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Ticket Pricing

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Ticket Pricing  Empty Ticket Pricing

Post by Alves Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:04 pm

Football is not just a game for many people its a way of life nothing better than going to the game on a Saturday afternoon, I was recently looking at purchasing a ticket for an FA Cup game at my club and its £25 for Adult and £15 for Under 18's this got me thinking about the pricing of football matches and thinking about how people on low incomes can afford to go to football and are football clubs doing enough to support people and look after the community.

So my question is how would you feel if the club decide to offer people who are on benefits/lower incomes cheaper tickets to games or season tickets at prices which are based on income? Not saying I would agree with this but then surely this would help people come to the matches and help boost the clubs image in the community. I am not aware of any clubs currently doing this in the UK, I can see that this would cause issues with how do you put in places this idea and other issues, which I am sure you will mention.

Let's say a season ticket is £300 but if you household income is under £15,000 you can purchase a ticket at the reduced cost of £250. Yet if you have a high household income you would pay £325.

My question to you; Is this a workable model which could be put in place in football or is this just a mere pipe dream.... Answers on a postcard please


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-12-20

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Ticket Pricing  Empty Re: Ticket Pricing

Post by hodge Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:09 pm

The richer would claim that they are being targeted just because they earn more and would have to pay more for a seat next to someone who earns less for the same seating area. Where as at the moment you have the scale of the quality of the seat determines the price, where there is the arguement that only the richer can afford the quality of better seating positions.


Posts : 2960
Join date : 2011-01-25
Location : Somerset/Preston (Uni)

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