn't for the obvious) and Mclaren, how many managers are getting experience all over the place? How many players for that matter. So please FA, don't go for the "peoples" choice, go for the best!

Engel Harlequin

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Crimey Sat 11 Feb 2012, 11:28 am

Roy Hodgson hasn't succeeded anywhere but Fulham, where he managed to get them to the Europa League final, although at the expense of league form of course.

He hasn't proved himself anywhere.


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Engel Harlequin Sat 11 Feb 2012, 11:38 am

What about his international experience? Taking Finland to there highest world ranking and getting switzerland to there first world cup since the 1960's and into the quarter finals.

What about the fact he has managed clubs all over europe and achieved better results than managers previous.

Don't be blinded by media handling of his management of Liverpool, he may not be a winner but he got the best out of what he had!

Engel Harlequin

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by erictheblueuk Sat 11 Feb 2012, 12:19 pm

I don't matter who's the manager we aint got the players and our media keeps telling us we're world beaters when we clearly aren't.

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Engel Harlequin Sat 11 Feb 2012, 1:04 pm

So much negativity.

Did Greece have the players when they won the Euro's? No they got the tactics right with the players they had.

The media don't think we are world beaters, maybe a year or two ago but nowadays they are use to quarter and group exits. Thats why some have said Capello did well in qualifying.

A manager like Mourinho would bring the squad together, convince them that the world is against them, soak up the media attention and get them playing as a unit that ground out wins. Not only that but he could turn Wembley into a fortress. I believe he is the only manager that could get the current England squad to beat Spain in a competitive match.

Engel Harlequin

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by erictheblueuk Sat 11 Feb 2012, 1:36 pm

Engel Harlequin:-

etc, etc, etc...........................

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Guest Sat 11 Feb 2012, 1:45 pm

I really hope Redknapp stays at Spurs, he's worked really hard to make them what they are and he can take them to the title, I don't want to see him throw all that away for the poisoned chalice that is the England manager


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by GG Sat 11 Feb 2012, 1:51 pm

I agree with this article OK I'd have thought Hodgson would be ideal, he's a very good manager imo


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by erictheblueuk Sat 11 Feb 2012, 2:12 pm

The F.A have got to go with Harry cause I feel it gives them a get out of jail free card, like they had with Keegan. If he messes up they can say he's the man all the:- fans, media, fellow managers, players, football pundits wanted so how can it be our fault?

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by braveheart101 Sat 11 Feb 2012, 4:11 pm

Engel Harlequin wrote:What about his international experience? Taking Finland to there highest world ranking and getting switzerland to there first world cup since the 1960's and into the quarter finals.

What about the fact he has managed clubs all over europe and achieved better results than managers previous.

Don't be blinded by media handling of his management of Liverpool, he may not be a winner but he got the best out of what he had!
Yes he got Switzerland to the World Cup but they were in a group with Romania, USA and Colombia so it wasn't the hardest group to qualify from and they lost in the 2nd round not the Quarter Finals.

Apart from winning a few Scandanavian league titles what has Hodgson achieved? He won nothing at Inter and nothing in England

He rarely spends more than 18-24 months at a club so how long would he last as England manager?

Is managing Finland, Switzerland or the UAE really comparable to managing England?

Of course the British media do build up England's chances and will continue to do so. How can you say that they will be happy with a quarter or semi final. Just look at the last World Cup when England lost to Germany and got slated for it. The fact that the referee made a huge mistake not giving England's 2nd 'goal' (which could have changed the game) was hardly mentioned. Unless England win a tournament the media will never be happy.


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by mystiroakey Sun 12 Feb 2012, 8:42 am

why do they need international experience.

harry is a man manager and one that can realte to the english players. he is a motivational manager that also plays good quality attacking football.

hodgson has had about 1000 different jobs in as many years, the guy isnt loyal, and when he is he is sacked, the guys carrer is at the moment at an all time low! Hodgson isnt a respected figure in the england players eyes!

nope redknapp or mourinhio- FA offer either of them something there cant refuse- if cappello(a bloke how cant speak english) was paid 6mill, then the before should be offered 12million!!

if not give it to pearce!


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Guest Mon 13 Feb 2012, 2:37 pm

"England: Harry Redknapp wants Paul Scholes at Euro 2012
Harry Redknapp believes Manchester United veteran Paul Scholes should be included in England's Euro 2012 squad.

Redknapp ... likened the 37-year-old to Barcelona pair Xavi and Andres Iniesta.

"You'd love to have Paul Scholes in the Euros, He'd be in your team, he's that good. He plays like a Spaniard, he can play like Xavi and Iniesta. He doesn't give the ball away."

Hmmm, Mick McCarthy for England Manager?


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by mystiroakey Mon 13 Feb 2012, 2:40 pm

not sure what your point is there nore staat- its obvious to all concerend that scholes could have benefited england for alot longer than he did.


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by mystiroakey Mon 13 Feb 2012, 2:42 pm

i suppose it actually is a great case for redknapp- he is someone that could have much better relationshiops with the players and them not walking out.

scholes walked out of england because of 1 of 2 reasons if not a mixture of both. He was pushed out of position for a game or two and alex fergusions words(he hates international duty)

harry would be the type of manager that is so respected by the english camp , players might even get there pride back?!!


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Guest Mon 13 Feb 2012, 2:51 pm

I thought it strange to compare a 37 year old Scholes in such a way to Xavi and Iniesta - apart from the fitness and speed issues, Scholes is not well known for his safe tackling so might be a risk at the Euros 2012.

However, maybe this is how Redknapp works in terms of man management and motivation (tendency for exaggeration for motivational purposes) and Scholes does seem to be performing well for Man U.

I am no expert and so I thought it was worthwhile to bring this report to the attention of 606 v2 for others opinions. The Mick McCarthy suggestion was perhaps a little tongue in cheek.



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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by mystiroakey Mon 13 Feb 2012, 3:26 pm

scholes plays very similarly to the above spainish stars, its not that out of place to compare the 3 players. English players get alot of stick and some for the right reasons, however scholes is very well respected for his abilities and has the range of passes,vision and quick feet that the spainish duo are so successfull of showing.

I really didnt like the way scholes turned his back on england, we needed him for sure. He also admitted to doing a tevez at united(refused to play once!!)- obviously fergie covered it up for the benefit of the player and team. I am sure he feels abit guilty in all honesty, but i think he would do ok for england- he is still playing at a high level


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by dyrewolfe Tue 28 Feb 2012, 11:28 am

I know Redknapp doesn't have any international experience, but my gut feeling is that he might do well with England (better than the last few managers anyway).

He comes across as a friendly, media-savvy bloke, but unlike McLaren I think he has enough of an authoritarian streak that he wouldn't let things get too cosy.

Of course, its also entirely possible that World Cup 2014 could be be just as bad as South Africa.

Going on experience alone, I agree there are plenty of other, more qualified candidates out there. I would also say the FA shot themselves in the foot by pushing Capello to resign.

As I mentioned on another thread, England's continuing failure has as much to do with our players' limitations and attitude, not to mention FA's ineptitude and their ongoing power struggle with the Premier League.

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by mystiroakey Tue 28 Feb 2012, 1:00 pm

continuing failure has as much to do with our players' limitations and
attitude, not to mention FA's ineptitude and their ongoing power
struggle with the Premier League."

Dont know- i dont think england fail or have failed- we are just a decent football team but not the best in the world- The FA makes big money out of the premier league- it doesnt have to get too involved or struggle with the clubs- it just needs to put the money it makes to good use in reagrds to grass roots!!


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue 28 Feb 2012, 1:25 pm

To suggest England have failed is to suggest they are better than what they have achieved. Unsurprisingly this is just not the case. Harry Redknapp in my opinion is not the man for the England job. Do you need International experience to manage internationally? In my opinion no but constant top cup success or good placings would help.

Hodgson is not the best candidate I never said that, in fact quite the opposite. But he is a better English option on paper than Redknapp...however in my opinion I would stick foreign until English managers up there game.

Redknapp admitted his tactical failings against Arsenal, he knew they were on the ascendancy but failed to this the sort of man you want to be attempting to win an international tournament?

Engel Harlequin

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Guest Tue 28 Feb 2012, 1:27 pm

the players would respect redknapp so much...he commands respect, and to be honest is easily the best english manager around at the moment.


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by mystiroakey Tue 28 Feb 2012, 2:11 pm

i agree - harry doesnt just command respect, he also understands what our players are warts and all. capello may have had expert technical skills, but redknapp is the right man for the job- for a start he can speak english!

lets be honest however good svens and capellos win record was we ultimately failed under them- when we look back at venables he ultimately succeded. Redknapp is akin to venables- he has character, he has the talk, he walks the walk, maybe abit dodgy- but that character trait is partly what our football manager needs. He isnt like a maclrean or a taylor(perhaps similar to hodgsons mould)- he is a man manager, a people person, someone not affraid of amiting mistakes , but one that isnt afraid to put himself on the line- he trys and will give it his all! if he takes the job that is! and i hope he does.


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by dyrewolfe Wed 29 Feb 2012, 9:33 am

mystiroakey wrote:"England's
continuing failure has as much to do with our players' limitations and
attitude, not to mention FA's ineptitude and their ongoing power
struggle with the Premier League."

Dont know- i dont think england fail or have failed- we are just a decent football team but not the best in the world- The FA makes big money out of the premier league- it doesnt have to get too involved or struggle with the clubs- it just needs to put the money it makes to good use in reagrds to grass roots!!

Well, we haven't won anything for the best part of 50 years. I'd say that constitutes failure.

Having said that we don't have a divine right to win and our record suggests that our players simply aren't on a par with the best in the world...hence my comment about our players' limitations. I'm quite happy to acknowledge England are some way from being world-beaters and that we probably are only as good as the FIFA rankings suggest.

Yes, you need a good coach / manager, but you also need players who can play to a plan, or adapt if what they're asked to do isn't working. That is, I think, one of our players' main failings, besides their technical deficiencies. It also doesn't help when you have managers of your top division pulling players from the national squad because of "injuries" only to have them turn out the next week, not to mention demanding compensation payments for the loss of those players' services, if they get injured on international duty.

Yes, the FA needs to help grassroots football more, but that doesn't help the situation with players who make it into the Premier League. Getting more English (or England eligible) players into the PL would obviously give the manager a bigger pool of talent to pick from, but I don't see club managers being any more willing to release them, if there is an important PL fixture either side of an England match.

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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by mystiroakey Wed 29 Feb 2012, 9:51 am

"Yes, the FA needs to help grassroots football more, but that doesn't
help the situation with players who make it into the Premier League
Getting more English (or England eligible) players into the PL would
obviously give the manager a bigger pool of talent to pick from, but I
don't see club managers being any more willing to release them, if there
is an important PL fixture either side of an England match."

offcourse it helps getting more england players into the prem- i dont like the attitude that we have to dumb down the quality of the prem , rather we need to get england players better to get more in!

i agree certain clubs and managers take the mic when it comes to international games, however i think thats a club v international problem not a fa v prem problem

edit- i may have misinterpreted your point above.. i get what your saying

Last edited by mystiroakey on Wed 29 Feb 2012, 9:58 am; edited 1 time in total


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The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really? Empty Re: The "peoples" choice: Harry Redknapp? Really?

Post by Guest Wed 29 Feb 2012, 9:54 am

It's a foregone conclusion that Spurs manager Harry Redknapp is the FA's top choice for the vacant England job. But after a 0-0 draw against League One side Stevenage in the FA Cup and a 5-2 loss to Arsenal at the weekend, some doubts have arisen as to whether Harry is truly the right man to lead England. So, Harry decided to write to the FA in an effort to allay any fears they may have.

Dear FA,

This is Harry Redknapp (actually, this is Jim Quentin -- I'm a ballboy at White Hart Lane, but I also do all of Harry's typing because he doesn't know how to send an email and he thinks the word "pancake" is spelled with a "q" and a cross between a tilde and a 9).

I just wanted to send you a quick note (well, it hasn't been that quick -- he took a nap after that first sentence) to tell you that despite Spurs' recent results, the England talk is not affecting me (he already has me making a list of people who can't touch the World Cup trophy after he wins it). These last two matches have been freak occurrences that can be easily explained (he just asked a scout to "keep an eye on Twitter").

Against Stevenage, the problem was simple. I told Jermain Defoe to score two goals and he didn't do it (Harry is pretending to read the French assembly instructions for the massage chair he got Niko Kranjcar for Christmas). He didn't even score one! But I had a chat with him, we played Wii tennis, and he won't be disobeying my tactics again (he will).

The Arsenal match was a bit more complicated (Harry's jowls are sweating now...just the jowls). It was really down to Theo Walcott, though (he added Theo to the "no World Cup trophy touching" list). And believe me, if I were in charge of England, I'd get performances like that out of Theo all the time. Him and Scotty Parker and Frank and Luka Modric will be great together (I just told Harry that Luka can't play for England and he said something about how he was told he couldn't take bungs either and then he winked, like, 18 I going to get in trouble for witnessing that?).

The point is that you've got nothing to worry about (he's still reading the French chair instructions). I look forward to hearing from you soon (he got new batteries for his pager).

Harry (he wanted me to sign this with his dog's name too, but I'm not going to do that.)



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