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What Should Mclaren Do?

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Should Mclaren get tough with Hamilton after his seasons antics?

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Total Votes : 8

What Should Mclaren Do? Empty What Should Mclaren Do?

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Mon 31 Oct 2011, 11:04 am


As a proud member of the Monza Motorsport Council, one of my main responsibilities is to crack down on safety and enforce the safe code of conduct from teams and drivers. It makes it all rewarding when everybody goes home safe after a weekend of racing.

It is fair to say I have given a range of penalties worthy of the offence committed. Teams understand the punishments and they will deal with their drivers through fines or warnings to ensure they think twice before tarnishing theirs and the teams image again.

What I don't understand is why Mclaren have continued to keep Hamilton wrapped up in cotton wool and protect him every time he makes a mistake and use the same excuses like: -

"He is Young"
"He is still learning"
My favourite quote from Hamilton himself at the Monaco GP 2011 - "Maybe it’s because I’m black. That’s what Ali G says. I don’t know,"

Why have Mclaren continued to support a driver who needs a clip round the ear and bringing into line again. Jackie Stewart OBE the Triple-crowned King of Speed feels this action is required.

He broke up with his girlfriend earlier this month but this does not explain what was happening to his form before this in races such as Monaco and Australia and many others races besides.

Successful local football team A.C. Monza Brianza 1912 would not tolerate it from their football players. Instant fines, bans and reprimands would be issued to fit the crime to act as deterrent from doing it again. Other F1 teams have fired drivers for constant crashing, poor performance and disregard to team safety orders. What makes Hamilton so different?

Is Mr Whitmarsh powerless to put the brakes on Mr Dennis' young protégé? Are they afraid that he will see out his contract and walk away? Does the revenue he brings in make him untouchable and a cut above the rest of his team?

Mclaren surely need to run a hard line to get him back into check. Hamilton expects the team continue to pay him 100% of his massive wage then why can't Mclaren expect their driver to bring 100% attention to every weekend? This is a view Jackie Stewart OBE also shares with me. He is also bamboozled by how many mistakes Hamilton is making at the moment.

Remember last year, Vettel was making the rookie mistakes and now look at him. Harsh words with Mr Horner have transformed this driver into a double world beater. Even Jamie Alguersuari is picking up his game now and looking like a contender for a seat at RBR should Mr Webber depart.

Do others feel it’s silly that Mclaren continue to hide behind the "he is still young' excuse?" He is 26 and I would say that excuse has worn thin for a lot of teams, drivers and fans alike.

What should Mclaren do with him?

Forza Alonso! The UNICEF Ambassador! angel

Last edited by Alessandro Ciambella on Mon 31 Oct 2011, 11:54 am; edited 1 time in total
Alessandro Ciambella
Alessandro Ciambella

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Join date : 2011-04-20
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What Should Mclaren Do? Empty Re: What Should Mclaren Do?

Post by Belgarion of Riva Mon 31 Oct 2011, 11:47 am

My favourite quote from Hamilton himself at the Aussie GP 2011 - "Maybe it’s because I’m black. That’s what Ali G says. I don’t know,"

That was at Monaco and it was a joke, told in poor taste but was in Monaco. Surely a member of the Monza Motorsport council knows the difference between Australia and Monaco.

Belgarion of Riva

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What Should Mclaren Do? Empty Re: What Should Mclaren Do?

Post by Guest Mon 31 Oct 2011, 11:49 am

Ciambella Doh


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What Should Mclaren Do? Empty Re: What Should Mclaren Do?

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Mon 31 Oct 2011, 11:58 am

Apologies. The article has been edited.
Alessandro Ciambella
Alessandro Ciambella

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What Should Mclaren Do? Empty Re: What Should Mclaren Do?

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 31 Oct 2011, 4:09 pm

McLaren are already doing exactly what they should be doing.

Asked whether he felt Hamilton had been too hard on himself, Whitmarsh replied: "Yes, I do frankly. I have told him on several occasions, 'Don't apologise, you're a racing driver. If you've made a mistake, accept it, learn from it and move on'.

"He is very analytical. He's very serious about trying to do the best job he can.

"He's much too hard on himself but I've known Lewis for a long, long time and he has always been like that since he was in karts. That's his way, that's his psychology and that's how he motivates himself.

"His body language this weekend has been much more positive than for the last races.

"He has all the skills. We saw him qualify and race fantastically at the last race [in Korea, where he finished second] and qualify fantastically here. It can change."

Full article here:

Its pretty simple really. Hamilton has had a bad season, coupled with personal problems. He just needs to get this season over with, have some time to get his head sorted out, then he'll come back next season a better, more focused driver.

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