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6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011

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6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011 Empty 6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011

Post by President Trump Tue 15 Mar 2011, 10:04 am

“I Want It All” Begins to play as the 6CW Monday Night Escalation video begins to roll. Superstar such as Geoff Steel, Lex Hart, and Perfect Jack appear with the final image being of Daniel Reilly with the title wrapped around his waist staring into the camera. The Camera goes to the top of the ramp with the Blue, White, and Silver Pyro goes off. Fans are seen going wild chanting “6C-Dub” as the camera begins to pan across the arena. Signs such as “Dicey one Drunk S.O.B”, “History Maker=Gold”, and “Reilly Fears Jack!” are seen.

JT: Good evening ladies and gentlement and welcome to monday night escalation! We are live from the metropolitan city of Liverpool! I am Jeff Thaddeus and with me at ringside is of course none other than Henry Lloyd! 

HE: Isn't this where Stevie G comes from?

JT: In henry

HE: Makes sense now, I never understand what the hell he is saying and same thing with this city it is like everyone is speaking a foreign language to me!

JT: Well Henry our first match of a new month here in 6CW and so the build up to Night of Glory begins.It was a fascinating night in Manchester last sunday evening but the action continues here tonight...

HE:We have no idea what is going to happen on the grandest stage but the next few weeks are going to go along way to shaping the landscape of that historic event...

"White Light" plays out and the crowd cheer as the white robed,Jack Frost walks onto the stage.He salutes the fans and then runs down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope and climbs onto the top rope,he removes his robe and drops it to the floor and jumps down to await his opponent...

JT:Jack Frost had a very interesting start to his 6CW career and he picked up a great victory over Jerome Dubois last sunday at Last Stand...

HE:And then he had a run-in with some fruitloop backstage...

JT:He did indeed,but tonight he faces a new test....a guy we have never seen before,but heard alot about.

HE:Hang on....

Frost looks up at the ramp and then a familiar figure walks out onto the stage.Frost stares at him and shrugs his shoulders as the man smiles...

JT:Thats the guy from Last Stand..what the hell is he doing out here?

Man:Hey there you didnt think you would be seeing me here tonight did you?

*Frost merely continues to stare as the crowd boo the man standing on the stage.

Man:But I told you last weekend that nobody talks to me,Mr Jones, in the fashion that you did and gets away with it....your an arrogant fool and for that you will pay the ultimate price...

*Frost smiles and then opens the ropes and beckons the man to come down and get in the ring.

Mr Jones:Yes thats right Jack,I know you want me to come down to the ring and settle this with fists but fortunately for you I am not a neanderthal....I can settle situations in a much more barbaric way....I need not lay my hands on you Frost...because quite frankly,I have somebody to do it for me....

*The man begins to laugh as Frost looks perplexed."Your Betrayal" screams out and some of the crowd gasp as a huge man walks out onto the stage.His hair hangs over his face and he stares down at Frost as Jones is clapping away.

Mr Jones:Allow me to introduce you to Internecio.The most destructive force of nature in the world,forget about your earthquakes,your tsunamis,your landslides because this man right here is the biggest threat to mankind.You have messed with the wrong man Frost and now you will pay...

*Frost stands his ground as Jones laughs and Internecio walks down to the ring.He ignores the fans and climbs onto the apron and over the top rope.Frost immediately runs forward and tries to fight the big man,he bashes him with right hands but Internecio grabs him and headbutts him to the canvass....

JT:Whoah,this guy is huge.I was really bigging Frost up but he has a big challenge here....

HE:This is a true-life monster and I bet Frost is really regretting get into it with Mr Jones last week...oh wow!

Frost clambers back up and is taken out by a huge clothesline.He steps up for a third time and Internecio bounces off the ropes and floors him with a huge boot to the face.Frost is clearly dazed as he is dragged to his feet by the monster and squeezed into a bearhug...Mr Jones pounds the mat with his hands and laughs...

JT:This colossus is destroying Jack Frost....this is something I was not expecting,I hope the locker room is paying attention to this...

Internecio continues to press all his strength into Frost's body,Frost attempts to break loose but cant and he begins to fade...

HE:Internecio is gonna win this match by knockout...Frost is not moving...

The arm drops once...


JT:Once more and he is done...

it drops....

HE:Whoah talk about last gasp....Frost still in this one,barely!

Frost gets a cheer from the crowd as he raises both his arms and tries to break free,he is still struggling but manages to headbutt the big man in the face and the hold is broken.Frost takes a moment to try and compose himself but Internecio flies at him...

JT:Frost just dodged a bullet...

Internecio collides with the corner and Frost immediately stomps on his midsection repeatedly and then sinks in three big shoulder thrusts.The big man staggers from the corner as Frost connects with several karate kicks to the legs and body and then jumps into the air and spins Interncio into a DDT...

HE:Frost gonna nick this one...

1.................2............huge powerout!

HE:Maybe not...

Frost is up and he quickly goes to the corner and climbs the ropes,Internecio is clambering up as Frost soars through the air....

JT:Missile dropkick.....oh wow....

Frost connects with the missile dropkick but Internecio just staggers but does not fall down.Frost gets back up and he hits a dropkick but the big man still sways so Frost runs off the ropes and returns with a flying shoulder block....

HE:Finally toppled the big......NORTHERN WIND!

Internecio tries to stand so Frost kicks him in the chest and nails the snap DDT..........1................2.............kickout!

JT:Was closer than before and Mr Jones doesnt seem as confident as he did five minutes ago....

Jones is looking a little distressed as he bangs the mat and screams at Internecio to stand up.Frost gets to his feet,he stares icily at Jones and then points around at the crowd,they cheer as he grabs Internecio...

HE:Looking for the finish here....tremendous performance,COLD SNAP!

Frost goes for the Gringo Killer but Internecio spins out of it and connects with a belly to belly suplex,Jones screams in delight as Internecio waits for Frost to get back up...

JT:Measuring his opponent...CHOKESLAM!

Frost jumps out the side of it and staggers to the corner,Internecio runs in for a splash but Frost gets his feet up and Internecio staggers back....Frost stands on the second rope and dives off...

HE:Double axe....BOOM!

JT:What a shot!

Frost comes off with the double axe handle but Internecio reacts faster and uppercuts the fan favourite,collapsing him to the mat.Internecio shakes his hair over his face and then climbs the ropes on Mr Jones' instructions...

HE:What the heck is the big going to do from up there...

JT:Something that will leave a mark that is for sure.....WOW!

Internecio leaps off the ropes and plants both his feet into a viscious stomp on the midsection of Frost.Internecio keeps his feet and waits for Frost to get up,Jones has begun to laugh maniacally....

HE:This guy is some sort of freak.....he seems to feel no effects from what Frost has done to him....

Jones is screaming "Finish him" from ringside as Internecio pulls Frost towards him,the crowd are booing as he raises one arm in the air...

JT:Bad feeling about this....BLACK TIGER BOMB!

HE:Forget about it....


The bell sounds and the crowd boo as Internecio kneels over Frost and Mr Jones climbs in the ring.Jones is clapping and smiling...

JT:What a brave performance from Jack Frost but what the hell was he supposed to do against this god we could be looking at the future of pro wrestling,a dominant display from Internecio....

HE:And look at that smug prat Jones....look at that!

Jones aims a boot into the head of the fallen Frost and laughs as the referee tries to usher them from the ring,and then draws back as Internecio stands up.Both men look at Frost and then leave the ring to huge boos from the crowd...

JT:A very impressive debut from that man right there....I wouldnt want to be crossing his path anytime in the near future...

President Trump

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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 41
Location : Holding cell @ Interpotatol HQ

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6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011

Post by President Trump Tue 15 Mar 2011, 10:04 am

“One and Only” Hits as out comes as Yarmouth Blade with Frank Rook by his side. Yarmouth and Rook give each other a hi5 and both men begin to descend down the ramp as the fans give a good reception to the newcomers. Yarmouth slides into the ring as Rook climbs on to the apron and steps into the ring.

Henry: Welcome back folks and as you can see its time for what I think will be one hell of a match.

JT: Yarmouth will be looking for some sort of revenge on Angel tonight after the ring bell incident at Last Stand

Henry: What ring bell incident, The Untouchables won fair and square and that’s why there Tag Champs

“Invaders must die” hits as the crowd erupts into deafening Boo’s as Angel walks out onto the rampway accompanied by his Tag partner Cross, they raise the Tag titles in the air and start to walk towards Gazzy and the ring

Henry: Angel is a beast of a competitor and has been here along time, this guy knows how to win matches by any means necessary

Angel climbs into the ring and before the ref can ring the bell Yarmouth runs at Angel and starts unleashing lefts and rights to his head backing the big man into the corner, Yarmouth continues to punch away as Angel blocks one and headbutts Yarmouth stopping the attack, Angel grabs Yarmouth and throws him into the corner and starts hitting big elbows to the unprotected head of Yarmouth before whipping him towards the opposite turnbuckle

Henry: Great back and forth action in the opening part of this match

JT: Angel looks to be taking control…I’ve spoken to soon…what athleticism

As Yarmouth gets thrown towards the turnbuckle he runs up it and Moonsaults and collides with the oncoming Angel

Crowd: Yarmouth X5

Yarmouth gets to his feet and drops to quick elbow drops across the chest of Angel before locking in a side Headlock on the big man, Yarmouth starts to apply more pressure to Angel but cant stop him getting to his feet, Angel hits a few elbows into the gut of Yarmouth before throwing him towards the ropes and going for a Clothesline but Yarmouth easily ducks underneath his are and keeps his momentum going by running off the opposite ropes and going for a Crossbody but is caught mid-air by the stronger Angel

JT: This cannot bode well for Yarmouth

Henry: Look at Cross on the outside shouting at Angel to snap him in half, I love it

Angel hits a Back-Breaker, then another before parading Yarmouth around to the crowd, he points and smiles at Rook who is seething on the outside before finishing the move with a high impact Samoan Drop leaving Yarmouth holding his back in pain, Angel doesn’t let Yarmouth have any kind of rest as he walks over to him and delivers a sickening boot to the lower back of Yarmouth who screams in agony.

Angel picks him up and again whips him into the corner and follows up this time with a big Clothesline which lifts Yarmouth off his feet and drops him to the mat where Angel starts to choke him with his boot, the ref starts to count and Angel releases the hold at 4 and starts to argue with the ref giving Cross the chance to seize the advantage as he starts to choke Yarmouth with the bottom rope

JT: That’s blatant cheating

Henry: That’s way the Untouchables are one of the greatest Tag Teams ever to grace 6CW

JT: Rook has had enough!!!

The ref turns just as Cross releases Yarmouth and walks over and tells him to back up as Rook runs around the ring and dives on Cross and starts to unleash a barrage of punches to his head, back inside the ring Angel picks Yarmouth up and hits a Cradle Brain Buster and floats over for the pin


Henry: Damn it, I though it was over

Angel picks Yarmouth up again and starts to taunt him by slapping him in the face much to the crowds dislike, Angel wraps his huge hands around Yarmouth’s throat and lifts him off his feet, he holds the move for a few seconds before slamming him down to the mat where he lands on the back of his head where Angel covers for the pin


Angel start going crazy at the ref telling him it was a 3 count but the ref tells Angel that Yarmouth got his shoulder up at 2, Angel turns to Cross who is still reeling from Rook’s attack, shouts at him to finish the job so Angel walks over to the limp Yarmouth and whips him up into position for the Fallen Angel (Razor’s Edge), he is about to Powerbomb Yarmouth when Yarmouth slides down his back and rolls Angel up in a Schoolboy

Crowd: 1…2…3

JT: He’s done it…somehow Yarmouth has defied the odds and pinned one half of the Tag Champs

The crowd go wild as Yarmouth slides out of the ring and raises his arm and is embraced by his fellow Cure member Rook

Henry: He cheated Yarmouth grabbed his trunks

JT: No he didn’t he won fair and square

The scene ends with Rook and Yarmouth on the top of the ramp signalling to the Untouchables that they’re going to get their Tag Belts

President Trump

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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 41
Location : Holding cell @ Interpotatol HQ

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6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011

Post by President Trump Tue 15 Mar 2011, 10:05 am

Born to fight echoes out of the arena as Dicey Reilly enters from behind the curtains to loud cheers from the fans.

H: Just a few days away from Last Stand, Dicey Reilly successfully defended his TV title against number 1 contender, Triple D.

JT: That he did Henry, it was a fantastic match where both men put it all out there but Dicey just had that little bit more.

Dicey Reilly walks down the aisle with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand, he puts the cap back on before laying it down in his corner. He takes of his title and raises it high above his head for all the arena to see who are continually chanting his name.

La Resistance screams out of the arena as Jerome Dubious strides out onto the stage. He receives a mixed reaction from the crowd as he stares at Dicey Reilly. He walks down the aisle ignoring the fans as he enters the ring through the ropes. He poses on the turnbuckle for a minute or so as his theme dies down.

I Came to Play screams out of the arena as the crowd descends into violent boo's as Antoine Mason strides out onto the stage. He pauses for a second to adsorb the boo's of the fans as he awaits Triple D.

Sabotage by Beastie Boys screams out of the arena as the crowd continue to boo the arrival of Triple D. He slowly walks down the aisle ignoring the fans. He meets up with Mason as both men enter the ring.

The ref rings the bell as Dubious and Triple D begin the match. Dubious and Triple D lock up in the centre of the ring as Dubious gets the upper hand on DDD. Dubious hits a knee to the gut and follows up with an Irish whip to DDD. He hits another knee to his gut and hits a snap mare on DDD. Dubious locks in a submission hold but DDD quickly gets to a vertical base. He forces a break and whips Dubious against the ropes and he hits a powerslam on Dubious. DDD goes for the pin.

1….2 kick out by dubious as dicey begins to slam the turnbuckle hard in support of dubious. DDD whips Dubious into his corner and shouts abuse at Dicey. Dicey tries to enter the ring but the referee restrains him. Mason takes it upon himself to strangle Dubious as the crowd boo’s furiously.

DDD tags in Mason who proceeds to jump over the top rope. He delivers a knee to the gut of Dubious as he follows up with a suplex. Mason strides over to Dicey and begins to shout abuse at one another.

Mason follows up on Dubious with an irish whip but Dubious counters with a clothesline which sends both men crashing to the mat in fatigue. Dubious tags in Dicey who enters the ring quickly and takes Mason out with a clothesline. He follows that up with a clothesline to Triple D which sends him to crashing to the mat outside the ring. Dicey taunts towards the crowd as they begin a chant of Dicey’s name. The ref goes to check on DDD outside the ring as Dicey walks over to his corner where Mason is. Mason hits a low blow to Dicey who stumbles to the mat. Mason stands up and shouts abuse at the fans and taunts Dicey. Dubious is standing outside the ring and unbeknownst to Mason slides across a bottle of Jack Daniels to and Dicey begins to take a drink from it. He puts the cap back on and slides it out of the ring. Mason grabs Dicey by the head and begins to lift him up to a standing position. Dicey turns around and spits the Jack Daniels into the face of Mason who instantly puts his hands across his face to try wipe the liquid from his face. Dicey hits a boot to the stomach and lifts Mason up for the Craicdown. Dubious pulls the ref away from Triple D and rolls him into the ring as the ref begins the count.



The ref raises Dicey’s hands as the show goes to a commercial.

President Trump

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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 41
Location : Holding cell @ Interpotatol HQ

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6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011

Post by President Trump Tue 15 Mar 2011, 10:05 am

JT: This coming match features two superstars who were on the losing side in their matches at Last Stand, and both will be wanting to get back on the winning trail as we continue the road to Night of Glory

H: It isn’t fair, how can you have steel as the guest referee in a match featuring Napalm??? Disgusting

The crowd begin to cheer as ‘its a new day’ begins to play and Matzko strides out to his fans, he makes his way down to the ring tagging the hands of his fans before sliding in the ring and climbing the top rope

JT: Mazko won over a lot of people in his best of five series with mason, unfortunately he fell at the final hurdle

H: Like he thought he had a chance of beating the futureshock, I’d like to say he won’t stand a chance here but with steel refereeing, I can see him robbing Napalm here tonight

The crowd suddenly descend into boos as ‘killing in the name of’ blasts out of the speakers and Napalm enters to a hostile reaction. He walks slowly down to the ring showing evidence of his match against steel at last stand. He climbs in the ring and walks straight past Matzko taunting the crowd who continuously boo him

JT: Naplam looking a bit worse for wear after that hellacious match against steel, but never the less you cannot count out this dangerous man

H: Like I said I wouldn’t, but you just know Steel ain’t gonna be down the line tonight

JT: Speaking of our official where is he??

The crowd suddenly erupt out of their seats as ‘Last Resort’ blasts out of the speakers and Steel walks out to a standing ovation in his 6CW officials uniform and the Extreme title over his shoulder. He walks down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. He walks over to Napalm and points at the 6CW badge as Napalm goes to confront him. He hands the title to the timekeeper and signals for the bell as Napalm and Matzko circle each other. They tie up and Napalm backs Matzko into the corner as Steel counts to break the hold

H: Hey that was a quick count

Napalm allows matzko out of the corner and as he breaks the tie up Napalm flattens him with a big right hand which takes Matzko by surprise. He picks him off the mat and scoop slams him back down and then hits a few elbow drops before going for the cover. Steel drops down to the mat andcounts


Matzko gets his shoulder up

JT: If you thought Steel was gonna be biased he just answered your question. It was a fair count

Napalm picks Matzko back up, as he does Matzko grabs him by the head and drops to the mat hitting a jawbreaker and then gets quickly up and knocks Napalm down with a running clothesline. Napalm gets quickly back up but is sent back down with a standing dropkick. Matzko quickly sprawls over to cover


Napalm quickly kicks out

H: Hey, that count was quicker

JT: You and your conspiracy theories

Matzko grabs Napalm and picks him up off the mat. He kicks him in the gut and then follows up with a jumping cutter and goes for another pin


JT: No quick counts there

Matzko gets back to his feet and sets himself up in the corner motioning for Napalm to get to his feet. As he does he runs at him but Napalm jumps out of the way of the spear attempt and Matzko goes head first into the middle tunbuckle, he gets up and staggers into Napalm who levels him with a European uppercut. He quickly lifts Matzko up and kicks him in the gut and then lifts him and connects with a suplex floating over into a pin


JT: Close call, I told you Steel would call this down the line

Napalm lifts Matzko back up and backs him against the ropes, he whips him across the ring and then hits a powerslam into another pin attempt


JT: Another close one for napalm

Napalm gets to his feet and stares a whole through Steel as if to blame him for a slow count. He lifts matzko back up and throws him out of the ring through the middle rope, he follows him out to ringside and drags him over o the announce table. He grabs his head and goes to drive it into the table but Matzko blocks it to the cheers of the fans and quickly reverses it driving the skull of Napalm into the desk who falls back

JT: OH MY!!!!

Matzko runs at Napalm at the outside of the ring and breaks him in two with a spear as Steel counts both men out. Matzko has a second wind and rolls in and out of the ring to restarts the count. He lifts Napalm off the floor and rolls him in the ring and hen climbs to the apron springboarding in and driving his elbow through the chest of Napalm


JT: Now Matzko in the ascendency.

Matzko gets up to his feet and stomps on Napalm before motioning for Matzko to get to his feet. He kicks him in the gut and then sets him in position and plants him into the mattress with a double underhook facebuster. He positions himself behind Napalm and waits for him to slowly get up and then connects with a backbreaker and goes for a pin

JT: Is this it?


H: No Napalm gets his shoulder up

JT: No bias from steel

H: Surprisingly

Matzko ca’t believe that Napalm is kicking out and signals for the end. He lifts Napalm up and kicks him in the gut and sets him in position for the Militants DDT

H: Great counter

Napalm quickly counters into a Northern lights suplex nto a pin


H: So close, I still can’t believe Steel calling this one down the line

Matzko quickly gets to his feet out of shock and runs at Napalm who gets up quicker and lifts Matzko before dropping him with a press slam. Napalm taunts the crowd who loudly boo him before telling Steel to ‘watch this’. He lifts Matzko up and sets him in the full nelson position and then lifts him high in the air and drives him down into the mat with force

H: What impact by Napalm surely it


JT: NO!!! Matzko kicks out

Napalm can’t believe it, he gets to his feet and shouts at steel for counting slowly who shouts back at Napalm that he’s the referee. Napalm incensed drags matzko up o his feet




As Steel counts the two he gets to his feet and stops counting the pin to the cheers of the crowd. Napalm gets up as well and gets in Napalms face


H: What a cheat

Matzko slowly realizes whats going on and crawls over to make the cover


H: YES!!! Even a cheating Geoff Steel can’t keep Napalm down

Matzko slowly gets to his feet and drags Napalm up with him



JT: YES!!! Matzko has defeated Napalm

H: With a big assist from Steel. Disgraceful. I have a good mind to make a complaint

Matzko leaves the ring with his arm raised in victory as Steel looks down on Napalm


Steel locks in the Steelworks in the middle of the ring asNapalm frantically taps out

H: what a cheapshot. He’s already cost Napalm the match and now he’s taking advantage

JT: You call it taking advantage, I call it payback for what happened after therematch at Last Stand

Officials flood the ring and drag Steel off Napalm as we go to commercial

President Trump

Posts : 11852
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 41
Location : Holding cell @ Interpotatol HQ

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6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011

Post by President Trump Tue 15 Mar 2011, 10:06 am

We are back from Commercials.

JT: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for of course our Main Event here tonight it is one interesting match up here tonight! It was just a month ago when Jack and Lex faced off and a thrilling match up which was to decide the number one contender for the 6CW World Title which ended with Lex winning the match thanks to Daniel Reilly who intervened in the match.

HE: Lex won it fair and square and he will prove that tonight was no fluke either!

JT: Say what you will Henry! The crowd knew it! I know it! Jack had Lex beaten and had it not been for Daniel Reilly, Jack would be the number one contender for sure!

HE: Well one thing is for sure Jeff, and that is that date was the date when we saw Daniel Reilly reveal his true colors and intentions! It was the mark of the Reilly Era!

JT: That we can agree on there Henry!

“I am Perfection” Hits as out comes The sensation Perfect Jack! Jack comes out to a huge ovation from the crowd as he is seen wearing a blue trunks with a black sleeveless jacket with a hoody on. Jack makes his way down the ramp hi5 the fans and slides into the ring. Jack runs to one end of the ring and chucks his jacket into the crowd to their delight as Jack climbs the turnbuckle and begins to pose when suddenly.

“Burn in my light” Hits as the arena erupts into boos as Jack jumps off the top of the turnbuckle and stares at the top of the ramp. Out emerges Lex with a huge smile on his face. Lex is seen applauding Jack sarcastically as Lex tells everyone to get on their feet to him. Lex makes his way down the ramp and walks up the steel steps and makes his way into the ring. Jack goes straights into Jacks face.

JT: You can feel the electricity that is generated from these two superstars and you know dam well that Jack wants a piece of Lex here tonight look at the hatred in his eyes.

HE: Can you blame Jack? I mean Lex is a by a superior athlete! A superior human being! And Jack will forever have to live with the fact he is not as good as Lex!

Meanwhile both men in the ring continue to trash talk until Lex slaps Jack across the face as fans begin to boo as Lex continues to smile and talk trash. Jack goes back into Lex’s face but once again Lex slaps Jack across the face. Suddenly Jack explodes and hits a huge slap across Lex’s face. Jack begins to hit some hard rights and as Lex stumbles back against the ropes. Jack delivers an irish whips and as Lex comes off the Jacks hits a big back body drop. As Lex stumbles back up Jack hits a stinging chop across the chest and hits a shot to the mid-section and delivers a swinging neckbreaker.

Crowd begins to chant Jack’s name.

Lex still grovels back up to a vertical basis, but Jack is still on the attack and hits another chops across the chest and delivers an irish whip into the corner. Jack comes charging in with a running clothesline. Jack tells the crowd to quiet down as he begins to polish his arm and hits 5 nasty chops across the chest as the crowd respond with a loud “Woo” to each chop. Jack hits a hip toss and locks in a headlock. Jack intensifies the hold but Lex begins to get back up to a vertical basis. Lex begins to unleash a series of elbows into the gut as Jack breaks the hold. Lex then runs the ropes but Jack counters and hits a beautifully executed Ski High as he hooks the leg.

JT: What a counter! I never seen Jack use that move! Clearly Jack is trying to add some new moves to his repertoire!

HE: I will this once. That was perfectly done.....

1....2.....kick out!

Jack drags Lex back up to a vertical basis but Lex hits a thumb to the eye and hits a kick to the mid-section and plants Jack head first with a DDT. Jack pulls himself back up using the ropes but is seen grasping his head. Lex walks towards Jack and hits a chop of his own and delivers an irish whip but Jack counters into one of his own. As Lex comes off the ropes Jack tries to leap frog but Lex counters and hits an atomic drop. Jack is seen hobbling around, as he turns around Lex hits a wonderful dropkick. Lex begins to slap the back of Jack head shouting “Ain’t so perfect anymore are we?!”

Crowd: Asshole!

Lex drags Jack back up and Jack begins to fight back and hits another chop across the already pink chest of Lex. Lex is seen screaming in pain as Jack hits another atomic drop, but Lex hits jawbreaker as Jack stumbles away. Lex then makes his towards Jack and hits a armbar. Lex then runs the ropes and hits a springboard moonsault and goes for the pin on Jack.

1......2...thre...kick out!

JT: Lex seem’s be beginning to a feel for the match here, and has begun to fight his way back into the match.

HE: I told Jeff! Lex will win this hands down!

Lex drags Jack back up and chucks him into the corner. Lex begins to hit a series of vicious kicks as Jack begins to falls down in a seated position. Lex then comes charging in and hits a nasty boot to the face. Lex picks Jack up and hits a snap supex and then pivots his hips and hits a second, and once again goes for a third, but Jack lands on his feet behind Lex. Jack runs the ropes and comes charging in and goes for a crossbody but Lex shows strength and counters by hitting a fall away slam. Lex begins to applauds himself and point to his head insinuating his intelligence.

Crowd: You Suck!

Lex Hooks the leg.


HE: He’s Got it! Yes! Yes! I told you!

JT: Hold a second Henry! Jack legs is on the bottom rope!

HE: What?!
Replay shows leg proping his leg up on the rope on the count of 2 and half as the Lex is seen going crazy and smacking the mat. Lex picks Jack up and lift him in the air.

HE: Heart ATTACK!!!!


HE: No!!!!

Lex is seen fighting out of the perfect plex and hits a big european uppercut on Jack which sends Jack stumbling into the corner. Lex comes charging in with a spear, but Jack moves away from the corner as Lex goes flying into the steel post shoulder first. Jack pulls Lex away from the corner and hits a german suplex as the arena explodes into cheers. Jack motion to Lex to get up and as Lex gets back up, Jack hits a kick to the gut and goes for a Perfect Plex once again but suddenly “Broken Dreams” hits as the arena erupts into boos. Out swaggers Daniel Reilly who stares straight into Jack eyes. Jack drops Lex and exits the ring. Reilly makes his way towards Jack as suddenly both men begin brawling as the ref calls for the bell.

HE: Hahah Yes! Come on Reilly! Give Jack what he deserves!!!

Reilly begins to hit some hard right’s as Jack stumbles back towards the ring. Lex is seen getting to his feet and see’s Jack and Reilly brawling on the outside and begins to laugh when suddenly a familiar face emerges from under the ring and attack’s Lex from behind!

JT: It’s GAZZY!!!!

HE: What the hell is going on around here! All hell has broken loose?!

President Trump

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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 41
Location : Holding cell @ Interpotatol HQ

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6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 14 March 2011

Post by President Trump Tue 15 Mar 2011, 10:06 am

The four men are being pulled apart by security, John Liederman walks out onto the rampway it a mic in hand

JL: STOP IT!!!!!!, I’m warning the four of you now….STOP IT, I have had it up to here with all of you, for the last few months you have been tearing each other apart every chance you get, I thought after I locked you all in a cage at Last Stand that that would be the end of it but NO….look at yourselves, your like a pack of wild dogs fighting over a rotting carcass but it ends NOW!!!!!!

Henry: WOW, the big boss is peed, keep you head down JT you know how he likes to pick on the runts hahaha

JL: I have been thinking long and hard about what to do with you lot but know you have made my mind up for me…so at the biggest night of the 6CW year….the Night of Glory Main Event will be…the Champion Daniel Reilly


JL: The No 1 contender….GazzyD

Crowd: GAZZY X5

JL: The other No1 contender….Lex Hart


JL: and the Perfect one….Perfect Jack

Crowd: JACK X5

JL: Will all fight it out for the 6…C…W…Heavyweight Title in a Elimination Match

JT: What an announcement, we have our Main Event for NoG and what a Main Event it will be

JL: Now…get the hell out of my arena

Liederman drops his mic and walks backstage as the four men stare each other down as the credits begin to roll

President Trump

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Age : 41
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